This is “How to Honor Your Mother.” There is no one like mom. God knew what He was doing when He created that roll and placed her in our homes. He even attached a special promise to honoring our mothers. But how do we do that? In this message we’ll learn seven ways to give mom the honor she deserves … the honor God commanded us to give.

the following program is sponsored by

friends and partners of Kingdom



Ephesians chapter 6 honor your father

and mother which is the first

commandment with promise watch this that

it may be well with you and you may live

long on the earth the reason that it

extends your life is we the parents

won’t kill you if you if you honor us if

you don’t there’s a real chance but

honor listen to this it’s a commandment

remember one of the top 10 commandments

is to honor your mother honor your

parents how you treat your parents

really does matter to God so much so

that he said it will be well with you if

you honor your parents and you will live

long if you honor your parents

indicating if you don’t it won’t go well

with you and you will shorten your life

it’s really a remarkable thing that

there are several stern warnings that

children who mistreat their parents and

dishonor by their lives and the way and

the things they do and the way they

treat their parents will suffer great

great consequences the question that I

would ask every parent is are you the

kind of daughter you would like to raise

are you the kind of son that you would

like to raise and the question is how do

you honor your mother I want to give you

this as such a simple message it won’t

take me long at all and so I want to

give you about seven quick things of how

to honor your mother

number one love your mother

unconditionally no matter what the way

that you honor your mother is to love

her unconditionally love her when she’s

young and love her when she’s old love

her when she has so much to give and she

keeps on giving and giving and giving to

you the best years of her life

everything that she has she gives to you

lays down her life for you love her

when she has something to give and when

she has nothing left to give you are

commanded to love her unconditionally

secondly hug her affectionately there’s

a bumper sticker that you see every once

in a while on cars that says have you

hugged your kid today I think we ought

to make one and put it on teenagers

doors and say have you hugged your mom

today because it’s amazing it’s amazing

how we can take for granted that our

mother knows that we love her but we are

to not only love our mother

unconditionally but we are to hug her

kiss her affectionately because they

need it tell her that you love her we

live in a different time than we did

when I was coming up we understood there

are certain things that you say to

mother and you don’t say to mother and

if you said something to mother that

wasn’t right then there were grave

consequences you just don’t get up and

tell your mother anything on your mind

the one time that I remember my father

striking me in the face with the open

hand and I’m not recommending you do

that but I’m just telling you it made a

great impression on me with when I was a

teenager and my mother got on my nerves

and did something st. Katie did

something that got on my nerves and I

just opened up and said something so

disrespectful to her and the neck I

don’t know where he came from the next

thing I remember is the side of my face

feeling numb and he had slapped me and

he said don’t you ever speak to your

mother who is my wife like that again or

I’ll take you out in the backyard and do

worse than what I did you can make fun

of that

Ballu know that but it caught me a

respect from my mother that I to this

day have never forgotten hug them

affectionately if you around your mother

just reach over and give her a hug right

now you’re not too cool for school just

reach over and give her a hug and say I

love you love her unconditionally hug

her affectionately number three

understand this is how you honor your

mother by understanding her

sympathetically you see women go through

a lot of changes mothers go through a

lot of changes they wear so many hats

they cook they clean they judge they

make peace they referee they are

sounding boards they’re accountants they

do so much and we need to appreciate the

great job that mothers do for us every

single day of their life and we need to

we need to understand them

sympathetically we need to have

something in our heart that is so

accommodating and so sympathetic and and

not just treat ugly after you’ve gotten

everything you can from them as they’re

getting older we are to be extremely

sympathetic understanding

sympathetically our mothers is a way

that you honor them number four

listen to her attentively husbands won’t

undivided attention children when

there’s something wrong

they won’t undivided attention from that

mother I love that story in the Old

Testament in second Kings four when

there was trouble with one of the kids

that was out in the field he said my

head my head and they think he had a

sunstroke is what some people believe

and the dad is working beside him and

the dad turns when a real massive

problem comes and says take him to his

mother I always thought that was funny

take him to his mother but when there is

a problem guess who we want to listen to

us attentively nothing because what do

you do in

your household when there’s trouble you

want to find mother and tell mother

don’t tell him don’t tell daddy he’ll

push it all he’ll just somebody could be

bleeding to death and he’ll keep

watching the basketball game if they put

a bandaid on it and don’t worry about it

been alright but mother is so attentive

mother is there she’s so concerned every

detail and in return we are to honor our

mother by listening to her attentively

someone said wisely when you’re old

enough to know the answers nobody asked

you any questions the older people get

the wiser they get they know more than

you know you little 20-something you

little 30-something that has one little

baby they raise four or five and you

think you know so much that you can’t

even hardly trust them to keep your

little darlin alive while you go to a

movie with your husband but please

listen to them they know what they’re

talking about and even if you don’t

agree with them make them feel valuable

make them feel that what they have to

say is important because they listen to

you attentively from the time you cried

all your life you’ve talked to them

about your greatest problems and your

greatest challenges and now they are in

a season maybe when they need you to

listen attentively number five help her

cheerfully mothers are the greatest

helpers in the world they do things that

money cannot pay people to do they pick

up things out of the bathroom floor that

no one else would ever come near they

are amazing because of that don’t act

like she’s a bother don’t act like that

when they ask you for something that

it’s an inconvenience but help her

cheerfully love her unconditionally hug

her often affectionately

and understand her sympathetically I

remember hearing the story from Darlene

Bishop and it’s cute I found it online

again and listen to this she said that

she got up and she had this speech she’s

a profound speaker and she had to preach

at their church that morning it was it

was her Sunday the preach her husband

was not there so she had to get those

two babies dressed and she got him

dressed and she said she used to dress

them in pageant dresses he’s from

Kentucky in and they just went all out

every Sunday and she you know the

pageant dresses anybody know one with

the big old bow and the pageant dress

like in a beauty pageant

you know all the sparkles and the hair

is just right and everything the little

shoes and she said I mean I had them

dressed out to the tee and she said that

she got both the girls dressed and then

of course as Mother’s know then you get

yourself dressed somehow and you pray to

God they don’t spill anything on

themselves while you’re getting yourself

dressed and somehow she got out the door

and she had just enough time to get

there before church started and run in

and and and she said as they pulled up

the youngest daughter the two and a half

year old spoke up and said mommy you

forgot to put my panties on and and she

said that was the most rambunctious

little girl you’ve ever seen said she

would run all over she lifts her dress

up she’d do cartwheels if she had a

chance and she said I knew there was no

way that child was going to sit still in

that service so she turns to the older

sister and she says take your panties

off and give to your younger sister and

the older sister is going crazy mama

don’t make me do that and she said I you

have never seen a child sit so still in

a service she said she was like a

mannequin that older daughter she never

moved these are the kinds of issues that

mothers have to help with all the time

that men are too dumb to ever handle

come on a man they try so hard to do

everything for everybody and we need to

help our mothers here’s a big word

cheerfully don’t act like you’re doing

them a big favor because you’re giving

them some money or helping them

financially or fan took care of you all

your life and this is how you honor your

mother number six

remember her gratefully little things

mean a lot to mom just to call what are

you doing

how are you what’s going on you’re going

shopping you want to go shopping we’re

going shopping you want to go with us

we’ve got a ballgame we’ve got a soccer

game you want to come we’ve got this

we’ve got that you remember her

gratefully just to call just to call

from the grandkids to the grandmother

just to call to say you matter just the

call just a you’re important enough from

me to reach out to you you’ve given so

much to me you see it makes her feel she

wants to feel like somebody appreciates

her somebody loves her she gave you the

best years of her life and the way that

you honor her is by gratefully

remembering her and giving those phone

calls giving those invitations you’ll

never ever forget and you let her know

gratefully you remember how well she

taught you how well she trained you how

much she loved you how excellent she

cared for you just a call just an invite

just a friendly gesture always something

that we’re gratefully remembering our

mother is the way that we honor her

number seven we must

mind her how much she is needed

constantly you see it hurts a mom to

feel she’s no longer needed there’s

nothing that the enemy would love more

to tell the mom and she get moved into

her golden years is maybe the husband

the dad has passed away the her husband

has passed away the enemy loves to

whisper you’re not necessary your life

is over

nobody has time for you you’re just a

hindrance you’re just a inconvenience to

everybody that’s a lie and we have to

constantly remind our mothers how much

they’re needed constantly when she can’t


she still is needed because she can pray

it thrilled her when you call and ask

for the recipe and it’s never gonna

taste as good as she can make it because

she don’t know the recipe she’s just

picking stuff up and throwing it in but

if thrills her that you think enough to

ask her and it sounds almost to some of

you unimportant but I’m telling you the

older that someone gets the more we need

to show and remember and honor and let

them know constantly how valuable and

how much we love them what mothers need

most is to know that their children love

and honor God in 1820 there was a man by

the name of Peter richly who had perhaps

the strangest survival story ever told

that we have in human record Peter

richly got on a ship in 1822 sail from

England to Australia along the journey

across the ocean the ship encountered a

problem and it began to think

it went all the way under and everyone

perished but a man by the name of Peter

richly while he was floating in the

water a second ship happened to come

along they saw something in the water

they went over and sure enough he was

rescued the next day they encountered a

storm and the second ship sank but there

happened to be a third ship and Peter

richly was rescued by the third ship but

something happened along the journey and

the third ship this is a historical

record you can check out what I’m

telling you it’s sunk but there came a

fourth ship and it found that one man in

the water now my thing is I might would

check him out and wonder if he’s

thinking these ships but he wasn’t he

hadn’t it was just a freak thing the

fourth ship bailed him out of the water

and rescued him come on you gonna help

me preach but while they’re on their

journey to Australia the fourth ship

sinks and a fifth ship comes along and

bails him out of the water but the fifth

ship sunk and the thick ship came along

it was called the City of Leeds

that’s the name of the ship the City of

Leeds l.e.d.s the crew pulled him out of

the water gave him warm clothes fed him

meal he told them his unbelievable story

and as he finally got over that trip and

they were a few days from the harbor in

Sydney Australia the captain came to him

and he said sir would you do a favour

for us and he said you saved my life

I’ll do anything you asked me to do he

said when we started this journey many

weeks ago there was an old mother an old

woman who won the hearts of the crew she

loved on every one of us and she knew

every man on

Kru every person on the boat was just

the crew and she had a ticket going to

Australia but she became ill about a

week ago and she is so feverish and so

sick that she is dying she’s down to

nothing she hasn’t eaten anything she’s

burning up with a fever and we think

she’s so frail she won’t last even til

we make it to Australia would you

because the whole time that she’s been

ill and sick and delirious out of her

mind with fever she’s been praying Oh


Oh God I beg you let me see my son one

more time just let me live to see my son

I beg you

he said she goes in and out of almost a

coma but that’s the prayer whenever she

comes around and the heart and the crew

loves her so much but she knows all of

them but she won’t know who you are

because we picked you up in the ocean

would you pretend to be her son so she

can leave this world in peace he said of

course I will he walked in and the

captain kind of pushed him to the boat

look there was a silver haired frail

woman burning up with fever it was

obvious she was at the point of death

but under her breath she was praying old

God please let me see my son one more

time and suddenly when Peter richly

looked into the face of that woman he

broke and began to weep because it was

his mother Sarah richly who had not seen

him in ten years and she had made a

decision to somehow go see her son one

more time and I believe the only reason

that five ships sinking couldn’t take

him down the storm couldn’t destroy him

as we are to never underestimate the

power of a praying mother it will get

you too

store it if you through any crisis it

will get your family through any kind of

stormy weather they’re going through the

power of a praying mother I know in my

family when there’s trouble in our home

I run to my mother I pick up the phone

and I say pray for me pray for my family

pray for my children because we should

never underestimate the power of a

praying mother when she can’t work

anymore when she can’t give anymore

when she can’t serve anymore when she

can’t do things for you anymore she can

pray for you I’m going to tell you

something there’s power in the prayers

of a godly mother give God a big praise

if you know I’m preaching

and there’s things that should have

taken you out that should have taken you

down there’s no reason why you’re still

here today except God answered the

prayers of a praying mother and here you

are at free Chapel today and the

greatest way that you could honor God is

to give your heart and life to Jesus

Christ when Jesus hung on the cross he

honored his mother he said John take

care of my mother he modeled for us that

we are to honor our mother even in his

own pain he wouldn’t forget to honor his


you can honor your mother and her

prayers by accepting her God and her

Savior Jesus Christ

but I’m going to give you an opportunity

to honor the Lord honor the prayers of a

praying mother today pastor pray for me

I don’t know that I’m ready to stand

before God I don’t know that I’m right

with God as a matter of fact I would

have to say deep in my heart I know that

I’m far from God and I know the only

thing that kept me alive the car wreck

might would have killed me the drugs

might would have destroyed me the party

that I went to I could have ended up in

a prison sale I probably should be there

but the only thing that kept me afloat

was the prayers of a praying mother

please pastor I want to receive her God

as my god

I want Jesus to be Lord of my life I

want to give him my life today pray for

me I won’t embarrass you

I won’t humiliate you but Jesus said he

would not come where he’s not invited

and if you don’t acknowledge him he will

not acknowledge you you must acknowledge

him and he will come

pastor pray for me I want Jesus in my

life I want to honor God today I want to

surrender to him pray for me that you

boldly lift your hand up right where

you’re standing I want to see it right

now there’s a hand there’s a hand

there’s a hand there’s a hand beautiful

raise it high and unashamed this is

awesome this is awesome right there in

that room where you are raised that hand

high it’s powerful suta for the hand see

hands this is always there for mothers

either here on earth are up in heaven

that are going to be shouting when the

service is done in about one minute all

right here’s what I want you to do if

you raise your hand if you’re just

standing around I want you to pray this

prayer out loud and know that these are

eternal words the Bible said he that

hath the son listen hath eternal life

the moment you accept Jesus you accept

eternal life pray this prayer everybody

say these words out loud

Lord Jesus I surrender my life

completely to you I believe in what you

did on the cross when you shed your

blood it cleanses me it forgives me it

heals me and it blesses me I have the

faith of my mother it’s now in me and I

will walk with Jesus the rest of my life

in Jesus name




previously before coming to the drinks

area I literally had no help for myself

I’d not had no help for my son

I just um really thought that I was

going to end up just like my parents

either addicted to something giving up

on my son and him eventually being taken

from me and putting into the system

being pregnant I was homeless not sure

when I was going to eat shower and

sister contacted one of the program

leaders and got them to call me decided

to finally answer when they actually

took me in I feel something different

the people I’m surrounded by every

single day is the one that gives me that

hope that tells me that my son can

become something because of where I am

at right now I would say what Christ has

done and my life and becoming the mom

that I am is that he gave me the hope

that I can just keep fighting past all

the hurt and the pain that I was going

through and just become the mom that I

never had if it wasn’t for the Dream

Center I wouldn’t be sitting here I

wouldn’t be enjoying life I wouldn’t be

seeing my son grow up around people that

care for him and love him and the

business has done the lot for me and

changed my outlook on life



because of the generous support of

friends of Kingdom connection just like

you we continue to see millions of

families like Kellis be changed and

restored for the glory of God the enemy

is trying to tear down the walls of

righteousness and faith around the world

but we can no longer stand in the

shadows waiting for our children and

families to be destroyed we must fight

for our family our mission is to see the

attacks of the enemy hindered and to

help families rebuild a strong

foundation of faith this month when you

give a gift of any amount to help

families like Kelly that the Dream

Center will send you the fight for your

families proclamation bookmark to

encourage you and your family or for

your generous gifts of $40 or more you

may request a proclamation bookmark as a

reminder of your commitment to serve the

Lord as well as Jenson Franklin’s 3-cd

message series fight for your family be

a part of changing the lives of millions

of families around the world call now or

visit us online at Jensen Franklin TV









we hope you’ve enjoyed this teaching by

Jensen Franklin and thank you for your

continued support of this ministry your

prayers and financial support make these

programs possible for more information

about this message and other ministry

resources visit us online at Jensen

Franklin Co RG
