Kingdom Connection Hosted by Jentezen Franklin – Watch : “Christine Caine – The A21 Campaign”

you know when I first got involved in

helping to rescue the victims of human

trafficking I think sometimes you have

this kind of heroic image of what it’s

going to be like when you see a traffic

victim but I’ve discovered that it’s far

more painful than I ever thought I mean

you’ve got to understand that these

girls are often raped you know 20 maybe

30 times every day over a sustained

period for seven years it doesn’t matter

how they feel physically what cycle they

might be in they are just used to the

terror and the fear of being raped so we

work at the a21 campaign with law

enforcement we’re so grateful to work

with great people in great countries and

there is a lot that needs to be done in

order to investigate to find out whether

a brothel is legal or illegal whether

the girls are being kept against their

will one of the great things we’ve done

is instituted national phone lines in

several of the countries that we work in

so that often our tip will come through

the phone line it’s a 24-hour emergency

phone line and we have billboards

everywhere we have it all over the media

so that perhaps it works in one of two

ways sometimes a client might end up

feeling guilty and have asked a girl in

a brothel if she has paperwork to be a

legal prostitute then finds out that she

doesn’t well he doesn’t want to be

exposed so he’ll go and he’ll make a

call one of these calls to out one of

our 1-800 numbers and then say look at

this brothel there’s certain girls and

they are being held against their will

well that’s a tip-off we then would give

that into the hands of the law

enforcement they would organize in their

own timing a raid and then the girls are

brought out now that in one sense we

think well they’re set free in that

moment but the truth is for many of them

a whole nother level of terror and fear

begins right at that point they don’t

know whether they’re being taken they

don’t know if they’re going to be sold

into another brothel they don’t know if

they’re going to be moved into a

different country you’ve got to

understand they have no idea and they’ve

been held against their will in fear and

terror this whole time so when they

choose to come to an a21 transition

facility so they are offered a whole lot

of choices some girls don’t trust it and

they would just prefer to get deported

back to their countries but the ones

that then choose to come with fear

trepidation often they’re often cowering

and you very often see them in a fetal

position just full of fear and full of

terror that’s what drives human

trafficking it’s actually terror and

fear and we have some fantastic the real

heroes if there’s such a word for the

a21 campaign our our house mums

that are on the ground 24/7 literally

just being that first phase of love for

the girls what they will do is of course

immediately we begin to meet their

immediate physical needs many of the

girls have been traumatized that they

need an urgent medical care and so we

make sure that we get food water many of

them have been deprived in those things

so we take care of their physical needs

and we instantly bring a social worker a

psychologist a counselor to begin

post-trauma therapy with them you must

understand so much trauma has gone on in

their mind and then we have faithful

prayer team that prays around-the-clock

for them what we have discovered is you

know that those first couple of hours is

just fear but with incredible love and

grace and a spirit of serving you can

begin to see the barriers slowly come

down now it might take and it normally

takes a first full week before a girl

might even sort of smile in your

direction you’ve got to understand you

are working with people that are just

full of terror and fear and I think

sometimes we think we’re just going to

come in and all of a sudden all the

defences are going to come down and

they’re going to be okay now they’re

carrying so much physical and

psychological wounding as well as

obvious spiritual wounding that there is

a process involved and I think what we

have to understand is we’re not looking

for quick results you know even you and

I that haven’t been trafficked it takes

time for Jesus to renew and restore us

and for us to continue to grow in our

faith well we have to understand these

victims have been so traumatized that it

takes time it’s not just like one prayer

you’re done let’s move on you have to be

committed and I think that’s where you

discover that it’s a labor it’s a labor

of love

you’ve got to daily begin to work with

the victims to build trust and I think

love is what does it more than anything

unconditional love unconditional grace

unconditional mercy and what we have

seen time and time again and now where

several hundred

into this process I think without

exception I have seen greater than

anything is love and grace and mercy

really can carry you very very far as

long as we’re doing all the other things

that are a requirement as well you can

with the love of God love people to

wholeness and freedom and I’ve seen

girls that have come in carrying in a

fetal position absolutely laughs and I

think of the scripture in Proverbs where

it says she smiles at the future I have

seen that fear become just a laughter

with a strength and confidence that says

yet God’s got a great future for me and

whatever has happened in my past God has

redeemed it and that I can have a great

future in through a relationship with

Jesus Christ it works the gospel of hope
