Are you making time each day to study God’s Word? Dr. Stanley shares a personal and practical way of approaching the Bible. Watch more from “In the School of Faith”: In Touch Ministries, 2012. For more messages from Charles Stanley, including this week’s broadcast, go to

if I want my faith to be steady I’m

going to be meditating upon the Word of

God which means I read it I asked him

what it means to me I want to I want to

I’m not going to get in the herd I’m

going to apply to my life and ask him to

show me what are you saying to me in

this passage watch this God speaks in

different ways but one of the most

accurate primary way God speaks to us is

through his word and the question is

what is he saying somebody says well

God’s never spoken to me oh yes he has

yes he has that’s what this book is all

about God’s speaking to us and if I’m

going through some situation and I want

to correct my wavering faith I’m going

to ask those questions and I’m going to

get in the word and I’m listening I’m

going to meditate on it carefully and I

think oftentimes when you do it

privately and I’m going to apply what

I’ll read on I’m going to listen to what

he’s saying

and I’m not going to doubt him because

he knows I’m coming to the word seeking

an answer and seeking clarification

likewise I’m going to try to recall

instances in the past when I was

troubled and God faithfully answered my

petition this is why I say you should

have a Bible whatever Bible you have and

it ought to be one with enough margin in

it that you’ve got room to write in it

and then when you come to one of those

situations and God speaks to your heart

through a particular verse right and it

margin a date and just put in one or two

words what that is you know what it

happens after a while your Bible becomes

a bogger if you have God working in your

life now I would never tell anybody how

to read the Bible necessary but I give

you a suggestion when I’m going to when

I’m reading and meditating on the Word

of God I do not use this Bible right

here you say would you preach it of it

that’s right when I open this Bible I’m

going to work I’m listening to God for

what he wants to say it to me but to me

primarily through me

to you so what I do for my own private


I’ll read two different other Bibles you

say well do they say something different

no they just sit in a different way and

one of them is the Living Bible because

it’s so very cat it’s so down-to-earth

and casual the way it’s written but it’s

true and I will usually read either that

or one of the versions I can tell you

what that is you at all I got to go and

buy me another know you’ve got the right

version in fact the one you have in your

hand that I preached from is the most

accurate it’s the most accurate

translation it’s boxy it’s not easy to

memorize they can told King James

Version is the best is the best Bible to

memorize it just flows this thing

doesn’t flow like that at all

but it’s the most accurate what I’m

after is God what did you say how did

you say how did you said I want to be

sure that what I can visit somewhere

else is exactly what you said when I’m

reading from my own personal devotion

then I listen I don’t have you in mind

sorry I I have me in mind what does God

want to say to me you have to decide how

you read the Word of God but read it and

ask and remember we said really

carefully unhurried Lee and you’re

prayerfully and you read it for God to

speak to you you and you and you and

you’re reading it very sincerely God my

heart’s open to what you have to say