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this program is brought to you in part

by the partners and Friends of Klo


Ministries coming up next on changing


world hey guys merry Christmas you’re

celebrating today I know you’re busy

preparing your food opening your gifts I

want to share a special with you today

and it’s the greatest gift that’s ever

been given to

mankind it’s the gift of Grace

this is your world so let’s vow to make

it a better

place let every heart that me to

know you love is here to St oh it’s time

we live a new

life let Sun riding

you we saved by his grace so we Embrace

Your Love

today we are


change over the last four years I’ve



Today’s show I’m going to show you how

to discover how to live this life that

God talks about a life full not empty

healthy not sick

full of joy and free from worry and

stress can you pict your life like this

this is called the grace life where

Grace helps us live an abundantly

blessed life and empowers us to do

things we could never do on our own over

the next 30 minutes you may discover

that what you’ve been doing could be the

very opposite of what you should be

doing to achieve success you’ll learn

what may be blocking you you from

receiving the flow of this grace and

even more importantly you’ll discover

the principles that will allow God’s

blessings to just pour into your life

how to attain true healing have all of

your needs met and to finally live a


life there was a time in my Ministry

that hit a point of


because I saw

people working real hard to try to get

God to do something sweating to try to

get the promises of God to come to pass

but to no avail why didn’t they see the

results I began to go before God and

said look I’m

frustrated and you’re going to have to

show me what’s happening here or I don’t

know if I can keep doing this because

people are suffering and I’m I’m telling

them to do this and they’re not getting

results and people were dying

and they were getting cancer and they

were getting divorces and they love God

and they were doing all of the right

things yet with no

manifestation I stayed up one night till

about 3 or 4:00 and I said I’m not going

to bed until I hear from you I need to

know what’s up and I’ll never forget it

a question that changed my life will you

become a student of Grace I didn’t even

know what that meant I looked up every

scripture in the Bible on Grace I went

to the bookstore got all the books I

could find on Grace man it finally

started making sense I started seeing

that this is about a

person Jesus full of grace and truth and

Jesus who had already done the work and

Jesus who had already won the Victory

and Jesus who had already obtained the

healing and the deliverance and what was


was my faith in the finished works of

Jesus Christ that’s my journey from

frustration to

Faith I’ve exhausted all my bank

accounts now and the weight of all of

that brought forth a level of

depression a level of anxiety because I

can’t meet my obligations in the

household and it’s it’s just become so

rough that I’m I’m even you know

thinking about do I just check out of

here you

know what would be better and I just cry

my eyes out I’m carrying a burden and

the weight of I don’t know what to do

beating on the floor crying out to God

God what can I do

here and then finally I just got to a

place where I said you know

what get

it I just I just turned it over to him I

what am I doing I’m not making it any

better by doing what I’m doing right now

so I just turned it over to him I said

Lord it’s yours but when I turned it

over to him things started to turn

around and that led to the next thing 24

years of marriage and three wonderful

kids I’m happy I’m


joyful when many people think of the

word Grace they associate the word with

a short prayer said before a meal

something done strictly out of habit but

it’s truly a gift to us from God and

Grace has the power to radically

transform your life Grace is the

unearned undeserved unmar favor from God

God gives you a choice for how you live

your life and you can either muddle

through on your own or let him give you

Victory Abundant Life and salvation

through the many promises he made to us

in his word there are three definitions

of Grace that can give understanding of

exactly what it is First Grace is God’s

unmar and undeserved favor second it is

God’s infinite love and kindness towards

man third it is God’s abounding

increasing provision of love for those

who depend on him religion pushes the

idea that we have to try to do something

that has already been done but this is

the opposite of how God wants us to

operate we have to renew our minds to

the truth about who we actually are in

God’s eyes and once you understand Grace

your life will be changed Forever at 15

years old I was hanging with the wrong

crowd I didn’t do nothing but I was uh

charged with murder and I was sentenced

to life Plus 90 years in prison I was

sent to Angola one of the bloodiest

penitentiaries in in the world and in

Louisiana you never come home like you

sin is there to die and here I was

sitting in there a baby cub in the midst

of a jungle seeing rapists murderers and

all of these things man I stayed in that

Prison from 15 years old to 21 years old

a friend of mine he come to me he like

Duncan we’re ever going to get out here

you got to pray but I didn’t know how

but I understood what God’s love was

about when he taught me about faith told

me to pray for something that I could

not achieve on my own and so I had my

family reach out to Lenny Perez and he

took my case for free and that’s what’s

so great about God’s grace is that you

don’t even deserve it so that’s how I

ended up coming home and that was a

moment in my life to where I understood

how amazing God’s grace


was Grace is your connection point to

the Abundant Life Christ died for you to

have and when you know your identity and

settle on who you are in him then you

can walk in the healing Deliverance

prosperity and good life that he has

designed for you Financial blessings

Deliverance healing favor a thriving

marriage and family and more are

accessed through the grace of God now to

receive all that Grace has to offer you

must simply believe and receive what

Jesus did for us all by faith the more

you give your attention to hearing about

what Grace is made available to you the

more your faith in it will

grow Grace is available to everyone but

faith is required to take possession of

what Grace is already

secured because of the blood of Jesus we

have access to Untold old blessings that

need only to be received by faith and

this is the key to walking in signs

wonders Miracles and living a Victorious

Abundant Life but we cannot build our

faith on our own ability our own

righteousness or what we deem good

behavior once you believe and receive

that you are righteous not because of

anything you have done but because of

what Jesus has done disguise the limit

maximize your right standing with the

father and do great exploits on the

Earth by receiving the truth about who

you are in Christ righteous as if you

have never sinned I was mad at the

church because I got blamed for

something I didn’t do and it just

shocked me the way it was handled and it

it really hurt me I was just an angry

man that would never go back to church

that would never give Jesus an

opportunity we have 12 kids and uh I sat

down my kids and my wife and I told them

in this house we shall not mention Jesus

we shall not go to church my wife wanted

to go and I said no and she began to

pray and pray and pray and pray I was

working for a company making

deliveries and one day I got into the

truck I used to drive a truck and as I

got into the truck

the Lord’s presence was there and I

began to cry and began to cry and ask

why do you pursue me why do you chase

me why so I called my wife hysterically

I was crying she said what’s wrong I

said God is in this truck she said well

I’ll leave you so you can talk to him

she hung

up and uh from that day after that

experience I just began to ask God to

forgive me for not wanting to do nothing

with him I didn’t I didn’t want him to

talk to me I didn’t want him to pursue

me I just felt that it was over that’s

it the relationship is broken why would

you pursue someone that’s so angry at

you and uh I said Lord I I’ll walk with

you again I’m so sorry and that day um I

began to walk with God that was very

difficult I I didn’t know how to receive

something that he was given for free I

felt you needed to earn

that let me work for it let me earn the

thing but that wasn’t his plan he wanted

me even though I didn’t want him it’s

hard to accept that when you feel that

you have to earn his love and that

wasn’t the case he wanted to just share

who he was and so the way that God works

is just it’s


the evidence of the grace of God was

clearly demonstrated in my life it

changed Me From the Inside Out the fruit

that I was trying to make happen in my

life uh seemed to sweatless show up in

my life because I was now trusting God

more than I trust myself it gave me the

freedom to be who God made me to be I

discovered who I was it was Liberty not

Liberty to go in sin but the Liberty to

walk down the path that would lead to

Holiness and to do it not trusting my

efforts but to do it trusting in Jesus

Christ so I made a decision that as long

as God needed me to preach this message

that I would preach it and um that I

would preach it as long as I was on the

planet and so I’m still preaching this

Grace I’ll I’ll never go back to

religion being a Christian I thought it

was about me being perfect and me being

uh holier than the next person and when

I started to look back and look over my

life and realize it’s only by the grace

of God that any one of us are alive

religion sets people apart and makes

people feel like they’re better than

others we figure we need to pray five

times a day we figure that we need to

fast we think we need to go door too we

need to do something to please God and

that’s what religion is steep in

something I can do to please God but

religion I don’t call Christianity a

religion I call it a relationship

because it is the only belief structure

on this Earth that God actually came and

redeemed his people and the only thing

we have to do is believe in


him when we are thinking according to

the old Covenant we depend on our own

self-effort to earn right standing with

God instead of trusting Jes Jesus’s

ability and his finished works the

problem is that nothing we do in our own

ability will ever qualify us for

righteousness there is only one person

who accomplished this task Jesus and

this is what makes Christianity so

unique only Jesus has the ability to

recreate a man’s spirit and completely

eradicate the sin nature through Jesus

we can live free from guilt shame and

condemnation of sin I

felt I feel like I wasn’t worthy unto


anymore because of all the sin that I

have been

doing so I felt left

out and not loved at that

moment and so then

afterwards I was disciplined for

about two 2 months 3 months at

Church my Consciousness in the enemy has

brought so much to my mind saying oh

you’re not worth it you’re

so not going to

heaven what you did was wrong and he

doesn’t love you

anymore when you grow up they tell you

this don’t do this do this don’t do that

do it this

way follow God’s Commandments and you’ll

be fine

the enemy was throwing so many things in

my mind at

myself to the point where there was many

times that God had helped me spoke to

me tell me you’re worth

it I’ve given you Grace I’ve given you


forgiveness the enemy trying to pull you

back into this back into what you’ve


doing and God himself has told

me but I’m pulling

you I’m pulling you

back I’m pulling you back towards

me there have been many misconceptions

concerning what Grace is and what it is

not the gospel of grace is the complete

opposite of what most of us have learned

in church many people grew up in

churches that preached a message of

punishment for failure to do the right

things and you may even be burned out on

religion as a whole because religion has

told you there are multiple requirements

to fill before you can please God but

God has already pleased with you God


vengeful he isn’t angry with you and

wants to punish you no he sent his grace

Jesus Christ to take your punishment on


himself when he went on the cross and no

matter what your experience has been in

the past at church when you experience

Grace your life will truly change God’s

not even in a bad mood where you’re

concerned God loves you he’ll continue

to love you he just wants you to stop

trying to do it on your own and realize

that Jesus who has already done it just

requires you to

believe and all things will be made

possible because you believe


him rather than responding to What Fear

had made available sickness disease and

death I made a decision to respond to

what Jesus had made available Victory

Healing and success when I was diagnosed

with an aggressive former of cancer I

had to make a decision to either respond

to the bad

report or to respond to the finished

works of Jesus Christ so by faith I’m

Healed and I go from being healed by

faith to the manifestation of that

healing I start off healed because of

what Jesus has done and you begin to

recognize what Jesus has done for you

and then you lay hold to it by faith and

you declare I’m not moved by what I hear

and I’m not moved by what I see the

x-rays I’m not moved by the the doctor’s

report I’m moved by what the word of God

says and what Jesus has already done

through his finished works I am healed

and the victory that was already made

available I took it it’s mine now and

I’m cancer free was exposed to a lot of

stuff like the street life uh drugs um

at a very young age a lot of trouble

I’m in school in and out getting

involved in gang activity um just just

round myself around people that I

thought you know was ating me and when I

was 17 years old I was facing 25 years

in prison I was in a dark place I was

always hurting others um hurting myself

and um never I was just careless and

heartless until the point where I

received what I received from God the

peace the grace the love and now he has

me on a path to where I just want to

just impact people’s Liv with love and

God transformed me and transitioned me

into this new life and now it’s just

that testimony to people like it can

really be done somebody can really

change that all this is purposely Divine

and he’s in

control now that you understand that God

has made everything you need Available

to You by Grace you may be asking why am

I not seeing these promises in my life I

want to share with you what maybe be

blocking the flow of Grace in your life

and what to do about it the answer

simply is faith everything that we will

ever need to live an abundant life has

already been made available to us but it

requires faith in order to obtain those

things in this natural Physical Realm

healing deliverance holess and financial

prosperity belong to us now but

receiving these things into our reality

on a daily basis begins with accepting

by faith that God has already given us

everything we will ever need to live

often we allow the devil to Rob us of

our faith and talk us out of what God

has promised in his word the way to

combat that is to position yourself to

constantly be filled with the word of

God the devil hates to see your faith

strengthened but you have to commit to

persevere and as Believers we walk by

the word of God and we walk by What God

Says in his word no matter what your

faith is the key to obtaining what Grace

has secured for you what else can keep

you from Grace Pride Grace will never be

found in the life of an individual who

thinks his or her way is the best way

and refuses to receive God’s instruction


Direction but when we humble ourselves

under the direction of God in any given

situation we can escape the snares of

the devil to rest in the finished works

of Christ it means casting our cares on

Jesus knowing that everything we will

ever need in this life has already been

provided for Grace is the unmar unearned

and undeserved favor from God he’s

willing to show this favor to anyone who

trusts him he loves and accepts us just

as we are mistakes and awe when we’re

hurting he Comforts and encourages us

the grace we receive from him

strengthens us and enables us to reach

out and encourage others watch this and

we’ll be right

back you’re learning how to fully live

the life God wants for you and

discovering what may be blocking you

from the abundancy of God’s grace a

whole life full full of joy peace and

greatness is waiting for you Grace is a

gift from God and once you understand

his gift your life will be changed

forever healing Deliverance wholeness

and financial prosperity belong to us

now but receiving these things into our

reality on a daily basis begins with

accepting by faith that God has already

given us everything we will ever need to

live call now to receive the revelation

of Grace collection and discover the

principles that will let God’s grace

pour into your life in crlo Dollar’s

book The Radical life of Grace you will

learn how to receive God’s love instead

of missing what God has already freely

given to you healing Deliverance

wholeness and prosperity belong to you

but receiving these things into your

daily life must begin by Renewing Your

Mind and accepting by faith what God has

for you in this collection you’ll also

get obtaining grace through fa Faith

three instructive and inspiring messages

by crlo Dollar who will reveal how you

can finally achieve peace and joy

through your faith you can muddle

through life on your own or let God give

you the victory over your circumstances

through the many promises he made to you

in his word call right now to receive

the revelation of Grace collection for

the first time ever you’ll receive the

life-changing book The Radical life of

Grace and together for the first time

the 3 CD series obtaining grace through

true Faith both for your tax deductible

love gift of only $45 Grace is the

unearned undeserved unmerited favor from

God and has the power to radically

transform your life but you must trust

that God has your best life designed for

you call right now to get the revelation

of Grace collection our operators are


by thank you for allowing me to walk

this lifelong journey to Grace with you

it’s a journey of re-evaluation

everything you’ve been taught since

you’ve been a

Christian it’s time now to renew our

minds and further develop unshakable

Faith so we may receive everything

promised through Grace no more lack no

more fear no more being in bondage to

people sickness or troubled times get

ready to receive a radical

transformation through Grace his unmar

undeserved and unearned favor in our



2023 is coming to an end and we want to

bring in the new year with you if you

will be in the Atlanta area for New

Year’s Eve make plans now to join us in

the world doome Sunday December 31st at

700 p.m. for our New Year’s Eve

celebration invite your family and

friends to an evening of events and an

inspiring message if you’re not in the

Atlanta area tune in through the crlo

Dollar Ministries TV app YouTube or

Facebook we can’t wait to bring in the

new year with



you calling all believers represent your

Coast at crlo dollars 2024 change

experience tour whether you’re on the

east or west coast this year’s

experience will be unlike any other join

Klo Dollar in Los Angeles California on

February 2nd and in New York on April

26th for Life altering change show up

and show out for your Coast coming here

live it just energizes you I always want

to hear a good word from Klo he’s not

afraid to be bold that’s the kind of

spiritual food I need and the world

needs right now come out here and have a

Wonder time and learn God’s worth save

your spot now text change 2024 to

51555 visit proll or scan

the QR code on your screen are you ready

to experience

change because of you cflo Dollar

Ministries is providing a new

understanding of Grace and empowering

change in the lives of millions of

people every day thank you partners and

Friends your love and financial support

makes it possible to bring this message

into millions of homes all across the

globe the proceeding program was brought

to you in part by the partners and

Friends of crlo Dollar

