The book of Romans is Paul’s greatest masterpiece on the doctrine of grace. Nowhere else in Scripture is the mystery of God’s grace revealed more thoroughly or more simply. This series helps the listener discover the book of Romans’ liberating truths, which have literally changed the world.

today on our gospel truth broadcast I’m

going to start dealing with pause

masterpiece on the subject of grace

that’s the book of Romans I tell you

this teaching transformed my life many

years ago and I think it has the same

potential for you so please stay tuned

for the gospel truth

welcome to gospel truth with Andrew

Wommack a teaching ministry that

emphasizes God’s unconditional love and

grace and now here’s Andrew welcome to

our Monday’s broadcast of the gospel

truth today I’m going to begin a brand

new series and I am really excited about

this I’m going to be teaching on grace

the power of the gospel and this is the

title of a brand-new book that I’ve got

out this is a very first time we’ve ever

promoted it and it’s basically a study

of the book of Romans it doesn’t cover

every single verse I don’t have time to

do that but it is a powerful teaching I

also have a study guide that comes out

it’s a companion to the books first time

we’ve ever done this and I think that

this is going to really be a blessing to

people so we’ll be advertising this

later in the series but this teaching on

the book of Romans I believe is just

foundational to every single Christians

life you know it’s been about 30 years

ago I guess that I had the Lord speak to

me and tell me that if I could ever get

the first eight chapters of the book of

Romans to where I understood them that

it would revolutionize my life and I bet

you I spent 20 years studying the book

of Romans before I could say that I

really understood it and of course

that’s a you know that’s a conditional

statement I there’s still things that

I’m learning and growing in I don’t

think we ever plumb all of the truths in

the revelation that God gives us but it

probably took me 20 years to where I

felt like I at least had a handle on

those truths and sure enough it has

radically transformed my life and I

believe that this same teaching is going

to do the same thing for you the book of

Romans is probably not the favorite book

of most people watching this program but

it ought to be in my opinion the book of

Romans is like the masterpiece of the

Apostle Paul on what salvation is all

about and about how we obtain it it’s

like I mean it is one of the greatest

masterpiece in the Bible on the subject

of grace the book of Romans and the book

of Galatians are basically dealing with

the exact same issue but the book of

Galatians is where Paul is preaching to

a group of people who at one time who

had embraced the gospel and yet had been

turned away from it and they had gone

back into trying to mix the grace of God

with legalism and keeping all of these

rules and regulations so in the book of

Galatians the Apostle Paul just like

takes the gloves off and he goes to

attacking these people he says old

foolish Galatians who hath bewitched you

that you should believe a lion he just

made some incredible statements that the

book of Galatians to me is a great book

also but it’s harsh it’s right in your

face it’s you know I mean getting right

down to it and saying if you don’t

believe this Christ is going to profit

you nothing and he says anybody who

preaches something contrary to what I

have preached led him be accursed that’s

in the very first chapter of the book of

Galatians and that’s such a strong

radical statement that I’m sure most

people thought all he couldn’t mean what

he said and so he repeated and he says

again I say if anybody even an angel

preaches any other gospel unto you than

that which I have preached let him be

accursed I mean Paul was vicious

in his presentation of grace in the book

of Galatians whereas the book of Romans

is more like just a scholarly dealing

with it it’s not emotional in the sense

that it’s countering some specific

problem or anything like that it’s just

a scholarly approach of trying to lay

out in order the practical truths about

the gospel and I really believe that the

book of Romans is just something

that if you are going to ever succeed as

a Christian you’re going to have to

learn these truths and the very fact

that very few people today really look

at Romans as being one of their favorite

books I believe is indicative of just

how much we don’t understand the gospel

how it really is not a revelation I

believe that the the truths contained in

the book of Romans are the antidote for

all of the problems that we see in the

church today if we were to get to where

the book of Romans was something that

was impacting us these truths I

guarantee it would solve the problems

that we have now I want to just say a

couple of things before I get right into

this teaching and that is that some

people are probably going to think oh no

here we are going to study through a

book of about I want to learn about how

to overcome my depression I can

guarantee you that if you were to get

hold of the truths in the book of Romans

it would be impossible I believe this

with all of my heart absolutely

impossible to be depressed and still

meditate on these truths I believe that

so this is the cure so I’m saying that

for those of you think oh I needed this

or I need that some people think but I

need a healing in my body well as it

says in Romans 1:16 the gospel is the

power of God unto salvation it’s the

power of God that will release healing

into your body it will release

prosperity it will release deliverance

from depression and discouragement and

guilt and condemnation these truths

presented in here in the book of Romans

I believe are the antidote to whatever

your problem is whatever it is it’s

causing you to hurt this is the answer

to it

whatever your itch is this is what will

scratch it they meant that’s what I

believe so I’m just saying these things

that some people don’t like to get

doctrinal they don’t like to go through

here but just like the Lord spoke to me

30 years ago if you could understand

these truths contained here in the book

of Romans I guarantee it would solve

your problems and the Lord spoke that to

me I’m speaking this same thing to you

and just encouraging you to open up your


oh that we get busy and not every person

watches this program every single day

and I can understand that that your

world doesn’t revolve around my program

but I really believe that for the next

few weeks that it would be to your

advantage to go to an effort of making

this a center of your day focusing on

this because these truths I believe

you’re going to just radically transform

your life so in the book of Romans of

course this is Paul writing to the

Christians that were in Rome and the

first few verses of the book of Romans

are kind of introductory statements he

says things like I thank God through

Jesus Christ for you all that your faith

is spoken off throughout the whole world

well that’s quite a statement and we

could spend time talking about them but

basically all of these first few verses

are basically introduction and greetings

of the Apostle Paul to these people and

then he began to say that he longed to

come unto them that he may impart some

spiritual gift unto them to the end that

they may be established in verse 11 and

he said that he was in in verse 14 I am

a debtor both to the Greeks and to the

barbarians both to wise and to the

unwise so as much as in me is I am ready

to preach the gospel to you that are at

Rome also and some of these words in

here I’m going to have to just make some

statements because we skip over these

things these have become a religious

cliches to us and we don’t understand

the importance of it but let me just

back up and say a couple of things in

verse 14 he says I have a debtor both to

the Greeks and to the barbarians now

again these words are not words that we

use typically but basically he was

talking to people that had a Jewish

mindset the Jews believed that they were

the chosen people of God and basically

that they were the only people who had

any relationship with God they preached

that if you were going to have a

relationship with God you had to convert

to Judaism and you had to become a

follower of the Jewish faith to have any

relationship with God that is not what

the Bible taught at all as a matter of

fact there’s a book in the Bible that

was written by a pagan King

Nebuchadnezzar Daniel chapter four and

he praised God and extolled God and

Darius the Mede was prophesied hundreds

of years in advance scuse me not Darius

but Cyrus the Meade was prophesied three

hundred and something years in advance

and called by name and was called a

servant of the Lord there were people

all throughout biblical history such as

Melchizedek who were not Jews and were

yet people who were in relationship with

God but the Jews had degenerated into a

place where they believed that you had

to be a Jewish convert to have any

relationship with God so for Paul to

make a statement like I am a debtor to

the Greeks and to the barbarians and I

am going to come and preach the gospel

unto you did you know that this was very

offensive to the religious Jews of

Paul’s day as a matter of fact the book

of Acts chapter fifteen was written all

about the fact that the Paul and some of

the others had been preaching the gospel

and people who were non-jews were being

saved and coming into relationship with

God in the church was so upset that

people would claim to have a

relationship with God and yet not be a

Jew not be converted to Judaism that

they had a counsel about it and that’s

what Acts chapter 15 is all about and

Paul and Barnabas went up to this

council and they defended their

preaching the gospel to non-jews and

offering relationship with God to people

outside of the Jewish faith and that’s

what Acts chapter 15 is all written

about so anyway I bring that out to say

that see this is all in these passages

the scripture we just read over this and

don’t think much about it but what Paul

was saying here about preaching the

gospel and offering salvation

relationship with God to someone who

isn’t a Jew that was unthinkable it was

offensive to these people and

Paul made these statements and then he

says in verse 16 I am not ashamed of the

gospel of Christ and specifically he’s

talking about the gospel being that is

not based on you being a Jew it doesn’t

matter about your actions it’s just your

personal faith and relationship with the

Lord so he begins to start making the

major point of the book right here in

the 16th verse of the first chapter

Andrews complete teaching on Romans is

available in a brand-new book from

Harrison house publishers titled grace

the power of the gospel you can request

a copy when you send a gift of seven

pounds or more a companion study guide

is also available for a gift of eighteen

pounds or more this teaching is also

available in a four-part tape or CD

album or you can order a DVD version

recorded from television the first tape

or CD and the four-part teaching is

available for a donation of 3 pounds or

more but for those unable to send a gift

Andrew and his partners will provide

this first audio teaching free of charge

our dress is a WM e that’s Andrew

Wommack ministries of Europe Pio box for

392 Walsall WS 1:9 a our England our

telephone number is zero one nine two

two four seven three 300 and website

orders can be placed at w WAW m e net we

hope to hear from you today

and now gospel truth continues so in

Romans 1:16 the apostle paul begins to

really make the point of this whole

teaching in the book of Romans and in

Romans 1:16 he says for I am not ashamed

of the gospel of Christ for it the

gospel is the power of God unto

salvation to every one that believeth to

the Jew first and also to the Greek for

therein is the righteousness of God

revealed from faith to faith as it is

written the just shall live by faith now

again this is the word gospel and

salvation have become religious cliches

to us and many of us just read this

and kind of pass on and don’t think much

about it but these words were radical

terms for his day again the Jewish

mindset of that day was that the only

way a person could have relationship

with God was to become a Jew and keep

all of the rules and the regulations the

dress codes this ordinance of

circumcision for the men and all of

these things these were foundational

things and Toofer Paul to be saying that

he was not ashamed of telling people

that they didn’t have to become a Jew

that they didn’t have to be circumcised

that they didn’t have to keep the law

that they didn’t have to do all of these

Jewish rituals that they could just

accept Jesus as their Savior and be

right with God what a radical statement

there was probably very few

contemporaries of the Apostle Paul in

his day that would make a statement like

that because it just brought the wrath

of all of the Jewish leaders because for

centuries they had thought that they had

a corner on God and that you had to

become a Jew to have a relationship with

God and here’s the Apostle Paul

preaching that that’s not so and so the

word gospel to them was a radical

radical term to us the word gospel has

become kind of a cliche

I hear people today saying things like

you know I I heard this statement once

that they said that nobody in the United

States should hear the gospel twice

until every person in the world has had

the opportunity of hearing it once and

what they were trying to do is to

emphasize that we have a responsibility

to evangelize the whole world not put

all of our efforts into trying to

evangelize people in the United States

that have heard the gospel many many

times but let me make a radical

statement that you know what people in

the United States have not heard the

gospel and many people think oh yes they

have no they haven’t

they’ve heard religion but they haven’t

heard the gospel they haven’t heard this

gospel that the Apostle Paul was

preaching as a matter of fact as we go

through this study and go through the

book of Romans one of the things that

you’re going to see is that the book of

Romans is in direct opposition to the

majority of what Christianity is

preaching today in the United States

across Europe Africa or around the world

what is being proclaimed as the gospel

today does not compute it does not

measure up to what the Apostle Paul is

preaching in the book of Romans now

that’s a radical statement and I know

that there’s probably many people

offended by that but it’s absolutely

true and as we go through this teaching

this is going to be one of the things

that happen but see the word gospel to

us it just it’s becoming a religious

term that basically applies to anything

to do with the Christian religion I’ve

heard people before say man I’m

preaching the gospel and then you listen

to them and all they’re doing is

preaching Hellfire and damnation repent

or else turn or burn you’re going to go

to hell if you don’t repent and they

call that the gospel that is not the

gospel again the word gospel to us is a

word that doesn’t really mean very much

it’s just a religious cliche but in

Paul’s day the word gospel here’s what

it literally means it means good news

and if you really study it out

specifically it’s it’s nearly too good

to be true news is the point that the

word gospel is communicating when the

Bible was written in all of Greek

literature outside of the Bible I read

this in a commentary and they said that

out of their study they went through all

of Greek literature and this Greek word

that was used and translated gospel into

our English language was only used twice

outside of the Bible that’s how rare it

was it was an obscure word that was

hardly ever used and you know why nobody

ever used this word because it didn’t

just mean good news it literally would

be better translated or I believe more

accurately showing you what it’s getting

across by saying that it’s the nearly

too good to be true news it’s a

superlative it’s just over the top like

this is so good it is so great there is

nothing to compare with this and outside

of the Bible

what Jesus came to do for us this word

was hardly ever used because there was

nothing in this world that is nearly too

good to be true news so it was very very

seldom used because there is very very

seldom anything that is nearly too good

to be true but you know what when it

came to what Jesus did for us the word

gospel was borrowed from the Greek

language and applied to Jesus because it

really was descriptive of what he did

Jesus came and did something for us that

was nearly too good to be true news and

even more specific I can get even more

specific than that that the word gospel

is not just talking about something that

is nearly too good to be true but you

know the word gospel is specifically

talking about the grace of the Lord

Jesus Christ now I can use a number of

scriptures to verify that let’s turn

over to Galatians chapter 1 and remember

Galatians is basically making these same

points as are recorded here in the book

of Romans in Galatians chapter 1 in

verse 6 Paul said I marvel that you are

so soon removed from him that called you

into the grace of Christ unto another

gospel which is not another but there be

some that trouble you and would pervert

the gospel of Christ in verse 6

notice that the Apostle Paul said I

marvel that you are so soon removed from

him that called you into the grace of

Christ unto another gospel he’s using

the word grace and gospel

interchangeably so the word gospel is

literally saying that it’s the nearly

too good to be true news but as you

study it out through scripture the word

gospel is specifically denoting the way

that we receive relationship with God

the manner in which salvation has been

offered unto us and it’s specifying that

it’s talking about the grace of God the

word grace of course is talking about

something that you don’t deserve

something that you don’t that you

haven’t earned

it’s undeserved unmerited unearned favor

and so when you’re talking about the

gospel you’re talking about the nearly

too good to be true news that God is

offering forgiveness of sin not based on

your performance not based on you

swearing that you’ll never do anything

wrong again or somehow or another doing

so many good works that your good works

outweigh your bad works so that’s what a

lot of people kind of have picture they

have one of these balances you know that

has a fulcrum in the middle and the

things on each side and if you’ve got

this much sin over here then what you’ve

got to do is start doing this much

holiness over here that when your life

is over the good will outweigh the bad

that’s not good news that puts the

burden of salvation on your back and it

makes you the Savior and I guarantee

you’re going to fail and it just puts

you on this treadmill of trying to do

all of these things that’s not good news

then nearly too good to be true news is

that it’s not this thing of your good

works outweigh and your bad works it’s a

matter of Jesus came he paid for every

sin that you could ever imagine every

sin you had committed every sin you ever

would commit he paid for them all he has

totally wiped out your debt and the only

thing he request is that you just

acknowledge him as your Savior that you

put your faith in him and when you stand

before God instead of proclaiming I’m a

good person I’ve done this and I’ve done

this instead you proclaim that you made

Jesus your Savior and you have

relationship with God based solely upon

what Jesus did now see that’s Grace you

aren’t getting what you deserve and yet

there’s a lot of people there’s a lot of

people who call themselves Christians

today and I’m there what I call

religious Christians not truly born

again they they claim to be Christians

because they believe that there is a God

they believe that Jesus is the Son of

God they can even talk about him coming

to die but when it comes right down to

it what’s going to make them right when

they stand before God is it going to be

their goodness and they’ve lived a holy

life or is it their faith in a savior

and what I’m calling religious

Christians will say well I believe

that you have to have Jesus as your

Savior but also it’s based on what I’ve


nope the moment you add anything to

Jesus you’ve defiled him

it’s either what Jesus did for you

without your goodness added to it or any

attempt to improve upon add to what

Jesus has done totally voids what Jesus

has done for you and again if we had

time I could turn over to Galatians

chapter 5 and this is exactly what he’s

saying over there he says those of you

who are seeking to be justified by works

you are falling from grace Christ has

become of no effect unto you the moment

you say it’s Jesus plus anything then

that equals zero but if it’s Jesus plus

nothing except faith in him than that

equals salvation that equals everything

and see this is the point that he’s

trying to get across when he’s using the

term the gospel is the power of God he’s

talking about this nearly too good to be

true news that we can be in right

standing with God not through our

goodness not through our effort but

through what Jesus did for us and that

needs a lot of explanation because again

it’s like the Apostle Paul said over

here in Galatians he says that there are

some that would provoke the gospel of

Christ it’s not actually a totally

different gospel it’s just a perversion

of the gospel and that’s what we see in

the religious Church today they

acknowledge Jesus they will call him

Savior they will talk about some of

these truths but when it comes right

down to it’s Jesus plus your own

goodness equals your answer to prayer

and God moving in your life that’s a

perversion of the gospel and that is not

true salvation I’ve got a lot more to

share about this and this is reason

we’ve started this series I encourage

you to listen to our announcer and let

them share with you about how you can

receive all of these materials this

brand-new book that we’re offering

entitled grace the power of the gospel

and then join me again tomorrow for the

gospel truth

Andrews complete teaching on Romans is

available in a brand-new book from

Harrison house publishers titled grace

the power of the gospel you can request

a copy when you send a gift of seven

pounds or more a companion study guide

is also available for a gift of eighteen

pounds or more this teaching is also

available in a four-part tape or CD

album or you can order a DVD version

recorded from television the first tape

or CD and the four-part teaching is

available for a donation of three pounds

or more but for those unable to send a

gift Andrew and his partners will

provide this first audio teaching free

of charge let me remind you once again

that I’ve got a brand new book out

entitled grace the power of the gospel

that’s exactly what I was teaching on on

our program today this is basically a

synopsis of the book of Romans and a

revelation of the greatest truth I

believe recorded in the Bible it’s

powerful so we have this book we also

have this study guide that is in a

three-ring binder format as well as our

DVD our CDs and our cassette tapes of

this teaching and I think that this

teaching on the book of Romans is going

to transform many people’s lives so

please take advantage of it listen as

our announcer gives you that information

and call or write today our address is a

WMA that’s Andrew Wommack ministries of

Europe Pio box for 392 Walsall WS 1:9 a

our England our telephone number is zero

one nine two two four seven three three

hundred and website orders can be placed

at www mu net we hope to hear from you

today I’d like to give a special

invitation to all of our full-time

ministers watching this program to come

join me on November the 5th through the

7th in England we’re going to be holding

a ministers conference with pastor Bobby

and Ian Charlie and Jill LeBlanc will be

doing praise and worship along with my

wife it’s going to be in Buxton this is

in Derbyshire England at the Paramount

Palace Hotel November the 5th through

the 7th at Derbyshire England we also

would like to point out andrew’s

upcoming speaking schedule all meetings

are open to the public and no

registration is required for these

events visit our website or call our

helpline for more information

mark your calendar and come meet Andrew

at one of these events be sure to tune

in tomorrow for more gospel truth as the

Apostle Paul said right here he says I

testified to every man that is

circumcised that he is a debtor to do

the whole law Christ has become of no

effect unto you whosoever of you are

justified by the law you are fallen from

grace I could say the same thing today

whoever it is that feels like you’ve not

only got to believe on Jesus but you’ve

also got to be baptized in water in the

name of Jesus only for the remission of

your sins are you’ve got to live a

certain way and have your hair fixed a

certain way and dress a certain way and

you can’t wear any gold or jewelry or

you can’t do this or you’ve got to go to

church so many times a week or you’ve

got to read so many chapters a day and

if any of these things enter into your

relationship with God as a prerequisite

for God to either save you or maintain

your salvation then Christ has become a

nun effect unto you you are falling from

grace you aren’t operating under the

gospel then I know that there’s people

all around the world right now saying

this can’t be I’m reading this to you

out of Scripture that’s tomorrow on

gospel truth with Andrew Wommack