This is “Fasting is Hungering for God.” Fasting is hungering for God. It’s hunger that drives you and compels you. But it’s what you feed on that leads you to the place God has for you. In this message with Jentezen Franklin, identify what’s filling your hunger. If it’s not spiritual, it’s carnal. If it’s not leading you toward God, it may be drawing you away. To hear more inspiring messages from Jentezen Franklin, visit… & subscribe to this channel:

the following program is sponsored by

friends and partners of kingdom



hello and welcome to a new year we’re

still early

in 2020 and this is the time of the year

that we love to give ourselves to god we

put him first and we give him our best

through fasting and prayer if you’re new

to fasting or you just need some

inspiration in your life

visit our website and i know that it’ll

be a blessing to you there are plenty of

resources to encourage you for a brand

new year

i pray today’s message will awaken your

spirit to a deeper hunger

for more of god in this new year like

never before

and it’s going to teach you the

importance of fasting and brokers


fasting is hungering

for god and it sounds so simple

but i want to tell you that when you

fast some things

that you probably need to expect that

that at some point the fun run wears off

at some point it becomes a grind at some


you begin to hear the voice what’s the

use this is stupid

when you want to quit the most that is

the time

that the fast is being most effective

not only

is god taking notice of you but satan is

taking notice of you

when you’re fasting there is in your


something called greelen g-h-r-e-l-i-n

greelin in in the simplest way that i

can say it

is what makes your stomach growl

have you ever been sitting maybe it’s

about to happen now

already and this growl comes up and it’s

embarrassing it’s an

embarrassing noise that comes from the

middle of your body

and you have absolutely no control over


well greelen is this um it’s this

hormone it’s called the hunger hormone

that causes your stomach to growl and

it’s also what

triggers the feeling of hunger in your


nobody has to go around and try to


to be hungry because you have greelen

and greelen assaults you about once

every two or three hours

and he it grumbles and it

makes you know that you need

to eat it’s that growling noise in your


that will only stop embarrassing you

if you feed it a twinkie if you feed it

a cookie

if you give it a cheeseburger it’ll calm


and get used to that because you’re

gonna hear it a lot over the next few


nobody tries to remember

to eat because you have hunger hormones

that stir you up all through the day and


feed me you haven’t eaten lunch you

haven’t eaten breakfast

feed me feed me

how many of you have good greelen that


say amen so here’s what i’m saying to


you’re going to think that god is

recreating the miracle that he did in

the book of joshua

when he made the sun stand still it’s

going to feel like the day

is not moving and you’re going to look

at your watch and you’re going to think

it’s got to be

6 30 in the afternoon and it’s going to

be 9 30 in the morning

and you’re going to be so hungry and

you’re going to think time has stopped

this is

incred i can’t do this this is nuts

but that’s when the fast is working

that’s when you will begin to understand

what jesus did

and what he commanded that his disciples


in seasons of fasting and prayer and my

point is this

i want god to give you such a spiritual


hormone spiritual hunger for god

that all through this fast there’s a


i need to read my bible i need to pray

i need to worship i need jesus

i can’t have another year like i had i

don’t want to go through another year

where i just kind of go through the

motions of christianity

i want to hunger for god

and i’m praying that spiritually there’s

a growl

there’s a there’s a disturbing thing on

the inside of you

that says i need god i need god my

family needs god i need to fast and i


to pray i’m praying that that will


so real that you will

reach a point that your spiritual life

becomes as

active as your snack life

i mean your snack life when that when


hormone of hunger gets going you’re

you’re always looking for some chips

looking for some salsa looking for some

almonds looking for this looking for


i’m praying that your spiritual hunger

for god is as active as your hunger for


when you don’t pray you get just

as miserable as you feel when you

haven’t eaten

and it begins to grip you at some point


this this fun thing this thing if you

start out with

with a motive when i need to lose a few

little pounds and so i’m going to go

i promise you that’s going to wear off

real quick and your mind

will tell you there’s a whole lot of

easier ways to lose weight

than this

but when it does that’s when all of

these distractions are being cleared


and jesus is becoming real if you let


in your life in a powerful new way and

that that that annoying gnawing

hunger that we get when we don’t eat

physical food

i’m telling you that now you’re going to

have that same

gnawing in the spiritual dimension for

spiritual food

and i pray that somebody says

i want a spiritual hunger to grip me i

want to ask you a question are you

hungry after god are you willing to say

in 2020 i’m not willing to live this


like i did with some things last year

i’m not willing to sit

here and just go through the motions

because i’m hungry and fasting

is hungering for god

all along in our journey we need to show

god that we hunger for him nothing else

can satisfy

in the book of second kings seven

there’s the story

and the bible said that the city was

completely surrounded

and israel had been cut off and all the


were under siege it was such a crisis

that they had run out of food the

rations were gone

and they were in a dire dire condition

they became so desperate because they

didn’t have anything to eat they became

so hungry that the bible said things

that would have been

unacceptable for consumption now

they’re fighting over they’re so hungry

that they’re fighting over things that

normally they would never

even consume and eat for example the

bible said the people in this city

became so hungry

that for 80 pieces of silver you could


a donkey’s head and they would peel the


off of the donkey’s head and cook it and

that was

how desperate they were to have anything

to eat

and if that wasn’t bad enough the bible

gave another example

and it said the people were so hungry

that for five

pieces of silver you could buy a cup of

doves dung doves

waste you see when you’re hungry

if you don’t consume the right things

with to feel that hunger then you will

begin to feed on things you never said

you would consume i believe with all of

my heart if you don’t direct

your spiritual hunger and seasons to


and hunger after spiritual things that


those hungers that if you don’t direct


toward god in the word and worship in a

greater relationship with jesus

then those hungers will direct you to

the wrong things

and you’ll begin to feed on things on

the internet and you begin to feed on


that are carnal that begin to leave your


lean and empty and your and you’re

drying up and spiritually

it’s been so long since you had a touch

of jesus

because you’re feeding only the carnal


and it’s really a god hunger that’s

crying out

come back to me come and seek me in

fasting and in prayer and draw near to

me and i’ll draw near to you but we

don’t take time to ever feed our hunger

for god

and when we try to substitute junk

food donkeys heads and doves dung

i believe that if you do not address

that spiritual hunger for more of god

you will start filling it with more and

more and we try so desperately to feel

what only god can feel

and it’s another thing another trip

another entertainment

another distraction another let’s go to

the game let’s go to the lake let’s go

to the beach let’s go to the mountains

let’s try this let me get that house

let me get that car let me try this new

project and we keep trying to feel the


hunger but there is a gnawing and a


inside that says nothing can make

the need of god in your life but seeking


and when he comes when you seek him


then all of these things are added unto


the lepers in the bible said that there

were lepers

outside of that city

in other words they were outcasts they

were i mean it’s bad to be inside the


literally where people are buying

and eating donkeys heads and doves done

and these guys were even more desperate

because they were lepers and that

disease would cause

literal parts of your body to fall off


and spiritually speaking their life was

falling to pieces

they were outcasts they were told you’re

not even important enough to be on the


of the rest of us and i felt the lord

spoke to me as i was

preparing this little sermon and he said

to tell some people

that you don’t dare let the devil tell

you that you’re unimportant

in 2020 you don’t dare let the enemy

tell you

that you don’t matter you don’t dare let

the enemy tell you

that you are to sit there and just die

because sometimes the least likely


are the most hungry people sometimes the


who are most disadvantaged and


and said you’re not pretty enough you’re

not talented enough you’re not gifted


but boy if they’ve got hunger look out

because hunger can do for you

what talent and gifting cannot do for


in the story i’m preaching there were

four lepers outside the wall

they were outcast and their life was

falling to pieces

but they were hungry so hungry that they


i can’t they asked this question why

sit here until

we die see the only thing that will move


out of your comfort zone out of


into the the things that only god can do

for you this is what the lord told me to

tell you

he said the only thing that will get you

there is hunger

the only thing that lifted them out of

their self-pity

was hunger the only thing that lifted

them out of their excuses we might as

well nobody else is doing anything

we’re all dying so we’ll die here

together the only thing that pushed them

was hunger the only thing that caused

them to begin to move toward their


and a brighter day was hunger and hunger

will drive you and push you

and fasting is hungering for god

the bible said that there were four of


and i think probably one of them was

sitting there

and he had tacos on his mind

one was sitting there and he had fried

chicken on his mind

one was sitting there and he had krispy

kreme doughnuts on his mind

but one stood up and said i can’t sit


i can’t have another year like i

had we’re dying

we’re dying why sit here until we die

he says you know if we enter the city

he’ll keep us alive and we’ll live but

if they kill us we’ll die now listen to

this thinking listen to this now

therefore come let us surrender to the

army of the syrians

if they keep us alive this guy was a

college graduate i’m sure

we shall live if they kill us

we shall die that’s brilliant isn’t it

but why sit here until we die

that hunger began to drive them

he began to hunger and he said there’s

got to be more

and it was the hunger that began to move


toward the direction of the plan and the

purpose and the miracle that god had for


and i believe with all of my heart that

there are things that god will do for


when they hunger for him when they fast

and they pray

fasting is hungering for god and when

you begin to hunger for god

suddenly you move up out of the

challenges and the comfort zone and you

move up

out of self-pity and up out of

depression and hopelessness

and the hunger begin to move and they

begin to take steps

four of them toward the enemy’s camp

things even got more desperate inside

the walls of that city so much so that

the bible gives one more

astonishing description they became

so hungry that the bible said they begin

to bowl

and eat their own babies their own

flesh and blood and make bargains and

say we eat your child today

we eat my child tomorrow this see we

don’t understand hunger

we don’t understand hunger i’m talking

about people who were so

desperate that with hunger

and what i want you to understand about

that is

is that when people do not feel

the spiritual hunger

for god with spiritual things

in homes and families and marriages when

they only

feed on donkey’s heads and doves dung

and carnality

and think that’s enough to hold your

marriage and bless your family

when you only feed on carnal things

and you don’t feed spiritual hunger for


with a hunger for god then guess what

you start turning on one another

you start devouring one another you

start attacking one another

and the enemy comes and divides families

and divides home

and it’s really a sign of a growl for

somebody who needs to begin to consume

spiritual appetite and get a hunger for

god that changes our attitude

that opens our eyes to to the bigger


not just devouring one another

i’m praying that somebody will hear me


that will say i cannot have another year

like i had i cannot sit in this


for another 12 months i refuse to live

like this again

something’s got to give i’m desperate

and i’ve got a hunger for god that only

god can

fix and god can fulfill and god can do

in my family and in my home

the bible said in lamentations four and

verse nine

to be slain with the sword is better to

than to be slain with hunger

one translation said it’s better to go

down fighting

than to sit there and die

for good or bad hunger drives you

esau came home from a hunting trip in

the bible

and the bible said he was so hungry that

he was

almost home but his brother jacob came


and he said listen i’ll offer you a bowl

of beans

spiritual hunger but i’ll offer you a

bowl of beans

if you’ll give me the birthright and in

a moment of weakness because he did not


the hunger for god he tried to put

carnal things

in for the hunger of god and that’s why

fasting is so important that’s why it’s

not for people all around you

but it’s not for you this is for you sir

this is for you dad

this is for you business person this is

for you college student

this is for you god says there are

things that

hunger will take you to that you will

never reach

until you hunger for me because i have

it all

i am the one who lifts one up and pulls


down i am the one and you know what he

promised in matthew 5

they that hunger and thirst for


shall be filled

the bible said that esau lost his


because he fed

that real hunger with

donkey’s head so to speak and doves dung

instead of a hunger for god

i close with this what got the prodigal


out of the pig pen what made him come


home to the father what was it

it wasn’t the smell of the stench

it wasn’t the disappointment of

the friends who abandoned in him after

he had spent all of his money

it wasn’t the filth that he was living


none of those things got him on the path

back to the father’s house

it was one thing that brought him back

to the father

in luke 15 and verse 17 he asked a


how many of my father’s servants

have bred enough to spare listen

and i perish

with hunger the thing

that drove the prodigal son up

and out of the pigpen and the filth

back to the beauty and the love and the

grace of the father’s house

he said it himself i

am hungry it’s

hunger that will cause prodigal sons and


when somebody is fasting for them hunger

will wake them up in the pigpen hunger

will wake them up

in their addictions hunger will wake up

the backslider

and if they won’t fast for themselves

when we begin to fast

when we begin to pray for our families

for our sons for our daughters

when we do that god says i

will use hunger as the

force that drives and pushes them

onto the path back to the father’s house

when nothing else works pleading and

trouble with the law

and all kinds of things and all kinds of

ramifications of that life when nothing


works jesus put it like this in math

mark chapter nine

this kind cometh

not out but by fasting in prayer

there are some of our family members our

friends our associates

people that you work with people that

you do life with

and they’re lost and they’re on their

way to hell and the only thing that’s

going to get them out of the muck

and the mire and on the path back to the

father’s house

is hunger and fasting is hungering for


and when a church with thousands and

thousands of people here and by internet

and at all of our campuses comes

together and

my stomach’s growling at 1 am but your

stomach is growling at 2 am

and somebody else has a growl going on

and it’s like a total

irritant to the devil and demons and

they say the scripture said this kind of


will only loose and release its grip on


when people are fasting and praying

i never want to close this broadcast

without giving you the

opportunity to know jesus christ as your

lord and savior

i believe a hunger has begun to develop

in your heart

something in you is reaching and

yearning for

this year to be different you’re like

those lepers that said i can’t sit here

till i die

something’s got to change in my life

well pray this prayer

i know god will honor it say jesus

receive me today i want you to be

lord and savior of my life

i ask you to forgive me

and cleanse me in your beautiful

wonderful name i

ask in the name of jesus amen

and if you prayed that prayer we want to

hear from you call the number that’s on

the screen we have people

who are standing by right now to pray

and agree for a miracle

or you know just to help you what do i

do next

what do i need to do how can i grow in

my relationship we want to help you

we’ve got

many things that we can do on line that

free material that will be

a blessing and jump in and join this

fast if you’re not

fasting with us i want to encourage you

our ministry is on a 21 day daniel fast

you can learn more about it on our


to tell you exactly what to do it’s not

too late jump in

and i believe as you become a part and

give yourself

to what god is doing in the nation in

the world

and in our hearts it’s going to change

your life and your family

even the atmosphere of your life will

change in our closing moments i want to

share with you one

of the unprecedented opportunities that

god has opened up for this ministry over

the last several years

the work that we’re doing in israel is

absolutely critical

the eshkol region borders the gaza strip

and it’s plagued

by near constant rockets and chaos

and here we’re building the eshkol


trauma center we’ve broken ground on it

and it’s under construction as i speak

i believe that we are fulfilling the

biblical prophecy of isaiah

that he spoke about in the 40th chapter

when he said

comfort ye comfort ye my people

so i want you to consider sowing a

firstfruits offering or gift

at the beginning of this year i’m only

going to ask you to seek the lord

and see what he would have you do with

your help

we will finish this in just a few months

and have a grand dedication there in the

holy land

and you’ll have a memorial for your


in the holy land that says to god i

have loved the nation of israel i

believe god will pour out blessings on

you like you’ve never seen before please

do your very

best we need your help on this project

here’s my announcer to tell you

how you can be a part each year

thousands of rockets are fired into

cities neighborhoods and schools across


in eshkol an area immediately next to

the gaza strip

when the sirens sound families children

and elderly alike

have just 15 seconds to take cover and

bomb shelters

the trauma of terror ripples through all

generations from holocaust

survivors to the very youngest of


but it’s because of friends and

connection partners just like you that

we’ve been able to break ground on the

eschka fortified trauma center and play


here the brave families who live in this

combat zone will have a safe place to

build community

strengthen resiliency and receive the

counseling services they so desperately


give god your first and best as you

begin the new year by sowing a first

fruits offering

when you do you’ll be one of the first

to receive jensen franklin’s new book

acres of diamonds for your first fruits

offering of 50

or more we want to give you the acres of

diamonds kit including an exclusive

pre-order of jensen franklin’s new book

with your first fruits offering of 300

or more you’ll receive the acres of

diamonds kit

and will also include jensen franklin’s

legacy bible as well as an olive wood

flask and anointing oil from the holy


as a special thank you for your first

fruits offering of 1 000

or more this month you’ll receive the

acres of diamonds collection

including the special edition legacy

bible your name inscribed on the comfort

my people wall of recognition in israel

as well as a one-of-a-kind commemorative

art piece designed and created in


representing the hope of the children in

israel as we provide safe shelter

join us in blessing the nation of israel

and watch god bless your life for the

generosity and love you have shown to

his chosen people

visit us online today

charisse and i want to invite you to

join us on our holy land tour it’s an

amazing trip

unlike anything you’ve ever experienced

and we’ll be on the trip we get on the

buses our family will be on there and i

promise you

it will change your life 2020 is the

year to go

you’ve been thinking about it you’ve

been praying about it this is the year

to go

2020 god’s going to open your eyes to

things you’ve never

seen and experienced before in the holy

land get signed up today

this program has been sponsored by

friends and partners of kingdom
