Most Christians believe that God can do anything, and many believe that He has made promises to heal, deliver, bless, and prosper His children. But some of these same believers find themselves unable to reconcile the Word with what they experience. They live in frustration or disillusionment, wondering why God’s promises don’t seem to be working for them. But God is no respecter of persons (Rom. 2:11). What He has done for one, He’s done for all.


welcome to gospel truth with Andrew

Wommack a teaching ministry that focuses

on God’s unconditional love and grace

you don’t need God to give you something

you need to draw out what God has

already put on the inside of you

we’re asking God for more when the truth

is you’ve already got it you don’t need

more what you need is revelation of what

you’ve already got

and now here’s Andrew welcome to our

Mondays broadcast of the gospel truth

again this week I’m teaching on a

subject that I’ve entitled you’ve

already got it and the subtitle of this

book is so quit trying to get it people

are asking God for things that he’s

already given and you know I’ve used

this example a lot but if I was in a

church service I’ll often go and just

hand my Bible to someone and then I’ll

say now what if this person has got my

Bible laying in their lap how would I

respond if they say could I have your

Bible if you’re asking me to give you

something that I’ve already given you

how do you respond to something like

that you know honestly I don’t know how

I’d respond I decide like wondering what

are they asking for what do they mean

don’t they realize that I’ve already

given them a Bible if you’re asking for

something that you’ve already got the

person who gave it to you is just kind

of dumbfounded like you know they don’t

know what to say very similar to the

response that you’re getting from God

when you’re saying Oh God healed me and

you hear nothing and oh god bless me and

oh God give me finances and you’re

begging God for all these things and you

aren’t hearing anything if God could be

confused I believe that God would be

confused thinking why are they asking me

to do but I’ve already done

didn’t I say like in you know first

Peter 2:24 that by my stripes they were

healed they were if they were healed

then they are healed why are they asking

me to he

kill them it’s because we don’t believe

we are here we believe more what we feel

what the doctor says than what God says

and so that that silence that we get on

the other end of our prayer is God you

know again I’m taking some liberties

here but in a sense it’s like God saying

to Jesus didn’t you tell them that by

your stripes they were you why are they

asking for this when you said that

you’ve already done it you know it’s

just not smart to do that this is a what

I’m trying to get across that God has

anticipated every problem we could ever

have and before you ever had the need

God had already created the supply the

supply existed and if you’re born again

if Jesus has become your Lord we read

these verses already that you have

already received forgiveness God already

lives on the inside of you and

everything that God is and has is inside

of you you don’t need God to give you

something you need to draw out what God

has already put on the inside of you and

I’ve been reading through Ephesians

chapter 1 let me go down to verse 15 and

in verse 15 through the end of this

chapter Paul begins to pray a prayer

before I read this prayer let me just

ask you a question if you were asked to

write a prayer out for people 2,000

years in the future you know and Paul

wrote this it was nearly 2,000 years ago

and here we are reading his prayer today

if you were gonna write a prayer for

people 2,000 years in the future how

would you pray for them because I’ve

heard so many people pray I can tell you

what the majority of people watching

this program would pray you would pray

something like Oh God just blessed these

people God pour your spirit out upon

these people do a new thing Oh God move

Oh God and it would be all pleading with

God to do something some new thing touch

these people how is Paul’s prayer pay

attention to this Paul’s prayer isn’t

God do something God pour out your

spirit God move it’s

I’d show them what you’ve already done

that’s totally different

most of us are asking God to do

something he hasn’t done paul was

praying that we would get a revelation

of what Jesus has already done

he’s already provided everything in

verse 15 he says wherefore I also after

I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus

and love unto all the saints cease not

to give thanks for you making mention of

you in my prayers that the god of our

Lord Jesus Christ the father of glory

may give unto you the spirit of wisdom

and revelation in the knowledge of him

somebody right there says well right

there he’s asking God to give them

wisdom if you take it in context verse 8

says wherein he hath abounded towards us

in all wisdom and prudence God had

already given them when you get born

again you’ve got the mind of Christ in

your spirit 1st Corinthians chapter 2

verse 16 says they you’ve already got

the mind of Christ you’ve already got


he’s just praying that God would draw

this wisdom out if you take it in

context you can see that so he says that

God would give unto you the spirit of

wisdom and revelation and the knowledge

of him and look at this in verse 18 the

eyes of your understanding being

enlightened in other words this is just

praying that you would begin to

understand what God has already done

he’s not praying that God would touch

them do a new thing pour out your spirit

give them faith give them a new

anointing do something you’ve never done

before no he’s praying that their eyes

would be opened to what they already

have the eyes of your understanding the

word for understanding right here is the

Greek word da Noya and it means deep

thought not surface level not just

intellectual knowledge but a heart

knowledge that their eyes would be in

line that they may know what is the hope

of his calling again I have taught on

every one of these phrases for 30

minutes to an hour at a time I’m

skipping through this very quickly but

the eyes of your understanding being

open to the hope of his calling we are

partakers of his

calling of his ministry I am

representing him you are representing

him Christ we have a union with him man

that that is awesome I wished I had time

to teach on that and what the riches of

the glory of his inheritance in the

Saints some people when they think about

the glory of God they want to picture

the throne in heaven they want to

picture the rainbow that surrounds the

throne all of the angels the twenty-four

elders the crystals see multitude and

all of those things are good in their

place but this is saying that your eyes

would be open to the glory of his

inheritance that’s in the Saints I’m not

denying that heaven is awesome the glory

of God is in heaven but the glory of God

is in you second Thessalonians chapter 2

says we’ve been called to the obtaining

of the glory of the Lord Jesus you now

have the glory of God in your spirit and

some of you are immediately looking like

where is it you look in the mirror it’s

not in the physical body it’s not in

your mind unless you’ve been renewing

your mind and drawing that glory out and

renewing your mind but it’s in your

born-again spirit you have the glory of


the inheritance is in the Saints it says

in Romans chapter eight I believe it’s

verse 18 that the sufferings of this

present world are not worthy to be

compared to the glory which shall be

revealed in us not to us but in us you

already have the glory of God and when

we get to heaven we’re gonna get a

glorified body and a perfect soul mind

that doesn’t have any limitations and

the glory that’s already in you is now

gonna flow through you in all of these

things but you’ve already got it in you

it’s not going to be revealed to you but

in you Romans chapter 8 verse 18 you

have the glory of God this inheritance

is in the Saints if for some reason you

had to replace if

you could just avoid the glory that’s on

the inside of you the power the

inheritance the riches of the glory of

this inheritance if you could just

somehow or another wipe all that out and

it had to be replaced it would bankrupt

heaven to replace what’s on the inside

of you

man you’ve already got this glory on the

inside of you but it doesn’t do you any

good if it’s just trapped in your spirit

and if it doesn’t come through your soul

if you don’t know what you’ve got and if

you don’t have it in your body if you

aren’t acting on it it doesn’t do you

any good but someday we’ll get to heaven

and we will have this glory revealed to

us and I believe that that’s one of the

reasons that you know God is going to

have to wipe tears away from our eyes

most people interpret that as we just

suffered so much in this life that we’re

going to limp into heaven and when we

get there we’re all going to be crying

because you know this earth life was so

bad but I believe it could also be that

when we stand before the Lord and all of

a sudden we get a glorified body and a

renewed mind and we understand what we

had the whole time that we had the glory

of God I had the same power on the

inside of me that raised Jesus from the

dead and I suffered with sickness and

disease and arthritis and this pain and

that pain and they say and I’d put up

with all of this when I had the glory of

God on the inside of me the whole time I

believed that there’s gonna be weeping

and wailing and gnashing of teeth and

God is gonna have to supernaturally wipe

tears away from our eyes not only

because of all of the hardship that we

had in this life but when we realized

that we live so far below our privileges

and didn’t take advantage of it I think

that there’s gonna be some weeping and

wailing and God’s gonna have to wipe

tears away from our eyes so in that 18th

verse he’s praying that you would see

that what is the riches of the glory of

his inheritance in the Saints and in

verse 19 and what is the exceeding

greatness of his power to us word who

believe according to the working of his

mighty power which he wrought

in Christ when he raised him from the

dead and set him at his own right hand

in the heavenly places far above all

principality and power and might and

Dominion and every name that is named

not only in this world but also in that

which is to come and hath put all things

under his feet and gave him to be the

head over all things to the church which

is his body the fullness of him that

filleth all in all

again I could take every one of these

phrases in each individual verse and

just amplify on these but the main thing

I want to get across is then verse 19

he’s praying that your eyes would be

open to the exceeding greatness of his

power towards us who believed the same

power that he used when he raised Jesus

Christ from the dead there are a lot of

Christians that think well yes I have

some power but I just don’t have enough

power Oh God give me power give me more

anointing give me more faith you know

there are people that will use

scriptures like in 2nd Kings chapter 2

where Elijah received a double portion

of Elijah’s anointing and he wound up

performing twice as many miracles and

I’ve actually been in churches where

they have double portion night and they

will come and you know let us anoint you

with oil and we’re gonna pray that

you’ll get twice the anointing now you

could get twice the anointing functional

in you but you can’t get twice the

anointing Elisha could get twice the

anointing that was on Elijah because he

only had a portion but we have the

fullness I just read this in the last

verse verse 23 that his body is the

fullness of him that filleth all in all

it says in John chapter 1 I believe

verse 16 that all his fullness have all

we received and grace for grace you have

the fullness of the God you can’t get

more full than full you can’t get a

double portion of all you didn’t get

just a little

bit of Jesus when you got born again you

got the whole Jesus you have the

fullness of the Godhead dwelling in you

bodily and you can’t get more so when

you say God I just need more of you I

need more power

I need more anointing I need more faith

I need you might need more operative in

your life but you can’t get more where

would God go to get more you’ve already

got the fullness of Jesus on the inside

of you where are you going to get

anything more than that see the reason

that we aren’t seeing the power of God

manifest is first of all we don’t know

what we have we don’t believe it we’re

asking God for more when the truth is

you’ve already got it you don’t need

more what you need is revelation of what

you’ve already got you need to start

using what you’ve already got we need to

get into faith instead of into unbelief

and it says that this power that has

come towards us is the same power that

he wrought in Christ when he raised him

from the dead you know I don’t know how

to express this but if you could hook

the power of God up to some kind of a

physical meter that could measure the

power of God like one of these vu meters

that you see you know swing over if you

could somehow or another put the power

of God to some kind of a meter I believe

that the creation of the universe was

awesome but it wouldn’t be near as great

as Jesus being raised from the dead that

would peg out that meter and one of the

reasons I believe that is because in

creation there wasn’t any resistance

there is no indication that Satan

existed at that time he was still

Lucifer an anointed angel that was

working for God instead up against him

there wasn’t fallen angels there was no

resistance to creation but I’m guarantee

you at the resurrection of Jesus Satan

had every demon out of hell every every

bit of force that he had was trying to

block Jesus being raised from the dead

so there was resisting

when it came to raising Jesus from the

dead and therefore raising Jesus from

the dead not just his physical body but

bringing Jesus out of hell with the keys

of death and of Hell dangling on his

side that was the greatest manifestation

of God’s power that there has ever been

you know the church that I attended for

a long time it was a large church that

had these musicals and plays and things

and in one of them they had a person

that was a personification of Satan and

when you know Jesus was being persecuted

by the scribes and the Pharisees and the

hypocrites this person in this black was

always there whispered in people’s ear

and it made a point that Satan was the

one that was inspiring all of this

opposition and when it came to the

resurrection of Jesus they had a tomb

there and they had a huge stone that had

been rolled over the playing and then

the resurrection morning came and it

showed Satan it showed this person that

personified Satan pushing with all of

his might against that stone that was

covering the tomb and then there was

this explosion and there was all of this

smoke and when the smoke cleared you saw

Satan laying on his back with this big

tombstone on top of him and Jesus

standing on top of it with his arms up

and of course it was just a way of

trying to illustrate that Satan and all

of his power was fighting against the

resurrection of Jesus and yet he

couldn’t stop it you have that raising

from the dead power the greatest display

of God’s power that has ever existed in

the history of the world that same power

is in you this is what he’s saying go

back with all of those things I’ve said

and remember this he’s praying that the

eyes of your understanding would be in

line that you may know what is the hope

of his calling what the riches of the

glory of his inheritance in the Saints

what is the exceeding greatness of his

power to us word who believe according

to the word according to means in

proportion to our to the degree

I look it up in a dictionary and that’s

what it means so we have the power of

God according to the power that he used

that he wrought in Christ when he raised

him from the dead and set him in his own

right hand in the heavenly places far

above not just above but far above all

principality and power and might and

Dominion and every name that is named

not only in this world but also in that

which is to come you are seated with

Christ in heavenly places you are far

above all of the devil’s power and

Dominion and principalities and again

see most Christians they know that there

is a devil they know that there are

demons they know that there is spiritual

opposition but the average Christian is

intimidated and afraid of the devil

because they don’t know what they

already have and they are asking God Oh

God give me power and they they will

even come to the Lord I’ve heard people

before Oh God rebuked the devil no he

said James chapter 4 verse 7 you resist

the devil and he will flee from you God

in the devil have already meant Jesus

beat him Jesus is now far above and you

are you have that same power and

authority you are now seated with Christ

in heavenly places you have that same

power and authority but if you don’t

know it and if you are saying oh god

please rebuke the devil for me it won’t

get done he said you resist the devil

and he will flee from you it’s not your

power it’s God’s power but it’s in you

and if you don’t use it it won’t get

done if you’re asking God to rebuke the

devil if you’re asking God to take this

sickness away to take this poverty the

way to take your depression away and if

you’re just sitting there passively as

if I can do nothing but God you can do

all things would you please touch me

would you do this you’re gonna die

you’re gonna be poor you aren’t gonna be

over your depression

because God gave that authority and

power towards you and you have to first

of all believe it again a verse I’ve

used many times Philemon 1:6 the

communication of your faith becomes

effectual that means it begins to work

by the acknowledging of every good thing

which is in you in Christ Jesus you have

to acknowledge that it’s there you have

to believe you have to know that you

were seated with Christ above all

principality and power and then you have

to use it and the power of God is

voice-activated proverbs 18:21 death and

life are in the power of the tongue

you’ve got to start speaking it out your

mouth and say Satan I resist you in the

name of Jesus you flee from me it’s

God’s power but it’s in me and I command

you I resist you and you have to flee

from me and only when you take your

Authority and start using it and

resisting the devil will that sickness

will that poverty will that depression

and oppression leave you you can’t just

say oh god please do it for me God has

done his part you’ve already got the

same power that God used to raised Jesus

from the dead living on the inside of

you if you are born again that ought to

be enough for your headache for your

sugar diabetes for your cancer for your

cold for your whatever the power that’s

on the inside of you is so exceedingly

great that it’s not even comparable to

the problem that you have I had a man

come to me one time and he asked if I

would pray for him and I said what’s

wrong and he said I got pain in my neck

it goes down into my shoulder down my

spine I got pain in my hip I got a

sciatic nerve and he described things

from head to toe all the way down to his

feet talking about his feet hurting and

he says but if you could just pray and

get the pain in my neck to leave I could

live with all the rest and when he said

that I just said well I understand I

said if we were to ask God to heal all

of these things at one time the lights

and have

my Tim I’m not sure that God’s got

enough power to pull all of this off I

mean let’s just ask him for a little

portion of this because he may not be

able to do all of and when I said that

this guy just said boy I was really

stupid what I said what I said it was

real stupid I said God’s power is so

exceedingly great that it is no problem

for anything from your head to your toe

we got a woman in our Bible College she

came to one of our conferences this year

and I forget the exact number but it was

over 50 something diagnosed problems in

her body that she was living with and

did you know she’s now in our Bible

school and I talked to her just last

week and I forget now but I think there

might be one or two things that she’s

still dealing with in just a couple of

months over 50 things diagnosed problems

in her body have all been healed God is

not short of power the power that is on

the inside of you is the same power that

raised Jesus Christ from the dead and

it’s more than enough for anything that

you need but you’ve got to first of all

acknowledge that you have it quit asking

God to give you something that you’ve

already got start thanking him that

you’ve got it start using your power and

start agreeing and the devil will flee

from you I’m out of time today but I am

going to continue this teaching again

tomorrow I encourage you to listen our

announcer is going to tell you about how

to get this teaching there’s I think six

parts to this teaching if you get the

CDs or DVDs today’s my last day to make

the first teaching in this set available

and so listen to our announcer he’ll

give you all of this information and

then please call or write today and join

me again tomorrow as I continue the

gospel truth

caris an accredited Bible College in the

beautiful town of Woodland Park has been

changing people’s lives for over 25

years the people here are so like-minded

they want to help you grow these are

people who genuinely care about you they

want the best for you be prepared to be

blown away

teachings it’s not just a season in your

life there’s no way you can’t change you

can’t really go wrong going to a place

that you get to sit and listen to the

word for four hours a day being on the

word that much just a lot got to pour so

much into me

if you feel supernatural peace about

coming to Kharis that’s God I know

you’re like how when where all these

questions just do it the Lord will


I was doubting and second-guessing it

but when I took that step of faith

immediately like things are provided

just being around like-minded believers

teachers who are there for you and ready

to talk to you at any moment and answer

your questions there’s just nothing like


just follow the leading of the one that

you serve and that’s always gonna be the

right direction to go go to Karis Bible

College org to register today you’ve

already got it was profoundly

influential for my husband and and I I’m

not gonna beg God for anything anymore

I am gonna believe for what I already

have all the stuff that I was working to

try to receive from God I already had so

all I have to do is just be thankful for

it one of my favorite teaching is you’ve

already got it finally it was like dawn

of Hope in my heart and it was really

amazing to know what was on the inside

of me interests complete teaching titled

you’ve already got it is available in a

CD or DVD album made from our daily

television broadcast it’s also available

in a book and study guide in english or

spanish each of these products is

available for a gift of any amount or

you can get them in the you’ve already

got it package this package includes the

book the study guide in your choice of

either the CD or DVD album this package

has a catalog value of $90 but you can

get it today for only $60 the individual

topic highlighted on today’s broadcast

is available as an audio CD for a gift

of any amount when you

right or call we encourage everyone to

give because there’s a blessing in

giving but if you’re simply unable to

afford it Andrew and his partners will

provide today’s teaching free of charge

this is the last day we’ll be offering

this teaching so be sure to respond

today we want to say a special thank you

to the grace partners of Andrew Wommack

ministries your gifts make it possible

to put free ministry materials into the

hands of many people in need if you’re

not already a grace partner we ask you

to pray about becoming one today you can

become a grace partner or order

resources through our website at aw mi

dotnet or call our helpline monday

through friday from 4:30 a.m. to 9:30

p.m. mountain time at seven one nine six

three five eleven eleven I tell you I’m

excited God is gonna do something

special during these meetings I am

enjoying this conference so much I

literally could not wipe the smile off

my face

seeing andrew is great and being able to

meet him was awesome he speaks into your

life like no one I know I mean he makes

the word come alive

Andrews teaching and the love that he

has for God’s Word and truth it is the

gospel truth


hello this is Andrew Wommack and I just

would like to encourage you to help us

get the gospel out through social media

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