There are many things in this world that are being shaken as we deal with COVID 19 crisis. The financial world, the scientific world, even the church is being shaken. In this message, Dr. Stanley explains that although the world may seem unstable and uncertain, God has an ultimate plan for humanity that nothing can shake.


with a message from God’s Word here’s

Charles Stanley what would it take to

shake your faith you may have been a

Christian a long time or a short period

of time what would it take to shake your

faith in God well for some of you it may

take a great deal before your faith

could be shaken but for others maybe it

wouldn’t take quite so much in fact a

whole lot of difficulty a whole lot of

heartache and maybe you’d begin to say

well God where are you and what you

thought was an absolutely unshakable

faith you may begin to question with a

lot of things in this world that are

being shaken up and God is behind some

of that shaking and some of it he’s not

behind some of it is of the devil when

it comes to shaking your faith and

attempting to shake your faith that

certain will not be of God but there are

other things that are going on around us

that certainly are the result of God’s

shaking up a sense of false security

shaking us at the very core of our life

at the core of our nation the core of

this world because we put so much

dependence upon material things and not

upon God God is certainly in the process

of doing some shaking and what I want to

talk about in this message is this when

God shakes the heavens and the earth and

I want you to turn if you will to

Hebrews the book of Hebrews and in this

particular book the last part of this

particular book in the twelfth chapter

God tells us exactly what he’s going to

shake and I’ll give you a little

background of what’s happening here as

you turn to this third twelfth chapter

of Hebrews and we’re gonna read

beginning in verse twenty five but

beginning in verse eighteen and through

those verses that follow he’s comparing

Mount Sinai where the Ten Commandments

were given two mountains island where we

find Jerusalem and we compare the laws

of God versus the grace of God so in

that discussion he finally ends up by

saying in verse 25 see to it that you do

not refuse him who is speaking for if

those did not escape when they refused

him who warned them on earth much less

shall we escape

alternate escape who turn away from him

who warns from heaven and his voice

shook the earth then but now he is

promising yet once more I will shake not

all of the earth but also the heaven and

this expression yet once more denotes

the removing of those things which can

be shaken as of created things in order

that those things which cannot be shaken

may remain therefore since we receive a

kingdom which cannot be shaken let us

show gratitude by which we may offer to

God an acceptable service with reverence

and awe for our God is a consuming fire

now when I think about what he says

about things that are shaken and things

have not shaken I think about the things

that God has shaken in the past that is

what is it that God was up to in the

process of shaking things in the past

and I think what you’ll discover as you

open the word you’ll discover that God

was interested in primarily his purpose

was the shaking that was going on was

purposed by a desire on his heart to

make himself known and to make his power

known among people so if you’ll turn

back first of all to Exodus chapter 19

in this nineteenth chapter of Exodus you

recall that God has called Moses up to

the Mount Sinai to give in the law and

to give him the Ten Commandments and he

sends him back down and says you tell

the people don’t try to come up this

mountain in fact don’t even get on the

edge of it that is put up something that

will keep them because if anybody

touches it it’s going to cost them their

life God was in the process of teaching

them the importance of holiness the

importance of obedience and what he says

happens here beginning in verse eighteen

of this nineteenth chapter now Mount

Sinai was all in smoke because the Lord

descended upon it in fire and it’s smoke

ascended like the smoke of a furnace and

the whole mountain quaked violently when

the sound of the trumpet grew louder and

louder Moses spoke and God answered him

with thunder and then of course you come

to the twentieth chapter and you have

the Ten Commandments well if you go to

the book of Malachi which is the last

book in the Old Testament and go back a

couple of books and the reason I say

that is because

people who have not been a Christian

long time wouldn’t have any idea where

that book is so if you go to Malachi and

go back to Zechariah and then if you’ll

go to the little book of Haggai and if

you look at the second chapter only two

chapters here and look at this twentieth

verse God is speaking through his

prophet here and he is speaking to


the governor and you recall that when

the captivity took place that then

finally they were able to go back to

Jerusalem to rebuild the wall the gates

and the temple and this nobody says in

verse 20 then the word of the Lord came

a second time to Haggai on the 24th day

of the month saying speak his River bull

the governor of Judea saying I am going

to shake the heavens and the earth and I

will overthrow the thrones of kingdoms

and destroy the power of the kingdoms of

the nations and I will overthrow the

chariots and their riders and the horses

and their riders will go down every one

by the sword by another hour of another

on that day declares the Lord of Hosts I

will take you as a riverboat son of

shealtiel my servant declares the Lord

and I will make you like a signet ring

that is I will on a universe special way

for I have chosen you declares the Lord

of hosts

notice what he says he says I’m going to

shake the heavens and the earth I’m

gonna overthrow all of these kingdoms

now this was a long time ago but you

look at history here’s what you’ll

discover not only did God shake the

whole Empire of Egypt when he delivered

the people of Hebrews shall not have

Egyptian bondage because the Bible tells

us that all the nations there about

began to fear because they heard of how

God had defeated the Egyptians and freed

up the Hebrews well not only that then

they moved to the promised land later on

and of course they were divided because

of their own rebellion against Almighty

God then the Babylonians moved into

Judah took them into captivity and so

what did God do God shook the nation of

Israel itself then he shook the nation

of Babylon the Persians came in mito

Persians came in took the Babylonians

then the Assyrians came and then came

the Greek Empire then came the Roman

Empire and what you see is God moving

down through his

strain all through those hundreds and

hundreds of years God was moving among

men and what was he doing moving one

Empire after the other God is God and he

absolutely will not tolerate being

ignored nor will he tolerate men

building anything that is supreme enough

super enough that man can live without

God because all down through those

centuries men were searching for God

seeking God they had hundreds and

hundreds and hundreds of gods bowing

down to their gods oftentimes losing

faith in their gods looking for

something else and what was God doing

shaking one civilization one nation

after the other and so you and I could

go through history and see how God has

shaken nations after nation after nation

God is the absolute sovereign of this

universe he will not tolerate being

ignored by nations or by individuals

well we’re talking about things that God

is shaken well let’s move if you will to

the New Testament and if you’ll turn to

the 27th chapter of Matthew and in this

27th chapter of Matthew you’ll notice

something being shaken here on a very

important day in the life of this world

in a very important day in the history

of mankind in the very important day in

God’s whole plan of redemption notice

what is happening in this particular

chapter xxvii chapter of Matthew and

notice if you will what’s going on here

Jesus is being crucified and the

scripture says in verse 47 and some of

those who were standing there when they

heard it began saying this man is

calling for Elijah and immediately one

of them ran and took a sponge II filled

it with Sara Juan and put it on a reed

and gave him to drink but the rest of

them said let us see whether Elijah will

come to save him and Jesus cried out

again with a loud voice and yielded up

his spirit and behold look what that

means the veil of the temple was torn in

two from top to bottom and the earth

shook and the rocks were split and the

tombs were opened and many bodies of the

saints who had fallen asleep were raised

and coming out of the tombs after his

resurrection they entered the holy city

and appeared to many God caused an

earthquake a shaky on the

they the Lord Jesus Christ was crucified

not only was he shaking the earth but he

was shaking the whole nation of Israel

because on that day if you recall the

Bible says the veil in the temple was

rent from top to bottom

God was absolutely destroying the old

way and as Jesus had said the night

before he was establishing a new

covenant it is no longer keeping the law

it is now a work of the grace of God

because when Jesus Christ was crucified

at Calvary all the sin debt of all of

mankind was placed upon him and God

absolutely shook that whole religious

system and shook it apart well wasn’t

very long after that till God shook

something else if you just move on over

to the book of Acts and you recall the

book of Acts in this fourth chapter God

does some more shaking

they’re having a big prayer meeting the

Spirit of God has come upon them as

Church has been established the Spirit

of God has come upon the church now to

indwell each and every individual so

that when you and I were saved by the

grace of God we too were in trouble the

Holy Spirit listen to what happens

scripture says in verse 31 and when they

had prayed the place where they had

gathered together was shaken and they

were all filled with the Holy Spirit and

began to speak the Word of God with

boldness God not only shook that group

but he shook up the whole city of

Jerusalem and when the Holy Spirit had

come and now what was going to happen

was that God was now going to shake the

entire world over a period of time as a

result of Jesus Christ coming those

twelve disciples then Hunton 20 those

3,000 now as they were going scattering

all over that part of the world sharing

what had happened what they’d seen what

they’d witnessed God was beginning to

shake loose and beginning to tear loose

the whole religious system of that day

because Jesus came at a particular time

you recall he says in Galatians chapter

4 verse 4 in the fullness of time what

time was that

in a specific time when God had readied

this earth readied politically

religiously transportation was

communication was language wise God had

gotten the world ready for the coming of

the Lord Jesus Christ and now what was

he doing he was shaking the whole

religious system of his day and Jesus

Christ and his plan was now beginning

its outset

to evangelize the whole world remember

what he said to them he says as you go

make disciples of all nations baptizing

them a name of the Father the Son the

Holy Spirit teaching them to observe all

the things that I’ve commanded you and

lo I’m with you all the way God was

shaking this world well you can move on

a little longer in acts if you go to the

sixteenth chapter and you’ll see how God

shakes something else you’ll recall in

the sixteenth chapter probably one of

the most famous chapters in the book of

Acts that something is going on here

Paul and Silas have been arrested as a

result of preaching the gospel doing

exactly what Jesus had told them to do

and if you recall that they’re in jail

well they’d had enough beatings and

going on and so the Bible says in verse

25 about midnight that Paul and Silas

were praying and singing hymns of praise

to God and the prisoners were listening

to them and suddenly there came a great

earthquake so that the foundations of

the prison house were shaken and

immediately all the doors were open

everyone’s chains were unfastened and

when the jailer had been roused out of

sleep and it seemed the prison doors

open he drew his sword he was about to

commit suicide because he would have

been responsible for those who escaped

and you recall that he fell down and

said Paul and Silas sirs what must I do

to be saved and he said if you believe

in the Lord Jesus Christ you’ll be saved

so as you now look back we can see how

God has certainly shaken this whole

earth physically shaking it materially

but that’s the past and so as we look to

see how he’s worked in the past and he

certainly has shaken up many things we

look around us today and say okay well

how does this apply to today is God

shaking up anything today yes he is he’s

still in the process of shaking nations

as he prophesied in the Old Testament

prophets out in the New Testament he is

indeed shaking them up that is he’s

causing nations to tremble

when you think for example about the

nations of the earth today where is

there real peace where is there no

revolution where is there real

contentment where is there adequacy of

anything because in spite of everything

that man has done in spite of all of our

attempts and all of our abilities and

talents to put together all kinds of

economies and all the things that

anybody would need in a given nation

every single nation is trouble

and every single nation is trembling to

some degree you look at our own country

we look at the prosperity we have and we

think well surely we have everything we


but she’ll meet people who are really

happy show me how many people really

contented where’s our real security how

many people have any real sense of

safety where is our nation when it comes

to the reality of what life is all about

every single nation in the face of this

earth rumbling trembling over something

look at all the problems they have with

health look at all the problems they

have with the environment look at the

economy look at the calamities of famine

for example and if you put the nations

of the earth together here’s what you

find if you put this kind of scenario

together if you put for example

financial crisis if you put revolution

if you put famine you put the pestilence

of aid together and what you come up

with is is Revelation chapter six

because in the time of the Tribulation

Period there will be wars and rumors of

wars there will also be the calamity of

plagues there will be the calamity of

famine and there will be all kinds of

judgment coming upon the earth well the

truth is is not God’s sending this whole

globe a signal and that is he will not

put up with being ignored that man is

not in control that man could never

build enough edifice for himself to

satisfy himself God is the sovereign of

this universe he will not allow a man to

be safe he will not allow us to build

anything that builds real genuine

security apart from himself so if you

look around the shaking has not stopped

God is still shaking nations today

shaking the leadership of nations and if

you think about for example in our own

country if you take the last eighty

about 83 years about every 17 years we

start a new war we’ve been in wars we’ve

been in certainly been in wars more than

17 years but you go back even to the

first world war and you can go back

before that we’ve been shaken and shaken

and shaken and shaken look at all the

financial crises shakin shakin shakin

shakin and today we think we’ll we by

the time we’ve got this financial crises

taken care of we found another one for

example we said well neither Europe will

just straighten up open Europe if

they’ll just get their economy together

then we’ll be fine now

we say well now if Asia will get there

straight net will be found the truth is

there’s not going to be any economic

security there’s not going to be in the

national security there’s not going to

be any sack kind of security on the face

of this earth for the simple reason

nowhere in the bible does it tell us

that one of these days things are going

to get better and better the people who

are post millennialist in their theology

the Resco tells you which means they

believe that ultimately things are going

to get better and better the church is

going to do a better and better job and

then more and more people are going to

be save until finally things are going

to get so good that when things get good

enough then jesus is coming pray tell me

give me some evidence for such theology

as that there isn’t any now you tell me

things are getting worse I can agree

with that show me where things are

getting better we may become more

scientifically knowledgeable in lots of

ways we may have better means of

communication and transportation and all

the rest but what are we doing look at

our whole society the truth is when you

look at get rid of all the fluff and get

rid of all the puffs and all the

advertisement and all the commercials

and you look at reality what do you have

we have a nation of people who are very

discontent we have a nation of people

who are plagued with depression a nation

of people who spend billions and

billions of dollars every year trying to

find some kind of peace and contentment

over prescription drugs or whatever it

might be we found a whole medical field

up in an uproar because people beginning

to say you know what it’s not working

what you’ve been doing to us all of

these years not working we got to have

something new look at the scientific

field more and more men are beginning to

say well you know the real truth is

somehow we have to admit this creation

idea this creation theory has more –

than we used to think of that look at

the whole educational system today we

throw billions and billions of dollars

to it and what happens we have less

education we are poor in many many ways

education wise health wise for example

we number 17 in the nations of the world

when it comes to health and we throw

more money toward that direction than

any other nation on earth

what in the world is going on if these

are the things that create security what

has happened I’ll tell you what’s


in our pride in our arrogance that we’re

adequate somehow we’ll make it somehow

we’re sufficient somehow we can manage

God is going to demonstrate to us no

we’re not he will not allow us listen to

build anything that is has any stability

to it whatsoever

apart from Almighty God there’ll always

be that shaking process going on well

let you look at the church for example

it’s not God shaking the church I

believe he is every once in a while we

see revival popping out here and there

but you think overall God must shake the

church in this nation because we have

had more opportunities we’ve had more

resources we’ve had more translations

we’ve had more missionaries we’ve had

more schools we’ve had more people in

the mission field and yet what are we

doing somehow where is the fire in the

Church of Almighty God where is the

enthusiasm where is the commitment where

is the sense of evangelism where is the

real sense of missions what is our heart

burning for is it burning to see people

say that we really convinced that people

are gonna die without Christ and go to

hell we think somehow they’re gonna make

it I’m surprised that people who’ve been

in church for years and years and years

tell you that they’re born again they

can be Baptists and Methodists and

Presbyterians a think and then what do

they say they said well you know somehow

believe that somehow in some way in this

good loving God that we have we’re gonna

all make it some way no we’re not that

is not what the Bible teaches

and so God need listen he’s in the

process I believe somehow if God’s

people begin to study the Word of God

and begin to see that in reality not

just playing church but in reality what

is God looking for in a church he’s

looking for people who are committed

committed to the Word of God looking for

people who are committed to evangelizing

the world looking for people who

committed to missions who committed

listen to making an impact to the glory

of God do you think God is gonna sit by

and let his church go to sleep be lulled

into sleep and not shake it up no he’s

not he’s going to shake everything on

the face of this earth whether it is

government’s whether it is homes were

that is society whether it is a church

God is in the process and he will shake

it why because he has a purpose and a

plan and God is not going to lay aside

his plan does

not anything in this world that can

disrupt God’s ultimate plan for Humanity

and for his purpose his redemptive

purposes here on earth so when I look

around and think about the things that

are being shaken what is it

every single thing on the face of this

earth and so many people and many many

Christians will not ask you this

question what is it that you’re building

your security in and I hear people say

all the time about one of these days I’m

gonna retire before long and I’ve got my

this and got my that and I think I’m

gonna be pretty well secure I want to

tell you something there’s no such thing

as security apart from God and before

this messages so I want to show you the

only things that you do have the only

things that will last in this life and

when people are accumulating material

possessions and they look at that and

say this is part of my security you know

how fast you can lose that just that

fast and today the stock market is one

thing tomorrow next week and something

entirely different people can be happy

today over the material possessions and

sad tomorrow let me ask a question what

is it that you own what is it that you

possess what is it that you have what is

it that you dreamed about what are your

plans what are your goals what is it

that you have that’s solid immovable

unchangeable absolutely rock solid you

can’t lose not a living thing materially

on the face of this earth not a thing

you know why because God’s in the

process of shaking it up and there’s no

way and so when you look at society and

you look at life and you think about

people who work work work strive stops

try save investing there’s nothing wrong

with those things except the fact that

that’s where the security is they’re in

for a tremendously horrible

disappointment because I want to tell

you anything you place between you and

Almighty God God is going to remove no

matter what it is he’s gonna remove it

because God does not tolerate idolatry

without punishment and without

discipline in the lives of his people

and you see we’re not just talking about

people who are unsaved and people who

know nothing about God so many of God’s

people get swept up in the same idea it

is materialism and prosperity and we’re

gonna build our security in these things

there is no security in any material

thing on the face of this earth listen

to what this scripture says go back if

you will to the 26th verse and his voice

shook the

earth then but now he has promised

saying yet once more I will shake not

only the earth but also the heavens and

this expression yet once more denotes

the removing of those things which can

be shaken now let me ask you a question

what is it that is in existence today

that’s all about spiritual things what

is it that is in existence today that

cannot be shaken

there is nothing materially there’s no

philosophy there’s no idea that God

cannot be shaken apart from the whole

Christian faith everything else can be

shaken this listen why do we have this

rise of the cults why do we have this

this whole religious system being shaken

up and the rise of witchcraft and all of

these things that we see going on I’ll

tell you what the church is – asleep we

are listen we have become weak we’re not

making the impact upon our nation upon

the world that God has called us to make

so what happens when we fail and we fall

– God has to rustle us he’s gonna have

to do some shaking he has to get our

attention and one of the reasons that

God shakes anything it’s to get the

attention of those whom he’s shaking and

so when you look back in history you

look at around you it doesn’t take an

intelligent person to see that

everything is in a state of flux

everything is instead of changing

there’s not one single thing on the face

of this globe that is unshakeable

including this globe in the atmosphere

around it not one single thing well you

say man I mean this is a pretty dismal

comment atmosphere right well let’s make

it a little worse let’s talk about

something else not only he says is he

going to shake the things in this earth

he says he’s going to shake the things

in heaven I want you look at two or

three passages here look if you will

first of all in Matthew chapter 24

Matthew chapter 24 part of God’s Word

one of his prophecies listen to what he

says is going to happen the 24th chapter

this isn’t something that may happen

this is something as absolutely already

a settled issue because this is Jesus

talking about future things and listen

if you don’t believe this then why

believe John 3:16 anything else he said

here’s what he says is going to happen

at the end of the Tribulation Period

that is when Jesus Christ comes again he

takes away his body that is that

which leaves the unbeliever here and he

will seal 144,000 who’ll be preaching

the gospel in those days the gospel of

the kingdom is what he says in verse 29

but immediately after the tribulation of

those days the Sun will be darkened the

moon will not give its light and the

stars will fall from the sky and the

powers of the heavens will be shaken and

then the sign of the Son of Man will

appear in the sky and then all the

tribes of the earth will mourn and they

will see the Son of man coming on the

clouds in the sky of the sky with power

and great glory

and he will send forth his angels with a

great trumpet they will gather together

his elect from the four winds from one

end of the sky to the other now I want

you to turn a few of the second Peter

chapter 3 because I wanna remind you of

something that happened a number of

years ago 2nd Peter chapter 3 when we

thought surely there must have been some

sense of security out there somewhere

look in 2nd Peter chapter 3 and if you

will in verse 10 here is the most

accurate description you’ll find

anywhere of an atomic bomb blast look at

this verse 10 of chapter 3 but the day

of the Lord will come like a thief in

which the heavens will pass away with a

roar the elements will be destroyed with

intense heat and the earth and its works

will be burned up

do you realize that the whole globe was

shaken the day an atomic bomb was

dropped on Hiroshima because all of a

sudden man can do war would never be

like it has been before something

happened the whole earth was could be

threatened the entire civilization could

be destroyed listen what he says since

all these things that would be destroyed

in this way what sort of people ought

you to be in holy conduct and godliness

looking for and hastening the coming of

the day of God on account of which the

heavens will be destroyed by burning the

elements will melt with intense heat but

according to his promise we are looking

for new heavens and a new earth in which

righteousness dwells he says he’s going

to shake the heavens and the earth that

is there’s not going to be a single

thing left everything that is in

existence God says he’s going to destroy

it he’s going to make the earth a place

to live

wonderful place to live because it is

going to be God’s cleansed new earth so

when somebody says where is heaven

heaven is going to be not only in the

holy city that he’s provided but this

earth is also going to be a part of

heaven and we’re going to be able to

move from one to the other without a

neighborhood in the reservation and a

hesitation whatsoever and so God is

going to shake the heavens in there

there’s not anything he’s going to allow

now if things were going to get better

and better why would he tear it up why

would he destroy it why would not God

just let it be and let it go because he

must absolutely be God and he’s going to

destroy everything on the face of this

earth he’s going to absolutely totally

cleanse it saintil have been destroyed

cast in the ultimate lake of fire and

God’s great glory will be demonstrated

in all of his power

God will cleanse this Old Earth

everything he says the heavens and earth

will pass away and a new heaven and a

new earth will be ours now so we can see

that in the past how he has shaken

everything that there has been in

existence he’s in the process of shaking

it today and he’s going to shake it

ultimately till he shakes it all loose

destroys it by his wrath and ultimately

cleanse it’s cleanses it and makes it a

new place now even that leaves me a

little bit dismal I think my lord I mean

you’re gonna everything around us is

shaking loose and coming loose and

falling loose and and if you’ll think

about it what is it that causes us this

greatest sense of despair that is what

is it that shakes us the most if you

think about in your own life what is it

that shakes you up above everything else

is it not loss loss of a loved one loss

of someone you love

loss of a friend lost financially sudden

loss health loss loss loss loss loss

loss these are the things that shake us

listen God knows how to shake us God

knows how to get our attention

God knows how to work in our life and

God knows how to shake an entire nation

and my friend the reason God must shake

this nation is because of what we have

tolerated and what we do tolerate what

is it what is the most unsafe group of

people in America children little


subject of abuse subject of abortion and

what do we do we pass laws we say it’s

all right we give them new names we call

them feta fetuses instead of little

children little babies and so what do we

do we legalize everything that causes

man to satisfy so to speak his indulgent

gratification that is anything that

satisfies the flesh in some fashion

somehow we want to make it legal and I’m

telling you my friend gods must shake

loose and he will shake loose this

nation he will shake this whole earth

this whole globe is going to shake we

tolerate forms of immorality which God

for which God destroyed nations in the

past and if we think somehow because we

legalized something and it becomes

acceptable in the eyes of many people

most people or even if it’s all the

people if God hates it God will shake

the nation that absolutely ignores him

turns up its nose to him and says you

know what we’re gonna do it our way we

think we got a smarter way to do it and

you have he’s gonna shake it loose well

you say my goodness if my finances

aren’t secure relationships aren’t

secure and all my material possessions

are up for grabs and I could lose it all

then what have I got well that’s what

I’ve been getting ready to talk about

because I want you to see friends you

don’t have one single solitary thing on

the face of this earth you put your

trust in except and I want to name poor

things what is it that cannot be shaken

look at look to see what this verse says

notice what he says he says now in verse

27 and this expression yet once more

denotes the removing of those things

which can be shaken as have created

things and all of that those things

which cannot be shaken may remain so

let’s think about something for a moment

let me tell you what every single one of

us believers has that absolutely cannot

be shaken all mighty God God our Father

God the Son God the Holy Spirit the

three persons of the Trinity absolutely

cannot be shaken you said what you mean

can’t be shaken well first of all God is

sovereign he is omnipotent he has all


he is an absolute control of every

single solitary thing

how does anything less powerful than God

move God it cannot you can’t vote to

move him you can’t cry to move him

you can’t fast and make you move

somebody says well now I can’t we move

God by prayer we talk about moving God

by pray you don’t move God he is listen

that means if you move God that means

that he was here and happy here and you

gonna get him over here no you know what

prayer does ultimately prayer does not

move God prayer gets me in a position

whereby God who has already willed and

chosen to do something in my life of

your life we get ourselves in a position

in prayer whereby he can do what he

chose to do what he wants to do what he

predetermined to do and we simply get

ourselves in a position whereby he can

do it and there’s certain laws that God

goes by certain principles he goes by

and so when we when we are following his

principles we get in the position

whereby then we make requests of God God

acts in response to our desires which

first of all were his desires to begin

with we’re not changing God moving guns

somebody says well you know I prayed and

prayed and prayed so I just thought I

was gonna fast I was gonna get God’s

attention you’ve already got God’s

attention you can fast and you die

starve yourself to death you can’t make

God do one thing he does not want to do

you can’t move God there’s no power on

earth no force on earth that can move

Almighty God the supreme does prayer

make a difference yes it does but it is

God in His sovereignty in his

omniscience knowing all things God

doesn’t change his mind

God’s not affected by what we do God is

going to move he is going to sovereignly

have his will no matter what we may

stumble over someone who says once

people break the laws of God no we

stumble over the laws of God we break

ourselves we lose our joy our happiness

our peace our blessings but you know

what you can’t break the law of God we

can violate the law but you can’t break

it you can’t change the law that says in

God’s eyes thou shalt not steal you

cannot break the law of God that says we

listen we should worship the Lord thy

God and him only shall we serve you

can’t change any of those things listen

they can write it off they can

rationalize that they can do anything

else but that doesn’t change the law of

God our God is the sovereign our God is

the creator that’s not anything in

existence that does not exist as a

result of the will listen of the will of

he allows things to happen you now don’t

understand he allows sin that is seeming

led to run rampant why why would God

allow sin to run rampant listen I’ll

tell you why number one is because God

listen he will allow sin to take its

course in life in order to show us how

absolutely wicked and vile sin is he

also will use it in order to show us

what it cost listen the value of the

death of Jesus Christ in order to

destroy sin in its power it costs God

the Father the death of his only

begotten son whatever God allows he

allows with purpose in this life and so

one thing that you and I can be sure of

we listen we have something which is

someone listen nobody can shake us loose

from it nobody can do anything in this

world to shake to move to impress to

intimidate anything that has to do with

our God the one thing you and I have in

this life they listen money can’t buy

and death Kate take it away is a loving

father who loves us unconditionally that

is our possession and he says he’s made

you and me his children that means I

have a personal heavenly father who

cannot be shaken cannot be moved cannot

be changed he’s absolutely immutable and

listen when you think about the fact

that he’s a sovereign God and he’s

all-powerful you take every single

attribute of God he’s a God of love a

God of justice and God of kindness God

of mercy he’s a God who is faithful you

can take all of his attributes listen

every single attribute of God is

infinitely and absolutely all that it

possibly can be he cannot be any more

loving he can’t be any more omnipotent

he can’t be any more merciful he can’t

be any more just and his wrath cannot be

any more worse than it is God is the

ultimate infinite absolute in every

single aspect of his life he is a

personal God who is the ultimate the

zenith the pinnacle of everything is

therefore you can’t get on the other

side of God you can’t get higher than

you can’t get better than and you can’t

improve on anything that is absolutely

infinitely and eternally perfect and

that’s the kind of heavenly father we

have thank God there’s something I have

you have money can’t buy death can’t

take it away and that’s our God

cannot be shaken a second thing that

you’re not have and I want you to look

at two or three scriptures and we give

you lots of scriptures on God would you

look into the description about this

another thing that you and I have that’s

unshakeable it’s what you’ve got in your

hand and that’s the Word of God

absolutely unshakable turn if you will

to Isaiah chapter 40 and look if you

will in at verse 8

Asya chapter 40 verse 8 and this is a

scripture you might need to mark in your

Bible at some point he says verse 8 the

grass withers flowers fade that means

time comes and goes things change the

grass withers the flower fades but

listen to what he says but the word of

our God stands forever there is nothing

in this world that’s going to destroy it

the Word of God now once you turn to

Matthew chapter 24 for a moment Matthew

chapter 24 I believe and let’s look at

verse 35 notice what he says in this

passage 24th chapter we just read a few

moments ago about the Tribulation Period

then he says in this particular verse

verse 35 Jesus speaking heaven and earth

will pass away but my words shall not

pass away there’s not anything that’s

going to shape the Word of God because

what is it the Word of God is the

revelation of God this is that the Bible

is God’s revelation of himself that

simply means that God has allowed us to

take a glimpse of who he is he’s pulled

back the veil to show us what he’s like

you think about all the other gods and

all the other religions in the world and

how they operate you think about what

kind of God did they have now think

about this for a moment their gods are

gods that are man-made their gods that

are gods that are the result of

somebody’s imagination

somebody had to imagine what their God

what God would be like and so they have

their books and they have their

so-called Bibles and what are they they

are the result of man’s imagination

man’s fascination man’s indulgent

desires and that’s why I so oftentimes


now things that our God would never

allow why because it’s men’s imagination

they had to come up with it and so that

wasn’t sufficient so then they had to

make some idle bow down to it now which

one of those idols rose from the dead

neither one which one of those Isles

that’s ever spoken ever heard ever

answered prayer ever helped anybody not

a single one and when Jesus came upon

the scene back in his day the religions

of the world of that day they were into

such a state of flux and change and God

was shaking why because people were

finally fed up they trusted they

believed all these things and somehow it

was not working out and I want to tell

you my friend no matter what you

believing in no matter what God you may

profess to believe in there is only one

true God that is the God of the Bible

he says the grass has gone to whither

the flower fades but the word of our God

will stand forever now think about it

this Bible has been around a long time

in fact when you think about how long

it’s been around the truth is what’s in

these pages now this book right here and

the leather and the paper and the print

had been run all that long but you see

that’s not the but it’s what’s in this

this is the word of the Living God so

that what’s in these pages and what’s

between this leather here is the

revelation of God now we talk about

revelation that means this is God’s

unfolding revealing of himself so we see

how he’s revealed himself in history we

see how he’s revealed himself in poetry

we see has revealed himself in prophecy

in narration and all of these things we

see how God’s reveal himself so what do

we have we have the Living Word of God

this is God’s Holy Word this is the word

that God has given us as an instruction

book this is how we’re to live he gives

it to us so that we’ll understand what

he’s like what he’s about he gives it to

us so we’ll understand how we’re to live

now it’s interesting that all back down

through the centuries haven’t always had

all this at the same time and now we

have it from Genesis to Revelation we

have God’s full revelation of all that

he wants us to know that all that we

need to know and you know what it’s been

criticized for centuries people have

rationalized it away and said it can’t

be it can’t be some revelation of some

God because it’s got all these

Arizona so that’s one way they’ve said

they’ve criticized it and said well you

know it’s full of myths and besides that

man wrote and if man wrote it man makes

mistakes and therefore because men makes

mistakes you can’t put your faith in it

and therefore the liberal has said well

you know doesn’t really mean this the

first 11 chapters of Genesis are all

myth the book of Revelation is a

mythology of John so therefore you can’t

put your faith in that and it’s

interesting to me that the people who

don’t believe it and can’t live by it

are not happy they don’t have any

contentment and no security that certain

don’t have any eternal security and what

do they have they don’t have anything

one thing about this book you can’t

shake it listen they burned it

they’ve criticized it they’ve

rationalized it they’ve tried to

mythologize it you name it you know what

here it is still doing what still saving

people’s lives still bringing us into a

right relationship with God it’s still

the Living Word of God it’s going to be

here when every atheist and every

agnostic and every unbeliever and every

so-called asteroid when they’re dead and

gone it’s still the Living Word of God

when you and I get to heaven it’ll still

be the unshakable Living Word of the

Living God

so there’s something else that I have in

this life and if you’ll just think about

this at your house

you may live in a beautiful home with

the finest the furniture I mean you may

have a house that’s absolutely on it

just knock your eyeballs out you know

what let me ask you a question let’s

look at your house I’ll put all the

furniture in your house together how

beautiful it is let me ask you this when

you get ready to die what difference is

that gonna make not one bit how many

chairs you’re taking with you not in it

how many beds you’re taking with you how

many dresses you take you with you’re

not one what about all that silver that

you’ve saved up me you don’t let your

kids use because that you want to keep

it you want to keep it shined and

polished and don’t touch this and let’s

say what were you saving it for I never

have figured that out a lot of people

save and save and save as if they’re

gonna take you with them listen when

they put your body in the casket to my

knowledge I’ll never have seen in this

silver hair any money or anything in

that you know what we’ll do a bit of

good the only thing you and I own

physically on the face of this earth

that will never change cannot change is

the Living Word of God so we can say

thank God there’s something not gonna be

shaken what is it my God’s not gonna be

shaken the second thing is not gonna be

shaken as a word of God because this is

his revelation well there’s a third

thing is not going to be shaken listen

to this carefully and that is to all of

us who believers one thing that’s not

going to be shaking is our personal

relationship with God through His Son

Jesus Christ absolutely will not be

shaken cannot be shaken money can’t take

it away from us deaf can’t take it away

from us listen to what Jesus said John

chapter 10 verse 27 he said my sheep

hear my voice I know them and they

follow me

I give unto them eternal life listen and

they shall never perish neither shall

any one be able to shake them out of my

hand my father which gave them to me is

greater than all I and my father are one

listen if you have a personal

relationship with God there’s not

anything in this world that can shake

you loose t-seven oh wait a minute now

hold it but what about my fate I’m

coming to that there’s no one that can

shake your relationship with Jesus

Christ but first of all let’s see how

you came to that relationship well you

heard the word of God in some fashion

you believe the testimony of the book

and so what did you do you placed your

faith in the testimony of God’s Word his

revelation which said that when Jesus

Christ went to the cross he died on the

cross for your sin in mind and you

accepted that is true and you said I do

receive by faith the Lord Jesus Christ

as my personal Savior the Bible says

chapter one of Ephesians chapter four be

patience that the Spirit of the Living

God triune God the Holy Spirit sealed

you the Bible says under the day of

redemption which means he sealed you as

his son as his daughter until the moment

he takes you out of this life and so

that you are sealed forever as a child

of God now how did you get sealed was it

good works no did you listen did you get

sealed then did you get sealed by your

faith no you weren’t silver your faith

you were seal listen about the Holy

Spirit who is responding listen to what

to your faith in the death of Jesus it

is the death of Christ it is his atoning

death at Calvary that took care of my

sin the moment I place my faith in his

death in him as a person then I was

still as a child of God now wasn’t by

works and so what can shake us loose

from that well go if you will to Romans

chapter 8 for a moment Romans chapter 8

everybody ought to have this passage

marked in the Bible Romans chapter 8

look if you will beginning in verse 35

listen to what he says who shall

separate us who shall shake us loose

from the love of Christ shall

tribulation or distress or persecution

or famine or nakedness or peril or sword

and look at those things I mean this is

this is enough to because anybody to

wonder look at that what shall shake us

loose from the love of Christ

tribulation and distress and persecution

famine nakedness and perilous sword he

says for thy sake we are being put to

death all day long we would consider

this sheep to be slaughtered but in all

of these things what all these

difficulties hardships trials

persecution de-stresses feminists neck

and his perils sword all of these things

we overwhelmingly conquer through Christ

who loved us

rom convinced that neither death look at

that neither death nor life nor Angels

nor principalities of any client

including Satan nor things present

nor things to come nor powers nor height

nor death nor any other created thing

every single things being created other

than God shall be able to separate us

shake us loose from the love of God

which is in Christ Jesus our Lord let me

ask you something what is it that can

shake your relationship with Christ

what can shake it loose what can take

you away from God what can snatch you

out of the hand of God not one single

thing so this I know number one I know I

have something that absolutely cannot be

shaken my god

secondly God’s Word and thirdly my

relationship with him so my friend

listen if you one of those persons who

feels like and who believes that somehow

that you can lose your salvation then

let me ask you a question where is your

security if you can be saved by the

grace of God and then you can lose it

where is your security and you see some

people say well well Satan can snatch me

out of God’s hand that’s not what Jesus

said well I can just choose to walk away

you can choose to walk away but you know

what you walk into you walk into this

wall of divine discipline that’s what

you walk into does that mean that God’s

going to cast you ain’t no so let’s talk

about this for a moment somebody says

well wait a minute now but suppose my

suppose in my faith I just go through a

difficult time I just say God I don’t

know that I believe you are not in the

ball well what about that well let’s

look at it let’s give an example like

this suppose for example that you are a

young believer

you’ve just trusted Jesus Christ as your

personal Savior having been a Christian

very long and you happen to have joined

the church and you were baptized and

sprinkled on whatever that church did

and so you come to church every Sunday

and this particular pastor if it may be

not being critical I’m just saying this

is the fact he gets up on Sunday morning

he reads the scripture closes the Bible

and walks around if about 20 minutes

gives you a nice little sermon that so

you can get to the cafeteria on time and

so in 20 minutes and you just love that

because you know you’ll never be late

and besides that you don’t get on the

conviction and besides that you don’t

learn the Word of God you don’t learn

the principles of God the ways of God

the will of God the walk of God the Word

of God and learn any of that but you

know what 20 minutes you’re gone well

let’s give him 30 minutes but here’s

what I want you to see but nobody teach


the principal’s nobody teaches you the

ways of God

nobody says here’s what God is like

here’s what God says here’s the proof of

what God’s like because here’s what God


here the ways of God his had God’s

worked in the past his how he works day

his what he says he’ll do tomorrow and

you begin to put those things together

so nobody teaches you any of that six

months goes by and there’s a real

tragedy in your family your favorite son

kill automatically an accident a month

later you find out that your daughter’s

pregnant the next year your husband or

your wife dies you say well praise God I

just love Jesus no you want you know

what would happen same thing it happened

to most anybody god what are you up to

Lord why did you allow this and then

let’s suppose that this top that often

say your business failed went bankrupt

you put those together let’s be honest

would that cause you to ask some

questions yes it would

are those questions legitimate yes they

are does God get upset because you say

God where are you

no he doesn’t does God get angry when

you say God I forget it forget this

whole religious bit God I’m if this is

what you’re gonna do forget it

God get angry no he doesn’t you know why

because he understands it you’re not

dust just a glob of it filled with a

spirit with his spirit and he

understands when you’re not hurt he

understands when you and I go through

difficulties we can’t change we can’t

fix he understands no we can’t

understand and he understands when you

and I asked him and wonder God why would

you do such a thing if you’re a god of

love where’s love in all of this and

that person for example in a better

Christian six months maybe a year now

they’d only thing about Romans 8:28 that

God’s working all things together you

see they don’t understand the ways of

God so what do they do they get into

depression and they thank God if you

were really there maybe I just thought

you loved me

maybe I just thought you saved me I

don’t want anything to do with this kind

of God let me ask you a question does

God cast them away because their faith

falters amidst tribulation and trial and

heartache and trouble absolutely not

absolutely not let me ask you a question

if your son your daughter went through

some difficult and hardship and they

said you know what I don’t want you to

be my parents I’m oh I’m sorry you’re my

parents I wish I’d have never been born

to you and walked away would you say

well good riddance for you know you

would you know what would happen your

heart would go after them your heart

would seek them you would love them

you’d be praying for them weeping over

them and crying for them to come back

why because your love doesn’t change I

want to tell you something it doesn’t

make a difference what happens to you

God’s unconditional love is like all of

his other attributes it does not change

he said well you mean to tell me people

can get away with that kind of stuff let

me ask you a question how many of you

ever gotten away with anything if you

think you have think twice we can be

forgiven and God doesn’t judge us when

we are but you know what there are

people there many people who go through

hardship and difficulties you know what

they’ll tell you I’m not going to church

I they’ll say well I I gave my life to

Christ years ago and let me tell you

what happened in my life and I don’t

understand that and you know what

they’re angry with God this being angry

with God caused him to say you get angry

with me you’ve had it no this is why

listen his love is unconditional what

does that mean his love for me and for

you is not conditioned upon who I’m

angry or not it is in conditioned upon

whether having trust in him as my

personal Savior I get upset and don’t

believe what I used to believe anymore

because I think I just emotionally can’t

handle this hardship in this difficult

and so I can’t handle this kind of

emotional pain so God if you were there

surely you would have done something you

must not be there

thank God can’t handle that yes he can

you know what can’t be shaken your

personal relationship with Jesus Christ


cannot be shaken he says what shall

separate us from the love of God he

names everything imaginable death life

principalís power things to come things

past I mean you name it what can shake

us loose not anything now Paul had to

deal with this look in second

Thessalonians chapter 2 for a moment he

had to deal this very problem because

the second Thessalonians chapter ii

chapter what had happened was some

people teaching error had gotten to the

thessalonians and teaching them that

jesus had already come and therefore not

to believe what the apostle paul was

telling him and listen to what paul

warns them listen how he warns him 2nd

thessalonians chapter 2 now we request

you brethren with regard to the coming

of our Lord Jesus Christ and our

gathering together to him that you may

not be quickly shaken from your

composure or be disturbed either by a

spirit or a message or a letter as if

from us to the effect that the day of

the Lord has come I mean they were going

through a real difficult time their

faith was being shaken they were being

taught that Jesus had already come and

they put their faith in the Apostle Paul

and he said Jesus Jesus had not come yet

and so they’re saying well you know

which of these shall we believe and so

Paul says listen I don’t want you to be

shaken from your steadfast faith from

your composure from the truth that you

know by believing this kind of erroneous

teaching that you’ve heard now go back

if you will to some a couple of Psalms

Psalm 16 first of all look in Psalm 16

you might want to just mark this one

down Psalm 16

listen what David says then I’m gonna

turn to one of the Psalms look at this

he says and surely he certainly had to

go through some difficult times in his

life as you read the Psalms verse 7 I

will bless the Lord who has counseled me

indeed my mind instructs me in the night

look at this I have set the Lord

continually before me because he is at

my right hand will not what I will not

be shaken now listen carefully watch

that he says watch this because he is

my right hand I’ll not be shaken what

does that mean it’s what it means

because I’ve made him the priority in my

life because I place my trust in him

because I see him as the source of

everything in my life because I see him

as my protector and my provider it

doesn’t make me a mess what I face in

life David says I will not be shaken

Psalm 62 go to Psalm 62 here again said

a little different way but almost the

same I want you to just jot both of

these down because I think they’re that

important Psalm 62 look if you will my

soul waits in silence for God only from

him is my salvation he only is my rock

and my salvation my stronghold I shall

not be greatly shaken you know what when

you not have the Lord Jesus Christ as

our personal Savior and we understand

who he is

listen careful now because I’m going to

say something that you may question

number one but I want you to think about


if you place your faith in the Lord

Jesus Christ as your personal Savior

listen carefully and you’re walking in

his spirit there’s a menu sinless but

you that your heart’s desire is to be

absolutely obedient to God and you want

to walk in his way in his will for your


this unconditional loving father will be

to you every single thing that you need

in every instance in every circumstance

of life no matter how to Malta no matter

how trying no matter how difficult no

matter how painful no matter how

sorrowing no matter how upsetting no

matter how disturbing he will be to you

every single thing you need every single

time with no exception so that your

faith will not be shaken

if you

we’ll commit yourself to walk in

obedience to him my friend

he’ll be there you see what he wants us

to see is that he’s there remember what

you have you have God this unconditional

loving father

nobody can shake him you’ve got the

revelation of God what is it about these

verses that comfort us that give us

assurance that build us up that

strengthen us how many times if you and

I had to get on the get is the Word of

God on our knees and cry out to God Lord

here’s what I’m facing and here’s what

you said I have to do one of two things

God either have to believe what I hear

and believe what a sea or God I must

believe what you said and you know what

happens when you’re able to turn a deaf

ear to what you hear and you close your

eyes to what you see and you set your

focus on the Living God here’s what he

says he’s my rock

he’s my fortress he’s my refuge

he’s my horn he’s my salvation he’s my

everything I shall not be greatly shaken

those people I was speaking of a few

moments ago who going through great

difficulty they’re people who’ve been

through things much worse than I

described steadfast immovable enduring

persevering believing moving on in life

no matter what happened to you know why

because they’d said Almighty God at

their right hand and they were not going

to budge you know what that really means

in essence I’ve set and fixed my focus

on the Living God that no matter what

happens I’m not gonna look at I’m not

gonna focus upon my focus is God you

know what you set your focus upon God

and friend you’ll be amazed what you can

walk through triumphantly victoriously

joyously no matter what but listen

carefully but if you fall into the trap

of listening to the voices of many if

you fall into the trap of looking

engaging things by what you see if you

check the wind of public opinion you

we’ll be shaken in times of great

difficulty times of great heartache our

focus is to be fixed we have a God who

is unshakeable a revelation that is

unshakable a relationship that is

unshakable and one last wonderful thing

we have an eternal home that is

absolutely unshakable listen to what

Jesus said he said let not your heart be


don’t let these things shake you up you

believe in God believe also in me in my

father’s house are many mansions if it

were not Saul what I’ve told you I’m

going to prepare a place for you and if

I go and prepare a place for you

you can bet this is true I’m coming

again to receive you to myself that

where I am there you may be also let me

ask you this what is it that can tamper

with heaven

not a thing what is it that can tamper

with touch the home that God has

prepared for you and me not one thing

one thing for certain I know that you

and I all of us who believe is we have a

God who cannot be shaken a Bible that

cannot be shaken a personal relationship

that cannot be shaken and a heavenly

home waiting for us that absolutely can

not be shaken under any condition so

let’s think about this every single

thing that you and I possess not only

material things but position prominence

prestige all the popularity power all

that stuff that the world thinks is

important all go up in a smoke just like

that what is it you and I have did you

see this is why we have no right and no

real no real right to look down on

anybody because listen the poor is

listen somebody could come in here in

rags I mean genuine rags just just

making it from day to day just enough to

eat and get by that’s all they have

there’s no car no automobile they’re

homeless let’s call them homeless let’s

take a homeless person and sometime we

think or sometime we think I’m gonna

slip over I don’t want to sit right


and we think about how will we do did

you know that his reality that’s all

buff just puff you know what reality is

at that homeless person walks in here

and they’ve been saved with the grace of

God when it comes to reality they are

just as rich it’s every single one of us

you know what they’ve got they’ve got

God as their father the Word of God they

have a personal relationship with him

and a home in heaven and what have you

and I got they don’t have that has in it

listen that has lasting eternal value

not a thing not a thing you know what

that says every single one of us on the

same level none of us have anything that

hasn’t last and valued the other thing

doesn’t have because all this stuff we

have is going to go up in smoke it’s

what he said it’s all going up in smoke

what we have can’t be burned can’t die

can’t be stolen what you not have is

fraternal now what kind of response does

Eddie vote from you mean listen to what

he says he tells us exactly how we all

feel the bad look at this last thing

here leave this last verse he says

therefore all this being true

verse 28 since we receive a kingdom and

that’s what happened when you now trust

Jesus Christ our Savior we become a part

of his kingdom and we are in it we are

part of it therefore since we receive a

kingdom which cannot be shaken let us

show gratitude by which we may offer to

God an acceptable service with reverence

and awe for our God is a consuming fire

now watch this he says you know what the

proper response for all of us is not

looking down somebody else or thinking

we have better than somebody else here’s

the proper response

he says the proper response is what the

proper response and gratitude thank God

I have an unconditional father who loves

men who’s forgiving thank God I have His

divine revelation that I can look to and

examine and discover what God is all

about and be comforted by and

strengthened by thank God I have a

relationship that can’t be tampered with

god I’ve got a home in heaven’s got my

name on it he says gratitude second that

he says service because of what he’s

done president because of who we are in

him and because all of us have Christ

living on the inside of us than listen

the good the right response is God what

can I do

Lord here’s what you’ve done for me you

you’ve done the absolutely impossible

for me

nobody can do for me God what you’ve

done look what you’ve done look at all

the blessings you’re my god this is your

word I have a relationship with you and

you you have prepared a home for me in

heaven that’s use you talk about gold

streets and all the rest of that this

this place it’s indescribable in

Revelation chapter 21 and 22

indescribable God what do you want me to

do here’s my life Lord how do you want

me to serve you I can’t imagine anybody

who possesses all of that and knows that

that is yours ever say don’t call omigod

you mean to tell me that you wouldn’t ID

your income when God has prepared

eternal life for you and giving you a

home in heaven addition listen you don’t

even have to pay the mortgage think

about that God has a place for you in

heaven you know what you and I will

never be able to fathom on this earth

with earthly language what it’s going to

look like what it’s going to be like you

know what it’s free that means every

homeless person who is a child of God

he’s gonna have a place in glory place

to live let me ask you something how in

the world how in the world could you and

I possess all of that and ever tell God

you don’t call him me don’t ask for time

no no sorry God don’t have time you know

what that is that’s fluff

that’s deception that’s the devil’s lie

that’s the camouflage jump that Satan

throws upon the church that anybody who

has God the eternal God as their father

who has the Word of God that in their

heart in their mind it’s theirs and has

this intimate relationship a

relationship with him that can never be

tampered with

and a home in heaven and then me tell

him no no way so let me ask you a


let’s say for example that you’re not a

Christian you never trusted Jesus as you

save you don’t believe any of this stuff

well let me ask you this what is your

security what does it made it up you may

have everything the world has to offer

but let me ask you one question when you

in the last five minutes of your life

are dying how much good with your

automobiles and your houses your bank

account stocks and bonds even your

friends how much is anything in all this

life gonna matter when you’ve got five

minutes and you have everything but God

my friend don’t wait till it’s too late

and you realize that life is over and

what you sunk your whole life into is

meaningless purposeless transient

passing and you are about to leave it

all behind you so what can I do about

that it’s real simple listen you can ask

God to forgive you of your sins and you

can tell him that you’re trusting his

son Jesus as your personal Savior that

you do believe that when he died at

Calvary he paid your sin debt in full

and that you’re accepting his death at

Calvary as payment for your sins and

you’re accepting him as your personal

Savior you know what happens he becomes

your father

this becomes your instruction book you

have a new relationship and you’ve got

your name on a spot in heaven and you

know what you’ll never lose it no matter
