Kingdom Connection Hosted by Jentezen Franklin – Watch : “The Spirit of Python: Prayer and Praise” What is the Spirit of Python? In Acts chapter 16, Paul is confronted by a woman possessed with a “spirit of divination.” The Greek word for divination is “python.” The spirit world is very real; there are angels; there are demons, and these spirits never die. The Spirit of Python grabs hold and attempts to squeeze the breath out of you spiritually. The only way to break the grip is with a sacrifice of praise and the blood of Jesus Christ.

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do you ever feel like you’re fighting a

spiritual battle on the

and sometimes it’s getting the best of

you many times we get to a point where

we feel limited or unproductive not only

in our prayers are in our phrase but in

our walk with Christ it may not be a

coincidence it could be a sure sign that

you’re engaged in spiritual warfare this

week pastor Franklin exposes the simple

steps you can take to recognize and

defeat the plans at the enemy it’s all

from his new book the spirit of Python

you can pre-order yours right now by

calling the number on the screen or

going online and visiting our special

spirit of Python website complete with

special offers videos and a 30 day

devotional right now let’s join my dad

pastor Franklin as he continues his

teaching on the spirit of Python

tonight I thought I would just kind of

share from my heart what the theme and

the message of the spirit of Python is

about what in the world are you talking

about when you say the spirit of Python

first of all I want to say that the

spirit world is very real that there are

angels there is the kingdom of heaven in

the unseen world and there is the

demonic world and demons and devils and

fallen angels are very real in Acts

chapter 16 I won’t take time to just

read all the scriptures I’m just going

to sum some things up and go where I

want to go tonight

but in Acts chapter 16 Paul is

confronted with a woman who is possessed

the scripture said with a spirit of

divination or the Greek word is Python

it’s the only time in the book of Acts

that the name of an evil spirit is given

the other times there were other

instances of demon possession but we’re

not given the name of the evil spirit

but in this one instance were given the

name of the evil spirit because it had

certain characteristics I believe that

God wanted to warn us about because

spirits never die spirits never die

angels never die

the same angel that comforted Jesus in

the Garden of Gethsemane is still alive

and he can stand by you the same angel

that stood by Paul in the middle of his

storm and Paul said this night an angel

from the Lord has stood by me there’s a

standby angel that can stand the same

one can stand by you and in the same way

demons never die they reinvent

themselves they get extreme makeovers

they show up in new generations in new

sounds and new music and new methods but

they’re the same evil spirits that have

been around because they were the Fallen


Lucifer means Lucifer means shining one

in Isaiah 14

he was he was there the Sun of the

morning and he was leading in the

worship of heaven he was the he was the

worship angel he was chief and mighty

and beautiful and striking and the

Scriptures said that he was he had five

evil thoughts that came in his heart he

said I will ascend above the throne of


I’ll exalt myself I will be like the

Most High God I will set up my own

congregation in the sides of the north

and there was a rebellion a revolution

and one-third of the angels in heaven

followed Lucifer The Shining one he was

cast out of heaven and since that day

there has been a battle going on on

planet Earth

the spirit of Python is an interesting

spirit because a Python does not kill

its victims by its bite with its venom

what it does is it wraps itself around

its victim and it begins to squeeze the

breath breath in the Bible represents

the Holy Spirit and this is the message

that God has given me for this season to

the body of Christ I know it I sense it

just like a sense many years ago fasting

and and different things but this one

particularly that the enemy of our soul

is trying to squeeze the power of the

Holy Spirit out of the church he wants

us to become a bunch of professionals he

wants us to lose the anointing of God he

wants us to rely on might and power and

intellect and not believe in the

supernatural power of God anymore he

wants to squeeze the anointing out of

our worship squeeze the anointing out of

our preaching until we’re just

performers and we’re just entertainers

Paul said I did not come with enticing

words of man’s wisdom I came in a

demonstration of the power of the Holy

Spirit I’m going to tell you something

I’m going to tell you something we’re

we’re in days when you cannot reason a

devil out of people

you cannot counsel a demon out of a

marriage at some point I’m not a demon

chaser I don’t go around seeing demons I

bump into more accidentally than most

people I think sometimes but I don’t see

demons I don’t go around looking for

demons but we better get back to the

scriptures we wrestle not Ephesians 6 we

wrestle not against flesh and blood some

of you are in a spiritual battle like

you’ve never been in before because you

want to quit and give up and you’re

fighting and you’re tired and you’re


and you need to hear what the Spirit is

saying that snake called python is one

that goes after the breath you remember

in John 20 Jesus breathed on them and

said receive the Holy Spirit

the mighty rushing wind filled the upper

room so Python wants to choke the wind

out of the believer he wants to choke

the anointing he wants to choke the

breath the Spirit of God and have big

churches that have no presence of the

Holy Spirit he wants to wrap himself

around us until we become so formal and

so and so ritualistic and so religious

that we can’t even get our arms up and

praise God and freedom and in where the

Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty

where the Spirit of the Lord is there is

life where the Spirit of the Lord is

there is a freedom he wants to choke the

gifts of the Spirit out of the church

the gift of prophecy the gift of tongues

and interpretation the gift of healing

the working of miracles he wants us to

become so intellectual are smart in our

own eyes that we reason all of the stuff

away and he’s quite happy to do it under


radar Jesus walked into the synagogue

one day and he opened up the book and he

began to preach the Spirit of the Lord

notice his first sermon the Spirit of

the Lord is upon me for he has anointed

me to preach the gospel to set captives

free to set at liberty them that are

bound and in the middle of his sermon

the Bible said there was a man with an

unclean spirit who began to cry out

listen to these words leave us alone

leave us alone

do you understand the Pharisees teaching

never disturbed those that those devils

inside of that man he had set there on

the Sabbath day after day after day

after day and they never had been

disturbed all of the singing or all the

worship or whatever it was they were

doing it never disturbed that evil

spirit but when Jesus walked in under

the anointing of the Holy Spirit the

Bible said that those evil spirits begin

to cry out leave us alone

and the Bible said in mark 6 that Jesus

cast out many devils why did he cast

them out because they were there he cast

them out because they were there and

there there is an avoider saying just

leave us alone

even pastors and leaders are guilty I’m

afraid of we want to just preach a

gospel that has nothing to do with the

power of the Spirit it’s it’s all about

feel good and lift us up and all of that

we all need that I’m not against that

but hear me the devil is very happy if

we’ll just leave him alone and don’t

teach people how to put on the whole

armor of God use the name of Jesus and

pray in the Holy Ghost and lift up their

hands and praise in a battle and drive

the enemy back he’s very content to just

have us go to churches where we just

leave him alone we

become a bunch of people who are trying

to fight a spiritual battle with the

carnal mind and carnal ideas and no

anointing or breath on it and we’re

guilty you know because we don’t want to

be seen I just don’t want to talk about

the devil I don’t even want to mention

any of that because you know I don’t

want to be a demon chaser I don’t want

to be fanatic on well I’m going to tell

you something

the enemy is tearing families and homes

and lives to pieces whether you mention

him or not he’s not going to leave you

alone just because you leave him alone

call it whatever you want to call it but

addictions and okay this is the power of

Satan coming to kill steal and destroy

but God is raising up ministries in

these last days that will not leave him

alone we’re going to charge the gates of

hell and this hittin some hyped up

preaching I believe there’s power in the

name of Jesus I believe there is power

in the precious blood of Jesus I believe

every devil can be broken off of your

mind off of your heart off of your body

and off of your family and you can see

the goodness of the Lord the freedom of

the Lord

you can breathe again the Bible said in

acts 16 as they went to prayer a woman

possessed with the spirit of Python came

against them as they went to prayer

Python is a spirit that hates prayer the

greatest tragedy of prayerlessness is

the unemployment of angels when you

don’t pray your angel stands in the

unemployment line in heaven because you

have not because you ask not and if

there’s one area the enemy wants to


to death it’s your prayer life I’ve

taught this for many years

and I want you to listen to me very

carefully when you read the Bible you

breathe in this is your spiritual breath

you breathe in spiritually when you pray

you exhale you bring breathe out father

I and your breathing out I ask you in

the name of Jesus but when you read the

Bible so imagine what condition many

believers are in who do not read the

Bible and who do not consistently pray

they have spiritual asthma python has

himself wrapped off and they come to

church on Sundays life like that just

keep me alive keep me alive in there

barely existing spiritually because he’s

after your breath he wants to choke this

book out of your agenda he wants to

choke prayer out of your life because if

he can choke the word and prayer out of

your life you’re not breathing in

spiritual life and you’re not breathing

out and you can breathe in but you can’t

hold it but so long and you need to

breathe out and prayer is the breathing

out reading the word is the breathing in

as they went to prayer it’s not just

natural things that keep you from prayer

sometimes the enemy himself will do

everything he can to choke prayer out of

your agenda as we went to prayer that’s

when python showed up we need to

remember that as a church that the enemy

wants us doing a lot of things but he

doesn’t want us to pray because when we

pray whatever we bind on earth is bound

in heaven I feel that old-fashioned

stuff stirring up in this play whatever

we loose on earth is loosed in heaven if

any two of you shall agree and touch in

my name it shall be done

as they went to prayer secondly I want

you to notice that Python not only

resists prayer and tries to choke it out

of your life and out of your agenda but

they were going on their first

missionary journey this was his first

time being in Asia and that’s when the

enemy showed up so the spirit of Python

wants to stop you from expanding he

wants to stop you from moving into new


he wants to he’ll show up on a ministry

and call himself around a dream or a

vision just when it’s about to break

loose just when it’s about to step out

in birth just when it seems like it’s

about to go into some area you’ve never

it’s Python that shows up and says I’m

gonna hold you you’ve gone as far as

you’re gonna go you’re not expanding

you’re not growing you’re not enlarging

you’re not going any further he wants to

hold you back like you’re on a chain

keep you confined keep you limited keep

you where you are even in your walk with

God just keep you where you are and bind

you up so that you don’t just get saved

but God wants to baptize you in the Holy

Spirit and give you a prayer language

lets you pray everyday in an unknown

tongue but python wants you to stay

where you are

and not hunger for more not desire more

not believe for more and please don’t

seek for more because if you seek you’re

fine if you’re not it’ll be open if you

ask you will receive but python wants to

hold you but here’s the key to the story

the Bible said that they arrested Paul

and Silas they beat them severely they

threw them in prison and every once in a

while Satan makes a mistake you know

where he made his mistake he put them

both in the same cell

and at midnight midnight is prophetic

midnight is the end time midnight speaks

of the coming of the Lord the bridegroom

sins and for the bride at midnight maybe

the Lord is saying that one of the

predominant spirits that will try to

wrap itself around the church before the

trumpet sounds and Jesus comes again is

a spirit that tries to choke the

anointing of the Holy Spirit out to

where the church loses the spirit of

revival and it’s passion and it’s fire

and the young people grow up not knowing

what the power of God is but I want to

say that’s not going to happen here

we’re believing that in the last days

God will pour out his spirit on all

flesh our sons and our daughters will

prophesy they’ll have the breath of God

hallelujah and at midnight Paul and

Silas begin to sing praises unto God

there’s one thing that will break the

spirit of religion and break the spirit

of Python break what Evers choking the

life out of you and squeezing the life

out of you

what Evers wrapped itself around you and

said you’ll never be free and full of

life again Satan is a liar and in your

midnight you’ve got a you got to learn

how to praise God at midnight when it’s

darker than it’s ever been

how’d it Lou you when it’s darker than

it’s ever been you don’t quit when it’s

darker than it’s ever been you don’t

give up when it’s darker than it’s ever

been you don’t throw in the towel you

get your hands up and you say I’m

hurting but I praise you I don’t

understand this but I praise you I don’t

know why I’m going through this trial

but God I praise you come on let’s just

take a praise break those of you

watching right there in that room just

begin to praise Him

come on praise Him all over this room

Python is breaking at the praise of

God’s people Alleluia and when the

Saints get loose the prisoners start

getting loose when Paul and Silas got

loose all the jail cells got loose and

when the church takes back its Liberty

and when the church starts getting

filled with the life of God in the

praise of God and the anointing of God

that’s when the prisoners will get set

free those that are prisoners to

pornography prisoners to perversion

prisoners to addiction prisoners to

alcoholism prisoners to to drug

addiction prisoners to immorality and

and the lifestyle that Satan has sucked

you into you don’t have to be a prisoner

anymore you don’t have to be feel the

squeeze choking the life out of you you

see the way you break pythons hope is

there a few things that drives demons

crazy one is praise we must never allow

that word to get routine and mundane in

our ears when saul was was deeply buried

in depression and heavily oppressed by

controlling spirits he was possessed

with an evil spirit

he called for David and David began to

play his harp and the Bible said as

David would play his heart the

atmosphere of the very room would change

from oppression vexation possession

torment suicide because Saul wanted to

kill herself he was suicidal

time you see demons in the scripture

they’re always wanting to do hurt to

people they’re what one boy was

demon-possessed and he threw himself

into the fire he threw himself into the

water they always want you to

self-destruct they always went when you

read of the man in the end the gadarenes

who had thousands of demons he would cut

himself with sharp stones one of the

signs of demon activity is it’s when

people begin to want to hurt themselves

and kill themselves and drink themselves

to death or dope themselves to death or

cut themselves and harm themselves not

everything not every person who has an

addiction is demon-possessed not F not

everyone not if but certainly there are

demons who are behind it and when they

begin to praise the Lord when you praise

God it changes the atmosphere see Satan

is very much attracted to atmosphere but

so is the Holy Spirit when you praise

God when you fast it drives Devils crazy

when you when you praise especially when

you’re hurting

it drives Devils crazy when you when you

fast and pray this kind mark 9 comes out

but by fasting and prayer and I’ll tell

you one more thing and I’m going to

close you know what else drives the

devil crazy the blood of Jesus Christ

now I feel something on me right now

I can’t quite shake it but I feel a

heavy anointing there’s power in the

blood of Jesus Christ and you need to

learn Revelation 12 they overcame him by

the blood of the Lamb

speaking of Satan they overcame him by

the blood of the Lamb and the word of

their testimony and when hell’s breaking

loose and when the enemies fighting you

and your family draw a blood line they

drew a blood line on the day of Passover

on their house and the destroyer came

through and he thought he would get in

and destroy those homes but wherever the

blood line had been drawn on the

doorpost of the house he had to pass

over that house and find another house

that had no blood on it and I tell you

what drives Devils crazy it’s when you

begin to plead the blood of Jesus Christ

you begin to put on the whole armor of

God and you stand not in your

righteousness not in your holiness not

in your worthiness but in the

righteousness of the blood of the Lamb

and you stand and the righteous are as

bold as a lion you say Satan you are a

liar you will not have my children you

will not have my family you will not

have my faith you will not have my hope

for faith is the substance of things

hoped for the evidence of things not


you will not defeat me with this demonic

attack I have power in the blood I have

power in my praise I have power in my

prayer in my fasting and greater is He

that is in me than he that is in the

world I want you to praise God with me

right now I feel like God is speaking to

people in this room

those of you listening by television

let’s just get up on our feet all over

the syringe

everybody say there’s power in the blood

of Jesus the precious blood you draw a

line the hell can’t cross

just reach over right now and put your

hand on somebody’s shoulder yep we’re

going there it’s that kind of church yep

put your hand on somebody’s shoulder say

these words I plead the blood of Jesus

Christ over your mind he will keep you

in perfect peace because your mind has

stayed on him I plead the blood of Jesus

Christ over your body he is the Lord

that heals you and I speak health long

life healing to your body in the name of

Jesus I plead the blood over your future

over your family the blood of Jesus is

over your faith Satan has desired to

sift you with the trials you’ve been

through but I have prayed for you that

your faith would fail not I plead the

blood your faith will not fail it was

staying and you will be blessed and

favored will be yours it will be seen

the goodness of God will be on display

in such a manner that people will see

God has rewarded you because you’re his

child his favor

his will is going to be done in your

life say this I plead the blood of Jesus

now say this no weapon formed against

you is gonna stop you in Jesus name

we hope today’s message has been a

blessing in your life it’s all from

pastor Franklin’s new release the spirit

of Python right now you can call or go

online and pre-order your copy and when

you make a donation to the Ministry of

$35 or more we’ll send you the spirit of

Python gift set including two

inspirational messages from the spirit

of Python as well as a 30 day devotional

that you can use in your small group or

for your own personal devotional time we

also created a special spirit of Python

resource exclusively online so be sure

to visit Jensen Franklin org and

download the very first chapter of this

new book absolutely free you can also

join the conversation online via

Facebook Twitter Instagram and Pinterest

thanks for watching and we’ll see you

next time right here on connection this

program has been brought to you by the

friends and partners of Jensen franklin

ministries for more information on the

ministry and resources visit us online

at Jensen franklin dot o-r-g

