This is “Whose Report Will You Believe?”. If we’re not careful of what we watch and listen to, we’ll lose our peace of mind. God knows this, so His Word asks, “Who has believed our report? And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?” In the Bible, the “arm of the Lord” refers to God’s power to deliver and His providential care over every event in our lives. So whose report are you going to listen to, internalize, and respond to? Jentezen Franklin will encourage you in this message to listen for the voice of God, and trust in His report. To hear more inspiring messages from Jentezen Franklin, visit…

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♪ ♪

>> Thank you so much for joining

us today on Kingdom Connection.

You’re gonna have to make up

your mind in times like these,

whether you’re gonna plug into

a bad report or a good report.

There’s an amazing verse

in the book of Isaiah that

I’m gonna teach you from today.

It’s asks a question,

“Whose report will you believe?”

This is a critically important

message, and I believe

it’s gonna make a difference

in your home, in your life,

and in your future.

Let God’s word speak

to you today.

And I’m gonna come back

and pray for you

in just a moment.

♪ ♪

>> I’ve got a message that I

wanna share with you today

from the Book of Isaiah 53.

“Who has believed our report?

And to whom has the arm

of the Lord been revealed?”

“Who has believed

our report,” —

I wanna speak to you

for a few moments today

on “Whose Report

Will You Believe?”

When you understand the chapters

leading up to this

particular verse,

there were prophecies

of doom and gloom,

destruction and judgment,

and they were very real,

and they were very accurate.

And, it was telling how

the people would go into

Babylonian captivity,

and how that Jerusalem

would be just decimated

by destruction,

because of their wickedness

and their evil,

and it was very real,

and it was happening.

And then, you move

into the 52nd chapter,

and there is a total shift,

and the prophecy from the word

of the Lord was one

of restoration,

and one of where God is going

to give a promise of redemption

to His people,

that He would restore,

that He would rebuild,

that He would begin to bless.

And then, it’s so interesting.

You get the bad report,

you get the good report,

and then you open Isaiah 53,

which by the way is the chapter

that deals with the covenant

Jesus made on the Cross,

where He lays it out, and says,

“I was wounded for

your transgressions,”

that famous verse.

All of that is in Isaiah 53.

But it begins with a question,

“Whose report will you believe?”

You got a bad report, and now,

God has given you a prophecy,

and a good report.

And now, you need to make

a decision, whose report

will you believe?

How are you going

to think today?

How are you going

to believe today?

How’s your believing?

How’s your thinking?

When the doctor gives you

a bad report, usually,

the first thing we want

is a second opinion.

I need to hear a no

from somebody else.

There is another report.

You don’t just have to take

the first bad report,

but God’s word always will

give you another report.

You can get bogged down

in negative thinking.

No matter how long you nurse

a grudge, it won’t get better.

You can have a grudge

against life.

You can have a grudge

against circumstances that

you were placed in,

that are so unfair.

You can have a grudge against

all kinds of things,

and if you’re not careful,

you’ll begin

to nurse that grudge.

And you’ll begin

to develop a bad report.

This is no time,

the time that we’re living in,

this is no time to nurse it,

rehearse it, and disperse it.

This is a time to reverse it.

And I have come this morning

to reverse every one of you

moving in the wrong direction,

and tell you that there

is another report,

and you’ve gotta answer

the question, whose report

will you believe?

I know the last days,

the Bible speaks of a famine

of hearing the word of God.

But we are not going

to participate at this church

in that famine.

We’re gonna believe God’s word,

and hear God’s word,

over everything that

we’re going through.

He said, “If you sow

to the flesh,” that’s not us,

“Then you will reap the flesh.

If you sow to the Spirit,”

somebody say, “That’s us,”

“Then you will, from the Spirit,

reap the positive aspects

and promises of peace and joy.”

That’s our report.

Matthew 24 warns that

in the last days,

there would be wars and rumors

of wars, and earthquakes,

and pestilence.

That’s bad times.

Then, it says, in the same

chapter, “And this Gospel

shall be preached

into all the world.”

That’s revival.

They’re both in the same

chapter, and you don’t just

need to hear the bad report,

but you need to grab hold

of the good report.

These are not just bad times,

these are revival times,

and somebody needs to plug

in to that report.

Think positively about

the Father’s blessings

and goodness and faithfulness

in times like these.

You’ve got to get out of prison

before you can help somebody

else get out of prison,

and many are incarcerated

with negative thinking,

low living, and low talking.

The devil will wear you

out before the harvest.

God didn’t teach us to swim

to let us drown now.

This is not our famine.

We don’t have to be apart

of it, in Jesus’ name.

He didn’t put us in His house,

He didn’t put His house in you,

to move away from you.

He said your body is His house,

and His temple,

and if anybody’s moved,

it was not God, it’s you.

He said, “I’ll make

your body My temple,

and I’m not leaving you,

’cause you get in tough times.”

I want you to hear today

that I still believe,

and this is my report,

the name of the Lord

is a strong tower,

and the righteous run in it,

and they are saved.

I am under a safe

and new and better covenant.

Storms are coming, Pastor.

I know that.

But I’ve got a better

weather report.

Revival’s coming, too.

Whose report are you

going to believe?

Some of you have been listening

to the wrong reporter.

Your source cannot be CNN,

ABC, NBC, woe-is-me.

You have to get another report.

If you sow to the wind,

you will reap the whirlwind.

It becomes a boomerang,

and comes back, and hits you.

There are two reports.

One for the sinner,

and one for the saint.

Here’s the sinner’s report.

Everybody’s worn out.

Nobody’s got victory.

Nothing good is happening.

I give up.

I throw in the towel.

The church is going down.

Here’s the saint’s report.

Many are the afflictions

of the righteous,

but the Lord delivers

us out of them all.

Here’s the saint’s report.

In this world,

you will have tribulation,

but be of good cheer,

for I am with you,

and I have overcome the world.

Somebody, give the Lord

a praise.

Whose report will you believe?

That’s my report,

and I’m gonna believe it.

No wonder Jesus said,

in the last days,

the harvest would be great,

but the laborers would be few.

Why does it begin with labor,

the end-time harvest?

When you first make your

entrance into the world,

the doctor called it labor.

You can’t get here without

the mother going into labor.

This is not a normal time.

And you can either be plugged

in to a bad report,

or plugged in to a good report,

because they’re both there.

I’m plugging into the good

report, and I’m going to believe

the report of the Lord.

1 Timothy 1:18, says:

“This charge I commit unto you,

my son Timothy,

according to the prophecies

which went before you,

that you might war

a good warfare;

holding faith,

and a good conscience;

which some having put

away concerning faith

have made shipwreck.”

And he names who they are.

And he says:

“Of whom is Hymenaeus

and Alexander;

whom I have delivered

unto Satan, that they may

learn not to blaspheme.”

You know what Paul

said in this verse?

He said, “I commit to you

the prophecies that have

previously been made

concerning you.”

There have been prophecies

spoken over you.

There have been promises

that while preachers preached,

the word of God got in you,

and you know God promised you

something about your family,

about your child,

about your business,

about your future,

about your health.

You know that was

a prophecy from God,

and he said, “What you have

to do is you have to fight

with that prophecy.”

You go to warfare with

that prophecy.

One translation said,

“You keep on keeping on with

the prophecies that were

made about you.”

You are epistles,

the Scripture said, both read

and learned by all men.

We’re like a book,

some people will never read

the Bible, you’re the only

Bible they’ll ever read,

and they watch you go through

stuff, and they’re reading

your life, to see if you will

curse God and die,

or you’ll stand in the middle

of it all and say,

“Jesus is still Lord

and worthy is the Lamb.”

Worthy is the Lamb.

And, listen, he said,

“You are epistles learned

and read of all men.”

God didn’t write any bad books,

and His story for you isn’t

finished, and in the end,

you will be an overcomer,

if you won’t give up.


I believe that,

that’s the report I believe.

These prophecies, he said,

with these prophecies that

have been spoken,

these words from God,

over your life,

you are to wage a good warfare.

He was going to have faith,

and a good conscience,

the Bible said.

Timothy, don’t believe

the bad reports about you,

and about your future,

and about your calling.

But take the prophecies,

take what God has spoken,

and go forth,

and fight good warfare.

Timothy came from

a dysfunctional family.

His mother was a Christian,

his grandmother was a believer,

but his dad was a wicked sinner,

according to everything

we can find out.

He was absent from his life

for the most part.

One minute, he thinks,

I’m a world shaker,

’cause granny laid hands on me,

and momma put oil on me,

and I’m telling you,

I’m a world shaker,

I’m a history maker.

And the next minute,

he thinks, I’m a flunky

and a failure, and I don’t even

have a father, and now,

you’ve gotta choose,

which report, boy,

will you believe?

Do you believe that what you

didn’t have can stop

what God put in you?

It’s up to you to believe

the bad report,

or the good report.

But you got both, and now,

if you’ll go with God,

He’ll take you to a good

warfare, where you win,

win, win.

Paul was encouraging him,

keep on keeping on,

with the prophecies.

Because persistence

breaks resistance.

When you just won’t give up,

and you just won’t quit,

and you just won’t stop,

you break through.

There’s a difference between

a good idea, and a God idea.

A good idea might come to pass,

but a God idea will

come to pass.

When Simon Peter said to Jesus,

“We’ll never see You crucified,

we won’t let that happen, Lord.”

Jesus said, “Get behind me,


Because it sounded like a good

idea, what Peter said,

but it wasn’t a God idea.

And sometimes, you have

to be able to discern between

the two, whose report

will you believe?

I can’t even believe

all the good ideas.

I need the God ideas

in times like these.

He didn’t bring you this far

so you could be a could’ve-been,


and want-to-have-been story.

He brought you this far

to take you to the other

side with victory.

God never gives good ideas,

He gives God ideas,

and God ideas always

are going to work.

Don’t let anybody

steal your dreams.

Joseph lost two coats,

but he never lost his dream.

God never would’ve put into

the heart of a bird to fly

south if there was not

a south to fly to.

And whatever God has

put in your heart,

and you know it’s scripturally

backed up by His word,

it means it exists.

So go fight with that prophecy.

He said, “You’re the head,

and not the tail.”

He said, “You are above only,

and not beneath.”

And I’m telling you today,

you are a world shaker,

and you are a devil disturber,

and so are your children,

and your children’s children.

Whose report will you believe?

I don’t hear anybody taking

this message serious, really.

But I’m gonna tell you,

this is where we are.

You’re either gonna believe

this book, or you’re gonna

go into a shipwreck,

the scripture said.

I’m not going into a shipwreck.

I’m going to the other side.

I can’t help but win,

because God is on my boat,

and on my side.

Jesus said, “I will build

My church, and the gates

of hell shall not prevail.”

Whose report will you believe,

the devil is a liar.

Wake up the giant inside of you,

and stand up, and say,

“Timothy, you’ve been

given a prophecy,”

and now, in the famine,

when everything is short,

we sure don’t need

dreamers to be short.

We need people to dream

like never before,

that have inspired dreams

from God, and won’t let go.

There are dream thieves.

Paul said,

“Look at the two back sliders,

Hymenaeus and Alexander.”

They were blasphemers.

They must’ve been saying

a lot of bad talk about Paul,

and about the work of God.

When God tells you something,

you have to protect it,

or someone will steal it.

When God tells you,

you’re gonna be married,

when God tells you,

you’re gonna have a family,

when God tells you that He’s

gonna bless you with a blessed

path and a career,

when God tells you,

“I’ll supply your needs,”

you have to protect

what God tells you,

or the enemy will steal it.

You’ve gotta understand

that there are different

growth levels.

Jesus develops levels

of partnership with people.

He had the 70,

that was a big group.

Then, He had the 12,

that was the smaller group

that drew closer.

And then, there were the three,

Peter, James, and John,

that went only certain places

and certain prayer

meetings with Him.

And then, there was John,

who was at the Cross.

John, who could hear

the heartbeat of the Master,

at the table of the Lord’s

last supper,

when he leaned on Jesus’ chest.

That’s intimacy,

that’s closeness with God.

And what I’m asking you today

is what level of partnership

are you on with Jesus?

Are you just one of the crowd,

or are you near the cross?

To the 70, He spoke in parables.

Not every one

of them understood.

You have to guard your prophecy.

You have to protect from dream

thieves what God has

specifically spoken

to you, personally.

There comes a moment where I

can’t rely on my momma’s faith,

I can’t rely on my wife’s faith,

or my children,

or somebody else.

I have to go only on what

God has promised me,

and I have to stand and fight my

own warfare over that promise.

The Bible said, “Stir up

the gift that is within you.”

Anyone who’s ever cooked

anything knows if you

don’t stir it,

it will stick to the bottom.

And that’s the problem.

Many of you have not stirred

up the promises.

Many of you have not stirred

up the prophecies.

Many of you have not stirred

up the word of God,

and it’s there,

but it’s sticking

to the bottom,

and you’re on the bottom,

and you can’t get up,

and you’re not gonna get up

until you start stirring

the promises up,

and suddenly, you’ll feel

God lifting you up.

Have you lost your fight?

Some of us are just

tired of being tired.

You’ve got to feast to fight.

I love the story in the Book

of Kings of the four lepers

at the gate of Samaria.

There was a famine going on,

and they were sitting there,

dying, and starving to death,

but they could smell the food

of the enemy’s camp

down the road.

And one of them turned

to the other three and said,

“Why do we sit here

until we die?

If we sit here,

we’re going to die.

If we get up and move toward

that smell of food,

we’ll probably die, too,

but at least we’ll be moving

in the direction of a miracle.”

And, God is stirring me,

one of those lepers said,

“to get up and go

in that direction,”

and they were afraid,

but he said, “I’m going.”

You can stay here and die,

it’s 100%.

I’ll take the 99%

of probably dying,

but at least I got a little bit

of hope, and I’ll start

walking by faith.

And when he started walking,

God started working,

and God took

the heavenly microphone,

put it on the feet

of those four lepers,

as they were shuffling along,

and He turned the volume all

the way up to ten,

and the ear-piercing sound

sounded like millions

of soldiers marching in.

And the army that had

the food cooking on the fire

took off running,

ran for their lives,

and four lepers,

who were starving to death,

walked into a feast.

And the Bible said

there was gold,

and there was royal raiment,

that’s clothing.

They put on Versace and Gucci,

and had on Gucci slippers,

and rings on their leprous

hands, and crowns,

and the Bible said they

were drinking wine.

I don’t recommend that,

but they were drinking wine,

and they were eating the food,

had turkey legs and chicken,

there’s crowns,

and Versace and Gucci robes,

and came back to the city.

And they said, “We’ve been

feasting, and we’ve got faith.”

It’s not time to die

and sit there and die,

it’s time to get up and fight.

And the Bible said that there

was a man on whom

the king leaned,

meaning he advised the king.

And he spoke up and said,

“There’s not enough food to feed

all these hungry people.

If God were to open

up the windows of heaven

and empty heaven of all

the bread, it wouldn’t be enough

to take care of the tremendous

hunger that we’re

going through.”

And I love this story,

I don’t know why I enjoy

it so much, but the Bible

said when they saw —

now, this is the Franklin

translation, when they saw

that big turkey leg,

and they saw them ripping

into that food,

and I can see that crown half —

you understand, you know,

kinda like somebody a little

bit lit, and they’re just

laughing and having a good time

in those nice clothes,

and all that.

And all this sadness over here,

in this city,

and here’s that one guy

that’s standing here,

he’s the scorekeeper, you know,

he’s telling ’em all the reasons

why they don’t need to believe

for nothing, and the Bible

said when they heard —

when they encountered four

people who feasted,

and went from feasting

to faith to fighting,

all of a sudden,

a stampede took place,

and they started running toward

the enemy’s camp to get that

food, and that scorekeeper

got trampled to death.

The bad report got trampled

to death, because the good news

was better than the bad news,

and they said, “Victory

is coming, if you’ll feast

and you’ll faith

and you’ll fight.”

That’s all I got today,

but I wanna ask you a question.

Whose report will you believe?

Hallelujah, I believe

what I’m preaching.

I believe this report.

I believe that the sun

is gonna shine again.

I believe that He has good

things coming for His people.

I believe if I feast

and I faith and I fight, I win,

because Jesus is my Conqueror.


Give Him a mighty praise.

Everybody, get up on your feet,

give the Lord a mighty praise

this morning.

♪ ♪

>> I’m so glad you watched

Kingdom Connection today.

There is so much going

on in our world right now

and so many competing voices

in our lives.

I want to ask you the question

that I preached.

Whose report will you believe?

Do you believe the report

of the scorekeeper,

or the champion?

Think about it.

I’m gonna believe the report

of the champion, Jesus Christ.

I want his insight

and his experience

to lead my life.

What he did for me at Calvary

has provided victory.

I never want to leave this

broadcast without giving you

the opportunity to make

Jesus Lord of your life.

Today, he invites you to enter

in to all that he has provided

through the cross,

through his death and his life

and his resurrection.

Pray this prayer.

Just say, “Lord, Jesus,

I give you my life.

Cleanse me and forgive me.

I ask you to heal me.

I ask you to help me.

You never turn away people

in their need.

You never turn away people

in their crisis.

But, Lord, I praise you

that I believe your report

that you said if I confess

and believe with my heart

I would be saved.

You said you were my deliverer.

You said you’re my healer.

You said you’re my miracle

worker, my mountain mover,

and today I receive the victory

of the blood and the cross.

In Jesus’ name.”

And in our closing moments,

I want to share

a great need with you.

Over a decade ago,

we began feeding the poorest

people in Haiti.

I’ve traveled down to Haiti

with my family several times

and I’ll never forget

the extreme poverty

and malnutrition we saw.

It’s a game-changer if you’ve

ever held a baby whose stomach

is swollen and it’s obvious

that without a miracle

that child’s going to die

because of lack of food.

I remember seeing several

children with the reddish hair,

with the bloated bellies,

the hunger.

And it’s our goal to reverse

this curse and feed the hungry.

But not only do we feed them

with the nutrients that they

need, but we feed them

with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We do three things with

the resources that come

into this ministry.

Number one,

we preach the Gospel.

That’s the number one thing.

That’s our main course.

We preach the Gospel to 200

nations in the world

through this broadcast.

Every penny that comes in,

we produce

inspirational resources.

We preach the Gospel

to the nations and we go above

and beyond and support

life-giving projects

just like this one in Haiti.

I need your help

to continue to do it.

Pure and undefiled religion,

the Bible said,

is to take care of the widows

and the orphans.

Do your best today

and I know God will bless you.

Thank you so much.

We’ll see you next time.

♪ ♪

>> Too often we forget

about children like Jolene.

She is just one of the hundreds

of thousands of children

suffering chronic

poverty in Haiti.

Many people don’t have easy

access to electricity, water,

sanitation, or even health care.

While it took months for Jolene

to recover from malnutrition,

she is growing stronger every

day thanks to the nutrient-rich

food Jentezen Franklin

Media Ministry partners have

been sending for over a decade.

Each month our missionaries

are able to provide 272,000

meals to Haitians throughout

the nation of Haiti,

as well as introduce

the life-saving message

of Jesus Christ.

We know despite the extreme

poverty these precious people

live in, they have immense

worth in God’s eyes.

That’s why we’ve hand-picked

some very special resources

to express our thanks for your

generosity this month,

among them is Jentezen

Franklin’s brand-new

teaching “Worth.”

Plus the companion 30-day

devotional for your gift

of $50 or more this month.

With your gift to the ministry

of $500 or more this month,

you may request the “Worth”

gift set, including the

Jentezen Franklin Legacy Bible

and a Haiti canvas art print.

To show our gratitude for your

gift of $1,000 or more

this month, you may request

the “Worth” collection,

including a set of kitsch

communion cups and the special

edition Legacy Bible.

Just like Jolene, 1 in 3 people

in Haiti need urgent food

assistance today.

You can be a part

of the miracle.

Call now, or go online today.

>> At Kingdom Connection,

our desire is to open the door

for you to have a deeper

encounter with God.

Each month, we are distributing

meals to the poor and needy,

providing shelter

for the homeless,

and giving second chances

to those willing to change.

>> The life that you’re living

right now is not common.

It’s an uncommon life.

>> Join Jentezen Franklin

on Kingdom Connection,

connecting you to God,

the church, and the world.

Check your local listings,

or visit

for air times.

♪ ♪

>> We hope you’ve enjoyed this

teaching by Jentezen Franklin.

And thank you for your continued

support of this ministry.

Your prayers and financial

support make these

programs possible.

♪ ♪