We live in a corrupt world where temptation is a part of life. In this sermon, Dr. Stanley discusses that though everyone deals with temptation differently Jesus showed us—through His own trial on Earth—what the best defense is.

we have to decide how we’re going to

respond to temptation

and the way jesus responded simply this

go to the word what did god say

and here’s what god has said you do

not have to yield i have put a


on the temptation of every single one of

my children so that

i have made a way of escape you do not

have to do it

that’s the word of god next on in touch

lessons learned in the temptation of


all of us have to face temptations of

some sort

and probably until the last day of our

life we’ll be dealing with something

doesn’t mean that you do the same thing

all the time

but temptation is just a part of life

look at this

awesome corrupt evil vile

society in which we live but adam and

eve had to deal with that

and there was none of this and every

generation has had to deal with it so we

can’t blame it

on somebody else and something else

because we have a fallen nature

and because we live in a fallen world


is something we have to deal with

probably most every day

not every day necessarily and it doesn’t

mean that you deal with the same


all the time or maybe as many as you did


you were at this point in life but it’s


and the issue is this how do you deal

with it

a lot of people will live their whole

life and never decide

how to deal with temptation it just

happens that when it hits them

for some reason this is the way they


and if this hits me here i’ll respond

this way so they don’t have any

real method of responding

is there a way to deal with temptation

that was

can i build some kind of defense can i

look ahead and respond and know that

this this will always work probably most

people would say no

because we’re all different if that’s

true then that means we’re all

subject to the satanic power

the power of the devil to hit us from

every side

every angle any time anywhere and down

we go

that is not the will of god the purpose

of god or the plan of god

so you say well can we live without

temptation no

but we don’t have to yield to it unless


choose to you say but you know what you

just don’t know how tempted i am

and you don’t know that the kind of

temptation i’ll deal with so let me say

two things number one

if you’ve never trusted jesus christ as

your personal savior you’re on your own

you don’t have in a real defense because

you’re dealing with someone

who’s got the answers and knows exactly

when to hit you

where to hit you and how long to hit you

to bring you down

so if you’re not a believer you don’t

have a chance you don’t have a choice

if you are you have the opportunity

to understand what temptation’s like

what it’s about what it really is

what is the goal of it who’s behind it

and that you can

live not without temptation but without

continuous falling you say well will you

ever reach a stage in your life where

you’re not tempted anymore i doubt it


will you ever live to a place in life


some things don’t bother you anymore i

think that’s true but as far as


absolutely out of your life no it may be

something as simple as

you just gossip you gossip to 20

you gossiped at 40 60 80. you’re still

doing it

and you’re still asking god to forgive

you or it may be something far more

serious than that and many people do

they live with sin in their life they


facing the same temptation over and over

again and this is that conclusion

well i guess that’s just the way it is

that’s the way it is that everybody’s

tempted by something and so

this happens to be mine and so i guess

i’ll just have to live and die with it

you don’t have to you may live and die

with the temptation but not falling to


not succumbing to it not being defeated

by it

but that’s a matter of your attitude and

your understanding

and the possibility of building a


in your life to protect you well the

best place

to go that i know to find out how to

deal with temptation is with the one

who conquered it every single time and

that’s jesus

it’s not his will that you and i live

falling into temptation

it is his will that we live the kind of

life that has a defense

a mechanism a plan that when we are

attacked by the devil

we know what to do next so that’s what

this message is all about

and i want you to turn if you will to

the fourth chapter of matthew

and those first 11 verses give us an


of jesus facing temptation and i want us

to see what can we

learn from this experience he had

in order to protect ourselves from


notice i didn’t say protect ourselves

from being tempted but to protect

ourselves from falling

in the temptation when it hits us so

beginning in this uh fourth chapter and

i want to start with the first word

because the first word is important when

he says then

what’s then well you turn back in your

bible and find out what happened right

before this

what happened right before this is the

time in which jesus was baptized

and in the 14th verse but john tried to

prevent him saying

i have need to be baptized by you and do

you come to me

but jesus answering said to him speaking

of john

permitted at this time for in this way

it is fitting for us to fulfill all


then he permitted him or baptize him

after being baptized jesus came up

immediately from the water and behold

the heavens were opened

and he saw the spirit of god descending

as a dove and lighting on him

and behold a voice out of the heavens


this is my beloved son in whom i am well


see you so what’s that got to do with

temptation look at that word

then that means that what we’re about to


happened right after this well is that

important it is extremely important

and i’ll show you why in a moment so

then beginning in chapter 4 verse 1

jesus was led up by the spirit into the


to be tempted by the devil and notice it

says he was lit up

he didn’t just wander up there he was

let up

and if you notice he says led up by the

spirit the spirit of god

and so this event in jesus life

very important and planned and had a


so led up into the wilderness to be

tempted by the devil and after he’d


40 days and 40 nights he then became

hungary and the tempter came and said to


if you’re the son of god what’s most

important word if

you are the son of god he didn’t say

since you are

but if you are the son of god command

that these stones become bread remember

he’d been fasting for 40 days so he’s

rather hungry

but he answered and said it is written

man shall not live on bread alone but on

every word that proceeds out of the

mouth of god

then following that the devil took him

into the holy city

and had him stand on the pinnacle of the

temple which is very high

in fact about 150 feet high if you go

all the way down to the valleys about

450 feet

and he said to him if you are the son of

god not since you are

if you are the son of god throw yourself


for it is written now the devil is

quoting scripture he will command his

angels concerning you

and on their hands they will bear you up

so that you will not strike your foot

against the stone

jesus said to him now you can quote

scripture so can i

on the other hand it is written you

shall not put the lord your god to the


again the devil took him to a very high


and showed him all the kingdoms of the

world and that glory

all the kingdoms of the world and their

glory everything

and he said to him all these things i


give you if you fall down and worship me

then jesus said to him go satan

for it is written you shall worship the

lord your god and serve him only

then the devil left him and behold

angels came

and began to minister to him now

let’s define briefly very briefly

what a temptation is and i’ll have some

definition up here

temptation is simply an enticement

to get a person to act contrary to god’s


so any time that you and i attempted to

do something wrong

it is a temptation to

follow other than god’s will and purpose

and plan it’s to do it our way

so look an enticement to get a person to


contrary to god’s will and so this is

exactly what satan’s doing here he said

now if you’re the son of god if you’re

the son of god if you’re the son of god

knowing that he was

tempting him in that fashion it’s a

temptation to disobey god

and so obedience is absolutely essential

to walking with the lord

disobedience gets us in trouble and we

disobey him because we

are enticed by something something

somebody says something somebody does

something awful we have

and so enticed to be disobedient to god

whatever the temptation may be it may be

the temptation to say something that we

shouldn’t say

look like something that we should not

look like think the way we should not


you name it temptation comes in many


and so it is an enticement to be

disobedient to god

now what we deal with here is the

tempter himself and i want us to look at

this for a moment because

who is the tempter the tempter is the

devil somebody says i don’t believe in

the devil

ask adam and eve if they thought there

was a devil

and asked me if i think there is one

yes there is a devil you can call him

satan you can call him devil you can

call him tempter slander accuser father

of lies

all the names the bible gives him but

the devil

is somebody so let me give you a little


uh since you don’t think of him somebody

dressed in a

i can remember this when i was growing

up the devil just in a red

outfit or the long tail and horns and a


pitchfork and i thought scared me to

death but anyway

what’s the truth the tempter isn’t watch

this an intelligent being

that is completely evil

and is directly involved in perpetrating


in the lives of individuals as well as

much larger scale which is the whole


so he is an evil being an

intelligent being so he’s not someone

you can just

forget and push aside and say there is

no such thing

let me just say this to you if you don’t

believe there is one you’ve had it

because the truth is he’s already

successful he already has you in the

state of unbelief

which is exactly where he wants you the

devil doesn’t want anybody to believe

that he exists

or to label him in any fashion or to

accuse him of doing anything that’s bad

so if you say i don’t believe in the

devil that’s a figment of your


then you’re saying that god lied

jesus lied much of the bible is not true

then how do you explain all the evil

things that are going on in the world

somebody says well they just happen or

where do they start

well it just happened well wait a minute

if it just happened it starts somewhere

the bible is clear where it started the

bible is clear about who’s behind it all

and the bible is clear

about how you and i are to respond to


jesus said he’s the father of lies now

watch this so if you say i don’t believe

in him

fine the bible says the one that you

don’t believe in is the father of lies

he’s lied to you and you’ve accepted his


and so you will live unto listen you

will live

under the penalty of believing satan’s

lie that he does not even exist

my friend that’s spiritual suicide you

need to ask yourself the question

do i really believe that or am i just

trying to rationalize my sin

well what what’s motivating your sin

that’s just who i

am well who are you if you are living in


disobeying god deliberately

or willfully fulfilling temptation

satan has you right exactly where he

wants you not believing in him

but following his plan to wreck and ruin

your life

so there is a devil there is satan and

all of us have to deal with him in some

fashion or the other

and so when i think about somebody says

where did he come from he’s a fallen

angel he shows up in the garden of eden

and he’s been working ever since and

he’s worked on me

all of my life i’m sure and he’s worked

in every one of our lives

he’ll do anything watch this he will do

anything to destroy us up to the point

that god has put a level and

a point in which he absolutely cannot go

beyond that

so when somebody says the devil made me

do it no he didn’t

he may have he may have challenged you


ultimately you have a will of your own

when people deny there is a devil

watch this you deny you deny

a an awesome indescribable

immeasurable powerful source of evil in

the world

the very object of his existence as far

as he’s concerned

is your destruction and the fact that

you deny that he exists

is foolish and you need to ask yourself

the question what is the truth

about it so you can begin by saying well

let’s put it this way do you believe


well you’re already in trouble if you

have to say well

either you do or you don’t and the

testimony of jesus is

the devil is a powerful being evil being

who tempted even jesus the eternal

son of god and our savior so

right after he had this awesome


of being baptized the spirit of god

coming upon him and

and god just blessing him blessing him

and blessing him in this experience

then what does god do he sends him into

the wilderness you say that doesn’t look

very fair and i would say

why didn’t he let him just enjoy the

experience well he did enjoy it

but his watch this listen carefully god

doesn’t do anything without a purpose

god doesn’t react and respond he has a


so he gave him this awesome experience


introduce him at the beginning of his


and so when he comes upon the scene john

baptizes him

the beginning of his awesome ministry

and so the scripture says that

then he was led up

by the spirit into the wilderness he

didn’t just drift up there

he didn’t find himself up there he was

led the scripture says

by the spirit of god into the wilderness

and he says for the verse specific


came off of this behind into the


the scripture says to be tempted by the


why in the world would god allow the

devil to tempt his son

probably more than one reason but

remember this

one of the primary reasons god allows

testing and trial in their life is to

prepare us

but paris oftentimes for greater testing

and greater trial and so what jesus is

suffering here or experiencing is the


that the father is now getting him ready

to face

the reality of his awesome ministry

so the spirit of god leads him up there

the bible says to be tested

now it’s interesting that

when satan shows up he doesn’t show up

just any time

he watch this carefully he shows up at

the point

because he works the same thing in your

life and mine he shows up at the point

in those 40 days that jesus would be

physically the weakest therefore the


vulnerable to satan from satan’s point

of view

and so this would be true of us we

fasted 40 days

uh with no food we’d be physically weak

probably emotionally weak

and satan hit us with something uh we

would be

more prone to be disobedient than if we

had sat down at a nice

meal with our friends and had prayer

so here is the devil and he’s coming at

this point in jesus life

when he thinks this is the time

to get him at the time

when he is being prepared for his

ministry and being tested

he had to be tested because god was

sending him as the savior into the world

and he was going to be tested all of his

life from carpenter

to awesome preacher deliverer healer

savior redeemer and so forty days

of listening to god that’s what he was

doing listening and talking to the


lord you know what you and can you

imagine the kind of conversation that

went on between him and god

it was an awesome awesome time of

listening to the father

and so now after end that’s 40 days

satan shows up

and listen to what he says and the

tempter came and said to him

watch this not since you are

but not now that you are but if you are

the son of god

command that these stones become bread

if you are not sincere but if you’re the

son of god

in other words if if you who you say you


then you have the power to turn these

stones in the bread

and what he was saying is why don’t you

just use your power

your divine supernatural power the truth

is why don’t you misuse it

by turning stones in the bread that be

very impressive

and besides that would be a way of

satisfying your hunger

in a miraculous way and so jesus said to

him he didn’t get an argument with him

he said it is written

watch this carefully it is written man

shall not live on bread alone

but on every word that proceeds out of

the mouth of god

now what i want you to see is this jesus

didn’t have to come up with an idea of

how to deal with satan when he was


40 days he’d been listening to god

preparing for the ministry that god had

called him to do and so when satan

attacks him

if you’re the son of god you’re hungry

in fact you feel like you’re just

starving well these stones

you have the power to turn them into

bread delicious scrumptious bread you

know what kind of bridge your mother

used to make you it’d be just like that

and jesus said to him it is written in

the word of god

man shall not live by bread alone but by

every word that proceeds out of the

mouth of god

watch this carefully jesus had a plan

he had a plan for dealing with

temptation and the plan was

you go to the father you go to the word

of god what does the word of god say

now jesus already knew this

paul came along right into the

corinthians and he put it this way

no temptation comes at you it’s taken

you but such as is common to man we all

have it

but god is faithful who will

not permit you to be tempted above what

you’re able to bear

but will make a way of escape that’s the

promise of god

if you don’t know that promise and you

get hit with something really hard

you say well listen god you knew i

couldn’t handle that

and that was too much for me and you let

me be tempted and it’s your fault no

he says go to the word of god it is

written what’s written it’s written is


god will not allow one of his children

to be tempted or tried more than you are

able to

bear depending on trusting in him

he says he’s put a limit on it now if

you’re not a christian you have no


you if you’re not a believer listen you


no defense against the devil he’s going

to win

every time you may be strong to a degree

but he’s going to win there is no way to


against the devil who knows all the

strategy all the deception

and all the things that he camouflages

so we cannot see

you cannot beat the devil at his game of


it’s impossible and so this is why

listen jesus then said to him

well let’s talk about this food business

for a moment well let me just tell you

about food my heavenly father created

food and

i know all about food no he said there’s

just one thing

you’re tempting me to disobey god here’s

what the word of god says

you attempting me to get a crowd by

jumping off the temple this is what god


i’m going by the cross you tempted me to

worship you

instead of my heavenly father this is

what the word of god says

we have a plan jesus plan was

go to the word of god now you say well

suppose i don’t know where to go well

watch this now if you have a plan

the plan has some parts to it right

and the first part is go to the word of


and find those verses that

are verses of protection like a shield

when you attempted and he said this is

just one of them

he says he he said a limitation

so if i’m tempted first thing i need to

do is say well listen

thank you father that you’ve set a

limitation on this and i do not have to


so i need some ammunition i need a


and my defense is the word of god now

i may say well i have a defense well

that defense has parts to it

and that’s verse after verse after verse

in the word of god

that makes me realize i do not have to


i do not have to surrender to that and

you need to find those verses in the

scripture that

apply in a way that appeals to you or

what you have to face in life

and so somebody says well well you know

i know that’s true but

you just don’t understand me i do


i understand that all of us are fallen

creatures when we

trusted jesus as our savior he came to

live within us through the holy spirit

and the holy spirit of god is the one

who listened does what

he ignites our faith in other words our

faith gets a charge

when we are tempted by the devil to do

something wrong

and we turn to the lord he there’s a

charge that comes

a charge of confidence and assurance

that i do not have to yield to that

the promise of god is that i don’t have

to and that he’ll protect me in the


you say well why don’t you give me some

verse of scripture

that i could use well if i did what you

do you just use that one

you’ve got to find one that best that

suits you for example it may be

that you have a problem of being angry

towards somebody

well found the world of getting the word

of god and see what it says about anger

and maybe it’s immoral see what he says

that’s something that’s immoral

or maybe you have a problem with with


find out what he says about in other

words go to the word of god

that’s what jesus did listen it’s


jesus just had one plan

and watch this jesus didn’t get in any

arguments with the devil if you do that

you’re gonna lose every time

he’s smart he’s intelligent he listen

you and i don’t even know all of our

weaknesses he knows them he’s practiced

on us long enough he knows exactly

when we’re the weakest when we’re the

strongest well to hit us who to hit us

by whatever it might be

so what we have to ask is lord what

how do i defend myself against


i build listen i build

a foundation of strong truth

so that wherever satan fires his dart

i have a defense and my defense is the

word of god

and so jesus said to him he said very


he said we can’t just eat bread alone in

other words

i’m not going to misuse my power to

satisfy my hunger

so then say the bible says then the

devil took him

to the holy city and had him stand

on the pinnacle of the temple as we said

at the top about 450 feet down to the


floor and he said to him again if you’re

the son of god now watch this

listen carefully if you think satan’s

going to hit you one time and forget it

this is the son of god and he he

defeated satan one time satan comes

right back again he says

in the same way if you’re the son of god

throw yourself down and then he quotes

the scripture

think about how subtle satan is not only

did he tempt him to do something wrong

but he quoted the scripture to defend it

he says for it is written

he will command his angels concerning

you and

on their hands they will bear you up so

that you will not strike your foot

against the stone

so he said look here’s here’s the word

of god have you ever had anybody come to

you and give you a verse of scripture to


a verse of scripture to defend their sin

absolutely and so he comes back at jesus


so when god gives you watch this

carefully you listen and say amen

when god gives you a victory is what you

can expect

watch out so he says

jesus said to him on the other hand he

says in other words

satan you you quoted this one let me

give you one and that is you shall not

put the lord your god to the test

and so what happens

satan is buffed again here’s what god


both times gee watch this carefully


did not get in an argument with the


whenever you get in the argument with

the devil you have lost

first of all you have acknowledged that

he has

some bit of uh of a foothold somehow

you’ve acknowledged that well maybe he’s

right or maybe this or maybe that

you can’t argue with the devil when you

attempt it the right response is

immediate go into the word of god

what does god say for example somebody

well somebody will try to rationalize


immoral living and god says thou shalt

not commit adultery

so what does not mean

what no which thou shalt not steal thou

shalt not bear false witness

thou shall not kill what in the world

does not mean

it means exactly what it says and that

is i shall not do it i must not do it

it’s not right

and so when satan hits us we have to be

careful we don’t get an argument with


and oftentimes his will happens somebody

says well you know

i have been tempted but i’ve been

talking to my friends or your friends

was acting like the devil probably and


look nobody’s perfect so your friends

can be such powerful tools the devil


or even somebody in your family well

we all go to this church now you go to

that church you act like you don’t love

us anymore and you’re critical of us

because we do all the things that you


are wrong and so on and on and on that

goes there’s no limitation to the kind

of stuff

that they can throw at you what’s the

right response

here’s what god says here’s what god


if if god says that let me ask you a

question what argument do i have

the argument is useless it has no


you have to ask yourself the question

where did that argument come from

if it is a contradiction to the word of


you must not believe it because god’s


is true and somebody says well i don’t

believe the bible

well what you just is you confess that

satan has you in his grip

and he can just move on to something

else unbelief

is a confession of satan’s victory in

your life

and so can this confession or shall we

say this boasting about

i don’t need religion religion is a

weakness religion is just a form of a

weak people

well i would simply say to you sir or

ma’am whoever you may be

you’ve just confessed to that your


the devil got ahold of you he conquered

you he has you in his

grip so that

there’s no there’s no sense in you

arguing about anything because

you are you’ve already surrendered

yourself to it

and the truth is satan

can get into somebody’s life with pride

and arrogance and what happens is he has

a heyday

because oftentimes people listen

to error because of a person’s position

in life

every time jesus faced it here’s what he

did he said

it is written so here he’s testing him

again to misuse his power and besides

that to say

listen the best way to get a big crowd

the quickest way for you to have a bunch

of follow great followers

is just if you throw yourself down just

get up on the temple

and put it in the paper get in the news

you’re going to jump at a certain time

all these people will be out there

listening and watching and they’ll be so

excited they’ll be clapping and watching

this happen

you jump down you land on your feet and

they’ll just go wild

and then when you say i’m the son of god

i’m the savior

they’ll believe it no problem

jesus said i’m not going to misuse my


and avert the plan of god and do what

god wants me to do in a way that is

displeasing and dishonorable to him

what you’re telling me to do watch this

always a hook in satan’s temptations

what you’re telling me is

jesus if you listen you can avoid the


you can avoid the cross if you just do

what i said

jump off the top of the temple you’ll

have a crowd

it’ll be all over the world before you

know it

anything satan tempts you with it may

look real profitable promising

real satisfying if you first look but if

you’ll get under and look again

you’ll find there’s a trap there’s a


it’s full of lies it’s not of god it’ll

ultimately destroy you

and the world is full of lies the world

is full of lies

and so that’s why whatever we face in


we have to ask ourselves the question

what’s the truth

because the truth is

there are penalties to sin here is a

divine truth

that even the most educated ungodly or a

godly person cannot prove different

we reap what we sow more than we sow

later than we sow

period that’s that is that is a

scientific principle it is a natural


it is a spiritual principle and people

who boast

that they don’t need god they don’t need

this at any other if they can just get a

glimpse of the end of their life

and they’ll realize that there’s a day

coming when there consequences to their

unbelief and their disobedience

so he said if you’re the son of god

just jump and you’ll have what you need

without the cross

and so he quotes this scripture of what

god says he’ll do

and then he he quotes him back one

don’t put the lord thy god to the test

then again the devil took him to a very

high mountain and showed him all the

kingdoms of the world

and their glory and he said to him

all these things i will give you if you

fall down and worship me

now if you take your route you’ll never

get them all

if you take your route you can’t live

that long but if you’ll just fall down

and worship me

i will give you the kingdoms of the


well of course that’s another one of

satan’s lies and of course what did


what did jesus say he says get out of

here satan

for it is written you shall worship the

lord your god

and serve him only every single time

jesus used the same method

of dealing with temptation now i don’t


any of us can improve on that method

and think about this here’s here’s what

you have the privilege of doing

you can build you can build this wall

of strength you can build this resource

you can build this armor before you

against temptation

does that mean it’ll never break through

no but it means that you

build into your life the word of god

if the word of god is a vital part of

your thinking

a vital part of your decision making a

vital part of your lifestyle

you that is the word of god is a vital

part of your life

it’s it’s it’s something that you read


it’s something that you believe from

cover to cover it

it is a pattern for your life the

promises of god are here the power of

god is here

if you will build the truth of god into

your life

you will build a barrier i’m not saying

that you’ll never get tempted naturally

you’re going to get tempted

i’m not saying that you’ll never falter

because this

we still live in these bodies and we

live in a corrupt world

but you will have a resource and you

will have a defense against the devil

that listen you will falter fewer and

fewer and fewer times

and the things maybe that had a grip on

you that you think well god i won’t

how could i ever get rid of this the

word watch this

the word of god can break any bondage no

matter what it is

if you read it get it in your mind get

in your heart

pray over it and you begin to think the

way god thinks

because if you think the way god thinks

you’ll begin to act the way god acts

and so jesus said this this is the way

this is the way you deal with it just go

to the word

now when somebody uh discusses with you


and sin and so forth and you start

talking about going to the word

here’s what they’re going to say i don’t

believe i don’t believe the bible

well they’ve victims of satan

well how do you know that’s what it

means or they will say

well that’s that’s your interpretation

how many times have i heard that

that’s your interpretation and then i

want to say to them what’s your

interpretation you know what they say


this book this book is

our defense against the devil he hates


this is why our colleges and seminars

are so full of professors

who want to say the bible is not true

that’s an ancient book very ancient how

ancient ancient is god

i mentioned that it has no time because

this is the voice of god put in print

this is the life of god put in print

this is this

this is this is the message of god the

promise of god the power of god

the plan of god put in prince so that

you and i

will have a resource that we can turn to

jesus said the way you deal with


the way you deal with the devil is that

you turn him

focus him quote to him

on the word of god whatever it might be

now somebody says well

you know what’s your favorite verse and

so forth you find your favorite verse

that is

you know where you attempted the most

and for somebody

just to read the ten commandments and

god says thou shall

not well for some people that’s enough

but some people may not be enough and

all through this book here’s what you’re

going to find the word of god

there are so many promises in the word

of god

of his help and strength and guidance

and protection and watch care

and the reason i go back to first

corinthians 10 13 is

he says no temptation

not any no exception no temptation

it can include yours no temptation will

overtake you

will hit you but such as this common

demand you can say

well god you know nobody else is in my


millions of people have been in your

position god you know

nobody hurts like i heard yes they do

hurt like you heard well

what you listen one of the greatest acts

of pride is to say

but oh god i’m different no you’re not


you’re living in sin disobeying god

that’s not different

and so he says he will put a limitation

when god says he will put a limitation

on the temptation no matter what it is

so that you can bear that is so you can

walk through it

you can have victory no matter what when

listen if i

said here’s what you ought to do no what

does god say he says

he puts a limitation on your temptation

so that whatever it is

it can’t get any heavier than that

because he loves you

and because he loves you he’s going to


the testing that you and i have to


now let’s say okay that being true but

suppose i don’t know the word of god

you’re in trouble when you face the


and his temptations and his trials in

your life

just knowing john 3 16 is not enough

there are many verses of promise of the

power of god that he’ll never leave you

nor forsake you lord

you never face a single temptation

alone you say well you know i live alone

and i’m having a hard time and it’s just

so bad being alone you’re not alone

if you’ve trusted jesus christ as your

savior by his

own confession he’s living on the inside

of you

listen if jesus is within me according

to his word

i have everything i need to be able to

walk obediently before him

so i can’t blame it on any of that the

truth is this i can’t blame

my yielding the temptation on anything

or anybody somebody says well you know

i just didn’t grow up believing it well

get ready to start believing in other


if the truth is here believe it

jesus said every time go to the word go

to the word go the word here’s what

here’s what my father said here’s what

i’m saying to you

you don’t have to live in sin

you don’t have to yield a temptation

you say but it’s so strong sure it’s


the devil doesn’t come along and say

well i want to get you

now what he says i want you so

temptation doesn’t come as simple plain

and easy

it comes as a strength of the devil

to defeat you drag you down in

unbelief and weakness until you yield to

the devil

you may not believe in him remember this

that does not

remove him you don’t even have to

believe in god if you don’t believe in


do you think that affects god no it

doesn’t affect him

it affects you so unbelief doesn’t

affect god

unbelief affects the person who is not a


and when i think of all the wonderful

promises that god has given to us in his


how to live a godly life walk in

obedience to him

and all of us who try to walk an

obedient life to him

for us it’s so foolish to try to live

without god

there is a pain and suffering and

heartache and rejection

and all the rest multiplied many times

for people who do not know the lord

somebody says well i’m going to make it

somehow what’s that

what somehow no you’ve been deceived

the truth is if you’ve never trusted

jesus christ as your savior

you’re in trouble

you see there’s only one way to live and

live it right

and that is having trusted jesus christ

as your personal savior

until you surrender your life to jesus

and he comes into your life through the

holy spirit

and he builds the defense and he begins

to work in your life

and you see it’s not us it’s the spirit

of god within us

that responds to temptation as we obey

the lord

so if you waiting until one day you feel

like you can handle temptation you’ll

never be saved

but if you’re willing to say to him lord

i’ve sinned against you

i keep on sinning against you i don’t

want this in my life

i want to ask you to forgive me of my

sin i receive jesus christ as my

personal savior by faith

i believe when he went to the cross he

paid my sin dead and full

and today i just surrendered my life to

him thank you for this message lord

and i pray that you’ll teach me how to

live this life

in the power of the holy spirit will he

do it yes he will

and if you are a believer this morning

you now are inexcusable

with dealing with temptation very simple

very simple message is what jesus did

here’s what we’ll do but did jesus

succeed will we succeed yes

because the spirit of god within us

will enable us to walk through all kinds

of temptation

heartache burdens in life does it mean

we’ll never falter no it doesn’t mean


because we’re human we live in these

human bodies of ours we live in a

corrupt evil vile world

but we’ll be victorious when he

is in control of our life amen

and father how grateful we are for this

awesome passage of scripture

that’s so simple so plain

but so perfectly built for your children

to show us how to walk in victory every

day of our life

we love you and we praise you and we

bless you and pray that whatever is

going on in all of our lives

that we will resort to you that their

own nobilities and talents and skills

resort to you

trust you going to your word

and drawing from this awesome spring

this wave of truth

exactly what we need to meet every issue

in life

in jesus name amen

as believers when we face temptation we

should follow jesus example

and turn to god’s word for strength and


at intouch.org learn more about how to


when god allows trials in our lives

there you can see today’s message

lessons learned in the temptation of


and find a library of free and inspiring

messages from dr stanley

sermon notes and resources to help

encourage your resolve

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leading people worldwide into a growing

relationship with jesus christ

and strengthening the local church in

touch with dr

charles stanley is a presentation of in

touch ministries

this program is made possible by the

grace of god and your faithful prayers

and gifts