Did you know God used ravens to feed Elijah? He made birds deliver meat and bread to the prophet twice a day. God’s provision can come from unexpected places. In this message, Four Ways God Will Provide For You, Pastor discusses four specific ways God will provide for you and the essential role you play in receiving from Him.

the following program is sponsored by

friends and partners of Kingdom


Jensen Franklin for for 2014 in the

Gwinnett arena June 26th to the 28th

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hello and welcome to kingdom connection

thank you for joining me today I’m

Jensen Franklin and I am just delighted

to come into your home of wherever

you’re watching this program I believe

God’s going to speak to you you know one

of the main needs of our life is

provision if if we don’t have the

provision that we need it doesn’t matter

how much vision you have if you don’t

have the provision that God gives you

for your life and for your purpose and

calling then you can’t fulfill the

vision and today I want to talk about

four ways God wants to provide for you

now I want you to listen because this

message will get your faith up sometimes

we need to go back to God’s Word and

hear the promises of God concerning our

resources sometimes we just are you know

not really operating in faith because

we’ve not connected the promises of God

to our need and I want to say to you

today that for every need that you have

God has a promise for every for every

mountain or problem that you face in

life God has the answer it’s in his word

and it’s not just a promised land we’re

trying to get to called heaven but he

has a book of promises called the Bible

and one of the major things that the

scriptures teach us is God is our

provider he is our Savior he is our

Redeemer but he’s your provider and the

question is how does a god I can’t see

provide for me I’m talking about a home

and clothes and food and resources to to

succeed and go go in life and do what

you need to do for yourself for your

family and for the kingdom of God for

your business how does God provide well

the in the Bible we see the nation of

Israel as a type of you and I spiritual

Israel and the same way that God

provided for Israel he will provide for

you you see in the Old Testament we see

God providing for Israel supernaturally

in amazing ways and specifically I want

to say that there are four ways that God


for Israel in those same four ways are

the ways that he wants to provide for

you now listen to me carefully this is


the first way that God provides for you

is by the hand of man you see in the

book of Genesis chapter 45 it says that

Joseph was given the keys to all of the

corn during the famine and Pharaoh who

he worked for began to give food to

Joseph and Joseph through his hands gave

food to the Israelites his own family to

keep them alive so one of the ways that

God will provide for you is through the

hand of man God used Pharaoh an evil man

and I just want to say don’t be fussy

about how how God provides and who he

uses to provide don’t tell God who he

can use and he can’t use he used Pharaoh

Pharaoh was a wicked man who did not

believe in Jehovah God but God used him

to keep Israel Jacob and his sons alive

and his family alive during the most

severe famine they had ever experienced

before so God will use the hand of man

to provide for you that’s why it says in

Luke chapter 6 and verse 38 Gill and it

shall be given unto you good measure

pressed down shaken together running

over listen to this by the hand of man

shall men give unto you I’m believing

that as you’re listening to me faith

will come alive that God will provide

for you in this year by the hand of man

just say that right where you are lord I

thank you for the people coming into my

life that are going to be used by you to

provide by the hand of man now this is a

very important statement I’m about to

make God will never let you depend on

any one individual too long just when

you start depending on some person or

some source that God is using to really

bless you

he will not let you depend on one

individual too long and the second way

that God provides for you is not only

through the hand of man but secondly God

will provide for you through the hand of

God you see the Bible said that he’ll

provide from his own hand because Joseph

was the source that God used in Pharaoh

to provide for Israel but then there

came a shift and a change in just when

they had their faith in Pharaoh and


the Bible says and there after seventy

years of being fed by Pharaoh there

arose another Pharaoh listen to this who

knew not Joseph Oh suddenly the

resources were cut off the hand of man

that had been meeting every need of

their life was cut off and now God says

it’s not just going to be the hand of

man I’m going to take care of you God

Himself broke the cycle and said I’m

going to take care of you jesus said

without me you can do nothing I don’t

want your faith in the hand of a man

maybe maybe you’re going through a tough

time and you just lost a big business

deal and you know some company that has

been a big deal going on it’s been

blessing you for years and years or some

somebody who’s really been in your life

and God’s really used through their

hands to provide resources and maybe

that situation has broken off I’m saying

to you that any time that happens God is

driving you back to your source it’s

forced dependency it’s just like Elijah

when his brook dried up you remember for

a season the brook fed him and the

Ravens fed him and the water was there

the food was there and then the birds

start coming stopped coming I should say

and the river dried up when any time the

river dries up is to drive you back to

your source listen the brook is not the

source it’s just the system I’m going to

say something important right here the

brook was the system God was the source

don’t get to thinking that that God

cannot meet your need because the system

dries up God is your sword

the system is not your source and

through the hand of God that’s why it

says in Exodus chapter 16 that God began

to feed them when they were in the

wilderness and manna would come down

like Dew God would deliver the bread to

their tenth door like Domino’s Pizza

every morning fresh cooked from the

bakeries of heaven and they would walk

out and pick it up and God Himself

provide sometimes God would provide by

the hand of man but other times God can

give you supernatural miracles on

provision where he provides for you I’m

about to give you bread from heaven God

said to him and he supplied all of their

needs when God prospers you listen to me

he will do it according to the size of

your assignment if you had two people in

your tent he gave you a certain portion

that was smaller if you had six people

in your tent then he increased that

portion three times and it was according

to the size of your assignment was the

size of resources God gave you I know in

this ministry you know when we first

started out 25 years ago our tithes and

offerings the first Sunday were $1500

you know that was the need that was the

need of our ministry that we didn’t have

a staff we didn’t have anything and now

through the years as we have grown and

it’s just thousands of people and we

have many many people on staff and now a

worldwide ministry through Kingdom

connection and other churches that were

starting and landed property and

buildings the need has gone from from

from that small portion that was enough

to meet my need but now you know we have

to trust God for millions and millions

of dollars and only God knows how he’s

going to do it but I’ve seen him do it

through the hand of man and then there’s

those times when God Himself steps in

and unexplainable miracles take place in

your life just like it did for the

children of Israel I want to say to you

what Philippians 4:19 says but my God

shall supply

all your needs according to his riches

in glory but hold it just one moment

hold the boat because you have to

understand who he was saying that to if

you back up to verse 15 and 16 he said

you Philippians became my partners in

giving and you assisted me and enabled

me to carry the gospel of Jesus Christ

everywhere I went and then he makes the

promise in the nineteenth verse and you

Philippians who partnered with me to

help me listen to what he says my God

shall supply all your needs according to

his riches and glory through Christ

Jesus right there where you’re sitting

say my God will supply all of my needs

according to his riches and glory I have

a God in heaven and by his hand I’ve got

the hand of man providing I’ve got the

hand of God providing he’s on my side

he’s on your side his favor his blessing

is on your life and then thirdly God

will meet your need listen to this not

only through the hand of man not only

through the hand of God but by your own


Joshua 5 in verse 12 said and when they

entered into the promised land listen to

this the manna ceased guess what they’ve

gone from depending on Pharaoh to

depending on God for 40 years to do

everything and now God leads them into a

new season where he says I use Pharaoh

and I use my own hand to take care of

you but now I’m going to use your own

hand the Bible said the manna ceased and

here’s why God said no longer will I

send the man I want you to take seed and

sow the seed into the ground and the

ground and your own hands will reap the

harvest from the ground and I’m going to

use your own hands to provide for you it

says in Deuteronomy chapter 11 and verse

10 for the land which you go to possess

is not like the land of Egypt from which

you’ve come where you have sowed your

seed and watered it by foot as a

vegetable garden but this land which you

cross over into

this is the land of hills and valleys

and which drinks water from the rain of

heaven and the eyes of the Lord are on

you always from the beginning of the

year to the end of the year now boy I’m

going to tell you you can read right

through that not get it but I want you

to hear how God’s going to provide for

you he said said some very significant

things he said it’s not like the land of

Egypt that you worked in where you had

to have did you catch it a foot pump but

God said I’m going to take you from that

foot pump to a land that is flowing with

milk and honey and I love what he said

in that eleventh and twelfth verse he

said two significant things he said and

whether you’re in the heels of whether

you’re in the valleys I’m going to

provide and I’m going to cause the land

that you possess to bring forth fruit

and by your own hand you’re going to

reap that harvest and then he said the

harvest would would not be seasonal but

he said in verse 12 from the beginning

of the year to the very end of the year

you’re going to see my provision I’m

going to bless the work of your hands

boy do you hear what I’m saying right

now in your spirit God wants to prosper

your work God is an entrepreneur that

wants to bless you God wants to give you

ideas God wants to give you witty

inventions God wants to bless the work

of your hands to prosper you you have

gifts you have skills you have talents

you have abilities and God says I will

not do for you what you can do for

yourself at this point I want to bless

the work of your hands apply yourself

give me what you’ve got

give me the work that that business give

me that company give it to me put what

you have in your hands in my hands and

God says I will cause it to be blessed I

love that scripture from the beginning

of the year to the very end of the year

you need to claim that in 2014 you need

to say Lord I’m believing for your

provision to be upon my workplace from

the beginning of the year to the end of

the year in the valleys and on the

mountaintops and I’m not just eking out

barely scraping by

nine-one-one prayers all the time

emergency help help skimming by scraping

by no it’s a land that is flowing you’re

coming off of the pump and on to the

flow of God’s blessing he said no longer

will you just have to just scratch by

and scrape by but I want to send a

continual flow of my blessing into your

life hallelujah

I believe what I’m preaching right now

that God will provide number one by the

hand of men number two by the hand of

God number three by your own hand you

need to just hold your hands up and say

Lord bless the work of my hands

bless my business bless my ministry

bless it Lord bless when I put my hand

to he said in one place whatever you put

your hand to it will succeed hallelujah

and I just agree with you that God is

going to bless the work of your hands

and then lastly God will provide for you

through the hand of your enemy you’re

not ready for this one God a court

there’s a pattern in the scripture that

God many times for Israel in your

spiritual Israel will provide for you

even through the attacks and even

through the hands of your enemies I mean

somebody’s listening to me right now and

you can’t believe what I’m saying but

God can make the IRS send you a check

God can God can make your worst

nightmare that lawsuit that you’re in

God can turn it for your good that

situation that enemy that has come

against you God can cause even your

enemies to become a source of provision

in your life you see 12 went into the

promised land and to said we’re able but

10 said we’re not able the Giants are

too big we cannot receive God’s promise

the majority of the people see God’s

promises but they see the giant problems

and they say yes but yes but yes but and

that’s why some of you are not walking

into the promise

of God right now I told you we’re not

going to a land of promise we have a

book of promises and if you’re not

walking in these promises it’s because

you keep saying yes it’s true but yes I

know God but and what he wants to do

today is he saying is anything too hard

for me in numbers chapter 14 and verse 9

I love what Caleb said he said do not

fear them they are bread for us God’s

going to use them to provide our needs

God will feed you through the hand of

your enemy God will feed you off of the

attacks of your enemy what doesn’t kill

you will make you stronger so sometimes

you just need to understand that satanic

attack is actually a sign that you are a

high-value target and that you are

somebody in God’s kingdom and God has a

plan for your life and that’s why you’re

under attack it means that you have

something worth attacking something’s

coming in your life then the level of

attack tells you how valuable you are

and how valuable God’s assignment in

your life is the level of blessing

that’s waiting for you is connected to

the level of attack of the enemy when

you get through this attack there’s a

blessing on the other side of that

attack and that’s what the attack is all


I believe God can use anybody to bring

the blessing but he said I’m going to do

it in ways that’s going to astonish you

I’m going to provide for you number one

through the hand of men and I just

believe that there are people that God’s

going to bring into your life the right

people blessing people people who will

help you people who will assist you

people who will give to you people who

will support you people who will open

doors of opportunity for you people who

will be a connection in the dream that

God has for you through the

ends of men through the hands of God

there are unexplainable things that have

happened in this ministry that God just

when we needed it in the nick of time

God Himself I’m convinced sent the

provisions I know he used people I know

he uses this but it came from heaven in

my I know it was a direct answer to

prayer and he’s your God and your God

will supply your needs and then he’ll do

it through his through your own hands I

just really believe that today that God

wants to give you fresh ideas and fresh

vision and even through your own hands

and lastly even through your enemy’s

hands God can God can cause your enemies

to bless you David said thou prepares

the table before me in the presence of

my enemies he’ll feed you through the

hands of your enemies and I want to

close with this thought I want you to

listen to me carefully in 2nd

Corinthians 9 and verse 10 it said God

gives seed to sewers well I wish God

would give me some money he gives seed

to sewers are you a sower he gives seed

to sewers and then he goes on to say and

I will multiply the seed sown he did not

say I will multiply the seed he said I

will only multiply seed that is sown

seed the tale don’t – I don’t multiply

seed that it sounds – two powerful


God gives seed to sewers are you a sower

that’s who he gives seed to secondly he

multiplies the seed that is sown now is

action time now it’s when you do it now

is the time and listen to this whatever

your need is listen to me carefully it’s

such a small need for a big God you have

such a small need for such a big God and

he cares about you

and he says prove me listen to Malachi

three prove me and test me

and and give the tithes and offerings to

your church to ministries that you

believe in to your local church support

it and he says see if I will not open

the windows of heaven and pour you out a

blessing you won’t have room enough to

receive I’m saying to you today and I

speak this blessing over your life just

receive it that by faith I just I just

pray that these four ways God provides

will be initiated and activated into

your life that number one he’s going to

provide through the hand of man number

two he’s going to provide through the

hand of God number three he’s going to

provide by blessing your own hands with

skill and ability and lastly he’s even

going to bless you by the hands of your

enemies so right now just believe him

and rejoice and say god I thank you

you are my provider maybe you don’t know

him as your Savior today maybe you don’t

know him as your Lord do you know that

God so loved the world he gave His only

begotten Son Jesus Christ so that you

could be saved God showed his son as a

seed and now the church is his harvest

and he wants you to be a part of his

family and once you’re part of his

family he’s your provider everything I

preached is yours once you become part

of the family so ask him into your heart

right where you are I have the privilege

of leading you in the most important

prayer you’ll ever pray right where you

are say lord I need a change in my life

I can’t meet my needs and I can’t live

holy enough to be saved I need a Savior

I believe in the cross and the blood the

death and the resurrection of Jesus

Christ and today I receive you as my

savior I receive you as my lord I

receive you as my king and I receive you

as my provider you’ve provided all I

need the grace the deliverance the

freedom the joy the peace and even the


it’s yours in Jesus name

a steel and a low moan cushy a desert

mommy Baba no go back in 2009 and 2010

we saw video of Haiti with Bobby and

sherry Burnette and we saw children and

adults hungry you know that that’s got

to touch your heart and we at that

moment decided to help the Haiti project

a premium table domestically feminine

Delphi no busting but frankly I’m given

to attend Google liquor in fact in pubs

my antennae Masyaf giggling doing over

games after that Laurie and I have five

children so we know the value of having

to have an income to support our family

Lori and I both in bliss because we both

have jobs and our lives we’ve been

blessed we’re now I feel like we’re

supposed to be vessels to channel some

of the blessings of the people that

don’t have what we have and yeah the

marketplace will outlive us you know

then Haiti will have a long-term way to

make a living and the investment that we

put some funds into that will outlive us

the Lord is behind this this is a light

in the midst of darkness food for life

sustainability giving jobs changing

lives not only for now a next year but

14 years 20 years 30 years and 50 years

in our closing moments together I want

to thank all of you who are helping us

make a miracle happen for some of the

poorest people in the world as a matter

of fact the poorest people in the

Western Hemisphere

are the people of Haiti and you’ve

already given over the last six months

over six hundred thousand dollars to the

work they’re their miracle marketplace

providing 2,600 jobs and most

importantly food for life it’s going to

feed thousands and thousands and

thousands of Haitian people and I need

your help we’re about four hundred

thousand dollars away from the

completion of this miracle the the

buildings have been built they’re being

shipped over now the material is being

shipped over foundations are being laid

even as I speak it’s a twenty acre

complex and you can be a part of the

miracle listen to me God told me to do

it God called me to do it and anytime

God gives a man a plan he calls men and

women to stand beside them and to help

support them and when you get involved

with what God is involved in God will

begin to bless you more than you could

have ever dreamed and I’m encouraging

you today to be one of the one of the

thousand to say I will sow a thousand

dollar seed to change the lives of

orphans and widows in Haiti I’m not

asking for myself we’re a member of the

evangelical Council of financial

accountability very much we do what we

say we do with the resources you trust

us with and today I’m asking you to be

generous if you can’t give a thousand

give the very best you can but I’m

believing in partnering with 1,000

people and we’re on our way 600 of you

have already responded I believe there’s

400 more maybe you’re one of the 400 I

would love to hear from you this week

and listen I’m praying for you I’m

believing that this this message and

this of the gospel of the kingdom will

touch and change lives

all over the world and you can be a part

of a miracle in Haiti thank you so much

and we’ll see you next time right

here on Kingdom connection this program

has been brought to you by the friends

and partners of Jenson franklin media

ministries for more information on this

broadcast or for additional resources go

online at Jensen Franklin Oh Archie