This is “The Spirit of Honor”. Showing honor is a biblical principle. When we fail to give honor where honor is due, we miss out on many great works of God. For the sake of our children and our children’s children, we need to establish a culture of honor in our homes and in society. We don’t have to agree with everyone we honor—when we cannot honor the person, we honor the office. In this message, Pastor Jentezen Franklin teaches us the importance of honor and how to establish this principle in our hearts and in our homes, receiving the full reward of Christ!This is “The Spirit of Honor”. Showing honor is a biblical principle. When we fail to give honor where honor is due, we miss out on many great works of God. For the sake of our children and our children’s children, we need to establish a culture of honor in our homes and in society. We don’t have to agree with everyone we honor—when we cannot honor the person, we honor the office. In this message, Pastor Jentezen Franklin teaches us the importance of honor and how to establish this principle in our hearts and in our homes, receiving the full reward of Christ!

the following program is sponsored by

friends and partners of kingdom


may there be a culture of honor in this

house and on our house

and on our children and our children’s

children we don’t have to agree with


that we honor we honor the office if we

can’t honor the person

all right if you have your bible matthew

matthew chapter 13

verse 57 and so they were offended at

him and jesus said to them a prophet is

not without honor

except in his own country and in his own

house and i want you to notice what

happens next

now he did not do many mighty works


because of their unbelief a prophet is

not without honor

except in his own country and in his own

house and it’s not a coincidence that

the next verse is there

he did not do many mighty works in the

previous chapter he was in capernaum and

he healed them

all but he goes to his hometown

and he performs not many mighty miracles


he was not shown honor i want to talk

for you

talk to you for just a few moments today

on the spirit of honor

and the power of a spirit of honor upon

your life

when you find a bible principle when you

find a bible truth

if you will if you will grab hold of it

and begin to practice it it will

release the mighty works this is one of

those things that i

am convinced can limit your life if you


have it and it’s a spirit of honor

if you don’t have a spirit of honor it

really affects your life

we live in a generation

where it’s popular to disrespect honor

it’s popular to show dishonor

it’s popular for comedians and movies

and tv shows

to show dishonor to people

it’s almost like if you want to be

popular and you want to be known

then show more dishonor and you get a

bigger microphone

many of us i’ll speak for myself grew up

in a time when

you know we were forced to show honor we

were taught to show honor

we were taught to honor people’s

property and honor people people’s

places and things and

honor our school teachers and honor

people in authority and honor

people like our mother our father our

grandparents we were taught

that we had to honor people because of

the position

that they were in in our life

but now you know so many people have a


of dishonor and it’s not just

dishonor is manifest by

not doing what you’re asked to do but

it’s possible to dishonor people while

doing what you were told to do you can


people with what you say you can

dishonor people with your attitude

if if someone in authority tells you to

do something

and you do it sucking your teeth and

rolling your eyes

and spilling something all over them

cause you’re mad you had to

do it then that is a spirit of dishonor

give me a big amen right there

of course you know i’m not promoting

abuse in any way but if we sucked our

teeth when i was a little kid we would

be missing one of them for

for too long i’m just going to tell you

like it was we were

it was not tolerated

in in our family and in our house a

spirit of dishonor

is not something that you want to get a

hold of your

life because the if you allow your

children to dishonor

you then it’s a matter of time before

they get a job and they think that they

can treat their boss like they treated


and so when they lose their job later in

life because

they gave them a piece of their mind and

the boss decided to give them a piece of

a pink slip

don’t be surprised if they fell at life

we get caught up well i did it i did

what they asked me to do but did you do

it with the right attitude

you can be doing all the right things

and still have a spirit of dishonor

jesus said in my own hometown this is

jesus speaking

i’m not honored and read the story

it shut him down this is a big principle

dishonor shuts down what god puts in

people for you

dishonor closes you off to whatever they


the miraculous power of god in jesus


was shut down he didn’t say he didn’t

want to

it said he could do no mighty works

there or many mighty works there

because of their unbelief and because

they had dishonored him in the previous


they were talking and saying is he not

joseph’s son

they were dishonoring him as

god in the flesh standing there ready to

perform miracles for them

but they did not show him the honor and

as a result

it cut off his power in their life

you can be under the most anointed


and not get your breakthrough and not


nothing and people all around you be

getting breakthroughs

and getting blessings because they have

a spirit of honor

your reception is not the thermostat for

the body of christ

just because you don’t like a singer or

you don’t like a preacher or you don’t

like the way

the the woman looks or the person who’s

speaking looks or you’ve got a problem

with this

you are not the temperature or


for the body of christ you have to


that if whoever you honor you get opened


and they can release whoever you

dishonor is shut off to you

and other people around you may benefit

greatly but if you’re shut off to it

you’ll never get it

your reception matters in other words

if we develop a spirit of honor

in the culture of our house when people

come in the bible said

if you receive a prophet in the name of

a prophet

you receive or get their reward

you receive them in the office you honor

the office you honor the authority

you honor the place that god has raised

them up to

there’s something about showing honor to


that can release mighty works in your


the next generation desperately needs to


a spirit of honor a culture of honor

in their lives when people come in we

want to have an

honor culture in this house that even if

we don’t agree with everything

even if we don’t agree with everything

about them

can you eat the fish and spit out the


if somebody says the name of jesus can

you get something good

out of it and you know what the rest of

that stuff is up to god to deal with

but if i show honor i can get the reward

romans 13 put it like this it said give

tribute give honor

where honor is due for there is

no power except for god

people in position over you on the job


in life may not be qualified to be over


but that doesn’t give you the right to

dishonor them

because honor has to do with your own


no matter how someone acts i’m not going

to get over into a spirit of dishonor

because honor has to do with me

and if and and if they’re acting


you know what i’m gonna pray for them

but i’m not gonna get into that same


no matter how someone acts i’m not going

to get over into their spirit of

dishonor i’m going to keep a spirit of


it affects your life it affects your


the bible talks about in the book of

numbers i think it’s the 13th chapter

it talks about miriam it talks about


and it talks about moses now

they were siblings miriam this is really

amazing jochebed their mother was a

phenomenal mother apparently because she

raised the first prophet who was moses

she raised the first worship leader who

was miriam

and she raised the first high priest she

must have had some kind of culture going

on in her house

and the bible said that moses was


above his siblings and moses decided to

marry an ethiopian girl

so she was of a different nationality

and she was of a different skin

color and the siblings didn’t like it

and they had a falling out aaron and

miriam the bible said did not agree and

they started

murmuring and talking about their

brother moses

and his fiancee are now his new wife

and the bible said the lord heard it

that that blows my mind and the


said god heard them running down

his friend moses

um i just want to warn you that god

hears a spirit of dishonor in our life

people you know they begin to lose their

passion for god when they take on a

spirit of dishonor

when you quit honoring people and

honoring god and

you get an ugly spirit and you you you


you cut them off because you don’t like

this about them or you don’t like that

and you can no longer receive from what


have and what god has gifted them with

that’s that’s not their loss it’s your


and it’s like a car that runs out of gas

i’ve seen it i’ve seen people

who get in church and they get offended

at somebody

and they lose the honor in it and

because they don’t like

something that was said or done and the

next thing you know

they can’t receive and they’re like a

they’re like a car out of gas sitting

out there

and nobody can preach you into happy and

nobody can sing you into happy

and people can be rejoicing all around

you but you’re empty

and it has to do with your own spirit of


i’m preaching good today the lord heard

it somebody shout the lord heard it

and this is the part of the story it got

me and god said

tell them moses tell those though your

your sister

and your brother that are talking about


tell them to meet me at the door of the


this is the only time when god in the

old testament

was not behind the veil once once a year

the only way you could get back there

was for the high priest to go through he

was the only one god stayed behind the


but on this day he he got so upset

with them dishonoring the one that he

had raised

that the scripture said that god said

tell them to meet me at the door i’m not

waiting on them to come back into the

third level back here i want to meet

them i’ll be waiting

at the door wow

god said i’m breaking the rules i’m not

going to let them dishonor

moses in the tabernacle that’s my first

earthly church

in other words listen i believe god was

thinking like this i believe it’s so

disturbing because he said i’m not about

to let the same spirit that got in


that dishonored me in heaven now get in

my first

church down there on earth i am a god

who believes in honor and authority

and god met them at the door

and he said who do you think you are you

ought to re you ought to read it he said

who do you think you are

he starts saying things like this i talk

to everybody else in dreams and visions

and prophecies

but i talk to moses

face to face and you got the nerve to

come up in here

you you you you’re eating the food he

prayed in

you you’re drinking the water that he

struck with a stick

and and turned into a water fountain and

you drinking it and complaining about it

and you

wearing those clothes for 40 years and

as your feet grew they grew and as your

belly got bigger your shirt went out


and you and you every all this stuff and

all you can do is murmur and complain

and the bible said

that they had a problem with his wife

because of her color

and the scripture said that leprosy came

on miriam and she turned white

it’s kind of funny and moses being the

meekest runs the god i i actually

i almost want to turn there because it’s

it’s really remarkable

in in numbers chapter 12 he turns to

he moses being the mecus you know he

turns and says god please this is my

sister she can’t die of leprosy

please lord most of us most of you mean

people out there you’d say get

good good get her killer but not moses

moses had the right


and listen to what god said listen to

what god said in verse 14.

and the lord said to moses well if her


if she had disrespected her father he’d

a spit in her face

god said that this is how serious

honor is to god god said that he’d spit

in her face and he would ashamed or

uh shamed her seven days she’d at least

had to sit outside the camp for seven


for just showing dishonor to her father

it spit on her

and put her and put her outside the camp

for seven days now watch this

so god said i just decided to give her


and moses said please lord please

but listen to this leprosy carries with


isolation and god said let her have

leprosy for seven days

and when you’ve got leprosy you haven’t

got to tell people to not get around you

the principle is this if a person has a

spirit of dishonor

you’re supposed to treat them like a


you’re supposed to treat them like they

have leprosy until they get

over their little negativism

because leprosy is contagious

dishonor is contagious

leprosy is a disease that affects your

nerve ending

and it causes you to lose feeling and

when a person has a spirit of dishonor

they lose the ability to feel god

anymore they’re singing but you can’t

feel it

they’re preaching but you can’t feel it

the anointing is flowing but you can’t

feel it

you’ve lost the ability to feel when you

allow dishonor to come into your life

in genesis chapter 9 noah spent

40 days and nights locked up

on a boat with a bunch of animals and

his family

and he got off instantly and got drunk

and you would have too

he was drunk and he was uncovered in his


and ham one of his boys came into the


and saw his father’s nakedness

he saw some uncovered flesh

this is very important i

i don’t care how spiritual people act

around you

i don’t care how holy and anointed they

are when they’re behind the pulpit

don’t you ever forget

that somewhere there is some flesh

i don’t understand why god uses who he

uses it blows my mind

why do you think i’m standing here i


i i really do i say god could can’t you


somebody else to do this

i like what paul said he said not many

wives are called

he i don’t know what the corinthians did

to him i don’t know if they gave him a

bad honorarium or what but he just

starts ripping into him

and he he says he says not many why

there’s not many wise among you

and then he really gets insulted he says

and there’s not many good-looking

he does he says that he says really the

he’s he’s hidden it from

the prudent and the wise and giving it

to the simple

i guess i guess god’s trying to say like

this i want to see how you do

with the position of authority even when

even when you’re more qualified to be


than they are but god put them there to

test your spirit

cause sometimes god would rather have

somebody leaning on him that has a

humble spirit

than somebody who’s so qualified that it

they’d be crazy if they ever got there

so hence you have people like me with

the microphone

that’s how it works how many of you glad

he said not many wise

are among you that god uses how many of

you go how many come on the rest of you

uh how many of you glad he he said not

many good looking let me see your hands

some of you ought to raise a foot

and a and two hands i’m getting ugly too

he said listen to this

he saw some flesh and he ran out and

told everybody

and he dishonored his father he ran

out and told his brothers what he saw

noah was in the tent speaks of his

covering and he starts slandering and

spreading it guess what i know and guess

what i saw i’m not talking about

weirdness i’m not talking about

you you just look the other way and

blatant sin and all that i’m not talking

about that i’m just talking about this

this spirit of dishonor do you

understand what i’m saying

the bible deals with problems when

there’s problems you deal with them and

confront them and all of that

but we must have a spirit of honor on

our lives

his brothers watch this his brothers

hear about it and they get a blanket two

of his brothers

and they go into the same tent and they

take the blanket

and they won’t even face him they back


and walk in backwards and cover him

why because they had a spirit of honor

he’s just a man and we’re covering him

noah has the blessing of the entire


in his mouth what he pronounces over

these boys the prophecy that he will


will touch the whole world and he then

prophesized shem you will be the head of


semitic tribes and you’ll do amazing

things and

jay fez you’ll you’ll be over the

european tribes and you will be spread

out and he prophesies

amazing things but then he gets to the

boy ham

and i’ve heard people mispreach this and

they said that ham

was cursed but that’s not what the bible

says read it

the bible said that ham was not cursed

but watch this

he said curse it became your son

ham was the one who dishonored him and

he said curse it became

your son because what you did is going

to the next generation

i submit to you today that the spirit of

honor will either

elevate you and your children and your


or it will absolutely decimate you a

spirit of dishonor will take them down

the wrong path

but if i honor god and honor people

it will be passed down and it will

affect my children and my children’s


i just shared with you in 25 minutes 20

30 years of wisdom

and i’m here today to declare a spirit

of honor over you

to honor god to honor authority

i don’t care what the bob is doing i

don’t care what the press is screaming i

don’t care what others are doing

we are to be people of honor

may there be a culture of honor in this

house and on our house

and on our children and our children’s


we don’t have to agree with everybody

that we honor we honor the office if we

can’t honor the person

may not like it when you know what they

do but

honor the office

and i just don’t like it when people get


show honor let this be a house of honor

honor the lord honor leaders

honor pastors honor

authority honor police honor

all manner of men government leaders

honor the

office even if you can’t honor the

person don’t

be caught up in a spirit it is a spirit

of dishonor

don’t do it don’t do it do you want the

mighty works

when you get a spirit of dishonor he

could do no mighty works do you want

mighty works released in your life

keep a spirit of honor i honor god

therefore i

honor all all people who are in

authority of the bible said god allowed

them to be there whether you agree with

it or not

so be careful check yourself

the bible said husbands honor your wives

as christ love the church love your


honor them do you have a spirit of honor

for your husband

do you have a spirit of honor for your

wife or do you just treat them

like they’re nothing honor

one another the bible said children

honor one of the big ten commandments

thou shalt honor thy

mother and thy father they’re not

perfect people

you’re going to see some flesh but honor


let’s disconnect from this spirit of


and say i’m not going to dishonor people

that god has put in a position of


i’m going to pray for him god heal our



i want to thank you for joining us on

kingdom connection today

our mission always is to lead people to

jesus christ and if you need jesus in

your life today

i want you to pray this prayer with me

just say lord jesus

thank you for your unfailing love thank

you that you never give

up on me thank you lord that

your grace and your mercy is already

cleansing me

when i breathe and call your name

forgiveness comes to my life

i receive you jesus as my lord and


and i give you the praise in jesus name


and in our closing moments i wanted to

take just a moment to talk to you from

my heart

about an amazing door god has opened for

us in the nation of israel

favor has been granted to this ministry

in ways that blows my mind to be honest

we partnered with an incredible


called yale to feed and bring comfort to

the elderly holocaust survivors

we’ve been receiving so many thank you

videos from holocaust survivors and even

government officials

and i wanted to share one with you

listen to this and let it speak to your


jensen franklin thank you very much

for your help beautiful gifts for


i wish you the best healthy

in the life

when you partner with us today we want

to give you some amazing gifts and


including my message grace grace

and i believe this message is one of the

most important messages i’ve ever


my announcer is going to tell you what

you can do to be a part

of the israel miracle right now we have

an amazing

but brief window of opportunity to share

the love of god

with elderly holocaust survivors living

in israel

in recent months the covet 19 virus


has only added to the fear and worry

these amazing holocaust survivors

have had to confront to say thank you

for taking that step

with a gift of 50 or more today we’ll

send you the encouraging series

grace grace on dvd along with the

digital download

plus a travel tumbler and grace grace


your words have power speak grace grace

lay your hands on your business and

grace grace when you pull up in the

parking lot

grace grace do your job when you fill

out an application to go in and get a


grace grace if you’re able to sow a gift

of 300

or more today we’ll respond by sending

the jensen franklin legacy study bible

and an art piece declaring zachariah 4 7

plus a grace grace notepad and journal

finally with your gift of 1 000

or more today you’ll receive this

special edition

jensen franklin legacy study bible we’ll

also plant a tree in israel in your


and send an exclusive comfort my people

certificate your help in this time of

need is critical

and you’ll be living out the prophecy

found in isaiah chapter 40

comfort comfort my people to learn more

visit us at

charisse and i want to invite you to

join us on our holy land tour it’s an

amazing trip

unlike anything you’ve ever experienced

and we’ll be on the trip we get on the

buses our family will be on there and i

promise you

it will change your life you’ve been

thinking about it you’ve been praying


it this is the year to go god’s gonna

open your eyes to things you’ve never

seen and experienced before in the holy

land get

signed up today

now you can grow in your walk with

christ from anywhere with our school of

discipleship online

join people from around the world for an

engaging four-phase online experience

focused on your spiritual development

we’ll ship the course materials to you

and you can follow along at your own

pace while learning biblical truths

taught by leaders from jensen franklin’s

home church

free chapel visit

sod online to get started today

this program has been sponsored by

friends and partners of kingdom


we hope you’ve enjoyed this teaching by

jensen franklin and thank you for your

continued support of this ministry