One might ask why some prayers seem to stir up an immediate response from God, while others seem to take a lifetime? Although life may feel stagnant, God knows how to move us through our troubles. While some may sense the winds of change, and others may feel broken, don’t breakdown before your breakthrough!

why do you think God has you here at

this moment a cave that wants to talk to

you he’s got you here because he’s got

something wants to tell you because the

lights been too noisy too busy and too

fast and too loud and too rambunctious

and you couldn’t hear God brought you to

the cave to change your perspective do

you think God doesn’t know what happened

to you do you think God does not realize

the injustice –is of the pain and the

trauma you’ve been through God already

knows that God wants to whisper

something to you and you need to hear

what the Spirit of the Lord is saying

cuz he’s gonna show you not only how to

get out of the cave and how to get to

the king


well I’ve been asking the Lord what he

would have me to share with you and the

Holy Spirit has directed my attention

get your Bibles and open your hearts and

open your spirits as we prepare to

experience what God is about to say to

us it’s in Genesis chapter number 42

verse number 33 through 37 Genesis

chapter 42 verse number 33 through 37

give you a minute to find that a loofa

god is on the way hallelujah

who we bless your name now if we were

here in the service like we normally

will be we’d have you to stand for the

reading of the word so you can do that

at home if you want I’m gonna read the

passage and the man the lord of the

country said unto us hereby still I know

that ye are true men leave one of your

brethren here with me and take food for

the famine of your households and be

gone and bring your youngest brother

unto me then shall I know that you are

no spies but that ye are true men so

will I deliver you your brother and ye

shall traffic in the land so he’s asking

them to use their brother for collateral

and it came to pass as they emptied

their sacks that behold every man’s

bundle of money was in his sack and when

both they and their father saw the

bundles of money they were afraid and

Jacob their father said unto them me

have you bereaved of my children

he starts listing his children Joseph is

not and Simeon is not and now you want

to take away Benjamin all these things

are against me and Reuben spake unto his

father saying slay my two sons if I

bring him not to thee deliver him into

my hand and I will bring him to thee

again can you say man I want to use for

a thought for your consideration this

morning your breaking point is your

breakthrough point I must say that again

your breaking point

is your breakthrough point and though

I’m happy to appreciate everybody I

really want to preach to people who have

been overloaded stressed out at the end

of your rope feel like if one more thing

happens imma pull the hair out why don’t

have here but I will pull the hair I

used to have out of my head

I’ve just had my with it you’re your

breaking point is your breakthrough

point let’s pray together father in the

name of Jesus sanctify the Word of God

into our hearts and into our spirits let

the word give life to us anoint me that

I might be able to unfold the word in

such a way that even those who may not

be familiar with the word can understand

it without losing the integrity of the

strength of those who are experienced in

the word let me feed the entirety of

your family both the young and the old

the experience of the new convert in

Jesus name we pray

somebody shout amen you may be seated in

the presence of the Lord so what had

happened was Jacob who is a descendant

of Abraham who is a man of faith that

God used in such a mighty way Jacob is

now an older man he is living in the

land that Abraham has founded and

discovered it is what we refer to as a

natural promised land but now the

promised land has a problem it has

become the place of famine now later 400

years further in the future rather 400

years in the future the place that he’s

trying to get to will be the place that

they’re trying to get away from and

where the family is now will become the

promised land later on and why do I take

the time to tell you there because

everything changes in life nothing stays

the same sometimes the person you meet

who was a blessing ends up becomes a

burden and the person that you thought

was a burden ends up becoming your

greatest blessing you can’t get stuck

into one frame of thinking about a thing

like it will always be the same because

everything changes over time at this

particular time what Abraham thought to

discover the Promised Land the land

that flows with milk and honey there’s

no flowing going on the milk has dried

up the honey has dried up in the

honeycomb there are no more grapes being

gathered in the field there are no crops

there’s no gathering of wheat the famine

has broke it out the cows have gotten

thin the sheep are afflicted any time

one thing happens in one arena it

affects every arena we’re just talking

about the loss of a water but water

affects crops which affects food which

affects cattle which affects people when

one thing happens it’s a domino effect

and one thing leads to another leads to

another leads to another until jacob

says to his sons the sons he has left I

gotta get out of here we got to get out

of here we got to go someplace where

there’s gonna be food because they we

live by that that that food that ability

to access food and if there is no food

there we cannot we cannot survive that’s

what makes the scripture profound man

does not live by bread alone but by

every word that proceedeth out of the

mouth of God it doesn’t say that we

don’t live by bread and since we don’t

live by bread alone but we do have to

have some bread they’re running out of

bread they’re running out of food the

children are getting sick breast milk is

not flowing the babies are crying the

cattle are dying everything is affected

what was greed has turned brown and they

said some of Jacob’s sons he sends down

into Egypt where things are going well

to see if there’s a possibility that he

can negotiate a way for them to enter

into Egypt and sejoon there until the

famine is over God has a way of moving

us through trouble that’s a good shout

spot right there he has a way a movement

I still trouble he knows that we

wouldn’t move if certain things didn’t

Drive and he’ll allow things to dry up

sometimes not because he’s trying to

kill you but because he’s trying to move

you to the next level I don’t know who

I’m preaching to but I feel like I’m

talking to somebody already

just because something has dried up over

here that means you have to drive with

it you may have to move you may have to

change you may have to be adaptable

enough to get out of the traditional way

of surviving but you but at the end of

the day God will use it to shift you now

Jacob has sent his sons over into Egypt

and they have gone over there and they

have met what they will later what they

came to learn was there is strange

brother named Joseph who they had thrown

into a pit who they had ridicule and

ostracized who they had told their

father that he was dead when they

finally recognized that the new Prince

of Egypt is the old son of Jacob as well

you got to be careful how you treat

people when you meet them in one

dimension you don’t know where God is

gonna take them to in the next dimension

the last time they saw their brother he

was in the bottom of a pit and oh well

that they had thrown him in bruised and

battered and shaken and scared they had

watched the Midianites sell him into

slavery and he was gone and he went home

and told her daddy they waved his bloody

coat in front of their daddy and said

he’s dead the people just because

everything just because people are

related to you doesn’t always mean that

they’re nice to you Oh y’all ain’t gonna

say nothing but I know I’m right about

it and I always said when they see him

again after all the things he’s gone

through and that’s for another message

he is now the Prince of Egypt and now as

the Prince of Egypt they are negotiating

with the person that they tried to

destroy be careful life has a way of

switching just like the Promised Land

switches in 400 years

the life of Joseph is switched he was in

the pit last time they saw him now he’s

in the palace and how he’s calling the

shots now he’s in control

now there’s role reversal that’s why the

Bible says to do unto others as you’d

have them to do I

you cuz you never know where they’re

gonna be you and you’re gonna be there

you don’t want the trouble that you’re

going through to be something that you

read same as somebody so here we are at

this point and Joseph now in the

promised land has said to them or one of

his board has said to them if you’re

going to go back leave one of your

brothers here as collateral because

they’re suspicious that they might be

spies leave one of your brothers here

there will know that you’re real Joseph

in the meantime has taken money and put

it into their bags when they get back

home to Jacob their father who is now

old they open up the banks and there’s

money in the base and get scared because

they know they didn’t put the money in

there they don’t know whether they’re

gonna be accused of theft or if they

don’t know whether that this is payment

for the brother and the brother has gone

into slavery they don’t they don’t know

what to think and when you don’t know

what to think you think everything and

they come to they come to tell their

father can you imagine having to walk

over to your father and tell him that

that your brother is left in Egypt and

and that we don’t we don’t even know for

sure how we’re gonna get him back and

they walk he later date when they told

Jacob then his son was in Egypt and that

they were not able to bring him back it

was too much for him now that now let’s

get Jacob now but we’re about to get

somewhere we’re about to get something

Jacob is not new to the scriptures Jacob

has been through a lot already Jacob has

been fighting not only his life Jacob

Esmond fighting since he was in his

mother’s womb Jacob is one of twins born

he was fighting while she was still

pregnant with him fighting for

recognition he was fighting when he was

in her house fighting for the birthright

he’s had to fight all of his life he’s

even had to fight with God to understand

who he was he doesn’t know who he is

Jacob hasn’t always been a good man he’s

done some bad things he’s done some wild

things he’s tricked some people he’s

been a con artist he’s been asking

yeah but there’s something good in Jacob

and there’s something holy in Jacob and

Jacob has wrestled with God so he

wrestled in his house he wrestled in the

hole and he wrestled with God when you

had to fight all your life all my life I

had to fight huh anytime you had to

fight all of your life I don’t care how

strong you are I don’t care how tough

you are I don’t care how resilient you

are I don’t care how mean you are I

don’t care how radically you are

eventually you get to a breaking point I

don’t care how many times you have rose

up the victor he has fought Esau at war

he has fought in the womb and survived

he has fought on the mountain and

prevail with God he has won a lot of

battles but now he’s old and the the

accrued impact of stress has taken a

toll on him you know there’s always that

one person in the family that’s the

strong one

let’s call Mary let’s call Lucy Lucy can

handle it Fred can fix it let’s call

this one let’s call that we have a way

of leaning on them to get us through but

eventually even the strong get tired

even the strong get weary even the

strong get to the breaking point and

come to the point then you feel like if

one more thing happens to me I’m gonna

lose it if one more email one more text

one more phone call one more bill

collector one more problem

one more affliction one more surgery one

more to have just gonna lose it I will

steal everything else but I’m at my

breaking point everything has a breaking


everything when it were in the company I

used to work for they would rate

different types of equipment by their

psi and the PSI just meant how much

pressure they were at that particular

machine was able to absorb the pressure

rating how much death if you

it’s strong enough to absorb a certain

psi if you go beyond that you’re gonna

destroy it

a car engine has an RPM it’s rated to be

able to go at a certain speed its rates

per minute so in a certain rpm it can

continue to handle if you go beyond that

there’s no guarantee

so everybody strength has a limit

everybody has a limit there’s no sign on

us there’s no tag on us there’s nothing

written on our forehead where your limit

is might not be where my limit is where

his limit is might not be where her

limit is but everybody has a limit in

your family everybody has a different

limit some people can tolerate pain

better than others some people could go

through bereavement better than others

some people can be up under attack and

withstand better than other know meaning

you turning up your nose at their limit

because you got a limit to just cuz

there’s not the same limit don’t mean

you don’t have a limit

Jacob wish oh my god he said his limit I

want to talk to somebody tonight who

feels like you’re close to your limit

and if you like me whenever I get close

to my limit not only am i suffering from

the pressure being close to my limit I’m

suffering from the embarrassment that I

have a limit because deep down on the

inside I think I ought to be strong

enough to absorb everything I don’t care

what they hit me with so I can be close

to my limit and not even tell anybody

that I met my breaking point because I’m

ashamed that I feel the bottle hear what

I’m saying when you a Christian and a

believer there’s another level of

anxiety that comes on you because you

feel like I could do all things through

Christ who strengthens me and so I

shouldn’t have any living at all Christ

has no limits you have a limit Christ

can do anything he can he can absorb


but you have a limit yeah well I said I

can do all things through Christ but

you’re not just doing it through Christ

you’re doing it through flesh so you got

to go to bed sometimes it’s Christ in

you the hope of glory

we have this treasure the treasure is

infinite but we have it in earthen

vessels the vessel is finite you have a

limit you got to go to bed sometime you

got to get some rest sometime you got to

eat sometime you got to get away

sometimes you trust me you have a limit

and then function act like they don’t

have a limit or lie and they do have a

look you can have more degrees of the

thermometer but still have a limit you

can have more talent than anybody in

your city and still have a limit a lot

of times when you’re talented people see

your talent and they think you have no

limits because you have a talent those

are two different things

my talent is not me feel like I’m

helping somebody today and Jacob who has

wrestled with God and prevailed and the

Bible said his name will be called

Israel because now you have wrestled

with God and prevail who wrestles with

God and prevailed Jacob who had wrestle

against Esau and walked away with his

birthright Jacob who have withstood

everybody who was stood Jacob who stood

up even when his father didn’t like him

Jacob who had withstood the scorn of his

own father still has a breaking point

and when they told him we left your son

back in Egypt for definite aware about

that daddy we’re gonna get him back we

don’t get him back youth is always

optimistic but age you’re seeing some

things age knows that every story

doesn’t have a happy ending age knows

that if you keep driving real fast in

the car they’re gonna find you up under

a bridge AIDS knows that you could lose

everything so you don’t gamble

everything you don’t risk everything cuz

you’ve been through

enough you’ve had enough willing and

you’ve had enough losing to learn that

losing is possible I told you that Jacob

had had a series of winnings but uh he’s

also had a series of losses he has he is

he has lost a lot of things he loses his

wife the love of his life the one that

he’s labored to have he loses her I put

laboring 14 years together he loses her

first she said bearing than this she has

a child and then she has another child

and the birth of that next that last

child killed her he lost the love of his

life he’s taking some real blows in his

life to finally find the love of you

like number one that’s the miracle

number one to find somebody that you can

love for a lifetime it’s a gift from God

and then to have her die on the road to

Ephrata while they were just a few miles

from Africa she gassed and died and

pushed the game birth to a son that

would be called Benjamin and there on

the side of the road he has to bury the

love of his life he’s already lost his

beloved son

he’s lost his beloved son he’s lost him

completely and to lose his beloved son

is a painful thing he’s lost Joseph he’s

lost his beloved wife and he’s lost his

beloved son and now they’re telling him

you gonna lose again and he says this is

this is

this is too much this is just this is I

can’t handle it maybe I could have took

it when I was younger but I can’t handle

it now see every time you survive a blow

you spin something every time you come

to a fight yeah I might have worn the

fight but it costs me something to win

the fight and I’ve spent so much I’m not

sure that I’ve got enough left in me to

fight this kind of fight again I’m

talking to somebody who knows what I’m

talking about you’ve had some wins but

you’ve had some losses and the sum total

of the losses somehow always screams

louder than the victories Oh y’all hear

what I’m saying that the sum total of

the losses always sounds louder than the

total of the victory you don’t see Jacob

rehearsing all of his victories here

he’s rehearsing all of his failure

because when you’re under attack the

enemy won’t show you where you want

people always bring up where you’re lost

cuz he’s trying to get your mind but God

it’s sitting this word to you today to

break that stronghold but the enemy’s

trying to use to make you forget how

many times you are your whole life was

not a waste your whole life was not a

series of failures take back old man

take back how God brought you take back

old man and remember how God bless you

take back home woman and remember how

God brought you to how you survived how

you were born alive and somebody else

was died in the crib take back and

remember God brought you out of the

hospital face back think how God

sustained you when you didn’t have a job

think back and remember how God

delivered you when everybody had the

front of you that feedback all of a

sudden everything starts closing in on


now not everybody who’s watching this


knows what it feels like to have

everything closed in on me but I’m a

good one to preach this because I

understand what it feels like to have to

feel to feel like it’s not true but feel

like feel like everything’s closing in

on you’re in the old man yes he said

Jacob has gone and Syrian is gone and

you want to take my lass Benjamin and

take him he says all these things are

against me this Sunday morning I want to

talk to somebody who’s dealing with

collateral damage you’ve survived a lot

of things you’ve been through a whole

lot of things but on inside your soul is

tired if your body was tired and not

would fix it oh but when your soul gets

tired sleep won’t do nothing with that

when your soul gets tired

you can’t take a vacation and fix that

with your file gets tired you can’t find

nobody to talk to the ventilate your

soul and recuperate who you are when

your soul gets higher you get tired of

encouraging people with your soul it’s

tired you don’t want nobody to even call

you on the telephone what do you want

and what do you want and who’s going

with y’all Sal gets tired you start

yelling at the kids and slapping the dog

and kicking the cat when y’all hug it’s


this take a soul with Tyler I feel like

preaching I feel like he’s a Jacob so

was tired I want to talk to somebody

whose soul is time and you’re bent over

on the inside you standing up on the

outside but you’re bent over on the

inside and you feel like oh my god

all these things these things it’s a

whole collection it’s not one thing if

there’s one thing out of wood if it was

two things I would have put there but

it’s not just one or two things it’s all

these things are against me look at how

he had purposes it’s against me now my

son is in Egypt but it’s against me and

he thinks that Joseph is dead it’s

against me see how he has taken what

happened to them and owned it for him

look at how he interprets it as it being

against him even though the attack was

against them because it was people he

loved he said it was against me see

sometimes the pain we carry is not all

sometimes the pain we carry is paid we

adopt it it belongs to somebody else it

happened to them but it affected you and

now the old man is standing there he’s

free he’s alive but he’s not enjoying

his life coz he says all these things I

guess free Jacob has counted up what’s

wrong but he has not counted up what’s

right and I’m just wondering this

morning have you spent as much count up

what’s right as you have counting up

what’s wrong oh these things against me

and alas I’m at my breaking point you

gotta understand when you have been

other people’s hero

a shame that comes on you when you need

the help you gauge with you’re always

the one on the giving here there’s a

shame that comes on you that you need to

be encouraged that you need to be

uplifted that all these things are

closing in on you and very seldom will

we even an utter of the words we just

will just silently erode like sands off

the banks of a river side never screamed

though they are dislodge in the silence

the the constant friction of life the

friction the going and coming and

getting up and going to bed and dealing

with this and dealing with that and

answer the phone and handling this and

handling this one and handling that one

he created it and little do you know

everything that she went through and

everything that passed by you he rode it

a little sudden he says all these things

against me and he is at the breaking


the son says oh no daddy no daddy I

promise you on the lives of my two sons

I am going to get Simeon back I’m gonna

get him back daddy I’m gonna get him

back calm down I’m gonna get him back

these are the family discussions that

nobody ever talks about oh no no you

don’t put this on Instagram this is not

what you put on snapchat no no no it’s

not going on snapchat

no no you know go FaceTime and talk

about this these are discussions to go

behind closed doors with your an a

breaking point it affects that thing in

your house you smile for the picture but

as soon as the picture is over the

grimace returns because you are at a

breaking point I’m talking to somebody

you did not need no covet 19 to be had a

breaking point

you are already dealing with this and

debt and this bet and this and debt and

now on top of that now we got a pandemic

I pay a different a worldwide pandemic a

worldwide pandemic that threatens your

job your future your economy and all of

a sudden you started when nobody’s

looking not not wouldn’t it looking when

they’re looking you quoting scriptures

when they’re looking you’re talking good

when they’re looking you’re standing

strong when they look at you tell them

we gonna get through this we’re gonna

look at you you got your game face on

when they’re looking but so what is that

I’ll go to bed about two o’clock in the

morning three o’clock in the morning

with your head bent over like you’re

carrying across and you are they still

cross who came in across like the weight

of the process too much for you to bear

about three o’clock in the morning you

start thinking all these things are

against me can you imagine what it was

like to be Jesus and the cross would be

too heavy and your disciples are looking

at you and they saw you walk on the

water and heal the sick and raise the

dead and now you’re struggling around

with a cross that’s too heavy if Jesus

said this weight is too much if he

stumbled upon the depressor of the load

of a breaking point and somebody had to

come and give up on their who are you to

think that you can handle all kind of

weight and take on everybody’s problem

and fight every battle and land on your

feet he said all these things are

against me that’s what he said that’s

how he perceived it that’s how he saw it

but that’s not how it was

oh I want to make a distinction between

how you see it and how it is there your

program and especially talking about

keeping it real and they think telling

their business is keeping it real

keeping it real it’s separating how you

perceive something from how it is

Jakub perceived that all these things

were against him when in reality all

these things were working for him

number one Joseph was not dead and if it

were not for the famine he would never

find out that Joseph was not dead

number two shannon was going to be

reconnected to him again and if it were

not for the famine there would be this

big family reunion and the Jacob had

lost was about to come back to this life

again this kind of preacher cuz you

believe pro-v a bad team or do you

believe me he’s about to come back to

you oh you understand what he did from a

job you’ll know instead what did to my


your non-sterile did to my mans you

understand what did forget I don’t care

about all of that I want you to

understand that God is still sitting on

the throne and that he’s still working

things out and that Romans 8:28 is still

true though it hadn’t even been written

yet that all these things

work together for the good and them that

love the Lord the things that he thought

was against him are going to work

together for his good the things you

think that our gets you they’re going to

work together for your good I feel the

spirit of prophecy on me right now

I’m prophesied to somebody it looks bad

but it’s gonna work out good they meant

it for evil but God’s gonna make it good

you cried all night but joy is coming in

the morning you’re bent over now but you

gonna be standing strong in a minute I

came to tell you your breaking point is

your breakthrough about to give you a

break I know the devil don’t want you to

believe I know your flesh cannot receive

it I know your mind cannot encompass it

I know the evidence does not verify but

my faith is my evidence it’s all the

evidence I need of a thing that I have

not seen and I came to tell you today

that when it’s all over everything the

enemy stole from you God is going to

give it back to you I want somebody to

take 30 seconds and just praise God like

you lost your mind

praise him like you’re on the verge of a

breakthrough I know you feel like you’re

at a breaking point but I want you to

pray them like you’re the version of a

breakthrough you get ready to confuse

the devil he said I thought she was

about to have a nervous breakdown

why is she jumping up praising in the

living room shouting by the couch

praising God didn’t leap out the bed and

praising God it’s cuz I just realized my

break point is my breakthrough and a

breakthrough it’s on this way I value to

give him some praise right where you are

there you to praise like you lost your


I dare you to praise it like you got

nothing to lose I dare you to praise him

like you believe God radically I dare

you to praise him

thank you know God’s got a plan dad

you’re the praising like the best is yet

to come

praise it black you’re on the verge of a

breakthrough praise it like you’re about

to get up out of that bed praise it like

your body’s about to be healed praise it

like your temperature’s going down

praise it like your lungs are starting

to breathe again praise it like you got

money in the bank

praise it like all your children came

home praising like God just open up a

window from heaven and pour you out of

the guy

open your mouth and praise God I can do

the preacher but you got to do the

praise I can do the tellers but you got

to do the hearing I can do the

declaration but you got to receive it

you that add the breaking point give God

a praise and put the devil to shame

the more you praise it the more you put

the devil to shame

don’t be afraid to give God some glory

don’t be afraid to lift him up don’t be

afraid to lift up hands that have been

worried and don’t be afraid to lift up

your head don’t be afraid to open up

your mouth don’t be afraid to thank God

cause everything is gonna shift in your

life and the tail is gonna become the

head and the head is gonna become the

tail and the sick will be healed and the

bow will be loosed

somebody shout yeah

the reason I chose this text

oh you got me excited the reason I shot

the reason I the reason I chose this

text is because Joseph precedes it Jacob

perceives it one way but God perceives

it another Jacob thinks he’s had a

breaking point but this is the beginning

of his breakthrough so they load him up

and say come on daddy

just trust what you can’t trace believe

what you can’t see

come on daddy get on in the car by faith

everything’s gonna be all right

it’s all the whole workout and step by

step moment by moment God was leading

him into Egypt where he would be

sustained the rest of his life the rest

of his life the rest of his injustice he

would not want for bread he would not

long for water God would supply all of

his needs do foreigners do outside us do

people who had nothing to gain God had


Joseph to be in the right place at the

right time so that when his father was

at a breaking point his son had come

into his own

God brings down one and he takes up

another and this is Jacob was going down

Joseph what’s going up and he raised him

up so that when the old man was down he

could say come on to this house and he’d

read the rest of your life I came and

Hale you this morning the things are

about to switch for you

hallelujah that it feels like a breaking

point but it’s really a breakthrough

moment and if you just got the faith to

trust God you got the courage to stop

counting what your loss and remember

what you want you’ll get through this

Jacob live the rest of his life waited

on a hand and foot taking care of eating

the bread of the Egyptians you

understand it’s a Hebrew man eating the

bread of the Egyptians it’s a

monotheistic man eating the brand of a

polytheistic people it’s it’s it’s the

wealth of the unjust laid up for the

just that’s why you ought to be nice

there everybody cuz you don’t know who

God’s gonna use to bless you they don’t

have to have your faith to have your

blessing so you can’t handle me they

don’t have to have your belief system to

have your blessing God put the

children’s bread in the hand of the

Egyptians and because they had a

relationship with people outside of

their demographics car window and He

blessed them and it was so I’ll come to

the close of this message oh I wonder I

want to know how do you perceive it do

you perceive it as a breaking point or a

breakthrough you need to remain your

breaking point you need to rename it and

call it breakthrough

that’s what the model me when he said

call those things that are naughty so

they were listen here fritters I closed

today there’s somebody out there who

does not know Jesus and the free part of

your sins there’s a backslider who let a

breaking point drive you away from the

breakthrough you left you left

he didn’t leave you you left him you’ll

find the prodigal son is still at the

same address he never left and you need

to come home there’s a sinner out there

even the sinners recognize that the

Bible is being fulfilled you can take

the newspaper and the Bible and the Book

of Revelations and put them side by side

and the reading almost are saying the

plagues it’s all lining up and even the

sinners are starting to look and think a

little bit different people who scoffed

at the church I’m not saying the church

is perfect we’re not perfect but the

gospel is they have to rethink their

position on faith you might better stop

praying to the universe and call him by

his name his name is Jesus ha blast

seven wonderful name

I feel like crazier than the me blast

that one today the name of Jesus best


in the name of Jesus you need to call

that name right now do you not know if

you asked it he’ll come in your life I

don’t care what you did and who you did

it with I don’t care how far off the

track you got I don’t care what went

wrong in your life if you call on him

he’ll come into your heart it’s as

simple as saying Lord I know I’m a

sinner just say it with his Lord

enormous City I don’t know I’ve done

wrong and I confess my sins

please have mercy

forgive me I need a new beginning loin i

believe you passed for my sins you shed

your blood that i might be safe I’m not

asking you come into my life before you

come into my heart come into my heart

come into my heart not just my house

into my heart and then overflow into my

house and overflow into my situation but

I’m through asking you to get me out of

trouble when I’ve never really given you

my life

so they suddenly wanted I give my heart

to you Jesus

I turn it over to you Jesus work a

miracle in my life Jesus

watch man your blood Jesus

I accept it’s my seat I have a

backslider daddy I’ve been gone a long


but I’m coming home coming home I accept

you as my redeemer in Jesus name

give him a praise all over the bed

why do you think God has you here at

this moment a cave god wants to talk to

you he’s got you here because he’s got

something to tell you because the lights

been too noisy too busy and too fast and

too loud and too rambunctious and you

couldn’t hear God to the cave to change

your perspective do you think God

doesn’t know what happened to you do you

think God does not realize the injustice

is of the pain and the trauma you’ve

been through God already knows that God

wants to whisper something to you and

you need to hear what the Spirit of the

Lord is saying cuz he’s gonna show you

not only how to get out of the cave and

how to get to the king
