The Healing Journey of Merci Santos, who was supernaturally healed of Multiple Sclerosis.

and there were two or three times where

I walked into church and I felt the heat

of the Holy Spirit and I walked but for

some reason I couldn’t retain it I

couldn’t understand Lord I you just

healed me but why am i sick again I

began to feel helpless the frustration

of not being able to fix something when

you’re a fix-it guy I was diagnosed with

multiple sclerosis more than 20 years

ago at that time I had paralysis of my

left side and vision loss in my left eye

years went by I would have some symptoms

some would come they would go it was

only about nine years ago when I moved

to Florida where it really hit me really

bad I was still working but half of the

times I couldn’t walk I couldn’t drive

so I would say every six weeks I was

admitted into the hospital I was given

solu-medrol which is a steroid for about

four or five days at that point it would

make me a little stronger and then I

would try to function again go to work

take care of my baby six weeks later

here we go again

this was the solu-medrol which is a

steroid that was given to me every other

month I used to go to the hospital and

if I didn’t go to the hospital then they

used to send me a nurse to administer

the steroids here at home choose to come

to three days sometimes and they used to

the port and the port would say my arm

and then they would administer of the

steroid until it was done three or four

days it depended how long the doctor

would order it for it came to a point

where I had another Talent

the doctor said you can’t work anymore I

couldn’t walk at that point I couldn’t

use my arms

I couldn’t swallow a heavy countenance I

had numbing all over my body and I had

pain all over my body I would get muscle

spasms even in my face my back and my

arms and my legs

I had an inability to speak

I had cognitive problems I just had it

all I remember at one point and I had a

little girl that I had to take care of

praise God that I had my family and my

mother who helped me but I remember

trying to take care of my daughter and

crawling on the floor because my legs

could not hold me up I just could not do

anything I couldn’t take care of her I

couldn’t cook I could barely take care

of myself put on a pair of socks

get dressed write a check out I’d go to

call my mother and a Crone remember who

I was calling what number I was calling

I couldn’t drive I was basically just

home when I was little of course I

didn’t understand what was going on I

all in that one was that my mom was sick

it was really hard for me to see her

like that because of course I understood

what sickness was and that she wasn’t

well and she couldn’t walk sometimes and

I had to call the ambulance for her once

because she couldn’t breathe I had

control of nothing my arms my legs I had

no control so I was in a wheelchair half

of the times I was welcomed with a cane

I had to use a walker I couldn’t drive

on my own I needed somebody to go with

me everywhere I went I couldn’t be

independent anymore I mean it hurt my

heart it broke my heart to see her

suffer each day and when my grandmother

came to pick me up I would always worry

I would had an anxiety attack because I

didn’t know how my mom was

each day I felt like I could wake up

with my mom would be gone which is

really hard for me

I began to feel helpless the frustration

of not being able to fix something when

you’re a fix-it guy you’re the kind of

person that you know okay you see a

problem BAM you’re on it you want to fix

it this all I could do is see and all I

could do is hear what she was going

through and that gave me a great deal of

frustration and anxiety but not but not

being able to help her with that I felt

powerless I don’t care what you see I

know I’m healed that’s what I could same

by His stripes I am healed and I kept

hanging onto that hanging onto that no

matter how bad it got every time I was

in the hospital I Who am me it’s okay

I’m going to walk again and I had time

where the Lord actually spoke to me and

give me scripture he gave me acts 3

where I couldn’t walk and I walked again

and there were two or three times when I

walked into church and I felt the heat

of the Holy Spirit and I walked but for

some reason I couldn’t retain it I

couldn’t understand Lord I you just

healed me but why am I sick again

tell me what I’m doing wrong tell me

tell me what I’m doing wrong do I have

to do something different and that night

I had seen Andrew one night before and I

used to wonder who is this man why is he

speaking that way hmm

but that night if I was going to shut

the TV off he was staring straight at me

and he said to me

what you’re doing wrong is that you’re

not playing right you need to play

different but let me just put it to you

this way if what you’re doing isn’t

working why is it that you are so

adamant about holding on to the concepts

that aren’t working for you I’m just

asking you to open up your heart just a

little bit to consider that maybe

there’s a better way to pray to consider

that maybe some of the foundational

things that you’ve been believing about

prayer are wrong and just open up the

door just to crack so that if there is

something wrong that we could make a

scriptural adjustment here and it could

help us in our prayer life and that was

my answered prayer the Lord was speaking

right right so Andrew the first time I

heard Andrew preach on the gospel truth

program to tell you the truth prior to

that I was gaining the channels and I

saw him and I would catch him but he

didn’t really grab my attention because

he just sat still and was kind of not

necessarily monotone wasn’t that boring

but it wasn’t a stimulating visual

experience as you would expect on

television to capture your attention as

we are accustomed to so it was a

different kind of programming visually

speaking the message it took a while for

me to get over the visual to allow the

message to enter in once I allowed that

to sink in that’s what had me hooked and

that’s because it was the truth I watch

Andrew every day there’s not one day

where I miss and I just started applying

those principles

from the word in my life I just started

changing from the beginning she started

walking and she will mask till this day

I just saw her her features facial

features and the way she acts it’s just

amazing what God has done within her she

he’s totally renewed her and she’s not

sick anymore

my healing wasn’t instant it was

progressive it was a gradual healing I

don’t know if it was because of my

belief well actually I think it is

because I wasn’t taught I wasn’t taught

the right way I was becoming from a

different doctrine I was being taught by

my pastor but when Andrew put it so

clearly that’s what freed me that’s what

freed me and then as the more I learned

the more I applied the word then the

healing healing will come the healing

will come just gradually gradually and

that was okay for me because I knew that

I was healed you know whether it came

instantly or not I knew I was healed and

no one was gonna change that she knows

that God does not want her ill she

totally believes that God has already

healed her

so when symptoms come up in her body

right away she is speaking to the

specific symptom and in the name of

Jesus that symptom evaporates almost

instantaneously if not art right on the


I mean she just speaks to it and her

faith is to receive that healing right

then God has already done his part we

aren’t waiting on God to answer our

prayer God has anticipated every problem

that you’ll ever have

through Jesus he sent Jesus here Jesus

paid for the forgiveness of your sins he

eat all of your diseases he delivered

you from all of the oppression he’s

already provided whatever it is that you

need before you even existed the Lord

anticipated your problem and made the

supply before you ever had the need

everything that God is ever going to do

has already been done through Jesus he

put this same power that he used raising

Jesus from the dead inside of you it’s

resident in you and now instead of

approaching God as a great beggar and

saying oh god we are powerless we have

nothing we’re just looking to you please

move pour out your power Oh God heal oh

God deliver which is the way most people

are praying instead we’re supposed to

come and say father thank you that in

Christ everything I need is already been

provided you’ve given me this authority

and so now you take your authority and

you speak to your Mountain Matthew Mark

chapter 11 verse 23 you speak to the

problem don’t talk to God about your

problem but talk to your problem about

God take your authority speak and

command things to respond command the

power of God to flow and see if you

start taking that authority and using it

that way you’re going to see different

results I don’t need anything I have the

power of God in me I have the Holy

Spirit in me any little thing I just

rebuke it in Jesus name and it has to

and it doesn’t Andrew Wommack said you

know why you have to be a fanatic well

you know what I am a fanatic and that’s

the way I’m going to leave my life a

fanatic to Jesus
