This is “The Spirit of the Carpenter.” The enemy would love nothing more than to keep us chained to a spirit of lack and limitation. He comes to hinder and to devour, but the spirit of the Carpenter has come to advocate for us. The resistance, if we allow it, pushes us into our destiny! You are not a failure!

the following program is sponsored by

friends and partners of Kingdom

connection if you have your Bibles I’d

like you to open them with me please to

the Old Testament book of Zechariah

chapter 1 Zechariah chapter 1 look at

this in verse 17 again proclaimed saying

thus says the Lord of Hosts my cities

shall again

listen spread out through prosperity the

Lord will again comfort Zion or my

people I’ll again choose Jerusalem and

when I raise my eyes and look there were

4 horns he’s having a vision now and I

said to the angel who taught with me

what are these so he answered me these

are the horns that have scattered you to

Israel and Jerusalem then he showed me

four carpenters and I said what are

these coming to do so he said these are

the horns that scattered Judah so that

no one could lift up his head notice

that no one could lift up his head but

the Carpenters are coming to terrify

them and cast out the horns of the

nations that lifted up their horn

against the land of Judah to scattering

he said I am going to prosper and bless

you as a matter of fact he told Joshua

and Joshua 1 in verse 5 that no man will

be able to stand against you all the

days of your life no one will stop you

from doing what I called you to do he

went on to say and you shall have good

success these are Bible words I’ll

prosper you wherever you go wherever the


your feet go I’ll give you good success

I’ll prosper you what God was saying is

you’re going to have good success all

the days of your life you said it to

Josh when he says it to his people and

no man will be able to stand before you

and stop you

every relationship God entered into he

lifted people he built up people he

multiplied their life he increased their

life it’s so important to understand

that God’s dream for you is so much

bigger than what you dreamed for you and

he said I have a promise for you and

here’s the promise you can prosper and

you can have in this life good success

because that matters if you think God’s

not for you and if you think God doesn’t

want you to do well in life and enjoy

your life and have a blessed life you’ll

never see it and it’s so important to

get your thinking right to understand

God said no man standing before you will

be able to stop you if they oppose you

I’ll deal with the opposition but you

have a promise that God can prosper your

life I don’t care what your age is I

don’t care who you are and that you can

have you shall have good success I love

those words I love those words that

they’re in the Bible that’s why in

Zechariah one the sake the text starts

out with God prospering his people

noticing that verse it said that he

prospered them and when he began to

prosper them they begin to spread out

see when God begins to prosper a

person’s life spiritually physically

emotionally when he begins to bless you

in every area that trinkles down to your

finances in every area it begins to

spread you out you begin to go to places

you never dreamed you would go when God

begins to put his favor on someone’s

life it begins to take you beyond

anything you ever imagined you begin to

go to places he spreads notice

prosperity and the blessing of God

begins to spread you out he said I’m

spreading you abroad I’m

spreading you out I’m taking you to

places you never dreamed of I want you a

vision I want you to have a vision

bigger than where you are now what

you’re doing now I have not designed

small things for you I’m going to spread

you out I’m going to take you to places

that you never dreamed you would go and

watch this just as he was spreading his

people out in Zechariah one and

prospering them then he had a vision of

four horns that rose up to oppose and

scatter and defeat the people of God and

notice what their assignment was to sow

oppress and stop God’s people from

realizing the good success the

prosperous journey that God wanted them

to have in life and the Bible said those

four horns the horns in the Bible

represent power these are spiritual

powers or we would call them spirits he

saw in a vision for horns or for spirits

that came to oppress God’s people

stopped them from having a big abundant

blessed life and and the Bible said so

oppress them catch this verse that they

could not listen to this see this mental

picture they could not lift up their

head they were so oppressed that they

walked around like this not looking up

not looking out not confident not

blessed but oppressed and to the point

that no man lifted his head as soon as

God spoke prosperity to them four horns

came to hold them back but then he said

I saw something miraculous in the same

vision I saw four men coming in the

spirit of the carpenter he said I saw

four carpenters now that represents

Jesus because Jesus was the carpenter’s

son Joseph his earthly father was a

carpenter and Jesus worked all of his

life in a carpentry shop a carpenter

it’s somebody who built you

housed or built the apartment you live

in you know what a carpenter is its

somebody who builds notice the spirit

that Jesus comes in the enemy comes to

oppress you so that you can’t even lift

your head up and you go around defeated

and oppress but here comes the spirit of

the carpenter to build you up to raise

you up to lift up your head so that you

will look out and see greater things and

I’m here today to proclaim a word over

your life the Spirit of the carpenter is

going to come on you while you sit under

this message today and the enemy’s tried

to hold you down and suppress and stop

but I see the Spirit of the carpenter

coming to build you up and to raise you

up and listen no man will be able to

stand before you no man living no man

dead no voice in your past no voice in

your future no voice in your present

can’t stop you because the Spirit of the

carpenter is upon you take a praise

break and I’ll keep preaching early so

I’ll speak from my own experience real

quick and I’m not going to preach on for

me in my life and in this ministry those

four horns represented four spirits the

first horn represents the spirit of lack

where you see the enemy would love to

attach to your life at an early age the

spirit of lack the spirit of light is

when you have in your mind there’s not

enough there’s not enough I’ll never go

to college because there’s not enough

and it’s not just money it’s not just

financial things lack of education lack

of love lack of finances lack of joy

lack of confidence lack of self esteem

so that you go around and you can’t even

look anybody in the eye you don’t have

any confidence in yourself it’s a spirit

of lack and intimidation you were

created in the image of God Almighty

they may have said you’re a slow learner

they may have said you’ll never be

anything they may have said you’re just

trashing your parents never did anything

and you’ll never do anything and the

enemy like a like a horn with a spirit

of lack lack of affection lack of love

lack of having a father lack of having a

good influence and environment that you

were raised in but that spirit of lack

is defeated by the spirit of the

carpenter who can come and build you up

and raise you up into who God called you

to be I remember when we were at a time

in this ministry where that spirit of

lack tried to attach itself to me I’ll

never forget it like it’s like it was

yesterday we were in the old building

and we had some great needs and and we’d

started television and we’d used the

same cameras for I think it was close to

15 years it was crazy I walked in their

little studio if you could call it that

that we had and they had all the

equipment and our TV guy at that time

had a roll of duct tape that was

attached to his belt I’m not joking and

the whole time we would be trying to

film a program he knew that before we

could get through something was going to

break it would be a light that were fog

some raggedy little light or are some

some camera cord would break off some

cable on some other camera or something

back there in the machine room back

there would fall to pee was just going

around most of the time while we were

taping I’m trying to do a TV show and

he’s ripping off it he got it down to

and on he’s ripping off duct tape who

you been and I put this light up putting

that camera fixing that cord and observe

and he’s just everything it was

ridiculous and the Lord spoke to me in

my spirit and he said are you tired of

duct tape level

I looked around all our saw was black

and silver duct tape all over the place

and the Lord said you know you get what

you believe me for for as a man thinks

so easy and if it’s what you think I’m

capable of that’s all I’ll ever be able

to do for you but if you believe me I’ll

take you from this level out of gut take

level into exceedingly abundantly above

all that you could ask or even think you

got to get free from the spirit of life

that keeps your hair down I just want to

shout a minute in my space because with

what the Lord has done it’s a debt-free

property we don’t know a penny

those cameras everything in here is dead

free to the glory of God I’m preaching

not just to old people I’m preaching to

young people I’m preaching to

middle-aged people that your God will

supply all your needs he’s a big God and

you’ve got to get free from the spirit

of lack second horn is the horn of

limitation you see if the enemy can’t

get you bound with a spirit of life that

it doesn’t exist and this is all I’ll

ever be and all I’ll ever have then

he’ll come with a spirit of limitation

which says things exist but not for me

oh he’ll do it for Jensen or he’ll do it

for this one or he’ll do it for that one

but not for me there’s a ceiling over my

life a spirit of limitation there’s a

barrier I can go this far but I can’t

get to that next level of success that

next level of the dream that God is

given me large elephants are held in

place by ropes and wood stakes that have

just been driven into the ground with a

hammer and even though these large

elephants are massive and powerful they

are held with a rope tied around

their leg that they could just shake and

the stake would fly off and the Rope

would be freed why do they stay there

bound just because they can feel a

little rope around their ankle key to it

is when they have a elephant that’s born

into captivity they will take that


they’ll keep well he’s small and they

will put a chain a metal chain a large

chain around his leg and they will take

a cement block that has been put in the

ground and buried that is attached to

that chain and they said what happens

listen to this this is amazing what

happens is after a period of time after

trying and failing and trying and only

going so far and trying oh I hoped but

it didn’t happen

finally something clicks mentally in

that elephant to where he stops trying

because he accepts the fact I’m limited

and I’ll never go further than where I

am right here right now this is exactly

what the enemy wants you to accept he

stops trying to be free every time he

feels that rope on his ankle it reminds

him of a thought that I can’t be free

after a while he stops believing he

stops believing that he can go further

that he can do more and I’m telling you

I’m preaching to people right here right

now and all of our campuses and on

television and around the world I’m

telling you the enemy of our soul that

horn that second horn is the horn of

limitation the truth is the elephant is

bigger the elephant is mightier the

elephant is stronger you are not the

person you were before Jesus came into

your life when Jesus came into your life

he gave you power and you can do all

things through Christ who strengthens

you and don’t you allow

the enemy to place a chain of limitation

on you ever so often you have to push

against the limitations that say you’re

going this far but no father spirit of

lack spirit of limitation then there’s

something in the Bible Paul the Apostle

talked about Satan I tried to go to a

certain place and he said these words

Satan hinders me what does that mean

Satan hindered me he said I win and

Satan hindered me Satan has hindered me

I want Blake to come up here real quick

and when he what he was talking about is

he he said I’m on my way I’m on my

journey I broke through from lack I

broke through from limitation I’m not

going to be held just because nobody in

my family has ever done it I can do it

because God told me I could do it

but then in front of him there was he

said Satan hindered me what does that

mean it’s like you’re moving but you’re

making progress but it’s like it’s it’s

a fight it’s like no let in a little bit

but but but it’s like it’s like I’m

making progress I’m trying to push him

in that hole right there but but it’s

jams and it’s aggravations and it’s

attacks and it’s a struggle all the way

this is how it is with a dream come here

this is how it is with a dream some of

you don’t understand some of you’ve

tried and failed two or three times and

you think you don’t understand why you

sit on that nice cushion see you don’t

have any idea but demons we had to fight

and there were times when I couldn’t get

there that way and I had to roll that

way and I had to go this way and I had

to go and oh no my head’s going down but

here comes the spirit of the carpenter

and you build me up and I push some more

I can go we can do it Church

and if i thrown enough come in Tracy

here it is now so you got you got

hindrance in front of you and then

there’s one other spirit there’s

something behind me the Bible calls it a

devouring spirit and so I’m getting I

took this ground you back up a little

bit I got and I took this ground but

here comes the devourer and what does

the divide this one fights me about my

future this one’s trying to come behind

me and steal what I’ve already won so

I’ve got a hindering spirit in front of

me and a devouring spirit behind me and

just when the enemy thinks he’s gonna


Ezekiel said or as a Cariah said I saw

in that same vision just when the head

was down and defeated and it looked like

it was over I saw the spirit of the

carpenter I saw the spirit of the

carpenter come and raise and build up

God’s people and I just come in this

house today to encourage somebody the

devouring spirit that’s behind you he

said I will rebuke the Devourer for your

sake and for the hindering spirit before

you he said no man will be able to stand

before you no spirit of limitation and

sometimes people with their words listen

can build a house of limitation around

you and all of your life because you

were told you couldn’t the house of

their words has completely limited you

in your own mind that you can’t do it

but here comes the spirit of the

carpenter and he says I’m here to build

you up I’m here to raise you up you

shall mount up with wings like eagles

you shall run and not be weary walking

not faint

and I wrote down I felt what I had from

the Lord for this group today number one

the Lord said

that for your trouble you shall have

double just like Joe here’s the second

thing I heard going to F it’s goes off

in your spirit you need to respond to it

the Lord said key people are coming into

your life G people you’re not going to

get there without G people this morning

in the in the first service sitting

right there were Tracy’s at and sitting

right there behind my wife were two key

people that God brought into our lives

and into this ministry when I was

preaching on the invitation one of the

guys jumped up on his feet this morning

threw up his hands he’s real tall and he

was praising God didn’t just hit me

there’s one of those key people because

he started out poor and broke you

wouldn’t believe how poor he was you

should hear his story but now he owns I

think it’s about eight McDonald’s

he owns the franchises the whole thing

and then fitting on the front road with

the guy named Zach Laroy and he started

a little chicken firm a little chicken

shop down the road in Athens just fried

chicken and a piece of bread is how he

started it now it’s Zaxby’s chicken

we’re sitting on it’s sitting on the

front row I’m saying to you you don’t

believe what I’m preaching I know what

I’m talking about God is bringing into

your dream key people from the north

south east and west I want you to

believe the spirit of the carpenters

coming on you

you’re going to do what God but you’re

going to build what God told you to feel

you’re going to rained up what God said

you’re going to raise up the third thing

I heard the Lord say is I will break the

spirit of limitation and I will break

the back whoo I love that I heard in my

spirit the Lord say today if you will

proclaim it I will break the back of the

spirit of failure well I just spoke it

and if you believe it respond and God

Rebecca died I do believe it

hindering spirits will move no man will

stand before you success will come from

the north the South the east and the

West here’s a big one and your head will

be lifted up just because it’s never

been done does it mean you weren’t doing

it no man will be able to stand before

you so I close with this my God will

make you an asset owner a land possessor

a wise investor a kingdom builder

opportunities are coming to you a new

level of success is coming to you key

people key people are coming into your

life I come with the Spirit of the

carpenter some of you came in here but

you’re leaving here because I come with

the spirit of the carpenter Jesus Christ

and I build you up in your face to tell

you that God is going to bless you with

good success if you’ll put him first in

your life well I just want to thank you

for watching this program when I believe

God has been speaking to many of you

that we need to turn to him completely

and trust him quit making excuses quit

justifying things that we know in our

life are not right and follow his will

and his word right now if you’ve been

looking for a change you’re watching the

right program change it’s possible right

here right now pray this prayer say

these words Lord Jesus I need you like

I’ve never needed you before please help

me please cleanse me please forgive me

please please give me another chance I

know a fallen to fail but I know you’re

the God who picks us up and restarts our

life and today I receive that help from

the cross the blood of Jesus Christ and

what he did on that cross is cleansing

me and I today received power over every

temptation in Jesus name Amen and amen

thank you for watching this program I

want to say to all of our friends and

partners who stand with us I know it’s

been a probably a busy summer but you’ve

been dealing with but I want to say how

vital your support is for this ministry

to continue to do what we do all over

the world and you know our mission

programs we don’t we don’t call off the

summer support of those mission summers

we still feed hundreds of thousands in

Haiti I don’t talk about it every week I

rarely talk about it but it goes on we

have bought brand-new trucks and sent

them in this summer all these things

have been taking place I could go on and

on with our ministry we’re building the

new dorm at new beginnings I’m

addiction ministry and that’s under

construction miracles are happening

there and all of these things are

dependent upon the generosity of viewers

who watch this telecast many of you have

been watching us for many years how long

has it been since you sent a gift and

said I’m going to stand with you we need

your support we depend on your support

maybe you can do something unusually

generous to get us through this summer I

know God will bless you and this is good

ground I know what we do and I see it

every day you can be a part of that

miracle pray about that thank you for

watching this program thank you for

supporting it and thank you for praying

for us we’ll see you next time on

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we hope you’ve enjoyed this teaching by

Jensen Franklin and thank you for your

continued support of this ministry your

prayers and financial support make these

programs possible for more information

about this message and other ministry

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or visit us online at Jentezen Franklin
