This is “Secrets to Finding Your Purpose.” The Word of God is the wisdom of God. If you read the Book, the Book will read you. If you spend time in the Word, you will increase in wisdom. Your purpose will never be contrary to God’s Word. As you grow closer to Him, you will become more sensitive and aware of His presence. His sheep know His voice … in this message learn to identify God opening doors, guiding your steps, and unlocking opportunity!

the following program is sponsored by

friends and partners of Kingdom

connection I’m so glad you’ve joined us

today I believe this message is gonna

speak to your life on today’s program

I’m sharing the secrets to finding your

purpose every person that is alive God

has a plan for your life just wrote and

updated this new book called right

people right place and right plan the

message today is about the right plan of

God for your life

if you’ve ever questioned what am I here

for on earth stay with me because God

has an amazing plan for your life

too many the Holocaust seems like a

horrific chapter in history but to the

190,000 survivors in Israel that

experienced the horrors of the Nazi

death camps it is their personal story

sadly more than 50,000 of them continue

to live in poverty some even homeless

kingdom connection friends and partners

have always responded to the poor and

needy and now we are partnering with

Friends of Zion to build to assisted

living facilities one in the heart of

Jerusalem your gift of $1000 will

provide our Jewish brothers and sisters

with a safe place to live where they can

experience the care and compassion that

meets their needs with your one-time

gift of $1,000 we’ll place your name on

a special founders wall at both

buildings in Israel and as a special

gift of appreciation we’ll send you a

personalized crystal plaque when you

send your gift of $100 or more we’ll

send you a special founders certificate

honoring your investment in this project

and everyone who responds with a gift of

$50 or more to help provide housing for

the Holocaust survivors may request a

new expanded edition of Jenson

Franklin’s book right people right place

right plan along with accompanying

devotional every gift counts together we

can be a blessing to Israel and see

God’s everlasting covenant a blessing

come into your life call now or visit us

online at Jensen Franklin TV



I want to talk to you we’ve talked in

this pretty powerful series on the right

people the right place the right plan

last week we talked about the ministry

of the moth and how God leads us gently

is his first choice but today I want to

talk to you about secrets to finding

your purpose secrets to finding God’s

plan God’s purpose for your life I love

the scripture in the Old Testament that

says Thou O Lord through your

Commandments have made me wiser than my

enemies that through your word you have

instructed me and made me wiser than

even my enemies ladies and gentlemen

listen carefully if you’re taking notes

write this down the Word of God is the

wisdom of God and the wisdom of God can

make you wiser than your enemy’s wisdom

the Bible said in Proverbs 4 and 7

wisdom is the principal thing wisdom is

critical and what is wisdom the Word of

God is the wisdom of God to ignore the

Word of God to not read study and apply

the Word of God is to ignore the wisdom

of God and wisdom is the principal thing

the Word of God is the wisdom of God and

wisdom is the ability to recognize

difference in people the difference in

people and opportunities in timing

wisdom is knowing what to focus on what

to ignore well that was wise to ignore

that and focus on that that’s wisdom

wisdom is recognizing people who belong

people who don’t it’s recognizing

opportunity how do you get the wisdom of

God to discern the difference between

right and wrong this way or that way how

do you get that wisdom the wisdom of God

is the word of God the purpose of wisdom

is to know who you should honor it’s so

important that when you get the wisdom

of God The Fool has said in his heart

there is no God therefore he never

honors God but when you understand that

the beginning of wisdom is the fear of

the Lord are the honor of God in your

life then you’re then you are already on

your way to succeed the purpose of

wisdom is to know who you should honor

every sin is a sin of dishonor David

said against thee have our sin he

committed adultery with Bathsheba but

the first one he dishonored was God when

you understand that if you fail you can

trace it back to a person you chose to

dishonor if you succeed you can trace it

back to a person you chose to honor this

book is God’s wisdom 800 thousand words

are in the Bible 66 chapters 27 in the

New Testament 39 in the Old Testament it

is crammed full of the wisdom and the

and the genius of God this is God’s Word

the Bible said the word is a lamp unto

my feet if I want God’s plan for my life

I must know this word anything you need

if you will study this book find one

topic and become an expert in this book

on it and you will not be held back you

will rise you will go to the top god

will make room for you if you’re

interested in business study business in

that book get no past show me how you

study the Word of God and I’ll show you

how you’ll have wisdom if you know one

subject and you’re an expert in it and

I’m telling you that the Word of God is

so full it’s so full of amazing things

it was it will give you the discernment

in the wisdom to know to decide the

difference between people there are

people who feed into your life and there

are people who feed off of your life and

you need wisdom to know the difference

there are people who you two kinds of

people you are supposed to let into your

life the people you can minister to and

the people who minister to you you have

to classify people who come into your

life not everybody this is going to

shock some of you this is almost gonna

sound unchristian but no you just don’t

know the wisdom

God’s Word the truth is you have to

classify people who come into your life

and there’s only two classes those that

you minister to and those that minister

to you Jesus did not give people the

same quality of time he qualified people

when he saw that kiss in the tree

something in him said I’m supposed to

let him in my life and I’m supposed to

be in his life come down out of that

tree I’m going to your house Walt left

all the people gave him time gave him a

whole afternoon sat down ate a meal with

him fixed his family fixed his marriage

blessed his life

because he knew I’m called to that one

but Jesus didn’t treat everybody that

way when he saw the Pharisees he said hi

vipers and he kept on walking gave him

no time gave him no time you’re not

called to everybody you have to qualify

people the Word of God has the answers

your decision-making depends upon your

wisdom and the wisdom of God the Word of

God is the wisdom of God the applied

knowledge of the Scriptures the Bible

said in Joshua 1 in 8 this book shall

not depart listen to this the book of

all shall not depart out of your mouth

but you shall meditate in it day and

night listen to this that you may

observe to do all that is courting

that’s written thereon and then listen

to what he says you will make your way

prosperous and you will have good

success notice God doesn’t make you

prosperous when you get into this book

and you meditate in this book you make

your way prosperous you God doesn’t give

you good success when you get into the

wisdom of God and the book of God you

make you the Bible said you will make

your wellies God would bless me get in

the book get into the wisdom of God the

Word of God is the wisdom of God it’ll

make your way prosperous and you’ll have

good success you don’t have a prosperous

marriage God says I’ve given you away


not going just fix your marriage I’m

gonna let you get into the book and

learn how to love your wife learn how to

love your husband love how to forgive

one another become an expert and

forgiveness find every scriptural

marriage you can and guess what God will

give you the way to be prosperous and

have a good marriage become an expert

there’s a difference between the person

of Jesus and the principles of Jesus you

can know the person of Jesus and never

know the principles of Jesus and you can

go to heaven but you can have a

miserable life on earth when you don’t

learn the principles of Jesus just

because you know the person of Jesus and

you’re saved

does not mean you’re gonna have a

victorious life and a happy and blessed

marriage you can know the person of

Jesus and not know the principles of a

happy marriage family or how to run a

business successfully the principles of

success are in the Bible and it’s not

enough to know the person that’s why

you’re so wise for being here because

you need more than the person of

salvation you need the principles to

have a joyful life a happy life pursue

the knowledge of the Word of God

control your and manage your thought

life what you picture in your mind will

happen in time garbage in garbage out

gospel in gospel out you can’t make

withdrawals if you haven’t made deposits

if you make deposits in your mind bank

then you can make withdrawals from your

mind Bank of the wisdom of God when you

need it when you need it you open your

mouth and if you’ve made the deposit God

will give you the answers in a moment’s

time you’ll just have wisdom and people

will be amazed how did he know to do

that it’s the wisdom of God you may bank

deposits in your brain and in your

spirit and then you can make withdrawals

but if garbage in garbage out you’re

either a container of treasure or trash

you’re either putting treasure in or

you’re putting porn in you’re putting

some rapper that’s cussing

blankety-blank Blankman and then you

wonder after free chapel great service

get out in the parking lot somebody

pulls and roll down your window and

blankety-blank where did that come from

garbage in you were listening to people

blankety blank blank blank you put it in

it’s gonna come out you put truth in

it’s gonna come out you put love in it’s

gonna come out

you put victory in it’s gonna come out

take a praise break and I’m gonna keep

preaching just a minute reaching the

truth what are you putting in understand

the power of spoken words speak what you

expect not what you’re experiencing talk

about talk about two things talk about

what God has done and talk about the

blessings that are in route to your life

even as you are sitting here today and

begin to praise God for those things and

God says I create the fruit of your lips

he said that in Hosea I create the fruit

of your lips whatever your lips say I

start the fashion fold and I create stop


turn to somebody and say you look like

the covergirl for the Book of

Lamentations come on stop complaining

stop being negative turn to somebody and

say I hope you’re not a Holyk stop

being negative faith comes when you hear

God talk faith is courage and faith

comes when you hear God talk that’s why

it’s so powerful to read the Bible and

if you don’t understand it just read it

just read it just keep reading it and

pass through the parts you don’t

understand but if you just keep reading

it somewhere in there if you’ll read the

book the book will read you and they’re

coming out of nowhere and bam a to jump

out of all those so and so begat so and

so so and so begat something so so and

right in the middle of it and no weapon

formed against you shall prosper Wow and

then you keep reading get in a book you

don’t understand just keep reading we

don’t got good you ain’t got to worry

about what you don’t understand there’s

enough if you’ll read this book this

book will fill you with the wisdom of

God but you have to have a time you

to have a place you have to sit down you

have to say it’s from 7:00 to 7:15 or

7:20 I don’t want any eruptions I turn

all the stuff off and I’m gonna read

this book if you will give God the next

30 days and read the Bible for about 20

minutes a day 15 minutes a day read a

proverb read a psalm and read through

systematically one of the one of the

books of the Bible if you will do that

in 30 days you will begin to see an

amazing revolution begin to take place

in your family and your life and your

attitude and your outlook it’s just that

simple it’s the wisdom of God here’s

another one I really thought I don’t

know if I wanted to put this one in here

but I feel like I’m supposed to one of

the one of the keys to finding your plan

and your purpose and God is established

in maintaining your friendships don’t

lose your friendships don’t let pride

and anger cause you to destroy good

friendships nurture your friendships

maintain your friendships send texts and

phone calls just do things to stay in

touch with people that God strategically

places in your life it’s so important

call somebody

Deuteronomy 8:18 says this you shall

remember the Lord your God for it is he

watch this who gives you the power to

get wealth it did not say that God gives

you Wells he said I will give you the

how to get wealth he gives you the

mentality said in isaiah 40:8

i will teach you how to prosper I’ll

teach you the profit in that beautiful

verse I am the Lord your God who teaches

you I’m not gonna make I’m not gonna

give you profit I’m gonna teach you how

in my word if you’ll take the time to

invest the right seeds into your life

he’ll teach you I’m almost done but

think about this there is a mentality

to being blessed money goes where money

is success goes where success is Jesus

was teaching lesson one time and he said

that there was a guy who had money and

he didn’t do anything with it and there

was a guy who had some money and he

invested it made a lot with it and God

Jesus godson said take from the guy who

did nothing and he needs it real bad

take it from him and give it to the guy

who’s really blessed cause success

follows success money follows money it’s

a principle when when Solomon was a

wealthiest man in the world the Bible

said that the queen of sheba came to see

him and after she saw all that he had

done she took a breath away and then she

did the strangest thing she got a

hundred and twenty thousand talents of

gold and gave the man who least needed

the resources she gave it to him what

I’m saying to you today is so is so

powerful that once you get the Word of

God and the wisdom of God in you it

enables you to make wise decisions your

assignment will always have an enemy


began to build the wall and the enemy

showed up Jesus had an assignment but

the Pharisees showed up any time you are

doing what God has assigned you to do

there will be enemies to God’s


your assignment is geographical Jonah

was not in the right place God said go

to the engine to Nineveh but he didn’t

go there and God prepare to fish and

swallowed him

and when God got through with him by the

time all of those amino acid juices ate

all his hair and I brought brows off he

came out looking like an old withered up

raisin spit up with fish vomit all over

him spending the night on a rubber

mattress for three days and three nights


came up and said I’ll go anywhere you

want me to go don’t make god prepare a

fish to get you where you’re supposed to

be God’s assignment is geographical what

you hate of what angers you is a clue to

what your sign to deal with some things

you can’t ignore but some things really

get on your nerves if you see somebody

maybe it’s abuse or or maybe it’s

alcohol Mothers Against Drunk Driving

you know the woman that started that her

son was killed and it’s so upset her

that she started a whole movement of

Mothers Against Drunk drivers man why

did she do that because she got angry

about something maybe a sex trafficking

or maybe it’s poverty or or maybe it’s

in you know kids in a situation where

they’re never whatever angers you you

know when Moses saw an Israelite being

beaten by an Egyptian it angered him and

he went and slew him that he did it out

of timing but it was a clue to his

assignment he was called to deliver the

Israelites from the Egyptians let me

give you another clue decide to excel in

your present assignment I really want

God to I’m waiting on somebody to

discover me I’m waiting on the big door

I’m waiting on somebody who big doors

swing on little hinges you have to excel

in your present assignment and when you

excel in your present assignment it says

to God and to people who you may not

even be aware or watching you they’re

too big for that place they need a

bigger place excel in your present

assignment quit waiting the Bible said

despise not the day of small beginnings

don’t put little value on the little

hinge but the big door swing on the

little hinges of our life

and you must excel in your present I

wish I could get a big contract exhale

in your present assignment hallelujah

can I give you one more talking about

ways to find God’s plan you must make a

decision to honor divine authority in

your life I’ll close with this

make a decision that you will honor

mentors see there’s two ways to learn

mistakes or mentors when you invite

correction you remove the pain of it


listen to this mentors are shortcuts to

success mentorship is learning through

the pain of another person I’m glad you

failed now tell me why so that I don’t

have to thanks very much there are three

things that spiritual mentorship will

release into your life and even in the

natural if you’ve got a boss there your

mentor three things they can release in

your life every time provision promotion

protection if it’s spiritual authority

they always have the ability to release

provision if you honor them protection

and promotion and don’t ever forget that

law it’s a law and if you honor it God

says it’ll help you because God’s gonna

use somebody to help you get in your

place I want you right now to raise your

hands up toward heaven and say lord I

thank you today that I have heard the

truth the wisdom of God is the word of

God I will no longer neglect it I that I

have not consumed it that I have not

devoured it but starting today I

prioritize my days in my life I will see

and pursue wisdom and the knowledge of

God and I thank you that when I do

you’ll make my way prosperous and you’ll

give me good success in every area of my


I yield to your wisdom I yield to your

word I yield to your plan to say this I

receive the right people the right place

the right plan in Jesus mighty name I

believe that many of you heard

instruction from God’s Word today that

can make a profound change in your life

and it all begins with Jesus being Lord

of your life pray with me right now

maybe you maybe you’ve strayed and you

need to just make a fresh commitment to

God or maybe you never prayed this kind

of prayer before and you’re not used to

watching Christian TV but for some

reason you’ve watched this program I

believe God had you watching for this

moment say these words Jesus you’re the

son of God

you’re the one who died and rose again

and I believe in you

I have confidence in who you are and

what you said and today I receive you as

my savior as my lord as my god I

surrender to you and thank you for your

plan and your purpose being done in my

life in Jesus name Amen

we would love to hear from you today

please go online or pick up the phone

let us know what God is doing in your

life I believe part of this ministries

purpose is to be a blessing to those in

need we’ve done that all around the

world for many years the Bible says in

James 1:27 that looking after widows and

orphans and their affliction is pure and

undefiled religion think about that the

thing that God sees as pure is when we

come to the aid of those in need right

now in the nation of Israel there is a

need of a

50,000 Holocaust survivors who are

living in poverty and even some are

homeless these survivors have suffered

tremendous atrocities including the

separation and even the death of loved

ones they are obviously advanced in

years and some have no family to care

for them you and I together have the

opportunity to help build to amazing

facilities in Israel one of those

facilities we’re building is right in

the heart of Jerusalem and there we’re

going to provide for these elderly

Holocaust survivors safety secure

housing we’re going to provide food and

clothing we’re gonna fulfill Matthew 25

jesus said when you do it into the least

of these my brothers and my sisters you

have done it unto me would you like the

house feed and clothe Jesus that’s the

Jewish people and we can bless these

Holocaust survivors right now by sewing

a special gift to this ministry you to

partner with me as we partner with

Friends of Zion

an amazing organization and believe that

there are 500 people with me right now

I’m gonna be one of the 500 who give a

one-time gift of $1000 this is a massive

project we need to raise this money and

we need to make a difference I want to

challenge you now not to sit back but as

you do it the windows of heaven are

going to open

you’re lying for a member of the

financial council of accountability the

evangelical financial council of

accountability which is a national

organization in other words we submit

our finances every year to outside

organizations that look and tell whether

or not we do what we say we do with the

resources you can be assured if you give

to this ministry we’re gonna make a

difference with those resources here’s

my announcer to tell you how you can be

a part of this amazing project too many

the Holocaust seems like a horrific

chapter in history but to the 190,000

survivors in Israel that experienced the

horrors of the Nazi death camps it is

their personal story sadly more than

50,000 of them continue to live in

poverty some even homeless kingdom

connection friends and partners have

always responded to the poor and needy

and now we are partnering with Friends

of Zion to build to assisted living

facilities one in the heart of Jerusalem

your gift of $1,000 will provide our

Jewish brothers and sisters with a safe

place to live where they can experience

the care and compassion that meets their

needs with your one-time gift of $1,000

we’ll place your name on a special

founders wall at both buildings in

Israel and as a special gift of

appreciation we’ll send you a

personalized crystal plaque when you

send your gift of $100 or more we’ll

send you a special founders certificate

honoring your investment in this project

and everyone who responds with a gift of

$50 or more to help provide housing for

the Holocaust survivors may request a

new expanded edition of Jenson

Franklin’s book right people right place

right plan along with accompanying

devotional every gift counts together we

can be a blessing to Israel and see

God’s everlasting covenant a blessing

come into your life call now or visit us

online at Jensen Franklin TV how many of

you need a kingdom connection

how many of you need a power

relationship how many of you today

need somebody to put you in where you’ve

tried to get in and you can’t get it I

feel with great authority to tell you

the right people are coming God’s gonna

put you in the right place and he’s

going to give you a specific plan and

set of instructions if you follow it he

will bring his will to pass speedily in

