This teaching is a foundational truth that is essential for understanding how much God loves you and believing what He says about you in His Word. Each person is made up of three different parts: spirit, soul, and body. Learn how these three parts relate to God and to each other. At salvation your spirit is totally changed, but your soul and body is not yet redeemed. This series will teach you how to release the life that is already in your spirit, into your physical body and emotions.
Partners of Andrew Wommack ministries
celebrating 40 years of sharing God’s
unconditional love and grace welcome to
gospel truth with Andrew Wommack today
Andrew illustrates the power of God’s
Word to change our lives in his teaching
spirit soul and body
now here’s Andrew welcome to our
Wednesday’s broadcast of the gospel
truth this week I’ve started a new
series about spirit soul and body to me
this is one of the most exciting things
that God has ever told me it’s kind of
the foundation of every other revelation
that he’s ever given me and so it’s
exciting to me but it’s especially
exciting because I’ve seen this touch
other people’s lives and I’ve I’ve seen
this have the same impact on other
people that it’s had on me the title is
not necessarily you know very intriguing
it may not hold your attention but I
promise you the content of what I’m
talking about is life-changing and so we
re releasing my book on spirit soul and
body if you haven’t got this I really
encourage you to get it I’ve heard
thousands of people testify about how
this has just changed their life and we
also have a of course we have a CD set
and we have a DVD set as seen here on
television but I also have a new study
guide and this is the same teaching put
into a study format I’m excited about
this truth and I just believe that the
word that is contained in these truths
that we’re talking about will change
your life as it has mine so I’ve already
laid a foundation on some of this I’ve
used first Thessalonians 5:23 to show
that we have a spirit soul and body
functionally most people only
acknowledge the physical body and the
soul around because they’re tangible and
you are in touch with them you
automatically know if your body’s hot or
cold hurting or feeling good you know
your soul ease realm whether you’re
happy or sad you are constantly
monitoring these and everybody it knows
the existence of your body and your soul
but the Spirit is a third part of you
that first Thessalonians 5:23 says you
have a spirit soul
body and in the spirit room Jesus said
in John 3:6 that spirit is spirit flesh
is flesh you can’t feel our discern
there is no connection between the
physical body the soul ease room and
your spiritual realm spirit is spirit
flesh is flesh and so because of that
most people are what the Bible calls
carnal and of course that word has a
connotation that is very offensive to
some people and they think that means
sinful or ungodly and it is true that a
tremendous amount of carnality is sinful
and ungodly
but the word carnal just literally means
of the five senses when the Bible is
talking about being carnal it’s talking
about being physical flesh oriented
controlled being focused on that and so
if you are carnal occupied with only
your five senses and what they can tell
you then most people functionally don’t
even acknowledge the existence of the
Spirit and certainly they aren’t
familiar enough with the spiritual realm
and who we are in the spirit to have
that truth change their life one of the
things I’m trying to do through this
teaching is to let you know that there
is a spirit inside of men and the spirit
and soul are different you can’t feel
the spirit people will use that
terminology and say do you feel the
spirit and I’m not gonna teach on that
right now but technically you cannot
feel the spirit when you do
quote-unquote feel the spirit the way
people talk about what that is
faith is tangible faith the anointing of
God can be felt you can actually put it
into a cloth acts 1911 Paul put the
anointing of God into a cloth in an
apron and passed them from their body
from his body and diseases departed out
of people in people that were
demon-possessed were delivered faith is
tangible faith can produce physical
things so when you are in faith and
perceived by faith not by your five
senses but by faith that the Spirit of
God is here that the anointing of God is
well then you can feel the effects of
that faith but technically speaking you
can’t feel the spirit the spirit is
always with you those of you that are
born-again the Spirit of God will never
leave you nor forsake you
sometimes you perceive it by faith and
you may feel something in feel joy or
feel a goose bump or feel you know
something but it’s really not the spirit
that you’re feeling it’s your faith that
is producing these emotions and feelings
and the reason I think that this is so
important is because if you think that
your physical senses can perceive the
spiritual realm and spiritual truth and
spiritual reality then I guarantee you
you aren’t going to be in agreement with
what the Word of God says because you
can’t perceive at all times that God is
with you there’s sometimes it because
tragedy has come up somebody has done
something to hurt you you’ve got some
impending problem the doctor has just
told you you’re gonna die your car is
being repossessed or whatever you will
be focused on the physical realm and you
won’t feel any presence of God at all
and if you think that you can feel into
the spirit realm and if God was with you
you’d know it if God really loved you
you’d know it if that’s the mindset that
you have then you are gonna be talked
out of things that are spiritual
realities it transformed my life to
recognize that there is a spiritual
world and there’s a spirit on the inside
of me that cannot be discerned by any
physical standard you have to just go to
the Word of God and take the Word of God
and believe what it says well this begin
to transform my life and let me turn
over to another passage of Scripture and
share this with you this is one of the
scriptures that God used it just
revolutionized my life
in 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 as a matter
of fact I was going to quote to you from
verse 17 but let me read the verse in
front of this I’ll need to turn over
there so that I’ll get it correctly but
2nd Corinthians chapter 5 and in verse
16 says wherefore henceforth know we no
for the flesh yeah though we have known
Christ after the flesh yet now
henceforth know we him no more you know
this is kind of awkward
it’s wordy in the King James that I’m
reading but what this is basically
talking about is the previous verses are
talking about Jesus died for everyone
because we were all dead in our sins and
he is resurrected we are now alive in
Christ which is all talking about in the
spiritual realm and because of this Paul
is saying we don’t know people anymore
after the flesh in other words he
doesn’t deal with people he doesn’t
judge people based on their external the
way they look the you know all these
kind of things boy there is so much in
this I haven’t got time to go into all
of it but let me just point out a couple
of things I’d encourage you to study
this on your own but if we would adopt
this mindset if we only knew people
based on who they are in Christ based on
their personal relationship with God
instead of all of these externals you
know what it would do it would totally
eliminate prejudice prejudice based on
the color of your skin are based on
whether you know the height or whether
you’re fat or whether you are pretty or
whether you’re ugly or based on any of
these kind of things if we knew people
based on who they were in the spirit
realm instead of their carnal physical
external realm how to do away with all
prejudice I tell you he says not only do
we not know people after the flesh but
he says we don’t know Christ after the
flesh he says at one time we knew Christ
after the flesh but now henceforth know
we him no more just think about this I’m
not going to take time to turn over and
read all of this but if you were to turn
to John chapter 13 I believe it’s verse
23 you will see that at the Last Supper
that Jesus held with his disciples that
John the Apostle it says was leaning on
his bosom of course people in those days
when they ate they didn’t have a table
and chairs set around if they had a very
low table and they would sit on pillows
and stuff and they would kind of recline
and lay down as they ate and it’s
picturing that there was a familiarity a
love among Jesus and His disciples
apples that the Apostle John who he said
himself he was the beloved apostle the
one whom Jesus loved man he loved Jesus
and they had a relationship so that at
this Last Supper he was actually leaning
over on Jesus this shows a familiarity
and a love with Jesus but did you know
that this same apostle in Revelation
chapter one saw the resurrected Jesus
and his hair was white his eyes were
like a flame of fire his feet were like
polished brass with flame running
through it he saw Jesus resurrected in
his glory and this time he fell on his
face as if he was dead he was
overwhelmed with the majesty and the
glory of Jesus did you know Jesus was
the same in both places when Jesus was
with his disciples in the spirit realm
he was God Almighty and the power and
the glory and the majesty that was
revealed in Revelation was inside of
Jesus but it was clothed in that
physical body and what Paul is referring
to here is that at one time the
disciples knew Jesus based on his
external if you would have asked them
what is what is Jesus like they would
have described how tall he was what the
color of his hair was maybe some of his
facial features they might have been
able to tell you about some of the
miracles but they really knew him
basically based on their five senses but
after Jesus died and then rose from the
dead you know he was different not that
he changed on the inside but he was now
no longer the glory of God that it was
inside of him was no longer shielded our
there wasn’t a veil over the way there
was before his glorified body radiated
the glory of God in a way that his
physical body never could I’m saying all
of these things to say that when he says
we don’t know Jesus after the flesh
anymore we knew him that way one time
but we don’t know him that way anymore
it all comes back to at one time they
just looked on the external but now they
see because of what he went through
he overcame death because he’s
resurrected they saw him literally just
ascend up into heaven and be caught up
into the clouds and they saw these
angels say that the same one that you’ve
seen a sin will also come again in the
clouds and now they had a new revelation
they knew Jesus far beyond what his
physical features were the physical
limitations of that body they now knew
him in the spirit realm that’s what he’s
talking about
and then the next verse says if any man
be in Christ he’s a new creature and
this is talking about in the spirit
realm let me make one more application
before I go on into the seventeenth
first and that is that not only should
we not know people just based on their
physical thing and judge people and
relate to them based on their physical
color our you know their beauty or their
skills and talents and stuff like that
and not only should we go beyond just
the physical body of Jesus which of
course isn’t a real problem with us
since none of us have known him after
the flesh the only way we’ve come to
know Jesus is through the spirit realm
but not only do we not know people after
the flesh and we don’t know Jesus after
the flesh but the number one way that we
knew didn’t need to interpret that this
is that you don’t need to know yourself
after the flesh there are many of you
that if I was you know talking to you on
the phone I said well what do you look
like who are you you would describe the
color of your hair you would tell me how
tall you are whether you’re a male or
female you would describe this this most
of the things that we would use to
describe ourselves are dealing with this
physical external realm some of you
would go beyond that and talk about
things that you’ve experienced maybe
your attitude this is what you believe
and things like this but you know what
there’s not very many people that if I
was say what are you like in the spirit
what’s happened what do you have do you
have the power of God living on the
inside of you there’s most people
watching this program even most
Christians that really do not have a
clear picture of who you are if I was to
ask who you are in the physical realm
you could give me enough information
that you could sit down and draw a
picture of you and be recognizable if I
was to ask about what you’re like in
your emotion realm
you know what you would either describe
to me a person who has it all together a
person who’s confident and bold or maybe
you’d describe a person who’s been
wounded in hurt and you could drive draw
some kind of a picture that would
symbolize and show what you feel like on
the inside but most of you could not
tell me what you’re like in the spirit
and this is a major problem since the
spirit part of you is the real you how
in the world are you ever going to
release it if you don’t even know what’s
happened to you on the inside and this
has led to a bunch of problems one of
them is that most people think that God
has all of this power out there that he
has healing anointing victory faith
power etc etc but they see it as being
out there in the heaven somewhere and
they are praying and asking God to put
forth his hand and touch them and give
them something as we go through this
teaching and I explained it to you one
of the things that you’re gonna learn is
that everything everything that God has
for you I mean for all eternity a
million years from today in eternity
everything that will be true of you in
heaven in eternity is already true in
your spirit your spirit right now is the
same spirit that you will have
throughout all eternity it’s as pure as
holy as Jesus is it’s as righteous as
Jesus is it has the knowledge that Jesus
has it has the same anointing the same
virtue the same faith the same joy
everything somebody says why doesn’t not
if I had that I’d know it no again I go
back to Jesus own words in John 3:6 it
says that which is spirit is spirit that
which is flesh is flesh you cannot know
it feel it discern it through any of our
carnal senses you have to go to God’s
Word and take what God’s Word says as
being spirit and life
you know if you were in a building right
now and if you heard something outside
and you were wondering whether it was a
wind or whether it’s rain or worth
something if you didn’t have any windows
or let’s just say that you only had one
window you couldn’t tell exactly what’s
going on on outside because you’re
inside the
the atmosphere is different what you
would have to do is go look out that
window and what you saw through that
window would give you an indication of
what was going on outside well it’s the
same thing in the spirit realm you don’t
know with just your physical limitations
what is true in the spirit realm what
you do is go to the Word of God and like
a window into the spirit realm if you
want to see what you are like in the
spirit realm then look into the word
look through this take what the Word of
God has to say about you and believe
that that’s who you are and so all of
that being said here is the versed in
2nd Corinthians chapter 5 and verse 17
therefore if any man be in Christ this
is talking about being born again the
longing to Christ you’ve experienced
this new birth he is a new creature old
things are passed away behold all things
are become new now that is one powerful
powerful scripture and you know what a
lot of people stumble over that because
they say well now wait a minute
the Bible here is saying that if you are
in Christ then old things have passed
away all things have become new and you
know what they can’t see that change in
their life and so many people get
discouraged and wonder about while I
prayed and I ask God to come in and
forgive me of my sins and and receive
salvation but I just still have a lot of
the same problems I just don’t know if
it worked well see that’s a problem
because they are thinking that the
change is going to be external they
think that the change is going to happen
in their body and in their soul but you
can tell by nothing but process of
elimination that this verse if it’s true
which it is has to be talking about the
spirit part of you because if you were
fat before you got saved did you know
you’re still going to be fat after you
get saved your body doesn’t just
instantly change we’ve got the promise
over in 1st Corinthians chapter 15 it
says this corruptible talking about your
body must put on incorruption right now
we live in a corrupted body it is not
the glorified body that we’re gonna have
Jesus showed us that when he was
resurrected from the dead his glorified
body could just zip from place to place
it could appear and disappear
they had the room locked one time with
all of the doors and the windows lock
and yet Jesus just all of a sudden
appeared in the room that’s the way that
our glorified body will be our physical
body isn’t like that now our physical
body is not the part that is in Christ
now it’s been purchased and we have a
promise that we’re going to have a
glorified body but it’s not redeemed yet
it’s purchased but not redeemed and so
it’s not your body that old things
passed away and all things became that
it’s also not your soul you can prove
that by your last test score you can
prove that by many obviou forget where
you put your keys where are you you know
have your glasses and your glasses are
on top of your head and you’re looking
everywhere for you know what the Bible
says in first Corinthians chapter 13
that we only know in part and we
prophesy in part but there’s coming a
time when we will receive this glorified
body and we’ll know all things even as
also we’re known now that’s a future
tense thing that hasn’t happened yet
none of us know everything with our
little peanut brain the way that we are
gonna know in the future so by
observation you can tell that your
physical body old things haven’t passed
away all things haven’t become that
you’re solely from your mental emotional
part old things haven’t passed away all
things haven’t become new if you were
stupid before you got saved you’re still
going to be stupid after you get saved
until you begin to start renewing your
mind and changing that situation so
what’s left according to first
Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 23 we have
a spirit soul and body we know by
observation that your body and your soul
your emotional mental part hasn’t
changed yet so second Corinthians 5:17
when it says if you are in Christ old
things have passed away behold all
things not some things not a majority of
things not a lot of things all things
have become new in the spirit is what
this is talking about it has to be
process of elimination it has to be
talking about your spirit when you get
born again in the spirit you become a
the new person one translation of this
verse says they become a new species of
beam that never existed before
well that’s powerful you know right here
I just want to let this soak in for a
minute before I go on and begin to say
some other things about it but most
Christians do not really perceive this
and grab hold of this you know one of
the examples are our way of illustrating
this is that I have thousands and
thousands of prisoners who watch me on
television listen to my materials and
every time I preach on spirit soul and
body our response from prisoners goes
way up and and it will typically be
something along this line that these
people were in prison of course they
realized that their life was in a mess
they were looking for a new chance a new
beginning some preacher comes along and
tells them if you’re in Christ you
become a new creature old things pass
away all things become new would you
like to be new would you like to have a
do-over would you like another chance
and of course many prisoners will yes
that’s what I need and so they pray and
ask the Lord to come into their life
because they realize they need to change
they are wanting to change so they make
this prayer they receive Jesus then they
wake up in the morning they’re in the
same jail cell they’re wearing the same
jail you know clothing they are dealing
with the same prison guards the prison
system is treating them exactly the same
for their sins that they’ve committed
and they can’t in the physical realm
observe this change and many of them who
were really sincere and believed get
discouraged thinking well God didn’t
hear my prayer nothing has changed and
when I share that it’s in the spirit
that you become brand-new and then the
way that you get what all of this change
that is taking place in your spirit to
start impacting your physical realm is
by the renewing of your mind as I share
this it’s like a light bulb comes on all
of a sudden they realize no it was true
God heard my prayer and as I renew my
mind and begin to start changing my
actions I will in the future see this
physical transformation but the
information in my spirit is already
complete it’s already done and you know
you don’t have to be behind prison bars
to have that same misconception there’s
lots of people who are on the outside
who thought that they were just going to
be transformed when Jesus came into
their life and they haven’t seen they
still have problems they still have
strife in their marriage they still have
fears they still have sickness and they
are wondering about I thought everything
was gonna be different the
transformation takes place in your
spirit and then it’s through the
renewing of your mind that you begin to
draw this power that’s in your spirit
out into the physical realm well these
are powerful truths these truths have
changed my life and I’m just laying a
foundation we’re gonna start building on
this and we’re going to go through this
series talking about spirit soul and
body and I tell you this could change
your life it certainly has mine I’d like
to encourage you to please listen as our
announcer gives you some information and
write and get these materials we have
this re-release of my book we have tens
of thousands of these that have gone out
and if you haven’t got this I’d
encourage you to get it or get one and
share with someone else we’ve got our
study guide please listen and then call
or write today and join me again
tomorrow as we continue the gospel truth
Andrews four-part teaching titled spirit
soul and body is available in a CD album
or it’s available in a DVD album as seen
on TV
ask 40 1027 and be sure to specify CD or
DVD when you make a gift of 13 pounds or
more the first teaching in the audio CD
album is also available for a donation
of 3 pounds or more we encourage
everyone to send a gift but if you’re
simply unable to afford it Andrew and
his partners will provide this first CD
free of charge request teaching TK 91
and we’ll be pleased to send it to you
spirit soul and body the book is also
available when you send a gift to the
work of this ministry
request T 3:18 when you write call or go
to our website for the very first time
this teaching is available in a
companion study guide for a gift of 17
pounds 50 or more included as a cd-rom
that allows you to duplicate any
resources needed for each lesson request
study guide T 418 when you contact the
ministry the very best way to reach
assist through our website you can order
ministry materials online 24 hours a day
at aw M&M or you can use your credit
card to order by telephone our helpline
number is zero one nine two two four
seven three three hundred again that’s
zero one nine two two four seven three
three hundred when calling from outside
the UK you must dial your international
calling code then forty four one nine
two two four seven three three hundred
helpline hours extend from 7:00 a.m. to
4:00 p.m. Greenwich Mean Time if the
lines are jammed remember you can go to
our website and there’s no fee for
reaching us through the internet if you
prefer to write us our dress is a WME
that’s Andrew Wommack ministries of
Europe PL box for 392 Walsall ws 198 R
England we hope to hear from you today
I’d like to encourage you to go visit
our website we have that address on your
screen and I tell you we have one of the
most powerful websites of anything I’ve
ever seen I get comments about how
user-friendly it is I have hundreds of
my teaching available for free downloads
and there’s literally the people’s lives
saved by having all of this teaching
material available to them free of
charge we have our living commentary
there I have about I think it’s eight
years or more of our television programs
that you can view right there on the
website we have about ten or eleven
years worth of my radio programs there
it’s just a wealth of information so
please join us on our website we’d like
to point out Andrews upcoming speaking
schedule mark your calendars to come
meet Andrew at one of these events and
let the word of God transform your life
he’ll be in Kampala Uganda July 11th and
he’ll also be in the northwest province
of South Africa on July 20th and July
21st through the 23rd for more details
on Andrews next meeting in your area
call our helpline or visit our website
at a WME net I want to let you know that
on July the 20th through the 23rd I’m
gonna be ministering in South Africa and
I’m really excited to be coming back
this will be only my second trip there
on the 20th I’m gonna be ministering at
Spirit Word ministries this is a Sunday
afternoon service and then on Monday
through Wednesday
Arthur min says and I’m know that that’s
not the way you pronounce his last name
but Arthur’s a very good friend of mine
and he is South African we’re gonna be
holding a meeting on Monday through
Wednesday with morning and evening
services and it’s just going to be a
great time in the Lord so remember this
is July the 20th at spirit word
ministries and then the 21st through the
23rd will be using their facilities for
our own conference there it’ll be called
a Grace and faith conference be sure to
tune in tomorrow for more gospel truth
not just some things changed but
everything completely and totally
changed in the spirit realm and remember
that your emotions what you can see
tastier smelling feel can only tell you
what’s going on in your physical body
and in your soul ease realm but they can
not give you an indication of what’s
happened in this
Love the way you unit, mean to being for us men and women of of on one platform thanks very much and May LORD BLESS YOU AMEN.