God promises to supply every need of those who trust in Jesus. Settle the issue of who owns it all, and you won’t have to decide what to tithe. Dr. Charles Stanley from his “In the School of Faith” series: http://bit.ly/ITMfaith. In Touch Ministries, 2012. For more messages from Charles Stanley, including this week’s broadcast, go to www.intouch.org/watch

you don’t have to pray about getting up

tomorrow morning and whether the way

your shoes or not as a settled issue you

go into work you I wear shoes so that’s

just insignificant but when you get your

bills at the end of the month you say

Lord here’s how much I have and I’ve

said I’m going to trust you and I said

I’m going to tell them I’ll be obedient

to you it may be a struggle for a moment

or it may be this after a while you’re

going to tithe you don’t you know

question that’s a subtle issue why

because you have absolute perfect faith

that your God is going to supply every

single needs you have and that’s what I

think about people come to church week

after week listen if you have perfect

faith about your gift if you have great

faith about you give in you know every

every Friday we’ll settle you don’t say

oh well what am I going to do no you you

got paid

you gotta owns 10% you don’t question

that you don’t think about that why

because you’re absolutely confident he’s

going to supply every single lead you

have that’s great faith and it’s the

kind of faith and God’s children need to

have about most everything in their life

you won’t get that immediately every

time but after a while and I think about

people who come to church or go to

church wherever you go

and every week you’ve got to decide

whether you don’t tithe but not you know

what that is you’ve never settled the

issue of who it all belongs to your

focus your focus isn’t on God if your

focus is on God you’re not even the

question that if you focus is on God

your heavenly father who gave you this

much could give you double that triple

that quadruple that oh he can take it

all away where’s your faith