Watch “Made For More: Prospering Without Guilt” Jentezen Franklin, host of Kingdom Connection & Pastor of Free Chapel.

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a man was this is true story a man was

attempting to siphon gas from a motor

home but when police arrived he was

curled up in fetal position

he had gotten more than he bargained for

he suctioned from the sewage tank

instead of the gas tank the owner of the

vehicle didn’t press charges saying

quote it was the best laugh that I’ve

had in ages many of us in this room have

been the victims of a thief the eighth

commandment is you shall not steal

stealing is to take something that

belongs to another person there are a

number of different words that we use

for the word stealing another word for

stealing is theft robbery burglary

larceny shoplifting

holdup fraud embezzlement swindle

misappropriation of funds robbing

cheating poaching exhorting extorting

swindle pickpocket hijack Ponzi schemes

there are many ways for us to break the

eighth commandment a man walked into a

bank and passed the note to the teller

and he said this is a holdup give me all

your cash she in response said

straighten your tie stupid your

photograph is being taken right now I

want you to understand that God sees

stealing and when he says do not steal

he’s keeping a record of those who did

now how do we prosper with a clear

conscience and that’s what I want I want

to talk about prospering without guilt

how many of you want to prosper how many

of you want God to prosper your business

prosper your finance

come on get excited over that word God

wants to

for you but but you it’s possible

sometimes it’s almost like people feel

guilty when God starts prospering them

you know is and we almost live in a

nation now that makes you feel bad if

you aren’t like your like your every

movie anybody that ever prospers they’re

the bad guy well that it is possible to

experience biblical prosperity and that

means its prosperity without guilt its

prospering without guilt because you

have you have prospered the right way

now I want to give you and I want to

look at the appropriate way to prosper

but first I want to look at the

inappropriate way to prosper the Bible

said you shall not steal so what are the

what’s the inappropriate way ways not to

prosper number one through dishonesty

God demands fairness in every business

deal God’s Way and God’s Bible teaches

that we are to deal in honest

give an honest price for an honest

product don’ts wind or cheap people when

you’re buying or when you’re selling the

Bible says God hates cheating or

dishonest scales is how the Bible but he

hates cheating but he delights in

honesty in that something a lot of false

advertising today skips over the small

print and if you’re not careful if

you’re in sales you will begin to take

on the philosophy of the world if you do

repairs on people’s car and I’ll never

forget one time my mom had had a car

that somewhere she took between here in

the North Pole and and and there was a

minor thing wrong with that car but

someone thought that they could take

advantage of a widow of a senior citizen

that that that they could take it man

and they told her you need a whole new

system and we mom don’t let’s take it at

least to another mechanic that I don’t

believe we took it and it was a minor

thing those people those

people were absolutely trying to be

dishonest and I’m saying to you that’s a

form of stealing when you quote for

unnecessary repairs you need the whole

system you need this you need that I’m

gonna have to do this that and the other

that will fix that and you know in your

mind that’s just not the truth the Bible

warns against dishonesty number two the

Bible warns us against defrauding the

IRS reports that the evasion of taxes

isn’t in the hundreds of billions of

dollars and here’s the excuse that

people give well they take too much and

they waste what they get so I have a

right to cheat on my taxes I heard the

story of a man who was having trouble

sleeping because he was cheating on his

taxes and he wrote a letter to the IRS

and he said I’m having trouble sleeping

because I’m cheating on my taxes

therefore you will find enclosed a

hundred-dollar bill if this doesn’t cure

my insomnia I will send the rest later

the Bible says the Bible says pay

everyone what you owe them if you owe

taxes pay them if your ship does come in

the income tax department will be there

to help you unload it sometimes

employees exploit employers exploit

their employees and this is a form of

defrauding they defraud people working

for them by not paying them what they

should the Bible said do not cheat or

rob anyone always pay your hired workers

properly and it’s the employees

responsibility to to not steal from the

employer listen to this scripture

workers obey your employees don’t do it

just when their eye is on you to win the

favor but with sincerity of heart and

reverence for the Lord why is it most

sick days happen on Fridays or Mondays

one man used up all of his sick days and

he said I’m calling in dead

bosses don’t manipulate your employees

employees don’t take advantage of your

bosses theft by employees taking

supplies parts calling it perks of the


running up expense accounts small thefts

add up to huge losses the biggest thief

is the Titan thief how little can I do

and how much can I get paid for doing as

little as I can I talked to one man who

had a new job and he said pray for me

and he said because my supervisor keeps

getting on me and he said he’s not

getting on me because I’m too slack he

said I need to slow down I’m making him

and the rest of the people look bad and

they don’t want to do that much work and

we should we should be a little slower

because it makes us not have to do as

much work this is this is core value

stuff this is God’s top 10 and one of

them is don’t steal the third way that

we inappropriately prosper is through

downloading there’s dishonesty there’s

de frauded and then there’s downloading

because of Technology

illegal downloads cost billions of

dollars and our young people need to

understand this versus illegal downloads

which you know in the music industry and

the movie industry and other things it’s

there’s illegal downloads where you’re

stealing that they don’t give you

permission and you’re stealing that and

these it’s you know it’s an easy way to

steal through the computer you wouldn’t

walk out of a DVD store with with the

DVD stuffed or CD stuffed up under your

shirt I hope why would you do it online

there ought to be something even if

nobody knows anything about it something

in your spirit if you belong to Jesus

Christ or to say that’s not right we

don’t do what we can get by with you are

what you do turn to somebody and say you

are what you do you’re not what you say

anybody can say I’m a Christian you are

what you do so if you’re going out and

getting drunk and sleeping around and

stealing and lying and cheating you can

say all you want you are what you do

number four I like the sermon I’m

enjoying it

you don’t prosper through defaulting

defaulting means not paying your debts

don’t let any out the Bible said don’t

let any outstanding debts go unpaid the

wicked borrow the scripture said and

never repay are you borrowing money and

with no intention of ever giving it back

are you buying are you borrowing tools

or books or clothes and you never have

an intention of giving it back never

long good books to people because they

never return the books the only good

books that I have in my library are the

good books that people home me amen and

then so you got to beat young miss to

hold yo but it was a each other the

golden rule is do for others what you

would like for them to do for you and

it’s wrong to not pay your bills it’s

wrong to charge up stuff knowing while

you’re doing it I can’t afford it and I

can’t do this wrong ways to prosper

dishonesty defrauding downloading

defaulting so how do we prosper with a

clean conscience I’m gonna give you 4

real quick and and I’d like some of that

enthusiasm that I had earlier in this

service to come back into this deflated

crowd number one by working

the Bible said work brings profit but

talk leads to poverty use your hands for

honest work the Bible demands that we

work if you want to prosper quit wanting

and expecting people to give you

everything and work work hard work with

all that you put your hand to do do it

with all of your mind pope john paul ii

was asked how many people work in the


he replied about half

the dictionary is the only place you

find the word success before work God

intends for us to work raising children

at home is hard work let’s start right


appreciate the mothers the dads that

take care of their children and raise

their children and some say they don’t

have a job that is hard work if you do

it right

beware of laziness don’t get mad at

people because they won’t give you what

they work to get hard they work they

gave up hours and hours of their life

and you get mad cuz they won’t give you

stuff work work I’m astonished at how

many people have opportunities and they

don’t take advantage you know if you’re

if you’re struggling it won’t kill you

for a season to work two jobs if you

have to I mean my goodness this is this

is something missing you can’t hardly

find people that will come and give a

hard stay work they expect so much and

give so little

beware of laziness turn to your neighbor

and say that one was for you beware of

native laziness

do you know the Bible never condemns

people who cannot work who are disabled

who are who are elderly or whatever you

know there’s issues the Bible never

condemns people who cannot work but it

does condemn those who will not work God

put Adam in the garden and the first

thing God did was give him a job and

when he had a job cultivate this garden

God said then God gave him a wife no

money no honey no job no wife and if

you’re unemployed and you’re a well

bodied person and you’ve tried and you

can’t find a job volunteer do something

don’t sit around the house and sit on

the couch and eat and and get bigger and

bigger and more depressed do something

go volunteer watch how God’s laws will

work if you’re so you’ll read if you’re

so you’ll read if you’re so you read but

work God will not bless stingy people

and God will not bless lazy people and

nor will people who have resources is

this all right all right there’s another

way that you can prosper without guilt

number one by working number two by this

is this will sound like a cuss word by


the Bible said shortcuts lead to poverty

but hard work leads to prosperity the

Bible is full of saving and investing

wisely parables and stories Jesus Christ

Himself commanded that we be wise

investors in the story of the parables

and we call it talents the talents but

really it was money talents was the

money and he said when God took money

and invested it when God took money and

doubled his investment and the other God

took what he had and buried it and Jesus

said that was a wicked servant because

he didn’t invest the money right and

save the money right and God called him

wicked so here’s what the Bible teaches

it teaches make all you can save all you

can and give on you can say that with me

make all you can save all you can give

on you can we prosper by working by

saving thirdly we prosper by praying I’m

telling you when you pray about your

finances God releases blessing on your

life pray about your needs pray about

wisdom God gave me wisdom and what I

should invest and what a how I handle

the resources you’ve given me pray about

it pray spend time in prayer ask God to

bless the work of your hands prosper on

your way to work as pray about it bless

me today give me good sales today give

me favor today Lord I pray for your

blessing on my finances God I’m seeking

you I acknowledge you as the giver of

all good gifts they come from the father

above and Lord I’m praying today I’m not

just going to work and doing my thing I

need your help I need your assistance I

need your favor I need your blessing I

need you to bring my name up in the

boardroom I need you to bring my name up

in the contracts I need you to get my

foot in the door pray

pray pray said the Robin to the sparrow

I would surely like to know why these

anxious human beings worry so said the

sparrow to the Robin imagine it must be

that they have no Heavenly Father that

cares for you and me I’m not praying as

an excuse not to work and not to say I’m

gonna work I’m gonna save I’m praying

that God would put his anointing and

blessing on the work of my hands and

when and when you truly get a conversion

of heart I want you to hear this

Zacchaeus was a tax collector and he

overcharged people and he was ripping

people off and putting the money

stealing from people and putting the

money in his pocket and Jesus said come

down from the tree Zacchaeus I’m coming

to your house today and when he got

around Jesus Jesus’s purity Jesus shows

up the darkness and Jesus never told him

what to do but when he got around the

purity of Jesus Christ

everything was transformed his

conversation his heart his thievery he

gives back the money the Bible said he

paid back four times what he stole from


it’s called restitution where is this

kind of integrity in the body of God

where is this kind of character in

Christians that if we know we owe

something we pay it back if we stole

something we give back Zacchaeus paid

back four times what he was do when

you’re guilty of stealing you have three

choices number one you can deny it which

is lying then you break another

commandment you can deflect it or you

can dissolve it in the blood of Jesus

Christ because guilt is the corrosion of

the soul and when he paid back four

times what he had taken the Bible said

today salvation has come Jesus said to

your house

Malachi 3 said should people cheat or

steal from God yet you have cheated me

what do you mean you asked when did we

rob you you have robbed me and the ties

and in the offerings do me that’s what

God says that’s not what a preacher says

that’s not what a church says that’s not

what a preacher who’s after your money

says that’s what God says and he says

you’ve robbed me in ties which is a tent

and in offerings we must get back in our

lives the willingness to be very

generous in our giving to not just hit

and skip miss and kind of casual about

there ought to be a purposeful heart

that says God I am so thankful for all

that you have done for me that the least

I can do is bring you my time in my

offering and joyfully support the work

of the kingdom of God through my local

church Geils and it shall be given unto

you press down shaken together running

over shall men give unto your bosom can

I close with one more story and I’ve

told this before I told it recently but

I’m gonna tell it one more time because

she all don’t come to church all the

time probably you were out that Sunday

but I heard the story of a man who was

in the airport and he and he was waiting

on his flight and had a few minutes a

little bit hungry and he got bought a

bag of doughnuts and bought a cup of

coffee and went no tables were available

there and he goes over to a table and

there’s a little bit of a longer table

and there was one guy on one end so he’s

thought I’ll sit at the other end I

won’t have to talk to them and he sits

down and takes his coat off and and and

lays his briefcase down lays this code

on the back of his you know chair and he

sips his coffee and reaches in his

doughnut reaches to the center of the

table and

the donut bag over and reaches in pulls

the donut out and starts eating it and

sipping his coffee and all of a sudden

the guy on the other end of the table

reaches all the way across the table and

reaches his bag and pulls it back into

the middle and takes his hand and puts

it in the bag of donuts and takes it out

and starts eating it and the man looks

at him and thinks my god I cannot

believe the rudeness of this doughnut

stealer what a jerk you are and he turns

his body and gives him you know body

language and lets him know I don’t

appreciate it reaches to the middle of

the table pulls the bag of doughnuts all

the way to the edge letting him know

this is mine and I hope that you get the

message and he takes another doughnut

and starts eating it and then the man

across the table stands up reaches all

the way over and the reaches into the

bag and pool and looks at the man and

smiles and he thinks I cannot believe

the audacity of this doughnut thief and

the man a tease donut and he’s just so

but he’s scared off him cuz obviously

he’s got a you know he’s won fries short

of a happy meal the guy is not all there

and and and the guy gets up finally and

puts his coat on walks off it’s time to

catch his flight and he thinks well

thank God the thief is gone and then he

realizes it’s time for me to catch my

flight and he stands up and he puts his

coat on and reaches down to pick up his

briefcase and he sees his bag of donuts

he thought the guy was stealing from him

by taking his Donuts back when really

the man was sharing they were his donuts

in the center of the table and I’ve just

come to tell you God owns all the donuts

he’s not stealing from you taking a

tenth he’s blessing you saying if you

honor me I’ll honor you and you’ll never

out give God now right now get happy

over that and praise the Lord that you

served the God who owns all the

doughnuts all of it he can keep filling

your bag and filling your bag and fill

in your bag and filling your bag because

your God will supply all your needs

according to his riches and glory

through Christ Jesus hallelujah now I

wonder how many of you in this room are

more blessed than you ever thought you

could be at this point in your life

would you give God some praise this


God will make the blessings overtake you

the Bible city said Deuteronomy said

these blessings will overtake you you

have to hire accountants and people help

me I’m being overtaken with the

blessings hallelujah

you might not even have graduated from

high school but the blessing can

overtake you and you have PhDs running

your stuff college grads you handle that

but watch them

then hire somebody to watch them that’s

how that goes

thou shalt not steal I want to make

money then money I just want to find

love okay earn respect have babies eat

healthy exercise more and party more

laughs more more MORE

have you ever had that feeling there

must be more to life you might be

enjoying all of the blessings that God

has provided but still know something is

missing God has a perfect plan and

purpose for your life you are made for

more this month with your gift of any

amount request our brand-new CD series

made for more in it Jenson Franklin

reveals this simple steps that we can

take to realize God’s potential for your

life and as a special bonus we’ve

included a powerful worship service

recorded live at 3 Chapel in Gainesville

Georgia God created

with a special purpose in mind he wants

more for you than you ever dreamed

possible request your copy of made for

more and begin your journey today

life is real vivid alive beating

it happens behind closed doors and out

in front there’s joy there’s laughter

and chaos

lifelong friendships are forged love is


moments cherished

and never forgotten

life is a gift and together we are real



real people

experiencing real life

it’s free chaplain

this program has been brought to you by

the friends and partners of Jensen drink

land media ministries for more

information on this broadcast or for

additional resources go online at Jensen

Franklin dot o-r-g
