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hello praise god they didn’t give me a

countdown tonight so i wasn’t sure i was

on but anyway this is our tuesday night

live bible study and we’re glad that

you’re with us i’ve got julianne harris

here with me and she’s a blessing most

of the time

and we have a lot of fun

and anyway i’ve got some really good

things that i want to share with you

tonight real practical things it’s very

simple but you know it’s the simple

things that have really changed my life


these deep revelations that it you know

takes weeks and months to reveal most of

the time are things that aren’t that

foundational it’s the foundational

things that have changed my life so i’ve

got some really simple things to share

with you it’s going to be a blessing but

we’re going to let julianne tell you

about how you can participate and we’ve

got meetings coming up by the way if you

did not join us

for our truth and liberty conference

this last saturday i tell you you missed

one of the best meetings that we’ve ever

held definitely it was powerful and so

it’s available on truth and liberty and

also we we were uh

kicked off of youtube last night after

having sydney powell on they censored us

for seven days and uh that’s a badge of

honor to be kicked off by an unboxing

yeah so anyway we encourage you to go to

and check it out we’ve got it there and

you can watch that and it would be

really good but that saturday was

powerful it certainly was friday night

beginning yeah all of it and it was

really i like how organized and it was

like time time time everybody was on

time it was just very organized orderly

and powerful just like you always on

time always on time


praise god i’m not everybody good

confession or dude no it’s true i’m

always early always early never late

awesome racecon awesome

what have you got to tell them

so i got a lot to tell you guys so let’s

jump right into it so first of all um

this is an interactive live bible study

and we want you to interact with us so i

want to encourage you right now


because of andrew’s behavior and getting

censored and stuff like that no i’m just

playing that was a joke that was it

wasn’t because

we just want you to go over to gospel

truth dot tv it’s going to be the best

way for you to be able to it’s the truth

if i say something that’s wrong i mean

these facebook and things they they

censor us all the time and cut things

out so you know but it’s not your

problem it’s their problem that’s right

and that’s why i just can’t stand the

truth they can’t stand the truth and

this is the gospel truth is man praise

god so gospel

it’s all spelt out it should be on the

bottom of your screen so we want you to

jump over there and as questions enter

into your heart we want you to type

those questions out and then about the

last 10 to 15 minutes of the program

we’re going to get to as many of those

questions as we possibly can also in

order for you to interact with us you

need to know our schedule mondays and

fridays we have bible study at 10 a.m

tuesdays and thursdays is at 6 00 p.m

and bright and early wednesday morning

is at 7 a.m that is all mountain time so

make sure and calculate that out and

tune in while we are live

also i wanted to mention this you can

text your questions in now as well since

we’re changing platforms and we’re

moving stuff around you can text in

those questions to

719-212-2555 which i think is really

cool for all you texters out there

andrew even sent a text tonight it was

pretty awesome

i was impressed i must say uh tuesday

night is also very special because we

have we can enter you into a drawing for

bible uh into a drawing for a free

product as well as you get bible study

notes so if you go to awm i net slash

study you can fill out a form there with

your information and you will receive

tuesday night notes the following monday

so like the notes that andrew what

andrew shares tonight you will receive

the notes monday morning via email and

you’re entered into a drawing to win a

free product and so last week we gave


more grace more favor one of andrew’s

books and ashley lesing

i know i uh totally did not say that

right but ashley they’ll be contacting

you and getting that book out to you

this week’s giveaway uh or the drawing

that you can enter into to win this is

the war is over and it’s autographed by

senor no i listen to all audio

i’m not a big reader it’s a good teacher

it is it is it’s love of god yeah all

good yes awesome yes it is it’s powerful

and this is


everything that andrew like these

concepts that he talks about has the

power to radically change your life if

you listen to it receive it and believe

it you guys so it’s very important

awesome um let’s talk about events uh

first of all events for more

details on these events but we have

another conference this week which is

destiny conference and that is with uh

brother andrew as well as duane sheriff

so you guys did it last year it was

under a different title but we did ideas

talking about who you are in christ this

is about your destiny what is god’s will

for your life and both of us are going

to be ministering on that it’ll be good

that’s going to be amazing so you guys

need to come on out um and be a part of

that or watch the live stream so check

that out also ministers conference is

for ministers and that will be october

4th through the 8th um the conference

this week is basically starts on

thursday night and goes till saturday

morning so that is the 16th through the

18th and then we have women arise coming

up and that is october 28th through the

30th that is a women-only conference you

are not allowed sir i’m glad not to be

there okay i got up and greeted them

last year and told them i have no gender


and now i’m leaving getting out of here

okay fusion with me well i’m glad i just

wanted to make sure if nobody told you

you’re not allowed um donate or become a

partner you guys this stuff is coming to

you free of charge but it is not free of

charge to be sent to you and it’s

brought to you only by the partners of

andrew womack ministries and the gifts

that come in and so you know if your

life is being changed did you know that

fruit the fruit that is in your life

goes to all the partners and this

ministry is touching lives all over this

world you can be a part of it simply by

giving so there’s a few ways you can

give you can go to slash give or you can give us a

call at 719-635-1111

we also have prayer ministers available

to you 24 hours a day monday through

friday yes monday through friday 24

hours a day they’re on the there on the

weekends as well from 7 30 am until 6 pm

they want to pray with you they want to

hear a testimony they want to direct you

towards anders over 200 000 hours of

free material on his website and to the

word of god if you’re going through

something right now do not hesitate

don’t even watch any further give them a

call right now and stand on the word of

god with somebody who knows who they are

in christ jesus at 719-635-1111

and i believe that’s all

awesome i tried to hustle

you did good okay good so i just want to

share with you some really simple things


you know most of what i teach is

foundational stuff i don’t

go into things that you can’t put into

practice on a regular basis and this is

really really practical and it’s going

to be so simple

that you might miss it but i tell you

this is a great great truth so let me

start here in proverbs chapter 3 i’m

going to read the first three verses

it says my son forget not my law but let

thine heart

keep my commandments i could say i could

preach on that for an hour you have to

let not your


forget these things it’s with your heart

that you have to keep the word of god

there’s some great truths in that and

then it says for length of days and long

life and peace shall they add to thee

so many people today are all focused on

exercise and certain diets and taking

supplements and all of the things that

people get into

and yet the scripture says a merry heart

does good like a medicine honoring your

parents will prolong your life and the

word of god is health unto all of your

flesh and life to them that find it i

personally believe that your physical

health is maybe 10 or 20

maximum based on diet and exercise

the vast majority of things are

spiritual wow and most christians don’t

acknowledge that today but this is just

one of many many scriptures that says

length of days in long life and grace

shall they add to thee this is talking

about keeping the commandments of god

and then in verse 3 let not mercy and

truth forsake thee bind them about thy

neck write them upon the table of thine


mercy is not getting what you deserve

and grace is getting what you don’t

deserve amen so mercy is not getting the

judgment that’s due us grace is getting

all of the goodness and the uh

the ability of god that we don’t deserve

and it says we’re supposed to take mercy

and truth and put them around our neck

you know just like women wear a

chain like a necklace or something

there’s a lot of people that would never

leave home without jewelry my wife is

always saying she just feels naked if

she doesn’t have her earrings on so she

carries a pair of spare earrings she

does in her purse

that’s awesome that’s weird

that’s weird what that is but anyway

there’s some people say that would never

leave home without your makeup on and

without your jewelry and yet they’ll

leave home without the word of god and

with their out their mind being stayed

upon god this is saying that you need to

take mercy and truth and bind them about

your neck and then look at the last part

this is what i want to focus on it says

write them

upon the table of thine heart

how do you write

the commandments the word of god

upon your heart you know this is going

to be really practical but it’s r it’s

something that could really help you how

do you get the word of god engraved on

your heart to where it’s not just

something in your head

but it’s literally a part of your heart

you know i was teaching in our charis

bible college today i talked four hours

this morning

and one of the things i was teaching is

about how to study the word and i was

teaching on public speaking and how you

have to be able to study the word and

get revelation you just don’t pair it

what you’ve heard somebody else say it

has to come out of your heart and i was

talking about this very thing that it’s

our heart the bible says out of your

heart proceeds the issues of life

you’ve got to take the word of god and

get it in your hearts you’ve got to

write it on your heart so that it’s

literally a part of you and like this

morning i was talking about how so many

people are just ministering out of their

head you know there is a direct

correlation i forget the exact numbers

but just this week i had mario morello

he was here and he was sharing with me

that i think the mega churches over the

last decade or two decades they

increased 20 percent

or something like this the mega churches

and the number of people who have a

biblical world view

decreased 20 percent the exact opposite

of this figure showing that we’ve got a

lot of people

that are good communicators they are

able to like motivational speakers they

make people feel good but it’s not

changing their understanding of the word

of god it’s not making disciples out of


and so a lot of what’s going on in the

church today

is not reaching people on a heart level

it’s just intellectual stuff and they

may like the smoke and mirrors and the

lights and the strobes and the the

music and stuff like that but it’s not

changing their life how do you get

things into your heart

and your heart is that’s the key issue

you got to guard your heart because

that’s where life comes from

if you are thinking wrong in your heart

proverbs 23 7 says for as he thinks in

his heart so is he

so people are trying to change their

actions but they aren’t changing their

heart and so it’s just really a matter

of uh in a sense what you are if you are

trying to change your actions without

changing your heart you’re a hypocrite

you’re trying to behave one way but in

your heart level this is how you really

are and this is how you think and you

can only do that for a short period of

time push comes to shove you’re going to

wind up reverting to the way that you

think in your heart so how do you get

the word of god established in your

heart here’s a really simple passage of

scripture psalms chapter 45 it says my

heart is indicting a good matter i speak

of the things that i’ve made touching

the king my tongue is the pen of a ready


so proverbs chapter 3 says you have to

write these things on your heart how do

you write truth how do you write the

word of god on your heart

it’s real simple you speak it your

tongue is the pen of a ready writer your

tongue is how you get things written on

your heart and did you know that this

will work for you or against you

it says in proverbs chapter 18 verse 21

death and life are in the power of the

tongue and they that love it shall eat

the fruit thereof so death and life it’s

not just good things but there’s also

death and the sad fact is that we speak

a lot of negative things out of our

mouth we say things like nothing ever

works for me if i

wash my car it’s going to rain for sure

you may think that that’s a silly thing

but did you know what you’re basically

cursing yourself saying nothing ever

works we could go a week with no rain

but as soon as i wash my car it’s going

to rain everything it always turns out

bad for me

and a lot of people think that that’s

really silly and that you know there’s

just so much word that

it doesn’t count for good or for bad

it’s just vain talk again i go back to

proverbs 18 21 death and life

are in the power of the tongue it didn’t

say death and life and a whole lot of

stuff that’s unproductive matter of fact

you could turn over to matthew chapter i

think it’s matthew chapter 12. i’d have

to look up the verse i think it’s around

verse 35 and jesus was speaking and he

says every idle word

that man speak they shall give an

account thereof in the day of judgment

for by your words you shall be justified

and by your words you shall be condemned

what verse is that did they find that

here it is in verse 36 matthew 12 36 but

i say unto you that every idle word that

men speak thus shall give an account

thereof in the day of judgment for by

your words you shall be justified and by

your words you shall be condemned my

point is that there are no

idle words did you know even when you’re

jesting and saying things like i said

something in jest to a person today and

uh within seconds i said you know that’s

not true i’m not cursing you i said that

was a bad joke and i had to take it back

i’m a i’m a kidder and i do things and

sometimes you get out of line but there

are no such thing as just idle words

jesus said over in the 11th chapter of

the book of mark when he was talking

about how he cursed that fig tree and

his disciples were just amazed that

within 24 hours this fig tree was dead

and they said lord look at this fig tree

and he said have faith in god for verily

i say unto you that whosoever shall say

notice that that’s talking about your

words whosoever will say

unto this mountain be thou removed be

thou cast into the sea and shall not

doubt in his heart but shall believe

that what he says comes to pass he will

have whatsoever he says there are four

times in that verse one of the times it

just said jesus said unto them but then

there was three times that jesus

emphasized the power of words you will

have whatsoever you say

most people don’t believe that and

that’s the reason that when they speak

to a mountain and command sickness

poverty whatever it is that’s coming

against them to leave and they say well

i spoke and said in the name of jesus

but they’re

they’ve trained their body they’ve

trained their heart

not to believe what you say because

you’ll say things like well nobody loves

me and you know that’s not the truth but

you’ll go ahead and say it you’ll say


i just don’t feel the love of god and

you know that the word of god says that

he’s commended his love toward us and

why we were yet sinners he died for us

and you know what the word says but it

doesn’t matter what the word says here’s

what you feel so you just speak what you


and let me also say it’s not only the

words that you speak but in first

corinthians chapter 15 verse 33 it says

be not deceived evil communications


good manners now that’s old english but

communications here is not just talking

about only words it involves your words

but it’s talking about

uh lifestyle just way of communication

evil communication corrupt good manners

words are powerful and if you’re saying

well i can sit and listen to unbelief

and i can watch the nightly news and

hear them lie about

all of these things and say you know i

could get very specific here talking

about the pandemic i think we have had

we have had nothing but propaganda put

out so much of what’s being said is an

absolute lie and people can say well i

listen to this and yet it doesn’t affect

me according to first corinthians 15 33

you’re deceived

evil communications corrupt good manners

and i tell you they are lying about

things president biden said that the

pull out of afghanistan was an

unqualified success

that’s a lie

if if removing

leaving people behind in afghanistan and

people being raped and murdered and

things happening if that’s success what

does failure look like

and yet we listen to stuff like this

and you have to counter it you know the

way i deal with that i can’t just bury

my head in the sand like an ostrich even

though i i avoid

most of the ungodliness that’s being

spoken and i don’t read all of this

stuff and i don’t plug into that you

just are going to hear some stuff today

we live in a society where communication

you hear what’s happening on the other

side of the world nearly in real time

and you are going to be exposed to

things so when you do hear evil how do

you deal with it well in isaiah chapter

54 verse 17 it says no weapon

that is formed against you will prosper

and then the next phrase says and every


that rises against thee in judgment thou

shalt condemn

this is the heritage of the servants of

the lord and their righteousness is of

me thus saith the lord

so notice it says no weapon formed

against you shall prosper and then the

very next phrase and every tongue that

rises against the in judgment the reason

those things are put together is because

words are weapons

words can pierce you to the

soul you know when i was a little kid we

used to have this little thing that you

know sticks and stones may break my

bones the words will never hurt me

absolutely and we used to say that but

it’s absolutely untrue that’s what i

thought growing up was like oh that

hurts what these words can hurt you

worse than something physical yeah

words can penetrate you to the deepest

part of your soul so anyway that’s

untrue words are weapons and when a

weapon comes against you it says no

weapon formed against you shall prosper

and every tongue that rises against you

in judgment

you shall condemn you have to condemn

things that are contrary to the word of

god if somebody says something to you

whether it’s another person whether it’s

a news broadcast whether it’s a movie

you’re looking at but if if information

is coming at you that is contrary to the

word of god


have to condemn it you have to void it

you have to say no in the name of jesus

i’m not receiving this and you have to

counter those negative things with the

positive things of scripture

you know people will often say to me

when you leave or something they’ll say

well take care and i’ll say for nothing

because the bible says be careful for

nothing that’s a small thing but it’s

it’s something and people ask me how are

you doing and i say i’m blessed

i bet you i’ve said i’m blessed today i

couldn’t even tell you but 20 30 40


something today i’m confessing i’m


on my heart what god’s word says about

me and every time something contrary to

god’s word comes at me i will condemn it

i’ll say no that’s not true if somebody

says you know what you’re believing for

will never come to pass i would never

allow those words just to hang there and

then begin to start taking root in my


you know what i’ve learned is that when

i hear somebody speak something negative

over me

it has words are seeds and they have the

potential of releasing

power from those words again i go back

to deuteron uh excuse me uh proverbs 18

21 death and life are in the power of

the tongue so every word even negative

words have death in them and if you let

those words just lay there that death

will spring up and begin to start

bringing fear doubt unbelief to you so

when i hear somebody speak something

negative me

i counter it

you can ask my wife jamie when we drive

somewhere we will try and listen to the

news on the radio so that i’m at least

informed a little bit about what’s

happening and i like the radio news

because it’s only two minutes long and

in two minutes you can’t go into too

much depth amen but even then they will

say lots of unbelief and so when they

say things like you know if you’re over

50 you need to start checking this and

i’ll immediately know in the name of

jesus and you know it’s flu season have

you gotten your flu shot and i’ll say no

in the name of jesus there is no season

that the word of god doesn’t work in my

life and they’ll begin to start talking

about you know are you getting older are

you forgetting things you need to start

taking this pill for your memory and

i’ll say no i condemn those words

this is how you write things on your

heart and i don’t think most people

understand how important this is and so

they speak negative things out of their

mouth about themselves and about their

situation and they just don’t realize

sometimes they think well all i’m doing

is just saying the truth

you can go back to mark chapter 11 verse

23 again i’ve already quoted that but

jesus said whosoever shall say unto this

mountain be thou removed be thou cast

into the sea and shall not doubt in his

heart but shall believe that those

things which you say shall come to pass

he shall have whatsoever he says jesus

said you can have what you say

most people say what they have

those are two totally different things

most people think it’s just normal it’s

natural i’m just being honest

to to say that my body hurts and the

doctor says i’m gonna die what you’re

being is carnal and you are reinforcing

that death by speaking out and saying

that well heart problems runs in my

family and i guess you know i’ll have

problems when i get older i had

relatives that had alzheimer’s when they

were older so i guess it’ll happen to me

or you’ll say things like well you just

never know

how you’re going to wind up i’m praying

for the best been preparing for the

worst you know it says over in

jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11 it says i

know the thoughts that i think towards

you says the lord thoughts of peace and

not of evil to give you

an expected end yes the niv says a hope

in the future and people really like

that and i like having a hope in the

future too but i like the way it says it

that you can have an expected end in

other words i don’t have to sit here and

say well i hope that as i get older

i won’t lose my mind i hope i won’t lose

my health i hope i i won’t you know go

out with a whimper no i can know how i’m

going to be because moses was 120 years

old and his natural force wasn’t abated

nor his eyesight dim and the promises i

have it says what i have makes look what

he had like nothing in comparison so i

have an expected end i am speaking and

believing that according to my days so

shall my strength be

and i’m not going to become feeble and

invalid and things like that see i’m

speaking those things i’m writing that

on my heart and out of my heart proceeds

the issues of life as a man thinks in

his heart so is he

so you may know that the scripture says

that you can walk in health you may know

that god is for you and he loves you but

if you allow people to speak over you

well you’re 70 now and you know you need

to start slowing down and you need to do

this and you need to watch it and you

let other people speak those things

evil communications will corrupt good

manners those things will be written on

your heart and so when you hear

something like that you have to condemn

it no that’s not true and then you write

on your heart what you want

you can literally bridle your entire

body with your tongue is what james said

in james chapter 3. he says the tongue

is a little membrane yet it boasts great

things it’s a small member but it’s like

a match it’ll set on fire an entire

forest that’s in the negative but it’ll

also do great things in the positive

and he uses a comparison that you put a

bit in a horse’s mouth and you turn the

entire animal around you know i’ve

ridden horses that are 1500 pounds

and at the time i might have been 200

pounds i’m a lot less than that now but

i could turn about a horse that was

seven times as big as i am much stronger

because you put a bit in their mouth

and some people don’t understand this

i’ve had horses my whole life but you

can control a horse with their mouth a

horse can’t do anything without its head

a horse can’t run that direction with

its head pointed this direction so if a

horse ever starts running away you’re

supposed to be able to rein them in but

if they get what they call smooth mouth

to where they develop calluses and it

doesn’t hurt them with that bit all you

got to do is turn that rain and turn

their head in the corner and i guarantee

that horse will go in a corner and it’ll

come to a stop you can stop a runaway

horse you can stop a horse from getting

down you can hold a horse on the ground

with your foot

even though they’re seven times bigger

than you because they can’t get up

unless they throw their head up

and the lord made us the same way you

can control your entire body your health

your prosperity your attitude with your


your tongue is the pen of a ready writer

you write things on your heart not only

you but other people write things on

your heart so you need to go to

protecting your heart protecting the

things that come to your ears and

condemning anything that doesn’t match

up with the word of god use the word of

god like a filter and just keep those

things from coming to you

and then speak the word of god over you

and i tell you if people would do this

it would literally transform your life

some people think well i think this is a

little silly that i can sit here and

change my like change my marriage

by just the words that i’m speaking

absolutely yeah because one thing it’ll

change the image on you instead of

talking about what a reprobate they are

god save them because they’re a

reprobate and they beat the kids and

they beat the dog and they and see you

you think you’re praying and all you’re

doing is complaining you aren’t praying

you’re complaining

and you’re speaking death out of your

mouth about your family so quit doing

that and instead

start saying man i’m married to a godly

man or to a godly woman that they love

the lord and some of you think but

that’s not true

there’s more to reality than what you

can see taste tear smell or feel there’s

more than just this physical world

there’s a spiritual world and when you

start speaking things again i go back to

mark 11 23 jesus said you can have what

you say you can either say what you have

and talk about my marriage is a wreck

it’s over or you can start saying what

you want and then you will have what you


you can change your situation you can

change your health you can change your

finances you can change anything with

the power of words words are powerful

god created the heavens and the earth by

just speaking them he spoke you and me

and everything that we deal with

into existence by words so words are the

parent force

and the parent force is greater than the

force that it created words things will

respond to words

you know when i was having poverty and i


i didn’t understand the word of god and

i wasn’t operating in prosperity my

mother kept us alive without knowing it

sometimes the only time we’d eat in a

week or two weeks was when we went to

see my mother

and she would feed us and give us a meal

and sometimes that’s the only time we

had eaten in a week and i was

appreciative but i didn’t

i didn’t want to tell her what was going

on so you know what i did i would mow

her lawn i would paint her house i would

do things for her trying to you know

just bless her back for what she was

doing for me

and there were times


she had 23 pecan trees in her yard


she didn’t take care of them didn’t

fertilize them didn’t have things done

and i as i mowed the lawn i would just

go around those trees as i mowed it and

i laid hands on every one of those trees

and i blessed them i just spoke to the


and she got 50 pounds of pecans the year

before i did that after i did that we

picked up over 600 pounds of pecans

wow and the only difference was i spoke

to those trees in faith and somebody

says i don’t believe that well then it

won’t work for you yeah but i believe it

and i tell you when you start speaking

the word properly it’ll work for you

that’s a good good word that’s so good

so so good so

you guys are submitting excellent

questions please continue to do so so


on chat says

how can i keep my heart from getting

discouraged when i’m surrounded by evil

communicated all day at school even with

knowing that no weapon formed against me

can prosper can my reaction not first be

discouraged well it depends what’s

exactly what the situation is like if

you are in a situation where you can

extract yourself from all of that

unbelief then do so if you’re like a

student at school and you’re hearing

people say things first of all i would

say why in the world are you a student


well they may say but i’m you know in

high school i’ve i’ve got to go you can

homeschool you can do it

other ways

so i would look for options but if for

whatever reason you do have to sit under


then you need to counter that stuff i

would do it immediately

if i could if you can’t do it

immediately like if you would disrupt

the whole class and they’d kick you out

of the class if you say that’s not true

we did not evolve from animals and

things like that and if you can’t say it

publicly well then man as soon as you

get by yourself i would go through that

and i’d say this is wrong this is wrong

this is wrong i would counter those

things and i would speak out of my mouth

what the truth is but you can do it you

can deal with any situation yeah if

you’re an abusive marriage and you hear

unbelief all of the time you can counter

that stuff

there is a right and a wrong way to do

it like i remember playing basketball

one time with a group of kids

and they were just using profanity and i

mean cursing god and blaspheming and

saying things and i didn’t want to hear

their unbelief again that’s negative

it’s it’s not good it’s not healthy

and so instead of just rebuking them and

say don’t say that you’re of the devil

or something like that what i started

doing was every time i missed a shot i’d

go hallelujah

praise god

thank you jesus

and these guys just stopped what’s wrong

with you and i said you praise your god

i’ll praise my god and did you know i

did it in a way that wasn’t condemning

and they thought it was funny and so

they’d miss a shot and they’d start to

cuss and they’d look at me and go

hallelujah and i’d go hallelujah and

anyway it turned it was funny but it

stopped the unbelief and i guarantee you

it made an impression on those guys so

you can do it in a positive way but

you’ve got to counter the ungodliness of

words words are powerful amen you know i

only watch the mainstream media when i

go and get my nails done and i’ve been

really really close because they don’t

do a very good job

look at this one one finger is totally


you ought to make them give your money

back amazing

however when i hear all that junk that

are lies i don’t be obnoxious about it i

wanted to ask him to shut up to change

the channel but i’m like no i can endure

this much mainstream media just see

what’s being said and but i literally

say out that’s a lie

that’s not truth and i’m not doing it

obnoxiously but when something is said

to be mean you don’t have to be like

that’s a lie

even though you want to right so this is

good um this is a great question from

joe on chat he says what about when

someone speaks against you directly do i

have the responsibility to condemn them

you condem what they say you know i use

this as an example in school today that

if you just somebody’s walking by and

they just barely touch you like that you

don’t even need a response because that

was no problem but if somebody bumps

into you or if somebody is running and

going to push you over you have to

resist what they’re doing with equal or

greater force or it’ll knock you over so

if somebody just says something in

passing that is uh not malicious it

wasn’t intended to be bad i may just let

it go and then in my heart i’ll say you

know that’s like take care and i’ll say

for nothing and i’ll just say it to

myself but if somebody comes out and

attacks me and if they uh come against

me and start pushing on me i’m gonna

push back with equal force i gave an

example today about a man that walked up

and just started telling me you’re the

devil and i disagree with everything

you’re saying and see i wouldn’t have

not gone up to him normally and have

countered him but when he comes and

attacks me and start pushing against me

i just responded back and i said

i don’t care

and he just looked at me what do you

mean i said you’re nobody i don’t care

what you think about me and he said well

you should and i said i don’t i said

compared to god you’re nobody now see i

wouldn’t normally talk to a person like

that but if they come and push against

me i’m going to push back and i’m going

to condemn those words devalue those

words and if you don’t do it then those

words will affect you but if you’ll deal

with them right then i found out if i

deal with something the moment that that

unbelief comes at me it just loses its

power that’s really good

um so guest on chat i think you got such

good questions i’m like let’s get

through as many as we can he says once

we properly plant a seed in our heart

and a thought originating in our head

that is contradicting that seed comes

into our heads does that void the seed

or the promise no because jesus it says

was tempted in all points like as we are

yet without sin so satan tempted him to

turn the stones into bread the

temptation isn’t sin if it was sin then

jesus would have sinned right so he

didn’t sin having a temptation

isn’t sin

but acting on that temptation in


and uh meditating on those negative

thoughts becomes sin kenneth hagin said

it this way you can’t keep a bird

from flying over your head but you can

keep him from nesting in your hair and

making a nest you can’t keep thoughts

from coming if you stand up and say in

the name of jesus

all of my needs are meant

most of us have been through lack and

it’s just human nature to sit there and


is that really going to happen there’s

nothing wrong with having the thought

come but if you say yes it’s going to

happen and you continue to counter those

negative thoughts if you don’t embrace

them and dwell on them then that doesn’t

void what you’re saying unless you

embrace it

or here’s another way of saying this

over in matthew chapter 6

he says take no thoughts saying what

shall we eat where shall we sleep or

where with all shall we be clothed and

he had just used the example of the

birds of the air and the lilies of the

field and he said take no thought sane

it doesn’t become yours until you begin

to repeat it when you begin to speak it

you can have a negative thought but you

can cast that thought down

it becomes yours when you start

repeating it

don’t repeat negative unbelief

yeah and most of

i i think for the majority of my life i

didn’t know i had control over my

thoughts and over what i thought on but

you do

you got to realize it so ba d w on chat


negative words that have been spoken

over you from years back can you cancel

those negative words now absolutely

matter of fact if you couldn’t we’d all

be doomed right every one of us have had

negative things spoken and really words

that come against you

can’t do anything to you until you

believe them until you take them and

start speaking them and writing them on

your heart but man i have thousands of

people that hate me and curse me and

i’ve got things written about me and

i’ve had negative things spoken over me

and you have to empower them you have to

believe them but when you sit there and

say no

you can avoid those things

my dad died of heart problems and every

time i’ve ever gone to get an insurance

thing or when i went into the army they

always asked you have you ever had a

person with heart problems or whatever

and they immediately start categorizing

you that if your my dad died of heart

problems and so then you know they just

push off on you that you’re going to

have heart problems and so there was a

time that when i got hold of these

truths i went back and i said no in the

name of jesus every curse every negative

thing that’s ever been spoken over me i

cancel this and i stood up in a meeting

where people were talking about

canceling all of the hereditary things

spoken over people and i took hold of

that anointing and i cancelled those

things and man i’ve outlived my dad now


uh 18 years and i’m as healthy as a

horse my heart is good and stuff and i

cancel those things and you can you can

cancel those words it says in

and where is this i think it’s psalms

chapter well i’d have to look it up i

think it’s psalms chapter 26 verse 2

says the curse causeless

shall not come

and so curse is talking about negative

words if there’s no ground for it to

take root in it won’t work and so you

can you can uproot those things you can

pray for crop failure you can cancel

those words amen don’t you think though

that sometimes you know because i’m

thinking about children that have

horrific things spoken over them as chil

as children maybe from their parents and

it’s become their identity um it’s only

the word that’s going to get that out of

you that’s true but they had to believe

that now again a little bit right if

they took it a little kid is going to

believe pretty much what’s spoken to but

you have to put your faith with it it

says in romans chapter 10 verse 10 for

with the heart man believes and with the

mouth as confession is made you have to

believe from the heart and confess with

your mouth right and this is the only

thing that keeps people from falling

over dead when they say oh that tickled

me to death

they spoke the negative out of their

life but they don’t mean it right they

they aren’t mixing it with faith and so

if you don’t mix it with faith it

doesn’t have any power in your life but

if you were raised that way and if

you’ve believed these negative things

then you’re going to have to go back and

take the word of god and uproot those

things out of your life and change your

identity amen praise god um so

susan on chat i

i like this question

i’ve been

countering a lot of words on youtube

videos that come against charismatics

and word of faith teachers do you see

this as valuable

well it’s value well let me rephrase



if you’re doing it just for your sake

are you saying is it valuable to me

you would be better off not to even hear

these negative things because every time

you hear them then you’re tempted with

am i going to believe it

if you’re talking about is it valuable

to other people yes it’s valuable for

you to stand up and expose those things

but i tell you social media and this is

this is anthology i’m not saying thus

saith the lord but i think social media

has done a huge amount of damage no

doubt that there’s good that has been

done with it i’ve got a social media

account that other people do for me i’ve

never been on social media

but social media has coarsened

the conversation you know if i’m talking

to julianne face to face i would never

be mean to her

i joke with her and stuff but i’d never

be mean but on a text people will say

things because they don’t have to deal

with the reaction of the person and they

will trash people and say things that

they would never say face to face

social media has allowed us to become a


i mean

very crass harsh mean


verbally abusive society and you can see

it in our politics you can see it in

everything that’s being said in the news

and a lot of this is contributed by

social media because you don’t have to

immediately deal with the consequences

if you were held accountable for all of

your words immediately i guarantee you

you would not be saying and doing some

of the things you’re doing so again i

say that social media if you are reading

things on social media and you counter

them that might benefit the people that

you’re countering

but it’s going to hurt you or it’s going

to potentially hurt you if you don’t

guard your heart and keep those negative

things from

sinking into your heart so personally i

don’t go on social media and counter

people i only deal with the people who

are ready to listen

right that’s good so uh one more

question so samaya i’ll just sum it up

because it’s rather long she’s basically

talking about what if what about the

words that are spoken over you that

you’re not in the vicinity but maybe

they’re people that don’t like you and

they’re speaking bad words out over you

well that scripture

i can’t remember if it’s psalms 26 or

proverbs 26 i think it’s proverbs

26 let me look at this proverbs 26 2 as

the bird by wandering and the swallow by

flying so the curse

causeless shall not come in other words

have you ever seen a bird they don’t

just fly in a straight line

they’re just everywhere and stuff and

the chances of them lighting on this one

spot are minimal right and in the same

way a curse that is causeless that means

a curse that you haven’t uh embraced is

it has no power whatsoever so there i

have thousands of people that curse me

and if i was to go to reading all of

those blogs and reading the negative

things then those words would have a

potential of affecting me but as long as

i don’t even pay attention to them or

even if i hear them but i don’t embrace

them and i negate those things but my

words then it has no effect on me if

that wasn’t true then you could

literally kill other people with just

your words

and uh that’s not true the person has to

somehow or another respond out of fear

out of anger grief they have to somehow

or another embrace those words if they

totally negate them they have no power

over you whatsoever well and if you’re

not in the same vicinity as the person

that’s talking trash that means somebody

is telling that to you and at some point

you should probably just let that person

that is a great point i don’t want to

hear it no more don’t tell me what

they’re saying about that’s very good

when i was pastoring the church there

was a lot of people that came to me and

said everybody in the church is coming

to me and complaining about what you’re

doing and saying that you’re wrong how

do i deal with this and i told them i

said you know the reason people put

trash in a trash can is because it’s a

trash can i said the reason people come

to you with their gripes and complaints

is because you are receptive to it i

said just put your lid on your trash can

and say i’m not listening and i preached

that on a sunday morning and this one


came to me and he said that the next day

somebody came and said i didn’t like

that message and all they did was just

do this and they knew exactly what they

were talking about like i’m not

listening to your trash anymore and they

stopped it right if people are dumping

their trash in you it’s because you look

like a good receptacle quit being

receptive to it and they’ll quit dumping

their trash in you yeah that’s good

that’s good so so we’re out of time we

are out of time but that’s good i tell

you the things that i was sharing

they’re really simple

but it’s really profound and again most

people do not follow through with this

i’ve got a lot of teaching on this i’ve

got multiple series on it if you’d call

that number

719-635-1111 we’ve got people right

there that will take your call they

would pray with you they could help you


some of the negative words that you have

spoken or that have been spoken over you

that have bothered you and they can also

steer you towards a lot of my teaching

about this and it would be really a

blessing so remember that

719-635-1111 and we have people there 24

hours a day

during the weekdays and you’d be blessed

amen so make sure and tune in tomorrow

morning bright and early 7 a.m mountain

time will have pastor greg moore so you

want to tune in he’s been speaking on

wisdom it’s awesome awesome god bless

you we love you good night bye


once you know that this is what god has

said you just base your life on it and i

mean there is no plan b or there is no

plan c

jesus got in the scriptures and god

spoke to him he found his identity in

the scriptures just like you and i are

going to have to find our identity now

in the scripture
