People spend billions every year to retain or restore health. No one wants to be sick. Yet, religion often tells us that God is either causing sickness or allowing it for a reason. But that’s not true—GOD WANTS YOU WELL.

welcome to gospel truth with Andrew

Wommack a teaching ministry that focuses

on God’s unconditional love and grace

and now here’s Andrew welcome to our

Monday’s broadcast of the gospel truth

today I’m going to begin a brand new

series talking about God wants you well

and I am really excited about this

because I tell you this is an area that

people have lots of needs in and usually

they turn to all of the physical natural

things that are available they use God

kind of as a last ditch effort and

because of that they really don’t have

the faith there’s a lot of people that

are not receiving their healing it’s an

area of a lot of hurt and pain and it’s

an area that the gospel should excel in

and so I’m going to start talking about

a healing and this is going to be an

extended series I’m also going to use

some DVD interviews with people who have

been miraculously healed to illustrate

this so that it won’t be just in word

only doctrine or theory but we’re going

to give you physical proof that this is

true let me just say from the very

beginning that I’m aware that this is a

very controversial subject and by me

ministering on healing I’m going to

upset people

on both sides of the spectrum there will

be people who will think that I’m not

strong enough there will be people who

will think that I’m too strong and I’m

too radical and you know it’s just

guaranteed that people are going to be

upset with this but the reason that I go

ahead and minister on the subject of

healing is because I believe it is very

essential I am using the example of

Jesus Jesus spent more time healing

people then probably he did anything

else I don’t know you know there’s no

way to quantify that exactly but I can

certainly say that a large large segment

of the Ministry of Jesus was healing and

Jesus used healing like a bell to draw

people to him so that he could show them

that he also had the power to deal with

spiritual eternal values and I really

believe that one of the reasons at the


of Christ isn’t making a larger impact

today on our world is because we have

relegated the gospel to just heaven and

hell issues and we haven’t presented

Jesus as the one who has paid for our

healing and wants to heal our body and

the one who wants to prosper us

financially and the one who wants to

deliver us from the demonic oppression

and discouragement that so many people

deal with and so the vast majority of

people believe that God exists and

before they died they hope that they get

right with him it’s not a lack of

knowledge about God in the sense that he

exists and things like that but they

haven’t been told that the Lord is for

this present life and so most people see

God is something that deals with

eternity and even though they should be

concerned about their eternity they

should be more you know long-term

thinking they should think about Heaven

and Hell issues the truth is most people

are living in a Hell right now in this

life going through sickness or disease

or poverty or divorce or all kinds of

things and they are just struggling on a

daily basis to deal with this life’s

problems and Jesus hasn’t been presented

to them as a person who loves you and

wants to deal with all of these things

and so most people are one of the

reasons that they relegate religion off

to just you know I got to get right with

God before I dies because religion false

Christianity has not presented Jesus as

the healer Jesus used healing to draw

people if Jesus hadn’t been healing

bodies there wouldn’t be near the crowds

that came out to hear him yes his words

were powerful and yes he spoke like no

man spoke and I’m not trying to minimize

that at all but I’m saying it’s not an

either/or deal the Lord used healing to

draw people’s attention to draw the

crowds he used it to show that God loved

people that he was concerned about them

and the modern-day message is that God

really only is concerned about your

eternal destiny whether you go to heaven

or hell and if that’s all there was if

that’s all if that was the truth you

know what that’s more than we deserve

from God

and that would still be worth preaching

but I’m telling you the gospel is much

better news than that

yes God can is concerned about your

eternal destiny and yes there is a hell

to gain in a I mean I haven’t a gain in

a hell to lose and shine yes those

things are true but God loves you right

now God wants you well God is not

insensitive to your hurt into your pain

God loves you and he wants you well and

the fact that the church has not been

making that point when I say Church I’m

talking about in a general sense of

course there’s some great churches there

are great people who are preaching the

gospel and seeing things happen but I’m

saying if you were to take the church as

a whole and average it out the majority

of people do not preach that it’s God’s

will for you to be well there are some

people who believe God can heal and they

may say that it’s an option but they

look at it as an add-on and it is not

something that is guaranteed to us it’s

not one of our rights it’s not a part of

the atonement of Christ and I’m going to

take a different view on this and show

you that healing is a part of what Jesus

died to produce you are just as much

guaranteed healing as you are

forgiveness of sins and I know that that

statement I’ve already see offended some

people in this because again there’s

most people do not take that attitude

but let me say this and I’m not saying

this in a bragging way I’m not saying in

a way that I’m trying to condemn anybody

else but I can tell you if you would be

honest and listen to what I say right

here this could really help you to

receive these truths and I’m going to be

presenting in this series on God won’t

you will if you would be honest the

people who see the most healings the

people who see it on a regular basis and

again I am NOT saying this to promote

myself but I’m just trying to establish

that I have some credibility I know what

I’m talking about I’m not perfect in

this area

I haven’t arrived but I’ve left I have

seen people raised from the dead

including my own son who was dead for

nearly five hours raised from the dead I

have seen blind eyes open deaf ears open

I’ve seen deformities healed

seen broken bones healed I’ve seen just

about everything that you can possibly

imagine heal and I’m saying that people

who see the miraculous power of God in

healing and it’s not just a one-off

occurrence in their entire life I mean

even an old blind squirrel will get a

nut every once in a while a man so some

people just stumble onto healing

accidentally but I’m talking about

people who see healing happen on a

regular basis without exception you go

to any person that you consider to be a

healing evangelist that sees healings

happen a consistent belief among them is

that it’s always God’s will to heal that

this is a part of what Jesus purchased

they don’t believe it just can happen

they believe it is always God’s will now

I’ll be the first one to say and of

course many other people your own

personal experience will verify this

that not every person is healed but it’s

not because it’s not God’s will there’s

many factors involved in healing and

there are even people who desire healing

and pray for it and do everything they

know to get heal that don’t get healed

and as I teach through this I’m aware

that this is going to be hard on some

people that have lost someone and you

tried to believe for them to be healed I

got some very very good friends that

lost a son and they’re very sensitive in

this area and I’ve talked to them about

it they’ve sat through my teaching as I

teach on healing and I told them I said

you know I know that this may be hard on

you but you know it’s the truth and I’m

going to continue to teach the word and

they’re good with that and they’re there

working through that I’m aware that you

know there’s people that this may be

hard to hear some of these things and it

makes you think well what did I do wrong

where did I miss it and sometimes people

just want to push this to the side and

not deal with it but I’m saying that the

people who see healing and who see it on

a consistent basis it’s not just

something that they do accidentally and

they just stumble on it but people who

see it happen on regular basis all

believe that it is God’s will to heal

that is consistent it is non-negotiable

and so I’m saying that before you get


before you reject this before you know

you say well I’m not going to listen to

this kind of stuff I asked you to at

least listen to this I asked you to I’m

going to be presenting things to the

best of my ability to make these points

and even though I’ll admit that I don’t

see every single person healed even

though I’ll admit that I don’t know it

all and that there are things that I’m

still trying to figure out I am seeing

healing work to the degree that I have

seen just about every kind of miracle

that you can imagine happen and not only

have I prayed for people and seeing that

happen but I’ve taught other people I

know that this works they go out and use

it and so you could at least come up to

the level that I meant where I am seeing

lots of miracles I’ve still I’m still

learning I don’t understand it all and

for those of you who know it all then of

course you’re going to by me making this

disclaimer in the very beginning you’re

going to just sit there and and you’ve

got it all figured out and you won’t

like what I’ve got to say either but I’m

telling you that until you get better

results than what I’m getting then maybe

you ought to listen and at least

consider these things I think it’s going

to make a huge difference I think that

this is going to help people and you

know if one person gets healed because

of the things that I’m teaching and

that’s one person that wouldn’t have

been healed and I believe it’s going to

be well worth it and I believe that many

people are going to experience God’s

power through this series as I teach on

it they are going to become to realize

that God is not just about Heaven and

Hell issues eternity after this life but

man he is powerful to move in our lives

today it’s going to help you it’s going

to help you to witness to people many

people will be brought to the Lord and

I’m excited about what God is going to

do what I want to do today on the rest

of this program I want to just play one

of our DVDs that we have about Mercy

Santos a young woman who got healed of

multiple sclerosis it’s a tremendous

testimony and I think you do illustrate

some of the points that we’re talking

about so listen to this and I’ll be back

at the very end of the program and there

were two or three times when I walked

into church and I felt the heat off of

the Holy Spirit

and I walk but for some reason I

couldn’t retain it I couldn’t understand

Lord I you just healed me but why am i

sick again I began to feel helpless the

frustration of not being able to fix

something when you’re a fix-it guy I was

diagnosed with multiple sclerosis more

than 20 years ago at that time I had

paralysis of my left side and vision

loss in my left eye years went by I

would have some symptoms some would come

they would go it was only about nine

years ago when I moved to Florida where

it really hit me really bad I was still

working but half of the times I couldn’t

walk I couldn’t drive so I would say

every six weeks I was admitted into the

hospital I was given solu-medrol which

is a steroid for about four or five days

at that point it would make me a little

stronger and then I would try to

function again go to work take care of

my baby six weeks later here we go again

this was the solu-medrol which is a

steroid that was given to me every other

month are used to go to the hospital and

if I didn’t go to the hospital then they

used to send me a nurse to administer

the steroids here at home and she used

to come to three days sometimes and they

used to report and the port would stay

in my arm and then they would have

ministered the steroids until it was

done three or four days it depended on

how long the doctor would order before

it came to a point where I had to throw

the towel and the doctor said you can’t

work anymore I couldn’t walk at that

point I couldn’t use my arms

I couldn’t swallow I had any consonants

I had numbing all over my body and I had

pain all over my body I would get muscle

spasms even in my face my back in my

arms and my legs

I had an inability to speak

I had cognitive problems I just had it

all I remember at one point and I had a

little girl that I had to take care of

um praise God that I had my family and

my mother who helped me but I remember

trying to take care of my daughter and

crawling on the floor because my legs

could not hold me up I just could not do

anything I couldn’t take care of her I

couldn’t cook I could barely take care

of myself put on a pair of socks

get dressed write a check out I’d go to

call my mother and a Crone remember who

I was calling what number I was calling

I couldn’t drive so it’s basically just

home when I was little of course I

didn’t understand what was going on I

mean that one was that my mom was sick

it was really hard for me to see her

like that because of course I understood

what sickness was and that she wasn’t

well that she couldn’t walk sometimes

and I had to call the ambulance for her

once because she couldn’t breathe I had

control of nothing my arms my legs I had

no control so I was in a wheelchair half

of the times I was walking with a cane I

had to use a walker I couldn’t drive on

my own I needed somebody to go with me

everywhere I went I couldn’t be

independent anymore I mean it hurt my

heart it broke my heart to see her

suffer each day and when my grandmother

came to pick me up I would always worry

I would had me anxiety attacks because I

didn’t know where my mom was each day I

felt like I could wake up and my mom

would be gone we’re just really hard for


I began to feel helpless the frustration

of not being able to fix something when

you’re a fix-it guy you’re the kind of

person that you know okay you see a

problem BAM you’re on it you want to fix

it this all I could do is see and all I

could do is hear what she was going

through and that gave me a great deal of

frustration and anxiety but not but not

being able to help her with that so I

felt powerless I don’t care what you see

I know I’m healed that’s what I could

say by His stripes I am healed and I

kept hanging on to that hanging on to

that no matter how bad it got every time

I was in the hospital whoever could hear

me it’s okay I’m gonna walk again and I

had times where the Lord actually spoke

to me and gave me scripture he gave me

acts 3 where I couldn’t walk and I

walked again and there were two or three

times I walked into Church and I felt

the heat of the Holy Spirit and I walked

but for some reason I couldn’t retain it

I couldn’t understand Lord I you just

healed me but why am i sick again tell

me what I’m doing wrong tell me tell me

what I’m doing wrong do I have to do

something different and that night I had

seen under War Mike before and I used to

wonder who is this man why is he

speaking that way hmm

but that night as I was gonna shut the

TV off he was staring straight at me and

he said to me what you’re doing wrong is

that you’re not praying right you need

to pray differently but let me just put

it to you this way if what you’re doing

isn’t working why is it that you are so

adamant about holding on to the concepts

that aren’t working for you I’m just

asking you to open up your heart just a

little bit to consider that maybe

there’s a better way to pray to consider

that maybe some of the foundational

things that you’ve been believing about

prayer are wrong and just open up the

door just to crack so that if there is

something wrong that we could make a

scriptural adjustment here and it could

help us in our prayer life and that was

my answered prayer the Lord was speaking

right right through Andrew the first

time I heard Andrew preach on the gospel

truth program to tell you the truth

prior to that I was gaining the channels

and I saw him and I would catch him but

he didn’t really grab my attention

because he just sat still and was kind

of not necessarily monotone wasn’t that

boring but it wasn’t a stimulating

visual experience as you would expect on

television to capture your attention as

we are accustomed to

so it was a different kind of

programming visually speaking the

message it took a while for me to get

over the visual to allow the message to

enter in once I allowed that to sink in

that’s what had me hooked and that’s

because it was the truth

i watch angel every day there’s not one

day where I miss and I just started

applying those principles from the word

and my life I just started changing from

the beginning she started watching

Andrew oh man till this day I could I

just saw her her feature facial features

and the way she acts it’s just amazing

what God has done within her she he’s

totally renewed her and she’s not sick


my healing wasn’t instant it was

progressive it was a gradual healing I

don’t know if it was because of my

belief well actually I think it is

because I wasn’t taught I wasn’t taught

the right way I was coming from a

different doctrine I was being taught by

my pastor but when Andrew put it so

clearly that’s what freed me that’s what

freed me and then as the more I learned

the more I applied the word then the

healing healing will come the healing

will come just gradually gradually and

that was okay for me because I knew that

I was healed you know whether it came

instantly or not I knew I was healed and

no one was gonna change that she knows

that God does not want her ill she

totally believes that God has already

healed her

so when symptoms come up in her body

right away she is speaking to the

specific symptom and in the name of

Jesus that symptom evaporates almost

instantaneously if not right on the spot

I mean she just speaks to it and her

faith is to receive that healing right

then God has already done his part we

aren’t waiting on God to answer our

prayer God has anticipated every problem

that you’ll ever have through Jesus he

sent Jesus here Jesus paid for the

forgiveness of your sins he healed all

of your diseases he delivered you from

all of the oppression he’s already

provided whatever it is that you need

before you even existed the Lord

anticipated your problem and made the

supply before you ever had the need

everything that God is ever going to do

has already been done through Jesus he

put this same power that he used raising

Jesus from the dead inside of you it’s

resident in you and now instead of

approaching God as a great beggar and

saying oh god we are powerless we have

nothing we’re just looking to you please

move pour out your power Oh God

heal oh God deliver which is the way

most people are praying instead we’re

supposed to come and say father thank

you that in Christ everything I need has

already been provided you’ve given me

this authority and so now you take your

authority and you speak to your Mountain

Matthew Mark chapter 11 verse 23 you

speak to the problem don’t talk to God

about your problem but talk to your

problem about God take your authority

speak in command things to respond

command the power of God to flow and see

if you start taking that authority and

using it that way you’re gonna see

different results I don’t need anything

I have the power of God in me I have the

Holy Spirit in me any little thing I

just rebuke it in Jesus name and it has

to leave and it does

please Andrew Wommack said you know what

you have to be a fanatic well you know

what I am a fanatic and that’s the way

I’m going to leave my life a fanatic for

Jesus praise God hadn’t had an awesome

testimony I tell you Jesus is alive and

well and making anyone alive and well

who will truly trust him and put the

laws of God into motion you know I’m I’m

about out of time today but I do want to

remind you that we have products on this

and we’ve actually got what I call the

better health care package our a better

health care package and this is going to

be a compilation of different things

that Minister on this subject of healing

if you’ll listen our announcer will give

you that information

Andrews complete teaching titled God

wants you well is available in a brand

new book for eight pounds fifty request

book number T three thirty when you

contact us you can also get this

teaching in a companion study guide for

seventeen pounds fifty request study

guide t 430 the entire series is also

available on either CD or DVD as seen on

our daily TV program each is available

for 13 pounds request item t 1036 C for

the CDs or item T 1036 d for the DVDs or

you can receive the book study guide and

album as part of the better health care

package the package includes your choice

of either the CD or DVD series the new

Godwin C well book along with the

companion study guide + healing journeys

volume 1 and volume 2 and the healing

scriptures CD the entire package has a

catalog value of 68 pounds but today

we’d like to offer it to you for 50

pounds to get the better health care

package request item T 4505 be sure to

specify CD or DVD

the first teaching in the Godwin clcd

series titled healing is in Christ’s

atonement is available for three pounds

but if you’re simply unable to afford it

andrew and his partners will provide

this first CD free of charge request

teaching TI 0 1c and we’ll be pleased to

send it to you our helpline is closed

today to allow our employees to

celebrate the holiday but you can always

reach us through our website where you

can order ministry materials online 24

hours a day 7 days a week at a WM e net

if you prefer to write to us our address

is AWA me that’s Andrew Wommack

ministries of Europe P o box for 392

Walsall WS 1:9 a our England we hope to

hear from you today we’d like to point

out Andrews upcoming speaking schedule

mark your calendars to come meet Andrew

at one of these events and let the word

of God

transform your life you’ll be in

Warwickshire England for the grace and

faith family camp May 28th through the

31st for those of you looking forward to

our annual summer family Bible

conference remember to mark your

calendars and join us in Colorado

Springs June 28th through July 2nd I’d

like to give you a special invitation to

join me on Friday the 28th of May

through Monday the 31st of May this is

the bank holiday in the UK and we are

having our Grace and faith family camp

at Stone Lee park in Warwickshire and I

tell you I’m excited about this we’re

expecting a large turnout it’s going to

be four days over this bank holiday and

I will have also Wimble par ministry

with me I believe the David Hinton a

six-foot-seven cowboy is going to be

there ministering and music and it’s

going to be a great time there are

accommodations Motel accommodations

there’s accommodations for caravans

tents all kinds of things we have a

website for this they have that address

on the screen you can actually go to

that website it will give you all kinds

of information booking information of

course you can contact our offices but

remember these dates over the bank

holiday May the 28th through the 31st at

Stone Lee Park in Warren for more

details on Andrews next meeting in your

area call our helpline or visit our

website at aw mu net be sure to tune in

tomorrow for more gospel true and one of

the reasons that multitude came to hear

Jesus and that there was so many people

packed into this house that they

couldn’t even get inside they couldn’t

even get around the windows or the door

because people were everywhere one of

the reasons is because Jesus used

miracles to draw people unto himself as

he began his ministry the very first

miracle that he did was turning water

into wine