“Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8). It’s easy to be on alert when things are going wrong. But when everything is good, do you find yourself letting your guard down? Believers must be vigilant even in times of peace because Satan is always looking to trip us up. Don’t fall prey to his subtle traps—keep watch and trust the Lord to protect you. For more messages from Charles Stanley, including this week’s broadcast, go to www.intouch.org/watch


you have to be careful everything is

good you have to be careful when

everything is right and what happens is

that when everything is just right

that’s when people drop that guard


four decades ago we started in touch

ministries to lead people worldwide into

a growing relationship with Jesus Christ

throughout the years we’ve seen God’s

greatness his love and his blessings in

such awesome ways that we just want

everyone to know him so let’s open God’s

Word and seek Him together

next on InTouch dr. Charles Stanley

begins his series guidance from the

garden today’s message be careful when

all as well well it’s natural for us to

strive to do the best we can do whatever

we do and whether that’s for our health

and our occupation whatever that might

be in our relationships every aspect of

our life we we want to do our best and

when you think about the area of your

life that you don’t feel like you do

your best it may be the area that sort

of frustrates you and makes you anxious

and maybe the thing that you pray about

most of all and in that striving to do

our best we discover what our strengths

are and we discover what our weaknesses

are and so sometimes we put a lot more

effort in that area that we probably

feel the weakest and so we work harder

and sometimes we improve and maybe

sometimes we feel like we’re not getting

anywhere and yet if you’re really

working at it you probably making more

progress than you think you are so you

reach your goals and after you reach

some of your goals in life you relax a

little bit you take it easy and then

after a while maybe after taking it a

little bit easy you begin to be less

sensitive to the things that made you

very sensitive to make you a success at

whatever you were doing and sometimes

that being less sensitive means we

relaxed about our attitudes relaxed

about where we are who we are with what

we do what our goals are in life and so

especially is that true in our spiritual

life and so I’m titling this message be

careful when all is well we have to be

careful when all is well

because everything is going good you’re

making enough money and you do well on

your job and

you got an extra money you have a little

extra time and so you know life’s

treated you well and so just relax and

enjoy it and so we have to be careful

when everything is going our way

sometimes that can be the beginning of

disaster so I want you to turn to the

second chapter of Genesis and so you

know that the first chapter primarily is

about the creation of the earth and all

the good things that God did and

starting the second chapter I want to

salute the beginning if you will in

verse 7 then the Lord God formed man of

the dust from the ground and breathed

into him into his nostrils the breath of

life and man became a living being the

Lord God planted a garden toward the

east in Eden we call it the Garden of

Eden there he placed the man whom he had

formed out of the garden the Lord God

caused to grow every tree that is

pleasing to the sight and good for food

listen to that every tree beautiful to

look at good to taste good for food the

Lord he says the Tree of Life also in

the midst of the garden and then the

tree of the knowledge of good and evil

now a river flowed out of Eden to water

the garden and from there it divided and

became four rivers the name of the first

is fish on it flows around the whole

land of havilah and where there is gold

I thought that was interesting that God

identified place where there’s goal the

goal of that land is good the Delian and

onyx are there the name of the second

rivers Gahan flows around the whole land

of cush the name of the third river is

Tigris it flows east out of Assyria and

its fourth River is the Euphrates you

say well why he got put all that in the

Bible because he wants us to know where

it is so then the Lord God took the man

put him into the Garden of Eden to

cultivate and to keep it

the Lord God commanded the man saying

from any tree of the garden you may eat

freely but from the tree of the

knowledge of good and evil you shall not

eat for in the day that you eat from it

you will surely die so God has created

this awesome beautiful place to live and

so he says having created all those

beautiful things then he put two trees

in the garden that you now might think

well why didn’t you just leave it like

it was you gotta put a pear tree there

apple tree orange trade lemon tree lime

tree but this tree you put there was the

tree of the knowledge of good and evil

why did you have to put that in the

garden so we’ll talk about that in a

moment so I want us to look at the atom

and look at him in this light first of

all his residence where he lived which

we’ve been talking about the Bible says

it’s pleasing in the sight of those who

could look at it

absolutely beautiful trees good for food

that it satisfies their hunger so he’s

living in this awesome beautiful garden

everything about it is absolutely

perfect now there is a tree that’s sort

of strange over there but we don’t know

how long Adam and Eve lived in the

garden together when everything was

beautiful and they were obedient to God

so when you think about that and you

think about how perfect everything was

and then it’s interesting that God gave

Adam a responsibility in this awesome

place in which he lived and the

scripture says that he told Adam that

you to keep the garden that is year to

manage it so it was a garden that grew

and though I don’t know what the

managing that garden would have been in

the Garden of Eden he had a

responsibility and that responsibility

was to keep that garden the way God had

made it and so everything was just right

he said good for food their words

no needs you could think of a single

need or desire that Adam would have had

so when you think about that then you’re

thinking about whoa what’s this all


well it’s all about this God had one

restriction he said to all of us all the

food everything he’s perfect

perfect wife perfect husband he said

there’s one restriction and that

restriction has to do with a tree and

that tree is the tree of the knowledge

of good and evil but from the tree of

the knowledge of good and evil you shall

not eat for in the day that you eat from

it you will surely die now watch that

word surely because you remember what

Satan said to her you will not surely


God said you’ll surely die watch this

and Satan said you won’t Cheerilee die

now watch this exactly the way the devil

still works well you won’t really get

caught no one is really gonna find out

about it she won’t know he won’t know

they won’t know and if you take a little

it’s okay because all kind of folks do

all kinds of things in other words the

devil has not changed it worked with

Adam and Eve is still working and the

purpose of this message is to warn you

lest you drop your guard and become less

sensitive that what’s going on around

you because things look so well and

finds yourself losing out on God’s

blessing on your life and so he said one

thing you have to remember the tree in

the midst of the garden is deadly so

let’s ask a question two trees there the

tree of life and the tree of the

knowledge of good and evil why would you

why would you put that tree there so he

could tempt man no but think about this

suppose for example there were only one

other woman in the world one other man

in the world and you want to get married

and she’s your only choice he’s your

only choice that’s it

so where is love in other words if Adam

and Eve had not had a choice they had

have been like robots and that is why do

I love her I don’t have a choice

what do I love them I don’t have a

choice in other words if he created them

and placed them in the garden and gave

them no choices then is that love or is

it not and I believe that one of the

reasons he gave them that opportunity to

make a choice watch this is not to

choose evil and be harmed by but that

you listen to love him enough to choose

right he gave us a choice to love him or

not loving and that makes our

relationship with him far more precious

and rewarding and fulfilling we have a

choice to love him or not loving and so

this look at Adams response for a moment

here he is this awesome beautiful

indescribable place and his response

well what was his response well he kept

the garden everything was fantastic and

then God had given him Eve and she

decided that she would try the fruit

because the devil’s offer was then

you’ll be like a God think about this

they were already like God they had all

the knowledge that they could possibly

need everything they could possibly want

in life total satisfaction and Satan

says he’s keeping something from you now

you can be like God all you have to do

is take a bite and it’s interesting that

I don’t know how long that conversation

went on is very brief in the Bible but

finally she decided to take a bite now

watch this according to the scripture

she handed Adam let’s just say it was an

apple she handed Adam the Apple he took

a bite he didn’t say

Eve don’t you remember what God said we

are not to eat of the fruit of the tree

in the midst of the garden both of them

fell and all of a sudden the Bible says

they discovered that they were naked and

so they have to go hide and then you

know the story God comes walking in the

cool of the day and says Adam where are

you and he had to say you know we had to

find us a tree big enough to hide behind

and because we knew you’d show up sooner

or later now what I want you to see and

this is this in your walk with God

everything’s going good

I mean he’s blessing you you’re making

enough money your family is good you

drive a nice automobile living in a nice

house as far as you’re concerned

everything’s just going fine

we have to live in this world on guard

we have to live on guard we can’t come

to the place at any point well we say

well you know what everything is

fantastic just relax because the devil

always has an offer that is absolutely

diametrically opposed to what God has

for you

and I’ve seen this happen to so many

people after they fight a long battle in

life and when they come to the place

that they’re in the right position the

right salary the right relationship

everything is just fine and somebody

comes over

and says well haven’t have you ever

thought about the sand so you know what

we we really have a good time and of

course we drink a little bit and because

one drank never heard anybody listen the

devil probably said it Eve one bite he’s

not gonna hurt you it didn’t take but

one bite to destroy you we have to live

sensitive to the Holy Spirit within us

and I am certain that when Satan made

the offer to Eve it was a very deceitful

lying offer but instead of thinking

about what she had thinking about where

she was thinking about what God had said

and how absolutely perfectly

they lived she decided because he said

now if you want to be like God take a

bite she decided she wanted something

that watched this that was forbidden

when she had everything something that

was forbidden because Satan said well if

you really want to enjoy the garden if

you riff if you really want to enjoy

life you’ll have a life just take one

bite but that was Satan’s lie that was

his trap Satan is still lying he’s still

telling people you need this well if

you’re really gonna live you ought to

have some of this or if you really want

life you need to be married to her

instead of her or him instead of him and

you name it Satan’s full of lies he

hadn’t changed he uses the same tactics

he’s always used lying about the truth

denying what God has said is true he

said in the day that you eat of this you

will surely die and that’s exactly what

they did so think about this all the

pain all the sorrow all the heartache

all the death all the misery that has

happened in this world began

in a perfect garden between two people

who disobeyed God in any family if one

family if one person disobeys God

specifically very clearly what happens

everybody in the family hurts everybody

in God’s awesome family from the

beginning of time until this moment we

have all hurt we have all been injured

we have all felt the weight and the

burden and the guilt of sin you have to

be careful when everything is good you

have to be careful when everything is

right and what happens is that when

everything is just right that’s when

people drop their guard that’s when

people begin to think well you know how

well they’re doing well before you were

doing so well you were praying to God

and you were obedient to God you asked

and God to give you direction and

guidance for your life and you were

asking him to meet your needs and healed

your body or whatever it might be and

now that everything is going so good and

you decide there will I’ll try some of

this and some of that I’m telling you

that’s the devil’s trap that’s Satan’s

trap over and over and over again what

we find going on all around us is

Satan’s trap a little bit of this won’t

hurt you listen a little bit of sin will

hurt you because a little bit of sin

usually multiplies into a whole lot of

sin and a lot of disobedience to God

when everything is going your way

look around you carefully when

everything is looking good be careful

who you listen to be careful who you

look at and the way you look at it and

the way you respond to other people and

the way you choose your friends so the

last thing I would mention this eyes

Adams response is Adams regrets look

what happened

expelled from the garden first of all

the shame they had to hide try to hide

from God they had they had to cover up

their bodies because all of a sudden

they never they never experience shame

all of a sudden they were ashamed to

being naked ashamed to be in the

presence of God afraid that God would

find them and that’s what he did

fear of what was going to happen because

all of a sudden they could hear it like

an echo and the day that you eat of the

fruit of this tree you shall surely die

too late too late this idea of I wish I

had I wish I had not too late

you have to be careful who you listen to

what you look at who you see what you

want what you desire what your future

looks like because remember this the

soul that sinneth that you’ll die that

law of God has not changed you reap what

you sow more than your so later than

yourself has not changed the wages of

sin is death has not changed and so we

have the privilege of living obediently

before God

we have the Holy Spirit living within us

the of us warnings there say watch this

watch that and we we can’t really excuse

ourselves for the things that we do that

are not right because God warns us and

we have a whole Bible for the warnings

Adam and Eve had they had the voice of

God crystal clear in the either in the

day that you eat of it you shall surely

die now we have from Genesis to


a Bible full of proofs the day that you

sinned against God something happens to

you you die on the inside listen to me

carefully that many people who are dying

every day on the inside and call it

something else the wages of sin there’s

only one healing for that God hasn’t

changed his laws if you think about Adam

and Eve they had everything watch this

how long did it take them to lose

everything and they lost at all so I

would simply ask you a question are you

careful about who your friends are

are you careful about what your husband

or wife brings home are you careful

about reading the Word of God every day

are you careful about talking to the

Heavenly Father every day are you

sensitive about your relationship to God

every day are you tempted having watched

other people up here to have such a good

time and maybe in your circumstance you

not having a very good time but you’re

paying God are you tempted to want

something that will end up absolutely

destroying you remember this cannot

change the laws of God the soul that

sinneth it shall die the wages of sin is

death you cannot change it therefore as

followers of Jesus we have to be listen

fill with his spirit

obeying the promptings of the Holy

Spirit sensitive to when he shows us

something that does not belong in our

life that if you and I are able to say

no no no no don’t worry about what your

friends think people who are living with

the Lord Jesus Christ are dying a little

bit every day so when everything is

going well we have to be careful to

listen clearly to the voice of God when

he gives us a warning and then not argue

with him I have a discussion with him

but obey well if you’ve never trusted

Jesus as you save you listen to this you

like Adam and Eve hiding behind the tree

you’re lost and the only hope of

salvation is accepting Jesus Christ as

your personal Savior trusting him for

the forgiveness of your sins but the

indwelling of the Holy Spirit to enable

you to be the person God wants you to be

does that mean you’ll never be tempted

no does that mean you’ll never sin no

but it means that you have the Lord

Jesus Christ living on the inside to

warn you the Holy Spirit to empower you

to say no to sin and yes to the Living

God and I trust that you’ll be wise

enough to do that if you’re here this

morning you’ve never trusted Jesus as

your Savior

if you willing to ask him right where

you sit god that sounds just like me

I’ve sinned against you I’ve known

better I knew the truth but have I

violated it I’m asking you this morning

to forgive me of my sins I’m asking you

to forgive me right where I sit I’m

trusting you as my personal Savior

giving my life to you how will God

respond forgive you of your sins Savior

right where you sit if you’ll ask him he

will do it

and that’s my prayer for you and father

we thank you that you placed in the word

this simple account of why we are where

we are today and I prayed that you have

spoken to anybody here who is on the

verge of who has tasted of who has fret

nas with who is being tempted to to be

reminded that your law doesn’t change

and even after we are saved and we

choose to sinned against you something

dies on the inside of us and I pray it’s

seated right here if they’re those Lord

and there surely must be are you and

help me preach this message who are

being tempted for making choices for

listening to the devil say you will not

surely die oh whatever line he sends

them grant them wisdom old God to say no

to the devil and yes to the Holy Spirit

he is my prayer in Jesus name Amen

if you’ve been blessed by today’s

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in touch leading people worldwide into a

growing relationship with Jesus Christ

and strengthening the local church this

program is sponsored by in touch

ministries and is made possible by the

grace of God and your faithful prayers

and kids
