Have you ever asked, “How long, oh Lord, will this last?” Dr. Charles Stanley responds to a listener’s question about the consequences of sin. In Touch Ministries, 2013.

God disciplines those he loves God sees

believers in Jesus Christ as his sons

and daughters and he prepares the very

best for his children when we sin he

doesn’t leave us to our own devices

instead he works within us to make us

more like His Son Jesus and though the

path of obedience may get rocky it is

meant to train us in godliness but just

like the psalmist says there are times

when we groan how long O Lord is this

going to last the day we look at a

question I think we can all relate to

and this is how it reads

after we sin how long did the

consequences last I was proud and

judgmental and although I’ve repented of

this the consequences keep happening

well that’s a good question because most

people did not consider the consequences

of their sin and they act as if there

are no consequences to their sin they’re

blind to the fact and the events

whatever they may be there are

consequences to sin so they try to

explain it away and when the

consequences come they’ll say it’s this

reason that reason whatever it does not

erase the consequences and we’re quick

to run the first John chapter 1 verse 9

which says and most of us know this if

we confess our sins he’s faithful and

just to forgive us our sins and to

cleanse us from all unrighteousness well

forgiveness is immediate but the

consequences oftentimes continue and

that depends upon the nature of the sin

the Bible is clear be sure your sin will

find you out and it’s interesting what

Paul says in this 3rd chapter of

Colossians listen to what he says he

says whatever you do do your work

heartedly as for the Lord rather than

for men knowing that from the Lord you

will receive the reward of the

inheritance it is the Lord Christ whom

you serve so there’s a reward for doing

right but listen what he says for he who

does wrong will receive the consequences

of the wrong which he has done and that

without partiality that is God doesn’t

play favorites the consequences listen

the consequences of your sin

is matched by the nature of it the

consequences a continuous determined by

the nature of the sin the length of time

you did it the damage within you God’s

purpose for your life and genuine

repentance is true and God does forgive

and you can walk away from it but that

doesn’t mean that no consequences and

this is the deceptiveness of sin then

though own ongoing consequences yes

there are ongoing consequences and the

consequences could be short-lived or

they can be for a lifetime because we’re

sinning against a holy God and that is

serious business the most eternal

consequence of all is to die without

Christ knowing that you’ll meet God at

the judgment and that consequence will

be forever well thank you for joining us

today for in touch and I’ll close by

saying this obey God and leave all the

consequences to him

they’re good consequences there’s so

much joy and peace and confidence and

knowing you’re living just the way he

wants you to live