This is “End Time Essentials”. There are five essential things you need to know about the end times, but first and foremost you need to know, in the end, victory is ours! In this new message from Pastor Jentezen learn how to prepare yourself for what’s to come. To hear more inspiring messages from Jentezen Franklin, visit… & subscribe to this channel:

the following program is sponsored by

friends and partners of jensen franklin

media ministries

god is not surprised that you’re alive


he didn’t want the apostle paul’s

generation alive today

he knew that there were christians who

would endure in this time

god trusts you and god believes more in

you than you believe in yourself

i just believe today that we need to

understand what the bible teaches

about prophecy and it’s a message of


and in the book of matthew chapter 24

i want you to see with me then jesus

went out and departed from the temple

and his disciples came to show him

the building of the temple and jesus

said do you not see all these things

assuredly i say to you not one stone

will be left upon

another that it shall not be thrown down

and now he sat on the mount of olives

with them

and the disciples came to him privately

saying listen to this

tell us when will these things be and

what will be the sign of your coming

and the end of the age and jesus and

answered and said unto them take heed

that no one

deceives you for many will come in my


saying i am the christ and will deceive


and you will hear of wars and rumors of

war see that you’re not troubled all

these things must come to pass but the

end is

not yet nation will rise against nation

ethnos ethnos race

against race is what that literally

means in the

original language race against

race kingdom against kingdom and there

will be famine and pestilence and

earthquakes in various places

all of these are the beginning of

sorrows and then he says in verse 11

many false prophets will rise and

deceive many

and because of iniquity or lawlessness

it actually says lawlessness the word

iniquity is lawlessness

will abound the love of many will grow

cold but

he who endures to the end shall be saved

listen to this verse 14

and this gospel of the kingdom will be

preached into all of the world as a

witness to the nations

and then the end will

come the amazing thing about jesus

is he he had throughout the scripture a


of answering the questions that people

would ask him

not in what they wanted to hear

but what they needed to hear it’s almost

like his answer to

when will the end come and what will be

the signs

and it’s if you read jesus answer he

gives them

five essential things they need to know

that really didn’t have much to do

with what the signs were or when the

timing was

it’s almost like he said i’m not going

to tell you

what you want to hear when

and what are the signs because that’s

all people want to know about prophecy

is give me the latest sign and who’s

going to be the antichrist and

and when is this and when is that and

how close are we

and jesus shifts gears in this text and

he says i’m not going to tell you what

you want to hear i’m going to tell you

what you need to hear concerning

the essential things that you need to


when you see these things begin to come

to pass

i want you to have five essential things

that are very

prevalent in your mind and they begin

to come into focus more than ever and so

i want to give you what he said

he lists five things in this text in

matthew 24

and they’re saying when it when is the

end of the world

and what are the signs of your coming

and he throws them a few

signs he he mentions you know the things


race against race and nation against

nation and

and wars and rumors of wars just a few


but then he really starts naming the


thing that has to be the focus of the


that are facing the coming of the lord

and here’s what he says the first thing

he says

and it’s so amazing to me jesus said

number one look at it in in that fourth

verse he says jesus

answered them and said take

heed to yourself

he said the number one priority for you

is not what’s going on out here

when you start seeing the signs of the

times when you start seeing

the the the one world government when

you start seeing a cashless society

when you start seeing the antichrist and

and and his system begin to rise when

you start seeing

everything that the bible predicts will


number one thing that is essential for

you is take

heed to yourself

we want the details of the time and the

plan and the signs of the times

but jesus said what you need to do is

you need

to take heed for yourself

of yourself the end time is not about

what is happening out there the

important thing about the end time

is what is happening in here and what

god is saying is as you see the signs of

the times happening

the question is not all that’s going on

out there it’s what’s going on in here

how’s my relationship with jesus

how’s my passion for god and he said

take heed to yourself what am i looking

at what am i how’s my heart

how’s my life how am i living am i

consecrated am i living a life of

personal holiness

is my mind clean or am i is my life is

my heart after god

am i stirred up take heed to yourself

that no man deceive you the next thing

he says

is in is in verse six he said and you’ll

hear of wars and rumors of wars but

watch this here it is

second essential see that you are not


do not be troubled the word troubled

comes from the word

agitation don’t let a spirit of

agitation come on you

in the end times everybody’s being

agitated everybody’s on

ends you know like on on they’re at each

other and

agitated in this group fighting that

group and this group hating that group

people on the internet attacking and

giving don’t

get into being troubled and agitated

he says do not be troubled number one

essential take heed to yourself

check yourself be worried about don’t

worry more about what’s out there than

what’s going on in here

am i on fire for god am i praying am i

living right am i passionate for jesus

am i fasting am i seeking god’s face and

then the second thing

is when you see all this happen i don’t

want you filled with agitation

i don’t want you filled with fear i

don’t want you filled with trouble do

not be troubled praise the lord for that

we don’t have to live in a state of


but he said don’t be troubled

for these things must come to pass

and then he gives that third absolute

in verse 12 because

lawlessness shall abound

lawlessness shall abound the the

original king james says

iniquity shall abound the love of many

shall wax cold now here’s the third

essential the first essential is take

heed to yourself

check yourself out make sure that you’re

right with god make sure that you’re

loving god

and then the second thing is i don’t

want you filled with agitation do not be

troubled do not be troubled do not go


with a spirit of fear and worry but then

the third thing

is he says but be aware that iniquity or

lawlessness will abound well

is that happening in our in our society

today is lawlessness

the one of the main things that we’re

seeing and the love

of many shall wax

cold the love of many who the love of


believers the love of many christians

and notice it’s not quickly ghost cold

it waxes cold it’s a process

it’s a slow fade of the love of god in

our heart and

the passion for him and he’s everything

but it begins to it begins to grow

or wax cold our love for god

cold love but then he comes the third

essential when he says even though that

will happen

he says and i love it but he

who endures to the end shall be saved

the third

essential is endure the third

essential is to not quit

and it’s interesting that the word


for when he said that the iniquity

shall abound it’s different from sin sin

is not the same as iniquity iniquity is

the knowing violation

of established laws the knowing


in other words christians will be will

grow so cold

that they know what is right they know


they should not be doing but iniquity

goes deeper than

sin sin is when somebody just messes up

in sin and i’m not making light of that

but iniquity goes deep iniquity is the


violation of established law

in other words it’s the opportunity when

he says when he says

for the for the opportunity

for violation will abound the word

abound means

the opportunity will just it’ll it’ll be

so easy to sin

it’ll be so convenient to sin more

opportunity to just enjoy

a wicked life if that’s what you want

look at the internet look at the things

that used to be hid

and now it’s all there and so he said

iniquity will abound

it’ll be it’ll it’ll be opportunity

after opportunity

to get into any kind of wickedness that

you want to get into

drugs will be legalized anything you

want to get into

you can you can get into it and he said

what will happen

is the even the church will church

people will begin to participate and

pick up things in their life

and the love of many will

wax cold or fade

away and grow cold toward god

but then he said but he who endures so

there there is that third essential

endure there will be people in the end


who he who endures the same shall be


you know the person who endures says you

know i probably

since sin is so convenient nobody’s

looking and you know a young man says i

don’t have to

you know i i i think i i don’t have to

be pure i don’t have to be clean

and so what he’ll do is is is he can

compromise at that moment

or there’ll be some who will endure i

might could get by with this

but i don’t want to i’m going to endure

i’m going to live for god i could


violate the truth and i could knowingly

fill my mind with thoughts and sin and

participate in wickedness or i can


till the end the word endure means to


strong the word endure means to stand

the word endure means no quitting

the word endure means that i

i am willing to stand against this thing


our faith isn’t always supposed to be in

joy all i hear about in christianity

is in joy in joy but it’s not just in


it’s also endure and that means taking a


against what is wrong god is not

surprised that you’re alive today

he didn’t want the apostle paul’s

generation alive today

he knew that there were christians who

would endure in this time

god trusts you and god believes more

than you than you believe in yourself

and then he gives the fourth absolute in

matthew chapter 24.

he says after he said take heed to

yourself don’t be troubled

then he says endure whatever you have to

do stand

don’t compromise don’t grow cold endure

watch this he said and this

gospel of the kingdom shall be preached

unto every nation

it is an emphatic declaration this


is going to be preached this

is the fourth essential that jesus said

must happen

in the end times the gospel must be


this gospel will be preached into every


jesus said when they said when is the

end coming what are the signs

jesus said the essential you need to

know is this gospel

is going to be preached into all the


and then the end will come well guess


we’re online through technology

so are thousands of other ministries and

this gospel

is being preached into all the world

we’re getting responses from africa

we’re getting responses from india we’re

getting responses from russia

we’re getting responses from muslim


we’re getting responses from asia and

south america

we’re preaching the gospel all over

the world literally our largest

audiences that we have ever preached to

on television according to our ratings

on speaking for this ministry and by

just sheer numbers on with our online


of hundreds of thousands of people every

week watching these messages

we are literally reaching millions of


every week we’re on television every day


and this gospel what what is our what is

our response to the end times this

gospel shall be preached into all the

world to every nation

jesus said and then the end shall come

and ladies and gentlemen

we are fulfilling that prophecy right


i’m doing it on television right now

because this

is the fulfillment of jesus teaching

and then the last essential that i want

you to see the last essential

of end-time living is recorded in luke


21 and i want to read it to you

because it’s going to bless you what am

i supposed to do pastor as i see the

signs of the times

what am i supposed to do as i see all

the prophecies being fulfilled and i see

the world

you know even even the even the atheists

even the godless people are realizing

things can’t keep going

like they’re going everybody’s realizing

that that you know with this pandemic

how vulnerable we are how vulnerable our

economies are of the world

how that we could experience something

that could shake the world we thought we

were in a secure world we all have come

to the realization

and that and that’s what the disciples

were saying when will the end of the


come and what will be the signs of your


and jesus said i’m going to answer that


by shifting and letting you not hear

what you want to hear but what you need

to hear and here’s what you need to hear

take heed to yourself here’s what you

need to hear

don’t be troubled here’s what you need

to hear endure

stand strong don’t grow cold endure

here’s what you need to hear this gospel

shall be preached into all the world

and then the end will come and then

lastly in luke

chapter 21 and there shall be signs in

the sun and in the moon and in the stars

and distress of nations and perplexities


seas and waves roaring men’s hearts

failing them for fear

of expectation of things coming on the

earth for

the powers of heaven will be shaken

watch this

then they will see the son of man coming

in a cloud

with power and great glory

listen here it is here’s the here’s the

fifth essential

of end time living now when

these things begin to happen

watch this look up

look up lift up your head

because your redemption draws near

you know what he says he says when you


these things begin to come to pass are

we seeing them

his last word to us is don’t be downcast

don’t go around like victims and

afraid and tormented and beat up and


but he said look up

lift up your heads

in other words jesus was talking about

the posture of the church

in the last days is one that’s looking


it’s one the seeing the harvest is white

under harvest it’s ready the fields are


full of grain look up

the posture of the church the end time


is not one that’s looking down gloom and


it’s look up we win look up

jesus is coming look up the harvest is

ready and he said redemption draweth

nigh your redemption what does that mean

the redemption of your family it’s about

to happen

the redemption of your husband this loss

the redemption of your

brother your sister your grandmother the

people you’ve been praying for

the people that we’ve longed to see get

right with god

look up before

the coming of the lord god is going to

send grace

and he’s going to draw he said for your

redemption meaning you and your family

that’s for me and my house i don’t just

get saved but my house

is under the covenant that i have with

jesus and he said

for i want you to look up the last

essential thing

is the posture of the believer is

looking up

saying oh my goodness redemption is

drawing near to my house

redemption is drawing near to the people

that i’ve been fasting and praying for

my son that’s a drug addict my daughter

that’s in this bad relationship this

that and the other

whatever kind of mess is going on in

your home in your life

look up redemption is coming to those


to those family members to the to that


to that crisis

and so today i don’t know what you’re

going through and i don’t know what

you’re facing

but i hear the lord in my heart and my

soul and my spirit saying look up

tell them to look up tell them this is

the day

of redemption this is the day that my

redemption is drawing near

it’s coming close to their house it’s

coming into their families

people you’ve been praying for a long


redemption is drawing near

so what am i to do pastor in the end

times you’re the number one

you are number one to take heed to

yourself why don’t you do that take


you’re so looking for signs out there

but what about in here

it’s more important how you doing in

here or is your mind clean

is your spirit right have you released


are you clean are you living holy take

heed to yourself

and then if you’re filled with fear do

not be troubled

and then if you’re listening to me and

you say well

you know it’s so easy to sin

iniquity abounds the word of bounds

means it’s just

it’s plentiful it’s easy there’s ample


to get into any kind of wickedness you

want but he said right in the middle of

that kind of society

there will be those who endure to the

end that’s the third essential

you got to endure like a like a soldier

of the lord jesus christ you endure

then we we’re going to keep preaching

the gospel

we’re going to keep this gospel shall be

preached into

all the world and then the end shall


but the last thing that he says

the last essential is have the posture

of the believer

that is not downcast but that looks up

you know what the difference between us

and the world ought to be we ought to be

the people that are looking up we’re

optimistic we’re filled with hope

we’re filled with faith we’re not going

around we’re going through the same

stuff they’re going through

but we’re looking up we’re encouraged

our outlook is up

our faith is up our praise is up our joy

is up our families are up

our faith is up that’s god’s word to you


and the lord wants to come into that

room and take you from a downcast to a


up your redemption

your redemption the redemption of your


and your situation is drawing nearer

than it’s ever been

before because god is faithful

i hope today that the message that

you’re hearing will inform you

of exactly where we’re living and how

vital it is to draw near to jesus it’s

my goal to encourage you

that in spite of all the warfare and all

of the plans of satan

we have one with us who is greater than

the one who is against

us his name is jesus and through him we

win we are victorious we’re actually

more than conquerors

through christ jesus you can have a

brand new start you can’t change where

you came from

you can’t change what you’ve been

through but you can have a brand new

start today pray this prayer with me

right now

say lord jesus say those words lord


i give you my heart there’s power in

your name

to cleanse to forgive to heal my


i’m a flawed person and i need your


i need your forgiveness and i need your

love and i want to give that to others

so today start in me make me

your child forgive me and i receive you


as my king as my lord and as my savior

in jesus name i ask amen

as you know many of you are burdened

with me

we’ve been hearing and receiving the

mail and

many of you are so concerned about the

upcoming election

maybe our nation’s most important

election november the 3rd

most states have a deadline to register

to vote in the first week of october

that’s just a week away we’ve placed a


on our website so that you can register

to vote

in this coming election in your state

in our closing moments i have to say

thank you this television ministry


is reaching further than it’s ever gone

before one of the things that has


is god has used our media ministry

greater than we could have ever dreamed

i want to show you god’s grace

and his comfort to the holocaust

survivors in israel

that we are so honored to be a part of

and i believe that the fact that we’ve

been doing it through the pandemic

is significant your gifts allow us to


the gospel to 200 nations of the world

and produce amazing programs and


and share the good news of jesus christ

not only around the globe

but support the nation of israel we


the gospel we’re on television in the

nation of israel

but we also support projects like this

one in israel

together we’re seeing lives change for

the glory of god

and that only happens because of the

generous people like you

this month we have some special gifts

that we want to send you for your best

gift i really need you

to pray and say god many of you sit back

and watch this every week

would you help us with these great


god will bless you and here’s my

announcer to tell you

how we are entering a critical election

season in the united states

and times like these always require

action from the body of christ

that’s why we as a ministry have been

fasting and praying

so this is our three-step strategy for


renewal and revival in america pray

fast vote the stakes are high for

america and its friends and allies

around the world too

especially israel we share common values

and common civilization and most

importantly we share the same god of

abraham isaac and jacob jensen franklin

media ministries continues to do

everything we can

to bring help and comfort to the elderly

holocaust survivors of israel

and this month when you give your best

gift of 500

or more to help these precious survivors

we want to send you our brand new acres

of diamonds curriculum kit and the

special edition jensen franklin legacy

study bible

with your gift of 300 or more this month

we’ll send you

anoint the place of your dreams on cd an

anointing oil set

and the jensen franklin legacy study

bible and with your gift of 50

or more this month we want to send you

jensen franklin’s pray

vast vote book and the spirit of honor

cd and dvd combo

your support is fulfilling biblical

prophecy by bringing comfort to the

nation of israel

preach the good news and helping those

in desperate need around the globe

visit us online today


now is the time to make your voice heard

in heaven and on earth

with your generous gift of any amount to

the ministry we want to send you jensen

franklin’s book

pray fast vote your support helps us

preach the gospel to over 200 nations

around the globe

produce inspirational resources like

this one and continue support for

outreach projects call now or visit us

online to order your copy today

charisse and i want to invite you to

join us on our holy land tour it’s an

amazing trip

unlike anything you’ve ever experienced

and we’ll be on the trip we get on the

buses our family will be on there and i

promise you

it will change your life you’ve been

thinking about it you’ve been praying

about it this

is the year to go god’s gonna open your

eyes to things you’ve never

seen and experienced before in the holy

land get signed up today

this program has been sponsored by

friends and partners of jensen franklin

media ministries

we hope you’ve enjoyed this teaching by

jensen franklin and thank you for your

continued support of this ministry

your prayers and financial support make

these programs possible