Crises abound in this world, but as children of an omnipotent, loving Father, we can rely on His steadfast faithfulness to bring us to the other side of every storm. In this message, Dr. Stanley teaches from Paul’s second letter to Timothy, explaining what it means to face struggles with love, power, and a sound mind.

the following program is sponsored in

part by friends and partners of jensen

franklin media ministries

hello and welcome to kingdom connection

thank you for joining us today you may

be in the darkest season you’ve ever

been in facing stuff that you never

dreamed you would go through you need to

listen you need to hear what i’m going

to preach today listen to this word and

i’ll come back in a moment and pray for




this is




it may look


this is


i’m gonna worship


clap your hands and give him a body



bless the lord o my soul

and all that is within you

bless his holy men

we love you lord

we really really do

smile at somebody and you may be seated

i want you to turn with me quickly to

first samuel chapter 16.

now the lord said to samuel how long

will you mourn for saul

seeing i have rejected him from reigning

over israel

fill your horn with all and go

i’m sending you to jesse the


for i have provided for myself a king




samuel was grieving

because saul whom he had anointed

had fallen to great sin and been

rejected now by god

and had been removed and died on the

battlefield without the favor and the

blessing of god

and now samuel is weeping and mourning

and crying

i think that

there’s a powerful

lesson in this text that

there comes a time

when we are to mourn and we are to

grieve and we are to

have liquid pain of tears that express

the brokenness of our life or something

that has happened we don’t live in


that life brings things that can crush

us and break us

but we also need to remind ourselves

that as sure as there’s a time to mourn

there comes a time when god says my

purpose and plan for you is never

to leave you in perpetual brokenness

to mourn and grieve and sorrow the rest

of your life no matter what has happened

to you

and he said to samuel fill your horn

with oil and go listen these words for i

have provided

everything that you’re mourning about

that you’ve lost i want you to know it’s

not back there i got stuff in your

future that i have already provided i’ve

already taken care of i’ve already lined

it up i’ve already opened the door

and you’ve got more ahead of you than

you do behind you

and you can’t live and mourn and grieve

over what went wrong when i’ve got such

a plan for your future that it’s already

provided i you had to go through that to

get to where i’m taking you

now horns in the bible he said i want

you to fill your horn with oil

and horns in the bible represent power

if you see and read some of the old

testament prophets they would prophesy

and they would see

visions and they would see a horn the

book of revelation talks about

you know his types his types and shadows

but it always horns in the bible the

horns of a ram or animal represent


horns were used in the old testament

like a realm’s horn

would be used and god commanded that the

old testament prophets carry the

anointing in that horn because the

anointing is powerful they kept the

anointing oil in the horn because it’s

powerful and he wanted to emphasize that

when you are anoint with oil

i don’t want you to do it routinely i

want you to do it understanding what

you’re doing is powerful

the power of the anointing was so real

in elisha that he got in his bones and

the bible said after he died a dead they

threw a corpse in on top of his body and

when the man the dead corpse touched his

bones the anointing in his bones raised

the dead the anointing was so powerful

in simon peter that the bible said they

lined the sick people up and when he

walked by his shadow touched them and

they were healed

it was so powerful in moses that they

had to put a veil over his face because

his face was shining with the anointing

it was so powerful in the apostle paul

in the book of acts that the scripture

said after he preached they would take

his clothing probably his prayer shawl

and they would cut it up and they would

send it to certain people who were demon

possessed or sick in their bodies and

when they would lay those calls that had

been anointed on those people they would

be healed

jesus many people say the woman with the

issue of blood in mark chapter 5 touched

jesus but she never touched jesus she

touched the hem of his garment

she never touched jesus she touched

something that touched jesus

and sometimes if you can’t touch jesus

if you can get around somebody who’s

touched jesus the anointing is that

powerful if you can’t touch him you can

touch somebody who has

that’s why you’re in a good place today

because there’s some people who’ve been



they would smear them with oil or pour

oil on them so powerful was the

anointing that that that that

they cherished it

and three times we’re told that samuel

poured the oil out

of his horn

of oil

owned something

and three times it was

rejected the first time is found in

first samuel eight

the bible said and i i’m gonna preach

i’m gonna preach to you for just a

minute on what to do

when you’re running empty

going to take me a minute to get there

and you’ve got a minute and i’m going to

take advantage of that minute because

i’m going to convince you

that you’re not going to leave here with

a grieving morning depressed i think the

whole world is trying i’m not a i’m not

denying the reality of the seriousness

of the times and the challenges that

we’re facing on every front it’s not one

thing that will cause you to feel empty

it’s multiple things that just drain you

and that’s the time we’re living in

for samuel chapter 8

the people gathered and they said

they actually said this to samuel behold

you are old

boy if y’all ever do that to me i just

want you to know

i’ll say you are too

behold you’re old and your sons walk not


your ways make us a king

you know what was taking place here

saw samuel had poured out his whole life

on the nation of israel and now they

were saying to him if you read the whole


we we

we don’t want that old stuff anymore

we’re tired of the old messages we’re

tired of the old way you preach we’re

tired of that oil and that horn of oil

and we’re tired of all that praise and

worship we want a new way we want a king

we want a king we’ve seen their parades

we’ve seen their inaugurations and we

want a king just like all the other

nations and we reject your all we want

to go a different way

you’re too old-school you’re way too

old-school samuel you actually

speak and you’re an old man and you’ve

got old ways and you like those old

moves of god

and we

we want something new and fresh

and there’s nothing wrong with new and

fresh and changed thank god for it

but you can never get away from the


you can never get away from the presence

of the holy spirit that makes church


i don’t care what kind of building you

get i don’t care what you have i don’t

care what great musicians you have if

the anointing is not there is sounding

grass tinkling symbol good for nothing

not only that they said your sons don’t

walk in your ways

they said you poured your own port now i

want you to see it he’s poured it out on

his congregation the nation of israel

and they’ve rejected it

and now he filled his horn up again and

he poured it out on his sons he had two

sons and the bible said that those boys

did not walk in the ways of their father

and i wonder how many parents and

grandparents are listening to me right


and your heart is grieving and you’re

mourning because your kids or your

grandkids are not walking in the ways of

the lord you raised them right you

brought them to church you did

everything that you poured and poured

and poured your all on them and today

they seem to have turned their back on


don’t keep mourning the oil is going to

work you got to give it time but god is

faithful say amen somebody

the bible said that moses mother hid him

every mother understands that every dad

understands that there are things we

have to hide our children from you

cannot in with technology you cannot

just leave the computer on and let the

children look at anything and everything

and tv and satellite and music you you

hide them you hide them when you when

they’re young you hide them oh i gotta

hide them from drugs hide them from

alcohol hide them from porn

hide them from bad influences and you

can do that when they’re young and

they’re young and they’re young but

there came this point as they were

getting older teenagers still hide them

either got attitudes now they didn’t

have those attitudes you told them when

they were little to do it and they did

it but now they got attitudes

and all of you who are ready to write a

book on how to parent beautiful

wonderful obedient children wait until

you get teenagers don’t shut up i don’t

want to read your stupid book

i don’t i’m sorry

until you’ve raised five of them you can

come talk to me then and i’ll listen to


and even then you’re not coming in like

some know-it-all you’re coming in a

broken down something it’s all i can

tell you is the anointing is all that

really lasted

and so and so i mean i mean but there

comes a time there came a time even

moses mother hit him you remember

pharaoh’s spirit was trying to kill all

the boys two years of age and she hit

him she hit him she hit him and there’s

this amazing verse in

exodus two and verse three and when she

could no longer hide him

and when she could no longer hide him

parents this is why this is so important

that’s why being together in god’s house

is so important that what they’re

getting in kid pack is so important

because there will come a day when you

can’t make the decisions for them you

can’t hide them you can’t say no the

peer pressure you can’t hide them you

can’t pick their friends forever

you can’t pick you can’t pick their

dates forever you can do it while you

sit while they are you still in my house

do you want to eat would you like

do you

i told you one time we had one that was

acting big and bad and she kept uh kept

the door

locked all the time i i came home one

day and i went and

she didn’t even ask me to do it she did

sharice took the door off the hinges

took the door off the hinges

had it had to hold i i said where is the

door she said i’m tired of knocking on

that door and it being locked so i

removed the

door that’s what



but you can only cover and conceal and

preserve and guard for so long and then

they will have to choose for themself

they’ll go off to college they’ll go off

with their friends on a friday night

they’re going to choose for themself

and he poured his oil on his sons

and they didn’t they knew the way but

they chose not to go the way

i mean this is

this is two strikes he’s a two-time

loser he poured it on the congregation

they rejected it he poured the anointing

oil on his own sons poured his favor

poured his life into him his faith into

him his knowledge into him and they

rejected it

so now

there’s this guy named saul and god says

fill your horn with oil and go pour it

on him he’s he’s a tall



and when he poured the oil on him the

bible said saul was turned into another


and began to prophesy and he was the

first king of israel and he was so

anointed and so powerful and now


saul is living vicariously through his

through his through through saul he’s he

he’s poured his oil he thinks finally

finally i i poured it on the king

they rejected it my own children

rejected it but look look look saul has

got it but then the story ends

tragically that saul turned his back on

god and started dealing the occult and

going to

to to a witch and a fortune teller

talking to the dead

you better stay away from that stuff

because it brought the curse of god

on saul’s life so much so that god said

this these words i


making him king

god’s bless you don’t make god repent

for having blessed you with great great

blessings because you didn’t steward it

and you didn’t handle it right

the climate of rejection



samuel’s life

and he’s been rejected by

saul and he’s been rejected the oil that

he poured by his two sons and now the


and he gets to this place in his life

where he’s grieving that’s where we

picked up the text i’m almost where i

want to be

and he’s mourning

and he’s crying

and he can’t get over

stuff in his past

and that’s where many of you are today

because the enemy loves it when you stay

grieving too long

saul failed saul broke his heart

and he’s mourning

and god came down and said how long will

you mourn over saul i have rejected him

from reigning over israel

how long

this is a broken man and his horn is


he’s poured it out and poured it out and

poured it out and he is drained and he

thinks i’m gonna die an old man and and

it just didn’t work

but watch

god said fill your horn with oil

one more time

you know what i’ve been doing

i’ve been devouring this word

i just decided that if my horn is empty

i’m going to fill it up with the word

i’m going to fill it up with prayer i’m

going to fill it up with worship and

here’s what i heard the lord say

he said samuel one more anointing you’ve

got to have because david

is coming

you know there’s just something about


that can empty

your spirit

and the horn is empty you’re still

carrying on still going about still

moving around

but inside spiritually

you’re empty

you know sometimes family can empty your


sometimes marriage

can just drain you

sometimes the job

can just drain you

sometimes the pressure

can just drain you sometimes the

children can just drain you and you

finally get to the place that you still

love god but you don’t have anything on

the inside and so here’s what you do

this verse has always been

one of my favorites because i’m a

saxophone player

and i call my sax a horn

and psalms 92 and verse 10 has always

been one of my favorite verses

but my horn

shalt thou exalt like the horn of a


listen to this and i how how’s that

gonna happen

i shall be anointed

with fresh oil

did you hear what i just said

i said every one of you

who say jesus is lord of my life you’ve

got to feel that horn with fresh oil

there has to be experiences in church

and with god that you just don’t keep

standing there drained inwardly of all

the joy of the lord because of all of

the guts and the knicks

but you come and you say with sincere


god i’m empty on the inside

would you feel me the oil is the holy

spirit which means the oil is jesus


would you feel me again on the inside

would you this sunday morning pour your

oil on me

and fill my horn because if i don’t get

it and here’s here’s the significance

and i close with this

he had one more anointing left in him

and it was the greatest thing it looked

like all it hadn’t worked but here comes

that final filling of the horn with oil

and when he got it in him then he could

pour it out

and the bible said

that he anointed david

to be king of israel

why because david

i need you to have he said samuel i need

your horn to be full of oil


because there’s a guy named david that

you’re going to pour the anointing on

and he’s going to take a city from the

from the gibbonites

that’s going to become jerusalem


by the way in that city

there’s going to be


who is going to carry a cross

and die on that cross and he’ll be known

as the son of david

and by the way that david that you’re

going to pour the anointing on is going

to have a great great great

granddaughter by the name of mary

and mary’s going to have a little lamb

and his name will be called jesus

and the reason that the enemies fought

you so much is because this anointing

that you’re gonna pour on the final

generation i believe that god is saying

uh to us our young people our teenagers

our children they must have the all

poured on them and i’m not talking about

the physical oil i’m talking about what

is in you if you’re empty nothing’s

getting on them

so you must

claim psalms 92 and 10 lord fill my horn

with fresh oil

this morning

i need more than outward religion i need

life inside of me

and if your head is down and if your

praise is down and if your heart and

spirit is down god wants to raise you up

and fill you with fresh oil this morning

if you feel god moving in your life

while you’re watching this program and

you want to make jesus lord and savior

of your life

or maybe you need a miracle in your body

or someone in your family needs healing

maybe you’re listening to me today and

you’re watching in a hospital or a rest

home or a jail cell or the apartment or

home that you have and it feels so

lonely and it feels

so empty

i want you to know that god is for you


that god is with you and he sees you

he sees and hears your cry


i today want to encourage you to turn to


so just pray this prayer with me say

lord jesus i give you my life i give you

my family i give you my disaster

whatever situation that i’m in that

feels overwhelming i give it to you

you’re the master of disaster you’re the


of everything that i’m facing and i

praise you that i’m not alone and you

are for me somebody needs to say that

you are for me say this lord you are my

redemption you are my savior i turn to

you with all of my heart

oh praise god

praise god he’s been waiting on you to

call on he’s been waiting on you to

whisper and say his name and mean it

from your heart

welcome to the family of god the bible

teaches us that jesus is a friend that

sticks closer than a brother and we want

to help you learn more about your new

relationship with jesus so go to our

website if you can and fill out the form

under the salvation tab and we’ll send

you a free devotional that’ll walk you


the next few days in the next few weeks

in absolute

victory in the word of god i tell you

the word of god is our strength and you

may not understand it that’s why i love

this devotional it really breaks it down

in understandable ways

and you can apply it to your own life we

care let us know what god has done call

the number that’s on the screen we would

love to hear from you we have an amazing

audience out there that has supported

this ministry for decades now and we’re


supported by our donors that watch this

ministry every week pray about what you

can do maybe you’ve never given and

you’ve really received ministry from us

i’m not asking for myself i’m asking

because i know what we do all over the

world is making such a difference people

need the gospel like never before and

they need

these projects and i believe god honors

people who sow seed in faith i know god

will bless you thank you so much we love

and appreciate you we’ll see you next

time right here on kingdom connection

this program has been sponsored by

friends and partners of jensen franklin

media ministries we hope you’ve enjoyed

this teaching by jensen franklin and

thank you for your continued support of

this ministry your prayers and financial

support make these programs possible for

more information about this message and

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