Join us everyday for new fasting devotionals from Pastor Franklin.

well I’m here in Israel specifically on

Mount Carmel the place where the prophet

Elijah called down fire from heaven the

place where God ended a three and a half

year drought by sending a cloud the size

of a man’s hand and the Prophet said and

prophesied I hear the sound of an

abundance of rain it’s important to

remember that Elijah while you’re

fasting Elijah fasted for 40 days he’s

one of three in the Old Testament that

fasted for 40 days Moses Elijah and then

we know that Jesus in the New Testament

fasted 40 days and so I want you to know

that what I’m praying for today is your

fasting just like he lied to did we

sometimes think those Bible characters

were superhuman

but James reminds us about the prophet

Elijah he was a man of like passions so

when he fasted for 40 days I assure you

that he was hungry just like you get

hungry when you fast but there is

something about the sacrifice of fasting

that can draw the fire of God on your

life Elijah was a fire starter

spiritually he started the fire of God

wherever he will him and many of you

right now God is calling you to become

fire starters for your family

spiritually speaking in your church as

you fast as you pray the fire of God

well what is fired the Old Testament

said our God is a consuming fire the New

Testament John prophesied that you shall

be baptized with the Holy Ghost and fire

so from this amazing place Mount Carmel

I’m asking God to let the fire fall

again while you’re fasting let it fall

on your life – to your heart burns with

passion for Jesus let the fire come so

strong that it melts any and all

resistance to the will of God for your

life on this fast

and I’m in agreement with you that

you’re going to experience a fire fall

from heaven like you’ve never

experienced before so let’s pray

together on this day as you continue

fasting on this 21-day journey

father I pray right now that the fire of

God would fall on the heart that’s

listening to me thank you for their


when Elijah put water on that altar it

was sacrifice and the scripture said the

fire fell and licked up the water and I

see right now the sacrifice and you see

that people are putting on the altar of

fasting and prayer and may the fire be

attracted to their house to their family

to their children and to their own life

personally let the fire the passion of

God burn in our hearts again in Jesus

mighty name we pray amen and amen god

bless you keep on seeking God in fasting

in prayer