Thank you for joining World Changers Nation for Service! We are helping people Understand Grace and Empowering them to Change through teaching the word with simplicity and understanding. Subscribe to our YouTube page to be alerted to our latest messages! To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world click here: You can also text WORLDCHANGERS a space and the amount to 74483 (ex. WORLDCHANGERS 20) For those giving internationally, click here: Catch the Grace Message 24 hours a day, 7 Days a week for FREE! Watch Changing Your World Network on the CDM TV APP or watch here: Stay connected with us: Facebook:… Instagram:… Twitter: #WorldChangersChurch #CrefloDollar #UnderstandingGrace #EmpoweringChange #grace #faith #2023sermon #onlinechurch #churchonline

this program is brought to you in part

by the partners and Friends of Klo


Ministries coming up next on changing


world doing more and trying

harder causes us to perform in order to

earn our keep to keep our spot and to

earn God’s

love uh expectations that we place on

ourselves the real issue isn’t sin but

it is whether you’re trying hard

enough trying harder to

receive the affirmation and the love

that God has already made available for


people calling all believers represent

your Coast at Klo dollar 2024 change

experience tour whether you’re on the

east or west coast join cffo Dollar in

Los Angeles California on February 2nd

and in New York on April 26th for Life

altering change show up and show out for

your Coast save your spot now text

change 2024 to

51555 visit CLL or scan

the QR code on your

screen this is your world so let’s vow

to make it a better

place let every heart than me to know

you love is here to St oh it’s time we

live a new

life let us love sh R in

you we safe by his grace we Embrace Your


today we are


Chang I remember when we started the uh

record company Arrow here and everyone

was saying you’ve got to meet this list

of people they gave me a short list of

everybody that you need to go to and

meet and you need to you know get in

front of them and because it’s all about

relationship who you know and who uh

knows you and things that you can

develop between the two of you and

things that would help to enhance and

expand the company so in my mind I’m

thinking oh man I don’t even know any of

these people God I I I’m just at a loss

it’s just about to fail before even

takes off oh goodness gracious and so


know I prayed about it because I

realized that okay Lord if this happens

this relationship and these people that

I’m supposed to me it’s going to have to

be by your grace and by your favor and I

remember one of the persons and Ben you

could ATT tested this was Bobby Jones

and someone had said you got to meet Dr

Bobby Jones He is you know got the

number one rated cable TV show on BET

and you got to go through Bobby if you

want to have a successful record if you

want to have a successful label and I

said well I don’t know anybody and I’m

not just going to show up on somebody’s

doorstep so it was um God’s doing that

all of a sudden we were at an event and

God allows him to sit right down in

front of me found out his wife Miss

Ethel is a member for the church and I’m



Lord is something about just

resting and not

striving and calling and pleading and

plucking and all these things to try to

follow the rules of what man says needs

to happen in order for you to experience

success to experience success and I just

remember chasing that hit record so many

artists deal with that just trying to

get a number


record trying to be successful at

Radio what is a good radio single that

you have to get the right producer you

got to get the right songwriter it’s got

to be this length it’s got to have all

this on it and you know what

we have to really understand that God

wants to be

involved and he wants to intervene in

every area of our life because you can

spend I spent my

wheels trying to

arrange for this artist to work with

this producer and this person to write

this song in order to meet the

expectations of what success is so

that’s what we’re looking at the

measures and the mechanisms that we

place on ourselves in rule keeping and

instances where God wants us to be free


complications free of the

demands he says here I’m free of the

expectations of

everyone think of

that I have vol voluntarily become a

servant voluntarily that’s a key

word of his own valtion and will he laid

down to become a

servant to any and

all in order to reach a wide range of


religious nonreligious think of that not

just the religious people

cuz you know so many times we’re just

focused on one but you know what Jesus

is concerned about the

all what are we doing to reach the all

he says meticulous those who are

meticulous how many you know it’s some


folks Morales Loos living immoralist the

defeated the demoralized whoever

I didn’t take on their way of life I

kept my bearings in Christ but I entered

their world and

tried to

experience things from their point of

view because you know what when we are

only concerned about the rules we’re

seeing it from our point of view but God

wants us to see things from other

people’s point of view I’ve become just

about every sort of servant there is in

my attempt to lead those I meet into a

God saved

life I did all this because of the

message I did it all

because of the

message and so we want to look at this

area of Our

Lives because we create internal mental

lists of all the things that good moms

good wives good Fathers good parents

good Christians do and measure ourselves

how close we are able to follow these

practices and be the best person that

these things have described for us to be

and instead of the worst that we

desperately hope to

avoid so you have to ask yourself what

rules that you’ve told yourself to

follow and that you have align yourself


amen what

expectations now let’s look at a couple

of these let me just go down this list

because I want us

to understand that

if we’re not ever into a place of

receiving the rhythm of Grace the

unforced rhythm of Grace and we’ll get

into a place of living under the law

expectations can hurt or


expectations let’s go to number

two pressure us so that we feel guilt

hopelessness and overwhelmed like I said

just not me being able to meet those

expectations and you know what the enemy

opens up the door to self condemnation

guilt hopelessness and

overwhelmed look at number

three expectation demand to be met

leaving us either exhausted or

elated let’s keep going expectations

never letting us rest until they are

satisfied expectations Rob relationships

and can leave us


expectations are

extremely self focused if our

expectation is not from God and his word

and the hope that we look towards him in

receiving and so we must take our

expectations to Jesus and ask ourselves

these questions let me ask you these

questions what expectations are making

you feel exhausted and

overwhelmed how can you practically let


go what does love require of

you and

lastly what does

freedom look like right now is that


you let’s let’s go a little further here

turn over to um Galatians more of this

rule keeping that we place on our

s the rules I’m telling y’all this rule

thing is serious I didn’t realize it was

so serious until I came to church I’m

like do I need to go back to the world

cuz y’all are serious about these

rules giving honor to God who is the

head of all my life I got to say that

before I say

anything I just


what Lord help us Jesus look at look at

this y’all know what I’m talking

about my goodness Galatians 3 11 and

12 my

God the obvious impossibility of

carrying out such a moral program should

make it plain that no one to Su

can sustain a relationship with God that

way the

person who

believes or let’s see the person who

lives in right relationship with

God does it by embracing what God

arranges for him

doing things for

God doing things for God is the opposite

of entering into what God does for

you habc had it right the person who

believes God is set right by God and

that’s the real

life listen to this rule keeping

somebody say rule keeping rule keeping

that’s what we’re talking about

crazy expectations rule

keeping rule keeping does not naturally

involve evolve into living by

faith but only perpetuates itself in

more and more rule keeping my

goodness a fact observed in scripture

the one who does these

things rule keeping continues to live by

them now skip down further to verse 21

same chapter verse 21 let’s look at this

if such is the case is the

law than an anti- promise a negation of

God’s will for us not at all its purpose

was to make obvious to

everyone that we are in ourselves out of

relationship with

God and therefore to show us the


of devising some religious system for

getting by our own efforts what we can

only get by waiting in faith for God to

complete his promise because there’s a

lot of emphasis on our own self-effort

and we’ve been taught about that and I

won’t belabor that point but we

understand here concerning uh the need

to get by from our own efforts what we

can only only get by waiting in faith it

it requires us waiting in faith but you

know what we have our time table we have

our length of time that we want a lot to

us certain things but you know what

we’ve got to learn how to wait on God

his time when he wants to do what he

wants to do how he wants to do it how

many you know that’s the best way that’s

the shest

way that’s the Eternal way

and so it says for if any kind of rule

keeping had power to create life in us

we would certainly have gotten it by


time oh my goodness thank you

Lord and so you know this area of crazy

expectations is so so very key so very

key to our lives and I

am so

thankful that we can Shine the Light on


area uh because if not you will drive


crazy trying to do the

things and spin your wheels to try to

accomplish the things in and of your own

ability When God

says come to

me let me show you

let me reveal it unto

you let

me take away the

strife and the

striving and the

busyness so that the word can bring

forth a harvest in our

life so we’re talking about something

very simple this morning I didn’t come

to get deep and go to the Greek and back

to the Hebrew and back to the Greek

and we’ll do that another time

okay I just want you to take a moment

and just look on the

inside and recognize the things that God

wants to do and uh

retire man-made

success and the success that the world

deems in impressionable

amen look over at Philippians chapter 3

Philippians chapter 3:

7-9 is this helping you this

morning yes indeed I am so

learning we are growing

together and walking this

area of Life out so that we can please


father because it can become so much

easier and less cumbersome when

we enter into the rest he says his

burden is easy and what his yoke is

light uh what we want to do is look at

Philippians chapter 3 and then we’re

going to look at the message translation

on verse 7 through n the very

credentials these people are waving

around as something special


God you

hear their resume of all the things that

they have

accomplished and you think Lord I’m just


failure I just need to throw in the

towel he says the very

credentials these people are waving

around as something special he says I’m

tearing up and throwing out with the

trash but you know that’s what impresses

us my God your discography is just so

amazing he says I throw it out with the

trash and I tear it

up only if we could start thinking and

seeing like God and the right writes

here along with everything else I used

to take credit

for and why because of

Christ yes all the things I once thought

were so important are gone from my

life compared to the high privilege of


Christ my

goodness the high privilege of knowing

Christ CA think on

that that should be our highest

privilege our aim our desire our

ambition our focus our motor our Drive

our motive our motivation is like he

says here of knowing

Christ instead of all these crazy

expectations to get the

accolades and the

affirmation of other

people and determining it to become our

value oh I’m somebody now

because I have done X Y and Z but God

says I valued you because of

Jesus see your value in me see your

value in the word not in your doing but

in your


being he says I once thought they were

so important are gone from my life

compared to the high privilege of

knowing Christ Jesus as my master

firsthand not secondhand not what

grandma said and what my parents said he

says firstand knowledge everything I

once thought I had going for

me is insignificant dog

young I won’t even say the slang y’all

know what we

mean insignificant dog

dung I’ve dumped it all dumped it

all how many you know we got to renew


minds I’ve dumped it all in the trash so

that I can Embrace Christ and be

embraced by


I didn’t want some petty inferior brand


righteousness that comes a petty

inferior brand of

righteousness and that’s what religion

does it’s Petty it’s inferior it treats

one person this way and treats others

the other way and it uh exalts one and

demeans the other he says that’s Petty

because in the eyes of God we’re all

equal he says keeping a list of rules

keeping a list of rules now you know you

probably don’t have it written down

anywhere but it might be your system

your mechanism it might be how you show

up in life the rules keeping a list of

rules when I could get the robust con

mind that comes from


Christ trusting

Christ God’s

righteousness God’s

righteousness and so these are things

that we must get a hold of doing more

and trying

harder causes us to perform in order to

earn our keep to keep our spot and to

earn God’s

love uh expectations that we place on

ourselves the real issue isn’t sin but

it is whether you’re trying hard

enough trying harder to

receive the affirmation and the love

that God has already made available for


people willpower

self-effort emphasizing the key to

happiness and love and staying in good

graces in

order to stop doing the problem behavior

and start doing what is right and so

it’s important that we understand what

has already been done and what is

already been made available through the

word of God and that our righteousness

becomes available because of Jesus’s

righteousness and so this morning we’re

talking about these areas of promises in

many instances that we place on

ourselves and so child of God I want you

to understand today you don’t need to


harder you can sit down on the


inside knowing your God knows exactly

what you need and he is working hard on

your behalf

sit down on the

inside you can take your

rest are you feeling worn out or lost

are you so busy that it’s crazy in her

honest and empowering five message

series crazy expectations Taffy doll

uncovers how to get rid of distractions

and unrealistic expectations Victory is

available for us today we have to

understand that it is a matter of our

faith that We Own It We possess it and

we make it ours in order for us to

experience and birth from things

concerning breakthrough we must first

plant God’s word like a seed in our

heart take what belongs to us take your

deliverance take your breakthrough take

your debt freedom take all the things

that God has promised unto you through

his word get your copy today for a love

gift of $30 or more for CDs or $40 or

more for DVDs call the number on your

screen screen scan the QR code or visit

www.c doll and click e

store join the journey

today we believe every woman has the

ability to flourish at the 2024 radical

Women’s Conference we’re celebrating

growth empowerment and the pursuit of

greatness together we’ll embark on a

journey of transformation join happy

dollar I am who God says I am I can be

who God says I can be and I’m going to

go where God says I can go Laura picket

we don’t see things as they are what we

see are things as we are krn McNair

Jesus knows the end before the

beginnings he has already established

Our Lives experienced them tested and

proved they’re successful and Dr Anita

Phillips this is where he walks with you

and talks with you and tells you he’s

his your own this is where he sees you

face this on March 14th and 15th for

sessions to lead you into a season of

fulfillment register now and take

advantage of our early bird special text

radical to

51555 or visit Taffy to save


spot Jesus instructed us to take this

gospel to the uttermost parts of the

Earth with the seeds you sew into C

Dollar Ministries we extend this good

news of Grace to people on every single

continent they are empowered to see real

change in their lives that’s exactly

what you do when you send in your

Financial donations to support our

Outreach Endeavors you Empower change in

people’s lives and for that we say thank

you and God bless you I’ll see you next

time here on changing your

world if God has placed it on your heart

to support the vision of this ministry

to reach the world with the gospel of

grace you may call in to make your

financial donations or log on to crll God bless

you look no further for encouragement to

walk in the grace of God the crlo Dollar

Ministries TV app provides rewarding

content that is sure to nourish your

mind and soul he is the god of

Miracles all it takes is a mustard seed

of Faith all it takes is for you to

believe and dare to stand and dare to

trust God treat yourself to enriching

messages from Pastor Dollar on Grace and

walking in the likeness of Christ God

has already given you his son and told

you he’ll give you everything else he

don’t needs you to try to exchange

something to try to get something all he

wants is your complete dependence on him

respond to me and show me that you

depend on me download the Klo Dollar

Ministries TV app on your Roku Amazon

Fire TV Apple TV and streaming devices

today to stream messages of Hope Grace

and understanding when you need them

most because of you cflo Dollar

Ministries is providing a new

understanding of Grace and empowering

change in the lives of millions of

people every day thank you partners and

Friends your love and financial support

makes it possible to bring this message

into millions of homes all across the

globe the proceeding program was brought

to you in part by the partners and

Friends of crlo Dollar
