Most believers intellectually understand that God loves them. Very few however, know His love experientially. That knowing is what changed my life and it can change yours too.

why do you serve God do you serve God to

get God to love you or do you serve God

because you’ve already had God look

there’s a big difference between those

two we’re going to talk about that today

on our program and this will help you so

stay tuned for the gospel truth

welcome to gospel truth with Andrew

Wommack a teaching ministry emphasizing

God’s unconditional love and grace and

now here’s Andrew welcome to our

Tuesday’s broadcast of the gospel truth

today I’m continuing a series that I

just started yesterday and we’re talking

about God’s kind of love specifically

God’s kind of love to you are for you

and the point that I was making on my

program yesterday is that a lot of

people just don’t understand how

important it is to understand God’s love

they let me phrase it this way most

people see God’s love as a goal that

they’re headed towards and they think

that by doing good things and studying

the word and keeping the commandments

and doing this and this and this that

they somehow another earn God’s love so

they see gold God’s love as a goal that

they’re headed towards that’s what they

are desiring and praying for is for God

to pour out their love his love in their

life and yet I believe it’s exactly

opposite that I believe that you need a

revelation of how much God loves you

first and then everything else in the

Christian life comes out of

understanding how much God loves you now

somebody may think that that’s a minor

difference but it’s a major difference I

mean a huge difference huge difference I

can’t I don’t have the words to convey

the difference between serving God

because you have his love versus serving

God trying to earn his love it’s a

totally different thing and the results

that you get are totally different too I

mean when you are trying to do things to

obtain God’s love they

and according to scripture and I could

go into much more detail on this but

I’ll just say these things and praise

God I hope that the Lord will explain

this to you because some of you may

choke on this but when you are trying to

do things to earn God’s love that’s what

the Pharisees were doing that actually

is self-righteousness you aren’t coming

to God through Christ and receiving his

love as a free gift but you’re thinking

that you have to do things to earn it

and the only people that Jesus ever

rebuked were self-righteous religious

people who were doing things to earn the

love of God if you would have asked them

you know what are you doing all of these

things for I mean they paid tithes of

mint and anise and cumin all the way

down to the spices in their gardens they

prayed three times a day they sounded

trumpets before then they wore these

things called phylacteries which was a

band around their head that had

scripture hanging down in a little

packet and they did that because the

scripture says you’re supposed to keep

the word before your eyes all of the

time and that was a way to show how they

were focused on the Word of God they had

little fringes around their garment that

were supposed to be holiness to the Lord

I mean their whole life was built around

doing all of these things but they were

doing then trying to obtain God’s love

they linked God’s love to their own

performance and those are the people

that God rebuked that but on the other

hand he took publicans who were people

who were tax collectors they were

collaborating with the Roman government

and oppressing their own people they

were traitors they were hated of people

he loved publicans he even made a

publican a tax collector Matthew one of

his twelve disciples he showed mercy

towards harlots prostitutes people that

were living ungodly he never rebuked any

of those kind of people the only people

Jesus ever got angry at and rebuked were

the people that were living a relatively

holy life but they were what they were

believing that God owed them his love

because they had lived so holy

and I’ll tell you what there are people

that are trapped in that exact same

mindset today there are multitudes of

people watching this program all across

Europe and Africa India the United

States Asia Australia any place on the

earth people are watching this program

and I guarantee you this is a condition

that affects the vast majority of people

they have fallen into doing things

trying to earn God’s love but the

scripture says it’s just the opposite it

says over in 1st John chapter 4 that we

love Him because He first loved us you

don’t love God and then God loves you in

return no you love him because he first

loved you and if you don’t understand

this and if you don’t receive God’s kind

of love as a free gift and if you don’t

let God’s unconditional agape type of

love transform your heart and then serve

God as a response to love but instead

you are serving God trying to get God to

love you that’s the difference between

religion and true Christianity that’s

the difference between serving God made

being hard and difficult and you’re

depressed and you’re discouraged and

you’re a person who is just walking in

the joy and in the peace of God I tell

you we love God because God first loved

us and anytime you get the cart in front

of the horse anytime you get these

things in a wrong order and you get to

trying to do something to obtain God’s

love instead of serving God as a results

of a byproduct of God’s love well then

that takes all of the joy and all of the

victory out of Christianity and if it’s

to an extreme well then it makes you

just a religious person who may be doing

good things but you are right on your

way to hell and it is not true

Christianity and those are some strong

statements but I’m saying all of this

just trying to emphasize how important

receiving a revelation of God’s love is

yesterday on our program

I used Ephesians chapter 3 and in verse

19 he prayed that you would experience

the love of God which passes just mere

intellectual knowledge and the last part

of that verse says that when you

experience God’s love then you are

filled with all of the fullness of God

you could say it this way if you aren’t

filled with God if you aren’t filled

with all of the benefits if you aren’t

filled with the fullness of God then

there is a lack of understanding of

God’s love for you and my personal

testimony bears this out completely

born-again when I was eight that I was

relatively a nominal Christian I believe

if I would have died I would have gone

to heaven but went 10 years later when I

was 18 I experienced God’s love for me

in a way that just transformed my life

you know if you were looking at my life

only from the external and looking at

the actions and the way that I was

manifesting God through my life you

wouldn’t have really noticed a huge

change when I was 8 years old the change

took place when I was 18 and that’s when

I received the love of God now I

understood that I was a sinner and that

I needed to make Jesus my Lord and I did

that when I was a young boy but you know

what it was when I experienced this love

of God that my life took off and

brothers and sisters I don’t know how to

get this across any better than what I’m

doing but I’m saying that I know that

I’m speaking to people who you’ve

acknowledged the fact that God sent

Jesus to forgive your sins and you have

humbled yourself and receive Jesus as

your Savior and you’ve gotten born again

and you believe that God loves you to a

degree but I know that there are many of

you multitudes of you that are exactly

the way I was you’re saved and stuck you

don’t have any joy you don’t have any

peace you know I’ve often said it this

way if I would have been arrested for

being a Christian there wouldn’t have

been enough evidence to convict me I was

going through the motions and I was now

living in some of the sin that other

people did but I tell you what there

wasn’t this life of God flowing through

me that there is now

after I’ve received the revelation of

God’s love and I know that there are

many of you who have accepted Jesus as

your Savior and made a commitment to a

degree but you don’t have the power of

God working in you you don’t hear God’s

voice you don’t have direction for your

life your life is aimless and there’s

just so many people that are what I call

saved and stuck and I’m telling you the

thing that’ll unstick you the thing that

will get your life moving in the right

direction is a revelation of how much

God loves you and that’s what I’m trying

to get across if you could ever

experience God’s love and I mean not

just intellectually but experience it

feel and experience God’s love it would

just transform you you would serve God

more accidentally than you’ve ever

served him on purpose before and I’m

telling you the reason I’m saying all of

these things is because when I start

talking about the love of God people

think oh I know that God loves me and

yet look at the fruit in your life is

your fruit the fullness of God are you

having victory when you are really

walking in the love of God you will

experience a level of victory joy peace

happiness unlearning faith everything

else in the Christian life works out of

this one principle of love if you are

struggling over here in some area if you

trace that back to its root it’s because

there is a lack of understanding God’s

kind of love for you and so before I can

really get all of these truths to you

and explain these things first of all

you’ve just got to put an importance on

this you’ve got to recognize how

important it is to have an experiential

knowledge of God’s love for you if you

don’t have that that needs to be the

focus of your life in Drew’s five-part

teaching titled God’s kind of love to

you is available on CD for a gift of

sixteen pounds or more or you can

receive the album as part of the God’s

kind of love 5 pack for a gift of 60


or more the 5-pack includes God’s kind

of love to you God’s kind of love

through you and God’s kind of love the

cure for what ails you

the companion teachings the true nature

of God and spirit soul and body are

included and you can choose them on book

or CD request God’s kind of love 5 pack

when you write call or go to our website

be sure to specify the companion

teachings in book or CD we hope to hear

from you today and now

gospel truth continues so I’ve been

trying to emphasize how important it is

to have an experience of working

knowledge of God’s kind of love for you

and I’ve already used a number of

scriptures on that let me turn it over

to something that Jesus said this is in

Matthew chapter 22 and there was a

lawyer that means not a civil lawyer the

way we think of it today but this was a

religious lawyer a person who made his

living taking every little jot and

tiddle every detail of the law and

imposing that on people and making them

do all of these things right and they

came up with tens of thousands of

Commandments not just the Ten

Commandments but they took every

commandment in the Bible about

everything that you should do and these

are people that just made their living

out of telling people all of the things

that they had to do to be right with God

so one of these lawyers came to Jesus

and here’s what he said unto him in in

verse 35 this is Matthew 22 35 it says

in one of them which was a lawyer asked

him a question tempting him and saying

the phrase that it says tempting him

this shows you that he wasn’t sincere

what he was trying to do was to catch

Jesus he wanted to see if Jesus had the

same understanding of the word that he

did and if Jesus didn’t answer this

question exactly the way he would have

then he would have criticized Jesus and

have used this as an opportunity to turn

people away from following Jesus so he

asked this question tempting him and

saying master which is the

great commandment in the law now this is

important because again there were so

many instructions in the Old Testament

about all the things that you should do

basically he’s saying how do you boil

this all down just boil it down to one

thing what is the one thing that we

really need to put the emphasis on and

here’s Jesus answer in verse 37 jesus

said on him thou shalt love the Lord thy

God with all thy heart and with all thy

soul and with all thy mind this is the

first and Great Commandment now this is

interesting because you know what this

isn’t one of the commandments that was

over in Exodus chapter 20 what we call

the Ten Commandments actually this is a

commandment taken from Deuteronomy

chapter 6 also Leviticus chapter 19 over

there it says that you shall not hate

your brother in your heart but you shall

in any wise rebuke him and not suffer

sin to come upon him you have to love

your brother as yourself there’s a

number of scriptures that he was

combining but he basically boiled

everything down to say that the heart of

all of the Old Testament laws are loving

God with all your heart with all your

soul with all your mind this is the

first and Great Commandment and then he

went beyond this man’s question and even

answered it gave him more explanation

and he says in the next verse the second

is like unto it thou shalt love thy

neighbor as thyself on these two

Commandments hang all the law and the

prophets man that is a powerful powerful

statement and you know in the New

Testament this is developed on much much

more in John chapter 13 Jesus says a new

commandment I give unto you that you

love one another by this shall all men

know that you’re my disciples that you

have love one for another Jesus put down

that his commandment was just one thing

and that’s to love one another then over

in James chapter 2 it talks about the

royal law and the word royal here is

talking about you know in the sense that

it is a kingly law or it is I think that

that’s just a way of saying that this is

the most important

of all of the laws the royal law is to

love your neighbor as yourself and so in

the New Covenant this is developed on a

lot more and Jesus is basically saying

that love has to be the focal point of

everything you know if you were to just

think about this if you love God first

and foremost and I could spend weeks

developing this matter of fact that’s

exactly what I’m going to do as we talk

about this series about talking about

the love of God but today I’m just going

to make a point here that if you love

God more than you loved yourself if God

was first if you weren’t God ahead of

him if you just got this one point that

there’s only one God and you are not him

and so if you bowed the knee and humbled

yourself and submitted and committed

yourself to God more than you loved

yourself did you know that that would

stop most problems in your life most of

us have got understanding from the word

that we’re supposed to do certain things

but you know the bottom line is we

actually honor ourself and think our

opinion is better than God and so we

know that God said not to go out and

commit adultery but all I feel so

passionately and I think it would just

be awesome I’m tired of this when I’m

going to go get this one and you know

what it says that we aren’t supposed to

lust in our heart but man that’s so

there’s so many opportunities to lust

today there are many of you that just go

ahead and do what you want to do

ignoring God if you love God if you

valued him in his opinion more than you

valued your own opinion did you know it

would stop all of those kind of things

we would just bow the knee and we would

begin to serve God and then if you loved

other people more than you loved

yourself these two things if you just

loved God more than you loved yourself

valued him more than you value yourself

and if you loved and valued other people

more than you value yourself did you

know that it would be impossible to sin

and huddle some of you thinking oh no I

still could see man I sin all the time

No if you loved God more than you loved

yourself and loved other people more

than you loved yourself I guarantee it

would stop all sin in your life when you

lie did you know what you’re basically

doing you’re manipulating other people

you’re giving them false information

you’re seeing something so that you can

manipulate and control and it means that

you are so concerned about yourself you

will lie you will do whatever you will

make a fool of another person you will

give them false information and have

that act on that because it’s going to

be to your advantage

it basically comes down to that you

don’t love that person if you really

love the person you’d never lie to them

never lie to them you would tell the

truth if you really loved other people

you’d never steal from a person a person

that goes and steals something from

another person is a person that says you

know what it’s all about me I don’t care

about you I don’t care that I’m taking

your car or something that you need I

need it I want it it’s all about me self

self self you just take from other

people if somebody was to come and steal

your thing how would you feel well you

would feel brokenhearted and mad and

angry why because you love yourself well

when you steal from somebody else you’re

doing the exact same thing if you go out

and commit adultery all you’re doing is

thinking about yourself gratifying

yourself the physical or the emotional

response that you get from it you aren’t

thinking about that you are destroying a

life if you go out and have a

relationship with a prostitute you are

contributing to destroying a person’s

life I don’t think that there’s a single

person watching this program that thinks

that being a prostitute is a is a high

road in the best way to go you recognize

the condemnation the guilt the open the

opening to sexually transmitted disease

the way that a person is just totally

destroyed in their life when a person

goes out and has sexual relationship

with somebody other than their mate I

guarantee you you don’t give a rip about

anybody but yourself all you are is you

are just driven by hormones you’re out

to satisfy lust a desire you don’t love

the other person if you really love the

other person and if you really love God

more than you love yourself you would

never do stuff like that

to prove it just think of this just kind

of in your mind imagine going in and

having a relationship with the

prostitute and right before you jump in

bed with her say let’s pray and let’s

just ask God that this would glorify him

and tell God how much we love him you

know I’ve never done that but I can just

imagine that that would probably ruin

the entire mood it would probably

destroy the whole thing especially if

you were a Christian and if you have any

commitment to the Lord at all if you

were to pray before you went out and

committed your act of adultery your act

of lust I guarantee you to just stop it

when a person goes out and does stuff

like that you aren’t thinking about how

much God loves you and how much you love

God and all the things he’s done for you

you’re only thinking about yourself you

aren’t thinking about the other person

every sin that a person commits is

basically violating these two

Commandments that the Lord gave of not

loving God with all your heart all your

soul and all your body and not loving

other people more than you love yourself

you’re violating one of those two things

you can boil it down to that you don’t

have to remember the scriptures about

the Sabbath and about not putting other

gods before him and about honoring your

father and mother and about keeping the

Sabbath day and not lying and not

committing adultery and not coveting and

all of the commandments that we’re given

you don’t have to remember all of those

just love God more than you love

yourself love other people more than you

love yourself and you know what you

would wind up living the holiest life

that any person is ever seen it really

does all all boil down to love love is

the greatest of all of the things that

God has given us and so if you are

struggling in your Christian life you

you can’t put all of these little pieces

together you can’t just focus on the

thousands of things that religion has

told us to do you know all you got to

really do is just love God

see the love of God first of all you

can’t give away what you don’t have

so receive God’s love for yourself and

start loving God and then you will love

other people and nobody will be able to

condemn you or criticize you if you

start doing those two things I’m telling

you this is not the focus of a lot of

people there are so many people that are

over here dealing with all of these

fringe issues that in themself may be

right and they may be important in their

proper place but we put the emphasis on

all of these other things when really it

all boils down to your personal love

relationship with the Lord it all comes

down to relationship do you understand

how much God loves you and if you don’t

well then I guarantee you you’re going

to have trouble in your Christian life

so this is what we’re beginning to deal

with and I think this is going to make a

huge difference in your life I’d like to

encourage you to listen as our announcer

gives you some information we’re

offering a bunch of different products

all about the love of God it’ll be a

blessing to you and then join me again

tomorrow as we continue the gospel truth

Andrews five-part teaching titled God’s

kind of love to you is available on CD

for a gift of 16 pounds or more or you

can receive the album as part of the

God’s kind of love 5 pack for a gift of

60 pounds or more the 5 pack includes

God’s kind of love to you God’s kind of

love through you and God’s kind of love

the cure for what ails you the companion

teachings the true nature of God and

spirit soul and body are included and

you can choose them on book or CD

request God’s kind of love 5 pack when

you write call or go to our website be

sure to specify the companion teachings

in book or CD the first individual

teaching in God’s kind of love to you is

available on CD for a donation of 3

pounds or more but for those unable to

send a gift Andrew and his partners will

provide this first teaching free of

charge our dress is aw Emmy that’s

Andrew Wommack ministries of Europe

p.o box for 392 Walsall WS 1:9 a our

England our telephone number is zero one

nine two two four seven three three

hundred or you can go to our website at

any hour you can use credit card to make

donations and receive ministry products

24 hours a day at WWWE net thank you for

your gift today

you know if you are receiving this

teaching about the love of God and if

you recognize that this is what

everybody needs this is what turns

people’s lives around is understanding

how much God loves them

then I’d like to ask you to help me to

spread this good news you know we are

now reaching about 60% or more of the

United States population with the gospel

truth but I’d like to reach 100% and

then there’s a saturation where we reach

them on more than one channel per day

and give multiple opportunities there’s

just a lot that we need to do to expand

in to reach out and so if you would like

to be a part of this we have a number on

your screen and please call or write

today and become a partner with us we

also would like to point out andrew’s

upcoming speaking schedule all meetings

are open to the public and no

registration is required for these

events visit our website or call our

helpline for more information mark your

calendar and come meet Andrew at one of

these events we recently aired a series

of programs documenting Andrews February

visit to Uganda a year before he arrived

CBC graduate Leland shores had set up a

network of 16 discipleship training

centers for 800 local pastors who in

turn taught the same lessons to sixty

four thousand parishioners each week

Andrew visited some of these outposts

and was deeply moved to see the power of

the word changing so many lives in the

process he discovered that Leland

traveled long hours over dangerous roads

in a small Suzuki to accomplish this

powerful outreach

when the programs aired around the world

many viewers called to see what they

could do to help we’re happy to report

that as a result Lila now has been given

the funds to purchase a Land Cruiser

made for the difficult roads of Africa

this vehicle will help him continue to

grow this ministry in the days ahead and

we look forward to more good reports to

come in his excitement he sent us this

picture of the car

and he sends his heartfelt thanks to you

for your love and generosity be sure to

tune in tomorrow for more gospel truth

if you are flowing in the gifts of the

Holy Spirit and yet if you aren’t doing

it motivated by God’s kind of love then

all you are is just making noise it’s

not going to profit you it’s not going

to profit anybody else love has to be

this common thread of this bond of

perfectness that holds everything

together there’s a lot of Christians

today who are going to church and they

pay their ties and they read their Bible

and they live a certain standard of

holiness but they do it all through

gritted teeth they aren’t doing it

motivated by love they’re doing it

trying to earn and appease God and gain

his love and I tell you it just voids

everything the Christian life is

impossible to live it’s beyond human

ability and unless you experience God’s


I mean experience it not just hear

somebody else talk about it but unless

you experience it you aren’t going to be

able to turn the other cheek when

somebody slaps you on one cheek you

won’t be able to turn the other one if

you haven’t received a supernatural love

that allows you to live and go beyond

your own natural ability love that’s

tomorrow on gospel truth with Andrew
