This is “Picking Up Dropped Dreams.” God gives His people a dream, a purpose, a mission … a plan for their life. It’s a designated end; it’s a vision of where you will be with God’s hand upon your life. But hell wants to send a nightmare to steal your dream. In this inspiring message with Jentezen Franklin, learn that no matter where you are in life—your dream is still alive! Don’t miss opportunity because of opposition. God planted that dream in your heart! To hear more inspiring messages from Jentezen Franklin, visit… & subscribe to this channel:

the following program is sponsored by

friends and partners of Kingdom

connection I will not give up I will not

let her because I know what God has

promised me he’s laid his hand on you he

started it

he’s going to finish it he promised it

he’s going to perform it


if you have your Bibles I’d like for you

to open them to the book of Genesis

chapter 21 I want to talk to you today

about picking up dropped dreams picking

up drop dreams and I’ll show you where

this is in in the scripture but I think

a lot of times that we need to

understand that God is a God who gives

his people a dream a purpose a mission a

plan for their life a dream is is a

god-given projected destiny it means you

see it out there or something that God

shows you that he says this is this is

who I I see in you and that’s called a

dream it’s a designated in it’s a vision

of where I shall be when God places his

hand upon my life and there’s no

question that God has a dream for every

person but with that dream always comes

with God’s dream there always comes

hell’s nightmare to try to steal that

dream and if you don’t learn to endure

the nightmare you will never experience

the dream so many people give up and

quit because they have a dream planted

by God in their heart but then comes the

nightmare I want to show you that this

is a biblical pattern I want to show you

that it is impossible for God to give a

person a dream and he does give people

dreams for their life a desired in a

dream again is a projected destiny of

where you shall be or your family shall

be or your marriage shall be where your

life shall be and never does God plant

that in your heart with that dream that


enemy doesn’t come with his nightmare

and unless you can endure and unless you

can endure hell’s nightmare you’ll never

experience heavens dream for your life

the moment that most people give up is

the moment of the greatest opportunity

everything you want is on the other side

of not giving up and I promise you when

God puts a dream in your heart the

nightmare will come what is the

nightmare it’s it’s the pathway to your

destiny you cannot get to the dream

without the nightmare and the pathway of

the nightmare because it purifies you it

purifies your motives the nightmare is

the enemy trying to steal that dream and

get you to give up the question is can

God trust you with trouble because the

moment that the enemy senses you have a

God giving dream he will try to send the

opposite and cause a nightmare and if

God can put you in trouble it’s a vote

of heavens confidence in you trouble and

the nightmare is a vote of heavens

confidence in you your trouble is your

pathway to triumph your pain is your

pathway to a higher praise your mess is

a pathway to the miraculous things of

God in your life the dream is your

destiny the dream tells you where you’re

going the nightmare is your pathway to

it your adversity will advance you the

nightmare is the pathway to the dream

that you’re called to Calvary was the

pathway to the dream of the church God

said I have a dream I want a church

jesus said I’ll build my church and the

gates of Hell will not prevail against

it and he’ll said I don’t think so we’ll

stop you we’ll nail you to a cross

but when Jesus stepped out of that too

guess what the nightmare became the

pathway to the dream the purpose of the

dream is twofold the purpose of the

dream is to give you a sense of destiny

that you’re not just here wandering

through life that there is a sense of

destiny purpose and calling that is upon

your life and you don’t have to be in

ministry to have a dream God has a dream

for every person you’re not an accident

and the dream is about a sense of

destiny on your life the second purpose

of a dream is to inspire you to reach

for it to stretch to get out of your

comfort zone to go beyond what you think

you think you’re capable of doing that’s

what a dream that God plants in your

heart will do for you the nightmare is


the nightmare when you’re going through

darkness when you’re going through trial

when you’re going through setback and

adversity then guess what

you’re gonna find out three things the

nightmare is about self-discovery you’re

gonna find out who you are you’re gonna

find out that your security cannot be in

what other people say or feel about you

that at some point you have to get

something inside of you that says I

believe it and I don’t care what anybody

says I know what God has told me and you

find out who you are and not only is the

nightmare about self-discovery but it’s

also about God discovering you’ll find

more about God in the darkness in your

life and you will in the sunshine days

God said I dwell in thick darkness he

actually said that he said I dwell in

thick darkness in other words if you

want to know more about God then he

allows you to go through darkness it’s

not God’s will for you to always be in

sunshiney successful beautiful days but

actually you’ll learn more about God and

who he is in the dark places in the

lonely places in the times when you

don’t understand and you feel forgotten

and you don’t know who you are anymore

and you don’t know what’s happening


and God is strangely silent and many of

you’re walking through that kind of

darkness and you don’t want to be alone

but God has you alone he has you

cornered I promise you he’s doing a

mighty mighty work in your life you’re

gonna find out who you are and you’re

gonna find out who God is and the

nightmare thirdly is to shut the devil’s

mouth when your nightmare is over like

Jobe it will shut the devil’s mouth when

your nightmare is over it’s going to

cause the the voice of hell that voice

that tells you God is a liar and you are

no good and you’ll never do and be

anything and all of those lies that hell

screams that ass you might as well give

up you might as well take your life you

might as well know you just don’t have

it you’re a failure that nightmare is

going to shut the devil’s mouth when God

turns it around and I promise you he

will turn it around

do you realize everything that has been

built is the direct result of a dream

and persistence to that dream of someone

who would not give up Jesus proved that

you’ve got to go beyond the nightmare to

get to the dream when he hung on the

cross and he rose the third day job

proved that if you will endure the

nightmare you will experience the dream

and God blessed him double even Joseph

had a dream but then came the nightmare

but the nightmare the prison was the pit

the prison the false accusations it was

the pathway to the dream and if you can

endure the nightmare you’ll never

experience and Walt in the dream the

closer you get to the fulfillment of

your dream the tougher that it gets this

is true and you see it on the sports

field in football you’ll see the tall

skinny fast wide recievers run down the

field they’ll pick up 20 30 40 50 60 70

yards but when they get down to the

five-yard line you’ll see the defense on


the side trade out and out goes some

pretty big guys but then comes in the

behemoth guys they weigh about 400

pounds their meaning their breath stinks

they said they look right there at you

like if you try to come five more yards

I will rip your head off

and some of you right now are facing

some behemoth demons you’ve never faced

anything like it and you don’t

understand why and it’s just a sign that

you’re closer than you’ve ever been


I still believe that some of you are so

close that hell has brought out its

biggest demons to get you to give up in

the middle of the nightmare so that

you’ll never experience the dream I’m

preaching to you today I’m preaching to

you today the purpose of the nightmare

is to discourage you to give up on the

dream if you don’t get fresh all every

once in a while that’s why you can’t

afford to go to some dead church every

now and then you got to get fresh all or

you’ll quit and throw in the towel every

now and then you’ve got to get the power

of the Holy Spirit moving on your life

again every now and then you need God to

come and power and touch you afresh so

that the enemy doesn’t steal the dream

of a blessed family and a blessed life

and a blessed a career and a blessed

marriage that’s God’s will for your life

the nightmare is the dream stealer the

nightmare says just give up you know

somebody said many years ago anything

worth doing is worth doing well

but here’s the new one for you anything

worth doing is worth bailing at and

that’s why you have to endure the

nightmare because if you want to give

yourself to something give yourself to


worth failing over Christlikeness is

worth failing over maybe maybe I’m not

like Christ like I want to be but even

if I’m failing my way toward being like

Christ at least I’m trying I don’t let

non-christian people tell me how to be a

better Christian at least I’m trying at

least I’m striving at least I’m reaching

you’re not a failure because you fail

you’re a failure because you quit the

nightmare was the pathway to the dream

for Joseph the nightmare was the pathway

for the dream for Joe the nightmare was

the pathway for the dream for Jesus I’m

on my way to my dream I’m going to be

mighty in God I am NOT through I am not

finished I am NOT settling I am moving

forward if we concede our dreams we will

wonder in a wilderness of stagnation the

rest of our life a nightmare is like a

dream but it’s filled with hopelessness

despair and no escape you can’t wake up

when you’re in a nightmare you’re

following have you ever had a nightmare

how many of you ever had a nightmare and

you say to yourself in the nightmare you

need to wake up now have you ever run

off a cliff or something and you say I

need to wake up in this I have I have I

must be weird

don’t let the nightmare steal your dream

Genesis 28 Jacob went to Bethel and he

put his head on a stone and God opened

up the heavens and gave him a dream for

his life if you put your head on the

rock God will give you your dream get

your head in the right place and the

heavens will open God’s dream for your

life will come when you start putting

your head in the right place if you get

the dream from heaven notice that the

pillow became a pillar that texia

said he then made it a pillar and he

poured all on it and he built the house

of God beth-el the pillow became a

pillar and if you get a dream from

heaven you can build on it you can build

your life on it what God tells you he’ll

perform what are you laying your head on

John laid his head on Jesus chest and

that’s how he could endure the nightmare

of the island of Patmos he was alone

there on that island

but suddenly because he knew where to

put his head he knew where to lean he

knew where to rest it was Jesus God gave

him and took him into heaven and gave

him the 22 chapters of the book of

Revelation because he had a dream while

he was living a nightmare I’m telling

you that you can’t get one without the


I’m preaching to somebody who needs to

get some determination I’m preaching to

somebody who needs to get a spirit that

says I will not quit I will not give up

I will not let her because I know what

God has promised me he’s laid his hand

on you he started it

he’s going to finish it he promised it

he’s going to perform it the nightmare

gets loud the closer you get to the

dream and God at the same time often

chooses to go solid that’s why so many

people quit you’re trying to get to the

dream the nightmare comes and just when

you think you need God to really speak

to you he goes silent and the nightmare

gets louder and in that moment you have

to walk by faith you have to go because

you know God told you what he told you

and I’m not gonna give up now and I’m

not gonna doubt it now I’m gonna believe

God now don’t let anybody else this

opinion become your reality just because

you’re walking through the nightmare

doesn’t mean that the dream isn’t real

and don’t you let other people’s opinion

become your reality ten people’s opinion

in the Old Testament calls 3 million

people to live in the wilderness for 40

years and wonder in the wilderness for

40 years they let other 10 other

people’s opinion become their reality

Saul had an opinion he said David you

can’t defeat Goliath with that slingshot

in that stone you need this armor and

you need to do this and you need to do

that but David said I’m not going to let

your opinions all become my reality I’m

going to do what God has told me to do

so many times people give up and they

quit right on the verge that’s why I

wanted to end with this story in Genesis

21 because in this story we have Ishmael

the boy and I just want to read it to

you and I want you to see it and I want

you to see what’s happening she’s out in

the wilderness and the scripture said

that God heard the voice of the lad the

angel of God called to Hagar

are out of heaven and said to her what

eles you Hagar fear not for God has

heard the voice of the lad where he is

listen to these words verse 18 arise

lift up the lad hold him with your hand

and I will make him a great nation and

God opened her eyes and she saw the will

of water what I want you to see in this

story is Ishmael Hagar stream what I

want you to see in this story is is she

had the dream but she gets into a

wilderness and in a moment of

discouragement she drops the dream she

puts it under a bush she hears the child

crying and she has no resources she has

no food no water in a hot desert and so

she can’t bear to hear the baby die and

suffer so she goes far enough away that

she can’t hear him but there’s an

amazing thing the Bible said God heard

the dream or the child crying out which

tells me something really powerful that

if you have a god-given dream it can

pray and cry even if you’ve given up on

it and she had given up and she had

dropped her dream and she had walked off

somewhere and she was weeping because

she knew her baby was dying her dream

was dying but the dream was crying out

the dream the dream was crying out and

God didn’t hear Hagar he heard the dream

and then he said to that mother go back

now I just really feel like this simple

message is for somebody I want you to go

back to some dreams that you’ve dropped

and I want you to pick them back up

because I’m not through with them I know

that it looked like a nightmare but I

just want you to know that if you endure

the nightmare you’re going to experience

the dream and it’s time to pick up some

drop dreams again and it’s time for you

to take them in your arms again and hold

them up before me again

and watch me bring my power in my life

and my resume

action on those dreams that you have

dropped picking up drop dreams is a word

in season for somebody then the Bible

said God showed her where the water was

he opened her eyes God showed her how to

keep the dream alive I’m telling you

today that it’s time to pick up the Trop

dreams I’m so glad that God is faithful

I feel like I’m just standing up your

prophesy now I’m standing up here I’m

gonna tell you something else

you’re looking at a preacher who has

stood in this pulpit and I have preached

preach real meaning before I got out of

the storm and the nightmare with our

family I had to stand here and preach

someday God will someday God will

someday God will Charice and I had to

stand and say some way God will preach

real pre-tribulation but now I stand

listening to this post real post means

after on the other side and I can tell

some of you young little couples out

there when I stood up here years ago and

I had a house full of teenagers

Saturday night my eyes were puffy

because I hadn’t slept all night

and worrying about them and not knowing

what in the world’s going on we found

out something and this and that or a

phone call or this and that and we like

the lost our minds and I’d still get up

and grab my black Bob on my microphone

that’s for me and my house we shall be

saved and I’ve got a covenant and I was

preaching preach real but now I’m

preaching post real Oh hallelujah I can

tell you all of them love Jesus I can

tell you all of them serve the Lord I

can tell you all I believe church this


and God can do it for you pick up those

straw dreams and say hail can’t have my

family demons can’t have my addiction

can’t have lesbianism homosexuality

sexual immorality cannot have my

children pick up your drop dreams

somebody praise Him like you’re not


of the enemy to death addiction can’t

have your chips roll people can’t have

your children you had a lujah let’s get

up on our feet and shout like we believe

that what God said he’s able to perform



I feel like doing something how many of

you how many of you have dropped some

dreams and you almost didn’t want me to

preach what I preached today because you

had no intention of picking it back up

because you’ve adjusted but just when

you think you’re safe God will come

along and say it’s time it’s time I feel

like today that you need to pick up drop

dreams and in your hands hold them up

just lift your hands representing drop

dreams hold them before heaven and say

God here it is hey everybody say this

I’m going to trust you with this dream

like never before you spoke to Pastor

and you told him to trust you and now

he’s challenging me in my situation that

I’ve been worrying about to trust you

say this Jesus I trust you from this day

forward I believe my dreams will live

now give him praise one more time


I want to thank you for joining us on

Kingdom connection today our mission

always is to lead people to Jesus Christ

and if you need Jesus in your life today

I want you to pray this prayer with me

just say Lord Jesus thank you for your

unfailing love thank you that you never

give up on me thank you Lord that your

grace and your mercy is already

cleansing me when I breathe and call

your name forgiveness comes to my life

and I receive you Jesus as my Lord and


and I give you the praise in Jesus name


and in our closing moments I wanted to

take just a moment to talk to you from

my heart about an amazing door God is

open for us in the nation of Israel

favor has been granted to this ministry

in ways that blows my mind to be honest

we partnered with an incredible

organization called Yale to feed and

bring comfort to the elderly Holocaust

survivors we’ve been receiving so many

thank-you videos from Holocaust

survivors and even government officials

and I wanted to share one with you

listen to this and let it speak to your

heart when you partner with us today we

want to give you some amazing gifts and

resources including my message grace

grace and I believe this message is one

of the most important messages I’ve ever

preached my announcer is going to tell

you what you can do to be a part of the

Israel miracle right now we have an

amazing but brief window of opportunity

to share the love of God with elderly

Holocaust survivors living in Israel in

recent months the kovat 19 virus


has only added to the fear and worry

these amazing Holocaust survivors have

had to confront to say thank you for

taking that step with a gift of $50 or

more today we’ll send you the

encouraging series grace grace on DVD

along with a digital download plus a

travel tumbler and grace grace keychain

your words have power speak grace grace

play your hands on your business and

grace grace when you pull up in the

parking lot

grace grace to your job when you fill

out an application to go in and get a

job grace grace if you’re able to sow a

gift of $300 or more today we’ll respond

by sending the Jenson Franklin Legacy

Study Bible and an art piece declaring

Zachariah for seven plus a grace grace

notepad and journey finally with your

gift of $1,000 or more today you’ll

receive the special edition Jensen


legacy Study Bible will also plant a

tree in Israel in your honor and send an

exclusive comfort my people certificate

your help in this time of need is

critical and you’ll be living out the

prophecy found in Isaiah chapter 40

Comfort comfort my people to learn more

please call now or visit us at Jensen

Franklin TV Charisse and I want to

invite you to join us on our Holy Land

tour it’s an amazing trip unlike

anything you’ve ever experienced and

will be on the trip we get on the buses

our family will be on there and I

promise you it will change your life and

you’ve been thinking about it you’ve

been praying about it this is the year

to go God’s gonna open your eyes to

things you’ve never seen an experience

before in the Holy Land get signed up


this program has been sponsored by

friends and partners of Kingdom

Connection we hope you’ve enjoyed this

teaching by Jensen Franklin and thank

you for your continued support of this

ministry your prayers and financial

support make these programs possible for

more information about this message and

other ministry resources visit us online

at Jensen franklin TV