Watch “A Dream That Drives You” Jentezen Franklin, host of Kingdom Connection & Pastor of Free Chapel.

best sermons, Christ Jesus, Christian, Christians, Christmas, Christmas message, Christmas sermon, Christmas story, Christmas teaching, cross, encouraging sermons, faith, family, forgiveness, God, gospel, heaven, hell, HolySpirit, hope, inspirational sermons, Jesus, love, marriage, messages, powerful sermon, prayer, preaching, reason for the season, relationships, sermons, teaching, Tony Evans, Tony Evans sermons, trusting, victory, youth

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life has a way of weighing this down we

want to live lives full of hope and joy

but the problems we face often lead only

to hopelessness but we can overcome God

offers a promise instead of a problem

all we have to do is pray in faith and

watch as he opens our eyes to his

supernatural promises because everything

changes when we get God’s perspective in

his new message five powerful prayers to

pray Jenson Franklin reveals that God

has given us a formula for prayer that

can touch the heart of God don’t just

pray a day don’t just pray a week don’t

just pray a month but pray until

something happens request Jenson

Franklin’s new product the five powerful

prayers to pray action plan including

this powerful message and a five week

focused prayer journal it’s time to

release your faith and start praying

these powerful prayers as you do you

will see your life change and the power

of God revealed in your life request the

five powerful prayers to pray action

plan today

I’m preaching on a dream that drives you

a dream that drives you

Genesis chapter 37 and verse 5 now

Joseph had a dream and he told it to his

brothers and they hated him even more

verse 19 and they said one to another

look this dreamer is coming

Joseph was 17 years old when God gave

him a world-changing dream God has a

dream for every person under the sound

of my voice

those of you streaming live wherever you

are all over the world God has a dream

for your life sometimes we think if

we’re not rich in Richard Branson who

started Virgin Airlines or Steve Jobs or

Bill Gates or dunker Martin Luther King

that if it’s not some massive huge dream

that our dream doesn’t matter to God but

the dream that you have for a business

for a college education for your

children for maybe you’re a housewife

and you’re pouring your life into your

child and your dream is that your child

would be great that’s a good godly dream

and God cares about your dream as a

matter of fact if God wants to bless you

he gives you light the Bible said God is

light and when God wants to bless you

he’ll give you light see what that means

is when I say a dream it means you can

see it God just turns on the light and

suddenly you see who you could be what

you could do and it inspires you and it

fires you up if God wants to judge you

he doesn’t have to kill you he can just

turn out the light and suddenly you’re

in darkness and you don’t know where

you’re going with your life you don’t

know what you’re doing you’re confused

one of the greatest blessings that can

come to your life is when God turns on

the light and you see it

I saw myself preaching I saw it I saw

myself pastoring I saw it and when God

shows it to you it’s a powerful thing

and it starts with him turning on the

light and you get a dream people who are

leaders always have

great dream they’re thinking ahead

they’re planning ahead it’s a dream that

drives you it affects how you talk it

affects how you think it affects how you

live and don’t be a dream killer

especially to your children don’t be a

dream killer let God turn on the light

and show them the possibilities you see

George Bernard Shaw said listen to this

dream of things that never were and ask

why not why not somebody one day said

why not why can’t we fly why can’t we

create a machine that will fly why why

not why why not why can’t we somebody

looked at the telephone in my generation

it started anybody remember the old

rotary dial and it had a little cord and

if you answered the phone you had to

take that phone and you couldn’t go

nowhere because it had a little cord and

then we thought we were brilliant

because somebody came up with a lone

cord anybody remember that and you could

walk into the kitchen and you man that’s

something else there a long cord I can I

can move around a little bit and then

came the big breakthrough somebody said

why not why can’t we have what we called

a mobile phone and it was in a suitcase

about that big and you’d have a strap

around you and you’d go to the mall and

it still had a cord on it and you’d pull

it out and you talk and it’s about that

long and you had to you it was amazing

had an antenna that shot up in there and

you know why not then finally some some

brilliant mind said why why not why

can’t we have something called a smart

phone someone said that a cell the

difference between cell phones and

people is cell phones are getting

thinner and smarter

so I want to take the word dream and I

want to use each letter of the word

dream quickly to tell you what it means

to have a dream that drives you first of

all the D stands for a dream will

distinguish you when God gives you a

dream it will make you stand out when

God gives you a dream it will mark you

it will make you it will make you

different from other people all you have

to do in this day and time is in it to

be to be really something is to have a

dream in a direction for your life a

dream will distinguish you Joseph had a

coat of many colors he looked like Elton

John everywhere he went he had he had he

had a dream he had a dream and the dream

distinguished him and I’ll tell you what

a young person or a man or a woman is a

person who God has given a dream they

will begin there they will begin to be

distinguished from other people the

second thing that a dream will do is a

dream and I want to say before I move on

if you don’t have a dream hang out with

someone who does have a dream because

you’ll get fat off the crumbs from their

table there’s something about when you

hang around other dreamers you can get a

dream but some of you hang around a

bunch of losers and you’ll never be and

do anything of significance so get

around people who have a dream and then

you’ll begin to see what you can be and

what you can do the R stands for dreams

release your potential they release you

to grow I mentioned the other weekend a

message and I want to reiterate you know

I heard in solo TV show even this week

that reminded me about these guys make

aquariums and he said something

interesting when they especially for

CEOs you know where they put fish and

stuff and he in their in their fancy

offices and he said that the number one

fish that people want in their aquarium

is that I thought he’d say you know

guppy or something he said a shark he

said he said CEOs want a shark and and

and and he said the amazing thing is if

you put a shark in the aquarium it will

only grow to eight inches but if

you put it in the Pacific Ocean or the

Atlantic Ocean it’ll grow eight feet or

more and the point is simply this the

shark will never grow larger than his

environment and the same is true about

you if all you do is stay in little

little narrow-minded muddy mud puddles

of small thinking you’ll never grow any

bigger welcome to the dream room that’s

what this is we come in this place and

we serve we we serve a big God a mighty

God and some of you it’s time to get out

of the mud puddle and get into a lake

and some of you need to get out of the

lake and get into the ocean and swim and

let God grow you and let God expand you

and let God release your potential the

third thing the e stands for encouraged

you see a dream when you get it will

encourage you there’s something about a

dream that brings encouragement and joy

to people’s lives it gives you

excitement it encourages you the people

who are depressed the people who are

discouraged are the people who don’t

have a dream because when you have a

dream it makes you get up in the morning

it makes you put your clothes on and go

to work because you’ve got a dream and a

dream has the power to encourage you

then the a stands for

it affects prevailing attitudes when you

have a dream it will always it will

always attack prevailing attitudes aural

and Wilbur Wright were sons of a

Methodist preacher and he got up and

preached he’s a bishop and he got up and

preached one day and said if God wanted

men to fly he would have made them with

wings but those two boys felt a

challenge in their heart to the

prevailing attitude of their father and

they went out at Kitty Hawk North

Carolina and they broke through the

prevailing attitude that man cannot fly

and they change the world with that

dream because when you have a dream that

God gives you it will always affect your

attitude and use

you’ll have to combat you’ll have to

combat prevailing attitudes there’ll

always be you know dreams shatter common

held attitudes of the day it can’t be

done it’s never been done before

nobody’s ever done it in succeeded yet

you better no no no anytime you have a

dream I cannot tell you the times I’m

telling you I had to when we were

building this I had to get out I had to

get away from the little guppy saying

you know I had to go find preachers that

had done stuff I had done when we were

building this and all of that I got

around Tommy Barnett’s and I got around

Brian Houston’s I got around me and I

got out of the little guppy world and I

got in a shark tank a man and got got

some of you need a shark tank in you

you’re just you just think so small but

but when you got a dream that God gives

you it will it will begin to do great

things in your life it’ll release your

potential it’ll distinguish you and then

the M stands for motivate a dream will

motivate you a dream will motivate you

it’s like nuclear energy in your soul

when you get a dream and your energy

will be in proportion to your dream um

they did a study recently and they

studied people who retired early

people who retired early and every time

they found that people who retired early

with nothing to do they had nothing to

do they three years later

went into a decline in health because

they had nothing to excite them nothing

to motivate them nothing to challenge

them in Germany they did a study and

they took rats and they fed the rats

they didn’t have to do anything to get

their food but just eat it they took

another group of rats and they put them

in a maze every day and they would

change the maze and so the rats had to

had to face the challenge in the

difficulty of trying to get to their

food every day and they compared the two

and the rats that had to get go through

the maze to get to their food live six


longer in in rat years that’s a long

time compared to human years you got to

understand its many many years because

they had a goal they had to solve

problems to get to the food and my point

to you is if you don’t have if you don’t

have a goal if you don’t have something

to stimulate your brain if you don’t

have something that keeps you sharp and

focused if you don’t have challenges you

won’t stay alive you you you could drop

until a pile of dust pretty quick if you

don’t have it I don’t care how old you

are I don’t care who you are you need a

dream dreams motivate us they energize

us they fire us up and some of you need

to understand that a dream is what you

need you don’t need Guppies in your tank

some of you you don’t like strong

leadership you need a shark in your tank

to keep you alive to keep you moving to

keep you what are you doing are you

reaching any goals we want it easy we

don’t want to do anything but God is a

God who wants to give you a dream that

drives you dream problems are the best

problems listen in life you’re gonna

have problems

and if you don’t do nothing you’re gonna

have problems but if you’ve got a dream

you’re gonna have problems I’d rather

create my problems and move toward my

dream and have to deal with problems

that are getting me to my dream then do

nothing so either way you’re gonna have

problems dream problems are the best

problems so get a dream excuses are the

crutches of the uncommitted there’s

always a reason to quit Ray Kroc was 54

years old two years older than me when

he left his sales job in Chicago and

started a hamburger chain called

McDonald’s he was 54 years old two years

older than me when he started dreaming

Moses was 80 years old Colonel Sanders

was 65 years old when he started

Kentucky Fried finger lickin good


sixty-five my god I’m in my I’m going

into my prime I hadn’t even hit my

problem yet I got I’m about to really

hit some big years you are too

come on anybody else believe that we

ought to have a dream no matter how old

we are 54 and you you’re whining about

giving up on life at 23 cuz all your

dreams haven’t come true

you have no idea

turn to somebody say I’m in the best

years of my life there gonna be times

when your circumstances are inconsistent

with your dreams did you hear what I

just said there’s gonna be times when

your circumstances are inconsistent with

your dreams Joseph had a dream and then

he was stolen in prison his brothers

attacked him he was thrown into a pit he

was lied on he was put in prison he went

through hell he was locked up he that

was inconsistent with his dream and in

those moments you have two choices

number one you can reduce your life to

your present circumstances give up on it

settle or you can believe through God

your life will catch up with your dream

if you won’t quit and won’t give up

never allow circumstances to change the

dream God has put in your heart never

never allow circumstances to change the

dream God has put in your heart there’ll

be times when your present circumstances

are not consistent with your dreams but

Habakkuk chapter 2 in verse 3 said

though the vision Terri’s wait for it

for it will surely come to pass even if

God has to provoke that has to prolong

your life he will not let you die until

he brings to pass when he told you he

would do dreams will demand integrity

Joseph teaches us this Joseph when when

God started raising him up in Potiphar’s

house he got around the

wives of Egypt and and Miss Potiphar put

on a biblical dress lo and behold I’m

sure it was showing lots of leg and lots

of upper extremities and and and and

she’s walking in and trying to seduce

him because dreams will demand integrity

she starts hitting on Joseph and the

enemy understands men are visual women

like cards and candy and small gifts and

candlelight romantic dinners walks on

the beach holding hands dr. Rutland said

that men just want women to show up

naked and with food that’s what dr.

Rutland said if you have a problem with

that send that message to dr. Rutland

cuz he said

and he’s a doctor

and that’s pretty much the difference

between men and women but I want to say

to you you got to watch it when you’ve

got a dream and God begins to bless the

dream because the dream will require

integrity a dream we require morality a

dream will require the higher God raises

you up that you not use that position to

take advantage of people that that look

to you a dream will require integrity

and what others believe about you is

never as important as what you believe

about you boy that’s the truth

you know I got a lot of people who

believe a lot of things but what you

believe about you is more important than

what people believe about you there are

two reasons why dreams break down number

one people quit believing in God number

two people quit believing in themselves

now I know people who believe in God but

they don’t believe in themselves

and I know people who believe in

themselves but they don’t believe in God

and it’s got to come together you’ve got

to believe in God and you got to believe

in yourself if you’re gonna fulfill the

dream God has called you to do here’s

another thing that Joseph teaches us

real quickly

Joseph teaches us to help others with

their dream while you wait for your

dream to come true he helped the butler

with his dream he helped the Baker with

his dream

he helped Pharaoh with his dream and my

question to you is who are you helping

with their dream Ephesians six and eight

said what what you make happen for

others God will make happen for you

through your resources through given

opportunities who are you helping

fulfill their dream because if nothing’s

happening with your dream it’s a sign

you need to help somebody else with

their dream dreams come when we get a

plan again I want to use the letters of

the word plan what is planned stand for

it means number one pray it out if you

don’t pray it out then watch out you’re

gonna fail pray it out number the L

stands for lay it out write it out

figure and and the Bible said make the

vision claim write it out so pray it out

lay it out act it out take action start

moving in that direction small steps

matter just start moving in that

direction what can I do maybe it’s not

earth-shaking but at least I’m moving in

that direction take action and then

navigate it out a Navy SEAL commander

said this about plans listen to this

I’ve never seen a plan of attack survive

the battle what he was saying was you

can have your plan but when you get in

battle you have to you have to learn how

to expect be unexpected you have to

learn how to navigate your plan and so

you start out with a plan and always

plan but you learn to turn and change

things and you know what that didn’t

work I’ll try it this way

and you navigate the plan so I want to I

want to conclude in just a moment I’m

almost through but I want to say this a

dream produces discipline self-denying

be ambitious with your life David while

keeping sheep a minimum wage job he

didn’t waste it he was target practicing

he was writing songs he was learning how

to play his gift would make room for him

in a palace before the president of his

nation he was watching the sheep and

applying life applications to it while

nobody was watching he was training for

reining he shows up and he’s been

promoted from a sheep guy – now he’s a

pizza delivery guy the Bible said when

he went to his brothers he took bread

and cheese that’s pizza he was a pizza

delivery guy but he was not wasting that

season in his life everything about life

everything about sorrow everything about

hurts and rejection and failure God will

make it fertilizer for you – and your

dreams if you will allow him every job

everything you’ve been through God will

make it fertilizer for your dream be


with your life be ambitious with your

life get a dream the the movie I

conclude with this but the movie are

Saving Private Ryan if you remember just

to give you a summary of it that two of

the brothers are killed in the same

family in world war two and there’s one

other brother fighting in Germany and

and they make a call and they say that’s

too much for any parent any mother to

deal with losing all three of her

children so go get Private Ryan and

bring him home to his mother and they

send a whole unit in to find him and

bring him home and these guys get blown

to pieces they all give their lives and

die and are killed by the Germans trying

to protect one man to get him home to

his mother they all give their life so

that Private Ryan can live in the final

scene of the movie as Tom Hanks who’s

that who’s the commander of that unit

he’s been shot fatally and he’s laying

on a bridge and he’s bleeding and he’s

dying and and Private Ryan is standing

there and he reaches up and grabs him by

his shirt and pulls him down and he says

basically make your life count make it

worth it all these guys including me

have given our life and died do

something with your life

that is significant do something good

with your life I thought about Jesus and

how he must look at a generation that’s

wasting their life on drugs and partying

and craziness and he probably wants to

grab them and pull them close to him and

say do something significant with your

life I’ve got a purpose I’ve got a dream

I’m gonna change the world

you can do turn to somebody and say

dream bigger dream bigger I believe God

is really speaking to you today there is

a dream that drives you there is a dream

that will distinguish you and release

your gifts and cause you to to receive

energy and you know all of the things

that I preached today your attitude your

motivation it comes through having a

god-given dream and God has one for you

and the first thing he wants to do is

for you to surrender your life

completely to him why don’t you do that

today that’s why we’re on television we

want to tell people about a man named

Jesus and a place called Calvary that

can change your life change your

direction change your family change your

life change your future you need him you

need a Savior and he’s reaching out to

you today let him give you his plan his

dream for your life pray this prayer say

Lord Jesus I receive you as my savior I

confess you as my Lord and I put my

faith in the blood that you shed it

cleanses me of all my sin now give me

your plan Holy Spirit give me your dream

your vision for my life in Jesus name

Amen I’m so glad that you prayed that

prayer and if you need to talk to

somebody why don’t you go online or pick

up the phone there’s a prayer line

available and we’d love to pray with you

today I want to say thank you to the

dream makers of this ministry you the

viewers you the partners you the friends

that stand with this ministry you have

for over 20 years now we’ve been

broadcasting Kingdom connection and I’m

so humbled that you know together we are

making a difference in in a few weeks

I’m going to Haiti and I’m gonna

dedicate the miracle marketplace an

amazing twenty acre facility in Haiti

one of the poorest nations in the world

and it’s gonna provide hundreds of jobs

and they’re already having lines of

people circling

the property who are wanting to open up

little shops where they made things with

their hands and provide for their

families it’s food for life and we’ve

been feeding hundreds of thousands of

people there for years but now we’re

moving to a new phase of providing jobs

that will that will break the curse of

poverty off of families for generations

to come

I’m excited about it obviously and I

want to say thank you thank you to all

of our dream makers out there and maybe

you haven’t you know maybe you haven’t

been a part can I encourage you to help

us help us do this and even greater

projects in our future we’re dreaming

we’re still dreaming as a ministry we

believe that we can reach more people

than we’ve ever reached before and I’m

asking you to dream with me partner with

me send your best gift today and we

believe that God would take those

resources and help us take this message

to the nations of the world pray about

what God would have you do thank you for

your prayers if you can’t give anything

pray for us but if you can give two we

are so appreciative and humbled by your

you know your partnership with us and

I’m praying for you that God will give

you a dream that drives you thank you so

much for watching this program we’ll see

you next time on Kingdom connection

life is real vivid alive beating

breathing it happens behind closed doors

and out in front there’s joy there’s



lifelong friendships are forged love is

found moments cherished and never


life is a gift and together we are real


real friends

real people

experiencing real life

is free chapel

this program has been brought to you by

the friends and partners of Jenson

franklin media ministries for more

information on this broadcast go online

at Jensen franklin dot o-r-g