Have you or someone you love ever experienced sickness or pain and believed that God has caused it, or perhaps that He is inflicting or allowing it in order to teach a lesson? This is a common misconception of God that the Bible reveals is simply not true.


welcome to gospel truth with andrew

wommack a teaching ministry that focuses

on god’s unconditional love and grace

god would no more want you to live in

sickness than he wants you to live in

sin he has forgiven you of sin

and healed you of sickness the same way

it was bit by bit and we really had to

ease into it just because it was

everything against i’d ever been taught

our lives have been completely changed

now it’s normal for me and my brothers

to go and play soccer with friends i

didn’t think that that would become

normal for me ever

and now here’s andrew welcome to our

monday’s gospel truth broadcast this is

going to be a very special broadcast i

was praying about what to share and i

really felt like the lord spoke to me

about just sharing

on healing and i’ve got so much material

on healing that

it’s it’s nearly overwhelming if i was

just to teach and use all of the product

that we have on healing i could go at

least seven or eight months this is an


that has been a focus of mine and my

ministry and we’ve got a lot of product

we’re going to be advertising that

throughout this thing

but let me just say that as i was

praying about what to minister the lord

was just speaking to me that


is not a luxury

for most people i think that most


they really do depend upon doctors


health things eating right exercise this

is where their focus is

for healing and prayer is kind of an

afterthought now i’m not against doctors

i’m not against exercise i’m not against

eating right i’m not against any of

these things but i

believe it everything is inverted it

should be exactly the opposite we ought

to look to god number one

for our healing and i’m saying this in


but the lord spoke to me

and i believe it’s true for the vast

majority of these people that are

watching this program that people do not

really know how to believe god for

healing now they pray for healing out of

desperation and they ask but they don’t

understand the authority that god has

given us they don’t understand it’s a

part of the atonement that the lord

provided there’s just so many things

that they don’t understand

and wrong thinking produces wrong


you know it says over in second peter

chapter 1 it says that everything that

pertains unto life and godliness is

given unto us through the knowledge

of him that has called us to glory and

virtue and then the next verse verse 4

says by this knowledge has given unto us

exceeding great and precious promises

this word of god

are his promises it’s his knowledge and

this is how faith comes faith is based

on knowledge

and there are multitudes of christians

watching this program

who believe that god can heal and you

pray for it but you don’t it’s like you

can’t find a handle on it it’s like you

just throw your prayer out and hope that

god answers and if he does we’ll praise

god and if he doesn’t you just don’t

understand i’m telling you that is not

what the word of god teaches matter of

fact the lord gave us a command to go

out and preach the gospel heal the sick

cleanse the lepers and raise the dead

it’s a part of preaching the gospel

healing is like a bell that draws people

to god there’s some people that honestly

they are living in such a hell at this

moment they aren’t thinking about

eternity in the future

they are just trying to cope here today

and so they aren’t thinking spiritually

they aren’t thinking about eternal

things and when you start seeing

miraculous healings

come it’s a bell that gets their

attention and it draws people and i tell

you i have seen

i couldn’t

put an exact number on it but certainly

thousands probably tens of thousands of

people’s lives touched because of the

miracles that we report you know we now

have eight of these volumes

that we call healing journeys and

there’s usually there’s four to five

testimonies on each one so if there was

four on each one that’s at least 32 or

uh five this would be between 30 and 40

testimonies of people that were raised

from the dead healed of multiple


down syndrome healed

allergies healed brain

fog brain injuries and things like this

a brain aneurysm and just on and on it

can go we’ve got all of these things and

they are faith builders matter of fact i

prayed with a woman this morning i got

an emergency phone call from one of my

friends and

anyway a

woman’s husband had a brain aneurysm and

the doctors have him on life support but

says that he’s dead and there’s nothing

that they can do

and i was praying with her and i

referred her to that testimony that we

have about gina boop that was healed of

a brain aneurysm and i was just with

gina and bud last week and man she is

totally healthy and what back to being

completely normal and we have seen

miracles happen and i tell you this is

an important part of preaching the

gospel i know that there’s some people

who watch this program that you know you

may receive some of the things i say but

when it comes to healing there’s just

disconnect and there are many of you

that have been taught that healing can

happen if it happens well then praise

god but if it doesn’t it’s you it’s not

something that you have

as a right but jesus told the woman

that was healed


this is the children’s bread it’s not

right that we should take the children’s

bread and throw it unto dogs he was

talking about healing as being part of

what he’s provided it’s a children’s

bread this is something that god has

provided for us and you know i grew up

in a denomination my dad was the

chairman of the deacons he loved god he

led people to the lord of course he was

i was only 12 when my dad died he was 50

54 years old at the time of his death


you know i didn’t know him the way that

other people did to me he was just my

dad and he was sick my entire life he

actually died when i was two years old

and was raised from the dead

but had problems uh up until the time i

was 12. and anyway my point is he was

the chairman of the deacon he loved god

but he didn’t know healing

he didn’t understand healing and because

of it i lost my dad at a young age my


she was a widow and i think

i forget the exact age but it was

48 or something like that she became a

widow and was a widow for

nearly 50 years

and all of these things happened because

the denomination we went to chose to

focus on forgiveness of sins and say

that forgiveness of sins was essential

and important and that’s what they

focused on and they believed that god

could heal but they didn’t believe that

it was his will to heal every time they

certainly didn’t understand that they

had any control or any authority over it

the best they would do is just pray and

say god if it be your will

and i’m saying this in love this may

feel like it’s harsh to some people but

you’re gonna die

you’re gonna stay sick you will not see

healing manifest if you approach it that


the word of god has a lot to say

about healing

and as i said at the beginning of this

program i’ve got so much material that

there’s no way i mean i if i was to

cover everything that god has shown me

on healing it would literally take

months and months i could probably spend

a year doing nothing but just

ministering on this subject of healing

so this is going to be a condensed

teaching i do have this little

booklet here that summarizes a teaching

i have entitled god wants you well i’ve

got that on cd and dvd that i’ve got a

book on that i’ve got a study guide and

this is a summary of this and you know

at the back of this little book

there is a thing that just takes a

footnote from my living commentary and

it goes through and says that there are

17 times recorded in the gospel where

jesus healed all of the sick that were

present then there are 41 other times

recorded where he healed one or two

people at a time there is not one single

instance that he ever refused to heal a

person or told a person that they hadn’t

suffered enough or that god put this on

them to get glory out of it there is no

instance of that and we had one woman


the doctors had given her up to die she

had terminal cancer they had done

everything for that they could and so

they sent her home to die and she was on

her way to florida and she i forget the

exact details but a friend or something

had a condo on a beach in florida and

she thought she’d just go down there and

and die down there and so she was a

partner of ours she called our ministry

and just uh told us to you know stop

sending things to her because she was on

her deathbed wouldn’t be living

and the people that received her call

prayed with her and then they sent her a

bunch of these materials that we’re

going to be offering you and they sent

her this little booklet and she just

took this with this little booklet and

while she was down there in florida

waiting to die she got to just looking

up all of the times that god healed

people and started reading those


and you know in psalms 107 20 it says he

sent his word and healed them and

delivered them from all their

destructions and so while she was down

there in this condo on the beach just

waiting to die she started reading the

scriptures and she got totally healed

after the doctors had sent her home to

die as far as i know she’s still alive

today but she recovered and sent in this

testimony and my point is that you don’t

have to just

you don’t have to be limited to what the

doctors can do to what medicine can do

to what diet and exercise and health

foods can do those things in their place

there’s a place for all of them but i’m

telling you that the word of god

is health unto all of your flesh and

life unto them that find it that’s in

proverbs chapter 4. in third john

chapter 1 verse 2

john wrote and said beloved i wish above

all things that thou mayest prosper

and be in health even as thy soul


god wants you well

god wants you well that is god’s will

for you

and i know that there are millions of

people we actually have over

5 billion people who can watch this

program any place in the world and out

of that number of people i can guarantee

you there are probably millions of

people that you’ve been told that god

wants you to suffer that god may have

put this sickness on you because you did

something wrong and this is his way of

punishing you or many people are just

taught that well god doesn’t intervene

like that today

that god doesn’t do miracles today

there’s all kinds of reactions out there

but i’m telling you in the name of the

lord that god wants you well he has paid

for your healing

and i’m going to be sharing scriptures

with you that i promise you if you take

these scriptures and if you were to take

advantage of all of the products that

we’re offering

it would be nearly impossible for you to

stay sick

and i know that that’s a shock to most

people sickness seems to be the norm for

most people but that is not what the

word of god teaches

and let me also start this whole

teaching by saying

this that

it’s like you know i have all of the


in my body then arnold schwarzenegger or

you could say the biggest weight lifter

or you know mr universe i’ve got the

same muscles as mr universe but they

aren’t developed i my muscles aren’t the

same as somebody that’s been pumping

weights and doing all of these things

but i have the potential

and if i was to so desire i might not

become the best in the world but i i

could just totally transform my body by

lifting weights and doing things i have

that potential you have that potential

did you know that all of us have the

potential of running a race

now some of you couldn’t even imagine

that you can’t hardly run across the


your yard you couldn’t run a block but

did you know you have the potential to

do that


for you to just sit there and say oh no

i could never have one of these big

biceps or i could never build my body up

or i could never run a race you’re

denying the potential that you have now

it is important that you recognize you

may not be able to do that today

if you try and bench press 500 pounds

and stuff it could kill you if you don’t

if you don’t have any if you haven’t

built up your muscles man it that thing

could fall on you and could kill you and

so yes you do need to recognize where

you are but at the same time you need to

recognize what the potential is and this

is what i’m saying about healing that

you have the potential

to walk in supernatural health not to

where you just get sick and then once

you get sick you know how to pray and

believe and receive your healing you can

actually get to a place to where you

walk in health and you don’t get sick

and i can guarantee you there are

millions of people all around the world

right now saying that is not true you

cannot live that way i’m going to show

you from god’s word that you can there

are promises that he will turn

off sickness

on the inside of you

man some of you are thinking where is

that you need to listen to this series

i’m just giving an introduction right

now but if you never see the potential

if you never head in that direction if

you are a couch potato and if you think

that this is the way that god wants you

to live and you never exercise you’d

never walk

man you would you know i’ve got

friends when i go on meetings uh

i always take the stairs when i am in a

hotel i remember going to uganda

and i had a guy go with me and the ceo

of our ministry says you’d stick with

him wherever he goes whatever he does

and we were on the sixth floor of a

hotel and i walked up and down those

stairs every single time

and this guy i mean at

level three he would stop and have to

catch his breath and say wait a minute

and stuff and i said look you can take

the elevator it’s fine he says no i’m

going to stay with you but see there’s

some people that honestly walking six

flights of stairs is just something that

you you can’t even imagine doing but you

have that potential but it’s not going

to happen unless you apply yourself

unless you begin to exercise yourself

and i guess this is the point i’m trying

to get across today is that healing is

for us god wants you well

god wants you well as much as he wants

you to be free from drugs and alcohol as

much as he wants you to not live in sin

healing isn’t separated into all of

these different parts and forgiveness of

sins is the only thing that god is

really concerned with his is concerned

about your body that verse that i just

read beloved i wish above all things

all things that’s a huge statement i

wish above all things that you may

prosper and be in health even as your

soul prospers

god wants you well but it’s not going to

happen unless you begin to apply

yourself you aren’t going to run a

marathon unless you start training and

get up off of the couch and start doing

things and it takes a while to do that

god wants you well just as much as you

have the ability to lift weights and to

build muscles and do things you may not

be there today and it’s not going to

happen unless you start training if you

don’t live five pounds you’ll never lift

a hundred pounds if you don’t lift the

hundreds you’ll never lift two hundred

you gotta start working towards it and

in the same way you need to start

believing for healing and here’s one of

the motivations

that i believe god really impressed on

me why it’s important for me to be

teaching on healing because we’re in the

midst at the time i’m making this

program we’re in the midst of a pandemic

and we’ve now been in it for two years

again i’m not condemning anybody else

it’s like a person that runs a marathon

a person that runs a marathon shouldn’t

condemn a person that can’t run across

the yard but at the same time you

shouldn’t condemn a person that runs a

marathon and so you shouldn’t be doing

that no you have the potential to do

that and if that’s the way you choose to

live well then that’s fine

you shouldn’t condemn me because i’ve

exercised myself in this area of healing

and i walk in health and i don’t get

sick i don’t believe in getting sick you

can’t make me sick now there’s people

that will get upset at me and say things

and say you’re condemning people i’m not

condemning a person any more than a

person who runs a marathon condemns a

person who can’t run a marathon but i’m

saying that you can live

in a way where you overcome sickness and

sickness does not have any receptor in


and i’m just trying to paint a picture

here that god wants you well

god wants you well more than you want to

be well

and i know that there are people

watching this thinking well then why

aren’t i healed

well one of the things i’m going to be

teaching here is there are laws

that govern healing just the same as

there are laws that govern electricity

you may want the lights turned on in

your house but you know what you’ve got

to generate the power you’ve got to pay

the bill you’ve got to flip the switch

it doesn’t come on just because you pray

there are natural laws

associated with electricity and with

your car running and things like this

there are spiritual laws that govern

healing and god cannot


these spiritual laws and just a little

taste i’m not going to explain this in

depth but one of them is proverbs 18 21

death and life are in the power of the

tongue death and life not only life but

death and life and you many of us are

hung by the tongue we’re sitting here

speaking that well i don’t know if god

wants to heal me somebody says how are

you doing and you just tell them every

hurt and every pain what the doctor says

but you don’t speak what god says

in psalms chapter 91 a scripture that

promises all kinds of health that no

plague will come nigh are dwelling verse

2 says i will say of the lord he is my

refuge he is my fortress faith is voice

activated the healing power of god is

voice activated that’s one of the laws

that governs healing i’m going to be

teaching on this

in depth as we go through it but this

first program is just to try and present

that this is not a luxury this is not

just an add-on

i’ve had people criticize me and say you

just ought to stick to preaching the

gospel i am this is part of the gospel

it says in matthew chapter 10 go preach

the gospel heal the sick cleanse the

lepers raise the dead jesus spent more

time healing people than he did doing a

lot of things

i’m telling you that this is important

and so i want to encourage you to please

go to the effort

to listen to these programs i don’t know

everything that there is to know about

healing but what i do know

has enabled me to see people raised from

the dead blind eyes open deaf ears open

people come out of wheelchairs it’s

enabled me to walk free of sickness

it i may not know it all but i’ve

learned enough that it’s working to a

large degree and praise god i offer it

to you it will be a blessing to you we

got a lot of things this again is a free

little pamphlet that kind of just

summarizes many of the things then i’ve

got this teaching on god wants you well

in cd or in dvd form and then we have a

book entitled god wants you well we’ve

got a study guide we’ve got dvds uh

we’ve got these healing journeys eight

volumes of this we’ve got a healing

university which is over 60 hours worth

of teaching not only by myself but a lot

of my staff people that have seen

success in this area and then we got a

little usb that probably has 15 or 20 of

my teachings on it listen to my

announcer as he gives you this

information and please call or write


discover that healing is part of god’s

provision for you when you get andrew’s

teaching titled god wants you well

as a special offer andrew is giving away

the god wants you well booklet as his

gift to you absolutely free

this offer is limited to one free

booklet per household and is available

in the us uk canada and australia

contact us today to receive your free


god wants you well is available in a

book companion study guide and as a

newly updated cd or dvd version of this

classic teaching

also andrew is offering his healing usb

this valuable usb contains 38 hours of

andrew’s teachings related to the

subject of healing including living in

god’s best you’ve already got it spirit

soul and body plus many more

each of these resources are available

for a gift of any amount when you

contact us

this entire series is also available for

audio download absolutely free from our

website be empowered to receive healing

and minister healing to others when you

get healing university

this resource delivers the power of the

gospel in 48 lessons

six question and answer sessions and

practical stories and video testimonies

in each lesson this box set includes

three workbooks an audio usb and a

personal access code to the online

videos and printable pdfs

receive your healing university today


499 dollars

we want to say a special thank you to

the grace partners of andrew wommack

ministries your gifts make it possible

to put free ministry materials into the

hands of many people in need

if you’re not already a grace partner we

ask you to pray about becoming one today

you can become a grace partner through

our website at awmi.net

you can also order resources or receive

prayer by calling our helpline at


our helpline is open 24 hours a day

seven days a week

we’d like to point out andrew’s upcoming

speaking schedule mark your calendars to

come meet andrew at one of these events

and let the word of god transform your


in the month of march join andrew in

woodland park for our annual keras bible

college men’s advance

guest speakers at this event include

hall of fame and super bowl winning

coach tony dungy along with james brown

emmy award-winning broadcaster on the

cbs and nfl networks

next andrew will be speaking in powell


lastly in march andrew will be speaking

in tulsa and oklahoma city oklahoma

for more details on andrew’s next

meeting in your area visit our website

at awmi.net


hello this is andrew wommack and i want

to invite you to come and sit under the

word of god four hours a day five days a

week for two or three years i promise

you it would transform your life you

know god has put it on my heart to make

disciples and the best way i have of

doing that is through our carris bible

college we not only have our main campus

in woodland park colorado but we have

campuses scattered all over the world

you can go to our website to get

information on it but i promise you this

is a deal changer many of you know

there’s more and you just don’t know how

to get there come and let us help you

discover who you are in christ and who

he is in you it’ll change your life

for 20 years andrew wommack has been

sharing the message of god’s

unconditional love and grace through his

half-hour television program monday

through friday

now andrew is broadcasting a full

hour-long teaching each week when god

finds somebody who wants to be a giver

and wants to bless somebody else he will

give seed to the sower he will give seed

to people who will sow it and give it to

other people watch the weekend edition

of gospel truth with andrew womack
