Patience is a virtue we all respect—that is, until we have to exercise it in our own lives. In this message, Dr. Stanley lays out the truth plainly: Patience is indispensable to our ability to obey God and receive His best for us. It may feel excruciating to wait upon the Lord, but that’s exactly when He renews our strength (Isaiah 40:31). Discover why you can trust God’s perfect timing.

Dr. Charles Stanley: When you
trusted Jesus Christ as your

personal Savior, immediately the
Holy Spirit came into your life

to seal you as a child of God.

That’s the reason we know that
we are eternally secure.

It is His work and not our
conduct that makes us acceptable

to God.

And in the process of doing so,
when I think about that, I think

about the fact that the Holy
Spirit sealed us and equipped us

to do whatever He’s called us
to do.

Many people will live out their
life in church, baptized early

in life, heard lots and lots of
sermons, and will never

understand that God never
intended for them to live the

Christian life.

He didn’t, He intended for them
to allow the Holy Spirit who

lives within them to live out
the life of the Lord Jesus


So, we are not only equipped
to the salvation, He’s equipped

us to do whatever He’s called
us to do, whatever

He’s–whatever He has made us to
be and made us to do.

So, when you think about your
life and you think about the

challenges you face, remember
this: that you are already

empowered by the Holy Spirit to
live and to face any situation,

any circumstance of life.

He didn’t just save us and let
us get along the best we can.

So, when you think about your
life, and you think about things

you face, when you face
difficulties, would you say that

you’re a patient person?

And the truth is, all of us
probably have areas of our life

that it’s difficult for us to
stand by or hold back what we

think or what we’d like to do.

But patience is a gift from God,
but it isn’t something we

work up.

It is a gift of God through the
Holy Spirit.

When you were saved, He sealed
you as one of His children, and

He began to release in your
life, if you’ll allow Him, the

fruit of the Spirit: love, joy,
peace, patience; and so that’s

what I want to talk about.

I want to talk about this whole
issue of how essential it is

that you and I experience God’s
patience in our life because it

affects every single thing
we do.

Timing is absolutely essential
in almost every area of life.

And so, when we have the Holy
Spirit living within us,

sometimes He’s going to say,
“Mmm-mmm-mmmm-mmm, no.”

Or He may say, “Not now.”

Or He may say, “Tomorrow,”
or whatever.

But God gave us a compass: the
Holy Spirit.

He gave us a sense of direction
in the Holy Spirit so that you

and I would not have to go
through life just making up our

mind and making decisions that
oftentimes we would regret.

So, I want to talk about this
whole idea of patience, and

because the Scriptures says
that’s a gift of the Spirit.

So how many of you know you’re
saved, raise your hand.

All right, hold them up now.

You know you’re saved?

All right, how many of you know
that you have the Holy Spirit

indwelling you?

Well, the same ones should
raise your hand, because if you

got saved, then you have the
Holy Spirit there.

And one of His primary
objectives is to enable us to

walk patiently in our Christian

So, listen to this, Psalm
twenty-seven verse fourteen,

“Wait for the Lord, be strong
and let your heart take courage;

yes, wait for the Lord.”

Well, why would he say that?

Because to wait for the Lord,
sometimes we have to be strong

and we have to take courage.

Because sometimes pressures are
there for us to make decisions

in our life.

Husbands and wives, families,
business, whatever it might be.

He says wait.

In the thirty-seventh Psalm in
the seventh verse he says three

times, “Rest in the Lord,” in
this passage, “Rest in the Lord

and wait patiently for Him, do
not fret.”

So, I would ask you, how many of
you fret?

Well, I’ve got five honest
people here this morning.

Well, why do we fret?

We fret because we don’t feel
the freedom to move ahead, or we

don’t feel the freedom to buy
this or go there or do that or

have this relationship.

And so, we fret because we don’t
have God’s approval, but God

doesn’t give us His approval
because it’s not best.

The fortieth Psalm says, “I
waited patiently for the Lord,

And He inclined to me and heard
my prayer.”

Look at that, “I waited
patiently for the Lord, and He

inclined to me.”

He bent to–He heard what I was
talking to Him about, and He

answered my petition.

So, patience is very important
in every aspect of life.

So, how would you define
patience, if somebody said,

“Well, explain–just define
patience for me.”

What would you say?

It’s the quiet, uncomplaining
endurance under stress or

annoyance, or long-tempered.

So ask yourself the question:
are you quiet and uncomplaining

when things don’t go your way?

And let me give you the simplest
definition of patience.

Listen to this: patience is the
will to wait.

That’s all you need to know.

Patience is the will to wait.

That is, situations come our
way, we have to make decisions;

and yet, there are times when we
don’t know what to do, or times

when God gives us a check in our
spirit, and we have to make a


Will I wait for God’s direction,
or will I not?

Most people don’t want to wait.

They want God to act on their

Think about this, we would
acknowledge that God’s

omniscient, He knows everything.

We would acknowledge that He
knows all about us.

We would acknowledge that He
knows what’s best for us.

And yet, we come to those
situations where God tells us to

wait and we don’t want to wait.

And so, we come up with all the
reasons why we shouldn’t have

to wait.

We look at other people and they
have this, and they have that,

and why should we have to wait?

Because God in His infinite love
and power for us knows that at

certain times in our life,
certain things don’t fit.

That is, God created us to do

To live for Him, to serve Him,
and to reflect Him.

He created us to live out the
life that He’s placed within us.

Whenever I want something He
doesn’t want me to have and I

insist on having it, I’m being

Whenever we push God, “Well,
Lord, I’ve waited long enough,

it’s time for me to have what I

Watch this, God is your greatest

When He says no, listen, don’t
think about it as God rejecting

you, it’s God doing what?

Protecting you.

When God says no, it’s a word of

We oftentimes think, “Well, God,
if You loved me, You’d let me

have this, that, and the other.”

It’s the will to wait.

Now, doesn’t mean that you won’t
get angry sometime.

All of us, probably at times,
have said, “Well, Lord, why not


When God says no, He has a
divine, specific reason for

saying no that is to our

And so, oftentimes we say,
“Well, I don’t know why we have

to pray about this, this is a
simple thing.”

And here’s what I’ve discovered
over the years, that oftentimes,

those simple little things is
oftentimes a trap, a trap Satan

lays out before us.

Because God has a will for our
life, He has the best plan, and

He knows exactly how to enable
us to walk through that plan.

If I insist on having what I
want before I should have it, or

who I want before I should have
it, or whatever it might be,

then I’m just asking for

And this is why many people are
in trouble financially, they’re

in trouble in their marriages,
they’re in trouble, all kind of

circumstances, situation, in a
business, whatever.

Because instead of waiting to
ask for God’s direction and

waiting, they got to have it

We have a whole society of
people that are so

sexually-oriented because
they’ve got to have it now.

Got to have it now.

And as a result, we have a
society that’s so corrupt in so

many ways, and much of which is
because nobody wants to wait for

what they want.

If you have to get in debt over
your head and know you can’t

ever pay it off, but you got to
have it now, you do it anyway.

They live in bigger houses for
six months or a year and can’t

stay in there.

They buy a big car, can’t keep
it very long.

They buy clothes and take them
back after they’ve worn them

three months.

And on and on they go.

And so, they make decisions that
are not God’s decisions.

So, ask yourself the question:
would you say that you are a

patient person?

Now, just think about it a

Would you say that you’re a
patient person?

That is, that you calmly
tolerate the delays that God

places in your life when He
says no.

You come to Him for something
that you believe is the will of

God for your life, you ask Him
about it, and yet, watch this,

here’s what happens.

You ask the Lord about it and
you don’t hear anything.

And you ask Him about it and you
don’t hear anything, and so you

say, “Well, God hadn’t–well,
must be okay because God didn’t

tell me I couldn’t.”

Don’t ever go that route.

If you say, “I’m going to do
this because God hasn’t told me

I shouldn’t,” what about waiting
for God to tell you that you


And so, we can manipulate the
Word, and we can manipulate

circumstances in order to
justify our own desires when

oftentimes they are handicaps
in our life.

They’re the seeds of destruction
in our life because we’re not

willing to wait for God.

Listen, would you agree that God
loves you?

Would you agree to that, say

Well, some of you do, some of
you don’t.

God does love you, and let me
ask you a question.

You love your children?

Come on, now.

Do you love your children?

Okay, if they ask you for
something that you know that’s

going to hurt them, do you want
to give it to them?

Well, why do you expect God to
do that?

You ask God for something, and
sometimes God says no.

Then here’s what you do.

Oftentimes people say, “Well,
I’m gonna get in the Scriptures,

find out what God says,” I’ve
heard this so many times.

And so, they’ll go in the Psalms
and the Proverbs or somewhere,

and they’ll look around, they’ll
find a passage that says, let’s

see here, now they’ll look and
look and look and they’ll say,

“Well, surely, God must be
saying something to me.”

And they’ll find them a verse
that says that they can

interpret that God says yes, and
they say, “God told me I could

do it.”

That’s not the way God operates.

Listen to this, when you were
saved, the Holy Spirit sealed

you as a child of God, lives
within you twenty-four hours a


One of the primary purposes,
having written your name in the

Lamb’s Book of Life, having
sealed you as a child of God


He lives within you to direct

To give direction for your life.

“The fruit of the Spirit is
love, joy, peace, and patience.”

That’s part of what He does in
our life.

So, you have within you the
absolute truth, the right

compass, the one who’s going to
give you the right direction

every single time you ask Him.

That’s who He is.

Because God knows how
complicated life is.

He didn’t just leave us here
apart from the Spirit.

He told His disciples, He said,
“Sit down in the city of

Jerusalem, until you be endued
with power from on high.”

“You can’t live out the life
I’ve given you without the Holy


And so, that’s exactly what
they did.

They waited till He came and
entered them.

When you were saved, the Holy
Spirit came into your life,

sealed you as a child of God.

You’re always a child of God,
you can’t be lost.

Once sealed by the blood of
Jesus, you can’t be lost.

But you can certainly mess up
your life by not listening to

the Holy Spirit who came to live
within you to give direction and

guidance and clarity at every
single aspect of your life.

So, when you think about that,
and you think about situations

and circumstances that you face,
and you ask yourself the

question: am I willing to calmly
accept whatever God says?

We don’t question God on the one
hand until we want something

really bad.

And then we say, “Well now, God,
what about so and so?”

Now, think about this, you have
the privilege to ask God about

everything, everything.

Does God care?


Is He willing to answer?

Yes, He’s that kind of God.

He’s given you the indwelling
person of the Holy Spirit in

order to give direction, protect
you, keep you from making wrong

decisions, giving you patience
and guidance and direction in

every circumstance of life, if
you listen to Him.

God loves you enough to give you
clear direction.

Should you marry this person or
should you not?

You don’t make a decision by
looking at them.

You don’t make a decision by
hearing about them.

You don’t make a decision about
what family they came from.

You don’t make a decision about
any of those things, you make a

decisions, what’s the will
of God?

You say, “Well, is God
interested in who I marry or

what I do and look?”

Yes, He is.

Because He’s interested in all
of our relationships.

He’s interested in our
relationship to Him primarily.

And if I keep that relationship
right, I’ll have my other

relationships right in life.

So, patience, patience is

Listen to what He says, “The
fruit of the Spirit,” that is,

you can expect the Holy Spirit
to express Himself in the

following ways: “Love, joy,
peace, patience.”

So that you have the One living
within you, willing to direct

you in every circumstance
of life.

So, let’s think about it for a

What’s required of us to have

We have requirements, and I’ve
been a Christian for

seventy-three years.

And you know what?

God has never misled me.

Have I always made the right

No, I haven’t.

But you know what?

Every single time if I made a
wrong decision, I had to

face it.

God, You tried to get my
attention, I wasn’t listening.

And after a while, you learn
that never pays, and you follow

His will and you walk in His

So, what requirements do I have
in my life if I’m going to be


First of all, I’ve got to have
faith in God.

I have faith in God to believe
that He will direct me every

single time, whatever I need,
whatever direction, because He

promised to do so.

Second, I must have the spirit
of obedience.

If I have an obedient spirit, I
choose to obey God.

I may falter in that by missing
it somehow, but the Holy Spirit

is there to enable us to give us
guidance, to do what?

To follow Him.

Then, of course, here’s what’s

The discernment of God’s timing.

The Holy Spirit will show us

Oftentimes, we will ask Him for
something that’s not His will at

the moment.

It’s not His plan right now, but
His plan later.

And what we have to do is be
wise enough to say, “Okay, God,

if it’s not Your will or if it’s
not Your will now, give me the

grace to wait until You give me
permission to have or to go

with whatever it might be.”

Then, if I’m going to be
patient, I’ve got to love God.

If I don’t love God, I’m not
going to be patient.

If I don’t love Him, I want
it now.

If I don’t love Him, I want
things to work out the way I

want them when I want them.

And yet, if I’m going to be
patient, I’ve got to love Him.

In other words, if I love Him, I
will be patient.

If somebody says, “Well, I love
God, but.”

No, there’s no but.

If I love Him, I will be

If I don’t love Him, I don’t
trust Him, I won’t be patient.

So, ask yourself the question:
would you be considered by your

husband, your wife, your
friends, people you work with,

do they see you as a patient

Now, there’re only two answers.

Yes or No.

Yes, they do.
No, they don’t.

And that’s because of your
conduct, your conversation, and

your character around them.

If love myself, if I love
things, if I love other people

more than I love God, I’m going
to satisfy myself.

But God wants the best for His

There’s not a single person who
can say, “Well, God doesn’t want

the best for me.”

Yes, He does.

“Well, if He did, He’d-a given
me her or him or this or that.”

No, the reason He didn’t give
you that’s because He does love


Because God’s love for us has no

And that love is so powerful
that God will say no.

When He knows that what we want
is not of Him, He’s going to

make it known to us.

Now, when you pray and you ask
God for something and God gives

you this uneasy feeling.

And you say, “Well, you know,
well, that’s just my feelings.”

Let me ask you a question: what
do you expect God to do when you

ask Him for something and He
says no?

What do you expect Him to do,
go…or go…?

In other words, what does God
have to do to say no?

Should it not be the impression
of your heart?

Should it not be that you’re
listening to Him, and you have

this very uneasy feeling?

If you want to know how God says
no, a very strong uneasy


Sometimes even a scary feeling
if it’s that critical.

That critical, He will give you
a scary feeling if you’re

heading in the wrong direction.


Because He wants the best for

And I think about people, if we
love God, we want to obey Him.

And many people love God until
He requires of them something

they don’t want.

Or deprives them of something
they do want.

And I think about all the people
who get married who never asked

for God’s leadership.

Never asked for God’s guidance.

They make big purchases, not
after asking God.

They make relationships not the
will of God, but they make

relationships that fit them for
the moment and say, “Well, you

know, God understands.”

God is living within us for our
own good, and to give us

guidance and direction in every
aspect of life.

Think of anything that you ask
God about that He won’t answer.

He may not say yes, but if you
ask the Lord for direction, God

will give you direction for your
life because He loves us

unconditionally, and He sent the
Holy Spirit to make His answers

very clear.

And He’s waiting for us,
oftentime, to ask Him, “Lord,

what should I do about this?

What–how–which direction shall
I go in this?

Should I buy this or should I

Should I date this person or
should I not?

Should I get in this business or
should I not?”

In other words, God is always
available to give clear

direction for our life.

Now, we read all kind of
promises to answered prayer.

“Trust in the Lord with all your
heart, lean not to your own


In all your ways acknowledge
him, He’ll direct your path.”

We read that and do what?

Because God doesn’t direct us
the way we want to be directed,

we just ignore the passage.

Watch this carefully, you
cannot, as a follower of Jesus,

follow the Word of God only at
times when you’re looking for

something that agrees with you.

You know, people say, “Well, I’m
gonna find me a passage.”

Well, you can find a passage,
what about the one that talks

about God oftentimes turning a
strong hand against us?

Our heart is to be bent toward

We’re to listen to Him.

For our own good, we listen
to Him.

The fruit of the Spirit is
patience: willing to wait long

when necessary.

So, you ask yourself if that’s

Now, it takes courage to be
obedient to God.

It takes courage to be patient
because sometimes–and I can

think back in my life at times
when I thought, “Well, Lord, I’m

coming to the edge over here,
and if You don’t do something

soon, I’m gonna fall off the


Do you know who’s on the other
side of the edge?

Almighty God.

You’re not going to fall off the

There are times when God will
let us get very, very close to

what we think is an ultimate,
unchangeable desperation, but

He’s always there.

He’s a God of love, of
direction, guidance, and counsel

in our life.

It takes courage to trust Him;
and, simply said, I have to be

determined to wait.

Now, I could give you a lot of
illustrations of people over the

years that I’ve counseled to
wait about something they were

going to purchase, wait about
something in their marriage,

wait about something about their
children, or young people about

decisions they’re making about
college, and so forth.

Every single time that I can
recall when a person heard godly

counsel and chose to do it their
way, it never ended the way they


You know what?

Because God wants the best
for us.

And He says, “I will guide you
and teach you in the way which

you should go.”

Watch this, we started off by
saying patience is the fruit of

the Spirit.

It’s a gift from God, which
means that you have within you

the capacity to make wise

The fruit of the Spirit is

The Spirit of God will exercise
patience in you, for you, to

you, through you in your behalf
because that’s the will of God

for us, that we follow His will,
walk in His way.

And God knows that there are
difficult times and difficult

situations that we face, and
sometimes we don’t know what

to do.

He’s there to show us what
to do.

If you’re a follower of Jesus,
if you’re a Christian, if you’ve

trusted God in your life as your
Savior, you have within you the

ultimate, ultimate, ultimate,
ultimate Counselor for every

single solitary situation in

He will direct you.

God would not withhold truth
from you.

He’s not going to withhold wise
counsel from you.

If you don’t have wise counsel,
it’s because you’ve not asked



Because He loves you

He wants the best for you no
matter what.

So, the fruit of the Spirit is

That is, we have it within us if
we’ll listen to Him.

So, ask yourself the question:
if patience is the will to wait,

do I have the will to wait?

I don’t know what you’re facing
in life, but you don’t have any

peace about it.

You don’t know why you don’t
have any peace about it.

Are you willing to wait?

And oftentimes, your question
is: well, how long have I got to


Until God in His wisdom and love
tells you what to do.

That’s how long you wait.

And so, if you’re sitting here
today and you’re planning on

marrying somebody and you don’t
have any peace about it, you

don’t want to hear this.

You’re getting ready to buy the
house and you know in your heart

you can’t afford it, you don’t
want to hear this.

And I can just go right down the
line because patience is not

a–it’s not a popular subject.

You know why?

I’ll tell you why, because we
want what we want when we want

it, how we want it, that’s it.

And when we can’t have it, we
don’t want anybody telling us

why we can’t.

I understand that.

Jesus had the same thing when He

People didn’t want to hear some
of the things He said, but

that’s okay.

So, let’s think about it for a

Why do we say that patience is
essential to experiencing God’s


Number one, it’s essential to a
life of obedience to God.

If I’m going to obey God, I got
to listen to Him.

I must hear Him and I must obey

If I’m going to obey God, I must
be willing to give up my own

personal desires and opinions at
times in order to do what He


That’s God loving me.

Watch this, whatever you’re
going through, and you’re

praying about it, and God says
no to you, watch this, when He

says no to you, what is He

Here’s what He’s saying: I love

God’s no is I love you.

And somebody says, “Well, no,
when God says no to me, I get


No, when God says no, He’s
saying I love you.

Then think about this: it’s
essential to building a good

relationship with other people.

That is, patience.

If you’re going to have good
friends, you have to be patient

with them, and I don’t need to
tell that if you’re married, you

have to have patience with each

Wherever you work, you have to
have patience.

It is not only a gift of God,
it’s a requirement to be able to

get along in life with your
children, with your husband,

with your wife.

If you live with somebody who
has no patience, that is a very,

very difficult situation.

All of us need to express
patience, and all of us need to

be able to express that patience
toward other people because

other people make mistakes.

Sometimes, when somebody will
tell me, “Well, I’ve prayed

about this and God said yes,”
when I know God’s Word, He would

never say yes to that.

So, what do you do?
You turn them off?


You do your best to help people

When you see, for example, one
of your children or

grandchildren heading in the
wrong direction, what do you


Do you say nothing, or do you
try to counsel them for what you

know as an adult is a wise

If you just say, “Well, they’ll
get along the best they can.”

God has given you wisdom.

He’s given you counsel in life
to give to other people.

And so, we’re to share God’s
direction and share

illustrations in our own life
with other people who are facing


We can all get impatient if
we’re not careful.

But you notice something?

Impatience never cures anything.

It doesn’t.

You have within you the Holy
Spirit who will give you clear

direction about anything in your
life you’re concerned about.


Any relationship, whatever it
might be.

And think about this, timing is
so very important.

Timing is important in sports,
important in finances, important

in relationships, important in
war, important in photography.

Timing is very important.

God is always there within you
as a follower of Jesus.

Have your Holy Spirit within
you, there to give you clear

direction in any and every
circumstance of life if you’re

willing to wait for Him.

“Wait upon the Lord.”

Does He give you clear direction

Oftentimes He will, but a major
decision in your life, you may

have to wait until God tells you
what to do.

Are you willing to wait?

Do you treasure the wisdom of

Do you value the wisdom of God?

Do you prize the wisdom of God?

Do you desire the wisdom of God
enough to wait until He makes it

very clear what you should do?

And I’ve seen so many people
make decisions that they knew

they shouldn’t have made.

But here’s what I hear
oftentimes: “Well, I waited for

three months.

Well, I waited for six months.

I waited for two weeks.

I waited and waited and waited.

Nothing ever happened, so.”

So what?

“So I did my own thing.”

God loves us.

He only wants the best for us.

When God says wait, here’s what
you listen to: “I’m loving you.”

That’s what He’s doing.

He’s loving us when He tells us
to wait.

Remember we said it’s
simply–patience is simply the

willingness to wait.

And when we wait, we see God at

And oftentimes, I’ve watched
this in my own life.

Having to wait and wait and wait
about something, and then watch

God finally bring it to a

Over and over and over again, my
response has been, “Thank You,


Thank You, thank You, dear God,
that I waited.

Thank You, Jesus, that I didn’t
step ahead of You.”

Most people today probably are
unhappy because they have

refused to wait upon God for
direction about something in

their life.

Many of them don’t even know
that they can ask Him.

Many of them do not believe that
He would answer them.

And yet, they’re living in this
haphazard frame of reference

that I got to make up my mind
about this, make up my mind

about that, what should I do
about this?

Listen, the last thing you want
to do is ask somebody who’s in

trouble what you ought to do
because that’s not where you’re

going to get a good answer.

Or if you want to live a godly
life, you don’t ask somebody

who’s living an ungodly life
what you ought to do.

You ask someone who’s living a
life of obedience to God if you

need to ask someone.

But listen to this, don’t forget
this, God Almighty is willing to

speak to you personally, either
through His Word or through

somebody else or through the

He’s willing to show you what
you should do.

You don’t have to live in doubt
and fear and uncertainty, making

decisions, sort of
scatterbrained decisions.

“Well, here’s what I’m going to
do, and I hope it’ll work out.”

I would never say that.

“I’m going to make this
decision, and I hope it

works out.”

No, God is clear enough that you
can be absolutely certain, and

until you’re certain, don’t

Lot of people are in deep
trouble today because they

didn’t wait.

How many times have I talked to
people who are married who’ve

said to me, “I knew I shouldn’t
have done that.”

Why did you do it?

“Well,” they’ll give me some

Or, “I made this decision in my
life and I never thought about

asking God.”

What I want you to see is one
simple thing: God loves you, He

created you, He has a purpose
for your life.

You may not know what the
purpose is.

You may have lived two-thirds of
your life, never even asked God

about anything.

But I’m telling you, He loved
you, He saved you, He has a

purpose for your life, a plan
for your life, and He will make

it clear if you will ask Him and

Don’t push Him.

In other words, you say, “Well
I’ve waited two weeks.”

That’s long enough.

That’s long enough from your
finite mind.

It’s not long enough.

Watch this, let me ask you a
question: is God perfect?

Say amen.

congregation: Amen.

Dr. Stanley: Well, is He

congregation: No.

Dr. Stanley: Then why don’t
we wait for Him?

If we say He’s perfect and He’s
not late, then if I’m waiting,

I’m on time.

I’m waiting till God says this
is the moment.

I’m telling you with all of my
heart, you can never lose.

Never, never.

Now, if I were about twenty-five
years old and telling you that,

you’d forget it.

I can tell you at eighty-five
you never lose.

And I’ve been in some of the
toughest situations, very

difficult situations, traumatic

Never, never, never, never lose
waiting upon God.

And I can remember one occasion.

And the pressure was on from
every direction, and I thought,

“Well, Lord, I’ve lived this
long trusting You.

I’m going to trust You now.

Not–I’m not budging until You
tell me to budge.”

Worked out perfect.

That’s the way God works.

He–you see, just because you
don’t feel God’s love doesn’t

mean He doesn’t love you.

And I know there’s some people
sitting here, and you think,

“Well, I don’t feel God loves

If He doesn’t love me, why would
He direct me?”

He does love you.

He will direct you, but you have
to surrender to Him.

The willingness to wait.

Are you willing–well, listen to

Are you willing to wait for
omniscience, all-knowing God?

Are you willing to wait for
omnipotent, all-powerful God?

Are you willing to wait for this
all-loving God to give you

direction and guidance for your

You can never go wrong listening
to Him, obeying Him, trusting


You can never go wrong.

Then why not?

Trust Him, listen to Him, wait
for Him, and watch to see what


Well, if you’ve never trusted
Jesus as your Savior, none of

this’ll work, won’t work.

And so, I’ll simply say this to
you: you will struggle through

life and make many mistakes and
end up in a disaster without

Christ in your life.

But if you’re willing to ask Him
to forgive you of your sins,

surrender your life to Him, you
have this awesome, eternal,

omnipotent asset, the Holy
Spirit giving guidance,

direction, and perfect timing,
if you’ll listen to Him.

And I would encourage you if
you’re not saved, never trusted

Christ, settle this issue and
let the Lord Jesus Christ become

the master of your life, life’s
going to change.

Listen, don’t live a life
outside the will of God because

to do so is live outside the
blessing of God.

Father, we love You and praise
You and thank You that You never

make a mistake, always perfect.

Your timing is perfect to the

We pray the Holy Spirit will
speak to every single person

here, that we all examine
ourselves afresh and anew about

the degree of patience we have
or do not have.

You know who’s seated right
here, right now, who’s facing a

decision this afternoon,
tomorrow, or sometime this week,

or before the week is over,
major decision in their life.

God, I pray that You’ll give
them wisdom enough to wait until

they hear clearly from You what
they should do and to be

confident that You will always
give them clear guidance in


We love You and we praise You
for it, Father, in Jesus’s name.
