Watch “The Value of A Dream” Jentezen Franklin, host of Kingdom Connection & Pastor of Free Chapel.

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I want to talk to you today on the

subject of the value of a dream the

value of a dream we live in a world that

has been shaped by the dreams of people

the Wright brothers dreamed of flight

and we have aviation today Alexander

Graham Bell dreamed of communication we

have the telephone now the iPhones the

cell phones there have been dreamers

like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates who

dreamed and shaped and formed the world

that we live in very much by the dream

that they had deep in their heart

there have been social dreamers men like

dr. Martin Luther King jr. men like

Nelson Mandela who dreamed of Justice

and dreamed and formed civil rights

movements that shaped and changed the

world that we live in what you have to

understand is the value of a dream when

he places it in your heart because when

God wants to change your community when

God wants to change the world when God

wants to change a city when God wants to

change a family he starts by putting a

dream in the heart of somebody for

change the enemy would come to kill or

assassinate the dream that is in your

heart because when you dream a dream

listen carefully when you dream a dream

you become more like God than ever

before because the nature of God in you

is awakened when you begin to dream a

dream that nature that can look at

nothing and begin to believe in

something they cannot see that is the

dream nature that is very much how God

deals in our lives there’s a dream

that’s working in your heart today the

Bible said that the father Jacob made a

coat of many colors because J Joseph was

his favorite son and he gave it to him

that coat represented and was a symbol

of the favor of the Father on

Josef’s life it was a symbol of how much

the father loved him it was a code of

many colors that speaks of the fact that

it was vibrant that speaks of the fact

that it was a celebration and when God’s

favor is on you there when his favor

comes upon your life and it did at

Calvary if you have accepted what he did

then you get real good and blessed and

wrapped up in that code of favor and

it’s hard to hide it that cut that coat

was loud that coach stood out that coat

was noticeable and God wants his favor

in your life to be seen by other people

just like it was seeing when Joseph put

it on the favor of God wants to wrap

itself around you so much so that he

gives you a dream and that dream causes

you to stand out and do things that you

never thought that you could do the

Bible said that he dreamed a dream of

him being in a field and the harvest

began to bow down to him in the field I

loved the fact that he had a dream of

harvest authority and if ever there was

going to be a time when we needed to

have a dream that was connected to the

harvest he saw in the dream the harvest

bowing down and the Bible said every

knee shall bow every tongue shall

confess whatever field God has put you

in you need to connect that dream to the

harvest because the dream that God can

bless is the dream that is connected to

the harvest if you’re business person

God can make help you and prosper you to

make millions of dollars if you’re if

you’re a mom or a dad or husband or wife

God has a dream always connect that

dream of your family or your finances to

the harvests because if God can find

people that he can put a dream in their

heart and they not real just you know

consume it on themselves but they

connect that dream to the harvest he can

bless that dream greater and mightier he

had a dream that was a harvest authority

for our cities for our nation for our

for our day to be changed we’re going to

have to get a dream in our hearts of

more than just things but a dream of

harvest afar

I’m still dreaming in the city I’m still

dreaming that for this church I’m

dreaming that there there’s a harvest

that has not bound its knew yet maybe

even under the sound of my voice today

there are people that I’m preaching to

and I’m dreaming that those souls will

be saved and that’s the kind of dream

that God will bless over and over and

over again now what I love about this

story is he dreamed the dream and he

told his brothers and the Bible said is

interesting that his brothers hated him

because of the dream it’s interesting

that everybody is not going to be happy

about our dreams have you learned that

yet even though they hated him the Bible

said they hated him because of his dream

the next part of the verse said he

dreamed another dream and the second

dream was bigger than the first dream

the second dream he saw the Sun Moon and

stars bowing down to him now the first

string and they didn’t like the first

dream and since he said well you since

you’re mad I might as well going and

tell you the whole dream and get you

good man I was gonna hold back on the

big part but I’m not gonna hold back on

but I’m just gonna make you real mad and

he said the whole dream was not just the

harvest I saw stuff in heaven bowing

down and they really got mad then you

see what you have to understand is the

dream that God has for your life is

always progressive it’s always getting

bigger it’s not diminishing this is no

time to sit back and retire and sit on a

rocking chair and wait for the angels to

sweet blows you chariots coming for to

take me home as long as I’m here I’m

gonna be dreaming and God’s dream is

progressive God’s dream for you is not

less it’s bigger it’s greater the rest

of your life you need to keep fighting

for the dream there’s a dream inside of

you there’s a dream inside of you your

dream is always progressive verse 18

said when they saw him afar off they

conspired against him

and said Behold the dreamer cometh they

didn’t even call him by his name they

called him by his

dream that’s the value of a dream that

God places in your heart it will cause

your name and it will because most

importantly the name that is above every

name to be lifted high when he places a

dream in your heart

verse 24 said that they said we shall

kill him and cast him in a pit and say

some evil beast has devoured him and we

shall see what will become of his dream

you see I want to warn you that when God

places a dream in your heart

there comes risk and danger in obeying

God and going after that dream there

will always be risk when God puts a

dream in a person’s heart this this text

reveals two important principles number

1 they were smart enough the enemies of

Joseph were smart enough to know that

his dream was going to come to pass

because the reason they started fighting

against him was the very fact that they

thought if we don’t do something as

crazy as that dream is he’s he actually

believes it’s going to happen and you

know what we believe it’s going to

happen and that’s why we’re gonna fight

him so they were smart enough to know

the dream was going to come to pass I’ve

come to encourage somebody the fact that

you’re under pressure and there’s

adversity all around you concerning the

dream that God has put in your heart is

not an indication that you should give

up it’s not an indication that you

should walk away and quit and say the

dream is not going to happen but the

very fact that the enemy is smart enough

to know that if he doesn’t do something

the dream all he’s doing is confirming

to you that God has given you a dream

that is going to come to pass and here’s

the principle number one he was smart

enough the enemies of Joseph were smart

enough to know the dream was going to

come to pass if they didn’t do something

but secondly they were stupid enough to

think they could stop it you have to

understand something about a dream when

God puts a dream in your heart nobody

can stop it I said when God puts a dream

in your heart

nobody can stop it nobody when God says

yes yes it is nobody’s no competes with

God’s yes it’s the truth and you know

you have a real dream from God when you

can be in the midst of adversity and no

deep only inside something keeps saying

it’s still going to come to pass the

Bible said that they took Joseph and

they stripped him of the symbol of the

favour that was on his life outwardly

they stripped him and they threw him

into a pit and the pit was an empty

whale it was where water used to be but

now it was dry you know that you’re

going through the test of a dream

because every dream will go through that

test where momentarily

it looks like outwardly you’re stripped

of everything it looks like that it’s

not going to happen it looks like you

are losing all the material things and

it looks like the favor of God that has

been so evident that everybody saw the

blessings there may come a season before

you get to the dream that you go through

a time when outwardly you’re stripped of

things and then inwardly it feels like

you’re in a dry place where there used

to be water so there’s no external favor

seemingly and there’s no internal

refreshing and you’re in a dry barren

alone place but God is teaching you in

that hour that the dream is stronger

than you are that even if outwardly

you’re being stripped and inwardly

you’re drying up the dream still keeps

jumping and leaping and dancing’ inside

saying it’s still going to happen and

I’m telling you that’s the value of a

dream a dream will keep you going even

when you’re losing stuff a dream will

keep you going even when it feels like

you’re dried up it won’t let you quit

the Bible said they threw him in a pit

and the issue they were gonna kill him

but the Ishmaelites came back got a

preacher right here the Ishmaelites who

were the Ishmaelites

Abraham Isaac Jacob Jacob was Joseph’s


so the great-great-grandfather was

Abraham and Abraham had two sons

he had the child a promise with Sarah

whose name was Isaac but then there was

that little oops there was that mistake

there was that little sin and adultery

that Abraham fell into with Hagar and he

produced a child named Ishmael from

which comes the tribe of Ishmaelites two

generations before a great grandpa made

a mistake but when you keep before God

and you repent in you and you’re a

covenant person and you say God I’m

sorry if you will truly repent and turn

away from your wicked ways God will take

even your mistakes he took the

illegitimate child of two generations

before and the only thing to keep the

great-grandson alive was the mistake of

great grandpa and the mistake of grandpa

became the miracle of grandson only God

can take a mess like that and turn it

into a blessing only God can take a

curse and say I’m gonna turn it around

and it’s gonna raise you up instead of

put you down I don’t know what you’ve

messed up and done but the Lord sent me

to tell you the devil minute for your

evil but God’s gonna turn it around for

you good cuz the dream is still working

if your trust in God I need somebody to

take a praise break and give him some

glory on a Sunday if you believe he’s



and I just want to preach that the

Ishmaelites were not children of the

promise not everybody who’s gonna bless

you is gonna be saved at Holy Ghost feel

God’s gonna use some heathens God’s

gonna use some blankety-blank

cigar-smoking all kind of crazy people

and if he can’t get the church that you

believe in you he’ll find somebody in

the world to believe in you and he’ll

use the wealth of the wicked to raise up

the righteous I need somebody to believe

that the dream is working there’s value

in holding on to the dream when nothing

looks right when nothing’s happening

like you thought it would when you

thought it would hold on to the dream

God will bring it to pass in the midst

of affliction in the midst of sorrow

he’s gonna perform what he promised they

take him to Egypt he gets in Potiphar’s

house and he is put over the whole house

and they’re Potiphar’s wife starts

noticing how extremely good-looking

Joseph was you see the dream will demand

integrity when God begins to raise you

up and when God begins to do what he’s

promised in your life and the reason God

can’t give a lot of people more is

because they can’t be trusted the dream

will demand integrity the dream will

produce discipline in your life and this

woman kept coming after him powder for

his wife his boss’s wife and she said

daily lie with me sleep with me sleep

with me sleep with me but Joseph refused

what a man of integrity what a man of

character and the higher God raises you

up and if he gives you millions of

dollars if he blesses you beyond

anything if you get that scholarship if

if things begin to happen for you can

God trust you to be a person of

integrity in the area of sexuality

because he blesses where his reputation

is safe

and how many people have we seen begin

to fulfill and one of the test of the

dream being fulfilled before it happens

will be in the area of your integrity

the Bible said that Joseph refused and

she falsely accused him and he was

thrown into prison but in prison even in

prison the dream was working even in

prison when it looked like there was no

favor on his life the Bible says three

times but God was with him but God was

with him but God was with him ended and

the end the jailor put him over all the

prisoners gave him the keys and said you

run this place see that’s favor you

don’t have to have big stuff to have the

favor of God you just weren’t what

you’ve got where you are and you won’t

stay down you can’t stay down when the

favor of God is on your life

somebody shout I feel favor wrapping

around me like a coat of many colors

come on somebody shout and say I’m not

gonna be hidden I’m gonna stand out

there’s favor on my life and I’m gonna

be noticed by the right people at the

right time in the right place for the

right blessing everybody shout I’m

gettin excited I’m about to bulla

Gasquet I’m I’m concerned I don’t know

who I’m preaching to but I’ve just come

along to stir you up to tell you this is

no time to quit this is no time to give

up God is about to resurrect your dream

if you’ll hold on to the promise he gets

thrown in prison and there’s two guys in

prison who just had a dream and they

don’t know what the dream was about a

butler and a baker and they’re confused

and they’re scratching their head and

they’re saying we need somebody to if

you want to find out what your dream is

get around another dreamer so they

hooked up with Joseph and they said

Joseph we hear you’re a dreamer and once

you get around a dreamer you will begin

to understand the dream on your life

and the Bible said that he said well sir

I’ll tell you what you dreamed he said

you dreamed in three days you would

stand before he told them both you both

stand before favor they said that is

exactly right what does it mean and he

turned to the baker and he said well it

means in three days that he’s gonna cut

your head off and then he immediately

turns his attention to the other guy

because there’s no need to waste any

more time on him and he and he turns

immediately and he says to the butler

now you’re gonna be before the Pharaoh

and and and he’s gonna restore you and

you’re become one of one of his

right-hand men and when you are restored

don’t forget me

this is Joseph saying don’t forget me

Bible said within days he was called

before Pharaoh could the butler’s head

off and turned to the Baker cut the

Baker’s head off turn to the butler and

said your restored and the Bible is the

most astonishing Scripture the Bible

said and the butler forgot Joseph how

you like that

see you gonna get to the place when it

comes to the dream that you quit waiting

on people and quit dependent on people

and quit being so people needy that

you’re gonna find out God’s God’s

probably not gonna need the people that

you think he needs to fulfill what he’s

told you he’s gonna do he’ll do it all

by himself if he has to and so when the

butler forgot Joseph your Bible said

your Bible said that that that Pharaoh

had a disturbing dream you know some of

you sinners listening to me right now

you you think you so big and bad God can

give you a disturbing dream tonight he

can make you wake up at 3:00 a.m. not

not not 2:45 I want it to be 3:00 a.m.

because bad things into horror movies

always happen at 3:00 a.m.

God can awaken you at 3:00 a.m.

you can you can have a disturbing dream

and if he can’t get to you while I’m

talking to you why you awake my god

doesn’t play fair he’ll mess with you

while you sleep

Lord just take all the heathens sleep in

Jesus name

Messimer and he gave him a disturbing

dreaming and he and he solves seven

skinny cows and seven fat cows and the

seven skinny cows swallowed the seven

fat cows and he woke up and he couldn’t

sleep and he called in all of his

soothsayers and his fortune tellers and

they came with her crystal balls and

their Tara cards and and they tried to

figure it out and when they couldn’t

tell him what the dream meant he started

executing them because they he just he’s

just kill them all and he killed them

all and then he turned to the butler and

he said tell me what my dream means and

the amazing scripture and the butler

remembered to Joseph and he said there

is a man in the prison in whom the

Spirit of God dwells and he interprets

dreams and I’m going to get him I’ll be

right back

and he goes and brings Joseph up and I

like Joseph because here’s the point

Joseph what was that what was the dream

that Pharaoh had it was seven fat cows

meaning seven years of plenty and seven

skinny cows seven years of extreme

poverty and famine and the poverty and

famine is going to swallow up the

prosperity and the Plenty but it didn’t

make Joseph afraid because he had a

dream where he had authority over the

harvest see when you hear about Iran and

when you see the things Planned

Parenthood the wickedness of selling

body parts when you when you see a

government that is so corrupt and evil

when you see senators voting to pay five

hundred million dollars to an

organization that harvests is body parts

of babies and you scratch your head and

say how can we have such wicked

leadership how do it almost could make

you afraid but we

to understand that we have a harvest

authority in the end times that we’re

not afraid of the end times we’re not

afraid of the nuclear deal that our

crazy politicians are trying to do

because we know that in the end every

knee shall bow and every tongue shall

confess so we need to rise up in this

hour and understand that we have the

word of the law for such a time as this

and he was not intimidated he was not

afraid and he said don’t tell me what

you dreamed I’ll tell you what you

dreamed and I’ll tell you what it means

and he said there’s a famine coming and

then all of a sudden Pharaoh says I

perceive this is a wise man and he said

you take over the whole kingdom what do

you think we ought to do and the Bible

said that Joseph stored up so much I

want you to I want you to hear what the

scripture said said he began to store up

so much that Genesis 41 and verse 46 and

Joseph was 30 when he stood before

Pharaoh thirty years old don’t wait

until you’re 30 or 40 to get get your

dream early he had the dream when he was

a teenager and now he’s 30 and he’s the

second most powerful man in the world he

was 30 when he stood before Pharaoh and

gathered up food verse 51 said that he

stored so much corn that it was as the

sands of the seashore and it says he

bore two sons in the in that land and

named them Manasseh and Ephraim closing

but listen before you give birth to your

dream you’ve got to give birth to two

sons Manasseh which means the Lord has

made me to forget the pain of my

father’s house and Ephraim which means

that I am blessed or fruitful in the

land of affliction before you get to the

dream you’ve got to forgive and forget

what people did to you you got to

release forgiveness to your own brothers

and your own family

because the wounds will come from those

of a man’s own house and then secondly

you’ve got to become fruitful in the

land of affliction well when I get a new

job I wish I could get a new job but God

says I want you to be fruitful in the

land of affliction I want you to be

fruitful wherever you’re planted I want

you to be where you are right now and be

faithful and become so fruitful that

it’ll become evident you don’t belong

there anymore and God will open up the

next door be fruitful in your land of

affliction what’s this I’m done

everybody who’s been through something

and God brought you through and the

dream is still kicking

just take a praise break we’re gonna be

done in a minute but I want you to thank

him that the dream is still kicking

your harvest is on the way don’t quit

don’t give up favor is all over you he

doesn’t have to be seen on the outside

yet all of that stuff will be restored

you stand in who God’s called you I know

what I saw that’s what a dream does for

you that’s the value of a tree even when

stuff is being stripped I know what I

saw I know what God told me I saw a

harvest and you talking crazy

in the middle of attack I saw a harvest

that’s the value of a drink

life is real vivid alive beating

breathing it happens behind closed doors

and out in front there’s joy there’s


and chaos

lifelong friendships are forged love is

found moments cherished and never


life is a gift and together we are real


real friends

real people

experiencing real life

is free chapel

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the friends and partners of Jenson

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