Join us as we welcome back @Charlie Kirk, Founder, and President of @Turning Point USA. Charlie and Pastor Jack will sit down together to discuss our nation, its future, and the believers’ role for the days ahead.

Order. They but he the. Thing.

That I think is really

promising is that the Democrats

eiids olies. inwhere on any o

abt is T oLeples


pathologically hating Donald

Trump and running on moderate

policies. They did not win on

any of the things that they are

now espousing in the United

States Senate know Where did

he a rus daton



And they said, You know what? I

want a Democrat because I think

it’s about time we say a woman

after we say a prayer in the

United States Congress do that.

Do you guys know he’s talking

at o othotr

I veop a wlletnt

atutt’he if

conservatives play there if we

do things the right way. And if

we don’t allow them to break

our will. Here’s one promise I

have for you tonight. More than

anything else. It’s a guarantee,




erhi, Everything. Forceh

equals Mass times acceleration.

An object at rest will stay at

rest. And everything. The left

touches will get to utter and

complete ruin. And so they

u ghsa Crl. ‘sn ve. No

ov eggatn.o, is



ws and gods, nature every one

of them. And so things happens

in California, Illinois in New

York, so there’s a collision

point where all of a sudden

they spend money they don’t

have They fight against biology.

They try to program human

beings against natural

incentives. And then people say

something, and this is gonna

puicsacn ar.0 days. Ianth

Poce wts inonu






majorities that Democrats will

mess this up. They will. And

they’re in control of

everything. They’re terribly

divided. And they are the rest

each other yet, and that’s the


ha rht n,ndrawe

eye intoig or ecabe m ilostep t

fet. Ty n’ha a o

margins to fight over the

feast. We’re talking about a 50

50 tie that would require

calling in the vice president

to break that time, which is no

small feat to just go through

that in the filibuster still

intact. And that would take

mansion and Mark Kelly and

tester toe all agree to vote on

that which is it’s easier said

e w tuly gngo Docts

to donra to e eran


lie ?hy ty liev

itYoha t ks t


uoi tdohat I do on

day one Kill thousands of jobs.

Keystone XL XL Pipeline, Dakota

access Pipeline mask mandate

that he doesn’t even honor

himself when he goes to the

Lincoln Monument looking like

an hour. Violate that. The U.

S. The U. S. Israel Embassy.

Twitter account got changed and

changed back from U. S Embassy

nkOk sI susikehe U. S embassytos

t I got criticized forhos,o

putting up fake news. When I

put that up. About the embassy

because they changed it back.

Do you know what happened? My

news was true. It was true.ut


mh fk om pplseng

th ireonng andg

ballistic on the fact that. A

deluded that office from being

the ambassador to Israel to the

leinn za. es Tnkingsrl

ipng And so then peoplek Aheth

started saying, this is fake

news. I can’t find this

anywhere. It’s because they

flipped. I put it up there when

they did it. And I left it up

there as a point of history.

But now you go look and they

say Perug. u’ wng.

Th dn’doha Jt



chacas a everybody.

They’re messing up Twitter

accounts in the first couple

hours. They’re going to screw

this thing up. OK Trust me,

they they can’t get nations

correct in the first couple

hours, let alone run a

government. And this This is on

Lee going to replicate itself

odewth. at jtle agencyvesileriio

riia wshldt Rel oswt. kw

inhen e. Mfoun of

others. But the nation of

Uganda. Band Twitter from their

country. How sweet is that? The

visitors of freedom you

mentioned you guys. It’s kind

of strange because the Canadian

government wasasll t

wh’sisam Tdo

udu. Eord and was

excited about Biden. You know

that? He wa ce, but I don’t

think Canadians were But he wa

ce. And then what happens the

first Keystone Excelleth first

day Biteth is going to stop.

Keystone oil, and now he’s

freaking out. Canada’s freaking

out. Because they’re they’re

looking at losing incredible

amounts of money. What was said

today is that with this


owheumrxalyn e

stndheerve snbfrtndbuthe’n

beuse of Keystone s

are going to be immediately

dissolved in the United States.

Immediately It’s just that

stretch and a lotf osjo


rid igogoe Yd thourypefill f

kn, ‘soio pee

aly. CrlthBibl

d niel, Chapter two thatsnisor

I’m the Lord and I am God and I

set up kings and I Take King’s

down. What’s very interesting

to this is that this church

knows that wasrgng h

mu weetos at



ti. need to get back to

the Constitution. Listen. The

Bible is the birthplace of the

Constitution. 1ee. e

otr e,efdsh.





enent. We don’t have to

have the first Amendment, but

we have it. So what’s

y. Sningr in

caoto il T reme

thing is that there’s obviously

at least on paper. I don’t

know. I cannot speak for

heaven. The dynamic of what

America is in right now. Ias


at up when this nation was

born? We were asking what?

What’s up? How could we defeat

the greatest military power on

Earth? But we did. Well it was

God the nations of the world

thgsus srt hpeng.Bau

op sinwh’sp? Rather

than be discouraged, because

you can’t figure it out. You

know, everyone likes to put

everything and it’s a little

proper slide. God’s doing

something. I don’t understand

s ti wree visl setng

Ha Supernatural. t

vetting. Of the church in

America.ryhuh d e

ffenthgs History willle Thuh’di

write that report card. But now

we’re in 21. And what? We don’t

know. Listen we stand every

day. We’re come about this

before we see this church

stands every day by God’s grace






the truth and God, that’s been

so good. The truth of the

matter is. Worse By God’s

ouof u shurcood. We’re standing.

t ern era iu


outh. Setng gng

onn o wld, Somets

going on in America. God’s

doing something. And I just

want to put a cry out to

churches. You really need to

open up. Now because there’s a

high probability that you may

never be granted the freedom to

do that from the government

itgorheovnmt if u’

gi pmiiotope u,

I nt

me From this current

administration. I just don’t

think it’s going to come. And I

plead with Christians and

churches. If everyone opened up

right now, as as it were A if

we believe in the last moment

in the lt yse cod ke

oula snd ic

icorheinomf d. If

we, the church rallied in

America to preach The gospel

ne asssmt ndso Inkou b

be done as I ments

church did everything right?

And if every church was as

prayerful and alert as an

involved is this church,

especially in this last

election, things would look a

lot differently, especially

look at the state of Georgia.

State of Georgia, where you

have pastors that are coming

out and they’re saying we don’t

like the whole culture War

Christianity thing. We’re not

going to get involved in this

election when we know the

stakes. And now all of a

sudden, you see the stakes.

What happened? Y hehe

me ond cpans fRaae Wno, the proo

abortion advocate. That’s the

guy who were listening to on K

Love. Look Ray, who are

supposed to look up to who, in

my personal opinion should

never be allowed to perform in



lkaywhs Chstn

raere nt tbeov


power establishment. More than

standing up for truth, the pro

abortion Raphael Warnock, So

you’re exactly right when it

happens to the church in

America, and there’s three

categories of. Churches Right

now in the country. There’s

those that are apathetic and

scared, refused to open and

ehuhehastl massengaged. er

meat csebutheye


stmes aivm. And

those are I wish they were

apathetic, actually, because

they’re misapplying the text

for something that is quite I

believe dangerous for the

country. Then there’s churches

like yours, Jack. And like Rob

McCoy and James could geese and

pastor Jurgen from San Die

an Jng


stha. Hopefully will

continue to grow. But here’s

the question. And it was just

illustrated me beautifully by

Pastor Greg and it was this is

do we want. Cruise ship

Christianity or battleship

‘re ne wh osees the

way that the Gospel has been

mis taught or taught

incorrectly is a better way to

say it to congregants across

the country and Christians. Is.

The Gospel will free you of all

earthly responsibilityu go

ta vaa



anything again When in reality,

it’s like no. Once you give

your life to Jesus. Now you

buckle up and you go into the

conflict. Now you go into the

difficult situations Now y’rgoge



r the churches that need to

open And some pastors are

saying, Well, I don’t want the

church to get involved in

politics. They must be reading

or ignoring different parts of

the Bible than I am. How are

e ron eld Ttanto reconcile O

at got involved in secular ro

government for God’s will such

as Daniel Esther Mordechai.

Jeremiah Nia might just to

begin the list were all of them

got involved for God’s purpose

in secular government. How are

they supposed to reconcile what

Jesus Christ said. Accessory a.

Phillippi when in the original

coin, you Greek? Jesus Christ

said on this rock build my we

rm iAciaxcleIAe actlre

wa secar Gek tmTh


nit, tki about what’s

happening around us finding a

way. To try and make sense of

the chaos as active citizens.

And you know what the Greeks

used to have is the two big

ckceA L aai, dy thed ia

it snoiachea

ewha wd wsis

d’ word. He didn’t use the

secular words. Synagogue a. He

didn’t use temple. Why is that?

Because Jesus wanted.

Comprehensive Christianity, not

compartmentalized Christianity.

He wanted us to be everywhere.

And guess what That means. That

means you’re in a tough

inupo enhehuhhat meansoue

eniomanae. He’h y’rcoesngn er

ju he’ jtheewla.


as much here. You’ve grown way

too comfortable as a Christian

in this country. You’ve been

way too part of the mainstream

culture way to part of it. You

should be always swimming

against that stream on people’s


‘rchtiarern ur

stioIan tbeelanI b


d y wt breva.

The temptation that ishing.

coming up against your heart

and your head. Is to allow


uroo y’rfangows

toll yrsfo be


call it the mob. Jesus tells us.

We just heard God’s word to

Joshua. Don’t be afraid. Bof

t nm. Many people today

will say I wish I lived in the

days of Jesus. Are you sure?

Listen They were up against the

Roman Empire. I told you

earlier, too, huh? Yk

esen. I said, Are youTisske aiw

serious? That’s the best

question. I told the guy

insulted and I think you’ll

never call me back. I said, Are

you serious? That’s the best

question you have. I said, How

about this? We survived. Nero

We’ve been around for 2000

years. Leaders come and go. Ar

se ainrothde. ehe cross a

yokiinme E sd w

vet ser abo

people, people hoping you and

how can you endorse someone

who’s womanizer? Notice it had

nothing to do with the person.

It had to do with this

policies. If a candidate I

don’t care what color they are.

atur it a so as believers.

Listen, there is a real.

Movement Now being engineered.

Charlie can talk about it

better than I can. The can. Did

e nnThuyoirain wTw

e t, eang t k a

‘rviheanrino Tar t Cisancouny i.

Why? Because they know that

something happened in this last

election among the Christian

community. Why What was it? It

wasn’t Trump is, um, it wasn’t

the Trump called. It was and

they’re not going to get it.

They just don’t get it. We’re

ndat we For life. It’sing them.

the pro life issue and but they

don’t get it. And so they’re

they’re gonna lower their

weapon at you, so to speak.

Li wn





should be more. Able. To

Deflect attacks than the

Christian. We know what our

mission is, and that is to

bring every man woman, boy and

girl into the love of God and

the forgiveness of Christ in

odt anblsi. ldoiur mission. A

of those, includinr

enemies. And we are to let the

light so shine One more thing

before Charlie jumpsn re

Heenon a


w ecus ianehe

yorealngrod d you

need you know when your power’s

out. Do I need to tell you that

in California? The next time

your power goes out. If you

have a candle Have you noticed

how much you protect that

candle candle when you’re

walking around down the hallway

or wherever you’re at the

kitchen? You protected. The

church today needs to protect

its witness, which is it’s

candle. Jesus I want to the

midst of the seven lamps

okfevatn d wnw many times the

the ures Y bter

shape up or else you’re gonna

lose your witness. He says You

better watch out or else I’m

gonna remove your candle. Wow.

We need to enshrine for Christ

gh N emite any lightss for

at all. Not being a light in a

dark place at all. We need to

otti ttigsa lht. d

extl wt tkebo


rdei soninimy

almes, Christian. r

voice. And this is where you

find your voice. Right here,

okay? tthpot, ckf

wh y’rsangifou


is just a filler term for the

current power structure, and

it’s different than liberals

have a lot of respect for

liberals. They’re really,

really hard to find Classical

liberals, people that people

that value freedom of speech

that are okay with differences

of opinion. That the way

liberals should be and the way

they used to be where they

might be more socially liberal

on certain issues, But they

will fight. Tooth and nail to

make sure you’re able to still

assemble and speak. We now have

leftists running our government,

which is a completely different

philosophical way of looking at

the world. And if you think

about it, what What ithne






media. They control our civil

service. They control our

government. They control our

military. They control our

intelligence. They control our

unions. I could go on and on

and on. The only thing they’ve

never really been able to get

their hands around, But they’re

trying comes is the church.

Yeah and they’re trying where

now you have an openly pro

abortion senator from Georgia.


vend, and he’s now gonna

be going on the United States

Senate invoking the name of God

arndo f prs tte to justify. O

sa, llIon le ttg


on. Politics is coming to your

church, Whether you like it or

not, And the reason they say

that I’m gonna say this is

lovingly as I can, Jack. The

reason they say that could be

for a couple reasons. The first

reason I’ll give them the most

net Th d’t kwthe doubt t

tidady an. mepoti ahere ltl

paorfa io is

cago. s

there like I don’t quite get

it. I don’t like that. Excuse

Ask questions, Find people that

do understand it because we’re

more than willing to pouring

knowledge about something quite

honestly. Isn’t that hard to

wrap your handrod.ka





Expanding our but you know,

budgets and big building bigger

buildings while we’re not a

political church as some

churches in this, you know, 30

Mile Radius will say. And yet

they’re the first ones to say

mch i the BLMll

incorporated March, and they go

and. Just without any basis

whatsoever, start to apologize

for their whiteness. And which

is something that happened in a

church not too far from here,

and so Face. They don’t want

the controversy. And so, Jack,

and I think that everyone here

recognizes and realizes this if

the left gets the church were

done.ndue wt? eyre

woinarr to ine

the church than the American

Church is just trying to

influence not even infiltrates.

American government. They are

doing everything they can

through false teaching and

seminaries. They’re getting

Christian rappers like Look,

Ray just completely and totally

just hypnotized by this Rafael

Warnicke nonsense and garbage.

I mean, you make you said it

perfectly, just the life issue.


tila. phl Wno,

new senator from Georgia, calls

himself a Christian. He’s

perfectly okay with one million

abortions a year and 340,000 of

them are black Children every

single year. Joe Biden calls

himself a Catholic and he’s

perfectly okay with that

happened. I don’t have to get

into the other issuesucas


x tffki. ldapn

toetnvve i Tt’ a



American Church right now,

Here’s the irony of it to Jack,

which I think you kind of

demonstrated is that. Americans

right now are are inundated

with politics. Everywhere we

go. Everywhere and whether it’s

politics in social media

politics at work, politics and

sports, Right? You can’t you

can’t watch a football game

anymore without someone without

someone saying, You know you’re

a racist, right? Okay, I got

that part. Okay? Tnk.

ur. To try to get clarity t tnda

to go for a lot of different

reasons. Some time to get

clarity for things that they’re

confused about. Do you think

about it? We have marriage

ministries. We’ve prison

ministries. We have youth

ministries with summer camp


anfe toor. Yet the

thing that is dominating the

American conversation, which is

politics, most her to say, no,

no, no, We don’t do that. So

are we supposed to trust you

youchchsloisTt’ou say ifoue

sta u a s, wls y’vhathcoag

tell you what’s going on in the

world and you deserve to be

rewarded for them. I’m blessed

and you will be blessed with

him and let me make one. But

and I want you all. Understand

this that this man right here,

and this church is going to

make itself on a list very

soon. Because way fool

ourselves and we say they want

to get rid of the church wrong.

That’s right. Yes, I see where

you’re going. They want to get

rid of the churches. They don’t

like. They would love to have a

state run church. They’d loved

the have people that have

religious authority. Justify

their tyranny. In fact, the

stpeaking history. It’stm

exactly what Hitler can I see

you guys over there. You can

see. Hey. H areouOhno

nono ĂŠ Donk

this. I know it’s nice, but

there. So that better good. Um,

Here’s the deal. Hitler did

that perfectly. Ran,

eyidt olh crcTh wt i, and they d

at what churches were state

compatible. They offered the

church in those nations. Money.

Will increase your pay as a

pastor. I’m not kidding. And



Richard Warm Brandt. I think of.

Dietrich Baana offer and Nemuel,

er and others who stood And

they didn’t last very long.

Th we



bizarre knowing a group in the

Marine Corps home, so I heard

about Soviet Union constantly.

You guys remember? When the

alarms would you’re too young,

but the alarms would go off the

alarms would go off in school,

and we would duck and cover

because of a nuclear attack.

Remember that stuff that can

cover drills? You guys growing

up with the Soviet threatI

remb e


That there was a church there.

There’s a church in Red Square.

Beautiful church. It was the

state controlled church. That’s

why it’s stood in Red Square.

And so we’re moving toward.

Don’t be surprised if you hear

more and more in the next four

years about state compliant

churches. Churches that don’t.

Speak about anything that gets

ctth i some of theion.t’

language that’s already being

used. If you talk about and

this is the this is one of the

biggest things I want to just

try to get everyone in an act

of posture about because we got

way too much to worry about to

just kind of go through the

whole self pity thing. And

trust me. I did that for, like

10 minutes and I cut it out.

Okay, so and I understand

because we got some real

serious things that we have to

make sure do not get

enalngbo thitdete hav

lethn mpoasnd vy



right now. Tucker Carlson’s one

of the few that has really been

phenomenal on this, But if you

listen to Joe Biden’s and ogle

her inaugural address, and you

listen, even how MSNBC

responded to it, they said.

Heard him declare war. That’s

right. He’s declaring a new war,

a domestic war on terror. It’s

incredibly unspecified and big

us. It would be one thing if he

said there are these groups of

people that are living in this

part of the country, and this

is the threat that they pose.

And this is why we must do

something about it instead.

Language that he uses political

extremism. Whoa! And the other

words he uses are probably more

easily defined. But still those

words get thrown around. But

let’s just start and stop on


Congress? I want you guys

listen very carefully about

this. Ar almost carbon copies

of the post 9 11 Patriot Act.

Where now they want a new

domestic war on terror. That

could be an endless war here in

the country. They love endless

wars, but this one will not

take the. The kind of

positioning in the can Gahar

Valley. This one can happen

right here in Camarillo,


ur Andntorean,

rrt borhe sn u,ot vemeaso t

orheki dn uroo

And so what is beginning to be

proposed because of the tragic

events on January the sixth so

that no one in this church

supports philosophically or

morally is now grouping 75

million people into an event.

And saying, Because of that, we

must now have increased power.

By the way, we already have 52

okinhi cnt, , butm laws on

they need they want a new law

that’s primarily being pushed

by Congressman Brad Schneider.

From Chicago. The Attent

Sittest 10th Congressional

District of Illinois, that

would give increased power for

monitoring, surveilling and

potentially infiltrating groups.

You had a person that used to

run an intelligence agency used

this term. That the problem

amongst other things are

libertarians and religious

fundamentalists. They could

categorize every person that is

in this room as a religious

fundamentalist. Why are they

doing this? It’s because they

actually know they’re really,

really bad at governing and

their ideas, air going toe kind

e as.hath’roingaso

toivowur policies

might be unpopular and terrible

and awful, but we’re not them.

Therefore give us more power to

spy surveil, infiltrating Fort

when in reality, we know this

that we were disgusted by those

events that we knew that there

was people that got caught up

in it. That said, they made the

biggest mistake of their life.

They were professional

agitators. There were people

that were BLM. And yes, there

were people that. Are not in

any trump movement I’ve ever

been that called himself Trump

supporters. I’m like, I don’t

know if that’s your part of any

trump supporter ever seen at

the other 30 rallies have gone

to their using this now as an

excuse. So what does that mean?

For us? This means that we are

now going to have the most

consequential civil liberty

fight. Since 9 11 for

Christians and conservatives,

or we have to say, Guess what?

You want to go spy on Americans.

Go get a warrant. Okay go to a

judge and say y’rgoao

u nngonftred

Chstn conservative?

Go use one of the past that

already exist that by the way,

We know they could be abuse

because they use it to spy on

President Trump that we now

have to understand the nuts and

bolts of the U. S constitution

is I’m telling you right now,

everybody. What they’re trying

to do is use the United States

Security apparatus to try and

end disagreeable Ctis and



abt ve Sleme Let me

just put a huge, wet blanket.

Over all this. I’ve and I want

to be wrong about this. I

really do. So I’m watching. I’m

watching. What What’s happened

is less for years. I’m watching.

I mean, let’s be honest. And

I’m sorry to say this because I

know agents. Heareth this

church who are incredibly

prio, .



include you in this, but isn’t

it sad these last four years

with what we’ve found out most

recently when you hear the

acronyms, FBI it’s now FBI

followed up by a laugh. It’s

Zepho B I What a joke. Why?


Violated. So much of the U. S

constitution. And probably will

never be held accountable for

it. There are in the previous

econwhe erssve.iotis

viatnsf e nstuon

And I’m a little concerned. For

this. When President Trump said

We’re going to drain the swamp.

None of us knew at first. What

in the world is you talking

about? Then we began to find

out. Then we didn’t realize how

deep it went. And now we

realize how global it ISS. And

I’m wondering now. When you

have corporations like Twitter

and Google and all these guys

who believe they are so big.

And powerful that the

gg cnt. In the Unitedi

States. Here’s here’s There’s

my wet blanket. I’m wondering

if we are just waking up. To

the realization. That the

Constitution actually bled out.

And died. Maybe 5678 years ago.

nstuon. u’oto tazi

beawss. Bu smi tt


lkg oubeg Arin

cize To believe e

Constitution. If you don’t

believe in it. Honestly, what

are you doing here? Now? I

don’t mean to be rude. The U. S

Constitution is your government

document. It’s the guard rails

to your highway. And when you

don’t have a court. Or a law

enforcement that obeys it. And

enen amo. m viI have air

onee right now. Au

with me? I don’t think I

actually have a second

Amendment, and it’s just a

piece of paper if you don’t

understand what it stands for

and what it means and where

those rights come from, and the

importance of it. And Jack. I

do want to reinforce something.

There’s there are thousands and

delgesn r country oheic

that are the boots and not the

suits that go after the worst

types of people in our country

and actually saddens me because

they’ve been smeared by a small

subset of people in Washington

that decided to abuse our

op. Right now, in thiserar

community in this neighborhood

r e rendhey’ le

how do I get child sex

traffickers in prison? How do I

get narcotic dealers in prison?

And unfortunately I’ve got

looped in to that, and that’s

wrong because those people are

doing moral work and good work

for our country. They deserve

to be applauded and praised and

lifted up for the great work

that they’re doing, truly. And

because a couple bad actors

smeared a lot of good work that

has happened in the bureau with.

Only after these sorts of

people But, Jack, I want to go

the social media thing for a

second. If that’s okay, Chris.

I think it is. And I hate this

term. Existentially threat is

everything’s next dental threat

to the left, but it actually is

an existential threat. So

that’s the tragic thing and so.

If you guys follow my podcast

personal. Thank you. I get

ap, inHis ppl tnm Calvary

an oerla tnkou

y gs. Crl kws

Homa tes dI text u

sent? Just listen to dish

Inject. I just actually really

lips lifts me up. It really

does it blesses me. Thank you.

I’m listening. Please get his

podcast. Please subscribe.

You’re the little pitch. Click

here. How does that Okay,

please. Okay I It blesses me

and I would love nothing more

than to wake up and see the

Charlie Kirk Show ahead of the

New York Times tomorrow. Yes

Oh, that’s kind of fun, right?

Do it, Do it. You’ll love it.

If everyone took out their

phone, everyone has a podcast

are erth c’tenro w t

meet Yyp i Crl

Kirk show if you don’t know

what the podcast app is find a

14 or 15 year old near you. It

isn’t on the apple iPhone isn’t

perfect Purple thing And you

just type in Charlie Kirk show

and you get that subscribe

button every every person did

it catapults us in the charts

on it blesses. So we’ve been

an y. Iteayele.sotNo

Thkouuyps und




enomenal. Guess what Jack.

This church helped build the

foundation. Remember which we

built Our show on on. I mean

that And so thank you. And so

we’ve been talking about the

tech issue for quite some time.

And what good is the First

Amendment? If you do not have

the capacity actually spread

these ideas, and so we need to

take a step back here, and I’m

so glad you mentioned the

Soviet Union. Because there’s a

couple takeaways here. You guys

remember Ronald Reagan 1980

when he said that phenomenal

president from this wonderful

state, and he said that really

he posed big government. And

the Soviet Union as threats to

our country that was correct.

Now we kind of have a new power

systemt s enreedn

vemes. We have theucotr Wha t

government of Silicon Valley in

Menlo Park and the government

of Washington, D. C We have a

federal government and we have

a tech government. Gat to re

teach civics in our country.

It’s right. This is a whole new

phenomenon that has not

happened since the early 19.

Hundreds were so few controlled

so much and computer processing

power was non existent when J.

P Morgan Chase existed right

when he when he lived in

Rockefeller and Carnegie. They

had a lot of industrial power.



n’t have the power to say. IG

don’t like what That guy’s

opinion is It say I’m sorry, or

First Amendment this country.

Well, you have Jack Dorsey, who

has less money than Carnegie

ever had, And he says, I don’t

like that opinion make him

disappear. And so I want to

just go through a thought

exercise with you guys. For a

second. We have two

governments. One that is

private, and I put that on air

quotes. One that controls

communication and one that you

have elections and we will have

some voice which one is more

ceary aig owrre’s not

del veme ilsa t

abluly me weul. The

federal government can audit

you true. That’s right. The

federal government can put you

in prison 100, you’re right. Do

you know the one thing that the

federal government you could do

that you can’t do these tech

companies? You have a lawyer

present when you get accused.

Of due process, You could sue

your government. You could find

out what you’re being charged

for. You don’t like basic

rights of knowing why you’re

going to jail. Silicon Valley

government Menlo Park

government. No, no, no, no.

ndne Sirle digital estce


capacity to exist. I’m talking

about who you are. You’ll look

at your screen time. I

guarantee you there’s people

that spent 68 10 hours on your

phones. Today you’re a cyborg,

and that’s okay with getting

that a different time. But in

so far that we have now

basically surrendered to these

devices. That’s a troubling

thing again. A different

speech. Whatever time Your

existence is now part of these

tech ppl

li y kw att



parlor. We tried. What do we do

with the competitors? Right

Great guy. John mate, Sir Matt

Ç Great. I met with him a

couple times as one of the

first parlor accounts. I love

competition. I want to believe

in the ideal of

entrepreneurship. And in one

day one day one day $31

trillion companies, but have

really nothing to do with the

social media space. One in

sill. Wiped off parlori

from the face of the universe.

No different than Star Wars

getting rid of a plan. It’s

absolutely true. No that’s dead.

Serious Think of the power of

that. That’s why I’m telling

you, the big tech companies

that we feed. Is this going to

get knocked off the air? We’ll

know Jack. You could talk about

it. How I did. I’m just

talking. And there are

rtn on lo’.ha doxistit

not believe the constitution

applies to them. So they could

do that. But my question is,

why didn’t some legal entity.


dn se gapor. To

protect us say to them. If you

censor one more American

citizen, we’re gonna yank your

license to be able to function

in this country. And why not?

Let me tell you what if that’s

a please. So one of the main

reasons that we allow these

tech companies to get so

powerful. Id ts jt



conservative movement is we

were handcuffed for this false

idea of free market principles.

I’m a Milton Friedman guy. I

love it. However we also have

to say, what’s the best thing

for the country? And is this

actually a free market? Have we

given them section 2 30

immunity? Are they operating as

a free market so every time.

Anyone popped up their head and

they’re like we should probably

not let Facebook do this all

the Sunday said. I thought you

were for the free market and

may stopped all conversation as

if they were reading The 10

Commandments. And. There is no

dog, Matt. There should be no

dogmatic driving belief, or

it’s like Voweth shall never

challenge the tech companies

like okay. That’s insane, and

it’s bad for the country. And

so what it ended up being is

that we’ve hid behind these

t vi ae mkeourinciples and now

ha $ trillion comps

that control everything. And so

here, and here is the other

part of it. That’s the dip the

grim reality. That these

massive companies started to

staff, all of them their

companies with graduates from

college campuses that, you

know, learn to hate the country

and we’re well equipped to be

able to use that newfound power

where I want you to think about

it. You just graduated from Cal

Tech Great school. You’ve been

taught America’s terrible

Christianity is false. That

Christian Americans are the

problem and all the sudden

you’ve been given the night

shift at Google. No, no,

Seriously. Think about this.

You’re earning $400,000 a year.

And your job. Is now you’ve

been given the task and the

capacity of a button where you

can make Calvary Chapel Chino

Hills disappear instantaneously,

and we’re supposed to believe

they’re not going to abuse that

power. That’s why we’re

conservatives. After all right.

We think government’s going to

do that to us. Of course,

Silicon Valley is gointoo

th tusn


you the positive of it, Jack,

where the only positive after

what happened cause Amazon

hosted the servers. They took

parlor down, Google said.

You’re no longer in the android

store, Apple said you no longer

the android Store. Three

different CEOs three different

formation documents, three

different ticker symbols all

simultaneously said You’re

done. Here’s the one thing they

did wrong, and I think they

realize it. They did this way

too fast. Where I used to have

to go around the country and

persuade people around the

threat of big tech. Now I have

to tell you what to do about it.

Big difference Now you guys are

already convinced That’s a

problem. Right? You’re like, so

now what do we do? That’s

already a win. We’re now they

overplayed their hand. Everyone

is now alert to this

existential threat. In fact,

they have lost billions in

dollars, which is a beautiful

thing. Beautiful thing, But you

guys know if you attended

church, we often talk about how.

Sin has no sin doesn’t have

self control ĂŠ. I should say

evil doesn’t have self control

d at ect wts itsan osothg. gs ,

haen. t.e live in a

remarkable age, and what’s with

the nice thing is there’s a lot

of powerful people who love

freedom and or America or God,

and they are meeting up and

they’re getting together.

They’re discussing and talking

about. So this is a good thing.

Developing companies

corporations to go up against

and don’t Don’t be fooled if

somebody if a group gets

together and invents something

to compete with Google or or

whoever Twitter. The moment

that’s out that they are a

l osotr ys It willing company.Id

decimate them in short order,

And I’m just hoping that that

expedites and it will because

they’ve just created a 75

miio pt

atas that had that is

pretty loyal in their

purchasing habits and also has

above average median income

right And so probably a bad

sequence of decisions here.

Plus, you’re gonna get some of

civil libertarians and some

honest liberals over there.

You’re talking about 100

million people that are kind of

saying Wait a second. I buy

everything from three companies.

Something’s not right here, and

all those companies don’t

represent my values. In the

other thing, Jack is that

you’re exactly right. It’s the

Genesis 11. Truth which is that

anything tts ilitut

Goslein ttr o


will scatter and crumble the

Tower of Babel, right? They are

going. They’re trying to build

something so big and so great

that it will be, They’ll get

confused and scattered and they

don’t want don’t know what

direction they’re in. And

please, No, no, You’re sorry.

But what you’re saying Segways

perfectly into. What the Bible

talks about in the last days,

the world is going to have a

need a drive for a global

governing empire. The Bible

talks about that in great

detail, and it is.t t

meumy ic s

the world through a one.

Economic system. And the Bible

tells us that it’s not cash.

It’s not currencies. The Bible

tells us think about a 2000

year old documents is in the

last days, the world will do

its buying and selling through

numeric ce.umrs not not

currency numbers that no one

will be able to buyer Cell

Revelation Chapter 13 in those

days unless they have the

aegyo iss issngor

anntesngig n.he

world and I really feel sorry

for part of the world right now.

That’s just shaking in its

boots. Because they look to the

United States to protect them

against China’s encroachment

upon Taiwan. I want to sitting

duck right now. Yeah, South

Korea. Japan. Singapore that

part of the world. The leader,

the one standing leader for

freedom is now gone in the

person of Trump. And those

nations. They’re terrified, but

the Bible to look around the

world. Where is it worse, their

unit leaders. What names pop

up. Trumps gun. It doesn’t

matter what your opinion is of

him. He was a global He was the

global leader. Nations. Look!

atn azg me wrecheck this out.

in Where the worlo

start crying out for a leader,

and Daniel tells us that the

world will cry out for a leader

who will bring them peace. And

prosperity. That’s what the

Bible says. And that guy comes

on the scene. He’s going to

give a seven year peace treated

in Israel. And he’s going to

dupe the world, the Bible says

by prosperity, and that and the

way they do it is numeric ce.

Everyone will have to sign up.

To buy or sell with his number,

666thBie ysisis

‘rinecseounoweenuer Wt mangim

got high tech. Which I

personally believe that that.

Trinity of Cos You just

mentioned a moment ago, they

could pick up the phone and

call the White House. Now

that’s right, and say you will

do what we say. Because we can

ocouomnitiJuaway oe ul

at right, And it’s quite a

remarkable moment. If you’re

not a Christian tonight. I

would love to know why you’re

not. I can promise you this.

You’ve got a really bad excuse.

For why you’re not a Christian

tonight. But this Bible talks

about the God who loves you.

And he wants to give you

meaning and purpe. And he’s

your answer. Are you fearful

you don’t need to be fearful.

God will come in by his power

and give you comfort you. Don’t

you be afraid of time like

this. In fact, he was so

everything’s falling apart.

Well, my Bible says

everything’s falling together.


kn, ts te wreiv a

lot of feedback from people

across the country. You guys

know the email, Freedom and

Charlie Kirk .com. If you wanna

reach me, we try read every

single email and I like I

really enjoyed doing it, Jack

because I get a pulse of tens

of thousands of people of where

they’re at. And what they’re

thinking, and there’s a lot of

people that are depressed and

upset, and that’s okay. But if

that translates into apathy.

And disconnection, Then that is

not okay. The enemy would like

nothing more than for you. To

be tempted. To do nothing

understand that inaction is a

temptation. So it’s Zin of

sloth. It’s a sin of being set

sedentary being stationary. And

so at this moment, what is the

hard thing to do? That is also

the right thing to do to stand

for righteousness to contest

for truth. To go take new

terrain to build new That’s

hard because guess what if you

do those things? I have a

promise for you? I promise you,

you will have more opposition

than anyone before you and you

will be persecuted. My pastor,

Pastor Rob McCoy. I met with

him over the weekend. Amazing

guy from Calvary Chapel. God

speak and he’s been awesome. I

wanna get to Mike McLaurin a

second Tou Bezai want you don’t

wanna forget that. But I was

meeting with him. I said, Rob,

I got a I got to ask you and I

was kind of injustice. Don’t

want to say like snarky mood,

but I was just kind of upset,

right? Everything seemed to

just be falling apart. Anyone

been there lately? It’s just

everything’s terrible. It’s

awful. Even just everything’s

terrible. I get it. And so I

was like, Rob, Are you sure it

says this and James one where

we’re supposed to rejoice and

be thankful and persecution. I

don’t like anything about this.

Like, Where is the part of like

playing the oppression,

Olympics and self pity and self

loathing and. You kind of take

a couple weeks off. And no rob.

Chuckled, of course, is like

no, we’re supposed to rejoice

in these trials asked for

wisdom, God will give

generously from the few things

gersl And so then you give to

have to make the conscious act

of my going to resist this

temptation right now. I’m just

kind of being just unpleasant

to be around. Am I going to

submit to this temptationIt

sa io

llev aem tyo B

thtrlilnl me urfal

of a sudden this is a trial for

us to really test our faith

test these muscles? Right.

We’ve given our life to Christ.

We worship and God says, Let’s

see it. Let’s let’s test out

those muscles right now, can

you. Go through this marathon.

This race that’s an endure

that’s endurance. And when I

want to say is. It’s not a

sprint, Some of you guys, this

last election that I’ve been

talking to. It’s like I ran

this through and it’s like 100

M Dash like world. Whoa! We got

100 Mile Marathon to run, man,

right? Like I know you went to

the trump thing, And it was

your first time get involved in

elections, but I’ve been part

of winning elections and losing

elections. Let me tell you what

I’m only 27 years old. I’ve

eranisry20ndoshe greatest

disappointing moment when I

realized that Donald Trump

won’t serve more, four more

years. This is a marathon race

that we’re in right now, right?

And it’s not just like Trump

lost. They did this in Georgia,

Arizona. I’m done. I’m never

voting again, like really,

That’s your commitment to the

cause. Is that your

disconnecting Because you

didn’t get what you wanted and

just go ahead. We have a mutual

friend Bob McEwen, Congressman

out of Ohio, Bob and

phenomenal, precious amazing

people. Bob said something

years ago You said that

conservatives fight Until they

lose. And progressives. Fht

unl f

that for a moment. Those are

diametrically opposed

philosophies. The other team

has the tenacity to keep going.

They believe in their God,

little G. Sometimes more than

we do. And I’m not saying by

the way, Charlie and I do not

believe that by our good

efforts were going to bring

about the kingdom that ain’t

gonna happen. Don’t understand

that. That if you if you think

that we can make America so

sweet that Jesus has got to

come back. That’s really messed

up. That’s not the case we’re

talking about fighting for

what’s right, and nobody knows

that They are the hour again.

Jesus comes back tonight. But I

enow g gndilenAnI always ha

mi bk. Sweeed a. Thehtgorhe

bus is occupied till he comes.

Okay. It’s very, very important.

This is not the time is Charlie

just said to pull back,

especially California. We

should be radically encouraged

by what happened in California.

Okay, That’s exactly right. Was

that been a senator is that

you’ve been I love that guy. He

does that all the time.

Awesome. It’s exactly right.

Listen, this is don’t. You know,

the tendency is you ever seen

an abused animal or person?

When somebody’s hand goes by

them. The dog flinches Ar, the

human flinches both situations

or tragic. Don’t feel like that.

Don’t allow that, though. You

know we’re lost. We’re So what?

So what you get up in you fight

for what’s right. This is the

cool thing about it. You could

lose 1000 times. And worldly or

earthly courts. Or The social

media. Trend you could lose.

But if you’re standing for the

right thing that honors Gat.

When the war’s air all over

then the battle’s decided. Is

that interesting that your

Bible talks about? For you and

I going all the way through to

the end he who endures to the

end. When the battle. Is all

done, Then the wars determined,

But the Bible tells us God is

already determined the outcome

of the war. That’s why we’ve we

fight for the life of the

unborn. We fight to abolish

human trafficking. Because it’s

the front to God. And what

happens in our culture around

us? See if you beliehan

medyayoue je,

utp. Y c’t. Becauseitow Y sul

your cause is greater than your

feelings. Your mission is

greater. Then your likes. All

of that stuff that is Fluff

disappears. You must keep

fighting for its right. And

imagine someday we may lose

every battle on this earth. And

stand before God. And he just

might say awesome. You. You

said you got punchedndk




that dumb clown at Toys R us.

She kept punching. It keeps

pumping back and I want to tell

you right now you may have lost

every battle under but you won

the war. Welcome to the Kingdom

of God and come on in, and it’s

remarkable. It’s remarkable.

Charlie wanted you questions.

Okay You guys first question

Should we as Christians. Leave

social media because of the

censorship, or should we stand

ateavo.eavtoCharlie? So Ihi

crtevethgha w he

d you all sorts of differenttoae

We gotta cut new hardware and

Take a while. I’m not. I do not

recommend social media martyrs.

I don’t like people that

intentionally try to violate

these ridiculous rules to prove

a point. I don’t think that

does anyone any good. With that

being said, I think that you

should try and occupy the

current social media channels

for his long as possible, while

alternatives are developed.

That’s my personal opinion. I

don’t think I think there’s

another point of your appeal.

Say I’ve deactivate my Twitter

account. That’s it. That

actually might be the right

move for you. It’s not the

right move for me. I’m not

saying that everyone should go

to Twitter and consume your

information there, but I know

that there are hundreds of

thousands of people that are

still on Twitter. But I think.

Need to hear what we have to

set. And so it’s a different a

different dynamic for whether

you are a consumer of

information or if you are

publishing information is that

makes sense. So if you’re out

there and you’re in charge of

the publication side, you

should occupy all of it if

you’re just consuming, though,

By all means. Recommend in some

ways divesting from somebody’s

platforms that makes sense. And

so for me, I’m going to stay on

there till they just take me

off and I’m not going to go.

I’m not going to provoke. I am

not going to try and you know,

say, Go make a case out of me.

I’m going to follow their rules

as ridiculous as they are to

try and get as many people

converted and also get them to

other platforms. Right and try

to get so that we can have that

kind of passed way through. You

know, it’s beautiful about what

he just answered. Apparently

what’s happened in the world is

exactly what he just said.

There’s the right amount of

people like Charlie still on.

Clearly enough people got off

odalce and we’ll see what

happens with that. I now coming

from the w nd u sy

on t oer se e

because you’re the producer and

I’m the consumer on my end.

What I would like to do if I

ever go back to Twitter. I want

them to earn My love. I agree

with them. No. I want them to

say we’re sorry. We’ll never do

that again, and we were going

to sign the declaration of

independence and devotion to

the Constitution. All right,

then maybe I’ll go out with you

well and we’ve already kind of

seen an invisible hand and it’s

totally, you know, it’s clumsy,

but it’s working. Telegram

which you know people people

just used to use to kind of

talk. Now it’s kind of become

is a replacement Social media

platform and they’re doing a

pretty good job of it in the

media is trying to slander a

plat Slander telegram because

of some people that do some

unseemly things on there. But

they don’t do that for the

other tech companies.

Interestingly enough in all the

nonsense they allow to happen

on Facebook and Instagram. But

Telegram we have we now,

Charlie Kirk Telegram. We have

210,000 subscribers on our

telegram and you get all the

same content that you would get

through all of our aggregated

feeds. So you would get all of

our YouTube, podcasting and

Twitter posts 210,000 people

subscribe to it and it comes to

you like a text message, and

you can. You could. You could

decide. Do you want it on

notifications or not? You could

scroll through it at your

liking. You don’t have to go

through other comments. You

have to deal through all the

censorship. It’s it is user to

use. It s O. If there’s a

couple people you like to

follow. Almost every

conservative has now started a

tt cms? ah but is it

working pretty well, kind of

this on dhe that goes to show

that that’s where the left

screwed up right? What they did

with parlor obliterating it.

And all of this all the son,

you had 75 million people at

once looking for alternatives,

and they have felt the market

hit and all of a sudden new

alternatives are getting

created. They overplayed their

hand way too quickly. So good.

Real quick. This is such an

important question. What can we

do to ensure election integrity

Statewide and Nash and national

levels or at national level? So

I have a slide that I want to

put up that’s called check the

boxes and I’m gonna be doing

this on my podcast on my radio

and everywhere I speak. Roman

asked people they say, What do

I do? I’m gonna ask. Have you

checked the boxes? It’s just

three boxes. And so if we could

get there we go hide up. Okay,

It’s somewhat to do with

election integrity. But people

say what do I do? What do I do?

Charlie What do I do? Check

these three boxes. Let’s walk

through the right number one

list every one of your school

board members tonight. Put them

put the names on your

refrigerator on your reminder.

Listen you pray for them daily.

You try to get in personal

contact with them, and you make

a plan with other church

members or friends. You try to

influence local government. But

I guarantee you very few people

could tell me everything one of

their school board members and

what they’re dealing with. Just

check the box. Right It’s Sally

Sue Marie. It’s Dave Smith. And

it’s you know John Jones, and

they’re dealing with whether or

not they should put the 16 19

project in Chino Hills, and I

took them up for coffee that

took him out here. That’s

that’s one of the boxes. The

check. It’s easy. Are you

currently doing that second

thing is this Which people? I

say This is weird. Why would I

want to do that? Which is learn

something new every single day

about this beautiful country

living. Remember this? That

making yourself more aware of

where we came from? The wisdom

that preceded you will make you

stronger and better informed of

how to deal with today. Guess

what? We’re not the first

people ever deal with tyranny.

I know it’s amazing, right?

There have been so unbelievably

thoughtful people. So maybe

it’s I’m gonna listen to a

podcast every day. Maybe it’s

I’m going to read. The Gulag

archipelago. Maybe I’m going to

read social need to make any

one of those things, but you’re

going to make a commitment like

you’re running on the treadmill

that I’m gonna learn, And

that’s the thing that we don’t

talk about enough because if

every person here every day

dedicated themselves to 10

minutes of learning all the

sudden, unbelievable organic

ideas are gonna pop up and then

guess what you’re gonna turn

your friend’s gonna be like You

know what’s really happening

here, right? This is liberal

fascism and fascism came from.

It’s really cultural Marxism.

It came from Antonio Gramsci in

office, and you’re gonna

educating everyone in your

llnd lrn something new

every day. You know what I love

about what he’s saying. You

guys find something you love

regarding this challenge. Find

something that you love. And go

forward in this Aner in this

genre, and you’ll love it

because you’re learning

something you want to know, and

you’ll retain it and become

your passion and it will become

convincing. And that is

something that each of you have

a slice of which is so vitally

important, and one thing

regarding of the list at the

top is the fact that local

government matters. So much, So

you look at the what’s

happening in San Jose versus

what’s happening here. What’s

the difference? I wanna pick.

We talked about differences, a

local government you need to

Azzah believer. You need to

groom yourself. Get yourself

ready. To run for the school

board. When that time comes to

run for congressman or whatever

it might be. This is so vitally

important, and when you look

back at our founding fathers,

so many of them were believers,

you look at Noah Webster. And

those guys They loved God and

they ran for office. It’s

remarkable. And so I run an

activist organization turning

Point USA Educational activist

organization and thank you, and

I think we have some Turning

point US leaders here somewhere.

Raise your hand or Sered

somewhere awesome here, and so

l e me T besrshi

acvis we have are tt

informed and, most well read

activists are the ones that

they’re like. What do I do on a

Saturday night? I’m losing my

country. You know what? I’m

gonna go re read the Federalist

papers. You might like. Well

that’s kind of nerdy. Exactly

You go back into the core roots

of who we are, and then guess

what The spirit will speak to

you when you go through these

other believers writings on

you’re like, Oh, my gosh, This

is what we do. I didn’t realize

this and then then all the son

of plan will formulate. And so

that’s why learning is so

important to the listing your

school board members. I wanna

make sure we get to this as

we’re having this service right

now. Fellow Cavalry Chapel,

Pastor, Pastor Mike McClure in

Calvary Chapel San Jose for

just opening his church and

worshiping Jesus is facing $1.5

million in fines. Potential

jailim loc gerent

maer, dikMicCre


is staying open. I think the

only one in all of San Jose

fellow Calvary guy, why not

every Calvary Church in the

country state is standing by

him. I don’t understand. This

guy is a total hero. And so

pray for Mike McClure tonight

because he is standing strong

and they are talking about

potentially. I don’t want to

say anything confidential that

he shared with us but really

aggressive measures against

him. I think that’s a fair way

to say. But the reason they’re

not doing that to Jack because

Jack is so charismatic, but

also it’s because that’s that

works against me. That’s right,

but because Jack and you guys

took local Chino government

seriously, years ago, that’s

why is because, um, you’re

exactly correct. There was an

interview taking place and the

interviewer asked. John

MacArthur has said the fight

for every moment since he

opened up how is it that you

guys have been open and have

been just. You know, gotten

through this time, boy, Are you

lucky? And I said, Excuse me,

but luck had nothing to do with

it. With all due respect to

Grace Church and pastor John

MacArthur hey, never taught his

congregation to engage in the

culture and civic. Light or

responsibility. It was just

something he just didn’t want

to do. And unfortunately now

they’re coping with a very

hostile. Local government where

on the other side for 30 years

this church has been praying

for contacting local government

and county government. What?

How can we pray for you? And

getting involved in the

elections and letting them know

we appreciate a Judeo Christian

worldview value on this next

vote or on this next issue.

There’s a relationship there.

And look, it’s Zur way that it

is and we could become winsome

as believers to the world that

surround us and God will grant

his grace and favor. It’s

vitally important. Amen And the

last box that I encourage

everyone to check and this one

might be a little bit open

ended for a lot of you. But.

One of the left strategies

right now is to break our will.



Certain people that have been a

little bit too disagreeable, a

little bit too effective. A

little bit too bold and a

little bit too courageous.

They’re going to try to

remember the left there in the

business of the personalization

of American politics, so want

to be very clear before they go

after Calvary Chapel, Chino

Hills, they’re gonna try to go

after Jack Hibbs. Because

they’re going to think if we

could just get rid of him.

They’re going to try to replace

it or they might do it

simultaneously. This is part of

their playbook. And so that’s

why the I encourage all of you

tonight or in the coming days.

Just take on a list, take out a

piece of paper and write a list

of the human beings that you

have seen gone above and

beyond. Worked their tail off.

And if sacrifice something

people like Candace Owens,

Dennis Prager, Jack Hibbs, Rob

McCoy, people like that, have

they really They really decided

that they’re gonna expose

themselves because now here’s

the moment, right? Is when they

do, they’re big push. When all

the sudden the big news

agencies and all their power

sources say We want to take

that one out now because I

don’t like that They’re being

too effective in the black

community or too effective here.

Get him because we control

everything. The question is,

will there be a support

structure behind them to say?

No, no, no, no. So you say.

Well, how do I do that? Well,

first, will you pray for them

by name every night, you list

them, And then all of you and

you say, what’s one way I could

support It may be the turning

point us say it’s getting know

the local turning point us a

chapter leaders and hosting a

dinner for them once a month.

Whatever it is, you guys know

what the spirit will speak to

you on that will give you

wisdom. We’re in a moment now

We’re not everyone’s going to

be able to fight every day like

Jack and I do. That’s okay. Be

someone. It helps the fighters

because without the people that

helped the fighters, none of

this is gonna be made pasta. I

really appreciate what Charlie

said a moment ago and let me

say this in front of this

crowd. Uh and live right? What

they do is they go afternd

Chli Kirk’s and the Dennisth’rgt

Prager Zin the bench, Shapiro’s

and the You know that And so

Let’s do this. I think one of

the ways and I’ve In fact, the

word of God, I believe tells us

when Paul says in Ephesians six

But on the whole armor of God.

Apparently, he has no Time. In

his. Exhortation to talk to

people who put on half the

armor of God. I just want to

walk around with sort of. All

of it. We need all of it. And

so it’s proactive because when

you talk about the sword of the

spirit, all of the weaponry

that the Christian soldiers

equipped with any vision six Is

defensive. Except the sword of

the spirit, which is advanced

right? The sword advances the

shield protects everything

at wt teangaiThwo o

oprtit To say publicly

because I’ve already been told

by friends who are attorneys.

That. You need to get ready now

that the way this thing has

gone the last few days, Jack

you personally not you, me. You

need to make sure that you’re

ready. For the iris. Ready for

false statements being posted.

So I want to say something

right now. Lisa and I have

always paid our taxes. No this

no left. It’s my life. I don’t

want you to laugh. I’m pretty

serious about this. We all the

government Nothing. We pay our

taxes every year. Um We don’t

make much money. To be very

honest with you. Everything

about us is public. Most of you

if not all of you know where I

live. Um I’ve been married. Oh,

no. 43 years. I think, Okay, I

sleep with one woman. I have

sex with one woman, and it’s

been 43 years. And so would

you. Do what you saying that

Because because with what’s

coming the way the other team

works is that they throw stuff

out there. That’s part of their

game. They’re gonna They’re

gonna put stuff out there.

Charlie Kirk is actually a

girl. And everyone’s going to

go nuts. Oh my goodness. And

you’re getting an email. I

didn’t know you were a girl.

Does that is that now that

works Well, I want you to hear

right now before anything gets

crazy. If the iris and I’ve

been told, you know, she’s a

better time. Okay. I owe them

nothing. Crystal clear. And I

only sleep with my wife. I

don’t do drugs. I don’t drink.

What else do you want to know?

I love Charlie. Yeah. And what

Jack is talking about is funny

and nature it at times, But I

think we’re all laughing

because we don’t know how else

to react to how serious this

actually it’s like, because we

on yeah, precisely and so, but

that’s where all of you come

in, and the hundreds of

thousands of people watching is

that. We’re going to show the

strength of that support

network. We’re going to show

the strength of staying engaged

in staying involved is empty.

Okay, right. Do you have to run?

Yeah. Okay Well, just so in

intocr ts . eyeis Um. They’

goa sst . We havo

choices. One choice is we do a

pity party and we disengage.

And then. Guarantee you six

months from now, nine months

fr l

llns opeleha wto

nsvave memt, and webkntthReblan

will not have done our job for

six months, and we’ll just be

sitting there being like I

thought it was over. Felt

terrible in January and

unsubscribed all the e mails

and I told them to stop texting

me and I told them I’m not

going to buy another pillow and

I’m done. No no, no, no. By the

pillow by the pillow by the


option or the other option is

we say The more they throw at

us. Ar will will only

strengthen. Resolve will only

strengthen the more that they

try to break our will more that

they try to metaphorically

blitz the conservative

Christian movement. We are

going to rebuild by day and are

we will on Lee rededicate

ourselves more because then in

six or nine months from now,

when this entrepreneurial

geniuses is just exploding,

which I can already feel it.

We’re gonna have new servers

will have new phones. Joab’s

notes, new social media and

look, it Zalmunna be messy. At

first you’re gonna have like,

what was that telegraph? What

was that? Like? I have to do a

podcast thing. Yeah it’s gonna

get hard. Okay? You’re not

gonna have one place to go for

everything, and then all the

sudden things will start to

make sense again, because

that’s the way that there’s a

rhythm to this stuff. And then

nine months from now, if we do

our job. Democrats will have

messed everything up. They’re

gonna be also, they’re gonna be

responsible for all that. I do

hope they succeed. I do because

I want the country to succeed.

I’m not going to be like them

like Bill Maher. I hope for a

session I actually want what’s

best for the country. I just

know what the policy is

actually in the resulting

Here’s what’s gonna happen if

we do our job Nine months from

them will happen like this.

We’re gonna be so prepared with

great candidates. So enthused

Precinct committeeman positions

filled. All those three boxes

checked, there will be a 2022

that will make 2016 look like a

ripple and the Democrats will

never get back into substantial

power again, and churches will

be prayinghrtis lte,

Chst wl tnk


on fire that used to be on fire.

I think the only spirits

walking around trying to catch

church is on fire. And listen.

We need every church that

teaches the word of God open

and everyone church that

doesn’t stay closed. But the

listen there is gonna be. I

believe there’s gonna be a move

of the holy Spirit. Because I

don’t think God’s done this. I

don’t think God’s done with

America and its spiritual.

Covenant with God. There could

be an amazing last moment of

great revival and great

awakening. I pray for that. You

should prepare your heart for

that. And church. Listen,

Finally this and we didn’t

rehearse this. You want to tell

them about what. A possible

turning point, USC Oh, yeah,

well, we will tease it a little

bit easier, but we have some

very, very big ideas to bring

the model and we think we

conduce this through some of

our expertise that turning

point. Um the churches all

across the country to get more

people more pastors to give

them the organizational backing

to give them the leaders and

the mentors like Jack to start

a Calvary Chapel, Chino Hills

revolution across the country

where pastors air doing this

through turning point and

they’re organizing capacity. I

want you to imagine. By 2022.

There are hundreds of pastors

that air preaching with the

bold conviction off jackets

because. I want you to imagine

them on my way believe that we

are able to bring a lot of the

organizational expertise and

capacity and they’ll be some

really, really big.

Announcements and we might want

to start a turning point

chapter here at this church.

Thanks. So you might be a good

ĂŠ think it’s waiting. I think

it’s waiting because we want

that. We want the church to get

involved in the actual Asieh

alert, aware what’s going on

around me? How do I bring the

teachings of the Bible to local

and civic government? And so.

And here’s the final final

thing. Thank you for

subscribing to the podcast. I

do appreciate it because it’s

an over the top way to stay in

touch. But here’s Here’s the

way I’m going to keep on doing

this every day on my radio

show. Here’s how we’re really,

really gonna win. If you do not

show sadness or somber and you

remain a happy warrior, you

want to drive the left nuts. Do

you know how angry they still

angry? They control everything.

I’m watching MSNBC and they’re

still screaming and they’re

yelling. They could. You know

why they’re angry. We know why

they’re angry were the happy

warriors. Everybody we have

joined way. Have we know how

this all works and more more

good cheer? The more that

kindness that we have the more

and that’s not to tolerate

injustice. Never should you

tolerate injustice, but you

should be compassionate, ever

living. They will not know how

to deal with us. They’ll say

they don’t control any

government. We control the

company’s yet I’m so angry.

Precisely Maybe there’s

something we have that you

don’t and. Precisely It’s Jesus

and so be of good cheer

Everybody. I know that it feels

like the walls are closing in.

But I’m telling you right now,

this is gonna be our finest

looks exactly it. Let’s pray,

Father. We ask you, Lord God,

that you Would awaken. And

prepare. And freshen up press.

Put your fragrance upon the

church. Lord, she’s remarkable.



She’s the Bride of Christ.

She’s. An army on white horses

in heaven above Sunday. Bride

of Christ redeemed by the blood

of lamb, Jesus. You saved us,

Lord. When we were lost and

destitute. You called out to

many of us, if not all of us in

this room. In our moment of

darkness and hopelessness,

Father For some, it was right

at the end when life was being

debated if it should be one

more breath or not in you

intervene, Father, you.

Interrupted some of us Lord in

our happiest earthly moments

and some of us you met. In

their greatest time of need.

You are amazing. You are the

Lord. You are. God You’re the

Alfano Maacah that begin in the

end. Charlie said something

tonight where they’re gonna

Going to seek to destroy the

church. And I remember that

moment when you said that, But

Jesus said the gates of hell

shall not prevail. So heavenly

father, we give you our lives

and again. We pray that if

there’s a man or woman, boy or

girl who has not settled their

soul with you as Lord and

savior because you died for

them and rose again from the

dead that they would pursue you

now. And call out to you.

Before it’s too late. Father.

We pray that you would bless

Charlie and Erica and all that

you’ve got before them. Father.

Keep them safe. Keep them

healthy. Watch over them

turning point us a staff, all

of them. And Lord God, we pray

that you would deliver once

again. This nation before the

throne of God before the foot

of the cross that. Holy Spirit

sweep across this nation and

bring conviction of sin. An

awakening. Send Revival Lords.

We pray, Father God. For your

favor. We look to it more than

ever before, and we do pray for

the salvation. Of Joe Biden and

Gavin Newsom and Nancy Pelosi

and Chuck Schumer. And Lord.

All of them. We pray for the

salvation. Sort of President

Trump his family, The sons and

the gang. All of them, father.

We just ask you to move that it

would just shut the mouths of

the wicked one Satan that he

would just be in a panic. Over

the move of your spirit. Oh,

Lo.o,atr jt