It’s not unusual to hear believers say that God is faithful, but do we really believe that when we face weeks of persistent difficulty and a variety of shifting and changing scenarios? It’s easy to start feeling down and discouraged, especially given the current scenario that society is in. This message from Dr. Stanley points to rock-solid promises from Scripture that will shore up your faith even during a world-wide pandemic.

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when you find that your face being

tested and you don’t know what God is

doing in your life and your prayers seem

to go unanswered for some reason and the

devil just harasses you and your plans

are frustrated and your friends have all

deserted you and somewhere between you

and God there seems to be this cloud

what do you do where do you turn how do

you respond well some people respond by

simply saying God doesn’t answer my

prayer God isn’t who he says he is if he

were this would be happening to me and

so you get into that victim mode or you

just trust the Lord when you don’t see

your way clear and you keep moving

forward probably in all of our lives at

some point of the other there are those

seasons when we go through situations

and circumstances that we will almost be

willing to say God really and truly it’s

not genuinely faithful now we believe

that it is but look what’s happening in

my life and so we have prone to judge

God by our environment by the

circumstances that we’re facing and so

in the process of doing so we think

about all the things that we’ve learned

and then when it comes to the reality of

the time of testing that’s when we

decide whether we really and truly

believe it or not what I want to talk

about in this message I want to talk

about an attribute of the Lord God I

want to talk about something that

affects every single one of us every day

every time you pray every time you find

yourself in a spiritual battle or

whatever it might be you’re affected by

what we want to talk about because all

of us face those times when we genuinely

not that we want to but we genuinely

question that God is faithful to me in

this incident in this situation this

circumstance whatever it might be so I

want you to turn to 1st Corinthians

chapter 1 and there’s

want us to read these first nine verses

together and it’s the ninth verse I want

us to note primarily so he begins by

saying Paul as an apostle of Jesus

Christ by the will of God and soften

ease our brother to the Church of God

which is at Corinth to those who have

been sanctified in Christ Jesus Saints

by calling with all who in every place

call on the name of the Lord Jesus

Christ their Lord in ours grace the UNT

from God our Father and the Lord Jesus

Christ then he says I thank my god

always concerning you for the grace of

God which was given you in Christ Jesus

that in everything you were enriched in

him in all speech and all knowledge even

as the testimony concerning Christ was

confirmed in you so that you’re not

lacking in any gift awaiting eagerly the

revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ who

will also confirm you to the end

blameless and the day of our Lord Jesus

Christ God is faithful through whom you

were called into fellowship with his son

Jesus Christ our Lord so what I want to

talk about this simply this resti in the

faithfulness of God

I am repeat this all of us who meet

those situations in circumstances at

times that have caused us to at least

doubt for a moment God where our years

we said that be like some dark cloud

hanging between you and him

so Paul is encouraging his listeners and

readers at this point and almost to

think about for a few moments all

through the Scriptures how God is

reminding us of his faithfulness and so

I want us to begin in Deuteronomy

chapter 7 let’s begin in the Old

Testament just for a few passages and

Deuteronomy chapter 7 and I want you to

look at if you will

verse 9 and I just want to take you

through a few of these throughout the

scripture just to remind you of how

often he tells us this he says in verse

9 know therefore that the Lord your God


is God the faithful God who keeps his

covenant and his loving-kindness to a

thousandth generation with those who

love him and keep his Commandments then

if you flip over to the 119 song just

one a few of these out of 19 some and

the 89th verse look what he says he says

forever O Lord your word is settled in

heaven your faithfulness continues

throughout all generations you establish

the earth and it stands then move all

the way over to first Thessalonians and

the fifth chapter and all through the

Scriptures first Thessalonians the fifth

chapter in the 24th verse of this

chapter and notice here again the

emphasis on trusting him his

faithfulness he says faithful is he who

calls you and he also will bring it to

pass then if you move out a second

Timothy the second chapter and look if

you will in this second chapter and the

13th verse notice what he says he says

if we are faithless that is we don’t

believe he remains faithful for he

cannot deny himself and then the first

Peter for example in chapter 4 and look

if you will in this nineteenth verse and

again here’s what he says he says

therefore those also who suffer

according to the will of God shall

entrust their souls to a faithful

creator in doing what is right and

everybody knows the first John chapter 1

and verse 9 if we confess our sins he’s

what faithful and just righteous and

forgiving us of our sins and cleansing

us from all unrighteousness now what

does it mean when we talk about the

faithfulness of God it means that he

always does what is right he always does

the right thing about everything in

every single situation now don’t does he

do what he says he’ll do

he fulfills every single promise that he

makes all of us have those promises in

the Word of God that we treasure those

promises especially meaningful to us

because of what’s going on in our life

and God brings us to a passage of

Scripture in that passage God somehow

comforts us with it so when he says that

he is faithful it means that in all

times in all things in all circumstances

God is always the same he never changes

he doesn’t falter he doesn’t forget he

always is there to fulfill his promise

and if you think about what your

favorite promise in the Word of God

would be he’s there every single time

and probably all of us have seen those

situations in circumstances week when we

come to that person say Lord here’s what

you promised why isn’t it happening well

is it happening or is it not is God

doing it a different way than what we


does he always keep his promise he says

for example he cannot lie he cannot fail

because He is God and He is a God who is

faithful in every single circumstance of

life now it’s one thing to say that and

if somebody said well why do you believe

that God is faithful and will be

faithful every single time for example

we go through situations in

circumstances and we cry out to him for

God to help us and strengthen us enable

us to face it so what’s what is our

proof it’s one thing to say that is well

when you look at the whole idea of God’s

faithfulness there are five attributes

of God that are absolutely necessary in

order for God to say that he’s faithful

the many attributes of God he’s holy for

example in all powerful minute

attributes you know but there are five

of them that are absolutely essential if

God is going to be faithful to me into

you in every circumstance of our life

and the first one is simply this he must

be omniscient in order for him to be

faithful to me that is he must know

everything there is to know about me he

must know things ahead of time he knows

present past and future he knows about


need that we have at once our desires

our weaknesses their frailties he knows


if he did not know every single thing

about us he could not be faithful to

meet all of our needs whatever they

might be

so his omniscience he knows everything

one of his attributes is that he’s

omniscient the second attribute is that

he is omnipotent he cannot promise me to

be I’ll promise you to be faithful in

every circumstance of life if he’s not

all-powerful because there could be some

situation some circumstance

well what would God do if he’s not

all-powerful then that means he cannot

under English such situation of

circumstance fulfill every single need

or protectors in every situation so he

not only knows everything and he is

all-powerful but likewise he must be on

the present which means that he listened

he is always within reach and we’re

always within his reach that is really a

situation whereby he’s not present ready

and able to do whatever is needed in

your life so when you take those three

attributes alone

somebody says is God faithful yes he is

well how can he be faithful in every

circumstance because he knows everything

he has all power to change anything he

desires to change a move and he is

always present now those three we can

possibly accept and say well I I can I

can understand that but their demands

something else he must always be

truthful in every circumstance for God

to be faithful he must be truthful

because if he’s not truthful then I have

a problem and so when we think about his

truthfulness I want you to look at a

couple of passage of Scripture one of

which is in Titus and look if you will

in this first shelf in the second verse

says in the hope of eternal life which

God who cannot lie promised long ages

ago would God ever lie no he cannot lie

because if he lied he would be violating


character and the very character and

nature of God is such that he cannot lie

he is always gonna show us and tell us

the truth that is a God would never

mislead us he would never say anything

that would cause us ahead in the wrong

direction in life he is all-knowing

all-powerful always present and when

you’re looking at these passages he’s

always truthful so whatever he promises

for example he says I’ll never leave you

nor forsake you is that the truth or is

it not and so when we talk about the

faithfulness of God every single promise

that he makes he is going to fulfill if

he’s not fulfilling some promise in your

life to suit you for example you have to

ask yourself the question is this a

promise of God is this something I

conjured up if it’s a promise of God you

have listened the very nature of God

is that he cannot prove to be unfaithful

untruthful inadequate unknowing mistaken

in error about anything so the very

basis of my belief that he is a faithful

God is his very nature and he says as he

cannot lie and even when you and I are

unfaithful to him he says for example

that he’s still going to be faithful no

matter what and over and over and over

again he says for example in in 1st

Peter chapter 4 therefore those also who

suffer according to the will of God

shall entrust their souls to a faithful

creator in doing what is right so ask

yourself the question don’t really and

truly believe that God is absolutely

unquestionably always without exception

faithful to his word and faithful to us

as followers of Jesus Christ now we’ll

come to this a few moments later but

he’s also faithful to the unbeliever

they’ll show you one the moment but what

I want you to see is their very base

of your believing that he is faithful to

you that he’s all he’ll always be there

is his his very nature that cannot

change that’s who he is

but there’s one little thing another one

of his attributes and that attribute is

simply this his immutability of which

means he cannot change that God does not

change now I know what some of you may

be thinking about some passive scripture

we’ll come to that in a moment but he

cannot change if God is a changing god

then he may change something about

himself or about some situation that it

would prove to be unfaithful but he’s a

faithful God and He is a God who only

tells the truth he’s a God of

truthfulness but he’s also a God who

does not change for example in America

the 3rd chapter and the 6th verse he

said he says for example I do not change

he’s always been the same he is the same

now he and he will always be the same it

is his nature that he’s unchanging and

apart from those five attributes you

can’t have a God who is faithful he must

know all things he must have all power

he must be available at all times he

must be a God only of truthfulness and

him one who does not change many things

in life around this change but he

doesn’t he treats us just as he’s

treated people all throughout eternity

past and eternity future he’ll never


it is his nature it cannot change if he

changed everything would be uncertain if

God changed anything about his promises

then we would have uncertainty if he

changed anything about him the way he

operates we would feel uncertain so you

not come to him in prayer we make our

case for him and needs wherever the

needs may be and the issue is do I

believe it do I not and so we know that

the scripture says for example he says

this is the confidence that we have in

him that if we ask any

thing according to his will he hears us

and if we know that he hears us we know

that we have the petitions that we

desired of him

so can God change that no because if he

changed that he would change his

truthfulness and he cannot change his

truthful this is a promise he’s made and

the promises of God are powerful and if

he did not have promises we would be

walking in uncertainty all the time

he promises for example to heal does he

promise to heal every person no he does

not and so he is truthful notice what he

says this is the confidence this is the

basis of my confidence that if I ask

anything according to his will who knows

all things has all power who loves me

unconditionally if I ask anything of

course will he’s gonna hear me and if I

know that he hears me I know that I have

the petition that I desired of him if I

ask something that’s not his will then

he is under no obligation answer so

somebody says well God isn’t truthful

because here’s what he said I made this

request God says the answers prayer

asking it should be given you seek and

ye shall find knock and it shall be

opened unto you but what what’s the

issue if I ask according to his will he

does not change he does not falter he

does not hesitate he does not fail to

keep his word he’s a God of truthfulness

and a God who does not change in the

fact that he is unchangeable it’s a

great source of comfort and assurance

for every single one of us for example

he says if thou shalt confess with our

mouth Jesus as Lord you will be saved

confessing him as Lord and you mean that

you’ll be saved now is that sometimes

all the times all the time

if I confess I agree with him that he is

the lord and master of my life I will be

saved now is that all the time is that

just certain people believe on the Lord

Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved

what does that mean and when somebody

says oh I believe in Jesus Christ but

they believed that he was that he is

that he’s somebody that he’s

but not believing unto the point of

accepting him as atoning for their sin

and acknowledging him as the Lord of

their life a whole different story

so somebody says well I believe in Jesus

you mean to tell me I’m not you in

heaven if you do not believe in Jesus

Christ with the meaning of what that

word means that it is a word of action

something must take place if you believe

in Jesus Christ as your Savior something

has to take place the forgiveness of

your sins repentance of your sins and

accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord

master of your life

he’s truthful in every single aspect and

so when somebody says yes but God this

no no no no he can’t change his

truthfulness because it’s his nature

it’s his nature to be all-knowing his

nature to be all-powerful his nature to

be always present his nature to be

always truthful and his nature

continually always they’re doing exactly

what he promised to do he’s unchanging

let’s eliminate all five of those

attributes of God and what kind of God

do you have if he doesn’t know

everything if he doesn’t have all power

and if he’s not always in reach and if

he’s not always truthful and if he’s

changing what confidence that you have

sivan awesome God we have and if any of

that’s missing you don’t have any

assurance about anything in life you say

well trusted Jesus is my Savior I’m

going to heaven one or that well but

suppose God’s changed the whole plan he

hadn’t changed the plan everything is

the same God doesn’t change and if he

did we would be hopelessly and

helplessly confounded in every single

area of our life every promise would be

up for grabs every promise would be

questionable well here’s what he said

but you know it does change his mind no

he doesn’t somebody says yes he does and

so I want to bring up a passage of

Scripture now let’s go back let’s just

take Jonah for example is a good example

God said to Jonah I want you to go to

Nineveh and and and preach the message

that judgment is coming judgment is

coming so he goes and he preaches

judgment is coming and the scripture

says they turned to the Lord the King

calls for fast they turned to God and so

there is no judgment some I says see

their God changed his mind though he did

listen carefully it’s one thing for God

to make a statement that is conditional

and though it is not spoken here this is

exactly it was conditional because why

would God have them have him preach the

truth of the message of God’s imminent

judgment and they all at least a big

large part of the city enough of them

repented of their sins turned to the

Lord and then God wipe them out what was

his purpose his purpose wasn’t to

destroy him his purpose was to bring

about a repentance and revival

throughout Nineveh and that is exactly

what happened so God didn’t change his


it was conditioned upon that and he says

he doesn’t change his mind what listen

why would God change his mind first of

all when he knows past present and


so he already knows say yes I’ve changed

his mind he makes some promises

conditioned upon certain things he makes

some that are unconditional and many

things for example what do you send to

Abraham I’m gonna make you a great

nation he didn’t say if you obey me or

if you do not he’s I’m gonna make you a

great nation and all the nations of the

earth will be blessed period

unconditional when he said to Jonah to

preach therein none of what happened

they retain there was what God’s goal

was not to destroy them but to bring

them to repentance and the reason the

reason Jonah didn’t want to go to begin

with is because he didn’t like him he

didn’t want them to be safe and you

remember he ends up sitting under a tree

and moaning and groaning and complaining

to God that very last part of the book

because God did what he said he would do

did God change his mind no God

accomplished his purpose and Jonah was

the person through whom God spoke so he

doesn’t change his mind so I ask you


and the reason I emphasize this is

because I think we believe a lot of

things but we don’t have any basis for

it well I want you to say again the

character of God cannot change if he’s

perfect how would it change he is the

ultimate of every single thing the

ultimate of knowledge and wisdom and

power what what how could you change

perfection the very old hermit and so

therefore you and I have a God when he

says that he is going to be faithful he

is faithful and he cannot change because

it’s his nature not to change and so

when these things happen inscription

that’s just one and so we can give you

some more he said for example in 1st

Samuel Chapter 15 when Samuel said to

Saul so God is he is ripping the kingdom

from your hands and you will no longer

be king and the passage simply says God

will not lie or change his mind so what

he told him and he didn’t of course so

when you think about what’s the basis of

your faith why do you believe him why do

you trust him what is it about God that

you can absolutely think about this

you’re trusting your whole eternal life

on the promise and the reason you’re

trusting your whole eternal life on the

promise is because you believe that the

God who made that promise it’s not going

to change his mind and when he says is

through his the shed blood of His Son

Jesus you don’t believe he’s you don’t

think he’s gonna change his mind you

accept his promises based on the fact

that He is God and that he’s a God who

doesn’t change his mind who knows all

things and has all power everything is

within his reach and it would be

absolutely totally completely

unacceptable to try to describe God as

one who changes his mind and who thinks

this today and that tomorrow so you have

to look at all five of those attributes

that’s the basis about which you and I

can say

God is a faithful God

they makes a promise he’s gonna keep it

if he gives us a warning he’s gonna

fulfill it and so when you think about

your faith we’re talking about the basis

of your faith and you think about the

basis of your faith your whole faith is

based on your understanding of who God

is what is he like and when people said

you will honor I don’t believe all that

stuff well what do you believe and you

listen to somebody who doesn’t believe

in God in it so it tickles me at times

I’m thinking they’re just going round

and round and round and round nothing is

certain nothing is nothing is really

solid it’s just it’s just gibberish

because when you eliminate the one

through God and you eliminate the

character of God there is no assurance

of anything and no hope and so when it

comes to life and death

you either believe he’s faithful when he

says absent from the body present were

the Lord is that once in a while is that

an exception

no it is the promise to every single

believer and Jesus said he would come

for us receive us unto himself that

where he is that’s where we go are we

gonna be how many of you are expecting

one day to die and go to heaven on the

basis of what one simple thing the

promise of a son of God who never

changes his mind and who listen who has

all power to make it a reality well I

think of people who are not believers

and they talk about what assurance they

have which is none and think about if

they would just stop and think well now

now what is it out there how am i and

they just hem haw around they have no

hope no that is they may have a hope but

it’s totally unfounded our hope isn’t

just a hope it is a hope with the

assurance given to us by God whose very

character is such that he does not


every single promise he’s giving us in

the scripture he’s going to keep now

this is demonstrated throughout the

scripture let’s just take for example

run through a few of them quickly when

he said to Adam Eve in the garden and

the day that you eaten the fruit of this

tree you’re gonna die that God want them

to not know

did it change his mind though he did not

he made a provision for them through the

shedding of blood that’s why they had

skins they have skins you gotta have

death and you gotta have blood so he

said you’re gonna shimmer die they

didn’t die physically but they died

spiritually for example when he said to

Noah Noah here’s what I’m going to do

I’m gonna destroy every living thing on

the face of this earth I want you to

build this Ark you take you and your

family and all these animals and I’m

gonna put you in the ark and I’m gonna

destroy everything on the earth that’s

exactly what he did then he says I’ll

never do it again that way and it hasn’t

that’s where he gave us a rainbow you

see God hasn’t missed anything God is a

God of promise and assurance and

confidence he wants his people to be

confident that’s where our testimony

ought to be bo listen the reason most

people don’t have a bold testimony is

they can’t defend their faith and they

said well here’s what I believe but why

do you believe it

why do you believe that God will answer

your prayer why do you believe he’s

gonna take you home to heaven why do you

believe that he’ll empower you why do

you believe their words because you

believe the promises of God well watch

this you can believe those things but

then when you get in the midst of a big

trial and things are tough and looks

like you’re not gonna make it you’re

gonna lose everything or if family is

falling apart

do you still believe it he hasn’t

changed watch this our emotions

oftentimes sort of run counter to the

promises of God and we have to decide am

I going to believe what I feel

am I gonna believe what God said and

that’s where faith and doubt clash

so I think also about what he said

Abraham that toilet chapter of Genesis

he said Abraham I’m gonna make you the

father of a nation it’ll be like the

sands of the sea and he says all the

earth is going to be blessed out of your

loins is that what he did it’s exactly

what he did and so you have the nation

of Israel you have the coming of the


everything that God promised and noticed

that he didn’t say if you do this and so

that was an unconditional promise of God

here’s what I’m gonna do now watch this

when God makes a conditional promise

it’s conditioned upon something we do or

do not do when he makes an absolute

unconditional promise nothing can change

it because it is unconditionally

the word of the Living God no one can

point to anything God’s ever said and

said God lied he’s a lot of truth and

power and knowledge and understanding

and unconditional love he wants us to

believe him because believing him is our

entrance into life eternal and so God

doesn’t just simply give us some

light-hearted promise or light-hearted

invitation well if you just believe this

that ever put your trust in me he says

for the gift of eternal life and our

eternal life is conditioned upon our

acceptance of Jesus Christ for the

forgiveness of our sins past present

future we have hope that’s not just hope

but it’s hope grounded in the very

nature of God himself so let’s think

about for example if God is not a

faithful God with all these attributes

when you get down to pray what would you

think you think I hope so

I hope so

if all these things are not true you

prayed well lord I hope so and the truth

is our relationship would be meaningless

how can you have a relationship with

somebody you don’t trust and if God’s

changing this mind not exercising its

power you don’t know how he’s going to


there is no assurance no confidence in

our life and how would we respond to

life if we do not have unconditional

promises of God and if a storms in life

when you and I go through storms in life

what gets us through them the person the

promises of God is what gets us through

them Lord you said here’s what you would

do if I would pray and trust you if I

yielded my life to you it is the

unconditional promises of God that gets

us through the storms of life and if

he’s changing if he alters his course

somehow then what happens we have no


none whatsoever of what’s gonna happen

so it’s all based on his faithfulness

that God is who he says he is and that

it does not change it would certainly be

impossible to have any kind of real true

genuine assurance and confidence if God

was not absolutely faithful so let’s

think about why we can rest in his

faithfulness or a few moments we say

retama resting in the faithfulness of

God how can we rest in that no matter

what we have faced and well first of all

turn the limitations chapter 3 for a

moment just turn there for a moment go

past I say on Jeremiah and look at this

third chapter he says verse 22 the

Lord’s kindnesses indeed never cease his

Compassion’s never fail then new every

morning great is your what

faithfulness great is your faithfulness

so first of all we can rest in His

faithfulness simply because he’s not

gonna change and he’s a faithful God in

1st Thessalonians 5 24 one of the

reasons we can rest in his faithfulness

is because here’s what he says

he says whatever he calls us to do he

will empower us to do it that is a

promise of God that’s an unfailing

promise whatever he calls us to do he

will empower us to do it so for example

you say well maybe God is calling me to

be a Sunday school teacher

what’s my promise my promise is this

he says if I called you to do it I will

empower you I will label you watch this

it wouldn’t even be honest with God if

he called you to do something and then

did not enable you all to help you bring

it to pass

likewise he says if we confess our sins

he is faithful and just to forgive us of

our sins if you don’t believe that he’s

faithful then how would you ever know

and I’ve heard people say this I’ve said

okay we deal with something about sin in

their life okay let’s ask God right now

to forgive you of your sins hey you when

they asked him to feel yes I am let’s

ask him so they’re free and I say well

has he forgiven you well I hope so mmm

wait a minute

you read that verse and sometimes I’ve

had people read that verse up to 10

times because every time before that

they would say well I think so well I

hope so maybe so I’m not sure now wait a

minute if God is who he says he is and

he says if we confess our sins that is

we agree with him about it he says he’s

faithful and just righteous that he has

the right to forgive me for my sins

because of what Christ did it across

he’s faithful and just to forgive us of

our sins and to cleanse us from all

unrighteousness if God is not faithful I

would never know where I am the only

reason you and I know that we are saved

is because we believe that he’s true to

what he says likewise I think about

first springs chapter 10 verse 13 he

says maybe you should turn to this

frustrations 10:13 is all about

temptation and you recall the promise

the awesome promise he makes in this

passage listen what he says he says no

temptation whatever the nature of it is

no temptation is taken you but such as

common the man that is all of us

attempted like in many many ways no

temptation taken you but such as common

to man but God look at this but God is

faithful who will not allow you to be

tempted beyond what you’re able able to

bear but will with the temptation he

will provide the way of escape also so

that you’ll be able to endure it here’s

what he’s saying he has put a limitation

your temptation now if that passage of

scripture were not in the Bible we say

well God listen at temptation so song

that’s the you know and for God you the

one who tempted me no God doesn’t tempt

us he says he doesn’t and here’s what

else he says this is his promise he says

I will not allow you to be tempted more

than you can bear if we’re trusting he

puts a limitation on temptation and

trials in life not just temptation of

temptation to do wrong but trials in

life yeah he has a limit why because he

loves you and me unconditionally and it

would be even listen it wouldn’t it

wouldn’t even be righteous and as of God

to requires to do something that he

knows that there’s no possible way for

us to do it and he doesn’t come to our

rescue and help us do it he says he will

make a way to escape that whatever we’re

dealing with he will help us to bear it

he says for example in psalm 119 look at

this passage a moment in psalm 119 in

the seventy fifth verse I want you

notice of what the psalmist says he says

I know O Lord that your judgments are

righteous that is they’re always right

and then he says I also know that in

faithfulness you have afflicted me that

is sometimes the affliction that comes

upon us is God doing what he’s being

faithful to his word and so he loves us

enough that he doesn’t want us sinning

against him in living disobediently

before him and so what does he do he

sends enough affliction to get our

attention to change your attitude change

our mind to start living obediently


and so what’d he say he says I’m

grateful that you love me enough that

you’re faithful listen to that he says

you’re faithful I’m glad you’re faithful

in afflicting me and sometimes we think

afflictions and difficulties and

hardships are all bad none of it’s from

God yes it is discipline is from God and

it is an act of his faithfulness to get

us back in line doing what he would have

us to do and of course we’ve talked

about his answered prayer and let’s

think about what what Jesus said in the

sermon amount he said that sixth chapter

he says our Heavenly Father knows our

needs before we even had them and that

he’ll meet our needs is that a promise

yes it is a promise and you say well is

it conditioned I think it is condition

it’s condition if a person is lazy and

slothful and doesn’t care this whole

different issue but God is willing to

he’s willing to meet our every single

need because he said God who loves us

unconditionally and that’s that’s the

kind of love he has his love is

unconditional for his children and

therefore he’s gonna meet every single

need that we have and he says for

example that in Romans 8:28 you you know

that by heart God causes all things to

work together for good to those who love

him to those who call according this

purpose is that a promise yes it is and

if we didn’t have that promise

think about the frustration we would

have and difficult in hardship if God is

allowing us to go through difficulty

he’s a God of purpose he is a righteous

God in other words he isn’t just sitting

back and watching things happen in your

life in mind he is involved in our life

he says we have been in dwelt by the

Spirit of the Living God and in trouble

the Spirit of the Living God we have

been sealed forever as a child of God so

when somebody says well I know I’ve been

saved and I know I’ve been sealed but I

think I think you still be lost and what

you’re saying is that God who indwells

you and said

that he saved you for all eternity he

lied now you tell somebody who believes

you can fall from grace then they don’t

like that at all I can tell you they

don’t but that’s what they’re saying I

know that’s I know that’s what it says

but I believe that you sin against God

you’re gonna be lost

that what you’re saying is that God did

not tell the truth now I know that it’s

a misconception they have but that’s

helped ultimately that’s what it says

either he’s righteous in everything or

he’s an unrighteous God this is an

awesome God for example in the first

verse of the first chapter the Bible

when it says in the beginning God

created the heavens in the earth the god

word there is Elohim infinite in power

infinite power absolute in his

faithfulness he has all power infinite

in power absolute in his faithfulness

that’s the God who is unchanging who has

all power all knowledge all

understanding who loves us

unconditionally who has the best for us

who comes there rescuing in in every

situation who limits the trials and

heartaches he allows in our life and he

has promised us a resurrection body well

so you say well I don’t know about that

part well let me ask you this if you’re

willing that watch this if you’re

willing to trust your salvation on a

single promise of God based on the cross

but it’s a single promise of God would

you not trust what he said about your

resurrection body and I think people

sometimes they they get their emotions

all mixed up in it all and they stop

they don’t stop to think wait a minute

I’m trusting my whole when I come to

death I’m either gonna be screaming in

fear I’m gonna be rejoicing in the Lord

that I’m about to meet him now if you

don’t have any certainty about it you

know it’s gonna be a sad time you base

your whole eternity oh what you believe

about God that he is faithful to keep

every single promise he’s made

without fail and here’s the issue you

can look at this book you can go from

Genesis to Revelation and you’re not

gonna find any verses in here or

anything God does that he makes a

mistake or he is an error or he forgot

God never says oh I thought he never

says oh I see he doesn’t say anything at

what because he’s this infinite

indescribable awesome God who loves his

children and who is committed to us for

all eternity now there’s one last thing

I want to say about that

he’s also faithful to the unbeliever no

wait a minute how can that be true well

turn to Matthew chapter 7 for a moment

turn to Matthew chapter 7 and let’s look

at this 21st verse now remember what he

said where we said he is a God of truth

he does not lie not everyone who verse

21 chapter 7 not everyone who says to me

Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of

heaven but he who does the will of my

father who is in heaven will enter many

will say to me in that day Lord Lord did

we not prophesy in your name and in your

name cast out demons and in your name

perform many miracles and then I will

declare to them I never knew you depart

from me you who practice lawlessness

what is he saying

he says listen he is a faithful God who

keeps his word people who pretend to be

Christians and pretend good works and

think that’s sufficient and boast that

it is he says they’re going to be

separated from God for all eternity

look if he will in John chapter 3 and

look in this if you will we know John

chapter 3:16 and all that but when he

comes down to verse 36 he said he who

believes in the son has eternal life but

he who does not obey the son will not

see life but the wrath of God watch this

not will but is abiding in him

on him that is people who lost are under

the wrath of God and listen this is what

he says he’s a God of truth and so he’s

going to be faithful to that look in the

twentieth chapter the revelation for a

moment and look at this terrible passage

of scripture because it is terrible of

what’s gonna happen to people who die

without Christ and the twentieth chapter

beginning in that eleventh verse and

notice notice what he says he says then

I saw a great white throne and him who

sat on it from whose presence earth and

heaven fled away and no place was found

for them and I saw the dead the great

and small standing before the throne and

the books were opened and another book

was opened which is the book of life and

the dead were judged from the things

which were written in the books

according to their deeds and the sea

gave up the Dead which were in it death

and Hades gave up the Dead which were in

them and they were judged every one of

them according to their deeds then death

and Hades were thrown into the lake of

fire and if anyone’s name was not found

written in the book of life he was

thrown the lake of fire

he said you believe all that let me ask

you a question does God live no he

doesn’t what I want you to see having

never trusted Jesus as you save you do

you understand that it has nothing to do

with the love of God God loves you

unconditionally but he is a God of

truthfulness he’s a God who keeps his

promise listen he is a God who keeps his

promise and his warnings that if you

disobey me there will be consequences

you obey me they’re great and wonderful

consequences you must choose what to

believe or not to believe a God who is a

God of truth who does not change his

mind who has all power all knowledge

always present and a God who loves you

unconditionally would you reject him

you may still say I don’t believe all

that let me just remind you your

unbelief does not change the promise of

a living God that puts you in a pretty

bad spot you can change that you say

well hell by acknowledging the Jesus

Christ is the son of God who went to the

cross and when he went to the cross he

laid down his life on the cross shed his

blood for you and me that is he paid our

sin debt in full with his life and the

moment you and I asked him to forgive us

of our sins and surrender our life to

Him and in just something you say you

yield your life to him and that moment

your sins are forgiven the Bible says

you are sealed with a seal the holy

spirit of promise your name is written

in the Lamb’s Book of Life you are

forever a child of God now you have this

awesome faithful God indwelling you in

the presence of the Holy Spirit to

enable you to live a godly life to

enable you to achieve and accomplish

everything that God has in mind for you

it’s a choice you make but let me just

say this it is an eternal choice to say

no to God is an eternal disaster to say

yes to God is an eternal blessing that

is yours for the asking and the

receiving and that’s our prayer for you

and father how grateful we are that you

who you are awesome indescribable

holy God would you sink this message in

every one of our hearts would you remind

us daily who you are and let us live on

the basis that we have you living within

us trustworthy trustworthy God faithful

God dependable reliable in every way

what an awesome blessing I pray the

Spirit of God

would enrich each one of us deepen our

understanding of you and take this

father and apply it to our hearts in

such a way that our faith Rises our

sense of confidence increases everything

about us begins to change when we

recognize who’s we are whom we serve and

who loves us unconditionally in Jesus

name Amen if you’ve been blessed by

today’s program please visit us at e
