This is “How to Say Goodbye to Your Past”. When you decide to follow Jesus, you make a decision to leave your past, which can be very difficult. Sometimes your past will pursue you. But your future is so filled with promise that it is worth the cost. The world will beckon and call out for you. Don’t turn back. Stay on the path that leads to your future.

>> Thank you

for joining us today,

I really believe that you

are watching for purpose.

I know that God can use

these times that

we spend together

to confirm to you the truth

of His word and His promise

in your life.

God knows every need

in your life.

He knows every enemy

that you face

and He’s got victory

in His mind for you.

I want you to listen

to this message,

open up your heart.

God’s gonna speak to you.

♪ ♪

This morning I wanna give you

a quick thought, and word,

because we need the word.

Say amen, somebody.

2 Samuel 3,

let’s go to verse 13.

“And David said, ‘Good,

I will make a covenant with you.

But one thing I require of you:

you will not see my face

unless you first bring Michal,

Saul’s daughter,

when you come to see my face.'”

And so,

go down to verse 15.

“And Ishbosheth sent

and took her from her husband,

from Paltiel the son of Laish.

Then her husband went along

with her to Bahurim,

weeping behind her.

So Abner said to him,

‘Go, return!’

And he returned.”

I wanna take this

Old Testament story,

because I believe

it’s especially relevant

to what is about to happen

in this water baptism service,

in just a moment.

But just to recap

the story, Saul,

King Saul was extremely

jealous of David,

because of the victories

God gave him,

especially when

he defeated Goliath,

and the people began to sing

a greater song about David

than they did Saul,

jealousy overcame him —

you remember the story.

And, for killing Goliath,

one of the rewards

was that David got to marry

the daughter

of the king, Michal.

He was given her to marry.

And that was his reward.

And, Saul became so jealous,

he drove David away.

And not only did he bust up

the marriage with his daughter,

and David,

but he gave that daughter

to another man.

And she lived

with that man by force,

we are not told any details.

But, she had to marry

and go to that man,

and live with him,

after being the wife of David,

and she loved David.

She was the one

who saved his life,

you remember,

she opened the window

and he slid out when assassins

were coming to kill him.

She loved David.

And now,

imagine how she’s taken,

and for approximately,

they believe about ten years,

she lives with this man,

and I’m sure,

even if it’s

a Stockholm Syndrome,

where you just kinda,

because you’ve been held captive

so long by someone,

you have affections.

It may have been that

she really fell in love

with this guy, we don’t know.

We know one thing for sure,

he sure fell in love with her.

That’s very clear

in the scripture, now,

lemme go quickly

where I wanna go.

His name was Paltiel,

and he was her new husband.

Okay, so fast-forward,

King Saul dies in battle,

and his sons are killed,

and David now is about

to become king.

And Abner comes to him

and he says,

“I’m the one who’s

a political person

in the nation.

I can unite all

the tribes behind you,

and you can be king

this time, tomorrow.”

And, David looked at him

and that’s where we picked up

the text, and he said,

“Okay, we’ll make a covenant.

I’m gonna be king,

and you’re gonna help me,

and you’re gonna assist me.

But I’ve got one thing

that will not happen,

I will not begin to rule

and reign until I see

my bride face-to-face.”

You read it, he said,

“Until I see her face-to-face,

it’s not going to happen.

I’m not gonna set up

my kingdom and rule and reign.”

What a beautiful picture

of the second coming

of Jesus Christ.

Jesus says, “I’m coming back,

and I’m gonna rule and reign

and straighten out

this whole messed-up world,

but it’s not gonna happen

until the trumpet sounds,

and I see my bride,

the church, face-to-face.”

And, he said,

“I want my lawful wife.

She’s mine.

She doesn’t belong

to that man.

She belongs to me.”

So, he said, “So go get her,

and bring her to me,

and then I’ll set up

the kingdom,

and we’ll rule and reign.”

And, Abner says,

“Let’s go.”

He goes, he goes to the house

where the — he was a farmer,

where the man was,

and he had soldiers,

and he had a horse,

couple horses.

And he said,

“You and the servant,

Ms. Michal,

Saul’s daughter,

you come with me,

David has called for you.”

And at that moment,

the Bible said that

she got on the horse with

her servant, and with Abner,

and the soldiers,

and they started leaving,

and somewhere in the picture

comes this man, Paltiel.

He comes stepping out,

and the Bible said that

he begins to follow behind.

He loves her.

He’s emotionally

connected to her.

And he’s wailing,

he’s weeping, he’s pleading,

he’s begging his case,

trying his best to move

the heart of Michal,

and he’s saying,

“No, no, Come back to me.

Come back to me,

you know we had some times.

Look, we had some great times.

Come back to me.”

And, she had to make a decision.

She had to decide

what she was gonna do,

but it wasn’t just

that he said it,

but if you read the whole story,

he followed them.

He followed them

for two-and-a-half days.

I want you to understand

that you have to say,

I will or I will not

follow Jesus.

She had to decide,

her own free will

had to decide.

And really,

what I’m preaching on is how

to say goodbye to your past.

Because there’s

an emotional price

that has to be paid.

Emotions you have

to wade through,

even in the church,

when you make up your mind.

As for me and my house,

we will follow the Lord,

and you take off down

the road to get with your

King of Kings and your

Lord of Lords, Jesus.

You’re ready to rule

and reign with Him.

There will be a Paltiel spirit

that follows you

behind and says,

“No, Don’t leave me.”

It may come in

the form of an addiction,

it may come in the form

of a person.

It may — you know,

that just drives you back

to that old lifestyle.

It may come in

the form of a text,

it may come in

the form of a Facebook friend,

but somebody,

some Paltiel will show up

in your life,

just when you’re trying

to straighten out and get away,

and it’ll scream at you,

“No, don’t leave me.

Don’t leave me.”

We’re gonna drown him today.

We’re gonna drown him today.

Isn’t it amazing,

the things that come

crawling out of the woods

when you make up your mind,

I’m gonna follow Jesus?

And she had seen David.

before, she remembered how

much she loved him,

and now, she’s about

to see him again.

And something in her said,

“Keep walking.”

Keep going.

Why Abner allowed this guy

to go on and on and on

for hour after hour after hour,

day after day,

we’re not told why,

except I believe

he was saying and King David

was saying,

I want to know

what’s in her heart.

Does she really love me,

or is she going to turn back

to those old emotions,

and lies,

and feelings of the past?

Will she really let the past go,

and move forward,

because there’s a king

and a kingdom awaiting you,

a destiny, a plan,

God has ordered steps.

It’s all ahead of you,

but you have to

make up your mind,

“No, I’m not coming back to you.

I’m done.

This is it.

This water is my grave.”

She kicks the horse,

and something magical

about two-and-a-half days,

but she kicks the horse,

and when she starts

moving this time,

something shifts in Abner,

and he says,

“I’ve had enough of this.”

And he goes back

and he says, “Mr. Paltiel,

it’s time for you to go home

and leave her alone.

Shut up.

Go away.

She’s free.

She’s delivered.

She’s on her way to victory.

She’s on her way

to serve her king,

and you’re going to have

to go back

where you came from.”

Somebody clap your hands

if you know that

there is a freeing moment

that when the Son

sets you free,

you’re free, indeed.

The battle’s over.

You may have other battles,

but that battle is over.

I’m not going back to him,

her, that, it, this, that.

I’m done.

How many of you are

free this morning?

Can we take a pause break —

a praise break,

would you stand to your feet

all over this room?

And would you give God praise

if you know He sets free,

and whom He sets free

is free, indeed?

Come on, praise Him.

Praise Him.

I said, really praise Him,

at every campus.

You don’t have to go back.

You don’t have to go back.

What’s your name?

>> Jacob Smith.

>> How long have you been

coming to the church?

>> About three years now.

>> Did somebody invite you,

what made you show up?

>> The Jericho House.

>> Jericho House,

the rehab program.

And are you presently in it?

>> Yes sir,

I just graduated

the SLT program.

>> Congratulations,

we’re proud of you.

What was your struggle?

>> My struggle

was really anything.

Alcohol, heroine,

meth and more.

Suicide, suicidal thoughts,

depression and anxiety,

panic attacks,

mental health,

you can go on with that list.

>> How far did it take you?

What was life like

at the bottom of all of that.

>> At the bottom I had a gun

in my mouth crying out

to God to save me.

And He radically did.


>> Where was that at,

was it at your home,

was it in your —

>> It was in Parker, Florida.

I was homeless and strung out

bad back in 2019.

I hit my rock bottom down

there —

>> Just living outside,

just living,

where would you sleep?

>> On job sites,

at different places.

In the back of my bosses truck,

so many different places.

>> And you just had

reached a point

where you couldn’t kick it,

you couldn’t get free from it,

couldn’t find peace,

you couldn’t find hope,

the enemy whispers,

“What’s the use of going on?”

Where’d you find the gun?

>> I purchased it from one

of my dealers

and I’d had it secretly,

didn’t tell anybody about it.

My parents and my family

didn’t even know

but I was doing it in Florida,

I just lived a life in secrecy

and I was ashamed of myself.

>> So, what happened?

>> So, I cried out to God

for help and not only

did he help me,

he lead me to call my mom

— to tell her

what was going on she contacted

one of her friends

that was in Georgia.

He came all the way

from Georgia to come pick me up

from Parker, Florida

and drove me all

the way back to Georgia.

And never even met the guy.

So three days later

on October the 16th, 2019,

I was at the Jericho House

and God had radically

changed my life through that.

>> That’s wonderful ministry.

Larry who came up in the church,

Larry I remember when he started

that he came up in this church

and had the dream

to start Jericho House

and we support it monthly

and proudly do it,

I’m thankful to do it.

So this is a big day for you,

do you have friends

and family here today?

What’s going on

in your life now?

What’s happening,

are you still living

in the back of a truck?

>> No sir,

I’m staying with

the Jericho House

and helping serve that

— as staff and just plugging in

wherever I can.

>> Only God could take all

of that and turn it

into a ministry.

I baptize you

in the name of the Father,

the Son Jesus Christ

and the Holy Spirit.


>> And what is your name?

>> My name is

Arisabeth Bellaforte.

>> And how did you end up

at Free Chapel?

>> Well, growing up,

I didn’t really —

my parents weren’t

really religious,

or didn’t really show me church,

so I really had to look

for it on my own.

So, when I was a teenager,

I got diagnosed

with juvenile arthritis,

and I got into —

well, I got depressed,

I had anxiety

because it’s a lot.

Every day, to be in pain,

you know,

kind of dealing with that,

kind of dealing with being

a teenager, and so,

I started self-medicating

with alcohol

at a very young age,

and I had a DUI

when I was 23 years old.

And, when I was 24,

I had my daughter,

I was raising her by myself.

And, I needed strength,

I felt like I was alone,

I felt like nobody was there.

I just felt like,

how am I gonna do this?

I have nobody.

And she’s looking up to me,

how am I gonna do this?

So, I start coming here,

and I remember,

I came up to the stage,

and just so many people

came up to me,

started praying with me.

They laid their hands over me,

and I just — it felt just —

I don’t know, like,

just such an awakening.

I’m not really

an emotional person,

but it was just like, that time,

I just, you know,

I just started crying,

and I had my daughter

in my hands, and they were like,

you know, you got this,

you know, you’re strong.

You’re gonna get through this,

and eventually, through God,

I have — you know,

I feel like I have

become a very strong woman,

a very strong mom

that they can look up to.


>> That’s very powerful.

That’s — so,

your whole deal was

I wanna be a better mother,

I gotta be a good mother

to my baby,

and it made you come

to this church?

And that touched me

when you said,

when you came down,

that people surrounded you

and it brought

a strength to you,

it brought change,

it brought, really,

what they were doing was trying

to facilitate God’s presence

in your life,

and that’s what that

touch on the shoulder meant,

is God, touch her.

God, help her.

God, reveal Yourself to her.

And it worked.

>> Yeah.

I don’t know,

I just feel like

a different person,

I know that’s cliche,

but there’s a power here,

and in Christ,

that I could not find anywhere,

not through family,

not through myself,

it’s just like,

you can’t go through

life alone,

especially in the times today,

it’s just, it’s too hard.

There’s a lot of negativity

that, you know,

you just need somebody there,

and God is that strength,

He’s that anchor, you know.

>> Wow, I really feel

the presence of the Lord

when you talk,

’cause it’s heartfelt

what you’re saying.

You’ve been born again,

that’s what happened to you.

You got around the river

and slipped into it.

And now, you are starting

a first-generation

Christian family,

through the grace

of Jesus Christ.

I baptize you in the name

of the Father, the Son,

Jesus Christ,

and the Holy Spirit.

We gotta stop and praise

the Lord right there.

And give Him all the glory,

give Him all the honor.

>> Hello, sir.

What’s your name?

>> Kelly Kirksey.

>> Kelly, we’re glad to

have you here today.

How did you —

How long have you been

at the church?

>> Started watching online

during the pandemic,

and I’ve been —

When the doors opened back up,

my wife and I started

to come here.

>> So, you had never

really came,

and then you started

watching during

the pandemic, online.

And what made you watch us?

>> Well, I mean,

I’d been in church,

but you know,

the four years prior to this,

I was empty and as broken

as a man could be,

and November 13th, 2018,

I made that choice.

No more drugs, alcohol.

I was addicted to drugs

and alcohol,

and I made a choice.

And when I made that choice,

made that step,

God just took over

and He changed my life.


>> So, how long —

How long were you bound,

and I mean, when it really

got ahold of you?

And I tell people this a lot.

I remember this,

for some reason, a lot.

But I watched a documentary

one time about poisonous snakes,

dangerous snakes,

and the guy was a professional,

and he said,

“The danger

in picking up this snake,

the greatest danger

is when you’re trying

to put it down.”

I never forgot that,

that he said — he said,

“Sometimes it’s —

Almost every time it’s easier

to pick it up that when —

It’s when you set it down

that it’s more prone to strike.

And you don’t know

how much the enemy

is destroying your life

till you try to put it down.

And when you try to put it down,

every demon in hell

will tell you,

“You can’t put it down.

This is who you are.

You’re a slave to this

the rest of your life.”

Did you hear that voice?

>> Everyday.


And when I made that choice,

I just surrendered,

I surrendered to Christ,

and He took those demons away.

Where was it?

Was it at your home,

or was it in an altar,

or was it a special —

or was it a process?

>> To No Longer Bound, yeah.

And it was —

>> You got in that program,

and —

>> It changed my life.

It was — I got still,

and I found God there.

And I’d been in church,

I knew who Christ was,

but I was so far away,

I didn’t know how to get back.

>> As far as the addiction

part, the grip,

I mean, you get saved,

you’re spirit’s saved,

but then comes the battle

with the body,

and the habits,

and all of that,

just that voice saying,

“Come back to me,

come back to me.”

>> And He’s taken that from me.

I don’t — I don’t have that

taste in my mouth no longer.

>> So, was it instant

or was it a process?

>> No, it was a process.

No doubt.

It was a process,

it was a yearlong process.

>> Was there a point where

you felt like you just made up

your mind that you were

never going back

to that life again?

>> I made a choice.

I said, “No more.”

>> Different man,

aren’t you?

>> For sure.

>> You have kids?

>> I do.

I have five kids

>> They got a new daddy,

didn’t they?

>> Yeah, for sure.

>> I got a beautiful wife

God restored my life to.

She could’ve let me pick

where I wanted to be.

It’s a hundredfold better.

>> To God be the glory.

I baptize you

in the name of the Father,

the Son, Jesus Christ,

and the Holy Spirit.

You deserve the glory, Lord.

You change lives,

You change families,

You change marriages,

You change destinies,

and we praise You,

and we honor You,

and we glorify You today.

To God be the glory.

♪ ♪

>> Well, I wanna thank you

for listening to this message,

and I sense in my heart

that this is a divine moment

in many, many people’s lives

watching this.

It’s time for you

to receive Jesus Christ

as your Lord and Savior.

Remember this,

today is the seed for tomorrow.

Nothing’s gonna change tomorrow

unless you do

something different today.

And the thing that is missing

in your life

is you keep putting off

your decision for Christ,

but today is the seed

for tomorrow.

If you want

a different tomorrow,

accept Jesus Christ today.

Today, receive it.

Say, “Jesus, wash me,

cleanse me, forgive me.

I repent, I need Your mercy,

I need Your forgiveness.

I ask boldly,

in the name of Jesus,

for salvation,

for cleansing.

Lord, I pray right now,

in the name of Jesus,

for healing,

I pray for miracles.

I pray right now

that You would stretch

forth Your hand

to move mightily across lives

and heal families,

and restore homes,

in the name of Jesus,

and I praise You for that today

over every life that hears me.”

I believe right now,

the angels are rejoicing

in heaven because somebody

prayed that and meant it,

and we would love

to hear from you.

If you prayed that prayer,

call us.

There’s a prayer line number

right there on the screen.

Or go to our website

and click on

the “Salvation” tab.

We have a free salvation

journey kit that we wanna

send you that’s full

of resources like

a 21-day devotion

that will help you on

your new walk with the Lord.

In our closing moments,

I wanna thank you for

your continued support

of this ministry.

We do three things

with the resources:

we preach the Gospel,

just like you’ve just heard,

to over 200 nations a week;

we produce inspirational

resources and material

constantly: books, Bibles,

etc.; and we go above

and beyond in supporting life

giving mission projects

all over the world,

especially in

the nation of Israel,

but all over the world,

and all over in

the United States.

Even as I speak now,

we’re doing something

we’re so excited about,

our stork buses.

They are powerful,

they’re saving

little babies lives,

and your — my announcer

is gonna tell you

all about that.

You can make a difference

all over the world by

supporting this ministry.

Will you pray about it?

You’ve watched

this program many times,

but I encourage you today.

In times like these,

get seed into ground and God

will bring the harvest,

I believe that, in money,

and what money cannot buy.

Thank you,

and God bless you.

>> Announcer: Every year

there are 78 million

abortions worldwide.

In the U.S. alone

there are 3 000 abortions

every day.

Tragically, 22% of all

pregnancies in the U.S.

end in abortion.

At Jentezen Franklin

Media Ministries,

we believe God has called us

to step up and do for

the unborn and more

for the women who face

such life and death decisions,

and now, we are launching

a brand-new initiative

called “Life is Beautiful.”

We know that more

than 80% of abortion-minded

women choose life

after they see their

unborn child on an ultrasound.

Because of generous viewers

like you,

we are purchasing our very

first Mobile Medical Clinic.

It is a state-of-the-art

mobile clinic equipped

to offer pregnancy tests,


and other medical tests

to women all at no cost.

And since it’s mobile,

it not only allows

pregnancy centers

to have a greater reach

in the community

but allows women to understand

her full range of options

and provide the support

and resources she needs

to feel fully empowered

and informed.

This mobile clinic is staffed

with professional nurses

and doctors who are trained

to offer qualified care.

In addition to testing

and ultrasounds,

for up to two years

after birth,

we will walk with these

new mothers and provide them

and their baby with the care

and basic necessities

that they need to grow.

We believe all life is beautiful

and your support

today will have an immediate

impact as we launch

this new initiative,

and together

we can see a life saved.

[baby crying]

>> You’re invited to join us

in person at Free Chapel.

Across our eight campuses

on the east and west coast.

You can enjoy the same great

experience with sprit-filled

worship and a powerful

Jesus centered message

from our senior pastor,

Jentezen Franklin.

Kids and youth of all ages

will experience and learn

about the love of Jesus

from Kid Pak on Sunday morning’s

to our annual

Forward Conference

that draws thousands of students

from across the country.

No matter your age

or background,

there’s a place for you

at Free Chapel.

Join us every Sunday online

or in person at a campus

near you.

Of what are the lessons —

What are the lessons

that we can avoid?

A great quote,

“Mentors are shortcuts

to success.”

Mentorship is learning

through the pain

of another person.

There are two ways

that people learn:

through mentors or mistakes.

And I’d rather learn

through somebody

who made the mistake,

and I can learn through

their pain,

than me make the mistake

and go through that hell.

>> Mentoring Moments with

Jentezen Franklin

and Marcus Mecum.

Now available wherever

you get your podcasts.

>> We hope you’ve enjoyed

this teaching

by Jentezen Franklin.

For more information

about this message

and other ministry resources,

visit us online
