This is “The Secrets of The Covenant”. Covenant is an interesting word. The Hebrew word for covenant literally means to cut, or to shed blood. A covenant in the biblical sense means blood has been shed by one or both parties in pledge to the other. In our current culture, promises are often taken lightly. But when we fully understand the power of the covenant we have in Christ, it is nothing short of life-changing. It was not a promise made in haste, but a new and final blood covenant that would cover all of humanity. This week, Pastor Jentezen Franklin unlocks the secrets of the covenant for those who are willing to enter in.To hear more inspiring messages from Jentezen Franklin, visit…

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♪ ♪

>> Thank you for joining us

today on Kingdom Connection.

I believe today what God

is going to speak to you can

bring healing to your body,

salvation to your life,

freedom to your soul,

it can heal your mind,

it can cause you to overcome.

The blood of the lamb

and the power

of the Blood Covenant.

Listen to this

and let God speak to you.

♪ ♪

>> Look with me

in 1 Samuel 18:3,

“Then Jonathan and David

made a covenant,

because he loved him

as his own soul.

And Jonathan took off the robe

that was on him,

and gave it to David,

and he gave him his armor,

even to his sword

and his bow and his belt.

And David went out

wherever Saul sent him,

and behaved wisely,

and set him over the men of war,

and he was accepted

in the sight of all the people,

also in the sight

of Saul’s servants.”

There are several covenants,

but perhaps the most

powerful covenant

of all in the Bible is what

is known as the Blood Covenant.

The word covenant in Hebrew

means to cut.

It means to cut, to shed blood.

Isn’t that interesting that

the word covenant means to cut?

The blood is the main

subject of the Bible.

The Old and the New Testament

are really the Old Covenant

and the New Covenant,

and they were provided,

both of them by blood.

The Old Covenant

by the blood of animals.

The New Covenant

or New Testament was provided

by the Blood of Jesus Christ.

The story that E.W. Kenyon

tells is one of David Livingston

who was a missionary,

very famous

in Christian history,

and how that he went to Africa,

and he wanted to reach people

who had never heard the Gospel.

And in order to go into regions

that were dangerous

and have protection,

he had to make an agreement

with the main chief

over those regions.

He was a very powerful man.

He went to him,

and he said through

an interpreter,

“I want to make

an agreement with you,”

and the chief took a knife,

true story, and cut his wrist.

And then, David Livingston,

whose body is buried

in Westminster Chapel

in England,

he, in order to reach souls,

cut himself and blood began

to pour from his vein,

and they mixed the two together,

and the people started rejoicing

and screaming, the natives,

and a celebration broke out,

and then before

David Livingston left,

there was the second part

of the blood covenant.

First was the cutting,

the shedding of blood,

the mixing of the blood;

they became blood brothers.

And then, there would

be the exchange of gifts.

And the chief looked down,

and he looked through all

the possessions that

David Livingston had,

and he had one thing that

the chief wanted.

He wanted his goat.

He had a pet goat.

That was all he cared about.

He could care less if he took

his tent or his gun

or something else.

He just wanted that goat.

And the very thing that he loved

the most was the thing,

according to Livingston,

that the chief demanded,

and he handed over that goat.

And then the chief reached

in and took a staff that had

his emblem carved in it

and handed it

to David Livingston,

and he then set out with his

guides into treacherous

jungles of Africa.

And to this day, the miracles.

You know, just a quick thing

it’s interesting that

when David Livingston died,

England sent a whole force

over to retrieve his body

and bring it back to be buried

in West minister

but when they got there,

his heart had been cut out

and the natives said,

“You can have his body, but his

heart belong to Africa.”

And they buried his heart

in the dirt of Africa because

he had such a heart for

the souls of the Nation

of Africa.

And what was amazing

is when this man,

David Livingston,

got out into the deep, thick

of the jungle, and at one place

he tells of being surrounded

by hostile people who were ready

with bows pulled and spears

ready to throw.

And suddenly, he reached in

and he held up that staff that

had the emblem of the king

and when he did,

they saw that wound,

that scar that was forever

there on his wrist where he had

cut a covenant with the king,

and they knew if we harm him,

we’re harming the king.

If we attack him,

we’re attacking the king

and all of his mighty forces.

And so they instantly,

when they saw the mark,

the scar, and they saw

the emblem of the king,

they dropped to their knees,

dropped their weapons

and let him got through,

and he changed the Nation

of Africa with the Gospel

of Jesus Christ.

What a beautiful picture

of a Blood Covenant.

Jesus said when he entered

into the Upper Room with His

disciples for the Last Supper,

he said in Luke 23, He said,

“This cup is the cup

of the new covenant

of my blood which

is shed for you.”

Do you understand what

He was saying?

He was saying we’re entering

into a Blood Covenant,

and the Old Covenant

is the Old Testament,

and it’s been all about

the keeping of the law

and the rituals and legalism,

and you had to earn it,

and you had to work for it,

and you had to deserve it,

and if you messed up,

you could take the blood

of an animal,

and the blood of an animal would

never take away your failure.

It would just roll

it over to a new year.

But Jesus said this time

on this cross, this day,

this is the cup of the new

covenant in my Blood

which is shed for you.

And we just read over that,

and we don’t understand.

He was saying to them.

They fully understood

blood covenants,

and He said, “I’m entering in.

This cup is my Blood,

this bread is my Body,

and I’m entering to this.”

And what I want you to see

is simply this.

In this story there’s something

remarkable that I read.

I chose the fact to tell you

today and start out in 1 Samuel

because we see something

beautiful and powerful

in the covenant that Jonathan,

the king’s son, made with David.

The Bible said that Jonathan

said to David

and David said to Jonathan,

“Let’s make a covenant.”

And they entered into a blood

covenant and when they did,

’cause the word covenant

means cut, watch this,

Jonathan does something strange.

He takes his robe off,

and he hands it to David

and then he takes his garment

off it says in another

place if you keep reading.

It says he took his garment off

and he handed it to David.


And in another place it said

he took his sword, his weapons,

and he gave them to David.

It’s really a powerful thing

when you understand

what that really is about

because the robe spoke.

It was not just a garment,

regular clothing.

It identified Jonathan

as the king’s son.

It was one that wherever he went

people would look and see that

particular robe

and it meant royalty

and it spoke of his position.

It spoke of who he was.

It spoke of the power

and authority that he had,

and really, what Jonathan

was saying is,

“I am the rightful heir.

My father soul is king

of Israel, but I want you

to take my position.

I want you to take the authority

and the position that I have.

I’m giving you my robe.”

And that came through

a blood covenant.

That’s what Jesus Christ

has done for you and me.

He says when the King’s Son,

the King of King’s Son,

Jesus Christ, went to the cross

the first thing He did

is He traded positions

and he said,

“I’m giving you this place

of position so that you

don’t come before the throne

as a beggar,

but you come as a child

of the King.

You come as a daughter

of the King,

a son of the King.

You come clothed

in my righteousness.

You come with boldness

and authority because

of what the Blood has done.

Not only that, but he said

I’m giving you my garment,

and that speaks of possessions.

That speaks of meeting

the needs.

The Blood Covenant not

only changes your position,

the Blood Covenant

not only gives you authority

to walk boldly into the throne

of grace because

of the shed Blood,

but it also says that

He will supply your needs,

that the possessions that

I have through the cross —

what are those possessions?

Through the cross,

through the Blood Covenant

there is healing.

Through the Blood Covenant there

is deliverance for the mind.

There is peace.

There is joy.

There is healing for broken

places in our life.

All of these possessions,

they come through

the riches of the cross.

They come because Jesus gives

us His righteousness

and gives us a position that

we can receive freely,

the grace and the forgiveness

and the healing

and the miracle of God.

He gives us all

of His possessions.

“In my name you

can heal the sick.

In my name you can recover.

In my name you can

see miracles.”

And then, as if that

wasn’t enough,

He takes his sword,

Jonathan did,

and he gave it to David

making the Blood Covenant.

What a picture.

What a picture.

What he was really saying was,

“From this day forward,

since we’ve entered into

this sacred Blood Covenant,

I give you my sword.”

It means this:

that whoever fights you,

fights me.

Whoever comes against you

and tries to destroy you,

they’re trying to destroy me.

And just like they attack you,

I will come,

and I will fight with you,

and I will fight for you because

the battle is not yours alone,

but I’m gonna fight it with you.

And the Blood Covenant says

I not only give you position,

I not only give you royal

position and possessions.

I supply all of your needs:

healing, health, blessings,

success, goodness, joy,

all that you need,

but the Blood Covenant says

through the giving of the sword,

it simply says I give

you my power.

I give you my name.

I give you the Holy Spirit.

I give you the Blood,

and I give you my sword.

I give you my word.

And when you speak it

and when you enforce it,

the Blood Covenant

stands behind it.

And if that’s not enough,

there’s the personhood

that the Blood Covenant

not only says, see,

the devil want you to fight

in your own position,

in your own righteousness,

in your own possessions

and what you have.

He wants you to fight

and use that,

that if you get in a battle

you have to fight with

your possessions and your sword

and all of your positioning

that you can earn,

but that’s not want

a blood covenant is.

The Blood Covenant says

you don’t earn any of this;

I freely give it to you.

I freely give it to you.

So, David,

David becomes king.

Saul dies.

Jonathan tragically dies,

but he made a covenant.

He made a Blood Covenant

with David.

And now David is sitting

on the throne,

and as David is sitting

on the throne,

he asks a question.

I don’t what made him

think about it,

but he was just sitting

there probably in the palace

thinking of the faithfulness

and goodness of God,

and one day,

he reaches to grab his cup

and when he does,

he sees that scar.

He remembers that he made

a blood covenant with

the king’s son,

and he asks a powerful,

powerful question.

2 Samuel 9, “Is there anyone

in the house of Saul that

I might show kindness to Him,”

listen to these words,

“for Jonathan’s sake?”

He said is there any family

left of King Saul that

I can show kindness.


That’s a covenant word,

show kindness to for

Jonathan’s sake.

Who is Jonathan?

The one he made

a blood covenant with.

Really, what all the people

in the palace thought

is this is revenge time

because in Bible days,

the first thing a king would do

if he had an overthrow

and took over a kingdom,

is he would hunt out anyone

who would be the rightful heir,

and he would kill all the seed,


He would kill all the children.

He would kill all the sons

who could potentially down

the road cause him a problem.

He’d just go kill them all.

And so, when he asked this

question is there anyone

in the house of Saul that

I might show kindness

to for Jonathan’s sake,

they’re all like, yeah, right.

Here comes the purge.

This is gonna be like those

shows on National Geographic

when the new lion comes in

and kills the old lion.

Y’all know what

I’m talking about,

and y’all know what he does?

He then goes and kills all

the little cubs because

he didn’t want any problems.

That’s what they think

is about to happen.

Listen now, and somebody

spoke up and said there’s only

one left of Jonathan’s house,

and his name is Mephibosheth.

It’s a tragic story.

When Saul was killed

and you were crowned

and the people were bringing

you back to the throne,

the nurse picked Mephibosheth,

the baby up,

and was running out

of the nursery for her life

knowing the child was in danger,

and she tripped and fell

on the baby and crushed it,

and the child is crippled.

And now, he lives in a place

called Lo Debar which means

barren, dry pastures.

He’s out in the middle

of the nowhere,

and it’s fruitless.

It’s a barren place.

It’s dark and gray,

and he lives in a shack,

and he eats out of a tin can,

and it’s pitiful.

He crawls around all day

in the dirt hut

that he lives in.

And David says to his mighty men

take chariots and horses

and go and fetch him out.

I like that word, fetch him out.

And here comes, here comes

the mighty men rolling up

in chariots and horses

and power and strength,

and I could see.

I could see Mephibosheth,

poor thing,

crawling on that dirt floor,

that old hut,

and pulls himself up

to the windowpane and looks out,

and he sees these

mighty soldiers,

and he thinks to himself because

all he had ever been told

was be afraid of David.

Hate David.

He’s your enemy.

He’s gonna hurt you.

He’s gonna get you.

One of these days,

He’s gonna try to wipe you out

and give you what you deserve.

So he was trembling

and he thought, this is it.

They take him and put him

in the chariot and bring

him back, but when he gets

there they don’t take him

to a prison;

they take him to a palace.

He walks in, and they say,

“Your highness, would you like

your bath hot or lukewarm?

We have all of your

new clothes laid out:

Versace, Gucci,

whatever you want.

We have it all here.

And by the way,

dinner will be served

in the main dining room

of the presidential palace,

and you are the honored guest

at the king’s table.

And they bathe him

and they clothe him

and they help him

and carry him down

and they sit him

at the table right

beside the king.

And he’s sitting there

wondering why, “Why am I here?

Look at this food.

I’ve never seen such food.

Oh, my God, look at this place.”

And the king says,

“Do you like your new home,


“I love it.

I love it,” he says.

“You know, you’re never

gonna leave here.

You’ll eat here continually

at my table.

You know you belong here.”

And he’s thinking,

“Why, why, why?”

And all of a sudden,

Mephibosheth sees it.

He sees the scar,

and he realizes,

“The only reason I’m here

is because dad,

my father Jonathan,

made a blood covenant,

and that’s why I’m here.

And Jesus says

to every person here,

“I know you.

I know your name,

and I give you a new position.

I give you

the possessions you need.

I give you the power

and the weapons that you need,

and I give you my personhood

through the power

of the Holy Spirit,

and I make a covenant with you:

the Blood Covenant.

And the secret of the Lord

is with them that fear the Lord,

and He will show

them His covenant.”

♪ ♪

>> ♪ It reaches ♪

♪ To the highest mountain ♪

♪ Oh, and it flows ♪

♪ To the lowest valley ♪

♪ The blood ♪

♪ That gives me strength ♪

♪ From day to day ♪

♪ It will never lose its power ♪

♪ ♪

>> Sing it just one more time.

♪ It reaches ♪

♪ To the highest mountain ♪

>> Lord, we thank you

for the Blood Covenant today.

♪ It flows ♪

♪ To the lowest valley ♪

♪ The blood ♪

♪ That gives me strength ♪

♪ From day to day ♪

♪ It will never lose its power ♪

♪ It will never lose its power ♪

♪ It will never lose its power ♪

♪ ♪

>> I believe today is one

of the most important messages

that you’ll ever hear

and I know it’s speaking to you.

I know that what you’re hearing

is having an impact

on your life.

God is not angry with you,

He’s waiting on you, today,

to turn to Him with

all of your heart.

He’s a loving God.

And He’s calling you

closer to Him today.

And just like I preached,

you can be adopted into

the royal family

and you can enjoy the blessings

of the Blood Covenant

that Jesus made with His own

blood and His own body

when He hung on the cross

for you and me.

If you want to make Jesus

Lord of your life,

I would love

and I would be honored to lead

you in this prayer today.

It’s time for change

in your life.

Pray this prayer with

me right where you are.

Say, “Lord, Jesus,

today I give you my life,

I need you.

I need your peace.

I need your help.

I need you to come into my life,

show me who I am.

Let the power

of the Blood Covenant

cover me and my family.

I receive this gift

in Jesus’ name

and through His blood,

I am free,

I am forgiven,

and I am blessed.

In Jesus’ name, amen and amen.”

Praise the Lord.

You’re now,

according to God’s word,

if you prayed that

prayer in faith,

you’re now a part

of the family of God.

You know, Jesus left us

with a calling to go into

all the world

and preach the gospel.

And we take that calling

very, very seriously.

And you can help us.

You empower us to do that

through your generous gifts

to Kingdom Connection.

We’re able to preach

to over 200 nations through

this broadcast and to anyone

with internet access,

they can watch us

on social media channels.

That’s because of your help.

We also produce

inspirational resources,

and then we go above and beyond

to support life-giving projects,

mission works, around the world.

Well, in our closing moments

together, I want to thank you

so much for helping us

be a blessing to the nation

of Israel.

We’re building critical

bomb shelters in one

of the most dangerous,

war-torn areas of the world,

the Eshkol region of Israel.

These are precious people

and they need your help.

They need to know that

there’s Christians in America

and all over the world

who care, who love them,

and who stand with them.

Standing with Israel,

standing with the Jewish people

is a biblical mandate

and God said “I will bless those

that bless Israel,

I will curse those

that curse Israel.”

And I thank you for

praying about that,

be generous and help us do that.

This is a great, large project,

and I believe God will bless

people who get involved in it.

It will be a blessing and save

families and save lives.

God bless you.

Thank you so much.

We’ll see you next time

on Kingdom Connection.

♪ ♪

>> God’s promise to Abraham,

Isaac, and Jacob has always been

a promised land.

Today, the Jewish people living

in Israel are now standing

on that same promise.

But many of the Jewish families

living along the Gaza Strip

in Israel face ceaseless,

militant attacks.

These families stand firm

and defend their land because

they know it’s God’s

promise to them.

God also promised a special

blessing for those who

blessed Israel in Genesis 12.

You can experience that blessing

and help fulfill Biblical

prophecy in the Holy Land

when you partner with Jentezen

Franklin Media Ministries.

In our newest effort

to construct fortified bomb

shelters for this

region in Israel,

each one of the fortified

shelters are strategically

located to provide maximum

safety during these

senseless attacks.

As our thank you for

your gift of $50 or more,

we want to bless you with

the Healing Tree bundle.

Through this uplifting

resource bundle,

you’re going to discover

the wonderful blessings God

has for you.

Our thank you for

your gift of $500 or more,

we want to bless you

with the Healing Tree gift set,

featuring Jentezen’s uplifting

book, “Acres of Diamonds.”

Our thank you for

your gift of $1,000 or more,

we want to bless you

with the Healing Tree collection

to thank you for your generosity

towards this ministry

and your heart

for the Jewish people.

We want to plan a tree

in your honor in Israel

and send you a beautiful

“Comfort My People” coin

made with soil from Jerusalem,

as well as the many other

resources in this power

pack collection.

Your gift will save lives

and help fulfill

Biblical prophecy today.

Call now, or visit us online.

>> Cherise and I want

to invite you to join us

on the Holy Land tour in 2021.

December 1-10.

I’ll be teaching from the sites

and be filming some special

programs that you’ll get

to be a part of.

You’ll get amazing tour that

will change your perspective

and show you the Bible

like you’ve never seen before.

I’m excited about Israel,

the Holy Land.

Pray about if you should go.

It’s gonna be an amazing trip.

♪ ♪

>> We hope you’ve enjoyed

this teaching

by Jentezen Franklin,

and thank you

for your continued support

of this ministry.

Your prayers

and financial support

make these programs possible.

For more information

about this message,

and other ministry resources,

visit us online


♪ ♪