God doesn’t leave us alone and without direction. Dr. Charles Stanley shares biblical insights into seeking the will of God. In Touch Ministries, 2012.

who is the man or the woman naturally

when the Bible speaks that’s men and

women who is the man a woman who fears

the Lord he will instruct him listen

that he will instruct him in the way he

should choose who is the man who fears

the Lord he will instruct him that his

God will give direction for our life he

will instruct him he says the way he

should choose now if you think about for

example let’s go back to the Old

Testament how did God answer the

question of direction in the Old

Testament sometime is my angel sometimes

by God’s speaking to them personally as

sometimes for example God would give

them some silence and and so visions

dreams at all different kind of ways to

speak to people now you and I live in

the New Testament day and we have the

awesome Word of God that settles a lot

of these questions automatically but

when somebody says well does God still

speak to people personally today and the

answer is absolutely now I could give

you a number of examples but I’ll just

give you one for example to indicate it

I was in the process of making a

decision that would affect me and

multitudes and multitudes of other

people and I didn’t want to do it

because I felt very inadequate secondly

I was just afraid to do it and so I saw

the pawned it off on another pastor

friend of mine and we’d been in the

prayer meeting and praying about it and

and I didn’t want to do it and so I

thought he would be a good one to do it

and so I just suggested that he be the

man well he said no I’m not going to do

it so I thought no one of my friends

might do it and so when I left that

night I went back to the motel hotel and

I woke up feeling fantastic that that

was off my shoulders and I didn’t have

to do it I got dressed and I walked to

the door and reached for the doorknob

loudly not vocally loudly God said to me

don’t put your hand on that door knob

until you’re willing to do what I ask

you to do it was so loud I fell on my

face at the bed into the bed weeping

before God and I stayed that till

finally I said Lord I still don’t want

to and I’m still afraid but if that’s

what you want that’s what I’m willing to

do it became a very very momentous time

in my life that’s not the only time I’m

just giving you that one example to say

this are you listening carefully say

Amen God will speak to you just this

audibly I don’t mean sound listen when

he speaks it’s so audible to your heart

and to your spirit there’s absolutely no

doubt in your mind God has spoken he is

just as willing to speak to you about

critical issues in your life

that he knows is the right decision for

you to make decision he desires that you

make decision he’ll help you make

decisions that he will enable you to do

whatever that decision requires of you

he’s just is willing to speak to you but

you have to be ready for that you have

to be willing for him too and so I’m

saying all that the preface everything

else for simply saying God wants you to

make the right decision in every

circumstance of life God is not up to

tripping you up he doesn’t have a bunch

of secrets he’s keeping from you he

knows his will if you think about this

he created you for his purpose with his

plan in mind the best plan possible and

therefore why would he keep something

from you which he knows you need to know

God is willing to reveal himself he’s

willing to speak to you very very

clearly as clearly as is necessary if he

knows your heart is right and he will

know whether it is or not and that you

willing to do what he says do so with

that in mind let’s think about this

whole issue and think about how God

speaks and how he wants to speak to you

and when I think about that I think

about so clearly and so often God has

spoken to people and they refused to

listen to him there’s a reason now once

you notice in this this verse I want you

to notice the first part of this he says

he asked this question who is the man

who fears the Lord now watch this

carefully then he says listen then he

says following that God will instruct

him the manifest Lord in the way should

choose what does it mean to fear the

Lord because he says God will instruct

that person in the way he should choose

when the Bible speaks of fearing God

that that two words several words for

fear but primarily we have two different

counter fears there is fear which is a

fear of being afraid

being afraid of something you saw a fear

fire fear swimming or and then there’s

the fear which means which this verse

means reverence to fear the Lord is to

acknowledge the standing all before him

the fear the Lord means you reverence

him as the sovereign of the universe

they create of all things that he’s the

Lord God he’s omnipotent omniscient

omnipresent he’s the master he’s

merciful and holy that is when you and I

come to God we’re coming to this awesome

God who is our Father but he’s still up

and above and beyond anything that you

and I can describe holy holy holy is the

Lord God Almighty so we talked about

fearing God we’re talking about

acknowledging who he is acknowledging

his authority and his right to dictate

to us and to show us what we should do

in every single situation all of us

should have a fear of the Lord the Bible

says the fear of the Lord is the

beginning of wisdom when somebody says

to you and so-and-so is a wise man then

and then find out what they believe

about God he said the Wiz he said

fearing the Lord is the beginning of

wisdom so we’re talking about this


sense of authority recognition worship

and adoration of Almighty God in light

of who he is he says the person who

fears the Lord God will give him

instruction and direction for his life