We know He is the God of our blessings and that all good things come from Him. But I want you to understand He is also God of what you’ve lost. And that’s not all. When life, sickness or death takes from you and your family, His purpose for you isn’t over … He’s The God of What’s Left!

the following program is sponsored by

friends and partners of Kingdom


Jennsen Franklin for for 2014 in the

kannada reena june 26 to the 28th

special musical gas

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Daniel chapter 4 is where I want to go

he cried aloud and said this chopped

down the tree cut off its branches strip

off its leaves and scatter its fruits

and let the Beast

get out from under it and the birds from

its branches nevertheless leave the

stump and roots in the earth tie off

that stump he goes on to say bind it

with a band of iron and bronze and I

want to take a few moments this is in

reference to King Nebuchadnezzar and

what happened to him

he went through a time when God gave a

vision to Daniel about a beautiful tree

and it was flourishing and it was

massive and its branches reached so far

you couldn’t see and the fowl the earth

would nest in it was a sign of

incredible prosperity and success but

then there came a time when he was

lifted up in Pride and God said cut the

tree down and that’s where we picked the

story up this was a prophecy over

Nebuchadnezzar’s life that you’re going

to go through a season where God’s going

to bless you in enormous ways beyond

anything you could imagine

but then there’s going to come a season

when the trees going to be cut down but

notice he said I won’t leave you without

something and there will be a stump left

of what you used to be you’ll get down

to the stump tie it off because there

come a day when I visit that stump and

cause life to come back and today I want

to talk to you about the fact that our

God is not only Lord of what you’ve got

because everything you have he gave you

he’s Lord of what you’ve got but equally

as important he’s Lord of what you’ve

lost I want to say boldly and strongly

that God is sovereign and in control and

if you’ve lost anything I know the enemy

comes to steal kill and destroy but God

is Lord not only of what you’ve got by

his hand but what you have lost and then

thirdly and most importantly what I’m

preaching on today he’s not just God of

what you’ve got in God of what you’ve

lost but today I’m preaching on the god

of what’s left because he’s left you

something God will never take from you

without leaving you something God will

never allow the enemy to take from you

without leaving you something that’s why

the tree was chopped down but notice God

left the stump the stump I’m the Lord of

what you’ve lost and I’m the Lord of

what you’ve got left if God lets you

lose something you can rest assured he

will leave you something in its place

and you need to understand that he’s

Lord of what you’ve lost

but he’s Lord of what you’ve got left he

said nevertheless leave the stump leave

the stump because I’m going to I’m going

to cause things to come out of what

you’ve got left that will produce what

you need for my purpose in your future

save the stump is heaven saying leave

something to hell save the stump is

heaven saying to hell

you cannot take everything from them

because God will always bless his

children not by what they’ve lost but

what they have left he’s saying to hell

in the scripture leave that stump alone

and don’t touch it you can only take so

much and I’m saying to you that if God

lets you lose everything this is so

important if God lets you lose

everything it’s his

you didn’t need it to fulfill his


if life if life or sickness or death

takes from you and your family

God always uses what’s left while you’re

lamenting over what you’ve lost God is

saying I’m telling you that I am going

to use what’s left and my purpose for

your family for your life in your future

if you will hold on to your faith we’ll

still come to pass just like I planned

it I’m Lord of what’s left

I know there’s a stump left I had

something I lost something but God uses

what I’ve got left

Noah understood that if God needed the

wicked Society for his plan to be

accomplished he wouldn’t have wiped them

all out but his miracle was not in what

all those people vanishing in the flood

took the miracle was in the eight people

left on the mark on the art because

God’s Lord over what’s left jesus said

the thief comes to kill steal and

destroy any time he comes into your life

God is about to use what’s left anytime

there’s a window open and the enemy has

stolen from your life and you’re

standing there saying what happened

where did it go why did this happen it’s

God saying to you I’m going to use what

you’ve got left you can’t lose anything

or anybody that God feels you need to

fulfill his purpose in your future so if

they have been lost it is God letting

you know I’m Lord over what’s left and I

will bless you

sovereignly and mightily with what’s

left trust me

believe me hold to my promises stop

lamenting over what you’ve lost

he’s going to use what he’s left you


received a permission note from God to

attack Jobe now I want you to watch this

because it’s very important you

understand it it gives us insight into

God who’s lord over what’s left

he said Satan said to God the only

reason he serves you is because you

blessed him so much and God said alright

I’ve got a hedge up and Satan said you

sure do and I can’t touch him who

wouldn’t serve you if you were that

blessed and had all that material stuff

and God said alright take hedge number

one down but put hedge number two up you

can take his stuff but you can’t touch

his body because God always leaves you

something left the enemy attacks and

takes all of his cattle his sheep all of

his wealth all of his business

wipes him out and then he still stands

and says the Lord gives the Lord takes

away blessed be the name of the Lord

Satan comes back in the next chapter and

says well if you let me attack his body

and make him sick he’ll curse you to

your face God says alright let down

hedge number two but put up hedge number

three because I always leave something

left so you can touch his body but you

cannot take his breath so anytime one

hedge goes down God puts another hedge

up to protect something so that you

always have something left every time

the devil wants to destroy you your God

leaves a hedge up it’s what you have

left that’s going to frustrate the

devil’s plan you missed a great chance

to shout right there it’s what you have

the left that’s going to frustrate the

devil’s plan do you have anything left

do you have any praise left any faith

left any joy left any promises left any

dream left any hope left it’s what you

have left they’re still a stump listen

the loss was painful but what left

is powerful what did job have left after

he lost all of his resources after he

lost his health after his friends turned

on him after his wife turned on him what

did he have left all he had left was

confidence in faith and he makes this

statement though he slay me yet will I

trust him

listen listen this is so powerful in

other words he was saying even when

translation said even heaven can’t

destroy my confidence in heaven you ever

felt like heaven was doing everything to

mess your theology up and your belief in

God but job said though he slay me yet

will I trust him in other words not even

heaven can shake my confidence in heaven

though it looks like God is slaying me

and wiping me out

it does not shake my confidence in the

fact that he’s too good to forsake me

he’s too faithful to lead me he was too

he’s too precious to abandon me and when

it’s all said and done I will come forth

as pure gold because he’s God of what

I’ve got left

and God said out of what you’ve got left

job your confidence and your faith

you’ve lost it all but what you’ve got

left is going to produce double

everything that you lost let’s take a

praise break right there on a Sunday

morning I’m preaching the he restores

the years the cankerworm and the locusts

have taken away he’s too good to drop

him and if he can’t destroy your faith

he’s the god of what you have left get

in I’m going to use you to deliver my

people from the Midianites you’ve got

32,000 soldiers against an army of

350,000 and God says it’s too big so

tell all of them who are scared and

afraid to go home and in that moment

22,000 go home

he’s got 10,000 left and God says you

still have too many and 9700 go through

another test and go home and then in

judges seven and seven it says by these

that remain shall I deliver the

Midianites into your hand what was God

doing why did he keep reducing him

because he’s not just the God of what

you have and what you’ve lost he’s the

God of what you have left and by those

that remain will I deliver the

Midianites into your hand don’t worry

about what you’ve lost I’m going to use

what you’ve got left is what God is


Samson lost his anointing he lost his

reputation he lost his influence

he lost his position he lost his power

he lost everything he lost his hair he

lost it all

he lost his freedom he lost his vision

but God said the miracle is not in what

you’ve lost the miracle isn’t what

you’ve got left and the Bible said his

hair began to grow back you know where

God begins the miracle appear

restoration begins up here restoration

begins in your head when you fill it

with the promises and say god you’re

still God of what I’ve got left and I

refuse to crawl in a hole and die I

believe that you will bring your

goodness in the land of the living


lord thank you for promises like this

he’s lord over what you’ve got left

Exodus chapter 9 God told Moses to take

handfuls of ashes and throw them Godward

ashes are what you have left when you’ve

been through the fire ashes are what you

have left when you’ve been through the

trial and all of it has been burned up

and this is all you’ve got left and God

said give me what you’ve got left

throw it God word and when he took the

fools of ashes and threw them up the

Bible said God turned it and when the

ashes came down two hands full of ashes

covered all of Egypt and afflicted the

Egyptian army with bowls all over their

body God said I’ll use what you’ve got

left and the ashes of the fiery trial

you’ve been through if you’ll throw it

back up God word in praise I’ll rain it

back down and I’ll afflict your enemy

with the ashes of what you’ve been

through get a handful of ashes I want

you to understand that’s what happened

to David when he lost his family at zyg

lag lost his house was burned down he

had nothing left and the Bible said he

prayed and said God do I go after the

enemy and God said go and he doesn’t

even know where to go he just starts out

because he doesn’t know where they are

and the Bible said that he came upon a

man and listen to this scripture the

scripture said he said I am an Egyptian

and I was the servant of an Amalekite

who just raided the city of zyg lag and

I fell sick listen to these words and my

master left me I’m what’s left

it was the Egyptian that was left behind

that caused the miracle of restoration

in David’s family and everything that

they took from him he got it back in the

Bible said spawns beside but it happened

off of what was left behind from that

attack and I’m saying to you when the

enemy comes in like a flood God always

has one more hedge that he puts up and

he leaves you something left behind the

woman with the issue of blood spent all

she lost all her family her health her

happiness her written her money she lost

it all but she took what she had left

and she said if I can just touch the hem


garment the widow woman in second Kings

chapter 4 the Prophet said what do you

have left in your house the creditors

have come my sons are being taken into

slavery I don’t have anything except a

part of all if all you want to do is

talk about what you’ve lost

the prophetic gift will not work but if

you will take what you’ve got left and

get it under the prophetic gift of the

prophet Elijah then what what you have

left is enough to produce all that you

need for your future have you got

anything left whatever you have left is

enough have you got anything left that’s

what God wants you to give him this

morning give me what you’ve got left

I’ve been through a divorce or I’ve been

through an addiction or have been

through a trial I’ve been through grief

I’ve been through losing a husband a

wife a child what have you got left God

is saying to you I am God of what’s left

I made mistakes in my life and I wish I

would have made wiser choices and I just

messed up so bad and I can’t get over my

past what have you got left in Ezekiel

37 the Prophet was asked by God as he

stood in the valley of dry bones where

the bones were very dry and very dead

can these bones live the Bible said he

had a very honest answer Lord you know

in other words he was saying I don’t

even have faith I don’t even have

passion I don’t really even believe but

Lord you know I don’t even know if

there’s any hope for this I don’t even

know if this dream this marriage this

family can ever leave and be right again

Lord you know I mean that’s getting down

to he doesn’t have faith for his miracle

he doesn’t have he doesn’t have any

passion about standing in the valley of

dry bones but

God said then prophesy to them and say

live listen to what he does so he says

well I don’t have any faith and I don’t

have any passion I doubt if anything’s

gonna happen in Lord you know I sure

don’t know I

he didn’t say yes I know God’s gonna do

it he said I I don’t know this is bad

so what’s he got left

God said use what you’ve got left I

don’t have nothing left I don’t have any

passion don’t have any faith I don’t

have nothing yes you do

just obey so listen to what he said so I

prophesied as I was commanded if you

will speak the Word of God to your

situation anyway even if you don’t have

faith yet even if you don’t feel real

passionate about it yet sometimes all

you have left is obedience I’m not

feeling this I don’t have any children

nobody’s given me a word all I’m doing

is what God told me to do that’s all

I’ve got left and the Bible said when he

prophesied there it is as I was

commanded the bones came together the

army stood up life filled those dead

bones and the vision came to pass today

I’ve dropped by with a simple little

message God told me to tell you that

he’s not just a God of what you have and

he’s not just the God of what you’ve

lost we’re given the devil glory for

everything you’ve lost but he’s God of

what you’ve got left and if he took it

it’s his vote in your life that you

don’t need it or them to fulfill his

purpose in your

future and now I tell you this word and

I want you to receive it with joy job

chapter 8 and verse 7 though the

beginning was small your ladder in will

greatly increase stand up on your feet

anybody believe that stuff

who am i preaching to this morning

who believes today that he’s God of

what’s left you keep talking about what

you’ve lost but God keeps seeing what

you’ve got left

and he says my plans for you is your

your ladder will be greater than your

former you just bow your head one moment

lift your hands high and open your mouth

and praise God that he’s speaking to you

this morning about the miracle of what’s

left you don’t know what that little

child is gonna do and you’re you don’t

know what that little business that

you’ve got left is going to you don’t

know that dream that faith that prays

that refuses the died stubborn and will

not give up that vision it’s in what

you’ve got left he’s God of it trust him


refuse to allow depression and worry and

frustration to overcome you instead just

begin to feel that valley in your life

with praise and thanksgiving and joy

under God and say God I praise you today

that you’re God because the stump is

still there now come a time there came a

time that was the prophecy and I didn’t

have time to read it on but the prophecy

to Nebuchadnezzar is there come a day

when I’ll untie your stump and that

which you thought was gone forever is

coming back to life again they took

Jesus and they hung him on a tree and

they cut him down but that stump came to

life again on the third day when he

walked out and said I am Lord I am alpha

i am omega I am King I am Savior I am

deliverer and he’s got over what’s left

in your life just like he was in Jesus

all Jesus had was a dead body in a tomb

but he’s got over what’s left after the

attack bow your heads all over this room

I was amazed this morning and how many

people raised their hand for salvation

in the first service in our sense that

there are people in this room today

backsliders people who are searching

people who’ve been through the fire and

all you’ve some of you been through

addiction some of you been through

painful episodes and experiences in your


I mean God sent you today to hear this

simple message that he’s the Lord of

what’s left

give it to him give it to him today

don’t waste another day give it to him

today give him what’s left of that home

give him what’s left of that marriage

given what’s left of that dream give him

what’s left of that body that’s been

wracked with addiction give him what’s

left the miracle is in what’s left so

let’s pray this prayer

let’s pray it and mean it from the

bottom of our heart today say Lord Jesus

thank you for the cross thank you for

the blood you shed you are lord over all

over what I’ve got your Lord over what

I’ve lost and your Lord over what I’ve

got left and today I give you my life

completely I surrender to you take me

restore me release the stone let my life

blossom and bloom again forgive me

transform me move from my head to my

heart be Lord of my life and my future I

received today a miracle from what’s

left I’m standing in the altar with

what’s left and I believe what you are


you have done Unforgiven I’m saved I’m

cleansed I’m a new creation it’s in my

heart you live in my heart from this day

forward in Jesus name and all the church

said amen

this month request your Easter DVD set

kingdom come with two new messages from

Jensen Franklin recorded live at free

chapel as we celebrate the resurrection

of Jesus this powerful series will be a

blessing to your life and is available

this month for your best gift

life is real vivid alive beating Bremen

it happens behind closed doors and out

in front there’s joy there’s laughter


lifelong friendships are forged love is

found moments cherished

and never forgotten

life is a gift and together we are real



real people

experiencing real life

is free chapel

this program has been brought to you by

the friends and partners of Jenson

franklin media ministries for more

information on this broadcast or for

additional resources go online at Jensen

Franklin dot o-r-g