This is “The Power of Expectation.” When people are in expectation, the Lord pours out His spirit. In this message, learn what happens when we approach God in expectation. There is nothing between you and your miracle! He has been faithful in the past; He will be faithful in the future. He is trustworthy.

the following program is sponsored by

friends and partners of Kingdom

connection my name is Lydia and when I

graduated I packed all my things in my

little car that I have just got and took


I tried partying you know I tried to be

around the cool people and try to fit in

that way and that just led me to

drinking and doing drugs it went off the

edge from there I started trying

methamphetamines and that’s all it

really took when I first met him you

know he seemed really fun and outgoing

and you know he was all I mean he had

tattoos all over him and but I I looked

past all of that and I got very

manipulated and made me feel that I

couldn’t change the situation I was in I

just had to be what he told me to be in

spare time he just bring and busted into

these houses in housing car and said

let’s go I got charged with two felonies

the burglary so I went to court again

and then they said you have 30 days you

had to find every having children

advisors consequences we said finally

our family beginning out of 100 places

once I got here they were happening all

having an altar call and they were

active in all those days and you know I

didn’t know if I was saved or not but

something just led me to go up there

that day I gave my life to the warden

that day I’ve thought different and

activist ring and just been a different




I want to talk to you about the power of

expectation there had been 400 years of

silence 400 years the Old Testament ends

in the book of Malachi with silence God

refuses to speak no prophets no words

from the Lord and we move 400 years

ahead and we pick the story up in the

Book of Luke where now the Bible gives

us a clue to how the the atmosphere that

the Holy Spirit was looking for to be

poured a lien and it says and the people

were in expectation one translation a

one Bible I think it’s the English Bible

said that the people were on tiptoes in

anticipation and expectation its tiptoe

time again we need to understand that if

God is going to do something he looks

for people who have expectation its

tiptoe time around free chapel its

tiptoe time in the body of Christ we

need to expect God to pour out his

spirit we need to start getting up on

our tiptoes and expect God to do the

impossible again with great anticipation

with great expectation we’re on our

tiptoes saying Lord what’s going to

happen in this service today praise and

expectation so in expectation pray in

expectation expect miracles expect the

outpouring of the Holy Spirit because

the atmosphere that the fire and the

baptism of the Holy Spirit is poured out

in is when people are in

expectation Colossians 2:14 said he

blotted out the ordinance against us he

took it out of the way and nailed it to

the cross

I want to announce to you today that

there is nothing between you and your

miracle he has removed it and nailed it

to the cross

and you need to be on your tiptoes with

expectation believing that God is ready

to do something in this service today

expect God to pour out his spirit today

on your family on you on the people all

around you expect pain to leave your

body expect to be healed expect to

receive a miracle expect to be delivered

from alcoholism drug addiction fear

depression defeat expected Psalms 119

and verse 126 said it is time for you to

work for they have made void your laws

in other words when when you see people

just disregarding God in His Word that’s

not a time to digress that’s not a time

to be depressed that’s a time to get up

on your tiptoes and expectation he said

when you see people making the Word of

God void and and marking it and laughing

it that’s time for God to work this is

the time many of you are facing Giants

in your life and you’ve defeated the

line and you’ve defeated the bear and

he’s going to give you this giant and

you need to get on your tiptoes with

expectation Romans 8:17 said that we are

the children of God and heirs and now

because of Christ were joint heirs which

means we are have a double claim we have

a double claim to everything in heaven

we have a double claim to every promise

in this book not just heirs but joint

heirs it’s mine because Jesus says I can

have it the power of expectation is seen

in Acts chapter 3 when the Bible said

that there was a lame man who

was brought to the temple and he was

laying there daily there’s this

remarkable scripture because I’ve heard

a lot of people preach that the miracle

was dependent upon Peter and James

saying silver and gold have I none but

such as I have give I unto you in the

name of Jesus and I know the powers in

the name of Jesus but notice that didn’t

activate itself

notice that the miracle of the lame man

was dependent upon Acts chapter 3 and

verse 5 when the man looked on them the

Bible said expecting to receive

something from them you’re looking on me

but I wonder if you’re really expecting

this morning to receive anything this

man said I don’t hope I don’t think I

don’t believe I expect to receive

something from that man of God you see

there’s something that the enemy is

tormented by you make Satan take Rolaids

there’s one thing that will upset him

more than anything else first John three

and two said it does not yet appear the

devil is not concerned with what used to

be the devil is not concerned with what

you are he is terrorized by what you can

be it does not yet appear what you can

be I mean this thought really hit me

this week that the devil isn’t afraid of

my past and he’s really not afraid of my

present but apparently by the way he’s

attacked me here lately I just think

there must be something that hasn’t

appeared yet that he’s going to use you

and me to do that’s going to shake the

earth come on

and I’ve on my tiptoes and expectation

something is coming

it does not yet appear what it shall be

your greatest miracles are not behind

you don’t look back look ahead I hear

the Lord saying your Bierut your biggest

miracles are not behind you and that’s

why you need to live with tiptoe time

and understand that something is going

to happen that you’ve not seen yet God’s

done great things for you but that’s not

all that he’s got as I’m happy about I

mean I’ve seen him do great things I

should retire now I should just say I’ve

had a full life I’ve been used of God

but I hear the Lord saying your eyes

have not seen and your ears have not

heard neither has it entered into your


the hidden things that I have prepared

for you you got to keep going you got to

get on your tiptoes with a spirit of

expectation that the best is still yet

to come

everybody take a praise break if you

feel your toes wiggling right now

hallelujah Hey

you serve a god that is greater than

your faith maybe your faith to speak you

serve a God that is greater than your

prayer life for God the Bible said is

not unrighteous to forget your labor of

love for God to forget you he would have

to be unrighteous and that is impossible

it is impossible for God to forget what

he’s promised you and so the only

question is are you expecting it look at

your neighbor and say are you expecting

are you expecting again when they set

that lame man down outside that gate and

he looked on Peter and John he saw them

and he looked on Peter and John

expecting to receive something from them

what he really was expecting was what he

got every time he went to the temple but

God saw that he came expecting to

receive and he thought he was going to

get a get by the lesson for the day just

enough to keep him going and God said

because you’re expecting to receive I’m

going to change your life in one service

I’m saying to somebody who’s addicted

this is the service that is going to

change your life I’m saying to somebody

whose marriage is in serious trouble

this is the service that is going to

change the rest of your life the Bible

said in mark 10 that there was a blind

man named Bartimaeus who had a beggar’s

garment and we read over that we don’t

think anything about it but the

government issued them an official

beggars garment it was a certain color

that anybody any citizen who saw a

beggar on the wayside on the side of the

road begging if they had that government

call are covering over them it said this

is a legitimate beggar and you can give

to him knowing he really is blind or ill

and the Bible said when he heard Jesus

was passing by he did something amazing

he took his garment blind he took his

garment and cast it away the scripture

said what he was saying was I know I

can’t see it I know I’m not healed yet

but if Jesus is anywhere in my vicinity

I’m casting away expecting fully that I

will never go back to that line of

begging again Jesus is going to give me

a miracle today and immediately he

received his healing the people were in

expectation the next verse I indeed

baptize you in water but the one that’s

coming after me see listen to this folks

Jesus is God the father’s gift to you of

eternal life but the Holy Spirit is

Jesus’s gift to you to empower you in

this life

and he speaking of Jesus shall baptize

you John the Baptist said in the Holy

Ghost and fire what does that mean

the Holy Spirit desires you he wants to

do five things number one he wants to

invade you an invasion is a military

term of warfare when one army invades

the territory of another army they

conquer it it’s an invasion they’re all

over the place they’re coming in from

the land to see there when the Holy

Spirit comes into you it’s an invasion

internally he comes in to feel every

inch of you he wants to invade your life

with his presence secondly not only will

he invade you but he wants to envelope

you the word envelop is found in

Ephesians 1:13 when it says the Bible

states we are filled with the Holy

Spirit of promise I have here a letter

and this letter I’m putting in an

envelope and that’s what it means to be

enveloped by the Holy Spirit this is you

this letter is you and I’m putting it in

the envelope I’m sealing the envelope

because the Ephesians one said you’re

sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise

that means dirt can’t get to it

that means uncleanness can’t touch it

because it’s been filled by the power of

the Holy Spirit not only does the Holy

Spirit when he envelops you see he comes

and he invades you internally but he

envelops you externally and he seals you

with the Holy Spirit of promise then he

delivers you because an envelope

delivers the contents wherever it’s

supposed to go so he wants to deliver

you out of one place and take you to

another place or out of defeat and out


addiction in bondage and into victory

and joy so he not only steals you and

not only delivers you but notice that he

protects you all along the journey – you

get to the final destination that is

what the Holy Spirit wants to do to you

the Holy Spirit says I will invade you I

will envelop you

I want thirdly to instruct you jesus

said the Holy Spirit John 14:26 but the

helper which is the Holy Spirit whom the

father will send in my name he will

teach you all things listen to that the

Holy Spirit will teach you all things

and bring all things to your remembrance

that I have said to you that scripture

moves me because when I first started

preaching I said lord I don’t know how

to preach I can’t do that I preached my

first sermon and I preached from

Philippians chapter 3 this one thing I

do forgetting things are behind reach

above and it was pitiful I got up and I

had all kinds of notes and it lasted

maybe seven or eight minutes everything

that I knew it was the most awkward

fearful terrifying moments of my life up

to that point it was unbelievable

somehow God got in it and people were

saved and the Spirit of God moved but it

couldn’t have been my preaching and I

remember thinking I can’t do this but

the Holy Spirit began to instruct me he

began to teach me all things he began to

say say it like this and do it like this

and lift your voice like this and get

out there and obey me I’m feeling when I

was preaching so now say this get off

the notes and say this and what you

don’t understand what a preacher is up

here preaching if he’s a Holy Ghost

preacher you don’t understand the stuff

going through his mind and sometimes I

see some of you and I could tell you

things that you don’t want me to tell

you I’m just telling you he will

instruct you

he will in he’s my schoolmaster when I

went to school I didn’t know anything

about algebra but I got a teacher and

suddenly they opened up a whole new

aspect that I didn’t even know existed

that’s how the Holy Spirit would do with

the Bible he’ll begin if you’ll let him

invade you and let him envelop you he’ll

begin to instruct you and he’ll begin to

talk to you and he’ll bring all things

to your remembrance you get up and I get

the preaching sometimes and I don’t know

where it’s coming from I just put it in

maybe 10 years ago and the Holy Spirit

say you need this right now

number four the Holy Spirit will impress


what do you mean by that one of the

frequent operations of the Holy Spirit

is to bring impressions upon us of what

we are to do

he’ll impress you pray for that person

he’ll impress you witness to that person

he’ll impress you they’ll stand out to

you I’ve had it give to that person

reach in your pocket and give some money

to that person the Holy Spirit knows

house one of his chief functions is to

bring impressions you don’t need to be

there get out of here you don’t belong

here and he’s impressing you or join

yourself to that that’s where you belong

listen to this this is a God moment he’s

giving you impressions and lastly the

Holy Spirit will end well

you he is an indwelling presence John

4:14 whosoever drinks of the water that

I shall give him shall become a fountain

of water springing up into everlasting

life he wants to end well your body as

his temple and so the Holy Spirit says

today I’ll invade you I’ll envelop you

I’ll instruct you I’ll impress you and I

will end well inside of you you’ll never

be alone again and all I need from you

for you to receive this baptism of fire

from heaven the promise of the Father

all I need from you is for you to get on

your tiptoes with expectation that today

God can give me a prayer language today

God can speak through me today I might

have came to get a get through the day

kind of blessings but I’m going to leave

with my whole life changed this is that

kind of service for those who will

expect to receive from him do you

believe that so I close with this

I said now Lord how you going to do this

today and what do you want me to do

today for the people and the Lord said

I’m going to use laying on his hands and

he took me to the story of Ananias and

Paul and how that Paul had an encounter

on the road to Damascus with Jesus he

became blind for three days because

Jesus was shining such a bright light

and after he encountered Jesus and said

Lord what would you have me to do he’s

been saved

he’s been washed Jesus was resurrected

from the dead so the blood covered he

changed his name from Saul the Tormentor

to Paul the Apostle and he’s blind he

has been blind for three days he saved

but he has not been filled with the Holy

Spirit and God spoke to Ananias and said

I have a chosen vessel called Paul and I

want you to go lay your hands on him

that he might receive His sight and be

filled with the Holy Spirit

and Ananias went and said brother Paul

the reason he called him brother is he

was saying I know you’re part of the

family of God you’re saved but something

is missing

you need to be healed and filled with

the Holy Spirit and the Apostle Paul the

Bible said received Ananias and I love

this and when Ananias laid his hands on

Paul listen carefully the scales the

religious scales fell off of his eyes

because Paul had been controlled by

religion he was killing people in the

name of religion

he was tormenting and torturing people

but when Paul when Ananias laid hands on

the Bible said the scales fell off of

his eyes and he was healed and he was

filled with the Holy Spirit and today

what I sense in my heart without a lot

of fanfare but if you want to be filled

with the Holy Spirit if you want the

scales of religion to fall off if you

have come into this house today and you

need a miracle of healing if you need

help if you need deliverance from an

addiction this is your service is it toe

time for you get on your tiptoes with

expectation and say today is as good a

day as any I believe I can be healed

filled blessed anointed and I’m not

leaving here like I James in Jesus name

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