The conscience is our internal traffic light, given to us by God for our own good. Learn how this personal moral compass keeps us safe—and how ignoring it can lead us down dangerous paths. Don’t sear your conscience by repeatedly disobeying its leading. Instead, keep it clear and sensitive so you won’t be led astray. For more messages from Charles Stanley, including this week’s broadcast, go to


but you have a conscience

it is consistent with God’s Word will

and wait for your life it doesn’t take

you all day to get a signal because that

grid is up and as soon as the wrong

thing hits that grid it sends off a

message this is not right


four decades ago we started in touch

ministries to lead people worldwide into

a growing relationship with Jesus Christ

throughout the years we’ve seen God’s

greatness his love and his blessings in

such awesome ways that we just want

everyone to know him so let’s open God’s

Word and seek Him together

next on InTouch is your conscience your

protector can you trust your conscience

think about it for a moment can you

trust your conscience when you are

confronted with situations of

circumstances or opportunities that

appear to be questionable either morally

ethically socially can you trust your

conscience to guide you to make the

right decision you hear people say well

that your conscience be you God well it

depends upon what kind of shape your

conscience is in because there many

people whose conscience to some degree

that and others more degree dead

you can sin against God to the point

that your conscience doesn’t say

anything else to you it doesn’t mean you

to have no conscience but it means that

you have rejected the voice of your

conscience so long you can’t hear it


and somebody’s sort of defined the

conscience like this the inner voice

which warns us that someone may be

looking God gave us all a conscience and

he gave us a conscience which is

different from the Holy Spirit who’s the

third person of the Trinity who lives

within every single believer but people

who not believe us have a conscience so

we all have a conscience

and the question is cannot trust it if I

abide by what I since my conscience is

saying all feeling is that a wise

response or is it not so I want you to

turn the first Timothy and Paul is

writing to young Timothy who is the

pastor of the church now and Ephesus and

they going through some difficult times

and so he says to him beginning in the

18th verse of this first chapter I give

you a time to find that first chapter

first Timothy

beginning in verse 18 he says this

command I entrust the you Timothy my son

in accordance with the prophecies

previously made concerning you that by

them you fight the good fight keeping

faith and the good conscience which some

have rejected and suffered shipwreck in

regard to their faith and then he

mentions to the people who had given him

a hard time and he says about them among

these are Jimenez and Alexander whom I

have handed over to Satan so that they

will be taught not to blaspheme and so

when I think about what he says their

life ended in shipwreck the truth is all

of us if we’re honest we know some

people whose life has ended in shipwreck

they wrecked their lives they may still

be afloat but they’re a wreck and you

and I know people like that who’ve

decided that God has no place in their

life they have enough money enough

acceptance enough of everything they

won’t they don’t need God and so they

think somehow they’ll make it they’ll

make it for a season but there will be a

shipwreck sooner or later in their life

and this is what he’s wanting him of

here so I want us to think about that

with that in mind and then ask yourself

the question and wherever you are in

your Christian life can you say yes I

can trust my conscience when I come to

something that’s questionable I can

trust my conscience that send me a

message and what is that message that

message is a feeling of conflict and not

peace but conflict uncertainty I

questions doubt or maybe even fear but

God gave us a conscience for our

protection now whether we use it or

respond to it as a protect or not as

something we have to decide it’s not the

same as the Holy Spirit though the Holy

Spirit is a part of every believer

Laith and so what you have to ask

yourself the question is this do I

really trust my conscience do I respond

to my conscience do I lean upon to my

conscience now the Holy Spirit works

through our conscience and if you see

something here’s something tempted to do

something or go in a certain direction

that’s not of God and you’re a follow of

Jesus Christ

you can’t just plow through with no

feeling the Spirit of God is going to

convict you and he’s going to use your

conscience to remind you that doesn’t

fit who you are it doesn’t fit what you

believe and it doesn’t fit your

relationship of Almighty God there’s a

whole host of people who have no

conscience the reason they don’t they

have one put it this way it’s dead

you can disobey God rebel against God

over and over and over again to the loud

voice watch this the loud voice of the

conscience says no no no no no no that’s

the most dangerous place you can be when

you can’t hear it when it stops sounding

the alarm because you have did that with

disobedience and rebellion toward God so

Paul is reminding Timothy of how

important that is now we say that and we

all agree that the conscience is a

universal gift of God let’s define

conscience in this way conscience is our

human faculty by which a person does the

following things number one it

distinguishes between the morally right

and wrong that’s what the conscience

does it distinguishes between the

morally right and wrong secondly it

urges us to do that which we recognize

to be right that’s what the conscience

does that only shows us what’s wrong

but urges us to do the right thing you

can think about times in your life or

something you’ve seen

her done or whatever and when your

conscience was really bothering you

that’s what you’d say my conscience so

bothered me that it spoke loudly I could

not do it a third thing it does it

restrains us from doing what we

recognize to be wrong and so there’s

this restraint we feel that that’s not

the place you need to go that that’s not

the right direction the conscience

cannot only speak it can scream and the

more committed you are to Jesus Christ

the louder your conscience is going to

be when somebody says well I did this so

I didn’t feel a thing

and they may be bragging about their

capacity when they ought to be scared to

death if your conscience is so numbed if

your conscience is so dead that it does

not shout to you when you’re heading in

the wrong direction to make a wrong

decision then you’re in trouble it’s

like driving down the streets of a busy

city and ignoring the red light oh I

like the green light yellow light but

the red light I just ignore you know

that you’re bound for disaster sooner or

later and then of course our conscience

passes judgment on Acts and executes

that judgment within the soul that is it

says to us that it’s wrong it doesn’t

fit who you are it doesn’t fit who you

say you are it doesn’t fit the Word of

God that is the conscience is a powerful

part of the human life and everyone has

one it doesn’t make a difference what

language you have what your background

is you have a conscience and what you do

with it will either sharpen it to make

it more and more sensitive that you can

live a godly life where you can begin to

ignore it very early so only you know

where your conscience is but it was

given to us for our protection and so

how does it work and I’ll give you

several words up here that you can just

jot down first of all it judges a man’s

soul always passing judgment and

conduct and behavior in other words

three things are affected attitude

conduct and behavior second it’s like a

spiritual radar watch this

it sends out signals to us that

something close by is not right and

there been times when I think all of us

could say we had feelings we didn’t know

why but but a sensitivity that that be

careful today watch out today watch out

of what do you well you didn’t know what

it was it was your conscience through

the work of the Holy Spirit sending you

a signal ahead of time and I can think

of a few times there were dramatic in my

own life when I would pray in the

morning and I’d feel this uncertainty

about something do you know what it was

it’s like the Lord said be careful today

and sure enough something would come

along and it would be like the Lord said

see I told you watch this and so you

have a conscience for your protection

if you listen to it it acts like it

looks like a grid system God has and so

when it’s something hits that system and

stops there it means that your

conscience is saying don’t go there

that’s not what you need to get that’s

not a part that’s not who you are and it

doesn’t fit who you are as a follower of

Jesus it convicts protest accuses when

wrong is done when you violate your

conscience for example if you if you

were tempted to really let somebody

heaven just use profanity you would know

that’s not right

somebody offers you a drink of something

you know does not fit who you are as a

follower of Jesus or somebody invites

you to go somewhere that you know is not

right or to look at something you know

it’s not right I’ll listen to something

that’s not right your conscience is

going to send you a signal watch this

for your protection now watch this when

Satan tempts you to move in a certain


are you listening say men don’t take the

first step if you

take the first step in violation of your

conscience what you’re doing is you’re

ignoring the grid he’s he’s the grids

there and and and when what’s wrong hits

the grid it sends a signal

you either abide by the signal or you

don’t you cannot violate your conscience

and walk in the will of God or even

enjoy the blessings of God because it’s

an act of pure defiance of what God

wants for your life and what it does it

convict’s us and it protests its shouts

this is not right this doesn’t fit who

you are and I don’t know how God could

have made it plainer he gives us the

Holy Spirit and seals us as a child of

God and he’s the one living within us

who speaks through our heart he’s also

given us a conscience we got watch this

we got the conscience before we got the

Holy Spirit you just think before you

got saved you had a conscience you knew

that certain things were not right and

then you have the Holy Spirit living

within you and shouting to you put

through your conscience don’t do that

don’t go that don’t say that don’t think

that it isn’t that God is keeping you

from having a good time in life it’s

protecting you from disaster and

protecting you from from going where I

god knows you should not go the

conscience is an awesome thing and when

I think about how God has made us and

he’s made us that live our life holy and

righteous before God and yet we choose

not to do so but it’s because we ignore

this inner conscience given to us

enabled by the Holy Spirit to identify

anything and everything that’s wrong now

watch this sometimes you have a feeling

about something and you don’t know why

well why well why should I hesitate

about that you can’t identify God

doesn’t promise that you and I will

always understand why he’s giving us a

signal but

remember this God is omniscient

omnipotent and he’s what I’m the present

he’s there

and so when he sends you a signal about

something and you ignore it

then what you are saying the holy God

who is always working in their behalf

he always has your best interest at

heart God is not going to tell you not

to do something because he doesn’t want

you to enjoy life he’s going to send a

signal to us to avoid something because

He loves us because he cares and you

know what I I can remember parents and

maybe my mother probably said this to me

now you should know you can’t do that

why because I said so

and I knew better than not to do it did

I always do what she said no did I get

punished when i disobeyed yes I did but

I learned early in life there’s some

things I may not understand why my

mother said no but later I realized she

was right now watch this sooner or later

you will find out why God didn’t want

you to do or say ago where he forbid you

to do there go man I know it’s the time

but it’s protection for us it’s God

loving us now think about this today we

live in a world that’s becoming more and

more and more ungodly and so it is more

and more and more important that we

teach our children our grandchildren I’m

not the final authority you not the

final authority God is the final

authority and that final Authority is to

be found very clearly in the Word of God

and that’s why you should train them

early in life that the Bible is the

final authority and the Bible is always

right always correct about every single

circumstance of life a conscience is the

signal to watch out whatever may be

going on

so the Bible mentions the different

types of conscience for example I’ll

just mention these to you if when the

Bible talks about a good conscience

and for example in this 19th verse

keeping faith and a good conscience so

there’s a good conscience and then the

scripture talks about in first renting

chef’s date of struggling conscience and

probably all of us have struggled at

some time the other about our conscience

of what we were feeling or real facing

of what we were tempted with struggling

conscience and in Titus the first Shep’s

and the 15th verse he talks about a soil

the conscience you do something that you

know is not right and when you do that

you soil your conscience it’s like

getting it dirty does that mean God

won’t forgive you know he will forgive

you but I can tell you this as long as

that soil is there you’re not going to

have in the peace so there’s the soil of

conscience and then worst of all and

first Timothy chapter 4 in verse 2 he

speaks of of a seared conscience the

best way to describe let’s take a piece

of wax paper and take a hot iron and

just set it on the wax paper and it

disappears when a conscience becomes

seared it doesn’t speak any longer it’s

dead you can do anything you want to get

by with it no this is why we see people

who are living such an immoral life and

they say well what’s wrong with that let

me tell you something they have seared

their conscience by disobeying God over

and over and over and over and over

again till there’s no voice conscience

is seared it’s dead now to go back to

the first chapter of Romans for example

and that’s where Paul gets this is where

he deals with it right up front with the

Romans and in this first chapter he says

for even though they knew God they did

not honor him as God or give thanks but

they became futile in their speculations

and their foolish heart was darkened the

this professing to be wise they became

fools exchanged the glory of the

incorruptible God for the image the form

of corruptible man and the birds for for

the beasts crawling things therefore God

gave them over in the lusts of their

hearts to dishonour and to impurity so

that their bodies would be dishonored

and owned and owned and he only goes and

he says again and again but God gave

them over to it what does it mean he

says there comes a time if you insist on

disobeying God ignoring your conscience

doing what you want to do and just

shutting God out God will turn you over

to it and this is why people can live

the life that they live and seemingly

from our point of view it looks like

they’re having again people have said

this to me we’ll look at so-and-so they

seem to be getting along fine mmm-hmm

seemed to be you haven’t looked inside

their heart you don’t know what they do

when they delight in that night you

don’t have miserable they are deep down

inside and oh this is a big faking front

they have out there well everything is

fine and I don’t need that this God and

Jesus and Bible and we don’t need any of


totally consumed by disobedience and a

conscience that’s been seared tragic

well let’s think about it

so when can you trust your conscience so

I’m going to give you several statements

you can trust your conscience when you

have accepted the Word of God as the

basis for your conduct that’s the basis

of my kind that means I’m gonna live by

the Ten Commandments and I’m gonna live

by the New Testament also you can trust

your conscience when you have made a


secondly you have our our programming

your conscience with the teaching of

Scripture when you come week after week

after week what’s happening you being

programmed by the Word of God you say

you programming me know the Spirit of

God taking the Word of God into your

heart and programming you to understand


Thanks now hey orcs and how he moves in

a person’s life thirdly you can trust

your conscience when you have a strong

desire to obey God lord I want to trust

you no matter what gallon gun trust you

and number four when you prayerfully

consider the decisions you make you can

trust your conscience when something

comes up and you’re not too sure what

you should do you prayerfully ask the

Lord to give you direction then you have

a good conscience you have a sense of

their conscience a conscience you can

trust and then when your conscience

sounds the alarm immediately when you’re

consuming a wrong direction in your

thoughts or actions when you have a

conscience that is consistent with God’s

Word will and way for your life it

doesn’t take you all day to get a signal

because that grid is up and as soon as

the wrong thing hits that grid it sends

off a message this is not right for

example you go to work tomorrow morning

and somebody says I got tell you this

joke it’s a little dirty but you’ll

understand don’t let it get you it down

anything like that and so what do you do

well let me ask you a question what

would your conscience tell you to do

when somebody tells you they’re getting

ready to tell the group whether it’s you

of three or four or five people I’m

going to tell you a joke it’s a little

dirty little mm-hmm what do you do when

your conscience is right immediately you

don’t have to question what to do say

well you know what if it’s God’s kind of

joke it doesn’t fit Who I am

thank you very much or you could say to

them if you’re brave enough you ought to

be ashamed of yourself

talking like that

that’s what she oughta say you ought to

be ashamed you want to tell me what you

what you’re getting into tell me and

telling me ahead of time that it’s dirty

and I’ll tell you if you get strong

about people who want to do that here’s

what’ll happen next time they got a

dirty joke they go into somebody else

they’re not going to you because you

know why because you’ve sent them a

message and I’ll tell you something else

before they go to sleep at night they’ll

wrestle what you said the fact that you

turned and walked away they won’t forget

it now there may be a wicked as a devil

but they won’t forget it because all of

a sudden there was conflict and them and

their conscience said something to them

because your life as a righteous godly

life and you seek to walk in his way in

his will and so all of a sudden they’ve

hit the blank wall and their conscience

and your conscience was in conflict

immediately we need to be strong and

stop apologizing and stop just bending

our convictions to meet somebody else’s

we should


and then of course one way you can trust

your conscience when you feel guilty

immediately upon disobedience

immediately in fact I can’t even think

about I can’t even think about y’all

creating a conscience that takes time in

other words our conscience is is

spiritually sensitive to everything

going on around you

and so there’s no no time lapse you may

ignore it at first but your conscience

is there to protect you protect you from

things that will destroy you or hinder

you in some fashion or your loved ones

whoever it might be if you’ve never

trusted Jesus as your Savior your

country and it’s bothering you your

conscience is still alive and the Spirit

of God will convict you now don’t have

your sin but of the fact that God loves

you and is willing to forgive you and

cleanse you and give you a whole new

life which the Bible calls being born

again and so I would say to you this

morning don’t even think about walking

away without dealing with your

relationship to God this morning and I

trust you’ll be wise enough to do that

amen and father we thank you for the

clarity of your precious word we ask you

this morning there so sanctify us that

is let your holiness

so rule and reign in our life that

there’s no question in our mind whether

something is right or wrong but whether

it fits us or does not know whether it’s

the right timing for something or not

followers of the Holy Spirit who lives

within us who always makes everything

clear for us and I pray for that

somebody here this morning who’s never

trusted Jesus as their Savior and they

wonder sometimes while they feel so bad

they had probably thought about their

conscience being from God I pray that

you’ll speak to their heart in these few

moments in Jesus name Amen

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in touch leading people worldwide into a

growing relationship with Jesus Christ

and strengthening the local church this

program is sponsored by in touch

ministries and is made possible by the

grace of God and your faithful prayers

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