God has a unique way of incubating us in cramped spaces to prepare us for greatness in our lives. Like the ark, God places us in cocoons for safety and growth. Although it may feel like a prison now, the cocoon is the promise! We must be careful not to abort our blessings because of our impatience. We must realize what is being birthed will cause movement yet stability in our lives. When we expand from distressful places, we can’t allow past trauma to lead us to build a tower of defiance; instead, we must construct an altar of praise.

there’s an old saying you hang around

the barbershop long enough sooner or

later you’re gonna get a haircut to get

something you never had you have to do

something you never did you never did if

you are not in the room where changes

are occurring you are in the yard where

consequences are received register

before March 1st and same


we’re gonna go to the book of Genesis

chapter number 8 verse 15 through 22 and

I’m gonna ask you to stand for the

reading of the word hallelujah I’m gonna

be reading out a NIV version of the

scriptures when you have it’s a man then

God said to Noah come out of the ark you

and your wife your sons their wives

bring out every kind of living creature

that is with you the birds the animals

and all the creatures that move along

the ground so they can multiply on the

earth and be fruitful and increase in

number on it so Noah came out together

with his sons and his wife and his sons

wives all the animals and all the

creatures that move along the ground and

all the birds everything that moves on

land came out of the ark one time after

another then Noah built an altar to the

Lord and taking some of all the clean

animals and clean Birds he sacrificed

burnt offerings on it

it’s what I want you check out the Lord

smelled the pleasing of Roma the Lord

smelled the pleasing aroma and said it

is hard never again will I curse the

ground because of humans even though

every inclination of the human heart is

evil from childhood and never again will

I destroy all living creatures as I have

done as long as Earth endures seed time

and harvest cold and heat summer and

winter day and night will never cease

can the church save man

back to that God smell the Lord smelled

this is what was got me going this

morning the Lord smelled the pleasing

aroma and said in his heart never again

will I curse the ground that’s good I

want to talk about when God smells honor

when God smells honor her there’s some

things that I have in my heart to share

with you this morning I’m so excited I

feel like a little boy on Christmas Eve

something is about to happen in this

place today there’s something that

happens in your life in your heart

between you and God when God smells

anybody want to honor God this morning

anybody ready to honor God in such a way

that then you break a curse over your

life with it

anybody wanna honor God in such a way

that that he closes a door on your

history and says never again anybody

wanna honor God in such a way that he

closes out the past and opens up a

bright new future and gets you ready for

what God is about to do with your life

shout amen father I pray that these lips

of clay would be endowed and anointed by

your grace and power and such a

supernatural way that we’re able to be

infused with life and give that what you

have placed down inside of us without

restriction bind every devil and every

evil spirit that would get in the way of

what you would have done today I think

you in advance for what you’re about to

do move in the midst of your people in

the name of Jesus we pray somebody who

loves him shout a man you may be seated

in the presence of God yeah let’s go to

work I have been really really busy this

week I’ve been in various retreats have

been preaching everywhere I’ve been

preaching so much I don’t even know what

day it is or what time it is

one of the interesting things that one

of the sessions said I was in this week

we were talking in a team of pastors and

get away into a retreat every year and

they were talking about how important it

is that you rehearse the simplistic

stories of the Bible because we can no

longer assume today that the

congregation knows the word it used to

be that a text like this is so so

elementary that that I wouldn’t even

rehearse the text but let me explain to

you that one day God told no it was

gonna rain and told to Noah to build an

ark now you must understand that it had

never rained before so Noah didn’t

exactly know what rain was so he’s

building for something that he doesn’t

even understand and yet he builds an ark

an art that looks ridiculous to his

neighbors and friends but he builds an

ark and as God has says he says I’m

going to take the righteous his family

and put them inside of the ark because

man is so wicked

that the wickedness has become so

destructive and so overwhelming that I’m

going to start this whole process over

again and I want you and your three sons

ham Shem and Japheth to get on the in

the ark with your wives and together the

eight souls sealed in with all of the

animals that they could gather

representatives of all of the animals

two by two and the Lord shut the door on

the ark and it began to rain drip drop

drip drop little by little the rain

became so pervasive that the ark begins

to lift and it’s the heart began to lift

and take its buoyancy it began to set

sail for forty days and forty nights as

the earth itself was submerged beneath

water and finally finally as the waters

receded Noah comes to a resting place on

the top of a mountain and it funny how

God will move you where he wants you to


Noah comes to a resting place on the top

of the mountain and our text begins at

this stage of the story when the door of

the ark is opened and God begins to

speak to him and I want to talk a little

bit about the whole what what really God

wants us to understand about this this

this amazing experience that happened

during the antediluvian age and and what

it means not only there’s so much that

it means that I could talk all day about

it on one hand I believe God wants us to

understand that he provides a safe place

for his children that that no matter

what’s going on around you that if you

belong to him that he will always put

you into a place of security and take

you through things that you couldn’t get

through by yourself on one hand I want

you to understand that God opens doors

and God closes doors and when God closes

a door no man can open them I think he

wants us to understand that when a door

is open we have to seize every

opportunity to maximize that moment not

assuming that the door will stay open

that anything you’re going to do for God

you must do it now that if you’re gonna

accept it you have to accept it now and

if you’re gonna receive him into your

life that there is no guarantee that

opportunity will remain open to you I

think he wants you to get that out of it

I think he wants you to understand the

buoyancy of a new beginning often is

symbolized by water that Noor and his

sons were actually baptized in the

oceans and the waters in the seas and

those that were not committed to God

were drowned in what the righteous

sailed through

I think he wants you to understand the

advantage of being a believer that Noah

built by faith to the saving of his

house and that ministry begins at home

not a church I think he wants you to

understand that he’s more concerned

about you winning your family that is

you winning your friends of being

impressive to other people that walking

around with egg to some of your cars and

crosses around your neck had Bibles in

your hand and you are not who you say

you are inside your own house I think he

wants us to understand that if the love

of Christ is going to show it’s you show

up first in the way you live outside of

Sunday morning I think he wants you to

understand that he has a way of

designing a safe place so secure that no

matter how violent things are outside

you can have peace inside and I think

that’s a real problem today finding

peace on the inside it’s written ahead

of time in the world when the whole

world is going crazy every time you turn

on the news you see something that makes

you want to throw up God says I want to

insulate you the Bible says that art was

pitched within and without in such a way

that Noah and his family were secure I

think he wants to understand that they

were secure and they were safe and I

think that the Ark is figurative of the

church but I also think he wants you to

understand that even though it was

secure and safe it was kind of smelly in

there imagine being locked up in an ark

for 40 days and 40 nights with all kind

of animals and no bathrooms and no

restrooms and only one window

I think he wants us to admit the fact

that you could be a Christian to be a

believer and be surrounded by other

believers that it can still be smelly in

there I think he doesn’t want us to have

any false illusions that that his arts

are air conditioned that they are

climate control that if you believe

where everything’s going to be

comfortable all the time I think he

wants you to understand that in the

course of dealing with other people that

they bring their own drama into the

atmosphere and that each living thing

contributes to the odor including you so

that you don’t become judgemental and

started talking about the person next to

you and what they did and how awful they

are I think he wants you to understand

that all of us bring a certain stench

with us with our same self with our

Handclap itself with our foot stomp

itself with our Jesus love and Bible

told the scripture quoting him singing

self we all bring a certain stench that

you have to learn to live with I think

he wants you to understand that the

stench on the inside is better than the

storm on the outside so before you give

up on the church and say I don’t want to

be in the stitch just remember that it’s

either the stench or the storm how many

people would rather have the stench then

they have the storm

I know the church has a lot of problems

and a lot of issues that a lot of stuff

for Noah but that stint ain’t so bad

when you think about the storm going on

on the outside are you hear what I’m

saying to you today but there’s

something deeper that I want you to see

this morning about the ark because

because this there are certain things

about God that that never ever change he

is what he is his methods may change but

he is who he is you must understand that

we are to perceive God before scriptures

just by his doings and his actions and

his deeds amongst the people and when I

look at the ark I begin to understand

that God works with cocoons yeah that he

will he will put you into a place of

protection to develop you that how you

go in is not always how you come out

that this incubation that he does with

Noah not only brings us some historical

context context of how God dealt with

the flood and how God recreated a new

environment for man to dwell in but I

think it hips to how God handles us as

well then he’ll put you in a cocoon

sometime in a holding place sometime

make you wait sometime make you endure

something sometime that God has a way of

holding you up while you develop and

will open the door until everything is

ready for you to step

from a smaller place into a much larger

place no wonder he says despised love

today a small beginning the god

incubates greatness in small places in

tight places in isolated places that God

will hold you back until everything’s

ready and being he’ll open up a door for

you people are amazed to find out then I

spent the first 10 years of my life

pastoring less than a hundred people in

the back side of a mountain in a city

with one red light and they said you TV

says yeah yeah yeah but let me tell you

something God starts you out small put

you in a cocoon where he can work on you

and work on your attitude and work on

your leadership and work on your

character and work on your disposition

and work on your integrity and work on

your relentlessness and some of you are

trying to get out of the womb but I want

to warn you that it’s dangerous to get

out of the there women will have two

more pregnancies and and if the baby

doesn’t stay in the room or the baby

begins to just stayed outside of the

world generally the baby doesn’t make it

because when God cocoons you is for your

own protection I want to talk to

somebody who feels as fixated in their

own life and frustrated in their own

circumstances that you’ve been praying

for God to get you out of something I

want to tell you to just get comfortable

and ride it out

anybody understand what I’m saying I

want you to see when we look at the arcs

something about how God incubates

greatness in cocoons and I want you to

understand something about God because

when I looked at the arc and I started

thinking about the arc floating in all

of that water and all that would live

being in the arc I begin to see a

pattern I begin to see a pattern I begin

to see that the same God who gave the

direction for Noah to build the ark it’s

the same God

they gave the insect the cocoon that

nature itself that Noah is it’s doing

what God told him to do but he’s also

imitating what nature is teaching us

about gestation that God puts the insect

in the cocoon so that it can discover

itself so that when it comes out it will

be greater than it was when it went in

so that it can be protected in its early

stages of development that God will

conclude greatness sometimes that you

might not give the reward immediately

you might get your wings immediately you

might not take flight immediately you

might not get married immediately

you might not find a happiness

immediately then sometimes God has to

put you in a cocoon so you can find out

who you really are and you have to have

enough faith to stay where he put you

until he opens up the door to take you

into the next dimension without crawling

your way out to your own destruction


am i talking good this woman and it

occurred to me that the womb that will

bend the arc and the cocoon are not new

ideas that what God had no one to build

with the arch had been done when God

built the woman

that the woman was the first art that

God would he form the woman y’all don’t

hear what I’m saying to you but when he

put Adam into a sleep and then he built

the woman out of Adam that he built her

with the womb so that the world would

hold life and suddenly I saw a

connection between this and this and


I will hear some woman talk to me right

now that when God made the woman out of

the man and the man woke up and sold the

woman he doesn’t start talking about her

hair and her makeup and her fingernails

or anything like that the thing that got

him was she was a man with the womb so

he called a woman oh y’all what I’m

saying to you

you have to understand that when God God

is showing you his methods this is a

pattern that continues to occur all

through the Bible that when God gets

ready to just say anything he puts it in

a controlled environment to incubate it

for what he’s going to do next that life

is in the womb that life is in the

cocoon that life is in the arc that God

creates this to protect you

so what could feel like a prison could

be a promise


so somebody’s gonna catch me here in a


what could feel like a prison what could

be restrictive what could it be

uncomfortable what could be tight

what could feel like it’s like like like

not easy for me to be in here he could

be God producing a promise in your life

and when the door opens you shall come


who am I talking to this morning I don’t

know about you but I’ve had to stay in

some tight places

I understand some places that were kind

of stinky I came to play I’ve had to

stay in some places that were kind of

sticky I’ve had to stay in some places

that were kind of tight and I wondered

how long Lord how long will I be like

there how long before I get my

breakthrough how long before the job

comes how long before I give the money

how long before I get to breathe how

long before I get but God knew how long

to keep me to protect that which he had

committed into my hands are you

following what I’m saying to you

Tessa might say hang in there see you

don’t want to abort your promise because

of your impatience or you may say that’s

too good to ignore you don’t want to

abort your promise because of your

impatience you want to go through the

whole process if it’s 40 days or not

lunch Lord don’t let me give birth to

something that hasn’t fully developed in

my life here thank you for holding me

back thank you for the doors you didn’t

open thank you for the things you didn’t




see I can’t get off of it see every one

of these every one of these every one of

these feels stuck if you’re in this argh

you feel stuck if you are in this cocoon

you feel stuck if you are in this womb

you feel stuck you cannot live out of

your feelings

because God doesn’t put you in an ark to

make you comfortable and appease your

emotions he puts you in a place to

protect you until the storm is over

until the test is over until the trial

is over and in the fullness of path they

that wait upon the Lord shall renew

their strength they serve an upper


just looking somebody said just wait

till I come out of this


just wait until I come out of this just

wait till I come out of this just wait

till I am obscure right now but just

wait till I come out of this I’m broke

right now but just wait till I come out

of this app lonely right now but just

wait till I come out of this nobody

knows me right now but just wait yeah

just wait just wait just wait just wait

just wait just wait just wait just wait

just wait just wait just wait I got out

of my bed this morning to tell somebody

just wait I put on my clothes this

morning to tell somebody just wait I got

dressed and came down the road to tell

somebody just wait when the storm is

over and the door opens up God is going

to do a new thing in your life can I get

30 seconds of praise


let me go on a little further I wanna go

on a little further there there are all

kinds of arcs that God issues the woman

was the first one she wasn’t the only

one the ark that Noah built was the next

one but he wasn’t the only one Egypt was

a womb where God incubated the nation of

Israel they went in as a family and they

came out as a nation God incubated them

for 400 years of slavery and the Bible

says the more they afflicted them the

more they grew I want to talk to

somebody that’s incubated in a place of

affliction that the more you’re

afflicted the Lord



in fact the very Ark of the Covenant

itself is a cocoon the Ark of the

Covenant in the temple is a cocoon to

house the life-giving power of God’s

Word and God’s truth and God’s relevance

and one day God Himself decided to come

in a cocoon so he wrapped himself up in

flesh y’all don’t hear what I’m saying

he poured out of himself his glory and

honor and stepped over into a Virgin

Mary and said I need to build me an ark

so then I can come from eternity down

into time and he said let me use your

body for some construction and we beheld

the wonder of his glory the only

begotten of the Father full of grace and


I’m on a roll with this wolf thing it’s

working on something with this wolf this

I wonder this bit of time in your life

that God shuts you up and shut you down

so he could bring you out stronger did

you have a bit of your life if you

understand that shall a man let me


the other thing that fascinated me about

the Texas said that God talks to Noah

and his family while they’re yet in dark

he doesn’t wait till they get out to

talk to them but the Texas while they

were yet in the art garden beginning to

talk to them and and it made me thankful

because sometimes the only time I could

stand being in the ark he said God have

you ever had God talked to you in a

tight place


yeah yeah yeah yeah he God talks to them

in the arc and tells him to come out of

the arc and it for some reason it made

me go to Jeremiah chapter 1 where

Jeremiah and God having an encounter and

God said before I formed thee in the

belly I knew thee our danger and I say

to her

see everybody loves you when you come

out but we have a God who’s doing all

kind of things in your life while you’re

still shut in and the Lord announced to

him it’s time to come out

I made everything ready for you to come

out you’ve been in there long enough now

I’m gonna bring you out the Dory is open

you can come out I don’t know who I’m

talking to this morning but you’ve been

shutting it long enough God is saying

it’s time it’s time to come out looking

somebody say it’s time to come out when

God opens the door don’t stand there

afraid to go through the door when God

opens up a door for you don’t be afraid

to come into the next area

can I can I go deeper you see we like to

shout about coming out and we like to

dance about coming out we like to sing

about coming out but coming out is

traumatic coming out of your cocoon

coming out of a hole coming out of the

arc can be a scary thing it can be hard

it’s like there’s not an inmate in jail

that doesn’t want to come out a prison

until they don’t open that door and he

realizes out is scary new can be

frightening new can be intimidating see

God never brings you out of a cocoon

into something smaller


he doesn’t bring babies out of wounds

and put them in mason jars if God opens

up the womb he’s gonna bring you into

something that’s so much bigger than

where you were before they’re coming out

could be a scary thing who am I talking


we like to think about it we like to

shout about it we like to talk about it

but when the door is open and you

realize I’ve been in my little world so

long they’re coming out into a larger

place means I may not know the language

I may not know who to trust I may not

know how I act I may not know who to

talk to they’re coming out to coming out

and coming out of a home for baby it’s


I learned so much being in the labor

room with my wife she was having a baby

I was having class first of all I found

out that that babies don’t look like the

pictures on TV they come out they’re

kind of messy and they’re kind of

bruised RNA and and they kind of they

kind of smelly in and all of that it’s

not like TV I wanted her to have the

Gerber baby

you know the nice fat job baby that they

turn into about five weeks later but

when they first come out there’s a

reason that they wake up screaming

because birth is traumatic all the bones

have to move everything has to share

birth is disruptive come on talk to me

somebody birth means all systems have to

shift in order to accommodate what God

is about to do in your life and those

contractions are for reason because

everything around you has to ship to get

ready for the growth that has happened

to you while you’ve been shut up in the

world come out come out wherever you are


come out come out

wherever you are can I go deeper with

this it occurred to me that Noah and his

sons were saved and their wives were all

saved but it must have been really

traumatic just think about it for a

minute to be in the ark and hear the

calling outside and the screaming and

the drowning and and and to be the only

one left

imagine if everything outside of this

church exploded was nuked or flooded or

destroyed and we survived just us and on

one hand you’re happy because you made

it but you’re stepping out into

something you have never experienced

before bit like the bruise body of the


sometimes deliverance is traumatic

sometimes better is traumatic sometimes

bigger is traumatic it’s scary you can

see it with college graduates and you

got your degree in you standing there

thinking now what I’m out here now what

do I do outside of this controlled

environment outside of this prison

outside of this room outside of this

cocoon outside of this arch and still

God called him out Noah has a grandson

through cush named Nimrod Nimrod builds

a great Kingdom one of the kingdoms that

he controlled would become Nineveh that

great city Nineveh is founded by Nimrod

and where Nimrod what Nimrod does is he

builds a tower called the Tower of Babel

later where that tower would was built

would be called Babylon

are you hearing what I’m saying now

Josephus the historian says check this

out that Nimrod didn’t just build the

tower out of defiance to God he built it

in part out of fear of the flood in case

this ever happens again


Oh yo y’all got with me this morning in

case this ever happens again I’m gonna

build something high enough to escape

the flood because Nimrod is still angry

and traumatized by what his father went

through because Nimrod wasn’t alive in

the flood but trauma passes from

generation oh come on come on come on

come on

trauma passes from generation see some

of the nervousness you got you inherited

it recent psychological reports have

been done on survivors of the Holocaust

several generations later their DNA has

been altered by what their

great-grandparents went through now

LeBron is fighting his father’s

experience and he is trying to build up

a defiance against something he himself

did not even


can I go deeper can I go deeper with

this I want you to understand this the

thing about Nimrod he said Nimrod built

out of fear Noah built out of faith are

you building out of fear or are you

building out of faith the Bible says

Noah being warned of God of things not

yet seen built an ark to the saving of

his house he did it by faith he did it

by what he did it by what yeah by faith

Lord being warned of God of things not

yet seen built an ark to the saving of

his house to all of you who are building

my faith whatever you build my faith

will affect your children and your

children’s children this thing is bigger

than you faith is contagious

faith is continual faith passes now I

know they may not look like it right now

but sooner or later if you build it by

faith they were having awakening

no built by faith and Nimrod built in

fear and anger and negativity that’s why

you got to watch your attitude while

you’re building it’s not just what you

built but why you built it it’s not that

you’re quiet that’s why you’re quiet

see some of you

are so afraid to be loved to be known to

be discovered to be real to be honest

that you have built a quiet wall of

defense around you to protect yourself

and now God is calling you to do things

that are out of your comfort zone

because you built towers but Noah when

he comes out he does not build the tower

even though he has gone through the

trauma Noah does not be if anybody had a

right to build a tower you know how to

be Noah after all Noah already knows how

to build number two Noah is the one

who’s gone through the trauma and yet

the one who experienced it doesn’t build

a tower he built an altar

what do you do when you come through

something that was traumatic and scary

either you build a tower to protect


or you build an altar to submit yourself

which one are you going to build when

the storm is over everybody builds

something everybody in the story builds

something but Noah built an altar live

rock built a tower what are you working

on can I get into this good God Almighty

Nimrod built a tower because he didn’t

trust God to protect him I’ll protect

myself I’ll build something so if it

ever storms again we’ll go up this tower

and we’ll be safe I’ll build a tower to

heaven because when you have been

through trauma you always build

something you know I love this church

when it gets quiet everybody else loves

church when the shelves I love our

church when we get quiet because when we

get quiet it means you’re saying what

did I be

I don’t know but I bet you spouse does

because they’re having to live in or

with or through what you built


Oh y’all look like you you just

swallowed a canary


sometimes you build things you don’t

even know you built

sometimes you snap back you don’t even

know why you snap back

sometimes you’re in rage you don’t even

know why you’re mad you didn’t even

realize that you were building this

tower that God will have to tear down

and that the ashes and the destruction

of that tower would produce a Babylon

that would affect all of history because

you couldn’t handle the trauma of what

you went through that’s why this text is

so powerful because Noah opens the door

after coming through the trauma into a

world that he has never seen recognizing

the fact that the ark is a type of being

born again he comes out of the womb like

a baby birthed into a new experience and

a new world and before he builds a house

a market a grocery store anything at all

the first thing he builds is an altar

the problem with us is that we build the

ultra laugh with your other bills our

ultraverse Oh help me Holy Ghost we bill

our altar after we have done everything

else we can do

and when nothing else works then we say

why I guess I’ll just pray it’s nothing

left to do but pray you don’t pray the

last you pray first no one imagined this

with me hey daddy we don’t have no house

I ain’t worried about the house baby I’m

building this altar the better we got

kids if we got family we got stuff where

you got nothing to do

dime the rules there are no highways

there’s nothing everything’s in chaos

nothing till I build assaulter safety



oh I wish I had some kingdom secrets the

Bible says seek ye first the kingdom of

heaven in all this righteousness and

everything else shall be added unto you

see you trying to get yours and give

God’s what’s left but if you give God

first everything else you’re vibing with

me you bother with me you feelin this so

the first thing no wonder nor makes it

to the Hall of faith in Hebrews 11 no

I’m not only built an ark he gets out

the ark and he builds an altar

where is your altar

where is your altar where is the place

that only God


if I ask you where your car is you know

where your car is if I actually wear

your suit is you know where your suit is

if I should wear your brooch is you know

where your bro where is your off

no wonder you act out like you do you

got a war without an altar and a head he

he offers up a sacrifice out of the

Animal Center on the arts y’all

understand that’s all we got left that

is really a sacrifice because there’s

always God when was the last time you

gave God your oh no and I’m not just

talking about money no no no no no no no

no I mean your everything when was the

last time you worship and gave him your

all when was the last time you prayed

and gave me your no wonder you take your

money you can’t even get pray you you

give our little drops of praise like

you’re doing God a favor when was the

last time you gave god yo



so Noah who built an ark say I’m getting

into this building thing or can I talk

about that a minute

Oh God I wasn’t even don’t say they said

you trusted my spirit I got to give this

for somebody I don’t know who this is

for because it if you want it you gotta

build it

if you want this you got to feel this

nobody’s gonna will you this nobody’s

gonna hand you this you’re not gonna

marry into this if you want this you

gotta build it if you want a better life

you gotta build it if you want a better

marriage you gotta build it if you want

to build a business you gotta build it

stop running around people waving in the

head you something for nothing

there’s not going and going

you have spent years waiting on people

to give you something that they are

never going to give you know understood

if you want to argue gotta build it if

you want an altar you gotta build it if

you want a house you gotta build it if

you want good credit you gotta build it

if you wanna degree you gotta build it

if you wanna business you gotta build it

if you wanna chat

you gotta I’m not gonna guys so you can


I’m not lying show you the pastor oh my

god but I won’t die so you can be mad

stop trying to kill people put your



touch me people tell them I got some

building to do

got some building to do I got some

building with you I got some building to

do I got some building with me I got

some building to do I got some building

to do if I don’t have better

I got a building if I don’t have love I

got a build it if I might have a

relationship I gotta build it




miss Nora couldn’t bill mr. Nora’s altar


every person I don’t care how close you

are to them

every person got to build their own

altar I can’t bill you all to tell you I

love you I can’t bill I can’t bring your

office but you gotta have your own altar

your own place you only look up your

connection and you have to build it and

so Noah builds an altar this morning I’m

gonna ask you what are you gonna bill

what did God put in your life the raw

materials that need to be built and your

complainant cuz then any bill I gave you

the Woollett

I gave you the wood I’m not gonna make

the chair I gave you the wood and it is

whatever it is it is what it is a result

of what you built it

you want it to be better build it you

want to enhance it build it you want a

better relationship open your mouth and

start communicating it’s not gonna

happen if you don’t you won’t God to

bless your business God will bless your

business but he can only bless what you

build he will bless it but he will not

build it so that means you got to get

off the phone with the people talking

about people

I am 62 years old and I have never met a

rich gossiper I don’t know no rich

costumers every gossiper I know is broke

because rich people don’t have have to

be in your business they got to be

building their own stuff then you get

the record F ragazza back

because if you take them to my business

you ain’t got time to take care y’all


pestering people said buildin buildin


this missing I’m almost finished but is

anybody getting anything out of this

word this this this is really to be

honest this is really a weird Bible

story it’s not really a cool Bible story

cuz all these people are dead except

eight people this is a catastrophe

this is a calamity of mammoth

proportions these eight people be

therapy maybe counseling they might need


no wonder Nimrod freaks out and the

question becomes how do you respond to

God when he does something you don’t


see you always preach it real pretty and

realize about them coming out but they

coming out of my stall of these dead

people the real test of a true son is

how you respond what I did something you

don’t like the Bible said if you in do a

chest Heisman then you are sons are not

bastards if you’re an illegitimate child

with a chest prize you can walk away but

if you’re really my son with tears in

your eyes you will come back to me

because you came out of me

come on here’s somebody

God said the test of sonship is how you

react to unpleasantries anybody can

praise him when he’s doing stuff you

like can you praise him on a kidney


can you praise him in a hospital bed can

you praise them at a graveside can you

praise them when you’re getting laid off

cuz you’re praising when you’re scared

now we talked about real Christians you

see how the shout range went way down

because half of the people in the world

only praise God when they did good news

but if you’re really his child you’ll

praise it with you don’t understand it

you’re crazy when your heart is broken

you’re praising when you’re upset

I was struck by the presentation this

morning our new Thomas Dorsey wrote

pressures Lord but I didn’t know the

circumstances around him right now but

four dead wife’s from the Dead may be

buried in the same casket he stumbles to

a piano and builds an altar

not understanding why God would give

something and take it away he doesn’t

complain about it he doesn’t get bitter

and uses it as an excuse an excuse to

backslide he stumbles to the viana and

pins to where his precious Lord take me

up take my hand lead me on let me stand

I’m tired I’m weak

I’m worn but through the storm


through the night

lead me on Lord to the light take my

hand I can’t go through this without you

take my hand precious Lord lead me on




it is that spirit that made Noah step

down out of the ark and get some wood

and build an altar and he offered up a

sacrifice a sacrifice not a tip

not a toy a sacrifice a sacrifice means

that God doesn’t want you to keep giving

him stuff you can’t feel because if you

can’t feel it

he can’t either what makes the sacrifice

of sacrifice is its significance to you

it’s a statement of value it’s a

statement of value and Noor says I know

I should have drowned too

you had mercy on me

you let me succeed where others fail you

let me get in where others were locked

out you let me complete what other

people stumble there you let me survive

what my friends did not survive even

though I did the same stuff they did oh

you ain’t gonna talk to me this morning

you ain’t talk to me so I’m building

this Alton I’m often I’m dis sacrificed

partly as an admission of the fact that

I should have died too so I offer these

animals in my stead this is the gospel

you took my place he offered a sacrifice

up to God and as he slayed the animals

and laid them out and set them on fire a

burnt offering is always a sin offering

Oh God

I hope you get blessed without Sharia

whoa I couldn’t wait for you to get here

I wanted to preach this so bad I started

to come to your house

I start to come in your living room and

just let you have it just so I could get

this out of me cuz when he gave me this

is bless my soul I want to give him

something he can feel cuz I realize had

he dealt with me according to my sins I

should have drowned with the rest of


you didn’t make it to school because she

was better

you made it cuz he was merciful you did

what you got to do was better

you made it because he was kind to you

don’t still get up there and stick your

nose up in the air and I got you

something bring ya

halleluja halleluja

hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah


no wait before I do anything I gotta go


wife will you let my children live is

there anybody in this house is grateful

I said is there anybody in this house

disgraceful is there anybody in the

balcony anywhere watch it on TV watch it

on your phone


we went to the haunted he went to the

altar to wash up


he went to the altar to worship


and as he lay his sacrifice

we ain’t cooked in 40 days and I’m

hungry and I want a meal but then I’ll

eat later I’m going off of this up I

haven’t had any meat for 40 days but I’m

giving the protein to you for the Yaqui




and you see it’s important that you know

that he set it on fire

because when you set something on fire

you can’t take it back

when you said it Oh far you can’t reach

in and get it you can’t give it to God

and take it back and give it to God take

it back and give it a gun take it back

away with all these people talking about

I gave it to the Lord no you didn’t you

took it back in the car you took it back

in your house you took it back when you

give something to God you put it in the

fire the manner that is what drove me to

the text it was that when he put the

sacrifice on the altar on earth that God

smelled it in heaven

honey the whole story is about when God

smells honor and I’ma prove it to you in

medical anyway I’m a proven to you the

the last verse in Genesis 822 that we

quote all the time it’s not God’s words

while there remaineth they were always

be seedtime and harvest cold and heat

summer in winter holic that’s not God’s

words it was God’s thoughts the Bible

says that when he smelled the sacrifice

the God said to himself



when he looked down there and he saw no

on his knees and he smelt the first meat

go to him he said no matter how wicked

they get I’m not gonna do that anymore

while the earth remaineth there will

always be seedtime and harvest

day and night

Cole and he there are some things I will

never take you through again

because I smell honor

later he would tell Moses honor that

father and our mother that that days

maybe longer upon the earth which the

LORD thy God giveth thee when God

smells honor

I’m gonna stop we got it we got a lot of

church people that come to church and we

got a lot of people who come to service

but out of this great crowd of people we

got a few folks that offer up a

sacrifice and really give God honor and

if there’s anybody out there under the

sound of my voice who’s got something to

be thankful for

don’t wait on nobody else around you

because most people don’t do it but bill

you an altar and offer you a sacrifice

in the presence of your God and the

glory if he wants you to do anything if

you watch you’re on a sub you thought

you couldn’t get out of it me heal your

body is here indulge your mind it’s the

watch your child through something

they get that Albert dip God up because

with God spells


real worship is a funky business is the

fact set on fire it’s a bad thing to God


with God smells honor he smells it in

tears and praise and honor and sacrifice

and your praise is going up before the

throne as smoke before God and when God

smell Dada

he gives promises when God smell huh he

gives promises when God smell vada

ah people coming to church all you want

to that I go to nothing



mama when God smell Dada

young man with God smells on he didn’t

care about what you have or what to grab

or what you hold until God


God smells on


he’ll make a decision

he’ll give you a promise

hill-hill your land he’ll hear you laugh

but he can’t do it till he spells


you want it right now strength when God

smelt up right there if your bedroom

right in your living room right by your

couch you need to stop a minute and let

God smell much smoke coming out of the

chimney you are a sinner praise


with God smells off



and the power


and I go




is the








we rest in your presence

we’re a senior

we’re resting in your presence


we’re asking in your presence

consumers with your power


we rest in a present she





how the news


I see smoke going up in the balcony

I see smoke going off in the back of the

church I see smoke going up in the choir

with garlic smells

with God smells are with God smells are

with God spare with your spare


when God spells when God’s man


with Godspell

when will it stop wyngarde spells

when will I still live with God smells

with God smelter with God smells leather

give him something he can smile smile

with God’s will

gods and gods fella

I will leave tear smell on won’t stop

tear smell


go sing to your smeller

go clap to your spell I don’t give to

your smell


it all belongs to you


to do

it allows for you the grave can appraise

you the grave can appraise you if you

let me live I breathe if you’re not

believer I’m crazier with God smells


when Godspell




we see


father this morning I thank you because

your presence is is in this house and it

is you that we came to see not a reed

blowing in the wind not a song from a

boy so words from a man this you that we

came to see

your presence is in this place right now

and in your presence my problems shrink

so small in your presence my complaints

sound so foolish in your presence I

recognize that I breathe by your grace

forgive us of our foolishness and give

us back our focus

we have a world to build


we have a world of work to do now like

never before we need to focus on the

assignment before us forgive us from the

folly and the foolishness of the

frivolity of our own vanity our own the

egotistical ideologists if stood in the

way it’s always me me me and I need and

I wanted I apologize it’s not about me

it’s about you it’s not about my

feelings it’s all about you this morning

we pray like David created me a clean


and renew a right spirit of right a

right spirit if ain’t nothing else right

let my spirit be and my job’s not right

if my friends aren’t right if my

situated they let my let me have a right

spirit let let let what I do come from

the right place with the right motive

and protect me from those with ill

motives for Dionysus Kingdom whoa for

thine is the kingdom and the power and

the glory forever and ever


and ever

and therefore

and ever


a man a man



that the church say man

let the church say man as you moved back

to your seat I want you to move loving

and sharing and praising God for this

moment that we have had in his presence


this is good

this is good





















































ha Cory




my god

my god


brothers and sisters


found the door

family of God the Lord is in this place

you don’t have to have somebody to lay

hands on you for God to lay hands on you

the Lord is in this place you don’t need

anybody to touch you for God to touch

you the Lord is in this place

and he said to himself


as long as earth remaineth

I will never take this prove that again

I don’t know what it was you been


but while the earth remaineth that will

always be



hey night good God Almighty

let me stop I feel it


Wow that’s hard to pick my favorite

woman are loose Mahmoud there were so

many I think perhaps it might be bishop

noel jones and i preaching together


God over a period of eternity has set an

appointment in a particular moment when

the natural meets the supernatural we


priest ed he ended up crawling across

the floor like the woman with taste of

blood the place erupted and it was just

an unforgettable moment


it’s time to come home

