This is “Revealing Israel’s Destiny Series Part 3 “. When a church, nation, or family blesses the nation of Israel, a supernatural blessing comes to them. The stories of Joseph, Laban, and the Gentile centurion demonstrate that if you bless Israel, you will be blessed, and if you curse Israel, you will be cursed. Pastor Franklin also highlights key moments in the prophetic history of Israel, such as the Holocaust and Israel’s Independence Day, that have impacted our world. He shares his hopes and vision for Israel and also reminds us to be aware of the signs of our times and vigilant about sharing Jesus with our family and everyone we know.  To hear more inspiring messages from Jentezen Franklin, visit…

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#israel #jentezenfranklin #messagesonisrael

wow we’re so glad that you’ve joined us

today we’re coming to you from

Alpharetta Georgia where we’re opening

up a new campus soon and you’ll hear

more about that but I wanted to come in

because of the signs of the times that

are taking place all around us I feel an

urgency and a need to teach the body of

Christ all that I can with any influence

that I have the importance of standing

with with and supporting the nation of

Israel I want to say something strong

right now when a church when a nation or

when a family decides to bless the

nation of Israel there is absolutely a

supernatural blessing that will come

upon that

church that Nation or that family or

individual that makes the decision to

bless what God God has

blessed Genesis 12 and ver3 I will bless

those who bless you on the other hand I

will curse you he goes on to

say I will curse those that curse you

Israel the Pharaoh in Egypt in Joseph’s

time understood this concept of blessing

Israel let me show you

why I don’t know if he knew exactly what

he was doing but he kicked in the prince

ible of when you find in favor and bless

what God has blessed and favored a

blessing will come on you the Bible said

Joseph and the Jewish

people were given by Pharaoh the richest

farming land in Egypt called

Goan it was the most prosperous fruitful

part of Egypt and there was only one

reason why a heathen pharaoh king would

do that it was because Joseph had

interpreted the

dream and had

told the king of Egypt that famine was

coming and told him how to get through

it not only get through it but Thrive

not just survive thrive in a time of


disaster and he was so grateful because

Joseph told him to store up corn for

seven years and then he got people to

sell their real estate

and give it to the king of Egypt and he

became the richest man on planet Earth

with the mightiest Army and Egypt had

the strongest economy on the planet this

is not even debatable it’s a historical


because a nation because of that this

man felt this Pharaoh said I’m going to

bless you Joseph and your descendants

which would ultimately become the nation

of Israel

Egypt became so powerful because the

leadership of that Nation bless the


people God help us to have leadership in

Washington DC and in every nation that

never turns their back on the nation of

Israel when Joseph and Mary

fled from Herod when he was killing all

the firstborn you remember Joseph and

Mary I’m talking about another Joseph

now Joseph uh The Stepfather of Jesus

and Mary the Virgin they fled somewhere

they fled to Egypt why because they knew

that there was someone who would

favor the

Messiah the Jewish child that they were

carrying when Joseph and that family of

70 fled the family of 70 grew and

multiplied in Egypt for 430 years listen

to me carefully Egypt was the womb for

Israel as long as Pharaoh was blessing

Israel Egypt was blessed it was the

mightiest Army it was the richest nation

it had unbelievable success in every way

but the text say say in Genesis there

arose another Pharaoh in Egypt after

that one passed away who knew not Joseph

or his God and he said I will curse

those people they’re growing too fast

they’re becoming too too too populous

I’m going to I’m going to knock them out

I’m going to stop them and he even told

the handmaidens if it’s a male child

kill it when it’s born right from the

womb he began to curse the the Jewish

people he Enslaved the Jew Jewish people

he made their lives

miserable if you don’t hear anything

else you’re watching me wherever you’re

watching me I’m telling you the secret

to blessed life and favor of God what

you do to the Jewish people God will do

to you what you do to the nation of

Israel God will do to

you Pharaoh drowned the Jewish sons in

the Nile

River so God drowned the Egyptian Army

in Pharaoh in the Red Sea the most

powerful dictator in the world was

washed up with his chariots and his army

and economic collapse happened when the

Pharaoh decided leadership of a Nation

decided to curse Israel and they never

have recovered from that thing yet God

loves the Egyptians we love the

Egyptians I’m not talking about people

here the all all of us are the same in

God’s eyes I’m talking about spiritual

principles that you need to understand

and most of the time it’s wicked

leadership that causes the people to

suffer whether it’s in Haiti or wherever

it is I’ve seen one thing when people

are suffering is demonic Wicked

leadership just like what we’re seeing

in in in the in the Middle East right

now with the Palestinian

people um Hamas are evil demonic

demonically inspired terrorist and the

people suffer because of it you have to


Israel I want you to understand that

because Pharaoh persecuted Israel and

the Jewish people God sent 10 plagues

and wiped out the

economy the wealth and military power of

Egypt disappeared overnight the same

thing happened with with the Babylonian

Empire Nebuchadnezzar was powerful and

invaded Israel and wiped out the nation

of Israel took 10,000 young people who

were the brightest and the sharpest took

them back to Babylon used their talents

and gifts to build his own nation and

God saw it and God said I’m going to

wipe that and the the Babylonian Empire

is gone same thing happened to the Roman

Empire They Crucified the sea Jesus and

that nation was gone same thing happened

to Nazi the Nazi Empire and

Hitler he decided to curse what God had

blessed and God said I’ll bless those

that bless you Israel but if you want to

put them in the concentration camps if

you want to put the Jews and murder six

million of them then I will curse those

that curse Israel be careful what you

say on social media be careful what you

say just CA everybody’s on the bandwagon

know the Bible know the word of God live

by the scriptures more than you live by

what’s popular or what the latest fat is

the truth the Jewish people have given

us the word of God the Jewish people

have given us the Patriarchs in Romans

chap 11 under the New Testament it says

this it says it’s a warning to

Christians do not boast against the

trees Roots because the the roots of our

Christianity are Juda it comes from

Judaism and he said don’t get to a point

Body of Christ where you think that

Israel is

just and this is pretty much theology in

many many pull pits they’re just nothing

they’re just another land and they’re

just another people he said listen

listen to Romans the Apostle Paul puts

it brilliantly he says he says the

branches don’t support the

roots he said the roots support the

branches and you can’t have Christianity

without Judaism and you’re not to act

like you don’t I know it’s all in Christ

there’s no bigger preacher About the

Name of Jesus and how I feel about who

Jesus is but I also know that I cannot

curse The Roots just because I’ve been

the engrafted branch that’s producing

fruit right now and then then he goes on

and he says in John 4 and verse 10 or 22

Jesus said the reason you don’t curse

them is because salvation is of the

Jews how in the world do we praise the

Jews of the past Abraham Isaac

Jacob and we curse the Jews of the

present it’s the same

stock it’s the same lineage

we ignore the Jews that are alive and

get very s write songs God I’m praying

to the god of

Abraham folks I’m trying to get you to

understand you can’t be a Christian and

not understand all of this whole book

when Jesus comes back he’s not coming

back to New York City he’s not coming

back to Washington DC I’m talking about

I’m not talking about the Rapture that

happens and then there’s the second

return where he will physically come

back he’s not going to come back to to

London England he’s not going to come

back to Sydney

Australia he’s going to come back to

those old rocky hills of the Mount of

Olives and he’ll touch down there and

he’s going to set up his kingdom in



when you read the Old Testament it’s

God’s will concealed but when you read

the New Testament it’s God’s will

revealed Joseph and Jesus both have the

same Hebrew root word name Joseph of the

Old Testament is the same in Hebrew as

Jesus uh of the New Testament it’s the

the the word

uh Joseph means uh savior Joseph saved

the world from starvation Jesus saved

the world from sin and Satan Joseph was

his father’s favorite son that’s why he

made him a coat of many colors Jesus was

his father’s only begotten son Joseph

was rejected by his own Brothers they

threw him in a pit Jesus went into his

own and his own received him not Joseph

was left in a pit for dead

and Jesus was thrown into a grave and

left for dead but je but Joseph was

raised from the pit and put in the

palace at the right hand of pharaoh the

most powerful man in the world and Jesus

was raised from the grave and put at the

right hand of the father with a name

that has been given to him above every


name and

then when you understand Zachariah 12

and verse 10 you’ll understand when

Joseph revealed himself to his

brothers it was a big

moment how did his brothers Joseph you

remember the story of Joseph you

remember how that his brothers did him

so wrong and he goes to EG he goes to uh

Egypt and he ends up having the keys to

the corn and he’s

powerful how how in the

world did he get to where he was and the

Bible said when the famine hit Joseph’s

brothers came looking for bread and he


himself he wore Egyptian clothes he had

he he had the Egyptian culture all over

him he looked like an Egyptian and his

own brothers because he had I’m sure he

had changed over 20 year period or ever

how long it was 13 years maybe but but

but he had changed and they didn’t even

recognize him they probably didn’t get

to get that close to him and when they

saw him they didn’t even

recognize but it was on the third visit

they came one time two times and then

they came back on the third visit and on

the third

visit Joseph went behind the the curtain

and he broke and he wept and he took his

disguise off and he showed them who he


and they began to


well this ought to bless you there have

been three

times that God has allowed

Israel to be

visited Joshua took him over into the

promised land first time

Cyrus said the king of Babylon go back

after 70 years go back and rebuild the

walls of Jerusalem and the temple and

all that you want to do after 70 years

that’s the second

visit and what I’m wanting you to

understand is there’s a third visit and

I believe it began in

1948 I believe when the nation of Israel

was so scattered all over the world this

is in Ezekiel 3 3 6 it was a prophecy

that they would be scattered the Jewish

people would be scattered all over the

world and then it comes in even clearer

prophecy in Ezekiel

37 because in that moment Ezekiel sees a

valley of dry bones he sees a nation so

decimated that it looks like that it’s

an army and bones are

strolled bones are strown all over that

Valley and the Bible said he was asked a

question can these bones ever live again

can this nation ever come to life again

they’re so scattered what is that about

World War II Hitler after the Holocaust

they were scattered all over the world

but something in the hearts and by the

way this is in Ezekiel chapter 36 God

said I’ll put it in their heart and

they’ll want to start coming back to the

night land they’ll want to start coming

back to the nation but there was no

Israel how would they do that Isaiah 66

a nation will be born in a Day United

Nations voted on it and said give them

their own land these poor pitiful people

they look like a valley of dry bones I

doubt it’ll make it I doubt they’ll make

it they’re so scattered they’re so

messed up they’re so emaciated they’re

so destroyed they’re they’re they’re

look they’ve been in the in the

concentration camps they they’ve lost

all their wealth they have

nothing they probably won’t make it but

give them the land

it was the


visit oh but I want to tell you when

when God started resurrecting Israel and

this is so important especially when you

watch the news today this is why this

war that’s going on that you see they

should read Ezekiel 37 because when the

prophet saw the third and final time

that God would raise the nation up he

did not raise them up as beat up

victims he raised them up and he said

and I saw bone come to Bone I saw breath

come into the bone flesh come on that

and he said and I saw a mighty Army that

was the description he gave in other

words those bunch of people who have

been brutalized and put into Egyptian

slavery and put into Babylonian slavery

and they should have been wiped out and

Hitler tried to wipe them out everybody

hates them all and it’s still going on

even now yeah because the Antichrist is

Antichrist and

anti-semitic and if you’re part of that

Spirit you’re probably going to be

anti-bible and

anti-christian who’s on the Lord’s

Side he said I saw a mighty Army being

raised up I believe that the that the

that the haters of Israel better realize

they’re not a bunch of victims anymore

Every Woman did you know I read the

story yesterday of 10 Israeli girls and

they had a picture of them 10 girls in

the Army in the in the Israeli Army

because they have to serve at the age of

18 most of them were 18 19 or 20 years

old they they

killed 100 it was only it was only 12 of

them they killed 100 Hamas terrorists

that were trying to cut off the heads of

baby and and and rap women they these

women Mighty Army come on somebody might

say Mighty

Army Mighty

Army I mean if the women can fight that

good 12 against a 100 and they killed a

hundred and they all of them were shot

or wounded but none of them

died I will bless those that bless

Israel I will curse those that curse

Israel and I conclude with this there’s

coming a day according to Zechariah 12

and verse

10 after the third visit that’s when and

it’s interesting before he revealed

himself to the je to his brothers a type

of the Jewish people Messiah showing

himself the Bible said he dismissed the

Egyptians he said go away

Gentiles go

away that is a picture in the Old

Testament of right before Revival hits

the nation of Israel and they see Jesus

for who they really are because right

now he’s disguised to

them Zechariah 12 and verse 10 said And

when they see him well I got to finish

that part once they what right before


happens there’s going to be a

disappearance of the Christian

church are you hearing me that’s called

The Catching away the Rapture first

Thessalonians 4 and listen to what’s

going to happen immediately

after the the Antichrist will come on

the scene for three and a half years

chaos the Bible calls it the Great

Tribulation the economy will collapse

he’ll set up one world economy you won’t

be able to buy or sell according to

Revelation 14 without the mark of the

beast 666 somehow they didn’t have all

this computer stuff and all that when

this writer saw this and I used to hear

the old preachers preach on this and I

thought that’s the craziest thing now

after covid you there in major cities I

was in Washington DC and I couldn’t get

a meal because I didn’t take the

shot that I had to show my card to be S

I said I’m hungry I just got off a plane

they said

sorry you got got the

card same was true in Los Angeles same

was true all over the place and it was a

trial run I’m not I’m not I’m not

against or for I’m just this is my body

you do what you want to do with your

body I’ll do what I want to do with

mine not saying it’s wrong or right some

of my family did take it some of them

didn’t I’m just telling you the bottom

line is this we’re seeing it One World

Currency One World

Government even America is being

diminished more and more and more and

more as a superpower you see these

allegiances in one world

religion bow your knee or will cut your

head off bow your knee and take the mark

of the beast or you won’t be able to buy

or sell according to

Revelation so what’s going to happen to

those Jewish people three and a half

years into that kind of environment you

see the anti-Semitism now raising its

head multiply F massively and they will

be the most hated people on the Earth

and God will draw all nations to come

destroy Israel and in that moment

Zechariah 12 and verse 10 and they will

see him whom they have


crucified and they will weep as one who

weeps for their own son seven days why

because they’ll see the scars in his

body and they’ll know he Jesus is the

Messiah well our time is

gone but I know that I know that I know

you’re watching this program today for a


Purpose you don’t have to be here during

all of

that one out of every 30

verses in the New

Testament is

saying he’s coming be ready it is a


reflection or a a a a prophecy

concerning Messiah is coming one out of

30 imagine going on a on a

trip and every 30 miles you see a sign

let’s say A th000 M trip and every 30

miles you see a sign saying it’s coming

it’s coming it’s coming you might ought

to take note if you read the New

Testament it’s not just about going to

Heaven someday he’s coming again are you

ready pray this prayer with me pray it

over your family pray it over think of

people that you have influence with are

you witnessing do you feel the need to

tell others do you feel are they ready

as your brother your sister your mom

your dad it’s time to get ready for the

soon return of Jesus Christ pray this

prayer Lord

Jesus I give you my life I surrender to

you I believe that your

blood it was perfect blood it was

innocent blood it was sinless

blood it washes me it cleanses me it

covers me and my family and I just plead

your blood over me and my family help us

to be washed in it and be Overcomers

through it by the blood of the Lamb

and the word of Our

Testimony in Jesus name


amen over the past 5 years we’ve worked

to help build an amazing Kingdom play

school four fortified bomb shelters and

a fire station for the esal region in

southern Israel near

Gaza last year Pastor Jensen visited

with the kabut of kareim Shalom to

dedicate one of our shelters with the

community there this Village could not

be any closer to the border with Gaza

the head of esal security Keith Ison

showed us the proximity of the wall and

even allowed us to peer through to the

other side on Saturday October 7th at

this exact location Hamas broke through

the border and entered Israel what

you’re seeing now is footage Israeli

Defense Forces recovered from the body

of a Hamas terrorist we built these

shelters with the intention of shielding

the Israelis from rocket attacks

we could never imagine how God would use

them thankfully we can report that these

shelters protected some families long

enough for the Israeli Defense Forces to

regain control of the area and rescue

them hello es Jensen Keith Ison from MH

we day number 13 of this massacre around

40 terrorists came into this Keo exactly

where we

standing what they did here was a

massacre and our teams First Response

teams fought here up for many many hours

a lot of stuff that we have has been

donated the vest that we are uh wearing

the ATVs that we use for fires actually

also helped us because uh it’s open and

we can uh we put people on the fighters

and uh use it all the equipment that

I’ve been uh collecting the last couple

of years helped our uh security officer

and first thank you very much God

bless we have stood shoulder-to-shoulder

with the brave people of these

communities for years and we continue to

stand with Israel on both fronts in the

south and north where we are currently

building the jfmm Emergency Center

knowing that these projects have already

helped save lives we are now stirred to

do more as the war progresses we will

continue our efforts on the ground

providing Aid and comfort to the people

of Israel together we save lives

together we stand with

Israel this program has been sponsored

in part by friends and partners of

Jensen Franklin media Ministries for

more information about this message and

other Ministry resources visit us online

at Jensen