This teaching identifies the three major parts of our being: spirit, soul, and body, and gives the relationship between each. At salvation, our bodies and souls are not saved. Their salvation has been purchased but they aren’t redeemed yet. Our spirits are the only parts of us that was completely changed at salvation. The rest of the Christian life is a process of renewing our minds and then manifesting in our bodies the change that is already complete in our spirits.


welcome to gospel truth with Andrew

Wommack a teaching ministry that focuses

on God’s unconditional love and grace we

have a better covenant upon better

promises and we have a better

relationship of God all these things we

strive for and work for and hope for and

pray for we already have those things

because Jesus gave it all to us

and now here’s Andrew

welcome to our Tuesday’s broadcast of

the gospel truth

today I’m continuing a series that I

just started yesterday talking about

spirit soul and body that title is

probably not one of my best efforts but

I’ll tell you the teaching in here is

life transforming this is what literally

changed my life as understanding that

it’s my spirit that got born again and

that I have a brand new identity in my

spirit man this is awesome and I

mentioned all of the product we got a

lot of things that we’re offering but

here’s something I didn’t mention

yesterday that we actually have an audio

book on this where my wife Jamie read

this book so this is the only one that

she’s ever done I don’t think she’ll

ever do another one because in there I’m

telling one story about these doctors or

wanting to shave the hair off my chest

and anyway she had to read that and she

said never again so but it’s worth

getting just to be able to hear Jamie

reading this book but we’ve got a lot of

great things in this teaching this has

just revolutionized my life everything

that the Lord has shown me basically

came out of this this is was the key to

opening up the Word of God to me and I

know that some of you are saying I don’t

understand what’s so important about

that I think that functionally most

people only recognize two parts to them

of course we have a physical body you

can see and feel that and so that’s

obvious and then we have a soulish part

what the Bible calls the soul we call it

our personality our mental emotional

part you know you can touch me and I can

feel it in my physical body but you

could say words and I could either feel

love or hate hurt you can feel things on

the inside all of us are aware that we

have an inner person that is not

tangible but nonetheless exists but

functionally that’s as far as most

people go is just to acknowledge these

two parts but a verse that I used on our

program yesterday 1st Thessalonians 5:23

he prayed a prayer and he said I pray

that God would sanctify you wholly that

your whole spirit and soul and body be


blameless until the day of the Lord and

so that talks about three parts spirit

soul and body and most people don’t

understand that the spirit and the soul

are separate you’ll hear people coming

to church and say man I’m a I came to

see a soul saved it’s not your soul that

gets saved there’s twice in Scripture

that the Bible talks about the salvation

of the soul but that’s talking about

reaping the benefits of your salvation

the part of you that got saved that

salvation was not your soul your mental

emotional part you know if you were safe

for instance if you are uneducated and

you didn’t know how to read did you know

when you get born again you don’t

instantly get a new mind and you just

know all things you would have to train

yourself to learn how to read if you

don’t understand chemistry you would

have to train yourself you know when you

get born again you don’t have my

memories you have your memories you

still got the same mind and you’ve still

got the same body that’s not the part of

you that got born again and since the

Bible says that there’s three parts

spirit soul and body by by elimination

your body didn’t get changed your soul

your mental emotional part didn’t get

changed so that means that it was your

spirit that got changed but here’s a

problem you can see and feel your body

you can feel and you’re in touch with

your soul II shrim but did you know you

can’t see or feel your spirit now some

people may disagree with that and say

well then I’m feel the spirit I’m gonna

explain this in more details but you

don’t feel it the way that you feel like

heat or cold you know if I was to ask

you right now are you HOT are you cold

you know you wouldn’t have to say well

let me pray about it and study and I’ll

come back tomorrow and I’ll tell you you

just constantly you know if you’re you

know how your body temperature is you

know if you have any pain in your body

you know if you’re tired if you’re

sleepy or if you’re arrested you don’t

even have to think about it you don’t

have to study it’s just you constantly

are in touch with your physical body

and all of these physical things same

thing with your solely trim you know if

I was to ask you are you happy are you

encouraged today are you sad is

something bothering you you don’t have

to say well let me go pray about it and

I’ll come back tomorrow and I’ll tell

you how I feel no you are constantly in

touch with your feelings your emotions

whether you’re encouraged discouraged

whether you’re depressed whatever you

just constantly in touch with the

physical body and with your soul but the

spirit man you cannot see you can’t

touch it you can’t look at a mirror you

know if I wanted to see if my hair is

calling I can’t go by how I feel I have

to go look at a mirror and I have to

take action based on that if I want to

you know know how I’m feeling

emotionally I can’t just go you know I I

just know these things because I’m in

touch with my feelings and emotions but

when it comes to your spirit you can’t

see it in a mirror you can’t feel your

spirit now we will say things like I

really feel the Spirit of the Lord in


what you’re feeling is an anointing and

the anointing is tangible and you can’t

perceive that and faith can produce

emotions and feelings and things like

that I’m gonna explain this more as we

go through it but that was his spirit is

spirit let me just read this verse to

you this was Jesus talking to Nicodemus

when Nicodemus came to him my night and

was asking him questions and here’s what

Jesus said in John chapter 3 and verse 6

that which is born of the flesh is flesh

and that which is born of the Spirit is

spirit what this is saying is it’s just

spirit is spirit and flesh is flesh

physical is physical spirit is in an

unintentional unseen unfelt unperceived

round and so you cannot perceive spirit


with physical natural means and herein

lies one of the great problems in the

body of Christ is that the Bible is

spirit and its truth jesus said this in

John chapter 6 and in verse 63 it says

it is the spirit that quickeneth the

flesh profiteth nothing the words that I

speak unto you they are spirit and they

are life the Spirit is what quickens the

flesh and flesh here is not just talking

about like the way we use flesh like

this is my flesh the epidermis the skin

flesh here is talking about your

physical tangible part of you and it can

include your soul e shrim even though

you can’t see the soul you can feel the

soul it’s tangible it’s something that

you live with and are in touch with so

the body and the soul together is what

the Bible is calling the flesh and the

flesh profits nothing it’s the spirit

that gives life James chapter 2 verse 26

it says as the body without the Spirit

is dead so faith without works is dead

also that verse reveals that it’s the

spirit that’s the real life-giving part

of you when God created Adam and Eve in

Genesis chapter 1 and then it’s

recounted again in chapter 2 about the

creation of Eve it says that he created

he formed their body out of the dust of

the ground and then he breathed into

them the breath of life and that word

breathe is the Hebrew word I’m not gonna

try and pronounce it but it’s a word

that’s used for breath he literally

breathed he put his spirit into them and

it was the spirit that made our bodies

come alive put this together with James

chapter 2 verse 26 as the body without

the Spirit is dead so faith without

works is dead the spirit is the life

getting part of you here’s the way that

some people say this is that you are a

spirit that’s who you are

and you have a soul that’s your mental

emotional personality part and you live

in a body but the spirit is the real

life-giving part of you Adams body was

formed and it was perfect I’m sure it

looked exactly like the body you know

any person would it was a perfect body

but it didn’t have life until God

breathed into him blew into him the

breath of life and it’s the spirit that

made us come alive and on the opposite

side when your spirit leaves your body

James 2:26 says that your body without

the Spirit is dead so your spirit is the

real life-giving part of you and when

Adam and Eve sinned the Lord told them

in Genesis chapter two I believe it’s

verse 17 he says in the day that you eat

of the fruit thereof you shall surely

die and in the original Hebrew language

that surely died it literally means in

the day that you eat thereof you shall

die die there’s two ways of taking that

in other words it was just reaffirming

that it is absolutely certain there is

no option this will come to pass you

will die die or you could say it this

way that in the day you eat thereof you

will die spiritually and that spiritual

death that’s on the inside will be

reflected in your physical body Adam and

Eve didn’t die until hundreds of years

after the ate of the fruit it says it I

think it’s in Genesis chapter 5 that

Adam was 930 years old when he died so

his physical body didn’t die that day

but in the spirit his spirit died now

when it says die in the Bible death

never means the way that men often take

it that it means that you just ceased to

exist there is no such thing as ceasing

to exist I’ve even read some things that

they say that no matter actually cease

to exist it could change form it can you

could you could have a bomb and you

could blow something up but none of the

matter ceases to exist

it just gets transformed into some

different shape form or you know like

water can become a vapor or it could go

into a frozen state but nothing ever

cease to exist when you die when

your spirit dies that doesn’t mean that

it ceased to exist that it wasn’t alive

anymore it was alive but it was dead to

God it was separated that’s what the

Bible means by death death means

separation when a Christian dies their

spirit separates from their body and

according to many scriptures 2nd

Corinthians chapter 5 verse 7 and other

places when when you walk by faith and

then the next verse says to be absent

from the body is to be present with the


when a Christian dies their spirit

separates from their body so death

doesn’t mean ceasing to exist when Adam

and Eve died spiritually it didn’t mean

that their spirit quit functioning it

meant that it started functioning

independent of God it was separated from

God there was a gulf there was a break

between God and men when sin entered and

all of the descendants of Adam and Eve

were born with a spirit that was dead

are separated from God they had a fallen

human nature and man once you begin to

understand this it just opens up so many

scriptures romans chapter 5 verses 14 on

through the end of the chapter just

talks about that in Adam we all died

that we were all condemned that we’re

all sinners not because of our

individual sins but because of Adam’s

sin and we inherited a spirit that was

dead separated from God and the reason

people go out and sin is because it’s

their nature to sin and I could spend

literally a number of programs verifying

that in teaching on the Fallen nature of

man most people today even many

Christians don’t fully understand this

they think that people are good at their

core that is not what the Bible teaches

there’s many scriptures on this let me

just read one passage to you out of

Ephesians chapter 2 where Paul was

talking about how we were before we got

born again and it says in verse 2 if he

– – wherein in time past ye walked

according to the course of this world

according to the Prince of the power of

the air talking about the devil demonic

influence the spirit that now worketh in

the children of disobedience among whom

also we all had our conversation in

times past in the lusts of our flesh

fulfilling the desires of the flesh and

of the mind and were by nature the

children of Wrath even as others this

makes it very clear that before we got

born again we had a fallen nature we

were by nature a sinner and the reason

we sinned was because it was our nature

to sin you know I’m always amused at

these people I go over to their house

and they’ll have a little dog inside the

house a house dog and this dog will get

excited remember this one couple that

every time I went over to their house

this dog would be so excited to see me

they didn’t get to jumping in and

barking and turning around in circles

and it would always wet the floor and

the people would just oh we’re so

embarrassed it’s you know this dog is

house trained it shouldn’t do that and

you and then they scold the dog and talk

about I just can’t understand why it

does this and every time I tell them I

said it’s the dog nature on the inside

out and I know that there’s some of you

that have house dogs and stuff I’m not

against that but what I’m saying is you

sit there and because you paint their

toenails because you get them cleaned up

and air you know blow dry their hair and

put a bow in their hair you think

somehow or another they’re like your kid

no they’re a dog and if you leave that

dog by itself under your supervision you

may be able to get it to act a certain

way and you may get it to you know stand

up and beg and act like it’s praying

over a meal and you can you can change

some of the outward things but I

guarantee if you aren’t there to enforce

it if you leave that dog by itself it is

a dog and the reason it acts like a dog

because it’s got a dog nature

and it’s just some people just think

that because you’ve changed some

behavior that somehow or another no this

isn’t like a real dog this isn’t a

normal dog this is like our little child

or something no it’s a dog and you know

why you can change people and because of

society’s pressure because of fear of

being put in jail because of fear of

being find our fear of rejection of a

family member or something you can get

people to behave a certain way and you

may get them to comply but their nature

is a sinner and if you leave people to

themselves I guarantee it will

degenerate into perversion every single

time the scripture says in Jeremiah

chapter 17 verse 9 that the heart is

evil and desperately wicked above all

things who can know it that’s talking

about before you give born again that is

the way that your heart is and because

of upbringing because of these physical

restraints you may get some people to

behave a certain way and look right but

you know it’s just like that dog you can

teach it certain tricks you can teach it

to use a bathroom in a certain spot you

can teach it to do all of these things

but it is still a dog and left to itself

it’ll act like a dog you are without

Christ or a sinner

your spirit is dead and separated from

God and that’s just the way it is some

people think no people are basically

good no they are basically bad that’s

the reason that it’s the answer to all

of the world’s problems is not education

throwing more money at it if everybody

just had money and if people didn’t have

any financial problems and stuff then

everything would be okay no people are

at their core they are sinners we all

were by nature the children of Wrath

even as others and I know that this goes

against a lot of our society norms today

but this is what the Bible teaches and

it’s absolutely true but all that being

said here’s the thing that really turned

my life around is it I begin to

understand that when I got born again

I got a brand

nature my spirit that was dead in

trespasses and sins and it was separated

from God it was taken out of the way and

I got a brand new nature put on the

inside of me and some people would say

well if that was true if I had a new

nature I’d know it no that was his

spirit his spirit and that was just

flesh is flesh John chapter 3 verse 6

Jesus was saying it they’re like two

different realms there are two different

realms of reality you can’t see your

spirit you can’t feel your spirit now

that needs a little explanation because

again you can feel the anointing of God

and you can feel faith faith in the

anointing is tangible you put it into a

cloth Acts chapter 19 they like

handkerchiefs and aprons were passed

from the body of Paul and when they came

in contact with people who were sick or

demon-possessed those demons were cast

out the anointing of God is tangible

it’s physical you can’t see it but you

can feel it it can be transmitted and so

anyway to a degree you can feel some

spiritual things but as a whole you

can’t see your spirit you can’t feel

your spirit again I go back to that

verse where Jesus said it’s the spirit

that quickens the flesh profits nothing

the words that I speak unto you they are

spirit and they are alive if you want to

see what your spirits like you’ve got to

hold the Word of God up this is spirit

and it is life see if you want to see if

your hair is comb you go look in a

mirror if you want to feel how you feel

well you can search your emotions and

you can feel but if you want to know

what you’re like in the spirit you can’t

just perceive it it has to be learned

through the Word of God the Word of God

is like a spiritual mirror here’s

another verse over in James chapter 1

and it says in verse 22 says but be

doers of the word and not hearers only

deceiving your own selves for if any man

be a hearer of the word and not a doer

he is like unto a man

and beholding his natural face in a

glass talking about a mirror for he

beholdeth himself and goeth his way and

straightway forgetteth what manner of

man he was but whoso looketh into the

perfect law of Liberty and continueth

therein he being not a forgetful hearer

but a doer of the work this man shall be

blessed in his deed this is comparing

the Word of God to a spiritual mirror if

I want to see what my hair looks like I

have to go look in the mirror I can’t

just go by how I feel I look in that

mirror and I take action based on what I

see if I want to see what I’m like in

the spirit I can’t just go by how I feel

because all you can feel is your

physical body in your soleus room you

can’t feel your spirit you can’t see

your spirit with your physical eyes you

can’t feel it in any physical natural

way what you have to do is go to the

Word of God and if somebody says well

how are you most people will say either

how their body feels or I’ve got pain or

I’m tired

or they will talk about their soul ease

room oh I’m really discouraged or I’m

encouraged or I’m happy or whatever but

if you want to ask about your spirit you

can’t go buy anything that you see or

feel you have to go look in the Word of

God what does the word say Ephesians

chapter 1 verse 3 I’m blessed with all

spiritual blessings in heavenly places

in Christ Jesus that’s talking about in

the spirit realm your spirit man is

blessed Galatians chapter 5 verse 22 and

23 says the fruit of the Spirit is love

joy peace long-suffering gentleness

goodness faith meekness and temperance

those are the things that are in your

spirit and they are there 24 hours a day

seven days a week 365 days out of the

year 366 on leap year every single day

your spirit is perfect it is complete

I’m saying a lot of these things without

giving verses but I will come back and

give you a verse for every single thing

I’m saying your spirit is completely

changed and the key to the Christian

life is learning who you are in the

spirit and learning how to walk in the


instead of walking in the flesh this is

what galatians chapter 5 says verse 16

walk in the spirit and you will not

fulfill the lust of the flesh if you

learn who you are and start walking in

who you are in the spirit and start

saying well i in the natural i feel

rejection and i feel hurt and pain but

in my spirit i’ve got love and joy and

peace and so father instead of going

about what people have said and what i’m

feeling in my soul I’m walking in what I

feel in my spirit I feel the love of God

I have the joy and the peace of God and

you start walking in that instead of

walking in your flesh when I learn these


it totally transformed my life I was to

have to say my favorite teaching from

Andrew is spirit soul and body but it

did set me free – knowing that how group

that my spirit man can never sin and

it’s always in right standing with God

and he gave me that freedom to be able

to just have a deeper relationship with

our Lord

Andrews complete teaching titled

spirit soul and body is available in a

CD as seen on tv DVD or in a live DVD


as well as a book audio book or study

guide also available is the spirit soul

and body Illustrated DVD this unique DVD

illustrates the main points of the

entire teaching in a few short minutes

this exciting tool makes it easy to

introduce Andrews foundational teaching

to anyone even a child enter himself has

been amazed at how quickly and clearly

this teaching can be brought to life

through animation I would really like to

encourage you to get this material this

book on spirit soul and body this is the

truth that the Lord used that just

totally changed my life and we not only

have it in book form but we have a study

guide where this is the same material

reformatted so you can teach a Bible

study and disciple other people I tell

you this is something that it takes a

while for it to soak in this would be

great and then we have a DVD that one of

my partners in Germany made and he

Illustrated this with little cartoon

graphics I tell you this is great it’s

not only good for children it just helps

anybody to visually get hold of this

then we have CDs and we have DVDs we

have a DVD that was taken live from one

of my meetings we have a DVD that was

taken from television we have CDs that

were taken from one of my teachings on

this and then something the first time

we’ve ever offered this that I remember

is Jamie reading my spirit soul and body

book you can get these products in the

spirit soul and body package this

package includes the CD or DVD album the

book audio book study guide as well as

the spirit soul and body Illustrated DVD

this package has a catalog value of 110

dollars but you can get it today for

only $79 the spirit soul and body book

is available for a gift of any amount

when you write or call we encourage

everyone to give because there’s a

blessing in giving but if you’re simply

unable to afford it Andrew and his

partners will provide this book free of

charge you can become a grace partner or

order resources through our website at

aw mi dotnet while there you can

discover more product details and

download additional free resources or

call our helpline monday through friday

from 4:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. mountain

time at seven one nine six three five

eleven eleven we appreciate your

generosity and hope to hear from you


I want to let you know that we are doing

what we call a live Bible study every

Tuesday night at six o’clock Mountain

Standard Time we are broadcasting from

our facilities here in Woodland Park and

we are just sharing the word I teach for

about 25 to 30 minutes and it’s actually

live you can text in your question you

can call and ask for prayer you can get

product but we will answer as many of

your questions as we can about 25 30

minutes worth of teaching and maybe 25

minutes worth of answering questions

it’s just a great interactive thing

every Tuesday night 6 o’clock p.m.

Mountain Standard Time


I believe Esther is the true original

Cinderella story not only did she

conquer the heart of the king she saved

her people from annihilation

Esther’s secret weapon was not her

beauty but her heart hello this is

Andrew Wommack and on the 16th of

November we are welcoming the Colorado

Springs chorale to come to our

facilities in Woodland Park and perform

Handel’s Messiah there’s going to be a

hundred and thirty singers twelve

musicians tickets are $15 per person and

I’ll tell you it’s going to be a great

great time so remember that’s November

the 16th at the Karis Bible College

Woodland Park Colorado Colorado Springs

chorale performing Handel’s Messiah