This power-packed series is filled with insightful truths that Andrew has touched on for years but has never quite put together in a teaching like this one. You’ll find out how it’s not a matter of doing more or doing something better; it’s a matter of understanding the way God designed you to think, believe, and receive. You’ve probably heard Andrew quote often, “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he” (Prov. 23:7). Now let him show you how to think properly so that you can be all God created you to be: it will change the way that you see yourself, your circumstances—everything!

welcome to gospel truth with Andrew


a teaching ministry that focuses on

God’s unconditional love and grace we

are supposed to be able to see things

with our heart that you can’t see with

your eyes you’re supposed to be able to

grasp and say it’s mine I’ve got it

and now here’s the injury welcome to our

Thursday’s broadcast of the gospel truth

today I’m continuing to teach on the

power of imagination I have a brand new

book out on this this is first time

we’ve ever offered it this is my latest

book and I tell you this is powerful

stuff I also have two sets of DVDs one

taken from television and one from a

live meeting and then I have a set of

CDs that were taken from a live meeting

on this and I tell you this teaching on

imagination has revolutionized my life

when the Lord spoke to me January the

31st 2002

I’ve actually got a teaching on this

entitled don’t limit God but it

basically concerned my imagination I

knew what God’s will for my life was but

I hadn’t allowed myself to imagine me

accomplishing it now there’s reasons for

that and that’s what that other teaching

is all about but I’m talking about the

power of imagination and since God just

literally told me to loose my

imagination and start dreaming big

thinking big I tell you it has

transformed our ministry we used to

reach 3% of the US population now we

reach all of the english-speaking world

my programs are broadcast in Farsi in

Russian in Spanish and all kinds of

different languages we reach around the

world and we have over three billion

people that can watch this program on

television networks individual stations

etc and it has just transformed my life

your imagination is powerful and I ended

yesterday’s program I want to go back to

this and Genesis chapter 11 verse 6 it’s

where the law

came down to see the Tower of Babel that

people were building and it says this in

Genesis chapter 11 verse 6 and the Lord

said Behold the people is one and they

have all one language and this they

begin to do and now nothing will be

restrained from them which they have

imagined to do now this is important

this is saying that you can’t do

anything unless you imagine it and if

you can’t imagine it you can do it I

really believe that you know I’m not

going to get into any of the details but

I have not only dreamed about our

ministry and me accomplishing what God

has told me to do but there’s just times

that I was looking at things I really

believe I’m not going to go into the

specifics but God has shown me things

that at this moment mankind can’t do but

I believe that someday we will

accomplish those things you know let me

just use this example that if any of you

are familiar with all of the Star Trek

shows movies and things like this they

had these things called replicators

where you just push a button and it’ll

produce anything you want did you know

that when Star Trek first came out with

these things called replicators and then

you could just produce foods you could

produce tools you could just do anything

you could replicate it make it from this

machine that was total fantasy to most

people but some people took that and

because they could see it even though it

was just a you know in a sense a trick

an illusion on television it wasn’t real

at that time did you know that they now

have you can replicate things my son has

a printer that can print things and he

can’t he prints all kinds of stuff now

he doesn’t have the industrial type

printer but I’ve actually seen on the

internet where they can print a wrench

out of a machine they just push a button

in this thing starts printing it and it

will adjust and they actually were able

to unscrew bolts and things like this

using a replicated thing I’ve also seen

on the internet where they are now

replicating body

parts they are taking things like livers

and stuff and they are using the tissue

from people and printing new body parts

in the hopes that that will cause less

rejection because all of the material

that they’re using come from that person

and I know some of you may not have seen

that but I’ve seen those things they’re

actually doing it this if you can

imagine it you can do it I really

believe that that’s what Jesus are not

Jesus but God the Father back in the Old

Testament this is what he’s saying that

now nothing will be restrained from them

which they have imagined to do I really

believe that if you can imagine it and

not fantasy just you know daydream but

if it becomes a part of you if it is

something that you concede in your

imagination you can give birth to it it

can be done you know at one time it was

impossible to think that people could

fly people thought that was fantasy but

you know what now we fly all the time

not only here around the world but we

have gone to the moon we send things to

the outer limits of this universe and

stuff all of those things were

considered fantasy at one time and yet

men have done it if you can imagine it

you can do it and think of this God saw

that nothing that they imagined will be

restrained unto them and his plan for

the human race was actually threatened

by our imagination and so he came down

and he confounded the languages at

battle so that they couldn’t communicate

words paint pictures and it feeds a

Mandan imagination you know we’ve got a

good friend of mine Mark coward he’s the

one that runs our practical government

school at Karis Bible College and we

were just out eating one day and we were

visiting and catching up and I was

telling him about what God did in my

life on January the 31st 2002 and how he

told me from Psalm 78 41 that I was

limiting the Holy One of God by my small

imagination and ice

dreaming and he’s seen what happened

here in our Bible college and did you

know what words as I spoke what God had

spoken to me it painted a picture on the

inside of mark and by Mark’s own

admission his own statements it just

really impacted his life it transformed

him and so I took what God had put on

the inside of me and what I’d

experienced and with words I

communicated them and I saw the same

transformation happen in Pastor Mark

coward that happened in me and I’ve seen

this happen this is why our whole

ministry is all about you know

television I’m speaking words all over

the world and there are people in the

most remote places I’ve had people from

the South Pole that were there on a

military expedition and shut up there

for six months at a time and somebody

took an entire library of my teachings

down there and left them and out of

boredom they got to listening to these

and they got born again spirit-filled

transform their life on the South Pole

and we’ve got people from every

continent from all over the world and

you know what these words that I’m

speaking they communicate and they touch

the hearts the imaginations of people

and there are people literally all

around the world that have been healed

delivered set free prospered fallen in

love with God become an effective tool

ministering to others because I’m

communicating and so the Lord saw that

because the people were of one language

and they were speaking these words that

nothing would be restrained from them

which they had imagined to do so the way

he stopped that so that his plans could

come to pass he divided the language and

created these different languages so

here’s my point

if the imagination is so powerful that

it could literally threaten God’s plans

for this planet then I tell you what

that is that is quiet a statement right

here it even threatened God’s purposes

when imaginations where you

used in an evil way and he had to do

something to restrain it your

imagination is powerful it is one of the

most powerful forces on this planet and

again going back to my personal

testimony I can promise you that when I

started imagining things things just

transformed you know going back to

January the 31st 2002 when the Lord

finally got it through to me that I was

limiting him my small thinking I called

my staff together On February the 11th

2002 and I told him I said man God has

shown me I’m limiting him by my small

thinking and I said I don’t know how

long it takes to change this image on

the inside and that’s one of the ways I

was limiting him I knew God wanted me to

have a large ministry and be a major

player in the body of Christ but I

hadn’t seen myself doing it I saw myself

being insignificant and not making a

major contribution and there’s reasons

for that that’s what this other teaching

is all about but I called my staff

together and I said I don’t know how

long it takes to change this image on

the inside I don’t know if it takes a

month a week a year multiple years but I

said I am gonna see myself doing what

God called me to do and I began that

process of changing the image on the

inside and my personal testimony is that

before I could notify my partners it

took me about I don’t know close to a

month to put all of these things into

words and write a letter and then it

took about a month for my staff to be

able to proof that produce it mail it

out and the mail get there so it was at

least a couple of months after my

experience before I communicated to my

partner’s what had happened so before

they heard about it before there was any

thing in the natural that happened I

started changing the way I thought I

started seeing us expand and reach out

on new television and radio and do

things and before my partners heard

anything about it did you know it’s like

a dam

broke in the spiritual realm and

finances begin to flood to us we nearly

doubled our income before I told anybody

about it before they heard about it

there was just something in the

spiritual realm that happened I’m

actually the Lord painted a picture to

me that he had been trying to bless me

but my small thinking was like a dam

that just kept all of his blessings from

flowing through he had given them but I

had dammed them up by my small thinking

and when I started changing my thinking

it’s like this dam broke and in the

spiritual realm all of these things

begin to happen and I mean within a

matter of a month or two we started

seeing miracles happen in our finances

and I had also wanted to go on a

television network I had been knocking

on the door for two years and the person

who ran that network was a personal

friend of mine I had been on their

network as a guest I had even preached

they gave me 45 minutes to preach on

this network at the time it was the

second largest network in the world and

yet every time I tried to go on their

network and I contacted them they it’s

like they didn’t want me they gave me a

price for my program that was higher

than their normal rate card and we just

couldn’t work it out I had done

everything I knew to do but did you know

within a week of me making this change

in my thinking they sent me a letter and

said why aren’t you on our network says

you should be and they said you just

send us the material of the programs

we’re gonna start you this coming Monday

and we will give you a price that I

guarantee you you can afford and they

did and I mean all of a sudden when I

changed the image on the inside things

that weren’t working on the outside all

of a sudden begin to work finances begin

to come in I also needed somebody to run

our ministry we had hired three

different people before but they just

didn’t work out and so Jamie had taken

over being the CEO of our ministry just

because we love our ministry more than

anybody else did and so she was doing a


job but man it was a strain on her it’s

not her real gifting and she wanted out

of it but how do you take a ministry

that is based on giving everything away

and bring in somebody with the physical

financial expertise that we need and yet

everything is given away this was always

a conflict with all of these previous

managers that we had and so we were in a

dilemma we needed somebody with the

financial expertise that could run a

large ministry but we also needed people

spiritual enough to be able to give

things away and within a week of me

changing the way I was thinking and

started dreaming bigger I had a man call

me who he was actually one of my board

members I called him because we were

gonna cancel a board meeting because I’d

had a death in the family and I had to

go so I called him to cancel and when I

called him he says well I’m glad you

called because God has just spoken to me

to leave his position he was a

management position in a you know you

know a worldwide business secular

business he had actually taught in their

university training people how to run

businesses and he was just a high-level

executive in this thing and when I

called him he says God told me to quit

my job and come out and take your

ministry to the next level did you know

that was a miracle Jamie and I for years

had been praying and looking and trying

to find somebody and I mean within a

week of me changing the way I thought

and I started seeing myself

accomplishing things the finances

increased opportunities to go on

television networks increased people

that I needed to be able to accomplish

it those people just begin to come out

of the woodwork did you know at that

time January the 31st 2002 we had 28

employees we now have over 650 employees

about 500 in the US and 150 around the

world we only had one office excuse me

we had a second office in the UK in 2002

now we have I think it’s 16

offices around the world we had I think

at that time two or three different

locations of our carriers Bible call is

now we have 65 70 locations around the

world we had probably around 200 people

in our Bible College this year we’re

gonna have a thousand in our main campus

and around the world we’ll have seven or

eight thousand I’m just giving these

statistics to show you that when I

changed the way I thought it changed

what God could do in my life again I go

back to all of the things that I’ve been

saying this week if you’ve missed any of

this teaching please go back to our

website or get the materials and study

this because I’ve shared that your

imagination is your spiritual womb the

Hebrew word ye t ser that was translated

imagination in five different places in

the Old Testament it was translated

frame in Psalms 103 14 it was translated

mind and Isaiah 26:3 all of these words

though that word means conception this

is how things happen you have to

conceive it in your imagination if you

can’t see it in your heart you won’t see

it on the outside and this is where so

many people are missing if they’re

praying for God’s will they’re praying

for their marriage to be healed they’re

praying for their body to be healed

they’re praying for their finances to be


they’re praying for their emotions to be

healed and yet they don’t see it they

haven’t let the word of God

paint a picture on the inside of you you

see yourself depressed you see yourself

poor you see yourself a failure and it

becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy you

know Don Crow who’s a super good friend

of mine he ministered with me for I

don’t know 25 or 30 years and Don was

just one of my closest friends he’s my

best man in my wedding

and anyway Don I meant his father and

his father was just a mean angry person

and he was very very hard on

and they had a farm in Ralston Oklahoma

he had I don’t know how many cars but 20

30 50 cars or whatever they were just

junk cars on his property and he used

them for parts he would cannibalize

things and he was always working around

the farm and fixing something and he

would have done work with him and like I

said he was just a bitter angry person

and he told dawn when he was a kid he

said you’re so stupid you can’t screw a

nut on a boat without cross threading it

and he just trashed not and anyway as a

result did you know that those words

painted a picture in Don and Don had to

deal with and praise God he dealt with

it and he overcame it to a very large

degree but he had to deal with this this

thought that you’re just such you’re so

stupid you can’t even put a nut on a

boat without cross three men and Don had

to really deal with a lot of

condemnation and I remember working on a

car with him and he was probably in his

30s or 40s at the time and Don would

literally shake when he started screwing

a nut on a boat because of the words

that his father had spoken over him and

he would put that nut on and he did it

just perfectly but he’d think I maybe I

crossed three so he would take it off

and redo it and I saw him do that so

many times that he actually wound up

cross threading that boat it became a

self-fulfilling prophecy and did you

know that there are some of you that you

maybe your parents maybe your friends

maybe some negative experience maybe a

failure in a marriage are being fired

from a job are who knows just all of the

things that can happen you have an image

on the inside of who you are and what

you can do and it limits God you’ve

allowed other people to force an

identity on you that is not consistent

with who you are now in Christ in Christ

you are a brand-new person and it says

in Philippians 4:13 Paul said I can do

all things through Christ who

strengthens me you’ve got to

change that image you know my dad died

when I was 12 years old and my brother

is four-and-a-half years older than me

so he was 16 or 17 when my dad died and

anyway he wanted to become he even told

me one time he says you know our dad’s

gone I’m gonna be your father I’m gonna

help you and boy I resented that I you

know I’m not sure that he was wrong and

what he meant but I resented it and I

went the other direction and you know

this sibling rivalry is a great mechanic

when he was just 16 or 17 years old he

had a car that he took the motor apart

nearly down to the last nut and bolt we

had a two-car garage in for a year so we

weren’t able to use it because he had

his car in there and he had taken the

motor apart just to see what it was like

and to see if he could put it back

together and he did and it ran and

anyway he became a mechanic and he tried

to teach me some of these things but you

know this sibling rivalry I just said no

and I went the other direction and to

this day what I don’t know about motors

and mechanical things is amazing I

specifically went the other direction so

I had this inferiority this feeling of I

can’t do anything mechanical that was

just in me and when the Lord touched my

life and changed me I started trying to

break out of there I had to change the

way I saw myself and I remember taking a

little serving bow we had this house

that we rented and we bought the

people’s furniture that was in there and

one of the things they had was a wooden

car carved a serving bowl that had

grapes and things carved in it and on

the bottom when you picked it up it had

a little music box that played now this

may sound like a very small thing to you

but you know what I just determined I

can do all things through Christ and I

had to change that image on the inside

prior to that time I would have said man

it’s mechanical I can’t deal with it but

I just started saying I can do this and

I took that thing apart i unscrewed it I

took all the things apart and worked on

it and did you know what I fixed it into

this day I have that

little serving bowl in my office and you

pick it up and you can hear that little

music box play

I had a washer washing machine that was

given to us and Jamie and I needed it

but it was broken and so the people got

a new one and they said if you want it

you can fix it again I didn’t have any

money to fix it I took that thing apart

prayed in tongues over it and fix that

washing machine and used it for years

now those are small things but you know

what it’s illustrates how I was changing

this image on the inside in the past I

would have just said nope that’s not my

expertise I can’t do it but I began to

let the word of God the incorruptible

seed of God’s Word to paint a picture

that I can do all things through Christ

who strengthens me and I started

applying myself in changing that picture

and it changed everything

and to this day I have a can-do attitude

I have a new identity because I am a new

person if you’ve been born again you can

do all things you need to change that

image on the inside that’s talking about

your imagination it becomes a limiter a

governor on what God can do in your life

and you need to take the limits off God

again I’m out of time but I’m going to

continue this on my program tomorrow

I’ve got a brand new book entitled the

power of imagination and I really

encourage you to get this first time

I’ve ever offered this I’ve got two sets

of DVDs one taken live one taken from

our television program and then we have

a set of CDs on this if you listen to

our announcer he’ll give you all the

information I encourage you to please

call or write and receive these

materials today

learn how to put your imagination to

work for you when you could Andrews

brand-new book titled the power of

imagination this book is available for a

gift of any amount when you contact us

this new series on the power of

imagination is also available as a CD or

DVD album recorded live from a gospel

truth seminar or in a DVD album made

from our daily television broadcast

each are available for a gift of any

amount when you contact us these

valuable resources are also available in

the power of imagination package this

package includes Andrews brand-new book

as well as your choice of the CD or the

Essene on TV DVD album the power of

imagination package has a catalog value

of $50 but you can get it today for a

gift of only $35 go to a WMI dotnet to

see all the ways you can get this

teaching the individual topic

highlighted on today’s broadcast is

available as an audio CD for a gift of

any amount when you write or call we

encourage everyone to give because

there’s a blessing and giving but if

you’re simply unable to afford it andrew

and his partners will provide today’s

teaching free of charge you can order

resources or become a grace partner

through our website at aw mi dotnet

while there you can discover more

product details and download additional

free resources or call our helpline

monday through friday from 4:30 a.m. to

9:30 p.m. mountain time at seven one

nine six three five eleven eleven to

write us use the address on your screen

we appreciate your generosity and hope

to hear from you today I want this

ministry to prosper and I want it to go

as far as possible I’m receiving so much

from the ministry I have to be a

blessing to this woman’s

you get to a point where it’s like what

can I do for this ministry now as

opposed to not what can it do for me

what Andrews doing I’m doing it with

them when I partner with them Jamie and

I are here just to thank you so much for

being partners with us I tell you we are

reaching around the world I remember

when Jamie and I were it I would run the

sound while she was doing the praise and

worship and then she’d come back and run

the sound while I was preaching we did

it all ourselves now we have so many

people helping us and it couldn’t happen

without you it’s very true when very

thankful for our partners and what

they’re doing and you’re going around

the world too and everything that this

ministry does amen so we just wanted to

say a special thank you and we love you

and every good thing that is happening

through this ministry you’re gonna share

in every one of those rewards so god

bless you thank you for being a partner

with us if you’re not already a partner

you can become a grace partner today by

calling our helpline or going to a WMI



we’d like to point out Andrews upcoming

speaking schedule mark your calendars to

come meet Andrew at one of these events

and like a word of God transform your

life in October Andrew will be in West

Bromwich England then he’ll be in

Walsall England for the European

ministers conference with guest speakers

Paul Milligan Billy Eberhardt and pastor

Bobby and Ian

lastly in October Paul Milligan and

Billy upper heart will be speaking in

Walsall England at the International

Business Summit

please note andrew will not be speaking

at this event and in November at Karis

Bible College in Woodland Park Colorado

will be hosting the women arise

conference with speakers Carly Tara des

Dorothy Brown and pastors sue sheriff

insurace Johnson will also be hosting

the musical Esther the queen of Persia a

police note andrew will not be speaking

at these events later in November Andrew

will be in Woodland Park to host

Handel’s Messiah performed by the

Colorado Springs chorale for more

details on Andrews next meeting in your

area visit our website at aw am i dotnet