Orlando Gospel Truth Conference 2020: Day 2, Session 3 – Andrew Wommack


well I appreciate you coming back I’m

glad to see this many people came back

after I was so hard last night based on

what Greg said but you know what you

just need to tell people the truth to me

I can excitons stand people rejecting

what I say but I don’t want them to

misunderstand what I said you know if

the Lord spoke to me one time and I a

guy came to me and asked me about what

the problem was in his life and he

started telling me the story and as he

was talking God spoke a word to me and I

knew it was his answer I knew it was the

truth but it was not going to be

pleasant it was kind of like saying

you’re just stupid or something but

anyway I knew he wasn’t going to like it

and I was sitting here listening to him

and debating God should I tell him this

and the Lord spoke to me really clearly

and he says if you don’t tell him the

truth that I’ve shown you then you

rejected the truth for him you didn’t

even give him the opportunity to reject

it and he says everybody ought to have

the opportunity to reject the truth for

themself not you do it and if I don’t

tell you the truth then in a sense I’ve

rejected the truth for you so I just am

trying to be blunt and trying to get my

point across and stuff and I understand

that not everybody’s going to agree

there’s a lot of people that man it

doesn’t matter what the word says this

is what they believe and they’re going

to do it but if that’s the way you are

it’s not going to be with my cooperation


so last night for those of it were there

people that were not here last night

could I see your hand and quite a few

anyway last night I began to start

talking from Matthew chapter 24 verse 12

I believe it is it says that because of

Nick WA T shall abound the love of many

shall wax cold and I was talking about

that we live in a time when iniquity of

mounds I spent some time last night

talking about how that so many people

have had their heart wax cold that’s

describing a progressive thing that’s

growing but in the opposite direction

you’re growing cold instead of hot and

we talked about that and spent some time

verifying that if that’s not your

opinion if you don’t think that we are

living in an ungodly age in our society

is living ungodly then you just aren’t

paying attention your heart’s already

waxed cold and so we talked about that

and then I turned over to Roman’s to

show that Paul was talking about the

good news Romans chapter 1 verses 16 and

17 about the gospel the nearly too good

to be true news about God and that was

so contrary to the religious system of

his day that was all bad news just

legalism and rejection and you had all

of these things you had to do to please

God that it was offensive to people and

they were saying no you got to let

people know that they’re terrible

sinners so in verses 18 through 20 he

began to show that know everybody has

this intuitive knowledge on the inside

of them that they have sinned and come

short of the glory of God he’s revealed

himself from heaven against all

ungodliness and unrighteousness of men

who hold the truth in unrighteousness

even his eternal power and Godhead are

known so that they are without excuse

and so that’s as far as I got last night

and so he’s showing that everybody had

this intuitive knowledge of God but then

in verse 21 he begins to start showing

that although at one

and God put this like homing device on

the inside of every person to know that

there is a God and that they need God

even though that is there you can harden

yourself against it you can walk away

from it and the rest of this chapter

describes progressive steps that you

take away from God that hardens your

heart towards God and can bring you to a

place where you have no conviction of

right and wrong whatsoever

and we talked about this just a little

bit last night the last step in that I’m

not going to be able to get to that

during this conference but if you read

Romans chapter 1 the last step before a

person becomes just totally hardened and

reprobate in their thinking is

homosexuality and that’s where our

society is today we’re beginning to

start promoting that and I tell you if

we get to where that is accepted and

normal it is the last step towards being

reprobate according to what the Bible

says but I want to show you this in

verse 21 this is something that the Lord

has used with me on a personal basis but

also this applies to us as a nation as a

culture it applies to groups of people

but I was ministering in Knoxville

Tennessee I couldn’t even tell you but

it’s been 20 or 30 years ago a long time

ago and I was ministering on the love of

God and about how much God loved us and

I had a woman come up to me on Sunday I

started on Wednesday night and was going

through Sunday and on Sunday morning a

woman came up she was crying

and she says I have understood the love

of God she says I’m experiencing the

love of God greater than I have ever

experienced in my life and she was just

thanking me for sharing on that but then

she made this statement she says I know

it won’t last she says I know in a week

or two I’ll lose this but right now I’m

just experiencing the love of God

greater than I ever had and that just

grieved me to think that people thought

that they can’t mean

the love of God that they just expected

to come in waves and when I went back to

my hotel room that afternoon I spent all

afternoon thinking about this and

thinking that you know according to most

people’s experience this is true that

most people go through ways of receiving

things and they have these high

mountaintop experiences and then they go

through the valley and religion has

recognized this and actually embraced it

and taught that this is the way it’s

supposed to be and they will come up

with these little statements that you

know you have these mountaintop

experiences but down in the valley is

where all of the fruit grows and that

you have to go through hard times and so

they’ve put their stamp of approval on

it and taught people that this is the

way that it’s supposed to be and that

just grieved me and I prayed about that

all afternoon long and again I’m saying

this only to be thankful to the Lord I’m

not saying this in a bragging way but I

can say that since God touched my life

on March the 23rd 1968 he lit a fire on

the inside of me and it has never gone

out it has never gone out and I mean I

have I went through a period of time for

maybe a year or two during the time I

was in Vietnam that I was struggling

because I didn’t know much of the Word

of God but then exactly what Greg was

teaching the Lord spoke to me about I

was praying one time and saying God how

do I get from where I am to where you

want me to be because he gave me a

vision of what he wanted me to do with

my life and it seemed impossible and I

thought God how do I get from here to

there and I remember I was kneeling

around my bed and I had my Bible on my

bed and when I opened my eyes and looked

I just heard the Lord say stick your

nose in this book and it’ll teach you

everything you need to know and so my

focus became studying the word and I

back during that time that was before I

was married and I was reading the word

especially in Vietnam up to 15 hours a

day and then after I got back I would

read the word five and six hours a day

anytime that I wasn’t working and I just

stuck my nose in the word and so it took

a couple of years after this encounter I

had before I really got into the word

but since that time I can truthfully say

I have never been depressed I’ve never

been discouraged and I’ve actually had

ministers get mad at me when I say

things like that say you’re condemning

people that are depressed you’re saying

that that’s wrong and you aren’t being

compassionate I’m not condemning anybody

but I’m telling you that the Word of God

has taught me some things and I’ve

learned some things and since that time

I have not been depressed or discouraged

I don’t believe in getting depressed and

discouraged I don’t believe you have to

do so I’m not saying this to put anybody

else down but as this woman shared with

me how she just expected that within a

week or two she’d lose this experience

about the love of God it just grieved me

to think that this is where most people

live you don’t have to live that way the

love of God in my life has never

diminished it has increased I can say

that I love God a thousand times more

today than I did 52 years ago when the

Lord touched my life and it has never

waned it does not have to wane and I was

praying and saying God there’s bound to

be a reason for this I hadn’t

consciously done anything I hadn’t heard

a message on it but something in my life

has bound to have happened to keep me

from losing the joy and the peace and

the excitement over what God has done

and he pointed me to these verses right

here so this is what I want to share

with you we’re talking about how to stay

positive in a negative world we’re

talking about how you can maintain your

joy even when everything around you is

bad you know if there was no opposition

well then it seems like it it’d be easy

but we live in a fallen world and I

guarantee you when you when you make a

commitment to the Lord and when you

start serving the Lord it’s not like the

devil just runs in terror no it’s more

like you got a big old target on you he


as a threat to his kingdom and I’m

guarantee is Satan is going to throw

everything he’s got at you so if you are

just thinking that if I would rejoice

and I would have joy in peace if I

didn’t you know if there weren’t any

problems in my life that is not the way

that it worked you need to have learn

how to have joy and peace and be

encouraged in the midst of your problems

because we live in a fallen world and

there’s always going to be something

going on amen

so what is this saying look at these

verses in Romans 1:21 he says because

that this is talking about that there

without excuse why are they without

excuse because that when they knew God

they glorified him not as God neither

we’re thankful but became vain in their

imaginations and their foolish heart was

darkened now that’s the first step and

then it just goes on and lists

progressive steps and there’s more to

but I want to focus on these four things

that are listed here in Romans 1:21 the

very first thing it says that when they

knew God when they had this revelation

of God or you could say when God reveals

himself to you and he gives you you have

an encounter with the Lord where you

experience his love or you experience

healing or prosperity or whatever it is

when when that happens you have to

glorify Him as God and you know when I

first saw this the other three things

that are mentioned in this verse I

immediately understood and identified

with and I could apply them right away

but this first thing it says that they

didn’t glorify Him as God I had to pray

about that and thank God what does that

mean and I looked the word glorify up in

the Strong’s Concordance

and it means to render or esteem

glorious and that didn’t help me it used

the word glory or glorious to define the

word glorify and I thought this didn’t

help me and I prayed about it and

finally I started looking up the words

to render and then Aston

and when I got to the word of Steve the

word esteem means to prise our value and

here’s what the Lord spoke to me through

this is it to to glorify him means that

you have to put value worth on what God

has done in your life and you relative

to other things you have to have what

God has done or you could say what God

has said of so much more worth in value

than anything or anybody else what they

have to say and this is where people

begin to start losing what God has done

in their life is because God touches

them they have something happened but

then immediately Satan is going to come

against it through people and through

different things and get you to try and

devalue what God has done in your life

now you may not relate exactly what I’m

saying right now but I’m gonna try and

illustrate this enough to help you but

let’s say that you come to this

conference and God speaks things to you

and you get a truth or something well

then you leave here and when you go back

home I can guarantee you Satan is going

to put somebody across your path that

knows how to push your buttons and get

you to thinking about something else and

devalue what God has spoken to you

during this conference here’s a personal

example of this that this example I

mentioned in March the 23rd 1968 I won’t

take time to go into the whole thing but

God showed up at 10 o’clock on a

Saturday night and spoke to me and

revealed himself to me and I saw the

glory of God and I was caught up into

the presence of God and I mean God just

touched me in a way that I’ve never

gotten over but did you know that the

very next day that was a Saturday night

the very next day I got up in front of

my church and I didn’t have the words I

didn’t know what had happened but I

tried to explain to them I said then God

touched me last night I’ll never be the


I said I was filled with the spirit and

I just I did my best to try and explain

what had happened did you know that it

would have been easier if I were to

confess that I went out and committed

adultery and if I to ask their

forgiveness they would have been

merciful to me but when I said that I

was filled with the spirit I didn’t I

didn’t say that on purpose to offend

people like what Greg’s talking about it

was a Baptist Church they were meeting

and when I said that I was filled with

the spirit man did I get criticized and

the pastor came to me who do you think

you are Paul was filled with the Holy

Spirit John the Baptist was filled with

the Holy Spirit people don’t get filled

with the Holy Spirit today and they

turned on me with a vengeance and

started saying you arrogant things

saying that you’re filled with the Holy

Spirit and you know what immediately I

had I had placed value on what God did

and how God touched my life and I might

not have used the right words or

whatever but man I valued God and here

were people coming against what God had

done in my life trying to get me to

devalue it and saying that you’re

deceived this isn’t God and they started

attacking me you know I compared it to

like a seesaw some people call it a

teeter-totter but you have this fulcrum

in the middle and you know you have

these two seats on each side and if one

side is up then the other side has to be

down you can’t have both sides up at the

same time and here I was valuing God and

when people criticize me immediately I

had a decision to make was I going to

value them and if I started valuing

their opinion then immediately I would

devalue what God had done I would start

I would not glorify him I wouldn’t put

the proper value and worth on it and

here I was just an eighteen year old kid

and here was the pastor of the church


me and my first reaction was to think

well he’s bound to know more about this

than what I do and it would have been

very easy for me to devalue what God had

done to quit glorifying him but you know

what I just was so excited that I

remember telling this pastor I said look

I may not to use the right words I don’t

know but I can guarantee you God loves

me I had an experience and I said I am

not changing I said God loves me and

he’s pleased with me

and I rejected what the pastor had to

say and then a number of things happen

and anyway they wanted to vote me out of

the church and they came and they were

going to have a vote and I remember the

youth director who was in that thing and

he was there when I had this experience

with the Lord they were criticizing me

and saying you’ve got to stop and and

they were going to vote me out of the

church and I told this second youth

director I told him I said look I’ve

been in this church my whole life these

people know me and love me more than

they love you I said if you take a vote

we’ll vote you out that might not have

been the right way to respond but you

know what I refuse to devalue what God

had said I refuse to go just by people

accepting you know mourning their

acceptance man I wanted God’s acceptance

more than anybody else and so I just

kept glorifying God and then it’s a long

story there’s multiple things that

happen but one of the very first things

that God ever spoke to me I mean

intentionally that just changed the

course of my life I was in my first year

of college and he told me to quit school

and at the time it was the height of the

Vietnam War I was getting 350 dollars a

month from the government to stay in

school I was accepted by people if I

stayed in school and if I quit

I was gonna run a very good chance of

getting drafted and so everybody

everybody told me that this is not God

you are not hearing from God but see

here I was

valuing God and everybody else was

saying no that’s not God I would have

had an opportunity if I would have taken

their word it would have devalued God

and I would have lost the benefit of

that experience I would have you know it

would have dried up in some day I would

be saying oh god what happened at one

time I had such a great relationship

with you but I just refused to let

anybody change that and so when God told

me to quit school I told everybody I was

gonna quit school my mother didn’t talk

to me for two weeks and finally I took

her out to eat and I said you are gonna

talk to him he saved something and she

started crying and she says I’m so

ashamed of you and she just couldn’t

believe that I’d quit school and stuff

and praise God she came around and my

mother became one of my biggest

supporters and worked for me but I mean

the immediate reaction was not good and

I had an opportunity to say well man if

this is what loving God and doing what

God says is going to cost me then I

could have decreased that and that would

have caused what God had done in my life

to dissipate and to go away or in

context of what we’re talking about it

would have caused my love to wax cold

because I quit glorifying God and

putting the proper value on what God had

said and then on top of all of that when

I quit school I got reclassified I got

sent to get a physical and I passed the

physical and so a recruiter came to my

house and this recruiter I remember he

came in and opened up his briefcase and

spread out all of his pamphlets on the

table and he started telling me all of

the benefits while out to volunteer

instead of be drafted and I just stopped

him and I said I can say both of us a

lot of time and he says what’s that and

I said the reason that you’re here and

the reason that I was classified 1a and

sent for my physical is because I quit

school and he said that’s right and I

said but you see God told me to quit

school I said God is the one that told

me to do it and so it’s whatever God

wants to have

I said if if God wants me drafted I’ll

be drafted and this guy he laughed at me

when I said that he actually laughed and

he says boy I can tell you you are going

to Vietnam and when he said that here I

was see glorifying God and putting value

on God and saying father whatever you

want me to do and I was loving God and I

valued God in God’s opinion here was a

representative of the United States

government that he didn’t care what God

said he thought that the United States

government was more powerful than God

and he just told me it doesn’t matter

what God tells you you are going to be

it not and when he said that man I got

mad I was an 18 I was probably 19 by

that time I was a 19 year old kid and he

was thirty something years old

representing the government and I

remember standing up and putting my

finger in his chest like this and saying

buddy if God wants me to go to Vietnam I

said I’ll go but if he doesn’t you are

the United States government or ever

demon in Hell cannot draft me and I just

you know what I just kept glorifying God

and I and in order to do that you have

to devalue other people it’s not that I

hate the United States government no

that I hated this guy but I can

guarantee you relative to God he was a

zero with the rim knocked off and the

government does not have power to do

anything if God wanted me to go a

certain direction so anyway I stood up

and resisted that and this guy just he

never said a word he just gathered up

all of his stuff put it in his briefcase

and walked out the door and the very

next morning I got my draft notice

and I never didn’t think about it then

but you know what I wished out of look

to see if it had a stamp on it I bet you

that guy went down and processed my

order or special and put it in my

mailbox but it didn’t matter to me

because I really believe that whatever

God wanted with my life would come to

pass and I just kept glorifying God and

worshiping God and because of that

that’s the first step to keep iniquity

from cause in your heart to wax cold

your love waxing coal is that you have

to put a value on God and you have to

stand against every other voice

everything else that comes against it

and tries to devalue God the Word of God

says that he loves us God so loved the

world that He gave His only begotten Son

this whole world will come against you

and tell you no that’s not true and

they’ll try and tell you that like for

instance you get a sickness or something

and you don’t immediately see results

and you’ll have thoughts come against

you and people come against you that God

put this on you and what that’ll do it

is trying to devalue god Ashley Tara des

who I mentioned last night and and Greg

mentioned him Ashley is here and his

daughter was miraculously raised up off

of her deathbed and Ashley and his wife

Carly they loved God with all of their

hearts but they were being told that it

was God’s will for their little girl to

die that he was gonna that God was gonna

take her and that that would glorify him

man that D values what the Word of God

says and you’ve got to get to a place to

where I’m not just intentionally mean

despite what Greg says

but I tell you what if somebody comes

against what the Word of God teaches me

about Jesus and about what he’s done I

am NOT gonna let you speak those things

over me I talked to I talked to a couple

of people back here who were struggling

over healing and it reminded me of an

instance where we had a man come to

Jamie and me at church one time and he

said that he had been in the hospital

two or three times he just couldn’t keep

food down and somehow or another it

he couldn’t heat he was emaciated and he

would have to go into the hospital about

every six months and get intravenous

nutrition and stuff because he just

couldn’t keep food down and while he was

in the hospital the Lord spoke to him

and told him that if he would call me

that I’d tell him what the problem was

so he saw us at church and invited us

over to his house and we went over to

his house and when we got there he told

me this story and he says so God says

you’ll know what the problem is and I

didn’t have a clue I said I don’t know

anything so I said let’s pray so we just

joined hands with him and his wife and I

mean within 10 seconds the Lord spoke to

me and he says it is mother-in-law

and so I stopped and I said


and drag would have said I perceive

there’s some problem somewhere but don’t

feel bad it’s I just said your

mother-in-law’s the problem and I said

what’s the situation with your

mother-in-law in any way he said heat

when I said that man they just dropped

their hands and they said oh man this is

a real problem and it’s a long story but

they had been in a cult in the children

of God at one time and they had gotten

way off base and the mother-in-law

thought that now that they were in a

spirit-filled Church and speaking in

tongues that this was just another cult

and so she was was attacking them every

minute of every day telling them that

you were totally deceived this is

demonic and all of this stuff and when

he began to relate the story to me I

said this is the problem right there I

said if I was to come into your house

and and start telling you that you are

gonna have these problems this is God

doing it to you that everything you’re

believing about healing is wrong I said

you’d shut me down in a second but

because it’s a relative it’s the

mother-in-law you allow these words of

unbelief and stuff to be spoken against

you and it’s it’s just like Satan has

this in road India it’s like he has a

pipe or a tube or something on an

umbilical cord that just allows him to

feed this unbelief into you and you

won’t counter it because it’s a relative

and man when I splain these things to

him he says man that is exactly it so I

said you’re gonna have to cut the

umbilical cord the parents should have

done it but you have to do it and you

have to stand and just in a sense I

would have used these words but I said

you have to value God you have to

glorify God more than what your

mother-in-law says and you got to

counter this and I said first of all you

got to do this in your own heart

you’ve got to cash these things down but

I said I can guarantee you there will

come a time you’re gonna have to

do it face-to-face with your

mother-in-law it’s not going to be

enough just to do it in your heart

you’re gonna have to stand against this

and so anyway he did do it and it came

to a place where she tried to push her

unbelief on them and he had to stand up

and tell her you aren’t welcome and I

will not receive this unbelief in the

moment he did that his problem was over

and he was able to even things are able

to work and so that’s kind of an extreme

example but you know it’s the exact same

thing it’s the same principle that

here’s what God word says but a relative

or somebody that you love comes along

and if you start valuing their opinion

and you don’t want to offend them

because after all they’re your family

member and if you exalt that opinion

then I guarantee you the value that you

have placed on what God has said comes

down this is the very first step to you

losing the things that then the benefit

that God has done in your life is that

you you start exalting somebody else

valuing their opinion and you can do

this on a national level too you can

talk about how that is a nation here’s

what God’s Word says about morality

about how we should live and what we

should do and here’s what God’s Word

says but our society is coming out and

saying no that the Bible isn’t relevant

and it doesn’t apply it to us today

I remember when Bill Clinton was you

know going through his impeachment thing

over the Monica Lewinsky scandal and a

reporter one time criticized him because

he claimed to be a Christian

he claimed even to be a born-again

Christian and this reporter asked him

and says you know you claim to be a

born-again Christian how can you embrace

and like do the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell and

allow homosexuality and things like this

how can you do these things and claim to

be a born-again Christian and his answer

was really revealing he says I believe

that the Bible was true for the day it

as written but societies change and you

have to interpret it relative to where

we are today and he says those standards

don’t apply to us today

you know this mayor Budaj is just

basically said the same thing this week

when he was there was a woman that

challenged him on abortion and was

saying that this is murder and even when

the child is born and outside of the

womb and the end they are passing laws

that you can sit there and choose to let

your child die infanticide and they were

questioning him on that and he just told

this woman he says look if that’s your

opinion you don’t need to be a Democrat

you need to go with the Republicans in

other words the Democrats have it in

their plank if you read the Democratic

platform it is for abortion up to birth

and even after birth that is a part of

the Democratic plan if you vote Democrat

you are voting for infanticide

and then they challenged him on

homosexuality he’s got a he’s got a male

partner a husband that he’s married to

it’s hard to believe that I even have to

say these things you would think that

people would know this but but they

challenged him on that and he says oh

the Bible teaches tolerance and love and

love is love it doesn’t matter if it’s

two men or two women or whatever see

here’s what the Word of God says here’s

what people judge says which one are you

going to honor if you go to honor in

that and if you think that well you know

everything is relative to the today it

was written in you have just devalued

you have taken worth away from what God

has said and I’m telling you there are

multitudes of Christians today that are

listening to this world you forth all of

this ungodliness and stuff and then they

wonder why it is that the love of God

isn’t fresh in their life why aren’t

they enjoying a better relationship with

God because you haven’t glorified him as

God the things that the Word of God

teaches about the Lord you aren’t

standing on that you are listening to

the doubt in the unbelief the iniquity

of this world is causing the love of

many Christians to grow cold let me show

you another verse on this out of Romans

chapter 13 in Romans chapter 13

and inverse or excuse me it’s Romans

chapter 11 in verse 13 the Apostle Paul

was speaking and he says for I speak to

you Gentiles in as much as I am the

apostle of the Gentiles I magnify my

office did you know that the word that

was translated magnifying Romans 1113 is

the exact same word that was translated

glorify in Romans 1:21 so by putting

these together you could say it this way

that to glorify God means that you

magnify God you magnify what God says

more than what any person says more than

what any Society says you have to put a

value on God you have to magnify God now

God is who he is regardless what you and

I think about him or not but as far as

your life goes you can make God bigger

that’s what the word magnify means if

you begin to meditate on the word as

Greg was talking about and start

studying this it will magnify God you’ll

recognize it man throughout history

there’s been people that have come out

against God and have discredited him and

tried to do away with it I think of Ahab

and Jezebel and they killed all of the

prophets of God but man God wound up

winning that battle and on and on you

can go and he wins every battle


and I think it was when the fifteen or

1600s he was the famous French atheist

and he he caused what they call the age

of enlightenment where people started

using reason instead of believing what

the Word of God had to say and they just

reasoned everything out and anyway he

came out against Christianity and

exposed it as being just foolish and he

made a prediction he says in one hundred

years the Bible will cease to exist he

says Christianity will cease to exist

and the Bible will cease to exist on his

100th birthday he was dead by that time

but on the 100th

the day when he was born in his house

they turned it into a printing shop and

started printing Gutenberg Bibles and

today the Bible is still the

best-selling book that the world has

ever seen and he was wrong and see when

you go back through history and see

these things you will magnify God and

you’ll realize that all of man I’m

trying to be nice I’m trying to be


but I’m telling you these idiots today

that are sitting here and they’re

sitting here saying that homosexuality

is okay and teaching kids fourth grade

enough transgender and that it’s your

decision whether you’re a male or a

female and you just go by how you feel

all of these people that are promoting

this perversion

it is perversion and they’re promoting

these things someday they’re gonna stand

before God and I guarantee you all of

this junk is gonna be revealed

ungodliness you can look in the Word of

God now and you can begin to magnify God

now and if you hold on to God’s

standards and refuse to accept these

other things and again sometimes you

don’t have to sit there and say well the

Bible is totally wrong but just get to

where you accept as normal all of the

things that are contrary to the Word of

God and it does the same thing if you

get to where you can just tolerate you

know tolerate is a word that the

Liberals use a lot about you’re

intolerant you’re supposed to be

tolerant I was over in Plymouth mass

plena ‘the england holding a meeting a

few years back and we rented an

auditorium there was a public auditorium

and the gay and homosexual community

tried to get the city to not allow me to

come in because this was a city facility

and i didn’t believe in homosexuality

and didn’t promote homosexuality so they

tried to get it to stop the city went

ahead and allowed me to come but when i

got there all of the homosexuals were

protesting and they were there were

signs and the BBC showed up and stuck a

camera right in my face and said you’re

a bigot you hate homosexual I said I do

not hate homosexuals yeah you

you’re supposed to be taller doesn’t the

Bible teach tolerance and I said no

and when I said that they already had it

figured out what they were gonna say and

what they were going to do and I said no

it doesn’t teach talk they were just

like what and I said it didn’t teach

tolerance I said Sodom and Gomorrah

isn’t tolerance I said man I can show

you lots of things where Jesus made

whips and drove people out of the

moneychangers he said you scribes and

Pharisees you hypocrites you’re like why

did Seppala curse you’re painted on the

outside but inside you’re full of dead

men’s bones and I just started saying

these things and man hit totally shut

them up they were gonna air all of this

and expose me and they never did air any

of it but you know the Bible doesn’t

teach tolerance the Bible teaches love

but it’s love to tell a person the truth

it’s not love not to tell a person the

truth I’m not going to reject the truth

for you you’ve got a choice and God

loves you and I love you and I’m not

against people I know that I’ve got

friends that have been sucked into

homosexuality and stuff and I still love

them and I haven’t rejected them I’ve

had employees that have had trouble with

that and I’ve not fired them over that

I’m not against anybody but I’m gonna

tell you the truth and it’s it’s love to

tell a person the truth you know I got a

few minutes here let me share with you

out of Matthew chapter 22 in Matthew

chapter 22 Jesus was asked by the

scribes and the Pharisees which was the

greatest commandment and he said in

verse 37 he says thou shalt love the

Lord thy God with all thy heart and with

all thy soul and with all thy mind this

is the first and Great Commandment and

the second is like unto it thou shalt

love thy neighbor as thyself so jesus

said that loving your neighbor as

yourself is the

second greatest command in all of the

Old Testament he was quoting from

Leviticus chapter 19 and let me read

that to you in Leviticus chapter 19

verse 18 he says thou shalt not avenge

nor bear any grudge against the children

of thy people but thou shalt love thy

neighbor as thyself I am the Lord that’s

the vert vert verse that he was quoting

and so people have taken this and say

but you’ve got to love your neighbor and

they interpret love as don’t say

anything that would make a person

uncomfortable if they want to go by he

instead of she and you call them she

because they were born a woman well then

you’re insensitive and you aren’t

operating in love you don’t love your

neighbor man that is perverse look at

this in context read the context of what

he said let’s go back to the Leviticus

chapter 19 verse 17 the verse right in

front of this it says thou shalt not

hate thy brother in thy heart thou shalt

in any wise rebuke thy neighbour and not

suffer sin upon him and then the next

verse says you shall love your neighbor

as yourself if you take it in context if

you don’t tell a person the truth you

see that they’re headed for sin and you

do not rebuke them in any wise that

means under any circumstances then you

don’t love them it’s the opposite of

what people are saying if you love

people then you would never say anything

that would make somebody feel

uncomfortable they see it cross the

Brandenberg cross and that makes me feel

uncomfortable so they file a lawsuit

because I don’t like the way that this

makes me feel pull your thumb out of

your mouth and grow up and recognize it

doesn’t matter

that way that wouldn’t be love know it’s

love to tell a person the truth and if

you don’t tell a person the truth

because you’re afraid that they might

roll their eyes or call you a fanatic or

a homophobe or a bigot or something like

that then you can whitewash this any way

you want to but the truth is you do not

love that person you love yourself and

you don’t want to suffer the criticism

and the rejection that might come your

way thank you for that fun Duras silence

if you truly love a person you’re going

to tell a person the truth now you can

do it in love Ephesians chapter 4 verse

15 Greg was reading those verses earlier

it says we have to speak the truth in

love and grow up in him on to all things

you can’t grow up you can’t grow the way

that Greg’s talking about if you don’t

speak the truth in love it’s not love

without truth and it’s not truth without

love you’ve got to speak the truth in

love but nonetheless it’s the truth

that’s going to set you free love

doesn’t set people free truth spoken in

love is what sets people free and

somehow or another the devil has

perverted these things and there’s

multitudes of Christians and even

ministers that will not stand up and say

anything because they’re afraid that

they’re going to offend somebody I’m

telling you that’s not love if you love

a person you will in any wise rebuke

them and not suffer sin upon them and if

you don’t do that well then you don’t

love your neighbor as yourself I

guarantee you if you were headed for a


and if somebody knew that you were

headed for a cliff but they didn’t want

to say anything because it might offend

you you wouldn’t like that you would

want that person to tell you the truth

you’d want them to warn you what’s

coming and if you love your neighbor as

yourself then you

go ahead and warn people and speak the

truth you know I’ve used this example

before some of you probably heard it but

I remember driving home one night in

Colorado on a mountain road and it was

dark and it was foggy and you couldn’t

see as far as from here to the back of

this room maybe half that far it was

real bad visibility totally dark and a

guy past me going fifty or sixty miles

an hour and when he got around the

corner I saw his lights come on and his

card jerked to the side so I slammed on

my brakes and I came to rest on the side

of the road he was in the right lane and

there was a horse in the left lane he

had hit a horse and it had caved in his

windshield and he was laying there

bleeding and had and this horse and

unloaded everything he had any more hot

on this guy and he was laying there and

I was trying to help him and as I helped

him this horse its rear end was hurting

it couldn’t get up but it was still

alive and its legs were pointed out the

direction that the cars were coming and

a suburban came around the corner and

hit that horse and those legs kind of

launched it and it went up in the air

about five or ten feet and then it went

twenty or thirty feet in the air and

this lady that was driving this suburban

was able to regain control and stopped

her car but when I ran up there to check

on her she had made a bubble in the roof

of her car where her head had hit it and

she was laying there in her car and she

was hurt and then I heard other cars

coming up the road so what I did was run

down the road around the corner on a

dark foggy night and I started jumping

out in front of cars that were going 15

60 miles an hour and flagging them down

and they couldn’t see well and so I mean

they were nearly hitting me I would have

to jump off the road and roll off the

road at the last minute and people were

slamming on their brakes and man there

were people cussing me and honking the

horn and waving at me with one finger

and all of these things and you know

what I didn’t want people to dislike me

and to hate me I bet you that there were

some women that were by themselves in a

car see a man out on the street trying

to flag them down on a dark Mountain

Road and I bet you some of them felt

uncomfortable with me doing that but if

I loved them there’s no way that I could

just let them come around the corner and

hit this thing

it was probably twenty or thirty minutes

before the police got there and I bet

you there must have been 20 or 30 cars

that I flagged down and stopped them

from having a wreck and if if I say that

I loved people more than I loved myself

how in the world would I not do that

even though it might have made some of

them feel uncomfortable for a little

while even though it might have caught

their heart to race when they nearly hit

some guy out on a road and it’s the same

thing our world people are being

destroyed you know I just read a report

yesterday I think it was about a girl a

17 year old girl that had a complete she

had her breasts removed and she had a

complete hysterectomy done without her

parents knowledge that the government

supported this and the way the mother

found out about it she saw something on

Facebook a picture of her daughter a

bandaged where her breasts used to be

and this girl was completely changed and

altered and then after it happened she

felt bad about it and she wanted to go

back to being a girl and she couldn’t

and she’ll never be able to give birth

she’ll never be able to nurse a baby and

do things like this and they were

talking about how bad this was and our

society is promoting that kind of

stuff and I’m telling you people are not

saying anything that’s child abuse the

church ought to be standing up if we

truly love people we can’t sit there and

say that you can choose your gender did

you know that every cell in your body is

either has a X Y chromosome which is a

man or it has two X chromosomes which is

a female every cell in your body I saw a

thing on the news about they uncovered

these bones from back during the time of

Jesus they were gladiator bones and all

they had were the skulls they had had

their head cut off and yet they could

tell that they were men because every

cell if those bones had in them male

chromosomes it doesn’t matter what you

do to your body a thousand years from

now if they dig you up you are gonna be

male or female whatever God made you and

it doesn’t matter how you feel it

doesn’t matter what you feel like you

are what God made you to be and if you

don’t tell people the truth then there’s

going to be these kids that are

mutilating their body I mean a teenager

doesn’t know what to choose for the rest

of their life this is child abuse to

encourage this and to give hormone

blockers and to stop them from going

through puberty because they chose to be

a different sex how crazy can you get

let me ask you this if that isn’t

perversion what is perversion when are

we going to say something is too much

when you get into bestiality there’s

people that are already advocating that

there’s people that are already

advocating and having multiple wives and

stuff when is it going to be enough if

what’s happening now isn’t enough why

does it take

I’m telling you Christians need to stand

up and exalt the Word of God to glorify

and I am not against any individual in

particular but I am against evil

proverbs chapter 8 verse 13 says that

the fear of the Lord is the beginning of

wisdom art excuse me that’s a great

scripture I think that’s proverbs

chapter 6 but 8:13 says that what is

8:13 say the fear of the Lord is to hate

evil pride and arrogancy and the evil

way and the froward mouth do I hate the

fear of the Lord is to hate evil

if you don’t hate people that are

destroying young people’s lives and

doing things then I guarantee you you

don’t fear of God we need to get to

where we value God we exalt him and even

though I’m not against individuals

relative to God everybody else’s opinion

has to be down here and if you’d say but

oh I would never do that I would never

say that these people that are wrong

within what you’re doing is valuing

their opinion and I guarantee you you

can’t have God and them right here next

to each other if you are going to value

the ungodly principles of this world you

are gonna devalue God and that’s the

reason that your love has wax cold

that’s the reason that when God touches

you it doesn’t last it’s because you

allow other things to come in you

haven’t valued God properly that’s a

very first step in Romans 1:21 towards

being a reprobate is you don’t glorify

God for who he truly is you listen to

the opinion of other people you take

other people’s opinions I know that what

I’m saying isn’t popular it may be

popular you know on a Friday morning at

a gospel truth conference where we got

nothing but fanatics in here

but out in the workplace you talk like

this it’s going to cost you people are

going to call you names and stuff and

most people would rather have the praise

of man they would value the acceptance

of people more than they value while God

says and if that’s so you may get

touched you could have a wonderful time

this weekend but then you go back to

work and you wouldn’t dare say anything

because after all some of the friends at

work might say something they might fire

you they might kick you out of your job

and so you will button your lip and

again I’m not talking about being mean

but just speak the truth in love and if

you won’t do that and if you would

rather have the praises of men then I

promise you what God does and how he

touches you this weekend won’t last by

Tuesday or Wednesday it’ll be gone

because you didn’t glorify God a man or

old me

we can’t say Amen say old me but I’m

telling you I’m I may sound like I’m a

Baptist instead of a Methodist but I’m

telling you this in love because this is

how Satan steals things from you it’s

not God that cuts off the spigot it’s

not God who loves you during one of

these conferences and you’re just having

such a great time and then on Monday

Tuesday and Wednesday it seems like

where did God go what happened God’s not

the one that cuts off the spigot you cut

it off by allowing all of these other

values to come in and you need to make a

decision that praise God if they tell

you that you’re gonna be drafted you say

look buddy I don’t care I’m gonna do

what God told me to do in you and the

United States government never demon in

hell can’t trap me if God doesn’t want

me to that’s the attitude that you have

to have and it may cause some people to

call you names and do stuff that I

guarantee I can truthfully say that Here

I am 52 years later still basking in

what God did in my life 52 years ago I

have never lost it I’m more excited

about God today than I’ve ever been and

one of the reasons is because I have

refused to allow something to become

more important to me than what God said

to me and what God is said in his word

and if you will do that you will pop and


a man