This is “Wise Blood.” It’s not the things we can see that we should fear; it’s what’s unseen that poses the real danger. Yet because of the resurrection, you do not have to fear at all! The Blood of Jesus overcame death, and is still fighting for you today. In this message with Jentezen Franklin, learn how to live under the powerful protection of that same Wise Blood

the following program is sponsored by

friends and partners of Kingdom

connection one day when the trumpet

sounds the flood is going to resurrect

our loved ones and we’ll meet them I’ve

got a daddy that’s gonna be resurrected

I’ve got a brother that’s gonna be

resurrected ain’t no grave gonna hold

this body down because of the



look with me in Hebrews chapter 2

Hebrews chapter 2 in verse 10 or it was

fitting for him for whom are all things

and by whom are all things in bringing

many sons to glory listen to this phrase

to make the captain of their salvation

perfect through suffering then verse 14

and as much as the children have been

partakers of the flesh and blood he

himself likewise shared in the same

listen to this that through death he

might destroy him who who had the power

of death that is the devil he called he

called him out right there he said when

I died I want you to know that I

destroyed the power of him who had the

power of death that is the devil and

release those who through fear of death

were all their lifetime subject to


he said because of the resurrection you

don’t have to fear death that’s a

message of this day because of the

resurrection you do not have to be

afraid there is nothing but life that

awaits the believer in life beyond

anything we can imagine

beyond this world and he destroyed the

power of death and and the one who had

the power of death that is the devil

through his death and his resurrection I

want to talk about that for just a

moment it’s not the things that we see

that we should fear the most but it’s

the things that we can’t see that

actually are more dangerous than things

we can see you can become incredibly

successful and build a massive Empire

and fall prey to a little sale of a

disease that can take you out we can see

your power and your influence but

something unseen an invisible force

cancer sale or something like that

has the potential to take a person out

diseases that fight against our body

that can’t be seen are actually more

dangerous than things usually that we

can see in World War one there were 17

million people who died as a result of

fighting an enemy they could see that

was trying to take freedom from the

world 17 million died and they could see

the enemy the tanks the bombs and the

guns that were being fired at them but

what’s interesting is one year later in

1918 the Great Plague of flu broke out

in Europe and killed 25 million now the

war took 17 million but an unseen virus

of flu that’s that you couldn’t even see

got a hold of 25 million people and

killed them 8 million more died from an

invisible enemy than a visible enemy in

the body of every person under the sound

of my voice is a fighting system it

fights for you every morning it fights

for you every evening you would not make

it probably 24 hours if this fighting

system was not in your body it’s there

to defeat infection the fighting system

in the body is called the blood and John

said in the book of Revelation chapter

12 he saw the accuser of the brother and

Satan and he was fighting with the

saints of God and he said I saw this war

going on and I saw the captain of our

salvation step forward he looked down

and he saw that we were losing the

battle and the Bible said that John said

and they overcame the devil by the blood

of the Lamb and the word of their

testimony if we ever make it in win it

will be because of the blood of Jesus

Christ the Buddhists can’t say that

because Buddha’s blood is not powerful

the Muslims cannot say that I don’t mean

to offend but Muhammad’s blood is not

powerful but we can say that because the

blood of Jesus Christ is our atomic

warfare against the enemy we’ve got a

bloodline from a blood man named Jesus

doctors and scientists when they when

they find cancer cells or some awful

disease they’ll go into the laboratory

they’ll take the microscope they’ll put

that disease on a little glass tray

there and they’ll begin to look at it in

studying and on that slide they’ll see

that organism that is killing people and

destroying their health and they try to

come up with an antibody and if they can

come up with something that can stop the

spread of those dangerous sales and that

disease then comes the next challenge

somehow I’ve got to get this this

antibody to connect with this disease

and there go in with their lab jackets

on and they’re looking through those to

those telescopes and microscopes trying

to figure out how in the world can I do

this and if they could I’m sure many of

them fighting the same disease down in

Atlanta sometimes for 10 15 20 the whole

lifetime I’m sure they they get fed up

some days and just want to take the lab

coat off and shrink themself down and

get on that slide themselves and jump in

there and fight that disease but they

can’t do it a 200-pound man there’s no

way but that is exactly what Jesus

Christ did

one day the captain of our salvation got

looking over the balcony of heaven the

Alpha and the Omega the scientists of

all scientists the beginning and the end

he looked down and he saw the earth and

he saw the inhabitants his own creation

being defeated and being destroyed by

the devil and Satan and death and when

he looked down he saw the enemy winning

and what the scientists could not do my

Savior the captain

my salvation dear he took off his robe

of deity he reduced himself down into a

human body Mary gave him his physical

body and she was a virgin which means

that the blood that was in Jesus did not

come from an earthly father Joseph it

came from a heavenly father and the

blood was given by the father and the

body was given by Mary suddenly God

Almighty all the goddness all the all

the fullness of the Godhead came vitally

in Christ Jesus and he’s walking around

in a physical body probably about six

foot like me and probably just a normal

looking person but inside of that body

was God’s own blood God’s holy precious

blood he said I’m going down and I’m

going to take on this the form of the

seed of Abraham the seed of David and

I’m going to become what they are so I

can fight the war for them through my

blood here he comes

he has his mama’s body that is the body

that his mother provided for him through

birth but he has his heavenly father’s

blood so suddenly he goes to the

wilderness at the age of thirty after

being baptized and he says if I’m going

to have blood that overcomes temptation

I’ve got to face temptation and bud can

remember how to overcome temptation so

the devil comes to him with three

temptations and there’s only three the

lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes

and the pride of life they’re all

covered in the temptation in the

wilderness and the blood is boiling

inside of Jesus as the devil comes with

the lust of the flesh the lust of the

eyes the pride of life and he cannot get

Jesus to bow down and Jesus says it is

written it is written it is written and

he overcomes every temptation of the

devil and the blood the blood remembers

what happens how to overcome temptation

it’s sin

the message to the lymph nodes in Jesus

body and the lymph node sends the

message to down down to the bone marrow

and the bone morale produces enough

blood that now there’s enough stored in

the blood of Jesus that any temptation

taken man is common but God has made a

way of escape through any and all

temptation guess how that is through the

blood of Jesus Christ when I think about

the fact that he didn’t just he didn’t

just have blood but he defeated every

temptation and he didn’t just defeat

them but the blood remembered him

defeating them so after he got through

whipping temptation he said I think I’ll

take on sickness and he starts healing

people he heals a blind man and the

blood remembers it and says this is how

you heal blindness and he heals the lame

man and heals a deaf man and heals a

dumb man and he heals the courts replead

chick and he heals all manner of

sickness and disease he heals ever the

lepers he heals incurable diseases the

Bible even said in John 21 and verse 25

that the books could not contain all the

things that he did the books couldn’t

contain them we don’t have every healing

Jesus did cuz the book couldn’t contain

them but the blood remembers them and

the blood was there and the blood I

believe was bullying in the in the veins

of Jesus as it begins to Chronicle and

as it begins to remember and then law

those healings in the blood of Jesus and

after he conquers temptation with his

blood and after he conquers and and

remembers the blood remembers how to do

it and after he conquers sickness and

the blood remembers how to do it he says

I think I’ll take on death now and he

starts going to funerals he goes from

one funeral to another he the first one

he goes to is the Daughter of Jairus and

the girl had just died and Jesus walked

in and put the mourners out and he began

to say arise daughter and when he did

even though she was still there in the

death bed and she had just passed away

she came back to life and the blood said

oh oh okay he can raise the dead we may

need this somewhere in the future we may

need resurrection power for somebody

else so log it in the lymph nodes and

let’s keep this information and should

we ever face death again his blood can

do it and then Jesus says I need to

teach my blood a little bit more I’m

pretty sure like I want to it’s my

sermon and you’re going on this journey

with me are you ready

you look nice but you need that you need

to undo your tie for a minute because

we’re about to have Church in here when

I preach on the blood I get excited I

don’t care about your new shoes I’m here

talking about the blood that overcomes

pastor come down I brought my friend

Rome Sunday what’s this Jesus goes to it

goes down the road and the Bible said

the widow of nain her son had died and

he was in the coffin and the pallbearers

were carrying him on their shoulder

going to the burial site and Jesus says

when I feel my blood getting a little

hot and any he did something so strange

he reaches up and touches the coffin and

when he touched the coffin the Bible

said he who was in the coffin set up

straight I mean he broke the thing open

and I listened in the Bible but I

believe it’s Bible true the pallbearers

ran come on you know they did you know

they did can you imagine and so the

blood says well now not only can he save

somebody who was right at the point of

death and who died and bring them back

to life but even if they’re so dead that

you put them in the coffin and they’re

on their way in the hearse to the burial

ground he can still raise him but then

Jesus says let me teach my blood just

one more lesson I got a friend who died

four days ago his name is Lazarus and

he’s dead he’s not only dead and in the

coffin he’s in the tomb and by now he

stinks corruption has completely eaten

his body away but blood watch this roll

the stone away Lazarus come for

now the reason that’s important is

because you and I have loved ones who

are in the grave and they’ve seen

corruption many of them have been there

for years and years and years but the

blood remembers what he did at the tomb

of Lazarus and one day when the trumpet

sounds the blood is going to resurrect

our loved ones and we’ll meet them I’ve

got a daddy that’s going to be

resurrected I’ve got a brother that’s

going to be resurrected ain’t no grave

gonna hold this body down because of the



just when the blood thinks well we got a

lot of knowledge stored up if they face

temptation we we know how to overcome it

if they get this blood in them if they

face disease we know how to help them if

they face death we can even overcome


we got enough fighters in the system if

the blood of Jesus gets in them but then

he says I got to face the biggest thing

ever and Jesus goes to the Garden of

Gethsemane and when he gets in that

garden the Bible said that the father

passed him a cup and in that cup

according to Matthew 26 was every sin

ever committed so much so was this cup

so dreaded by Jesus that the Bible said

that he said father if it’s permissible

let this cup pass me nevertheless not my

will but thine be done and then Jesus

took the cup in that cup was blind and

that cup was murder in that cup was

prejudice in that cup was hatred in that

Cup was unforgiveness in bitterness in

that cup was molestation in that cup was

rape and and and and violence and anger

and and every kind of conceivable sin

you can think of it was all in that Cup

and Jesus turned it up and now why did

he do that he’s introducing his blood to

our sins he’s saying I’m going to take

those sins into my body I take them

every sin was hit by his blood and

touched his blood because his blood was

totally sinless he had never committed a

sin but he took your sins and he took my

sins and he at least the taste of them


the Bible said it was so severe that it

affected his blood when his sweat became

like drops of blood he’s taking the

whole sins of the world and introducing

them to his blood and his blood is going


his blood is sending the bone marrow the

message produced all that we need to

overcome every last sin that we’ll ever

be on the planet he turned that Cup up

and when his wise blood touch our sin

there went to the lent nodes a message

into the bone marrow and suddenly the

bone marrow produced an antibody a

vaccine and there is no sin that Jesus

Christ cannot save from that’s why we

stand in all of the blood of Jesus

that’s why we sing about it that’s why

we shout about it that’s why we preach

about it it was all in his body and he

had wise blood that could overcome every

sin every temptation every disease and

even death itself and when they put him

on the cross and nailed him to the cross

he he was there and he took my

temptation and he took my sickness and

he took my death and he took my sin and

he put it on his cross I’ve often

wondered why the scripture said in

Matthew 29 that when he died that the

veil in the temple was rent and the and

the soldier stabbed him in the spear and

henceforth cane blood and water that was

the first time that we know for sure

that blood poured out and hit the earth

and when it did there’s this strange

verse in Matthew 2027 I think it is in

verse 52 the Bible said and and there

were those who came back from the day at

many bodies of the saints which slept

arose why because the blood was tests in

the resurrection the blood said now I

remember when we program

erection in here let’s see if it works

and when his blood spilled out suddenly

that was a mini resurrection and people

started who were dead started to walk it

around got resurrected y’all believe

this stuff see I believe the Bible I

believe the Bible that blood knew how to

resurrect from the grave and when Jesus

rose they arose and on that day the

Bible said many were seen walking all

over Jerusalem Jesus let them seal him

up in that tomb and it’s interesting

that the clothes that they buried him in

in three hours they would get so hard it

was like plaster it’s like a cocoon the

only part that would be left would be

the face and they could a napkin on the

face there would be no way to get out on

your own after three hours they would

have to cut you out but the Bible said

that Jesus on the third day rose from

the dead somehow he slipped out of that

cocoon and he didn’t cut any of the

clothes and then he took the napkin and

the Bible said he walked over and folded

it neatly and laid it down as if to say

I’m not in a hurry I’m taking my time

and and now I won’t preach I’m almost

where I’m almost done but I’m right

where I want to be cuz I’m gonna beat up

on the devil this morning I want to

remind him that he is defeated

I could see Jesus as he slipped out of

those grave clothes and that cocoon is

still sitting over there and then he

folds his death napkin and lays it there

neatly as if to say I

iiiiii have overcome but then he slept

he slips on in this bestest suit he says

now I’m gonna go down into hell before I

push this stone out of the way and Satan

your your your kingdom is about to know

the power of my blood and Jesus the

Bible said descended into Hades hell was

not the lake of fire is a compartment of

hell that will be filled at

judgment but until then there was this

place called paradise that everyone who

died went there and Jesus went down into


he still had blood on him he still was

bloody he hadn’t cleaned up he hadn’t

washed up and he goes down into hell

with blood all over and he’s walking

through in the blood is boiling and the

blood is remembered oh there’s demons we

got power

cuz the demons are scattering like

little whip puppies they’re just running

out of his way and he walks up to the

devil himself and he says you’ve got

something I want I want the keys of

death hell and the grave give them to me

I believe I can’t prove this but I

believe Jesus just took a little bit of

blood and smeared it on his head and

it’s so weakened him that he stripped

him of the keys I could hear Jesus say

you know what is my blood the shed this

time but good luck at the Battle of

Armageddon because it’ll be your blood

and your Antichrist blood in his army

that will be defeated at the Battle of

Armageddon but until then my blood will

keep flowing my blood will keep

delivering my blood will keep saving and

my blood will resurrect those who put

their faith in me everybody take a

praise break I’m almost done

in my mind I could hear the devil as

Jesus turned with the keys rattling him

and he starts walking down the prison

house where Adam was and even where

Abraham was and where Samson was and

where Dave it was and they’re all locked

up in a compartment called Hades and

Jesus has the keys and he’s rattling I

could hear Satan in my mind’s scream

stop him stop him and the demons cry

back with what his blood is wise to all

of our schemes anything we try his blood

has overcome even death couldn’t stop

him and he starts opening up the prison

doors and he says come on Abraham come

on out Adam come on David David starts

jerking and praising God and dancing

before the Lord with all of his might

and he brings them up and he brings them

out and I just come to say he still

opens prison doors he still sets

captives free he still sets addicts free

he can set you free through his blood if

you believe it give the biggest praise

you can produce to the Lamb of God that

takes away the sins of the world through

his shed blood


I’m so glad you joined us today and I

just want to wish all of you a wonderful

wonderful Easter resurrection

celebration weekend I know that Jesus is

doing powerful things in our nation and

in our world and in your family and in

our life and you know on this week

especially I’m thankful for projects

like we have going on right now where it

beyond the halfway point now as we are

building a beautiful beautiful home

right there in Virginia for undocumented

minors we’re taking the throwaways we’re

taking the children that nobody wants

and we’re housing them and feeding them

and clothing them we’re rescuing them

from sex trafficking and life you know

drug addiction and gangs instead they

won’t know that they’ll have chapel

services twice a week they’ll sing songs

of worship they’ll hear prayers over

every meal and they’ll be given a

Christian education and it’s because of

people just like you I need your help

will you provide shelter for these

children I know God will bless you if

you can on this Easter weekend in honor

of our Lord and Savior so your very best

seed I know God will bless you for it my

announcer is going to tell you more

thank you so much for watching this

program happy Easter everybody He is


this year over 700,000 children and

young people entered the United States

with no parents sent to be trafficked or

worse pushed across the borders with

nowhere to turn and nobody to turn to

but we know that our God is a father to

the fatherless and we believe as the

church we have been called to the

frontline to help these children in the

most desperate need that’s why we’re

partnering with youth for tomorrow to

provide residential educational and

outpatient services to these fatherless


you can join Jensen Franklin to complete

the construction of this beautiful home

with your generous gift of $1,000 or

more we’ll place your name on the legacy

wall and send you the founder gift set

including a special edition of the

Jensen Franklyn legacy Bible with over

300 thousand words of commentary and

over 150 articles from decades of

messages when you send a gift of 300

dollars or more we’ll send you the

legacy gift set including a customized

certificate and the brand-new Jensen

franklin legacy bible and everyone who

responds with a gift of $30 or more to

help provide housing and christian

education to these undocumented children

will receive the power of the precious

gift set with a custom print of Matthew

25:40 along with Jensen Franklin’s

message power of the precious every gift

counts and when you give your best gift

of any amount we’ll send you the

beautiful custom print of Matthew 25 as

a lasting reminder of what you’ve done

for the least of these visit us online

to extend a hand of grace to these

fatherless children in desperate need



now you can grow in your walk with

Christ from anywhere with our school of

discipleship online join people from

around the world for an engaging four

phase online experience focused on your

spiritual development

well ship the course materials to you

and you can follow along at your own

pace while learning biblical truths

taught by leaders from Jenson Franklin’s

home Church free chapel visit free

chapel org slash SOT online to get

started today this program has been

sponsored by friends and partners of

Kingdom connection