When faced with a challenge or an unanswered prayer, it’s unlikely that we all would respond with joy. In this sermon, Dr. Stanley examines what causes our trust in God to waver and encourages us to address our own moments of fluctuating faith.


next on InTouch the challenge of

wavering faith

the often wonder why God hasn’t answered

your prayer when you’ve come to him over

and over again about the same issue and

you tell him about it you give him all

the details and yet nothing happens

could it be it’s because of your faith

not that you don’t have any but your

faith is sort of wavers it’s strong

today and tonight me not sure strong

tomorrow maybe the next day it’s not so

strong and so we have wavering faith

that is it comes and goes and then we

wonder why God doesn’t hear an answer

our prayer in James the first shift and

I want you to turn that if you will the

second verse of the first chapter he

says consider it all joy my brethren

when you encounter various trials now we

don’t like trials very much but he’s

just kind of joyful knowing that the

testing of your faith is producing

endurance that is that something good

about the test and let endurance have

it’s perfect result so that you may be

perfect and complete lacking in nothing

but if any of you lacks wisdom let him

ask of God who gives to all generously

and without reproach and they will be

given him and then he says but he must

ask in faith without any doubting for

the one who doubts is like the surface

of the sea driven and tossed by the wind

for that man or woman or not to expect

to receive anything from the Lord being

a double minded man or woman unstable in

all their ways

so also think about this old idea of the

wavering of our faith and James lived

close to the sea reality no doubt and

when those hot winds would come down off

the mountain across the sea and

storms that Jesus talked about and they

right in the middle of them and the

waves would go this way and then they’d

go that way and they ships up and the

ships down and they were scared to death

knowing they were gonna sink he said

that that’s the way our faith is

sometimes that is it’s not steady it’s

not always the same so watch this one of

the marks of our devotion to Jesus is

the fact that we can pray and pray and

pray and we don’t give up because God

then answer on our schedule and so I’ll

tell you how you know when you’re giving

that when you think well I don’t know

maybe I’m not asking the right thing

deep down inside you know you are and

yeah and so you wake up one morning you

think God’s gonna answer my prayer they

praise the Lord you excited it doesn’t

happen the next thing you get up in that

yard of what happened and so we judge

ourselves we condemn ourselves we

conclude that God does not always answer

prayer he does always answer maybe not

the way I like him too but he’s always

going to answer it so would you say you

have faith is sturdy steady consistent

believing unwavering trusting with all

your heart knowing that God is going to

answer your prayer would you say to be

honest and I can believe him as long as

I’ll get a little encouragement but

sometimes I think God where are you

where are you God well why haven’t you

answered my prayer do you think that

first thing that yard is the only idiom

to answer your prayer no because what

that says is well he’s accomplishing his

fast that is when we argue with God

what’s he doing he’s showing us first of

all we’re impatient secondly we don’t

know his will number three we’re not

ready and so what seems to us to be a

mistake on the part of God I’ll forget

from this on his part it’s not that at

all and so what we do we begin we don’t

like to admit if we begin to doubt what

God says asking that you be given you

seek and ye shall find not going to be

able to be well Lord I’ve been asking

since Monday and I don’t have an answer

and then we caught him some other verses

and it doesn’t seem to impress God at

all and so what happens the next thing

you know where you think oh he’s not

going to oh yes he is maybe he will

maybe you know and so up and down our

faith it goes wavering faith doesn’t get

anything from God so let’s think for

just a moment what causes our faith to

waver like that when we choose to go by

our feelings rather than the Word of God

when we move our eyes from the Word of

God and his promises to how we feel we

are going to begin to be unstable in our

faith and God knew that the wonderful

thing about this word you never have to

question what God says what he says is

not just true sometimes it’s true all

the time and when we choose to go by our

feelings rather than the Word of God our

faith is going to be up today and down

tomorrow so we put our feelings first

that’s one of the reasons we waver

secondly when we yield listen when we

yield to reason rather than believe God

in other words you can’t go by reason

because reason and faith do not always


God’s reason for example for not

answering my petition the way I ask may

not be the reason I would come up with

for example we we come to God in asking

big things of him we have all kinds of

reasons to believe he’ll answer our

prayer it may be that God sees something

we hadn’t thought about and he’s not

about to answer our prayers that he

deals for that so if there’s a

reservation if there’s a hesitation if

there is if there’s an instance in which

God is waiting it’s because he has a

legitimate good divine helpful reason

for it and I think oftentimes believers

because God doesn’t answer that prayer

when we expected what happens is we just

doubt him

we pout we think well that’s not want me

praying you know well because I ask God

for this and everyone small I’ll meet

some others says

now here you’re talking about prayer I

used to pray what do you mean used to

pray well I prayed before and you hadn’t

asked my press oh I just forgot that

they just gave up on that God done

that’s a prayer it’s amazing at juvenile

and childlike we can become because

things don’t happen the way we expected

and when we expected so ask yourself the

question do you go by reason or by the

Word of God and then a third thing when

we fail to see how they work in our

circumstances that is if you don’t if

you don’t see God at work in your

circumstances you’re gonna doubt what’s

your known and I remember this as a

follower of Jesus nothing can happen to

you unless he allows it and so

difficulty hardship pain suffering

moments of doubt he what does he allow

this be because he’s trying to grow us

up and so we fail to see God in our


what happens is we begin to wobble in

our failure how is he gonna grow us up

if he doesn’t test us if he doesn’t try

us if he doesn’t allow us to face things

that we don’t understand things that we

don’t like things that oftentimes it’ll

drive us to the word I think about times

I’ve been in situations and I thought

God you got to speak to my heart and I

will flip to something like this the

counsel of the Lord stands forever so I

just happen to turn to that but that’s

what he usually does not all the time

but turn me right to the verse of

scripture he knows I need because all of

us are gonna face tests and trials and

one or two things will happen I’ll turn

to him and trust him I’ll turn to the

Word of God and reading strengthen my

faith I’ll find myself wobbling and

wasting time and oftentimes that’s where

people get in trouble well if God loved

me he won’t let this happen God knows

exactly the right time to meet every

single need we have and sometimes he

waits a long time sometimes he waits a

long time and we give up and we go back

and we give up and we go back and we

give up and we go

remember this if you watch this

carefully if you have asked something

that’s in the will of God

relax it’ll come in his timing when he

knows you’re ready and he’s ready and

you’re receiving it at this time will

enable him to accomplish what he wants

to accomplish in your life he’s in

charge then sometimes we listen to

negative counsel from other people how

many people have said to you well it

must be something wrong what you’re

asking for because how long have you

been praying for that so think about why

you find yourself wavering in your

prayer request because think about this

what do we call them our Heavenly what

father I having the father that loves us

and if you think about this the next

time you think God doesn’t care all you

have to do is remember this look at the

cross you want to know what he cares or

not look at the cross there’s nothing to

equal that there’s no love equal to what

God did through his son the Lord Jesus

at the cross of Calvary nothing that

will ever happen will match that and so

when we give up we don’t realize what

God’s up to he’s always up to something

good no matter what it might be and so

when we listen to negative counsel we’re

heading for trouble

listen if you’re asking y’all about

something in your life probably it’s

best that you keep it to yourself some

things you can ask other people to help

you pray about naturally but then

there’s some things that God just wants

the two of you just the two of you to

deal with it don’t talk to anybody else

about it just talk to me about it and

you say okay well Lord I’ve been talking

to you three months and you haven’t done

anything yes watch this yes he has

listened carefully

when do you think God hasn’t done

anything he said three months to work on

you and and to get you ready for the

answer and oftentimes

before a gun has it all prepared for us

we want to give up we said God hasn’t

heard me we walk away from God at a

pivotal point in our life don’t forget

that I see it happening all the time

well I’ve been praying well what happens

well you know what I’ve decided yeah I

just hadn’t heard me yes it yes think

about this

why wouldn’t God listen to you you say

well I’ve never been saved he’s waiting

for you to recognize your sinfulness cry

out to him to save you so don’t give up

on God he knows exactly where you are in

your life then of course when we focus

our thinking on our circumstances rather

than God what is he there remember this

he always has his objective and love and

devotion and commitment to him our man

is on something else his mind is on what

will build our relationship and so when

we think about we focus on the

circumstances and we think well how

could God there was now that this has

happened how could God possibly do

anything with this you can’t rush God

you cannot hurry God does God care yes

they care about everything yes care

about everybody yes but he knows the

right time the right place the right

person are the right things whatever it

might be God knows exactly what you need

he knows exactly the right time to

provide it he knows how long to withhold

it until he gets your attention would

you say that God wants the best for you

I just pretty good the best he wants the

best for us then I must be willing to

wait for the best circumstances you

can’t go by circumstances then of course

one of our problems is we sort of

ignorant of God’s ways in other words

there’s nothing in the Bible that says

asking it shall be given to you

immediately that’s what we wish you

would say but it doesn’t say that

when you think about how God operates

watch this whatever we are asking for

that may be the will of God usually he

has not only that but something else in

mind also and God is a loving God in

other words the others God isn’t trying

to withhold anything good from us is

that our faith begins to waver because

we don’t get it when we wanted the way

we wanted and it may be that we don’t

get it through whom we expected it to

come and the more we understand the ways

of God the more patient will become when

he comes to answered prayer because

oftentimes he withholds watch this he

withholds what I’m looking for because

he’s got something better than I was

looking for thinking about this God your

heavenly Father why would he withhold

from you anything that’s good for you

why would he give you something less

than the best he’s got big plans for all

of us and they have to do with listen

they have to do with making us like

himself conforming us of the lightness

of image of Christ that’s what he’s

interested in all this other stuff

something we do so we’re ignorant of

God’s ways and one of the things that

causes their faith to wobble is that

guilt over present of past sins and

watch this carefully as I talk to people

over the years one of the biggest

handicaps to trusting God is they look

back and stead of looking at young and

his love and forgiveness and kindness

they look back and they think how could

God ever love me for what I’ve done

how could God ever love me what I’ve

been where

and what I’ve been and so we judged

ourselves and the devil he loves that

yeah doesn’t want you looking back he

wants you looking straight toward him he

forgives every sin he wipes it clean

with the blood of Jesus we’re his


he’s conforming us to his likeness he’s

working in our life every single day

because he knows ultimately where we’re

gonna be so ask yourself the question is

your faith solid strong immovable or is

it wishy-washy don’t be like the waves

of the sea coming and going so how do we

correct our wavering faith we corrected

by asking the following questions so I

have a list of them ask yourself the

following questions number one where are

these doubts coming from where are these

doubts coming from probably something in

your past something going on in your

life listen when you are asking God

about your life and you’re in the

process of living in sin you’re gonna

have confusion listen a spirit of

confusion will envelop the life of a

person who’s living in sin and talking

to God you’re gonna have it you gonna

have a feeling of it of confusion where

are these doubts coming from secondly

you think about this did God promise to

meet all your needs well I hear a couple

of yeses how many of you said would say

yeah yes he’s promised to meet all my

needs amen

has he who he must have missed somebody

not only has he promised it watch this

he’ll meet all of our needs not all my

wants not all of my desires but all of

my needs

now what doesn’t he meet all my wants

long my desires because he loves me too

much if my wants and my desires come

into conflict with a world of

he’s not gonna answer it why because he

loves us too much to give us what we

shouldn’t have thank God he’s not giving

me a few things that I’ve asked for

because listen he always has something

better and think about this we all would

say yes

he’s promised to meet all of Enys think

about this

did he not promise to be with us all the


what’s that verse real short I will

never leave you nor forsake you how many

of you have ever felt left and forsaken

by God the rest of you not being honest

sure you have at some point you think

God where are you got one chance in my

bread what’s going on he’s always

interested in drawing us to himself and

making our life count somebody says well

sometimes I don’t feel God’s presence

watch this why has he made it so that

sometimes I don’t feel this presence why

would God do that can you have a good

reason sure because he doesn’t want us

to live by feelings he knew we would

we’d vessel 8 I feel fantastic today

well God it was so close yesterday God’s

nowhere to be found there was if we live

by our feelings we would never know

where we are in our relationship to God

we live by what truth we live by the

truth I will never forsake you I will

never leave you we live by truth of the

word of God and then listeners did he

not give you one of the greatest gifts

of all and that is when you were saved

he indwells you with the Holy Spirit

that is listen to this God says I’m

gonna send the Holy Spirit who will be

in you with you and upon you he’s going

to be your guide

he’s gonna be a help of a Parakletos

he’s gonna be your helper he’s gonna be

the source of your strength he’s gonna

be there for you anytime anywhere in any

circumstances he’s gonna be the one who

empowers you enabled you he’s going to

be your very life that’s our security

that’s our absolute assurance and so

once you receive Christ as your Savior

listen to this he loves you so much you

cannot be lost watch this once he writes

your name in the Lamb’s Book of Life you

you trusting him as your Savior there’s

nothing in the Bible about Erasers

nothing there nobody can erase your name

from the Lamb’s Book of Life because

it’s written with indelible divine ink

cannot be erased in any condition once

you’re saved by the grace of God watch

this grace says in the very beginning I

don’t deserve it

grace is all about love and forgiveness

and cleansing and acceptance once you

trust them as your personal Savior name

written in the Lamb’s Book of Life and

what you sin against God

you get chastise you sin against God you

pay the price but watch this that price

is never your soul never your so once

you’re saved by the grace of God your

for ever saved you start living in sin

what happens chastisement comes and you

he will chastise you so how much money

chest has me he’ll chastise you until

you think you can’t stand it anymore and

you get straightened out with God that

may be where you are this morning you

may have to admit well you know what I

got out of the will of God back yonder

and I told God I didn’t want to live

that way anymore it didn’t work for me

so I showed up this morning hoping out

here something that helped me once you

trust the Jesus Christ as your personal

Savior you are forever

a child of God

you may be a child of God who lots of

doubt lots of fears things are not

working right in your life but watch

this but not lost not lost because He

loves you because he cares because he

has the best for you

this is holy God who said I’ve sealed

you unto the day of redemption that is

when he calls us home

sealed secured forever we have no reason

to doubt him and every once in a while

I’ll meet somebody who says to me you

don’t know what I’ve done in my life I

said doesn’t make any difference no but

if you knew the kind of life I live you

and be tournament to me about your love

yes I would no matter what you’ve done

where you’ve done it with her than

making a difference this is the awesome

forgiveness of God on the cross every

single solitary sin that man has or

could ever possibly commit the price has

been paid for your forgiveness your

salvation for all eternity he’s an

awesome God He loves us from the love

that we can’t even describe and when I

think about people whose faith wavers I

think sometimes they must think that

there must be something too hard for God

no it’s a matter of surrendering to him

and watch him work in your life that’s

who God is

he’s this awesome infinite God full of

love that’s indescribable I ask you one

last question

what could Almighty God have done to

prove his love for all of us that even

matches what he did at the cross what

else could he do to prove his love for

God so loved the world that He gave His

only begotten Son that whosoever bleep

watch this who Seven believes in him not

exfoliant not laborious for him

whosoever believes in him would not

perish but have eternal life do you

believe him do you believe he died for

your sins do you believe that when he

went to the cross he paid your sin debt

in full you willing to ask him to

forgive you of your sins or in your life

to him and start light listen begin life

anew with Jesus in your life sealed by

the Holy Spirit in one of these days

welcomed into heaven by Almighty God

amen father we thank you for loving us

and we look at the cross and think oh

how unworthy we are oh how much you must

love us show us how to live out what

you’ve done for us and what you do for

us continually deliver us from all doubt

all fear and may we arrest absolutely

and totally and your lovely arms in

Jesus name Amen


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