This is “And Then Some.” What happens when you go beyond the normal? Beyond the ordinary? Beyond the average? In the story of Rebekah, we see the extraordinary outcome of a woman who did what was expected … and then some. God sees the extra effort. And it’s the extra effort that brings breakthrough. There’s no traffic jam on the extra mile!

the following program is sponsored by

friends and partners of Kingdom

connection thank you for joining us

today on Kingdom connection you’re gonna

be blessed I’m gonna be preaching a

message in just a moment

that’s gonna challenge you I promise you

you’ve never heard a message quite like

this it’s going to challenge you and and

really is a principle and key to success

in your life it’s really gonna open your

eyes and bless you on how to win how to

succeed so don’t miss it I’m also

excited about what is taking place right

now in the city of Jerusalem we’re

building a shelter a housing facility

for Holocaust survivors there’s a

hundred and ninety thousand that have

come from all over the world who

survived the Holocaust they have the

prison tattoo numbers on them and they

fifty thousand of them are homeless they

have nowhere to live and we’re providing

a shelter home apartments you can be a

part as a matter of fact I’m believing

for five hundred people to give a

one-time gift of a thousand dollars to

make this project have the great kickoff

that it needs right now it’s under

construction as I speak you can have

permanent seed in the city of Jerusalem

check this out the Holocaust ended more

than 70 years ago yet there are still

tens of thousands of elderly people who

experienced the horrors of the Nazi

death camps and today there are about


still alive in Israel unbelievably more

than 50,000 of them continue to live in

poverty God has placed it in our hearts

to do what we can to help we are

partnering with Friends of Zion to build

to assisted living facilities in the

heart of Jerusalem your gift of $1,000

will provide our Jewish brothers and

sisters with this safe place to live

with your one-time gift of $1,000 we’ll

place your name on a special founders

wall at both buildings in Israel as a

reminder for years to come of the love

and compassion that you have shown and

as a special gift of appreciation we’ll

send you a personalized crystal plaque

when you send your gift of $100 or more

we’ll send you a special founders

certificate honoring your investment in

this project and everyone responding

will receive this CD teaching it’s time

for a comeback every gift no matter the

size will help accelerate the vision and


we can be a blessing to Israel to learn

more visit us online at Jentezen

Franklin TV



look with me in Genesis chapter 24

Genesis chapter 24 I want to talk to you

about a principle in life from God’s

Word that will guarantee success in your

life in your family and your

relationships and your business

it is a Bible principle found from

Genesis to Revelation and if you honor

it it will bring great reward to your

life in this story I want you to see

this principle I’m gonna give it to you

in just a moment it’s a great love story

Genesis 24 the hope is one of the

largest I think it’s the largest chapter

in the Old Testament and it’s a it’s a

love story a love story between a man

and and the love of his life he’s the

most eligible bachelor on the planet

his name is Isaac he’s the son of

Abraham Abraham made a covenant with God

and God blessed him exceedingly in

cattle silver gold riches and wealth

read it read it he’s mightily blessed of

God Abraham and beyond that spiritual

blessings that are remarkable and God

said your seed will be greater than the

than the sands of the seashore

so whoever marries your son and your

children are gonna produce a whole

nation out of this boy Isaac will come

twelve sons that will become the

children of Israel out of Jacobs will

become the children of Israel the whole

nation of Israel the Messiah will come

so watch this

Abraham’s the father he has a son named

Isaac back in Bible days they believed

in arranged marriages you didn’t go

online and find you somebody to marry

and I’m not kicking that if it floats

your boat then great make sure they’re

saved and not a weirdo but I’m just

telling you that back then they did

arranged marriages and so Abraham says

to his trusted servant Eliezer who by

the way is a beautiful type of the Holy

Spirit you only know what the Holy

Spirit’s doing he’s getting the bride

ready for the groom and the Holy ale

EA’s are in this story is given the


tasks by the father to go find my boy

his bride and he doesn’t know how to

find the bride I mean this is a huge

prophetic thing here and he’s got to

find out of all the women in the world

he’s got to find the one and he goes to

a heathen land of a foreign land and so

finally he gets there and he says this

is crazy

Ellie a Tsar I’m supposed to find some

girl I don’t know what she looks like I

don’t know how to do this so god I need

your help I put a fleece out before you

I’m gonna sit right here at the whale

because in Bible days women would gather

at the whale and and he said I’m gonna

sit right here with my ten camels and

here’s the fleece here’s how I know

which one is the pig for Isaac I’m going

to I’m gonna sit here and say nothing

and the girl who brings and comes and

offers me water is courteous enough kind

enough to offer me a stranger water and

here’s the kicker and and wonders the

camels also that’ll be the one that I’ll

know is worthy to be the wife of Isaac

the son of Abraham

so what’s he looking for he’s looking

for someone who who is going to offer

him water and his mangy stinky ugly

camels ten of them and they can they can

hold forty gallons of water each and all

of them on the dashboard has the red


dashing because they just come out of

the desert and they had nothing to drink

for five hundred miles their own empty

and here this girl is and in a in a

culture of the Middle East there’s

something known as the law of

hospitality which says this if a

stranger comes you are to offer them

it’s custom this is what ordinary people

do you offer them some water that’s the

normal but she does something strange

he’s sitting there she does not know

that he works for the richest man in the


she does not know that he is looking for

a bride for basically Prince Charming

this guy’s got it all I mean he he is

super wealthy he’s single come on girls

he’s good-looking he loves God he’s in

covenant with God he’s got a blessing a

favor on his life and he’s just looking

for a woman she doesn’t know who this

guy is and she walks up and says sir and

by the way the Bible said she was

beautiful Rachel was beautiful and she

walks up and she says sir can I offer

you water and he’s just sitting there

watching and then she says and by the

way while you sit there and refresh

yourself I’m gonna water all 10 of your

camels 40 gallons of water per camel 400

gallons they didn’t have a water hose

folks they had she had to take the

bucket she had to do it the

old-fashioned way she had I mean she’s

breaking fingernails she’s getting runs

in her pantyhose her hairdo is falling

apart her mascara is running by the

bottle 5th

can you imagine by the fifth a camel

that’s needing 40 gallons of water

she hurt her stuffs falling all the

pieces she says I mean she doesn’t look

so nice anymore but this is a lifestyle

this is who she is she’s not just do

what average people do she does what’s

expected here it is and then son that’s

what I’m talking about this is the

principle that will elevate your life

above average it’s when you begin to do

what is expected and then some it was

expected to give him water it was

totally unexpected for someone of

unusual character kindness and Christian

love to go far beyond and water every

camel until they wouldn’t drink anymore

that is someone who’s doing what is

expected and then some I mean she

voluntarily of her own free will without

without knowing that there was any

reward attached here’s the here’s the

weird thing

she didn’t know but the Bible said that

he had filled

saddlebags on those on those ugly ugly

camels were filled with saddle bags of

gold gold bracelets gold earrings

it said rubies and expensive jewels

there she is she could have said it’s

not in my resume get your own water I’ve

done what I was supposed to do I’ve done

what anybody else would do I’m average

and that’s all I do but she as a

lifestyle is doing this not knowing

anybody’s watching her and the criteria

that God is using to choose this girl is

not her hips in her lips is not her

hairdo it’s look at this girl she does

what is expected and then some and God

says I choose her to be the bride of

Isaac three words distinct distinguish

her from everybody else and then some

I’ll show you what God looks for not

just not just you know an attitude that

says that’s that’s not on my resume

that’s not on my job description that’s

not what I’m supposed to that’s not my


god that we work as under God and we

look God looks for people to elevate and

bless who do what’s expected in then son

he judged her by her work ethic he

judged her by her work standard and it

was a lousy job it’d be wonderful if she

was working in a palace and you know

with Chanel number five and everything

but it’s manure number six it’s nasty

it’s nasty

and she’s got a sorry job but she’s

given it everything she’s got and then

some and God says oh oh I won’t let you

stay in that level of what you’re doing

because when you touch this principle of

and then some it raised

you you will not stay hidden you will

not stay in the shadows she’s a nobody

she has no idea that a multi-multi is

watching her you don’t know who’s

watching you three words that

distinguish highly successful people

from average people is and then some

highly successful people do what is

expected and then some highly successful

marriages have spouses who do what is

expected and then some and the marriage

is blessed students that do well do what

is expected and then some athletes who

do amazing and make it to the top of

their world they do what is expected

everybody else does it but they always

every time do something that other

people won’t do it’s an and then some

factor Christians that are outstanding

are not Christians who say I’m gonna do

as little as I can to get by and make it

into heaven we need some and then some

Christians who don’t just come to church

and do what’s supposed to do and I’m

done but it’s when you move into the

area of sacrifice it’s when you move

what did the fire fall on what brought

the presence of God in the Bible it’s

when they sacrifice and there’s

something about doing what is expected

and then some that God really really

honors current workplace philosophy is

do the least expected and try to get the

most for it I’m gonna do minimum effort

and I won’t maximum reward

give me insurance give me this give me

that give me this give me that and I’m

gonna give you the least I can and hold

on to my job but that’s not what God

blesses god blesses people who do

something that Jesus called the extra

mile Jesus said if a man compels you to

go a mile and carry

bag for him you are to go the second

mile without him asking you become a

second mile person you become an N

Vincent I know you hired me to go one

mile but I go two miles because I’m an

and then some person Jesus said unless

your righteousness exceeds the

righteousness of the Pharisees you will

not enter the kingdom of heaven what was

the what what was their Pharisee

righteousness like they would do only

what was required

they were legalist they were caught

Watchers they were looking for pay day

and sundown and that’s it is that how

you go to your job

well they say sorry job I’m flipping

burgers I don’t like it I should be on

in the place I’m gone I’m gonna be this

huh you’re not gonna be nothing if you

don’t learn how to succeed where you are

and when you start giving what what is

required and then some and a lousy job

that was not a sweet beautiful wonderful

job those animals spittin owner those

animals lay that nasty smell of a mangy

camel but she’s given it everything

she’s got what’s happening in this

generation we need a generation of young

people who don’t sit back and say you

ought to give me this and give me that

and give me you need to get something in

you that says I’m not going to be

average in my generation I’m gonna be an

and then some person and I’m gonna do

everything that they expect and then

some come on how many of you want some

and then some children

this is going to shock some of you

you’re not gonna win anybody to Jesus

with Christian bumper stickers on your

car I know that’s a shock but I’ll tell

you what to win people to the Lord and

and give you a platform in their life

maybe the greatest tool of evangelism to

reach this culture of unchurched people

it’s when we do what is expected of us

in the workplace and then son on a

consistent basis as a lifestyle people

who just start seeing it and suddenly

they say wow after you’ve done what is

expected you do a little extra if that

happened if Christians started operating

the principle that I’m talking about you

would not be the tail at that job long

you would be the head it’s a matter of

time before someone and you’re not doing

it when the boss is watching she didn’t

know anybody this was who she was

talk about a witness Jesus is telling us

that quoting scriptures on the job and

testifying when you’re not giving

maximum effort is a waste of time people

don’t care about your testimony if they

see you’re a lazy butt

amazing thing is when you’re the top

producer in your field you can say

whatever you want nobody don’t want to

hear your secret if you just lost the

ballgame if you just if you just lost a

big contract nobody don’t want to hear

about your testimony but when you have

done something and you’ve worked and

you’ve gone the extra mile and you’ve

gone beyond what was expected and now

you’re reaping the benefits of that hard

work there’s something about that moment

that you can stand on that platform in

that moment and say well as I receive

this award first of all I want to give

glory and honor to Jesus Christ that’s


that’s powerful here it is now and I’m

almost done but hang in there extra

blessings come from extra efforts if you

don’t get nothing else onto this sermon

say that with me extra blessings come on

say it bold at every campus extra

blessings come from extra efforts think

about and then some effort in your

marriage if extra effort leads to extra

reward what would happen gentlemen if

you came home and I know it’s not your

job in your mind because you work all

day long and ba ba ba ba ba but what if

what if your wife came home and the

house was cooked was clean

si si did you hear that crickets


what if I know you and your your you

young couples y’all got your little

babies and stuff and here’s what I

learned from our five children that

extra effort brings extra reward if I

would just break away I’m busy I got all

these people and they got a lot of

issues and I have to pass through them

Cherise you don’t understand

but what I finally realized is if I’ll

give extra effort to help her with those

babies when there were babies what’s

that look like I’d go home sometimes and

I’d say you go get your fingers done you

need a break

you’re getting you about to kill us all

go go get out of the house she’s been

shut up in the house with five little

drunk midgets running around tearing

everything vomiting throwing up messing

in their pants she does this day after

day so what does the extra effort looks

like yeah I got a tremendous undies

always coming I’ve got to have I got

stuff all the time but when you go and

just say I got the kids I’ve got them

for three hours go do your thing extra

effort which explains why they kept

coming the children one after another

after another after another so bear that

in mind but I’m just telling you I’m

trying to help you a good marriage is

not 50/50 a good marriage is and then


I don’t live for self it’s not about I’m

not getting what I need out of this

marriage marriages don’t go into divorce

court because mates are doing extra for

each other marriages go into divorce


because people are sitting on their fat

rear ends whining about what they’re not

getting out of the relationship when you

ought to be giving and then some

if you want to be the head of your home

but there’s more to being the head of

your home than having a zipper on your

pants it Cole said you are mailed by

birth you are manned by choice and

manhood means I take responsibility for

my marriage my family my children my

resources that’s what a man does and

then some I thought this was cool the

Disneyland CEO Eisner said was once

asked because the grounds of Disney

World are so immaculately clean if

you’ve ever been there system I mean

just tens of thousands of people and you

never see trash you never see it

it’s just spotless and so he was asked

one time by a reporter how many do you

have in maintenance to keep his place

this pristine what’s the deal he said we

have 45,000 employed in maintenance and

the guy said I must have misunderstood

Jews you mean 4,500 he said no 45,000

every employee knows that if there’s

trash on the floor if you’re the first

to see it pick it up and that that that

is not in my job description and then

son there are there are so many galaxies

60 billion galaxies your God is an end

then some God we only need one for man

we’re the only thing living that we know

of but God says I’m an and then some

someone had another 60 billion because

that’s who I am I’m not enough I’m more

than enough I’m saying to you today that

here’s the point and I close with this

don’t shoot those camels ride them don’t

shoot that job what you don’t know is

that that ugly situation is the gateway


the greatest reward she will ever

receive in her life that look like much

that look like much tube but if you give

everything you’ve got and then some to

an ugly situation

it will not stay ugly it will actually

transport you from where you are and she

gets on those same camels that she’s

tanked up like riding the Escalade to

her little rich boy out in the field

little isaac little got bling bling all

over the bible said that that in those

side bags she had bracelets can you

imagine and in earrings that weighed a

half a talent my lord they these are

massive gold solid gold she has hit the

jackpot and then she’s got a

good-looking guy waiting in the field

and he sees her coming on the camels the

silhouette and he jumps off of his horse

and runs through the field this is in

Genesis 24 you should read the Bible

sometime and he’s running through the

field and he’s never seen her and she

jumps off the camel and she’s running in

her in her in her big ole earrings or

bling bling bling and her chains are and

it all happened

God chose her for this kind of life she

she becomes the multiplier of the

kingdom of God that ultimately produces

the Messiah

I mean her seed was more than the sands

of the seashore that’s a lot of stretch

marks oh that that’s a lot of babies and

it all started with I’ve got an ugly

ugly low-class low-paying

good-for-nothing job here but I’m gonna

give everything I’ve got to it and then

some and God says that’s gonna carry you

to the greatest rewards you could ever


because you weren’t doing it unto him as

you do it into the least of these you

have done it you work for me and I will

reward you
